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19 Oct 2014, 22:47

Legenda halloweenului spune ca pe data de 31 octombrie granitele dintre lumea celor vii si celor morti se vor uni, iar morti vor reveni la viata creand boli si stricand recoltele.
In mijlocul padurii, intr-un loc ascuns de civizilatie se afla o casa bantuita de un batran care murise intr-un accident de masina. In fiecare noapte de halloween sufletul sau reinvie pentru a se razbuna pe oameni neatenti. Auzind aceasta legenda un grup de copii neastamparati au incercat sa afle ce s-a intamplat cu adevarat.
Pe drupmul parasit care ducea spre casa bantuita, un mosneag le iese copiilor in cale si incearca sa ii previna pe copii ca nu este bine sa umble prin padure in noptile de halloween
[-]Voi copii natangi unde vreti sa va duceti?
[-]Mergem la casa bantuita si o sa incercam sa inoptam acolo, sa vedem daca este sau nu adevarata sau nu legenda.
[-]Nu va duceti! Nu va duceti! Eu v-am avertizat.
Fiind seara  si copii find obositi s-au pus in pat cu gandul sa se odihneasca si sa astepte fantoma. Paturile se ridicasera iar copii cazusera prin podea ajungand la subsol. Copii fiind legati de catre mos, au inceput sa se roage de el sa le dea drumul.
[-]Da-ne drumul, nu am facut nimic! Vroiam doar sa vedem ce mister ascunde casa ta.
Mosul nervos, nu s-a lasat indurat de cuvinetele amagitoare ale copiilor si a luat unul dintre copii amenintandu-i ca daca mai marg odata dupa el o sa ii omoare.

Cine imi poate traduce si mie acest text in engleza? pe gogle translate si pe bing nu se traduce bine.
Multumesc mult! Anticipat dau o bere.
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19 Oct 2014, 23:18

| Afiseaza codul
Halloween Legend says that on October 31, the boundaries between the world of the living and the dead will be united, and the dead will return to life creating and disrupting crop diseases.
In the woods, in a place hidden civizilatie is a haunted house of an old man who died in a car accident. Every Halloween night soul revenge revive the people distracted. Hearing this legend a group of naughty children trying to find out what really happened.
On drupmul left leading to the haunted house, an old man comes out of their children in the way and try to prevent the children that it is okay to walk through the woods nights of halloween
[-] You kids fool where you want to go?
[-] Go to the haunted house and try to inopta there, to see whether or not or not true legend.
[-] Do not go! Do not go! I have warned you.
Being tired tonight and children were being put to bed with the thought to rest and wait for the ghost. The beds had risen to heights and reaching children had fallen through the floor in the basement. Children are bound by mos, they began to pray him to give way.
[-] Let us go, we have not done anything! I just wanted to see what mystery hiding your home.
Mosul nervous, not left Cuvinetele endured deceptive children and took one of the children threatening them that if you marg once after he kill them.
nu stiu daca e bine..(nu e dp GT sau bing, dar nici eu nu am tradus :)) )
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