Modificare quakesound

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22 Jul 2012, 19:57

As vrea sa imi scoateti niste sunete din plugin QuakeSound pentru ca sunt enervante cel putin pentru mine sa nu mai fie deloc nici in folderul cu sunete;sunetele care vreau sa le scoateti:

Suicide -> Laughts
Grenade Kill -> Laughts
Team Kill -> Team Killer
Knife Kill -> Humiliating Defeat
First Blood -> First Blood
Round Start -> Pickup Your Weapons and Fight
Flawless Victory -> Flawless Victory

Si vreau ca sa apara mesajele ca la clasicul ut_killstreak,adica mesajele deasupra la chat pe albastru.

Aveti poza cum sa apara mesajele si sursa de la pluginul pe care il am eu.

Pluginul ->

Poza cu mesaje -> Image
RoyalServer 2
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23 Jul 2012, 13:46

UP! macar sa nu mai fie mesajele alea va rog care am zis in topic .
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24 Jul 2012, 14:10

UP la 24h,cineva? :|
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24 Jul 2012, 21:04

| Afiseaza codul
// Really needed?
//#pragma semicolon 1

#include < amxmodx >

// Variable for check if the plugin is enabled
new g_iPluginEnabled;

// Variables for cache the onlykiller settings
new g_iHeadshotOnlyKiller, g_iRevengeOnlyKiller;

// Variables for check if the events are enabled
new g_iHeadshot, g_iTeamkill, g_iFirstblood, g_iKillstreak, g_iRoundstart, g_iDoublekill, g_iHattrick, g_iFlawless, g_iRevenge;

// Variables for cache the colors you set
new g_iRed, g_iGreen, g_iBlue, g_iRandomRed, g_iRandomGreen, g_iRandomBlue;

// Variable for cache the minimum required frags for the `Hattrick` event
new g_iMinFragsForHattrick;

// The plugin arrays
new Array: g_aHeadshot, Array: g_aTeamkill, Array: g_aFirstblood, Array: g_aRoundstart, Array: g_aDoublekill,
Array: g_aHattrick, Array: g_aFlawless, Array: g_aRevenge, Array: g_aKillstreakSounds, Array: g_aKillstreakMessages, Array: g_aKillstreakRequiredKills;

// The arrays sizes
new g_iHeadshotSize, g_iTeamkillSize, g_iFirstbloodSize, g_iRoundstartSize, g_iDoublekillSize, g_iHattrickSize, g_iFlawlessSize,
g_iRevengeSize, g_iKillstreakSoundsSize;

// The events strings
new g_szHeadshot[ 256 ], g_szTeamkill[ 256 ], g_szFirstblood[ 256 ], g_szRoundstart[ 256 ], g_szDoublekill[ 256 ],
g_szHattrick[ 256 ], g_szFlawless[ 256 ], g_szRevenge[ 256 ], g_szRevenge2[ 256 ], g_szTEName[ 256 ], g_szCTName[ 256 ];

// Variables for check if there's the events messages enabled
new g_iHeadshotMessage, g_iTeamkillMessage, g_iFirstbloodMessage, g_iRoundstartMessage, g_iDoublekillMessage,
g_iHattrickMessage, g_iFlawlessMessage, g_iRevengeMessage, g_iRevenge2Message;

// The hudmessage handlers
new g_hHudmessage, g_hHudmessage2, g_hHudmessage3;

// The `Firstblood` event variable
new g_iFirstbloodVariable;

// Variables for cache the kills
new g_iKills[ 33 ];
new g_iKillsForHattrick[ 33 ];

// Variables for cache the `Doublekill` event weaponnames and the `Revenge` event playernames
new g_szDoublekillVariable[ 33 ][ 24 ];
new g_szRevengeKillVariable[ 33 ][ 32 ];

