Snapshot (screenshot semnat) - AntiSS-ul este istorie

Pluginuri pentru modul AmxModX.

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26 Dec 2012, 23:38

GamingWorld wrote:Interesant plugin :-?
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31 Dec 2012, 22:13

Imi place varianta ta, il poti modifica in asa fel incat sa ii mute pe spectator ?
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01 Jan 2013, 23:04

Askhanar wrote:am vazut ca nu mai merge link.. de download.. si aveam si eu nevoie de plugin..
asa ca mi-am facut unul identic.. doar ca putin mai colorat si mai cum imi place mie..

cvar-uri: ss_move_spec 0/1 daca sa mute jucatorul spectator dupa ss sau nu.

nu bagati in seama [sPuf ?]'s Testing Ground ! ( ala e numele la sv de teste.. )
la voi pe server o sa apara ce aveti pun in cvarul 'hostname'
| Afiseaza codul
#include < amxmodx >
#include < amxmisc >
#include < cstrike >
#include < fun >
#include < CC_ColorChat >

#pragma semicolon 1

#define PLUGIN "New Plugin"
#define VERSION "1.0"

#define SignTask	112233
#define UnSignTask	332211


new const szTag[    ]  =  "*";
new const szSite[    ]  =  "";

new g_iUserHP[ 33 ];
new g_iUserAP[ 33 ];

new gCvarMoveSpec;

new SyncHudMessage;
new SyncHudMessage2;
new SyncHudMessage3;

public plugin_init( )
	// Idee plugin si primul care l-a publicat: ThE_ChOSeN_OnE
	// Acest cod este scris de mine in totalitate..
	register_plugin( PLUGIN, VERSION, "Askhanar" );
	gCvarMoveSpec  =  register_cvar(  "ss_move_spec",  "0"  );
	register_clcmd(  "amx_ss", "ClCmdSS"  );

	SyncHudMessage  =  CreateHudSyncObj(    );
	SyncHudMessage2  =  CreateHudSyncObj(    );
	SyncHudMessage3  =  CreateHudSyncObj(    );

public client_putinserver(  id  )
	g_iUserHP[  id  ]  =  0;
	g_iUserAP[  id  ]  =  0;

public client_disconnect(  id   )
	g_iUserHP[  id  ]  =  0;
	g_iUserAP[  id  ]  =  0;
	if( task_exists(  id + UnSignTask  )  )
		ColorChat(  0, RED, "^x04%s^x03 %s^x01 s-a deconectat in timp ce i s-a facut SS!", szTag, GetInfo(  id,  INFO_NAME  )  );
		remove_task(  id  + UnSignTask  );

