modificare admincmd

Modificari necesare ale pluginurilor

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15 Sep 2010, 14:30

Ce sa modific ?
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15 Sep 2010, 14:40

DiRTy wrote:Ce sa modific ?
posteaza sma
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15 Sep 2010, 14:42

Si spune-mi si ce ai modificat sa stiu si eu altadata :d
Last edited by DiRTy on 15 Sep 2010, 15:12, edited 1 time in total.
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15 Sep 2010, 14:50

Code: Select all

case 1: chat_color(0,"%L", LANG_PLAYER, "ADMIN_KICK_1", name2)
peste tot unde ai case 1 trebuie sa modifici si in admincmd.txt
deci in admincmd.txt trebuie sa modifici la ADMIN KICK 1 = si aici colorezi
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15 Sep 2010, 15:13

Multumesc !

Mai am o intrebare... :) Am vazut pe un server cand anuntai adminii cu u @ , scria (JUCATOR)DiRTy: mesaj ... de unde pot modifica ? si cum ? ..

Si de exemplu cum mi-ai spus mai sus... modific timeleft, nextmap, si in .txt ce modific si cum ? Ca apare asa..

NEXT_MAP = Urmatoarea Harta:
PLAYED_MAP = Harta Actuala
FRIEND_FIRE = Friendly-Fire

TIME_LEFT = Timp Ramas
NO_T_LIMIT = Nici o Limita a Timpului
MINUTE = minut ramas
MINUTES = minute ramase
SECOND = secunda
SECONDS = secunde
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15 Sep 2010, 16:52

DiRTy wrote:Multumesc !

Mai am o intrebare... :) Am vazut pe un server cand anuntai adminii cu u @ , scria (JUCATOR)DiRTy: mesaj ... de unde pot modifica ? si cum ? ..

Si de exemplu cum mi-ai spus mai sus... modific timeleft, nextmap, si in .txt ce modific si cum ? Ca apare asa..

NEXT_MAP = Urmatoarea Harta:
PLAYED_MAP = Harta Actuala
FRIEND_FIRE = Friendly-Fire

TIME_LEFT = Timp Ramas
NO_T_LIMIT = Nici o Limita a Timpului
MINUTE = minut ramas
MINUTES = minute ramase
SECOND = secunda
SECONDS = secunde
cel cu (jucator)nume modifici din adminchat.sma
si cu nextmap si restu modifici tot ca la admincmd
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15 Sep 2010, 17:17

Uite am modificat mapchooser si mapsmenu

Link download :

E si .sma si .txt ... le-am pus pe server si nu merge.. eu zic ca le-am modificat corect.. arunca si tu o privire si vezi ca le-am pus pe server si nu merg..

Cat despre cel cu (jucator) ce trebuie sa modific mai exact in adminchat.sma ?
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15 Sep 2010, 19:54

posteaza adminchat si iti modific eu
restul sunt bune nu inteleg de ce nu iti merg ...
poate nu ai bagat tu ceva bine
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15 Sep 2010, 20:41

Poti sa imi pui si ca mesajele pe admin chat sa scrie (ADMIN): cu o culoare diferita ? verde de exemplu...
| Afiseaza codul
[code]/* AMX Mod X
*   Admin Commands Plugin
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
*  originally developed by OLO
* This file is part of AMX Mod X.
*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
*  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
*  Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
*  your option) any later version.
*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
*  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*  General Public License for more details.
*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 
*  Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
*  In addition, as a special exception, the author gives permission to
*  link the code of this program with the Half-Life Game Engine ("HL
*  Engine") and Modified Game Libraries ("MODs") developed by Valve, 
*  L.L.C ("Valve"). You must obey the GNU General Public License in all
*  respects for all of the code used other than the HL Engine and MODs
*  from Valve. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception
*  to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If
*  you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
*  version.

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>


new g_cvarRcon[MAXRCONCVARS][32]
new g_cvarRconNum
new g_pauseCon
new Float:g_pausAble
new bool:g_Paused
new bool:g_PauseAllowed = false
new g_addCvar[] = "amx_cvar add %s"