// Executed when map start
public plugin_precache( )
	g_aHeadshot = ArrayCreate( 64 );
	g_aTeamkill = ArrayCreate( 64 );
	g_aFirstblood = ArrayCreate( 64 );
	g_aRoundstart = ArrayCreate( 64 );
	g_aDoublekill = ArrayCreate( 64 );
	g_aHattrick = ArrayCreate( 64 );
	g_aFlawless = ArrayCreate( 64 );
	g_aRevenge = ArrayCreate( 64 );
	g_aKillstreakSounds = ArrayCreate( 64 );
	g_aKillstreakMessages = ArrayCreate( 192 );
	g_aKillstreakRequiredKills = ArrayCreate( 3 );
	Func_LoadCustomizationsFromFile( );
	// Precache nothing
	if( !g_iPluginEnabled )
	g_iHeadshotSize = ArraySize( g_aHeadshot );
	g_iTeamkillSize = ArraySize( g_aTeamkill );
	g_iFirstbloodSize = ArraySize( g_aFirstblood );
	g_iRoundstartSize = ArraySize( g_aRoundstart );
	g_iDoublekillSize = ArraySize( g_aDoublekill );
	g_iHattrickSize = ArraySize( g_aHattrick );
	g_iFlawlessSize = ArraySize( g_aFlawless );
	g_iRevengeSize = ArraySize( g_aRevenge );
	g_iKillstreakSoundsSize = ArraySize( g_aKillstreakSounds );
	new i, szSound[ 64 ];
	if( g_iHeadshot )
		for( i = 0; i < g_iHeadshotSize; i++ )
			ArrayGetString( g_aHeadshot, i, szSound, charsmax( szSound ) );
			precache_sound( szSound );

	if( g_iTeamkill )
		for( i = 0; i < g_iTeamkillSize; i++ )
			ArrayGetString( g_aTeamkill, i, szSound, charsmax( szSound ) );
			precache_sound( szSound );

	if( g_iFirstblood )
		for( i = 0; i < g_iFirstbloodSize; i++ )
			ArrayGetString( g_aFirstblood, i, szSound, charsmax( szSound ) );
			precache_sound( szSound );
	if( g_iRoundstart )
		for( i = 0; i < g_iRoundstartSize; i++ )
			ArrayGetString( g_aRoundstart, i, szSound, charsmax( szSound ) );
			precache_sound( szSound );
	if( g_iDoublekill )
		for( i = 0; i < g_iDoublekillSize; i++ )
			ArrayGetString( g_aDoublekill, i, szSound, charsmax( szSound ) );
			precache_sound( szSound );
	if( g_iHattrick )
		for( i = 0; i < g_iHattrickSize; i++ )
			ArrayGetString( g_aHattrick, i, szSound, charsmax( szSound ) );
			precache_sound( szSound );
	if( g_iFlawless )
		for( i = 0; i < g_iFlawlessSize; i++ )
			ArrayGetString( g_aFlawless, i, szSound, charsmax( szSound ) );
			precache_sound( szSound );
	if( g_iRevenge )
		for( i = 0; i < g_iRevengeSize; i++ )
			ArrayGetString( g_aRevenge, i, szSound, charsmax( szSound ) );
			precache_sound( szSound );
	if( g_iKillstreak )
		for( i = 0; i < g_iKillstreakSoundsSize; i++ )
			ArrayGetString( g_aKillstreakSounds, i, szSound, charsmax( szSound ) );
			precache_sound( szSound );

// Executed after the `plugin_precache` forward
public plugin_init( )
	register_plugin( "Quake Sounds", "4.0", "Hattrick" );
	register_cvar( "advanced_quake_sounds", "4.0", FCVAR_SERVER | FCVAR_EXTDLL | FCVAR_UNLOGGED | FCVAR_SPONLY );
	set_cvar_float( "advanced_quake_sounds", 4.0 );
	// Stop here if the plugin isn't enabled
	if( !g_iPluginEnabled )
	// This event for all games, I hooked it because I need to know if there's a headshot or not
	// read_data( 1 ) == KillerIndex;
	// read_data( 2 ) == VictimIndex;
	// read_data( 3 ) == Headshot;		( return 1 if there's a headshot, return 0 if there's not a headshot )
	// read_data( 4 ) == WeaponName;	( use as: read_data( 4, szWeaponName, charsmax( szWeaponName ) ) )
	register_event( "DeathMsg", "PlayerKilled", "a" );
	new szModName[ 32 ];
	get_modname( szModName, charsmax( szModName ) );
	if( equali( szModName, "cstrike" ) || equali( szModName, "czero" ) || equali( szModName, "csv15" ) || equali( szModName, "cs13" ) )
		// This logevents are only for Counter-Strike
		register_logevent( "RoundStart", 2, "1=Round_Start" );
		register_logevent( "RoundEnd", 2, "1=Round_End" );
	else if( equali( szModName, "dod" ) )
		// I think this is only for Day of Defeat (I can't make sure)
		register_event( "RoundState", "RoundStart", "a", "1=1" );
		register_event( "RoundState", "RoundEnd", "a", "1=3", "1=4" );
		// Disable the `Flawless` event
		g_iFlawless = 0;
		// If there's no roundstate events, disable the next features:
		g_iTeamkill = 0;
		g_iHattrick = 0;
		g_iFlawless = 0;
		g_iRoundstart = 0;
		g_iFirstblood = 0;
	// Hudmessage handlers
	g_hHudmessage = CreateHudSyncObj( );
	g_hHudmessage2 = CreateHudSyncObj( );
	g_hHudmessage3 = CreateHudSyncObj( );

