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19 Jul 2012, 23:24


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/* Admin Gag Command
This plugin allows you to gag players from using say_team,say or voicecomm. It also echos admin acctions 
based on amx_show_activity. The plugin can also block gagged clients from changing their nick. 
Admins with immunity will not be executed on, unless their executing on themself

amx_gag <nick/userid> <flags (a/b/c)> <time in seconds> // lets you control what you want to gag
amx_gag <nick/userid>  <time in seconds> // Will automaticly add the abc flag.
amx_gag <nick/userid>	// Will add abc flags, and 600 secounds gag.
amx_gag <nick/userid> <flags>
amx_ungag <nick/userid> // Will remove all "gags"

Modules required:

Q) Can i mute voicecomm?
A) Yes, that should be on by defualt. But you can make sure "#define VoiceCommMute 1"

Q) Is there any way i can disable the engine module and still run the plugin?
A) yes, "#define VoiceCommMute 0".

Plugin forum thread: http://www.amxmodx.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=463

Ops in #AMXmod @ Quakenet for alot of help ( + AssKicker & CheesyPeteza ) 
This plugin is heavly based on the work of tcquest78 in his gag plugin http://djeyl.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=4962
Code for Namechange block code was taken from Olo`s one_name plugin.

	1.8.3 ( 23.02.2005 )
	- Fixed: Voicecomm not being muted via callfunc interface ( Like Admin Aimmenu )

	1.8.2 ( 22.09.2004 )
	- Fixed: Default gag reason not being shown.
	1.8.1 ( 21.09.2004 )
	- Fixed: Players voicecomm not being reset properbly with sv_alltalk 1
	1.8.0 ( 10.09.2004 )
	- Added: func_AddGag() to allow third party plugins to gag a client( Like my admin Aimmenu)
	- Added: func_RemoveGag() to remove a gag via a third party plugin

    1.7.5 ( 06.07.2004 )
	- Changed: #define MaxPlayers to be 32 instead of 33 (Should save a few byte of mem )

    1.7.4 ( 06.07.2004 )
	- Changed: Once amx_gag/amx_ungag is used admins will no longer see "command not found" in console anymore ( Thx to Downtown1)
	- Added: #define for MaxPlayers

    1.7.3 ( 06.07.2004 )
	- Fixed: Fixed possible issue with steamids being to long (Would just be text cut on in logs/text)

    1.7.2 ( 03.07.2004 )
	- Fixed: Spelling Errors ( Thx to Mr. Satan )

    1.7.1 ( 20.06.2004 ) 
	- Added: Plugin now logs the gag reason

    1.7.0 ( 20.06.2004 )
	- Changed: Plugin has gotten a rewrite/cleanup
	- Changed: Plugin is now properbly format
	- Added: Ability to play a to gagged clients when their trying to talk ( Idea by Girthesniper )
	- Added: Ability to show the reason for the gag.
	- Fixed: Error where the command line would not read out more then 3 bytes of eatch var.

    1.6.2 ( 28.05.2004 )
	- Hack: UnGagPlayer echoing that unconnected clients had been ungagged when time ran out
    1.6.1 ( 25.05.2004 )
	- Changed: task is now registered with the same id as player index
	- Added: a define to change the default gag time

	- Changed: Name change blocking enabled by default.
	- Added: Plugin now logs amx_ungag actions
	- Added: amx_ungag now echos target nick even if #userid was used
	- Added: amx_gag <nick/userid> <seconds or minuts> ( amx_gag EKS 120 / amx_gag EKS 2m )

	- Added: Ability to block namechange on clients that are gagged ( Disabled by default, just change #define BlockNameChange )

	- No update to the plugin, just added comments to help new admins.

	- Fixed oversight that would allow none admins to use the plugin

    1.4.1 ( 01.03.2004 )
	- Now user log_amx style loggin
	- Now use AMXX engine to mute/unmute voicecomm

    1.4.0 ( 01.03.2004 )
	- Now only umutes voicecomm if player was muted by this plugin
	- Now echos what what the admin has muted.
	- To mute voicecomm you either need D2Tools or vexd. You can change what module to use in the define section.( look for: VoiceCommMute )
	- You can set #define VoiceCommMute to 0, and you dont need any extra modules anymore. But loose the ability to mute voicecomm. 

