Script / CFG Anti-Lag

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Moderators: Moderatori ajutatori, Moderatori, Echipa

Membru, skill +1
Membru, skill +1
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16 Apr 2009, 18:23

Deci cand intru pe serverele de PGL WAR am lag mereu pe toate peste 50 . Iar unele servere de respawn imi arata la favorite sau internet ca am 5 lag iar cand intru am 70 lag :| , deci as vrea si eu scriptu pentru anti lag si sa se miste bine :(
Membru, skill 0
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17 Apr 2009, 11:02

Pai ai putea modifica...scrie in config rate 25000 fps_max 101 fps_modem 101 net_graph 3 cl_updaterate 35
Membru, skill +1
Membru, skill +1
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17 Apr 2009, 12:08

Eu tin si server, 10 redirecte si cateodata am si torrentul pornit si cu acest cfg nu-mi sare lagul.
| Afiseaza codul
// ProDucT 2oo8 - 2oo9 © LIVE SPEEDy
// «.:: ® cFg By LIVE SPEEDy ® ::.»

                           ______ ______ ______                         
                          / ____//  ___// ____/\                        
             ____        / /\___/  /\__/ /\___\/     ____               
            /___/\      / /___ /  __/\/ /_/ /\      /___/\              
            \___\/     /_____//__/\_\/_____/ /      \___\/              
                      \_____\\__\/  \_____\/             

                             /\     |
                            /  \    |______
                           /    \   |
                          /      \  |
                         /­­­­­­­­­­­­­­________) |______

                                           ____                  _               ____ _____     _ _          
                                         / ___|___  _   _ _ __  | |_ ___  __    / ___|_   _| __(_) | _____   
                                         | |   / _ \| | | | '_ \| __/ _ \'__|___\___ \ | || '__| | |/ / _ \   
                                         | |__| (_) | |_| | | | | ||  __/| |_____|__) || || |  | |   <  __>   
                                         \____\___/ \__,_|_| |_|\__\___  |_|      |____/ |_||_|  |_|_|\_\___| v1.6                  
               /       )
              /       /
            /        )\    /
           /        /  \  /
          /________/    \/

                             _____      ____  _____  ______  ______  _                 
       |       |  \      /  |          |   _\|     ||       |       | \  
       |       |   \    /   |_____     \____ |_____||______ |______ |  \     
       |       |    \  /    |               ||      |       |       |   \ \    /
 __    |_____  |     \/     |_____          ||      |       |       |    \ \  /
/___________________________________________)|      |______ |______ |_____\ \/                                      
       «.:: ® cFg By LIVE SPEEDy ® ::.»                                     /

// ____________________
//( Name - LIVE SPEEDy )
// ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

sensitivity 		"8"
name                    "LeG*LIVE SPEEDy"
// ___________________
//( MovemenT SeTTyngS )
// ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

bind "TAB" 		"+showscores"
bind "ESCAPE" 		"cancelselect"
bind "SPACE" 		"+jump"
bind "CTRL"             "+duck"
bind "SPACE"		"+special011"
alias +special011 "+jump; +duck"
alias -special011 "-jump; -duck"
bind "+" 		"sizeup"
bind "," 		"buyammo1"
bind "." 		"buyammo2"
bind "/" 		"+movedown"
bind ";" 		"+mlook"
bind "-"		"voldn"
bind "="		"volup"
bind "`" 		"toggleconsole"
bind "a"  "+moveleft"
bind "b" 		"buy"
bind "c" 		"radio3"
bind "d"  "+moveright"
bind "e" 		"+use"
bind "g" 		"drop"
bind "h" 		"+commandmenu"
bind "h"		"rb_botmenu"
bind "capslock"		"+voicerecord"
bind "m" 		"chooseteam"
bind "n" 		"nightvision"
bind "q"          "lastinv"
bind "q"		"stop_reload;weapon_knife;wait;lastinv;wait"
bind "r"		"+reload"
bind "s" 		"+back"
bind "t" 		"impulse 201"
bind "u" 		"messagemode2"
bind "v" 		"buyequip"
bind "w" 		"+forward"
bind "p"          "cl_righthand 1"
bind "x" 		"radio2"
bind "y" 		"messagemode"
bind "z" 		"radio1"
bind "MWHEELDOWN"		"+duck"
bind "F5" 		"snapshot"
bind "F10" 		"ccolor"
bind "F12"		"quit"
bind "MOUSE1"		"+attack"
bind "MOUSE2"           "+attack2"
bind "MWHEELUP"		"invprev ; +attack ; wait ; -attack" 
bind "MOUSE3"	"invnext ; +attack ; wait ; -attack"
bind "UPARROW"           "+forward"
bind "DOWNARROW"         "+back"
bind "LEFTARROW"        "+moveleft"
bind "RIGHTARROW"        "+moveright"