// Executed after `plugin_init` forward
public plugin_cfg( )
	g_iHeadshotMessage = g_szHeadshot[ 0 ] ? 1 : 0;
	g_iTeamkillMessage = g_szTeamkill[ 0 ] ? 1 : 0;
	g_iFirstbloodMessage = g_szFirstblood[ 0 ] ? 1 : 0;
	g_iRoundstartMessage = g_szRoundstart[ 0 ] ? 1 : 0;
	g_iDoublekillMessage = g_szDoublekill[ 0 ] ? 1 : 0;
	g_iHattrickMessage = g_szHattrick[ 0 ] ? 1 : 0;
	g_iFlawlessMessage = g_szFlawless[ 0 ] ? 1 : 0;
	g_iRevengeMessage = g_szRevenge[ 0 ] ? 1 : 0;
	g_iRevenge2Message = g_szRevenge2[ 0 ] ? 1 : 0;

// Executed when client disconnect
public client_disconnect( iPlayer )
	g_iKills[ iPlayer ] = 0;
	g_iKillsForHattrick[ iPlayer ] = 0;
	g_szRevengeKillVariable[ iPlayer ] = "";
	g_szDoublekillVariable[ iPlayer ] = "";

// Executed when a player is killed
// This is not a forward. Is the `DeathMsg` event registered in `plugin_init`
public PlayerKilled( )
	static iKiller, iVictim, iHeadshot, szWeapon[ 24 ], szName[ 32 ], szVictimName[ 32 ], i, szReq[ 100 ], szSound[ 64 ], szMessage[ 256 ];
	iKiller = read_data( 1 );
	iVictim = read_data( 2 );
	g_iKills[ iVictim ] = 0;
	if( !iKiller )
	iHeadshot = read_data( 3 );
	read_data( 4, szWeapon, charsmax( szWeapon ) );
	get_user_name( iKiller, szName, charsmax( szName ) );
	get_user_name( iVictim, szVictimName, charsmax( szVictimName ) );
	if( g_iRandomRed )
		g_iRed = random_num( 0, 255 );
	if( g_iRandomGreen )
		g_iGreen = random_num( 0, 255 );
	if( g_iRandomBlue )
		g_iBlue = random_num( 0, 255 );
	set_hudmessage( g_iRed, g_iGreen, g_iBlue, -1.0, 0.24, 0, 6.0, 5.0 );
	g_iKills[ iKiller ]++;
	g_iKillsForHattrick[ iKiller ]++;
	g_szRevengeKillVariable[ iVictim ] = szName;
	if( iVictim == iKiller )
		if( g_iHattrick )
			g_iKillsForHattrick[ iVictim ]--;
		if( equal( szVictimName, g_szRevengeKillVariable[ iKiller ] ) && g_iRevenge )
			g_szRevengeKillVariable[ iKiller ] = "";
			if( g_iRevengeMessage )
				ShowSyncHudMsg( iKiller, g_hHudmessage2, g_szRevenge, szVictimName );
			if( g_iRevenge2Message && !g_iRevengeOnlyKiller )
				ShowSyncHudMsg( iVictim, g_hHudmessage2, g_szRevenge2, szName );
			client_cmd( iKiller, "spk ^"%a^"", ArrayGetStringHandle( g_aRevenge, random_num( 0, g_iRevengeSize - 1 ) ) );
			if( !g_iRevengeOnlyKiller )
				client_cmd( iVictim, "spk ^"%a^"", ArrayGetStringHandle( g_aRevenge, random_num( 0, g_iRevengeSize - 1 ) ) );
		if( iHeadshot && g_iHeadshot )
			if( g_iHeadshotMessage )
				ShowSyncHudMsg( 0, g_hHudmessage2, g_szHeadshot, szName, szVictimName );
			client_cmd( g_iHeadshotOnlyKiller ? iKiller : 0, "spk ^"%a^"", ArrayGetStringHandle( g_aHeadshot, random_num( 0, g_iHeadshotSize - 1 ) ) );
		if( g_iFirstbloodVariable == 1 && g_iFirstblood )
			if( g_iFirstbloodMessage )
				ShowSyncHudMsg( 0, g_hHudmessage2, g_szFirstblood, szName );
			client_cmd( 0, "spk ^"%a^"", ArrayGetStringHandle( g_aFirstblood, random_num( 0, g_iFirstbloodSize - 1 ) ) );
		if( get_user_team( iVictim ) == get_user_team( iKiller ) && g_iTeamkill )
			if( g_iTeamkillMessage )
				ShowSyncHudMsg( 0, g_hHudmessage2, g_szTeamkill, szName );
			client_cmd( 0, "spk ^"%a^"", ArrayGetStringHandle( g_aTeamkill, random_num( 0, g_iTeamkillSize - 1 ) ) );