public ClCmdSS(  id  )
	if(  !(  get_user_flags(  id  )  &  SS_ACCESS  )  )
		client_cmd(  id, "echo %s Nu ai acces la aceasta comanda!", szTag  );
		return 1;
	new szFirstArg[ 32 ];
	read_argv(  1,  szFirstArg, sizeof ( szFirstArg ) -1  );
	if(  equal(  szFirstArg, ""  )  )
		client_cmd(  id, "echo amx_ss < nume > faci o poza semnata!"  );
		return 1;
	new iPlayer  =  cmd_target(  id,  szFirstArg,  8  );
	if( !iPlayer  )
		client_cmd(  id, "echo %s Jucatorul specificat nu a fost gasit!", szTag  );
		return 1;
	if( !is_user_alive(  iPlayer  ) )
		client_cmd(  id, "echo %s Jucatorul %s nu este in viata !", szTag, GetInfo(  iPlayer, INFO_NAME  )  );
		return 1;
	if(  task_exists(  iPlayer  +  SignTask)  ||  task_exists(  iPlayer  + UnSignTask  )  )
		client_cmd(  id, "echo %s Jucatorul %s este in curs de 'pozare' !", szTag, GetInfo(  iPlayer, INFO_NAME  )  );
		return 1;
	if(  cs_get_user_team(  id  )  !=  CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR  )
		client_cmd(  id, "echo %s Trebuie sa fii Spectator ca sa poti face o poza!", szTag  );
		return 1;
	ColorChat(  0,  RED,  "^x04%s^x03 %s^x01 i-a facut o poza semnata lui^x04 %s^x01 !",  szTag,  GetInfo(  id,  INFO_NAME  ),  GetInfo(  iPlayer,  INFO_NAME  )  );
	g_iUserHP[ iPlayer ]  =  get_user_health(  iPlayer  );
	g_iUserAP[ iPlayer ]  =  get_user_armor(  iPlayer  );
	set_user_godmode(  iPlayer,  1  );
	set_user_health(  iPlayer,  255  );
	set_user_armor(  iPlayer,  255  );
	ColorChat(  iPlayer, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Nume:^x03 %s^x04 |^x01 Nume Admin:^x03 %s", szTag, GetInfo(  iPlayer,  INFO_NAME  ), GetInfo(  id, INFO_NAME  )  );
	ColorChat(  iPlayer, RED, "^x04%s^x01 IP:^x03 %s^x04 |^x01 IP Admin:^x03 %s", szTag, GetInfo(  iPlayer, INFO_IP  ),  GetInfo(  id,  INFO_IP  )  );
	ColorChat(  iPlayer, RED, "^x04%s^x01 SteamId:^x03 %s^x04 |^x01 SteamId Admin:^x03 %s", szTag, GetInfo(  iPlayer,  INFO_AUTHID  ),  GetInfo(  id,  INFO_AUTHID  )  );
	ColorChat(  iPlayer, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Data/Ora:^x03 %s^x04 |^x01 Site ^x03%s", szTag, _get_time(    ),  szSite  );
	client_print(  iPlayer,  print_center,  "Screenshot facut.."  );
	client_print(  iPlayer,  print_console,  " %s Nume: %s | Nume Admin: %s", szTag, GetInfo(  iPlayer,  INFO_NAME  ), GetInfo(  id, INFO_NAME  )  );
	client_print(  iPlayer,  print_console,  " %s IP: %s | IP Admin: %s", szTag, GetInfo(  iPlayer, INFO_IP  ),  GetInfo(  id,  INFO_IP  )  );
	client_print(  iPlayer,  print_console,  " %s SteamId: %s | SteamId Admin: %s", szTag, GetInfo(  iPlayer,  INFO_AUTHID  ),  GetInfo(  id,  INFO_AUTHID  )  );
	client_print(  iPlayer,  print_console,  " %s Data/Ora: %s | Site %s", szTag, _get_time(    ),  szSite  );
	for( new i = 1; i <= 3; i++ )
		DisplayMessages(  iPlayer,  i  );
	set_task(  0.1, "SignScreen", iPlayer  + SignTask  );
	return 1;

public SignScreen(  iPlayer  )
	iPlayer  -=  SignTask;
	if(  !is_user_connected( iPlayer )  )	return 1;
	client_cmd(  iPlayer,  "toggleconsole;snapshot;toggleconsole"  );
	if( get_pcvar_num(  gCvarMoveSpec  )  )
		user_kill(  iPlayer,  1  );
		cs_set_user_team(  iPlayer,  CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR  );
	set_task(  0.7, "UnSignPlayer",  iPlayer + UnSignTask );
	return 0;
public UnSignPlayer(  iPlayer  )
	iPlayer -= UnSignTask;
	if(  !is_user_connected( iPlayer ) )	return 0;
	ColorChat(  iPlayer, RED, "^x04%s^x03 Screenshot semnat..", szTag  );
	client_cmd(  iPlayer,  "echo %s^x03 Screenshot semnat..", szTag  );
	client_print(  iPlayer, print_center,  "Screenshot semnat.."  );
	if( is_user_alive(  iPlayer  )  )
		set_user_godmode(  iPlayer,  0  );
		set_user_health(  iPlayer,  g_iUserHP[ iPlayer ]  );
		set_user_armor(  iPlayer,  g_iUserAP[ iPlayer ] );
	g_iUserHP[ iPlayer ]  =  0;
	g_iUserAP[ iPlayer ]  =  0;
	return 0;