alias "+awpmod" "+attack;wait;-awpmod"
alias "-awpmod" "-attack;wait;lastinv;wait;lastinv;"
alias "awpmod" "awpmodon"
alias "awpmodon" "bind mouse1 +awpmod;echo aWp 0NLINE;alias awpmod awpmodoff"
alias "awpmodoff" "bind mouse1 +attack;echo aWp 0FFLINE;alias awpmod awpmodon"
bind "p" "awpmod" 


alias g3F.later_0.0 "alias m_pitch g3F.later_0.5"
alias g3F.later_0.5 "alias m_pitch g3F.later_1.0"
alias g3F.later_1.0 "alias m_pitch g3F.later_1.5"
alias g3F.later_1.5 "alias m_pitch g3F.ratk_3"

alias +g3F.ratk "+attack; g3F.ratk"
alias -g3F.ratk "-attack; alias g3F.ratk g3F.ratk_1"

alias g3F.ratk "g3F.ratk_1"
alias g3F.ratk_1 ""
alias g3F.ratk_2 "lastinv; wait; lastinv"
alias g3F.ratk_3 "alias m_pitch; alias g3F.ratk g3F.ratk_1"

alias +g3F.rld "+reload; alias g3F.ratk g3F.ratk_2; g3F.later_0.0"
alias -g3F.rld "-reload"

bind q "lastinv; g3F.ratk_3"
bind 2 "slot2; g3F.ratk_3"
bind 3 "slot3; g3F.ratk_3"
bind 4 "slot4; g3F.ratk_3"
bind mouse1 "+g3F.ratk"
bind "r" "+g3F.rld"

 "N0 REC0IL"
 "MOUSE 1" "bind MOUSE1 +afire"
 "MOUSE 2" "bind MOUSE2 +afire"
 "MOUSE 3" "bind MOUSE3 +afire"
 "Reset MOUSE 1" "bind MOUSE1 +attack"
 "Reset MOUSE 2" "bind MOUSE2 +attack2"
 "Reset MOUSE 3" "unbind MOUSE3"
 "WEAK" "cl_pitchspeed 1.0"
 "MEDIUM" "cl_pitchspeed 2.5"
 "STrong" "cl_pitchspeed 3.5"
 "0wnage SeTTyngS"
 "Deagle 0wnage" "cl_pitchspeed 1.1"
 "MP5 0wnage" "cl_pitchspeed 1.4"
 "AK47 0wnage" "cl_pitchspeed 2.7"
 "M4A1 0wnage" "cl_pitchspeed 2.2"
 "Usp 0wnage" "cl_pitchspeed 3.1"
 "Awp 0wnage" "cl_pitchspeed 3.8"
 "GL0CK 18 0wnage" "cl_pitchspeed 4.3"
 "Recoil 1.0" "cl_pitchspeed 1.0"
 "Recoil 1.5" "cl_pitchspeed 1.5"
 "Recoil 2.0" "cl_pitchspeed 2.0"
 "Recoil 2.5" "cl_pitchspeed 2.5"
 "Recoil 3.0" "cl_pitchspeed 3.0"
 "Recoil 3.5" "cl_pitchspeed 3.5"
 "Recoil 4.0" "cl_pitchspeed 4.0"
 "Recoil 4.5" "cl_pitchspeed 4.5"
 "Recoil 5.0" "cl_pitchspeed 5.0"
 "Recoil 5.5" "cl_pitchspeed 5.5"
 "Recoil 6.0" "cl_pitchspeed 6.0"
 "0wnage WeapoN PacKs"
 "Deagle PacK" "deagle; secammo; cl_pitchspeed 1.1"
 "MP5 PacK" "mp5; primammo; cl_pitchspeed 1.4"
 "AK47 PacK" "ak47; primammo; cl_pitchspeed 2.7"
 "M4A1 PacK" "m4a1; primammo; cl_pitchspeed 2.2"
 "Usp PacK" "usp; primammo; cl_pitchspeed 3.9"
 "Awp PacK" "awp; primammo; cl_pitchspeed 3.3"
 "GL0CK 18" "glock18; primammo; cl_pitchspeed 4.3"

