[CSGO] Say Transfer v1.0

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SteamID: /id/tre3fla_xxx
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04 Dec 2016, 15:12

Am revenit cu un nou plugin proaspat scos din Pawn Studio, scris de 10 minute. Am gasit niste addonsuri vechi de 1.6 pe un site de cloud si in unul din ele era un plugin similar asa ca am scris unul si pentru CSGO. Sper sa va fie de folos :)

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SayTransfer.sp | Afiseaza codul
/* Plugin Template generated by Pawn Studio */

#include <sourcemod>
#include <cstrike>
#include <csgocolors>
#include <sdktools>

new Handle: Cooldown
new Handle: TeamMax
new Handle: MaxSpecs

new iRoundsPassed[ MAXPLAYERS+1 ]
bool: CanTransfer[ MAXPLAYERS+1 ]

public Plugin:myinfo = {
	name = "Say Transfer",
	author = "tre3fla",
	description = "Trasfer catre alta echipa in chat",
	version = "1.0",
	url = "http://extreamcs.com/forum"

public OnPluginStart( ) {
	Cooldown = CreateConVar( "sm_transfer_cooldown", "2", "La cate runde se poate transfera un jucator" )
	TeamMax = CreateConVar( "sm_transfer_max_players", "12", "Numarul maxim de jucator permis intr-o echipa" )
	MaxSpecs = CreateConVar( "sm_transfer_max_specs", "5", "Numarul maxim de spectatori permisi" )
	RegConsoleCmd( "t", Transfer_Tero )
	RegConsoleCmd( "ct", Transfer_CT )
	RegConsoleCmd( "spec", Transfer_Spec )
	HookEvent( "round_start", Event_RoundStart, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy )
	HookEvent( "round_end", Event_RoundEnd, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy )

public OnClientPutInServer( client ) {
	if( !IsFakeClient( client ) && GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) > 0 ) {
		CanTransfer[ client ] = false
		iRoundsPassed[ client ] = 0

public OnClientDisconnect( client ) {
	if( !IsFakeClient( client ) && GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) > 0 ) {
		CanTransfer[ client ] = false
		iRoundsPassed[ client ] = 0

public void Event_RoundStart( Event ev, const char[ ] name, bool dontBroadcast ) {
	for( new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++ ) { 
		if( IsClientInGame( i ) && !IsFakeClient( i ) ) { 
			if( !CanTransfer[ i ] && GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) > 0 ) {
				iRoundsPassed[ i ] ++
				if( iRoundsPassed[ i ] >= GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) ) {
					CanTransfer[ i ] = true
					iRoundsPassed[ i ] = 0

public void Event_RoundEnd( Handle event, const char[ ] name, bool dontBroadcast ) {
	for( new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++ ) { 
		if( IsClientInGame( i ) && !IsFakeClient( i ) && !CanTransfer[ i ] && GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) > 0 && iRoundsPassed[ i ] >= GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) ) { 
			CanTransfer[ i ] = true
			iRoundsPassed[ i ] = 0
			PrintToChat( i, "{GREEN}Acum poti schimba echipa ! ! !" )

public Action: Transfer_Tero( client, args ) {
	if( !CanTransfer[ client ] && GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) > 0 && GetClientTeam( client ) != CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
		CPrintToChat( client, "{GREEN}[Transfer]{NORMAL} Te-ai alaturat recent unei echipe. Poti schimba echipa odata la{RED} %d runde", GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) )
		return Plugin_Handled
	if( GetClientTeam( client ) == CS_TEAM_T ) {
		CPrintToChat( client, "{GREEN}[Transfer]{NORMAL} Esti deja\x09 terorist !" )
		return Plugin_Handled
	int iNum
	for( new i = 1; i < MaxClients; i++ ) {
		if( IsClientInGame( i ) && GetClientTeam( i ) == CS_TEAM_T ) {
	if( iNum > GetConVarInt( TeamMax ) ) {
		CPrintToChat( client, "{GREEN}[Transfer]{NORMAL} Nu te poti transfera ! Sunt deja prea multi\x09 Teroristi !" )
		return Plugin_Handled
	CS_SwitchTeam( client, CS_TEAM_T )
	if( GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) > 0 ) {
		CanTransfer[ client ] = false
	if( IsPlayerAlive( client ) ) {
		ForcePlayerSuicide( client )
	CPrintToChat( client, "{GREEN}[Transfer]{NORMAL} Ai fost transferat la echipa\x09 Terrorists !" )
	return Plugin_Handled