    1.3.1 ( 17.02.2004 )
	- Fixed muting voicecomm not working ( Info needed extracted from this plugin: http://djeyl.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=16533 | Proerrenrg )

    1.3.0 ( 17.02.2004 )
	- Now print nick and authid when a player disconnects
	- Now only one place in the code that can ungag a player ( ungag )
	- Added admin log
	- Fixed not gag flags not working
	- Changed plugin file name to: admin_gag.XXX
	- Minor code cleanup. More comments, Code cleaner & UnGagPlayer should be "faster"

    1.2.1 ( 06.02.2004 )
	- Fixed support for #userid again
	- Now use console_print to echo when player is not gagged ( in amx_ungag )

	- Now supports muting voicecomm ( the flag c )
        - REQUIRES Vexd module, use 1.1 if you dont want to run this module
	- Now supports amx_gag <nick> <time> ( Adds ab as flag if no other flag is entered.)
	- Now supports amx_gag <nick/auth>
	- Fixed echoing with amx_show_activity 1 not showing the secounds

    1.0  (Changes are from the orginal plugin to this one)
	- Now echos admin acctions based on amx_show_activity
	- Now echos when a player is ungagged by admin
	- Now echos when a player is ungagged becuse the "time" has run out.
	- Now echos when a gagged player disconnects
	- Admins with immunity flag can do actions on themself.
	- If you try to ungag a player thats not gagged, you get a "error" message
	- Changed the "your gagged" message so its simpler to spot in Steam.
	- Somehow the compiled file is smaller then with the orignal
#define VoiceCommMute 1		// 0 = Disabled ( no extra module required ) | 1 = Voicecomm muteing enabled. ( requires engine module)
#define BlockNameChange 1	// 0 = Disabled | 1 = Block namechange on gagged clients
#define LogAdminActions 1	// 0 = Disabled | 1 = Admin actions will be logged
#define DefaultGagTime 600.0	// The std gag time if no other time was entered. ( this is 10 min ), Remember the value MUST contain a .0
#define PlaySound 1		// 0 = Disabled | 1 = Play a sound to gagged clients when their trying to talk
#define GagReason 1		// 0 = Disabled | 1 = Gagged clients can see why there where gagged when they try to talk
#define MaxPlayers 32
#define AllowOtherPlugin2Interface 1

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <engine>

new g_GagPlayers[MaxPlayers+1]	// Used to check if a player is gagged
#if GagReason == 1
new gs_GagReason[MaxPlayers+1][48]

new k;
new Menu;
new iplayers[32], inum;
new name[ 32 ]; 
new tempid[ 64 ];

public plugin_init() 
	register_plugin("Admin Gag","1.8.3","EKS") 
	register_concmd("amx_gag","CMD_GagPlayer",ADMIN_KICK,"<nick or #userid> <a|b|c> <time>") 
	register_concmd("amx_ungag","CMD_UnGagPlayer",ADMIN_KICK,"<nick or #userid>")
	register_concmd( "gag", "CMD_Show", ADMIN_KICK, "<>Shows the menu" ); 

public CMD_Show( id )
	Menu = menu_create( "\rGag/ungag: ", "MENU_HANDLER" );

	get_players( iplayers, inum );
	for( k = 0; k < inum; k++ )
		get_user_name( iplayers[ k ], name, 31 );
		num_to_str( iplayers[ k ], tempid, charsmax( tempid ) )
		menu_additem( Menu, name, tempid, 0 );
	menu_setprop( Menu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL );
	menu_display( id, Menu, 0 );

public MENU_HANDLER( id, menu, item )
	if( item == MENU_EXIT )
		menu_destroy( Menu );

	new data[ 6 ], szName[ 64 ];
	new access, callback;
	menu_item_getinfo( Menu, item, access, data, charsmax( data ), szName, charsmax( szName ), callback );

	new pp = str_to_num( data );

	if( g_GagPlayers[ pp ] )
		server_cmd( "amx_ungag %s", name );
	else if( !g_GagPlayers[ pp ] )
		server_cmd( "amx_gag %s", name );

	menu_destroy( Menu );

public block_gagged(id){  // This function is what check the say / team_say messages & block them if the client is blocked.
	if(!g_GagPlayers[id]) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE // Is true if the client is NOT blocked.
	new cmd[5] 
	if ( cmd[3] == '_' )
		if (g_GagPlayers[id] & 2){ 
#if GagReason == 1
			client_print(id,print_chat,"* You are Gagged For The Following Reason: %s",gs_GagReason[id]) 
			client_print(id,print_chat,"* You Have Been Gagged") 