		if( equal( g_szDoublekillVariable[ iKiller ], szWeapon ) && g_iDoublekill )
			if( g_iDoublekillMessage )
				ShowSyncHudMsg( 0, g_hHudmessage2, g_szDoublekill, szName, szVictimName );
			client_cmd( 0, "spk ^"%a^"", ArrayGetStringHandle( g_aDoublekill, random_num( 0, g_iDoublekillSize - 1 ) ) );
			g_szDoublekillVariable[ iKiller ] = "";
			g_szDoublekillVariable[ iKiller ] = szWeapon;
			set_task( 0.1, "Task_ClearKill", iKiller + 69113 );
		if( g_iKillstreak )
			for( i = 0; i < g_iKillstreakSoundsSize; i++ )
				ArrayGetString( g_aKillstreakRequiredKills, i, szReq, charsmax( szReq ) );
				if( g_iKills[ iKiller ] == str_to_num( szReq ) )
					ArrayGetString( g_aKillstreakMessages, i, szMessage, charsmax( szMessage ) );
					ArrayGetString( g_aKillstreakSounds, i, szSound, charsmax( szSound ) );
					Func_StreakDisplay( iKiller, szMessage, szSound );

public RoundStart( )
	if( g_iFirstblood )
		g_iFirstbloodVariable = 0;
	if( g_iRoundstart )
		if( g_iRandomRed )
			g_iRed = random_num( 0, 255 );
		if( g_iRandomGreen )
			g_iGreen = random_num( 0, 255 );
		if( g_iRandomBlue )
			g_iBlue = random_num( 0, 255 );
		set_hudmessage( g_iRed, g_iGreen, g_iBlue, -1.0, 0.27, 0, 6.0, 5.0 );
		if( g_iRoundstartMessage )
			ShowSyncHudMsg( 0, g_hHudmessage, g_szRoundstart );
		client_cmd( 0, "spk ^"%a^"", ArrayGetStringHandle( g_aRoundstart, random_num( 0, g_iRoundstartSize - 1 ) ) );
	if( g_iHattrick )
		static iPlayer;
		for( iPlayer = 1; iPlayer < 33; iPlayer++ )
			g_iKillsForHattrick[ iPlayer ] = 0;

public RoundEnd( )
	if( g_iHattrick )
		set_task( 2.8, "Task_Hattrick" );
	if( g_iFlawless )
		set_task( 1.2, "Task_Flawless" );