 cl_pitchspeed 2.5
 bind f1 "+commandmenu"
 alias +afire "afire1; afire2"
 alias -afire "afire4; afire3"
 alias afire1 "+lookdown"
 alias afire2 "+attack"
 alias afire3 "-lookdown"
 alias afire4 "-attack"
 bind "MOUSE" "+afire"


bind "MOUSE3" "+attack; wait; wait; wait; -attack; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; +attack; wait; wait; wait; -attack; wait; wait; wait; +attack; wait; wait; wait; wait; -attack; wait; wait; wait; wait; -attack; wait"


alias ss "stopsound"
alias "gr3n" "die;slot4;w;+attack;w;-attack;ss"
alias "Switch" "gr3n;+lastinv;w; -lastinv;w; lastinv;ss
alias "die" "+forward;w;-forward;+back;w;-back


alias +quicksilencer "+attack2; wait; wait; wait"
alias -quicksilencer "-attack2; weapon_knife; wait; wait; lastinv"
bind "MOUSE2" "+quicksilencer


alias walk_t "walk_on" 
alias walk_on "alias walk_t walk_off; +speed; developer 1; echo RuN; developer 0" 
alias walk_off "alias walk_t walk_on; -speed; developer 1; echo RuN; developer 0" 
bind "shift" "walk_t"


violence_ablood		"0"
violence_hblood		"0"
violence_agibs		"0"
violence_hgibs		"0"


volume                  "3"	// VoLume
suitvolume              "2"
hisound                 "2"	// SounD HIGH QuaLiTy
bgmvolume               "2"
MP3Volume               "2"
_snd_mixahead           "0.1"
voice_modenable 	"1"
voice_scale             "2"
voice_enable            "1"
voice_forcemicrecord    "1"
voice_loopback		"1"
s_a3d                   "0"	//  SounD A3D DEZACTIVAT
s_eax                   "0"	//SounD EAX DEZACTIVAT
alias "vol0" "volume 0.0; developer 1; echo VOLUM MINIM (__________);developer 0; alias volup vol1; alias voldn vol0"
alias "vol1" "volume 1.0; developer 1; echo Volum 10%   (*_________);developer 0; alias volup vol2; alias voldn vol0; speak one"
alias "vol2" "volume 1.5; developer 1; echo Volum 20%   (_*________);developer 0; alias volup vol3; alias voldn vol1; speak two"
alias "vol3" "volume 2.0; developer 1; echo Volum 30%   (__*_______);developer 0; alias volup vol4; alias voldn vol2; speak three"
alias "vol4" "volume 2.5; developer 1; echo Volum 40%   (___*______);developer 0; alias volup vol5; alias voldn vol3; speak four"
alias "vol5" "volume 3.0; developer 1; echo Volum 50%   (____*_____);developer 0; alias volup vol6; alias voldn vol4; speak five"
alias "vol6" "volume 3.5; developer 1; echo Volum 60%   (_____*____);developer 0; alias volup vol7; alias voldn vol5; speak six"
alias "vol7" "volume 4.0; developer 1; echo Volum 70%   (______*___);developer 0; alias volup vol8; alias voldn vol6; speak seven"
alias "vol8" "volume 4.5; developer 1; echo Volum 80%   (_______*__);developer 0; alias volup vol9; alias voldn vol7; speak eight"
alias "vol9" "volume 5.0; developer 1; echo Volum 90%   (________*_);developer 0; alias volup vol10;alias voldn vol8; speak nine"
alias "vol10" "volume 6.0;developer 1; echo Volum MAX   (_________*);developer 0; alias volup volmax;alias voldn vol9; speak ten"
alias "volmax" "developer 1; echo VOLUM MAXIM; developer 0"
alias "volup" "vol6"
alias "voldn" "vol2"