#if PlaySound == 1
			client_cmd(id,"spk barney/youtalkmuch")
	else if (g_GagPlayers[id] & 1)   { 
#if GagReason == 1
			client_print(id,print_chat,"* You Are Gagged For The Following Reason: %s",gs_GagReason[id]) 
			client_print(id,print_chat,"* You Have Been Gagged") 
#if PlaySound == 1
			client_cmd(id,"spk barney/youtalkmuch")
public CMD_GagPlayer(id,level,cid) 
	if(!cmd_access (id,level,cid,1)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED
	new arg[32],VictimID
	read_argv(1,arg,31)  			// Arg contains Targets nick or Userid
	VictimID = cmd_target(id,arg,8)		// This code here tryes to find out the player index. Either from a nick or #userid
	if ((get_user_flags(VictimID) & ADMIN_IMMUNITY) && VictimID != id || !cmd_access (id,level,cid,2) ) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } // This code is kind of "long", its job is to. Stop actions against admins with immunity, Stop actions action if the user lacks access, or is a bot/hltv
	new s_Flags[4],VictimName[32],AdminName[32],flags,ShowFlags[32],CountFlags,s_GagTime[8],Float:f_GagTime

	if (!arg[0]) // This means amx_gag <nick / userid> and no other flag or time was used.
		f_GagTime = DefaultGagTime
		if(contain(arg,"m")!=-1 && contain(arg,"!")==-1) // This means the time was entered in minuts and not seconds
			copyc(s_GagTime,7,arg, 'm')
			f_GagTime = floatstr(s_GagTime) * 60
		else if(isdigit(arg[0])&& contain(arg,"!")==-1) // The value was entered in seconds
			f_GagTime = floatstr(s_GagTime)
		if (!arg[0])	// No flag has been entered
		else if(contain(arg,"!")==-1)		// This means that arg did NOT contain the ! symbot
		else if(contain(arg,"!")!=-1)		// This means that arg did DOES contain the ! symbot
		if (f_GagTime == 0.0)
				format(s_Flags,3,"abc") // Flag was entered.
				format(s_Flags,3,arg) // Flag was entered.
			f_GagTime = DefaultGagTime
#if GagReason == 1
		new GagReasonFound=0
		for(new i=2;i<=4;i++)
				new tmp[32]
				GagReasonFound = 1
		if(GagReasonFound == 0)	// If no reason was entered, add the std reason.
			format(gs_GagReason[VictimID],47,"You Were Gagged For Not Following The Rules")

	flags = read_flags(s_Flags) // Converts the string flags ( a,b or c ) into a int
	g_GagPlayers[VictimID] = flags 
#if VoiceCommMute == 1
	if(flags & 4) // This code checks if the c flag was used ( reprisented by the number 4 ), If pressent it mutes his voicecomm.
		set_speak(VictimID, SPEAK_MUTED)
	new TaskParm[1]		// For some reason set_task requires a array. So i make a array :)
	TaskParm[0] = VictimID
	set_task( f_GagTime,"task_UnGagPlayer",VictimID,TaskParm,1) 

	CountFlags = 0
	if (flags & 1)
	if (flags & 2)
			format(ShowFlags,31,"%s / say_team",ShowFlags)
#if VoiceCommMute != 0
	if(flags & 4)
			format(ShowFlags,31,"%s / voicecomm",ShowFlags)
#if GagReason == 1
		case 2:   client_print(0,print_chat,"ADMIN %s: Has Gagged %s From Speaking For %0.0f Minutes, For: %s ( %s )",AdminName,VictimName,(f_GagTime / 60),gs_GagReason[VictimID],ShowFlags) // debug added
   		case 1:   client_print(0,print_chat,"ADMIN: Has Gagged %s From Speaking For %0.0f Minutes, For: %s ( %s )",VictimName,(f_GagTime / 60),gs_GagReason[VictimID],ShowFlags) 
		case 2:   client_print(0,print_chat,"ADMIN %s: Has Gagged %s From Speaking For %0.0f Minutes ( %s )",AdminName,VictimName,(f_GagTime / 60),ShowFlags) // debug added
   		case 1:   client_print(0,print_chat,"ADMIN: Has Gagged %s From Speaking For %0.0f Minutes ( %s )",VictimName,(f_GagTime / 60),ShowFlags) 
#if LogAdminActions == 1
	new parm[5] /*0 = Victim id | 1 = Admin id | 2 = Used to control if its a gag or Ungag | 3 = The gag flags | 4  = Length of the gag */
	parm[0] = VictimID
	parm[1] = id
	parm[2] = 0
	parm[3] = flags
	parm[4] = floatround(Float:f_GagTime)