public Task_Hattrick( )
	static iPlayer, szName[ 32 ];
	iPlayer = Func_GetThisRoundLeader( );
	if( g_iRandomRed )
		g_iRed = random_num( 0, 255 );
	if( g_iRandomGreen )
		g_iGreen = random_num( 0, 255 );
	if( g_iRandomBlue )
		g_iBlue = random_num( 0, 255 );
	set_hudmessage( g_iRed, g_iGreen, g_iBlue, -1.0, 0.21, 0, 6.0, 5.0 );
	get_user_name( iPlayer, szName, charsmax( szName ) )
	if( g_iKillsForHattrick[ iPlayer ] >= g_iMinFragsForHattrick )
		if( g_iHattrickMessage )
			ShowSyncHudMsg( 0, g_hHudmessage3, g_szHattrick, szName );
		client_cmd( 0, "spk ^"%a^"", ArrayGetStringHandle( g_aHattrick, random_num( 0, g_iHattrickSize - 1 ) ) );

public Task_Flawless( )
	if( g_iRandomRed )
		g_iRed = random_num( 0, 255 );
	if( g_iRandomGreen )
		g_iGreen = random_num( 0, 255 );
	if( g_iRandomBlue )
		g_iBlue = random_num( 0, 255 );
	set_hudmessage( g_iRed, g_iGreen, g_iBlue, -1.0, 0.21, 0, 6.0, 5.0 );
	if( Func_GetCounterTerrorists( ) == Func_GetDeadCounterTerrorists( ) && Func_GetTerrorists( ) == Func_GetAliveTerrorists( ) )
		if( g_iFlawlessMessage )
			ShowSyncHudMsg( 0, g_hHudmessage3, g_szFlawless, "TERRORIST" );
		client_cmd( 0, "spk ^"%a^"", ArrayGetStringHandle( g_aFlawless, random_num( 0, g_iFlawlessSize - 1 ) ) );
	else if( Func_GetTerrorists( ) == Func_GetDeadTerrorists( ) && Func_GetCounterTerrorists( ) == Func_GetAliveCounterTerrorists( ) )
		if( g_iFlawlessMessage )
			ShowSyncHudMsg( 0, g_hHudmessage3, g_szFlawless, "COUNTER-TERRORIST" );
		client_cmd( 0, "spk ^"%a^"", ArrayGetStringHandle( g_aFlawless, random_num( 0, g_iFlawlessSize - 1 ) ) );

public Task_ClearKill( iTask )
	g_szDoublekillVariable[ iTask - 69113 ] = "";

Func_LoadCustomizationsFromFile( )
	new szConfigsDir[ 64 ], szFileName[ 128 ], szLineData[ 360 ], szKey[ 64 ], szValue[ 256 ], hFile, szNum[ 100 ], szType[ 32 ], \
		szMessage[ 256 ], szDummy[ 2 ], szReq[ 100 ], szSound[ 64 ];
	get_localinfo( "amxx_configsdir", szConfigsDir, charsmax( szConfigsDir ) );
	format( szFileName, charsmax( szFileName ), "%s/quakesounds.ini", szConfigsDir );
	hFile = fopen( szFileName, "rt" );
	while( hFile && !feof( hFile ) )
		fgets( hFile, szLineData, charsmax( szLineData ) );
		replace( szLineData, charsmax( szLineData), "^n", "" );
		if( !szLineData[ 0 ] || szLineData[ 0 ] == ';' )
		strtok( szLineData, szKey, charsmax( szKey ), szValue, charsmax( szValue ), '=' );
		trim( szKey );
		trim( szValue );
		if( equal( szKey, "ENABLE/DISABLE PLUGIN" ) )
			g_iPluginEnabled = str_to_num( szValue );
		else if( equal( szKey, "HEADSHOT ONLY KILLER" ) )
			g_iHeadshotOnlyKiller = str_to_num( szValue );
		else if( equal( szKey, "MIN FRAGS FOR HATTRICK" ) )
			g_iMinFragsForHattrick = str_to_num( szValue );
		else if( equal( szKey, "REVENGE ONLY FOR KILLER" ) )
			g_iRevengeOnlyKiller = str_to_num( szValue );
		else if( equal( szKey, "HUDMSG RED" ) )
			if( equal( szValue, "_" ) )
				g_iRandomRed = 1;
				g_iRed = str_to_num( szValue );
		else if( equal( szKey, "HUDMSG GREEN" ) )
			if( equal( szValue, "_" ) )
				g_iRandomGreen = 1;
				g_iGreen = str_to_num( szValue );
		else if( equal( szKey, "HUDMSG BLUE" ) )
			if( equal( szValue, "_" ) )
				g_iRandomBlue = 1;
				g_iBlue = str_to_num( szValue );
		else if( equal( szKey, "SOUND" ) )
			parse( szValue, szNum, charsmax( szNum ), szType, charsmax( szType ) );
			if( equal( szType, "REQUIREDKILLS" ) )
				parse( szValue, szNum, charsmax( szNum ), szType, charsmax( szType ), szReq, charsmax( szReq ), \
					szDummy, charsmax( szDummy ), szSound, charsmax( szSound ) );
				ArrayPushString( g_aKillstreakSounds, szSound );
				ArrayPushString( g_aKillstreakRequiredKills, szReq );
			else if( equal( szType, "MESSAGE" ) ) {
				strtok( szValue, szType, charsmax( szType ), szMessage, charsmax( szMessage ), '@' );
				trim( szType );
				trim( szMessage );
				ArrayPushString( g_aKillstreakMessages, szMessage );
		else if( equal( szKey, "KILLSTREAK EVENT" ) )
			g_iKillstreak = str_to_num( szValue );
		else if( equal( szKey, "REVENGE EVENT" ) )
			g_iRevenge = str_to_num( szValue );
		else if( equal( szKey, "HEADSHOT EVENT" ) )
			g_iHeadshot = str_to_num( szValue );