public Action: Transfer_CT( client, args ) {
	if( !CanTransfer[ client ] && GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) > 0 && GetClientTeam( client ) != CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
		CPrintToChat( client, "{GREEN}[Transfer]{NORMAL} Te-ai alaturat recent unei echipe. Poti schimba echipa odata la{RED} %d runde", GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) )
		return Plugin_Handled
	if( GetClientTeam( client ) == CS_TEAM_CT ) {
		CPrintToChat( client, "{GREEN}[Transfer]{NORMAL} Esti deja\x09 Counter-Terorist !" )
		return Plugin_Handled
	int iNum
	for( new i = 1; i < MaxClients; i++ ) {
		if( IsClientInGame( i ) && GetClientTeam( i ) == CS_TEAM_CT ) {
	if( iNum > GetConVarInt( MaxSpecs ) ) {
		CPrintToChat( client, "{GREEN}[Transfer]{NORMAL} Nu te poti transfera ! Sunt deja prea multi{BLUE} Counter-Teroristi !" )
		return Plugin_Handled
	CS_SwitchTeam( client, CS_TEAM_CT )
	if( GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) > 0 ) {
		CanTransfer[ client ] = false
	if( IsPlayerAlive( client ) ) {
		ForcePlayerSuicide( client )
	CPrintToChat( client, "{GREEN}[Transfer]{NORMAL} Ai fost transferat la echipa\x09 Counter-Terrorists !" )
	return Plugin_Handled

public Action: Transfer_Spec( client, args ) {
	if( !CanTransfer[ client ] && GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) > 0 ) {
		CPrintToChat( client, "{GREEN}[Transfer]{NORMAL} Te-ai alaturat recent unei echipe. Poti schimba echipa odata la{RED} %d runde", GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) )
		return Plugin_Handled
	if( GetClientTeam( client ) == CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
		CPrintToChat( client, "{GREEN}[Transfer]{NORMAL} Esti deja\x09 Spectator !" )
		return Plugin_Handled
	int iNum
	for( new i = 1; i < MaxClients; i++ ) {
		if( IsClientInGame( i ) && GetClientTeam( i ) == CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
	if( iNum > GetConVarInt( TeamMax ) ) {
		CPrintToChat( client, "{GREEN}[Transfer]{NORMAL} Nu te poti transfera ! Sunt deja prea multi{GRAY} spectatori !" )
		return Plugin_Handled
	ChangeClientTeam( client, CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR )
	if( GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) > 0 ) {
		CanTransfer[ client ] = false
	if( IsPlayerAlive( client ) ) {
		ForcePlayerSuicide( client )
	CPrintToChat( client, "{GREEN}[Transfer]{NORMAL} Ai fost transferat la{GRAY} Spectators !" )
	return Plugin_Handled
Nume: Say Transfer
Autor: tre3fla
Versiune: v1.0

Cu ajutorul acestui plugin jucatorii se pot transfera la alta echipa folosind cateva comenzi simple in chat.