public CMD_UnGagPlayer(id,level,cid)   /// Removed gagged player ( done via console command )
	new arg[32],VictimID
	read_argv(1,arg,31)  			// Arg contains Targets nick
	VictimID = cmd_target(id,arg,8)		// This code here tryes to find out the player index. Either from a nick or #userid
	if ((get_user_flags(VictimID) & ADMIN_IMMUNITY) && VictimID != id || !cmd_access (id,level,cid,2) ) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } // This code is kind of "long", its job is to. Stop actions against admins with immunity, Stop actions action if the user lacks access, or is a bot/hltv

	new AdminName[32],VictimName[32] 

	get_user_name(id,AdminName,31)		// Gets Admin name

	if(!g_GagPlayers[VictimID])		// Checks if player has gagged flag
		console_print(id,"%s Is Not Gagged & Cannot Be Ungagged.",arg)
   		case 2:   client_print(0,print_chat,"ADMIN %s: Has Ungagged %s",AdminName,VictimName) 
   		case 1:   client_print(0,print_chat,"ADMIN: Has Ungagged %s",VictimName) 

#if LogAdminActions == 1
	new parm[3] /*0 = Victim id | 1 = Admin id | 2 = Used to control if its a gag or Ungag | 3 = The gag flags | 4  = Length of the gag */
	parm[0] = VictimID
	parm[1] = id
	parm[2] = 1
	remove_task(VictimID)		// Removes the set_task set to ungag the player
	UnGagPlayer(VictimID)		// This is the function that does the actual removal of the gag info

public client_disconnect(id) 
	if(g_GagPlayers[id]) // Checks if disconnected player is gagged, and removes flags from his id.
		new Nick[32],Authid[35]
		client_print(0,print_chat,"[AMX] Gagged Player Has Disconnected ( %s <%s> )",Nick,Authid)
		remove_task(id)		// Removes the set_task set to ungag the player
		UnGagPlayer(id)		// This is the function that does the actual removal of the gag info
#if BlockNameChange == 1
public client_infochanged(id)
		new newname[32], oldname[32]
		get_user_info(id, "name", newname,31)
		if (!equal(oldname,newname))
			client_print(id,print_chat,"* Gagged Clients Cannot Change Their Name")
public task_UnGagPlayer(TaskParm[])	// This function is called when the task expires
	new VictimName[32]
	client_print(0,print_chat,"ADMIN: %s Is No Longer Gagged",VictimName)
#if LogAdminActions == 1
stock LogAdminAction(parm[]) // This code is what logs the admin actions.
	new VictimName[32],AdminName[32],AdminAuth[35],VictimAuth[35]

#if GagReason == 1
	if(parm[2] == 0)
		log_amx("Gag: ^"%s<%s>^" Has Gagged %s <%s> for %d ( %d ) Reason: %s",AdminName,AdminAuth,VictimName,VictimAuth,parm[4],parm[3],gs_GagReason[parm[0]])
	if(parm[2] == 0)
		log_amx("Gag: ^"%s<%s>^" Has Gagged %s <%s> for %d ( %d )",AdminName,AdminAuth,VictimName,VictimAuth,parm[4],parm[3])
	if(parm[2] == 1)
		log_amx("UnGag: ^"%s<%s>^" Has Ungagged %s<%s>",AdminName,AdminAuth,VictimName,VictimAuth)
stock UnGagPlayer(id) // This code is what removes the gag.
#if VoiceCommMute == 1
	if(g_GagPlayers[id] & 4)	// Unmutes the player if he had voicecomm muted.
		if(get_cvar_num("sv_alltalk") == 1)
			set_speak(id, SPEAK_ALL)
			set_speak(id, SPEAK_NORMAL)
	g_GagPlayers[id] = 0
#if GagReason == 1
#if AllowOtherPlugin2Interface == 1
public func_AddGag(id)
	g_GagPlayers[id] = 7 
	new TaskParm[1]		// For some reason set_task requires a array. So i make a array :)
	TaskParm[0] = id
#if VoiceCommMute == 1
	set_speak(id, SPEAK_MUTED)
	set_task( DefaultGagTime,"task_UnGagPlayer",id,TaskParm,1)

public func_RemoveGag(id)
	remove_task(id)		// Removes the set_task set to ungag the player
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20 Jul 2012, 01:14

Nu e bun. arata in consola unknow gag , apare numele meu de ex si cand dau pe el dispare si nu se intampla nimic.
Am rugamintea daca nu il incercati sa nu mai postati alte dracii de pluginsuri
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20 Jul 2012, 10:56

trilu wrote:Am rugamintea daca nu il incercati sa nu mai postati alte dracii de pluginsuri
Crezi ca eu stau sa aprind un server si sa il sting? Daca nu-ti convine, nu mai ajut. Salut!
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