public DisplayMessages(  iPlayer,  const iMessage  )
	new szHostName[ 64 ];
	get_cvar_string( "hostname", szHostName, sizeof ( szHostName ) -1  );
	switch(  iMessage  )
		case 1:
			set_hudmessage(  255,  0,  0,  0.10, 0.25,  0,  0.0 , 0.2,  0.0,  0.1,  1  );
			ShowSyncHudMsg(  iPlayer,  SyncHudMessage,  "%s",  szHostName  );
		case 2:
			set_hudmessage(  235,  255,  45,  -1.0, -1.0,  0,  0.0 , 0.2,  0.0,  0.1,  2  );
			ShowSyncHudMsg(  iPlayer,  SyncHudMessage2,  "%s",  szHostName  );
		case 3:
			set_hudmessage(  0,  0,  255,  0.75, 0.75,  0,  0.0 , 0.2,  0.0,  0.1,  3  );
			ShowSyncHudMsg(  iPlayer,  SyncHudMessage3,  "%s",  szHostName  );

stock GetInfo( id, const iInfo )
	new szInfoToReturn[  64  ];
	switch(  iInfo  )
		case INFO_NAME:
			new szName[ 32 ];
			get_user_name(  id,  szName,  sizeof ( szName ) -1  );
			copy(  szInfoToReturn,  sizeof ( szInfoToReturn ) -1,  szName  );
		case INFO_IP:
			new szIp[ 32 ];
			get_user_ip(  id,  szIp,  sizeof ( szIp ) -1,  1  );
			copy(  szInfoToReturn,  sizeof ( szInfoToReturn ) -1,  szIp  );
			new szAuthId[ 35 ];
			get_user_authid(  id,  szAuthId,  sizeof ( szAuthId ) -1  );
			copy(  szInfoToReturn,  sizeof ( szInfoToReturn ) -1,  szAuthId  );

	return szInfoToReturn;

stock _get_time( )
	new logtime[ 32 ];
	get_time("%d.%m.%Y - %H:%M:%S", logtime ,sizeof ( logtime ) -1 );
	return logtime;
} | Afiseaza codul
/*              	        __________________________________
* 			       |Functiile originade create de Numb|
*			        ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

* 				Fisier rescris si fixat de Askhanar.

*				Copyright © 2012, Askhanar
*			Acest fisier este prevazut asa cum este ( fara garantii )

#if defined _CC_ColorChat_included
#define _CC_ColorChat_included

enum Color
	NORMAL = 1, 		// Culoarea care o are jucatorul setata in cvar-ul scr_concolor.
	GREEN, 			// Culoare Verde.
	TEAM_COLOR, 		// Culoare Rosu, Albastru, Gri.
	GREY, 			// Culoarea Gri.
	RED, 			// Culoarea Rosu.
	BLUE, 			// Culoarea Albastru.

new TeamName[  ][  ] = 

ColorChat(  id, Color:iType, const msg[  ], { Float, Sql, Result, _}:...  )
	// Daca nu se afla nici un jucator pe server oprim TOT. Altfel dam de erori..
	if( !get_playersnum( ) ) return;
	new szMessage[ 256 ];

	switch( iType )
		 // Culoarea care o are jucatorul setata in cvar-ul scr_concolor.
		case NORMAL:	szMessage[ 0 ] = 0x01;
		// Culoare Verde.
		case GREEN:	szMessage[ 0 ] = 0x04;
		// Alb, Rosu, Albastru.
		default: 	szMessage[ 0 ] = 0x03;

	vformat(  szMessage[ 1 ], 251, msg, 4  );

	// Ne asiguram ca mesajul nu este mai lung de 192 de caractere.Altfel pica server-ul.
	szMessage[ 192 ] = '^0';

	new iTeam, iColorChange, iPlayerIndex, MSG_Type;
	if( id )
		iPlayerIndex  =  id;
		iPlayerIndex  =  CC_FindPlayer(  );
		MSG_Type = MSG_ALL;
	iTeam  =  get_user_team( iPlayerIndex );
	iColorChange  =  CC_ColorSelection(  iPlayerIndex,  MSG_Type, iType);

	CC_ShowColorMessage(  iPlayerIndex, MSG_Type, szMessage  );
	if(  iColorChange  )	CC_Team_Info(  iPlayerIndex, MSG_Type,  TeamName[ iTeam ]  );


CC_ShowColorMessage(  id, const iType, const szMessage[  ]  )
	static bool:bSayTextUsed;
	static iMsgSayText;
	if(  !bSayTextUsed  )
		iMsgSayText  =  get_user_msgid( "SayText" );
		bSayTextUsed  =  true;
	message_begin( iType, iMsgSayText, _, id  );
	write_byte(  id  )		
	write_string(  szMessage  );
	message_end(  );

