[official topic] let's talk in english

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20 Jul 2016, 17:19

NateMachpash wrote: blah,blah,blah..I am better than you because I already know that I am better than everyone else here in English speaking, writing, or any kind of English stuff.
And guess what ? I am the one who also speaks at an advance level Spanish, Portuguese, and many other languages.
Cuss less, be smart.
Noooo shit, u don't say, this is cringe af. Self-proclaimed 'smart'? Who the fuck are u?
Then why u responding to my shit? 'cuz u like that.
U're not the only one who understands other languages, oooh sorry, u're referring to the tongue that got stuck in u'r mom's vagina. U've paid rent in Virginia, from sucking dick in Germany? Oyy, don't answear, I already know the fucking answer, and u too.
Bye pussy, one day, u'll find a dick to wet that waterless brain of your's, the ideas don't flow, they drawn, like the black dick that u should have.
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20 Jul 2016, 17:37

CRISZLY wrote:
NateMachpash wrote: blah,blah,blah..I am better than you because I already know that I am better than everyone else here in English speaking, writing, or any kind of English stuff.
And guess what ? I am the one who also speaks at an advance level Spanish, Portuguese, and many other languages.
Cuss less, be smart.
Noooo shit, u don't say, this is cringe af. Self-proclaimed 'smart'? Who the fuck are u?
Then why u responding to my shit? 'cuz u like that.
U're not the only one who understands other languages, oooh sorry, u're referring to the tongue that got stuck in u'r mom's vagina. U've paid rent in Virginia, from sucking dick in Germany? Oyy, don't answear, I already know the fucking answer, and u too.
Bye pussy, one day, u'll find a dick to wet that waterless brain of your's, the ideas don't flow, they drawn, like the black dick that u should have.
Don't listen to him. He is the worst english speaker. :)))
But , if you want to prove that you know english very well , you must translate this romanian sentence in english:


Aceasta este o propoziție fara sens.

Ps: Sigur nu stie sa traduca :))
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20 Jul 2016, 18:18

i don't know english, uat iz the problem?
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20 Jul 2016, 18:24

THEZINK wrote:
CRISZLY wrote:
NateMachpash wrote: blah,blah,blah..I am better than you because I already know that I am better than everyone else here in English speaking, writing, or any kind of English stuff.
And guess what ? I am the one who also speaks at an advance level Spanish, Portuguese, and many other languages.
Cuss less, be smart.
Noooo shit, u don't say, this is cringe af. Self-proclaimed 'smart'? Who the fuck are u?
Then why u responding to my shit? 'cuz u like that.
U're not the only one who understands other languages, oooh sorry, u're referring to the tongue that got stuck in u'r mom's vagina. U've paid rent in Virginia, from sucking dick in Germany? Oyy, don't answear, I already know the fucking answer, and u too.
Bye pussy, one day, u'll find a dick to wet that waterless brain of your's, the ideas don't flow, they drawn, like the black dick that u should have.
Don't listen to him. He is the worst english speaker. :)))
But , if you want to prove that you know english very well , you must translate this romanian sentence in english:


Aceasta este o propoziție fara sens.

Ps: Sigur nu stie sa traduca :))
''this is a sentence with no sense'' that has to do with a kid's sentences who's grammar sucks and he still insult like an immature person but I won't go on with the story as long as you already know who I am talking about.
''It's easy to ''swear'', but it's hard to know what you truly say.
Peace out.
Membru eXtream
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20 Jul 2016, 18:27

NateMachpash wrote:
THEZINK wrote:
CRISZLY wrote: Noooo shit, u don't say, this is cringe af. Self-proclaimed 'smart'? Who the fuck are u?
Then why u responding to my shit? 'cuz u like that.
U're not the only one who understands other languages, oooh sorry, u're referring to the tongue that got stuck in u'r mom's vagina. U've paid rent in Virginia, from sucking dick in Germany? Oyy, don't answear, I already know the fucking answer, and u too.
Bye pussy, one day, u'll find a dick to wet that waterless brain of your's, the ideas don't flow, they drawn, like the black dick that u should have.
Don't listen to him. He is the worst english speaker. :)))
But , if you want to prove that you know english very well , you must translate this romanian sentence in english:


Aceasta este o propoziție fara sens.