  • say /t - Transfera jucatorul la echipa Tero
  • say /ct - Transfera jucatorul la echipa CT
  • say /spec - Transfera jucatorul la Spectatori
Cvar-uri (se adauga in server.cfg)
  • sm_transfer_cooldown - Odata la cate runde isi poate schimba jucatorul echipa (default: 2 | 0 dezactiveaza cooldown )
  • sm_transfer_max_players - Numarul maxim de jucatori permisi intr-o echipa (valabil doar pentru T&CT) (default: 12)
  • sm_transfer_max_specs - Numarul maxim de spectatori permisi (default: 5)
  • Nu sunt momentan, daca cineva foloseste acest plugin si vrea sa lase cateva screenuri sunt binevenite !
1. Fisierul SayTransfer.sp se adauga in addons/sourcemod/scripting
2. Fisierul SayTransfer.smx se adauga in addons/sourcemod/plugins
3. Fisierul csgocolors.inc se adauga in addons/sourcemod/scripting/include

Extra Info:
  • Jucatorii care sunt spectatori pot reveni oricand la joc.
  • Atunci cand te connectezi si alegi echipa din meniu primesti automat cooldown (daca este activ cooldown-ul)
  • Acest plugin nu blocheaza si mutarile din Team Menu, doar cele care sunt facute din comenzile in chat (t/ct/spec), deci jucatorii tot isi pot schimba echipa din Team Menu
Nu ofer modificari private prin PM, orice modificare se ofera in topic.
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20 Dec 2016, 01:23

Sefane nu ai colorat pluginul cum trebuia.
Pluginul colorat de tine
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Pluginul colorat de mine
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Poftim si sursa
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/* Plugin Template generated by Pawn Studio */

#include <sourcemod>
#include <cstrike>
#include <csgocolors>
#include <sdktools>

new Handle: Cooldown
new Handle: TeamMax
new Handle: MaxSpecs

new iRoundsPassed[ MAXPLAYERS+1 ]
bool: CanTransfer[ MAXPLAYERS+1 ]

public Plugin:myinfo = {
	name = "Say Transfer",
	author = "tre3fla",
	description = "Trasfer catre alta echipa in chat",
	version = "1.0",
	url = "http://extreamcs.com/forum"

public OnPluginStart( ) {
	Cooldown = CreateConVar( "sm_transfer_cooldown", "2", "La cate runde se poate transfera un jucator" )
	TeamMax = CreateConVar( "sm_transfer_max_players", "12", "Numarul maxim de jucator permis intr-o echipa" )
	MaxSpecs = CreateConVar( "sm_transfer_max_specs", "5", "Numarul maxim de spectatori permisi" )
	RegConsoleCmd( "t", Transfer_Tero )
	RegConsoleCmd( "ct", Transfer_CT )
	RegConsoleCmd( "spec", Transfer_Spec )
	HookEvent( "round_start", Event_RoundStart, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy )
	HookEvent( "round_end", Event_RoundEnd, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy )

public OnClientPutInServer( client ) {
	if( !IsFakeClient( client ) && GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) > 0 ) {
		CanTransfer[ client ] = false
		iRoundsPassed[ client ] = 0

public OnClientDisconnect( client ) {
	if( !IsFakeClient( client ) && GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) > 0 ) {
		CanTransfer[ client ] = false
		iRoundsPassed[ client ] = 0

public void Event_RoundStart( Event ev, const char[ ] name, bool dontBroadcast ) {
	for( new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++ ) { 
		if( IsClientInGame( i ) && !IsFakeClient( i ) ) { 
			if( !CanTransfer[ i ] && GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) > 0 ) {
				iRoundsPassed[ i ] ++
				if( iRoundsPassed[ i ] >= GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) ) {
					CanTransfer[ i ] = true
					iRoundsPassed[ i ] = 0

public void Event_RoundEnd( Handle event, const char[ ] name, bool dontBroadcast ) {
	for( new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++ ) { 
		if( IsClientInGame( i ) && !IsFakeClient( i ) && !CanTransfer[ i ] && GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) > 0 && iRoundsPassed[ i ] >= GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) ) { 
			CanTransfer[ i ] = true
			iRoundsPassed[ i ] = 0
			PrintToChat( i, "\x04Acum poti schimba echipa ! ! !" )