console                 "1"
fps_max                 "100"
fps_modem               "0"
lightgamma 		      "0"
gamma                   "20"
brightness              "20"
contimes		"4"
net_graph               "3"
net_scale               "5"
net_graphpos            "1"
net_graphwidth 		"192"
sv_voiceenable          "1"
sv_aim                  "9"
hpk_maxsize             "0.15"
viewsize                "110"
ati_subdiv              "2"
ati_npatch              "1"
r_decals		"99"
r_bmodelhighfrac        "5"
r_drawviewmodel 	"1"
r_mmx 			"1"
r_dynamic 		"1"
gl_monolights 		"0"
gl_flipmatrix 		"0"
gl_overbright 		"0"
gl_polyoffset 		"0.1"
gl_max_size		"512"
gl_cull			"1"
gl_dither 		"1"
gl_picmip		"0"
gl_spriteblend		"1"
gl_keeptjunctions	"0"
gl_affinemodels		"0"
gl_playermip		"5"
gl_dither		"1"
gl_wateramp		"0"
gl_lightholes		"0"
gl_reporttjunctions	"0"
max_smokepuffs		"1"
max_shells		"1"
mp_decals		"300"
s_rolloff               "1"
s_doppler               "0"
s_distance              "60"
s_automin_distance      "2"
s_automax_distance      "30"
s_min_distance          "8"
s_max_distance          "1000"
s_leafnum               "0"
s_refgain               "0.4"
s_refdelay              "4"
s_polykeep              "1000000000"
s_polysize              "10000000"
s_numpolys              "200"
s_bloat                 "2"
s_verbwet               "0.25"
team                    ""
model                   "gordon"
skin                    ""
topcolor                "30"
bottomcolor             "6"


lambert 		"-1.0"
cl_forwardspeed 	"32000"
cl_backspeed 		"32000"
cl_crosshair_color "255 255 255"
cl_crosshair_size "small"
cl_logocolor "#Valve_Orange"
cl_logofile "lambda"
cl_sidespeed            "32000"
cl_vsmoothing 		"10"
cl_updaterate           "20"
cl_lw                   "1"
cl_lc                   "1"
cl_dlmax                "128"
cl_himodels		"0"
cl_resend		"20"
cl_idealpitchscale      "0.8"
cl_timeout              "305"
cl_cmdbackup            "2"
cl_download_ingame 	"1"
cl_allowdownload 	"1"
cl_allowupload	        "1"
cl_cmdrate 		"44"
cl_corpsestay 		"600"
cl_righthand 		"1"
cl_minmodels 		"0"
cl_dynamiccrosshair 	"0"
con_color "255 255 255"
cl_observercrosshair	"0"
cl_bob			"1"
cl_bobcycle		"0"
cl_bobup		"0"
cl_showfps		"1"
cl_solid_players	"1"
cl_upspeed		"320"
cl_rate			"8248.487"	// RaTe
ex_interp		"0.1"
rate			"8248.487"	// RaTe 


m_pitch 		"0.022"
m_yaw 			"0.022"
m_forward 		"1"
m_side 			"0.8"
m_filter 		"1"
zoom_sensitivity_ratio	"2"

HuD SeTTyngS

hud_takesshots 		"1"
hud_captureMOUSE 	"1"
hud_draw 		"1"
hud_fastswitch 		"1"
hud_centerid 		"1"
hud_saytext_time	"10"
hud_deathnotice_time	"15"
hud_drawhistory_time	"0"
fastsprites		"1" "0"
setinfo "_s gonzales" 	"1"
scr_conspeed 		"99999"
scr_centertime		"3"
scr_printspeed		"8"
scr_connectmsg		"LIVE SPEEDy"
con_notifytime		"3"
con_color		"255 255 255"
viewsize		"120"
developer		"0"
drawradar		"1"
crosshair		"1"
joystick 		"0"
lookstrafe 		"0"
lookspring 		"0"

Game LisTeN ServerS

mp_autoteambalance 	  "0"
mp_autokick		  "0"
mp_buytime 		  "90"
mp_c4timer		  "35"
mp_flashlight 		  "1"
mp_footsteps 		  "1"
mp_forcecamera            "2"
mp_forcechasecam 	  "2"
mp_freezetime 		  "2"
mp_friendlyfire 	  "1"
mp_hostagepenalty 	  "0"
mp_limitteams 		  "0"
mp_logfile 		  "0"
mp_logmessages 		  "0"
mp_maxrounds 		  "0"
mp_playerid 		  "0"
mp_roundtime 		  "0"
mp_timelimit 		  "0"
mp_tkpunish		  "0"
mp_winlimit 		  "0"
pausable 		  "1"
sv_airmove 		  "1"
sv_aim 			  "1"
sv_cheats 		  "1"
sv_gravity 		  "800"
sv_lan 			  "0"
sv_maxspeed 		  "320"
sv_spectatormaxspeed 	  "500"
echo "                         +--^----------,--------,-----,----------------------^-"
echo "                         | |||||||||   `--------'     |  LIVE SPEEDy            |"
echo "                         `+---------------------------^------------------------"
echo "                          `\_,---------,---------,--------------'"
echo "                          / XXXXXX /'|       /'"
echo "                         / XXXXXX /  `\__   /'"
echo "                        / XXXXXX /`-------'"
echo "                       / XXXXXX /"
echo "                      / XXXXXX /"
echo "                     (________( "               

play vox/activated
Last edited by TAVY on 30 Nov 2009, 10:45, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: [Sursa=][/Sursa]
Membru, skill +1
Membru, skill +1
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17 Apr 2009, 13:21