Ps: Sigur nu stie sa traduca :))
''this is a sentence with no sense'' that has to do with a kid's sentences who's grammar sucks and he still insult like an immature person but I won't go on with the story as long as you already know who I am talking about.
''It's easy to ''swear'', but it's hard to know what you truly say.
Peace out.
I'm ironic, I don't swear. U don't understand, because u're "immature". :middle_finger_tone2:
I'm 19: shoes,dick and age.
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20 Jul 2016, 18:45

NateMachpash wrote:
THEZINK wrote:
CRISZLY wrote: Noooo shit, u don't say, this is cringe af. Self-proclaimed 'smart'? Who the fuck are u?
Then why u responding to my shit? 'cuz u like that.
U're not the only one who understands other languages, oooh sorry, u're referring to the tongue that got stuck in u'r mom's vagina. U've paid rent in Virginia, from sucking dick in Germany? Oyy, don't answear, I already know the fucking answer, and u too.
Bye pussy, one day, u'll find a dick to wet that waterless brain of your's, the ideas don't flow, they drawn, like the black dick that u should have.
Don't listen to him. He is the worst english speaker. :)))
But , if you want to prove that you know english very well , you must translate this romanian sentence in english:


Aceasta este o propoziție fara sens.

Ps: Sigur nu stie sa traduca :))
''this is a sentence with no sense'' that has to do with a kid's sentences who's grammar sucks and he still insult like an immature person but I won't go on with the story as long as you already know who I am talking about.
''It's easy to ''swear'', but it's hard to know what you truly say.
Peace out.
Damn! He's more advanced than I anticipated. :))
( this is a joke )
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20 Jul 2016, 23:15

THEZINK wrote:
NateMachpash wrote:
THEZINK wrote:
Don't listen to him. He is the worst english speaker. :)))
But , if you want to prove that you know english very well , you must translate this romanian sentence in english:


Aceasta este o propoziție fara sens.

Ps: Sigur nu stie sa traduca :))
''this is a sentence with no sense'' that has to do with a kid's sentences who's grammar sucks and he still insult like an immature person but I won't go on with the story as long as you already know who I am talking about.
''It's easy to ''swear'', but it's hard to know what you truly say.
Peace out.
Damn! He's more advanced than I anticipated. :))
( this is a joke )
Should I laugh or is that even a joke ?
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21 Jul 2016, 01:47

NateMachpash wrote:
THEZINK wrote:
CRISZLY wrote: Noooo shit, u don't say, this is cringe af. Self-proclaimed 'smart'? Who the fuck are u?
Then why u responding to my shit? 'cuz u like that.
U're not the only one who understands other languages, oooh sorry, u're referring to the tongue that got stuck in u'r mom's vagina. U've paid rent in Virginia, from sucking dick in Germany? Oyy, don't answear, I already know the fucking answer, and u too.
Bye pussy, one day, u'll find a dick to wet that waterless brain of your's, the ideas don't flow, they drawn, like the black dick that u should have.
Don't listen to him. He is the worst english speaker. :)))
But , if you want to prove that you know english very well , you must translate this romanian sentence in english:


Aceasta este o propoziție fara sens.

Ps: Sigur nu stie sa traduca :))
''this is a sentence with no sense'' that has to do with a kid's sentences who's grammar sucks and he still insult like an immature person but I won't go on with the story as long as you already know who I am talking about.
''It's easy to ''swear'', but it's hard to know what you truly say.
Peace out.
Stand your ground or flee - the choice is yours. You are only delaying the inevitable, for the carrion crows shall feast regardless.
Membru eXtream
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21 Jul 2016, 08:25

Littlepac1337 wrote:
NateMachpash wrote:
THEZINK wrote:
Don't listen to him. He is the worst english speaker. :)))
But , if you want to prove that you know english very well , you must translate this romanian sentence in english:


Aceasta este o propoziție fara sens.

Ps: Sigur nu stie sa traduca :))
''this is a sentence with no sense'' that has to do with a kid's sentences who's grammar sucks and he still insult like an immature person but I won't go on with the story as long as you already know who I am talking about.
''It's easy to ''swear'', but it's hard to know what you truly say.
Peace out.
Yup, pac mate u're right.
"This is a sentence with no sense". What the fuck is that?
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21 Jul 2016, 11:10

CRISZLY wrote:
Littlepac1337 wrote:
NateMachpash wrote: ''this is a sentence with no sense'' that has to do with a kid's sentences who's grammar sucks and he still insult like an immature person but I won't go on with the story as long as you already know who I am talking about.
''It's easy to ''swear'', but it's hard to know what you truly say.
Peace out.
Yup, pac mate u're right.
"This is a sentence with no sense". What the fuck is that?
"The non-sense got his sense." :)))
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22 Jul 2016, 14:54

this is some /b/ level cringe
"e inundatie in cartier si tu dormi mancamiai pl de roman"
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22 Jul 2016, 20:51

What the hell is this topic ?
What I only see is how people insult each other .
It should be a topic where you have a conversation with members from this community , but it seems like it turned in something else xD.
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