public Action: Transfer_Tero( client, args ) {
	if( !CanTransfer[ client ] && GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) > 0 && GetClientTeam( client ) != CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
		CPrintToChat( client, "\x04[Transfer]\x01 Te-ai alaturat recent unei echipe. Poti schimba echipa odata la\x02 %d \x01runde", GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) )
		return Plugin_Handled
	if( GetClientTeam( client ) == CS_TEAM_T ) {
		CPrintToChat( client, "\x04[Transfer]\x01 Esti deja\x02 terorist !" )
		return Plugin_Handled
	int iNum
	for( new i = 1; i < MaxClients; i++ ) {
		if( IsClientInGame( i ) && GetClientTeam( i ) == CS_TEAM_T ) {
	if( iNum > GetConVarInt( TeamMax ) ) {
		CPrintToChat( client, "\x04[Transfer]\x01 Nu te poti transfera ! Sunt deja prea multi\x02 Teroristi !" )
		return Plugin_Handled
	CS_SwitchTeam( client, CS_TEAM_T )
	if( GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) > 0 ) {
		CanTransfer[ client ] = false
	if( IsPlayerAlive( client ) ) {
		ForcePlayerSuicide( client )
	CPrintToChat( client, "\x04[Transfer]\x01 Ai fost transferat la echipa\x02 Terrorists !" )
	return Plugin_Handled

public Action: Transfer_CT( client, args ) {
	if( !CanTransfer[ client ] && GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) > 0 && GetClientTeam( client ) != CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
		CPrintToChat( client, "\x04[Transfer]\x01 Te-ai alaturat recent unei echipe. Poti schimba echipa odata la\x02 %d \x01runde", GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) )
		return Plugin_Handled
	if( GetClientTeam( client ) == CS_TEAM_CT ) {
		CPrintToChat( client, "\x04[Transfer]\x01 Esti deja\x02 Counter-Terorist !" )
		return Plugin_Handled
	int iNum
	for( new i = 1; i < MaxClients; i++ ) {
		if( IsClientInGame( i ) && GetClientTeam( i ) == CS_TEAM_CT ) {
	if( iNum > GetConVarInt( MaxSpecs ) ) {
		CPrintToChat( client, "\x04[Transfer]\x01 Nu te poti transfera ! Sunt deja prea multi\x02 Counter-Teroristi !" )
		return Plugin_Handled
	CS_SwitchTeam( client, CS_TEAM_CT )
	if( GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) > 0 ) {
		CanTransfer[ client ] = false
	if( IsPlayerAlive( client ) ) {
		ForcePlayerSuicide( client )
	CPrintToChat( client, "\x04[Transfer]\x01 Ai fost transferat la echipa\x02 Counter-Terrorists !" )
	return Plugin_Handled

public Action: Transfer_Spec( client, args ) {
	if( !CanTransfer[ client ] && GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) > 0 ) {
		CPrintToChat( client, "\x04[Transfer]\x01 Te-ai alaturat recent unei echipe. Poti schimba echipa odata la\x02 %d \x01runde", GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) )
		return Plugin_Handled
	if( GetClientTeam( client ) == CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
		CPrintToChat( client, "\x04[Transfer]\x01 Esti deja\x02 Spectator !" )
		return Plugin_Handled
	int iNum
	for( new i = 1; i < MaxClients; i++ ) {
		if( IsClientInGame( i ) && GetClientTeam( i ) == CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
	if( iNum > GetConVarInt( TeamMax ) ) {
		CPrintToChat( client, "\x04[Transfer]\x01 Nu te poti transfera ! Sunt deja prea multi\x02 spectatori !" )
		return Plugin_Handled
	ChangeClientTeam( client, CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR )
	if( GetConVarInt( Cooldown ) > 0 ) {
		CanTransfer[ client ] = false
	if( IsPlayerAlive( client ) ) {
		ForcePlayerSuicide( client )
	CPrintToChat( client, "\x04[Transfer]\x01 Ai fost transferat la\x02 Spectators !" )
	return Plugin_Handled
ti-am spus sa nu mai folosesti codurile de culori cu acolada, nu merg toate. La fel si admin chat colors e prost colorat.
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