CC_Team_Info( id, const iType, const szTeam[  ] )
	static bool:bTeamInfoUsed;
	static iMsgTeamInfo;
	if(  !bTeamInfoUsed  )
		iMsgTeamInfo  =  get_user_msgid( "TeamInfo" );
		bTeamInfoUsed  =  true;
	message_begin( iType, iMsgTeamInfo, _, id  );
	write_byte(  id  );
	write_string(  szTeam  );
	message_end(  );

	return 1;

CC_ColorSelection(  id, const iType, Color:iColorType)
	switch(  iColorType  )
		case RED:	return CC_Team_Info(  id, iType, TeamName[ 1 ]  );
		case BLUE:	return CC_Team_Info(  id, iType, TeamName[ 2 ]  );
		case GREY:	return CC_Team_Info(  id, iType, TeamName[ 0 ]  );


	return 0;

CC_FindPlayer(  )
	new iMaxPlayers  =  get_maxplayers(  );
	for( new i = 1; i <= iMaxPlayers; i++ )
		if(  is_user_connected( i )  )
			return i;
	return -1;
si cum arata o poza corecta:


si cum nu ar trebui sa arata ss

Caut o persoana dedicata care se pricepe si stie ce face.
Vreau sa creeze si sa se ocupe de administrarea unui server de MU, da e vorba de vechiul gandesc undeva la un season 3 ep1/2.

O sa achizitionez un domeniu .ro.
Totodata sponsorizez absolut orice este necesar.
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02 Jan 2013, 13:28

Asta-i varianta lui TCO | Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <cstrike>

#define PLUGIN "SS Screenshot"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR "ThE_ChOSeN_OnE"

new hp[33]

public plugin_init() {
	register_concmd("amx_ss","cmdScreen",ADMIN_KICK,"<authid, nick or #userid>")

public cmdScreen(id,level,cid){
	new arg1[24],target,task[2],timestamp[32],name[32],name2[32],ip[32],hostname[32]
	/* Is target a valid one? */
	/* Checking if target is not already being screenshoted */
	if(task_exists(target+333131) || task_exists(target+333132)){
		client_print(id,print_console,"[SS] lui ^"%s^" i se fac deja poze.",name2)
	/* Getting timestamp and all what we need to format the message */
	get_time("%m/%d/%Y - %H:%M:%S",timestamp,31)
	/* Copying indexes into task array */
	task[0] = target
	task[1] = id
	/* Signing the screenshot with 255.0 HP and blocking all damage during this process (1st sign) */
	set_pev(target, pev_takedamage, DAMAGE_NO)
	hp[target] = pev(target, pev_health)
	set_pev(target, pev_health, 255.0)
	/* Sending message to all */
	client_print(0,print_chat,"[SS] Poza facuta jucatorului ^"%s^" de catre adminul ^"%s^" (%s)",name2,name,timestamp)
	/* Sending message to admin */
	client_print(id,print_console,"[SS] Screenshot -> Nick '%s' | IP '%s'",name2,ip)
	/* Sending colored chat message to target */
	color_print(target,"!teamServer: !g%s",hostname)
	color_print(target,"!teamNumee: !g%s !y- !teamIP: !g%s",name2,ip)
	color_print(target,"!yAdminul !g%s ti-a facut poze.",name)
	color_print(target,"!teamTrimite-i pozele lui !g%s",name)
	color_print(target,"!teamForum: !")
	/* Sending console message to target */
	client_print(target,print_console,"|___ SS Screenshot ____|")
	client_print(target,print_console,"Server: %s",hostname)
	client_print(target,print_console,"Nume: %s - IP: %s",name2,ip)
	client_print(target,print_console,"Ti-a fost facuta o poza de catre adminul %s",name)
	client_print(target,print_console,"Posteaza-o pe forum sau trimitei-o adminului - %s",name)
	/* Starting tasks for screenshot and signage */
	/* Logging command */
	log_amx("Signed screenshot taken on player ^"%s^" by admin ^"%s^"",name2,name)

public sign_screen(task[2]){
	/* Copying task arrays holding indexes into variables */
	new target = task[0]
	new admin = task[1]
	/* Is target/admin connected? */
	if(!is_user_connected(target) || !is_user_connected(admin)){
	/* Executing screenshot commands on client and opening console blocking the Anti-SS */
	/* Sending user to Spectator */

public remove_sign(task[1]){
	/* Copying task array holding target index into variable */
	new target = task[0]
	/* Is target/admin connected? */