		else if( equal( szKey, "TEAMKILL EVENT" ) )
			g_iTeamkill = str_to_num( szValue );

		else if( equal( szKey, "FIRSTBLOOD EVENT" ) )
			g_iFirstblood = str_to_num( szValue );
		else if( equal( szKey, "ROUNDSTART EVENT" ) )
			g_iRoundstart = str_to_num( szValue );
		else if( equal( szKey, "DOUBLEKILL EVENT" ) )
			g_iDoublekill = str_to_num( szValue );
		else if( equal( szKey, "HATTRICK EVENT" ) )
			g_iHattrick = str_to_num( szValue );
		else if( equal( szKey, "FLAWLESS VICTORY" ) )
			g_iFlawless = str_to_num( szValue );
		else if( equal( szKey, "HEADSHOT SOUNDS" ) )
			while( szValue[ 0 ] != 0 && strtok( szValue, szKey, charsmax( szKey ), szValue, charsmax( szValue ), ',' ) )
				trim( szKey );
				trim( szValue );
				ArrayPushString( g_aHeadshot, szKey );
		else if( equal( szKey, "REVENGE SOUNDS" ) )
			while( szValue[ 0 ] != 0 && strtok( szValue, szKey, charsmax( szKey ), szValue, charsmax( szValue ), ',' ) )
				trim( szKey );
				trim( szValue );
				ArrayPushString( g_aRevenge, szKey );

		else if( equal( szKey, "TEAMKILL SOUNDS" ) )
			while( szValue[ 0 ] != 0 && strtok( szValue, szKey, charsmax( szKey ), szValue, charsmax( szValue ), ',' ) )
				trim( szKey );
				trim( szValue );
				ArrayPushString( g_aTeamkill, szKey );

		else if( equal( szKey, "FIRSTBLOOD SOUNDS" ) )
			while( szValue[ 0 ] != 0 && strtok( szValue, szKey, charsmax( szKey ), szValue, charsmax( szValue ), ',' ) )
				trim( szKey );
				trim( szValue );
				ArrayPushString( g_aFirstblood, szKey );
		else if( equal( szKey, "ROUNDSTART SOUNDS" ) )
			while( szValue[ 0 ] != 0 && strtok( szValue, szKey, charsmax( szKey ), szValue, charsmax( szValue ), ',' ) )
				trim( szKey );
				trim( szValue );
				ArrayPushString( g_aRoundstart, szKey );
		else if( equal( szKey, "DOUBLEKILL SOUNDS" ) )
			while( szValue[ 0 ] != 0 && strtok( szValue, szKey, charsmax( szKey ), szValue, charsmax( szValue ), ',' ) )
				trim( szKey );
				trim( szValue );
				ArrayPushString( g_aDoublekill, szKey );
		else if( equal( szKey, "HATTRICK SOUNDS" ) )
			while( szValue[ 0 ] != 0 && strtok( szValue, szKey, charsmax( szKey ), szValue, charsmax( szValue ), ',' ) )
				trim( szKey );
				trim( szValue );
				ArrayPushString( g_aHattrick, szKey );
		else if( equal( szKey, "FLAWLESS SOUNDS" ) )
			while( szValue[ 0 ] != 0 && strtok( szValue, szKey, charsmax( szKey ), szValue, charsmax( szValue ), ',' ) )
				trim( szKey );
				trim( szValue );
				ArrayPushString( g_aFlawless, szKey );
		else if( equal( szKey, "HEADSHOT HUDMSG" ) )
			g_szHeadshot = szValue;