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17 Apr 2009, 13:33

Incearca sa bagi astea intr-un CFG,apoi cand intri in CS scrii in consola :FAST !

Code: Select all

alias "dslow" "rate 2500;cl_updaterate 10;cl_cmdrate 10;ex_interp 0.100; echo d slow speed" 
alias "vslow" "rate 3500;cl_updaterate 13;cl_cmdrate 13;ex_interp 0.077; echo very slow speed" 
alias "slow" "rate 5000;cl_updaterate 15;cl_cmdrate 15;ex_interp 0.068; echo slow speed" 
alias "norm" "rate 7500;cl_updaterate 20;cl_cmdrate 30;ex_interp 0.050; echo normal speed" 
alias "fast" "rate 9999;cl_updaterate 30;cl_cmdrate 40;ex_interp 0.034; echo fast speed" 
alias "vfast" "rate 20000;cl_updaterate 60;cl_cmdrate 60;ex_interp 0.017; echo wtf speed :P" 
alias "lfast" "rate 20000;cl_updaterate 100;cl_cmdrate 100;ex_interp 0.010; echo LAN speed" 
alias "rates" "rate;cl_updaterate;cl_cmdrate;ex_interp"
Ofer invitatii pe site gen pentru a fi invitat trimite-mi un mesaj privat.

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21 Apr 2009, 12:22

eu joc cu

Code: Select all

cl_updaterate "10"
rate "25000"

fps_max "99"
fps_modem "0"
si merge ca uns :)

pc-ul meu are :

RAM : 512 MB
Procesor : 1800+
Placa video : Ati Radeon 128 MB
AdauGati ID : Kent8_Cs8

O iubesc si strig intr-una,
Sa facem pilaf din una,
Vrem victorie asta e ,
"U" bataie la C*R ! ! !

Sectiunea din Comunitatea Pss-Live.Ro are nevoie de cativa designeri nu se ofera nimenii ?
andrei cristea
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SteamID: elnino18011994
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28 Nov 2009, 01:12

Imi puteti spune si mie ce cfg sau ce setari sa adaug in cfg pentru lag ? Am un laptop "performant" adica a costat cam mult si viteza de net de 52 mbps dar sunt in Italia si daca vreau sa ma joc cu prietenii mei cs imi sare lagul la 100, 130 chiar si mai mult. Ajutatima si pe mine , va rog . Multumesc.
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29 Nov 2009, 22:42

Pune intr-un cfg:

Code: Select all

developer 1
fps_max 1000
fps_modem 1000
cl_forwardspeed 400
cl_sidespeed 400
cl_upspeed 400
cl_backspeed 400
sv_maxspeed 400
rate 30000
cl_updaterate 60
cl_himodels 1
hisound 2
Pentru mine merge 100% ;) !
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TF ,)
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30 Nov 2009, 10:12

Nu exista script de lag doar niste comenzi : cl_cmdrate 101 , cl_updaterate 101 , fps_max 101 , fps_modem 0 , rate 2500.

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andrei cristea
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SteamID: elnino18011994
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01 Dec 2009, 00:25

Am incercat amandoua posibilitatile , am pus ce miati spus dar din pacate lagul mi-a urcat cu 30 , daca exista program ceva va rog sa-mi spuneti si mie , acum am rate 7500 cl_updaterate 20 cl_cmdrate 14 fps_max 100 si lagul sta intre 70 si 100 :) cateodata imi mai coboara la 60, :) oricum mersi.
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04 Apr 2010, 17:09

baieti imi puteti face voi cfg-ul ca am vista si nu pot modifica forma fisierelor pls
am un sv si nu pot sa intru pe el pentru ca spune ca nu sunt din romania
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05 Apr 2010, 10:07

baieti mi-am facut antilag cfg #:-s dar tot spune ca nu sunt din romania pls ajutor ^:)^
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