	/* Removing the 255.0 HP sign and sending a message to client (2nd sign) */
	color_print(target,"!g> Imagine facuta...")

public client_disconnect(id){
	new name2[32],ip[32]
	/* Player was being screenshoted before disconnecting? */
		/* Getting target name, required for message */
		/* Formatting message and sending to all players */
		color_print(0,"!yJucatorul !g^"%s^" [%s] !ys-a deconectat in timp ce i se faceau poze!",name2,ip)

color_print(const id, const input[], any:...) {
	new count = 1, players[32]
	static msg[191]
	vformat(msg, 190, input, 3)
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!g", "^4") // Green Color
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!y", "^1") // Default Color
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!team", "^3") // Team Color

	if(id) players[0] = id; else get_players(players, count, "ch"); {
		for (new i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			if (is_user_connected(players)) {
				message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players)  
Un server care nu stie ce-i ala boost! ONLINE DE 4 ANI!
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02 Jan 2013, 15:53

cum se numeste pluginu ala din poza...cutia plutitoare cu semnul intrebarii ?
Contact Y!M: war3.staff

War3FT, versiune Privata. Mod facut de ONEMDX
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03 Jan 2013, 14:02

foarte bun pluginul , mai nou generatia "codatilor" sa dezvoltat mai bine ca a adminilor ;)
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04 Jan 2013, 12:36

foarte bun pluginul , ar trebui adaugat pe toate serverele ;))
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07 Jan 2013, 12:27

e posibil sa apara buguri la pluginul tau askhanar? gen sa nu apara viata 255 ci 178? acele 3 mesaje hud sa nu apara? stiu ca si la plugin normal de ss, nu apar intotdeauna mesajele alea hud cu verde.

stiu ca la pluginul original mai aparea cateodata viata 178, 123, loc de 255, si culmea era ca tga-urile erau cu aceeasi viata, deci e posibil sa fi fost buguri ca anti-ss nu face si tga parca.

eu as baga pluginul pe server, dar sa nu apara buguri ca la cel cu tga si sa banez jucatori aiurea cu motivul anti-ss...

edit: si inca o intrebare. comanda se poate da si intre admini? daca nu, te rog sa-mi spui cum se scoate imunitatea doar la comanda de amx_ss
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09 Jan 2013, 00:30

comanda se poate da intre admini.. buguri nu vad de ce ar apare.. iar ban degeaba nu ai cu msa dai..
tu sa te uiti daca ii apare
Screenshot semnat... jos sub text si sus pe centru..

acum depinde si de clienti.. nu este varianta mea.. eu doar am rescriso..

LE: cutia plutitoare era pentru pluginu de evente din furien.. care nu il mai am ca l-am pierdut odata cu pc..
oricum facea lag.
Caut o persoana dedicata care se pricepe si stie ce face.
Vreau sa creeze si sa se ocupe de administrarea unui server de MU, da e vorba de vechiul gandesc undeva la un season 3 ep1/2.

O sa achizitionez un domeniu .ro.
Totodata sponsorizez absolut orice este necesar.
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18 Jan 2013, 21:46

uite 3 poze. in primele 2 nu apar acele mesaje hud, in a 3-a apar, in rest hp, armura, apare screenshot facut...e curat? ... 000mp.png/ ... 001oh.png/ ... 002av.png/

mesajele hud de la ce ar putea sa nu apara?
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19 Jan 2013, 19:46

Interesant plugin !!!

Multmim Askhanar pentru imagini .
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24 Jan 2013, 02:49

am lasat cam mult pluginul pe server fara folos, mi-am dat seama dupa ce unuia care era suspect de wall, ii ieseau pozele curate.
am cautat si eu un anti-ss cu wall si uite cum arata la mine o poza cu wall, zici ca e curata: ... 99c9fe.png

in concluzie, pluginul nu functioneaza :|
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