		else if( equal( szKey, "TEAMKILL HUDMSG" ) )
			g_szTeamkill = szValue;

		else if( equal( szKey, "FIRSTBLOOD HUDMSG" ) )
			g_szFirstblood = szValue;
		else if( equal( szKey, "ROUNDSTART HUDMSG" ) )
			g_szRoundstart = szValue;
		else if( equal( szKey, "DOUBLEKILL HUDMSG" ) )
			g_szDoublekill = szValue;
		else if( equal( szKey, "HATTRICK HUDMSG" ) )
			g_szHattrick = szValue;
		else if( equal( szKey, "FLAWLESS VICTORY HUDMSG" ) )
			g_szFlawless = szValue;
		else if( equal( szKey, "REVENGE KILLER MESSAGE" ) )
			g_szRevenge = szValue;
		else if( equal( szKey, "REVENGE VICTIM MESSAGE" ) )
			g_szRevenge2 = szValue;
		else if( equal( szKey, "TERRO TEAM NAME" ) )
			g_szTEName = szValue;
		else if( equal( szKey, "CT TEAM NAME" ) )
			g_szCTName = szValue;
	if( hFile )
		fclose( hFile );

Func_StreakDisplay( iKiller, szMessage[ ], szSound[ ] )
	static szName[ 32 ];
	get_user_name( iKiller, szName, charsmax( szName ) );
	if( g_iRandomRed )
		g_iRed = random_num( 0, 255 );
	if( g_iRandomGreen )
		g_iGreen = random_num( 0, 255 );
	if( g_iRandomBlue )
		g_iBlue = random_num( 0, 255 );
	set_hudmessage( g_iRed, g_iGreen, g_iBlue, -1.0, 0.27, 0, 6.0, 5.0 );
	ShowSyncHudMsg( 0, g_hHudmessage, szMessage, szName );
	client_cmd( 0, "spk ^"%s^"", szSound )

Func_GetCounterTerrorists( )
	static iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum;
	get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "e", "CT" );
	return iNum;

Func_GetDeadCounterTerrorists( )
	static iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum;
	get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "be", "CT" );
	return iNum;

Func_GetAliveCounterTerrorists( )
	static iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum;
	get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "ae", "CT" );
	return iNum;

Func_GetTerrorists( )
	static iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum;
	get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "e", "TERRORIST" );
	return iNum;

Func_GetDeadTerrorists( )
	static iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum;
	get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "be", "TERRORIST" );
	return iNum;

Func_GetAliveTerrorists( )
	static iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum;
	get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "ae", "TERRORIST" );
	return iNum;

Func_GetThisRoundLeader( )
	static iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum, i, iPlayer, iLeader, iFrags, iMax;
	get_players( iPlayers, iNum );
	iMax = 0;
	for( i = 0; i < iNum; i++ )
		iPlayer = iPlayers[ i ];
		iFrags = g_iKillsForHattrick[ iPlayer ];
		if( iFrags > iMax )
			iMax = iFrags;
			iLeader = iPlayer;
	return iLeader;
Am scos sunetele:
-cand omori pe cineva cu lama
-cand te sinucizi
-cand te ia cineva cu grenada sau chiar tu cand te sinucizi cu grenada pentru ca Erau ENERVANTE !!

Va rog sa va uitati peste sursa mea si sa imi spuneti daca le-am eliminat corect pe toate.
Membru eXtream
Membru eXtream
Posts: 2552
Joined: 16 May 2009, 11:37
Detinator Steam: Nu
CS Status: Vine criza!
Reputatie: Fost moderator
Has thanked: 322 times
Been thanked: 141 times

24 Jul 2012, 21:16

Da sunt elimitate corect , l-a copilat nu mi-a dat nici o eroare !
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