public plugin_init()
    register_plugin("Admin Commands", AMXX_VERSION_STR, "AMXX Dev Team")
    register_concmd("amx_kick", "cmdKick", ADMIN_KICK, "<name or #userid> [reason]")
    register_concmd("amx_ban", "cmdBan", ADMIN_BAN, "<name or #userid> <minutes> [reason]")
    register_concmd("amx_banip", "cmdBanIP", ADMIN_BAN, "<name or #userid> <minutes> [reason]")
    register_concmd("amx_addban", "cmdAddBan", ADMIN_BAN, "<authid or ip> <minutes> [reason]")
    register_concmd("amx_unban", "cmdUnban", ADMIN_BAN, "<authid or ip>")
    register_concmd("amx_slay", "cmdSlay", ADMIN_SLAY, "<name or #userid>")
    register_concmd("amx_slap", "cmdSlap", ADMIN_SLAY, "<name or #userid> [power]")
    register_concmd("amx_leave", "cmdLeave", ADMIN_KICK, "<tag> [tag] [tag] [tag]")
    register_concmd("amx_pause", "cmdPause", ADMIN_CVAR, "- pause or unpause the game")
       //register_concmd("amx_who", "cmdWho", ADMIN_ADMIN, "- displays who is on server")
    register_concmd("amx_cvar", "cmdCvar", ADMIN_CVAR, "<cvar> [value]")
    register_concmd("amx_plugins", "cmdPlugins", ADMIN_ADMIN)
    register_concmd("amx_modules", "cmdModules", ADMIN_ADMIN)
    register_concmd("amx_map", "cmdMap", ADMIN_MAP, "<mapname>")
    register_concmd("amx_cfg", "cmdCfg", ADMIN_CFG, "<filename>")
    register_concmd("amx_nick", "cmdNick", ADMIN_SLAY, "<name or #userid> <new nick>")
    register_clcmd("amx_rcon", "cmdRcon", ADMIN_RCON, "<command line>")
    register_clcmd("amx_showrcon", "cmdShowRcon", ADMIN_RCON, "<command line>")
    register_clcmd("pauseAck", "cmdLBack")

public plugin_cfg()
    // Cvars which can be changed only with rcon access
    server_cmd(g_addCvar, "rcon_password")
    server_cmd(g_addCvar, "amx_show_activity")
    server_cmd(g_addCvar, "amx_mode")
    server_cmd(g_addCvar, "amx_password_field")
    server_cmd(g_addCvar, "amx_default_access")
    server_cmd(g_addCvar, "amx_reserved_slots")
    server_cmd(g_addCvar, "amx_reservation")
    server_cmd(g_addCvar, "amx_conmotd_file")

public cmdKick(id, level, cid)
    if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

    new arg[32]
    read_argv(1, arg, 31)
    new player = cmd_target(id, arg, 1)
    if (!player)
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    new authid[32], authid2[32], name2[32], name[32], userid2, reason[32]
    get_user_authid(id, authid, 31)
    get_user_authid(player, authid2, 31)
    get_user_name(player, name2, 31)
    get_user_name(id, name, 31)
    userid2 = get_user_userid(player)
    read_argv(2, reason, 31)
    log_amx("Kick: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" kick ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" (reason ^"%s^")", name, get_user_userid(id), authid, name2, userid2, authid2, reason)
    switch (get_cvar_num("amx_show_activity"))
        case 2: client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "ADMIN_KICK_2", name, name2)
        case 1: client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "ADMIN_KICK_1", name2)

    if (is_user_bot(player))
        server_cmd("kick #%d", userid2)
        if (reason[0])
            server_cmd("kick #%d ^"%s^"", userid2, reason)
            server_cmd("kick #%d", userid2)
    console_print(id, "[AMXX] Client ^"%s^" kicked", name2)

public cmdUnban(id, level, cid)
    if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    new arg[32], authid[32], name[32]
    read_argv(1, arg, 31)
    if (contain(arg, ".") != -1)
        server_cmd("removeip ^"%s^";writeip", arg)
        console_print(id, "[AMXX] %L", id, "IP_REMOVED", arg)
    } else {
        server_cmd("removeid %s;writeid", arg)
        console_print(id, "[AMXX] %L", id, "AUTHID_REMOVED", arg)

    get_user_name(id, name, 31)
    switch (get_cvar_num("amx_show_activity"))
        case 2: client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "ADMIN_UNBAN_2", name, arg)
        case 1: client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "ADMIN_UNBAN_1", arg)

    get_user_authid(id, authid, 31)
    log_amx("Cmd: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" unban ^"%s^"", name, get_user_userid(id), authid, arg)

public cmdAddBan(id, level, cid)
    if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 3))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

    new arg[32], authid[32], name[32], minutes[32], reason[32]
    read_argv(1, arg, 31)
    read_argv(2, minutes, 31)
    read_argv(3, reason, 31)
    if (contain(arg, ".") != -1)
        server_cmd("addip ^"%s^" ^"%s^";wait;writeip", minutes, arg)
        console_print(id, "[AMXX] Ip ^"%s^" added to ban list", arg)
    } else {
        server_cmd("banid ^"%s^" ^"%s^";wait;writeid", minutes, arg)
        console_print(id, "[AMXX] Authid ^"%s^" added to ban list", arg)

    get_user_name(id, name, 31)

    switch (get_cvar_num("amx_show_activity"))
        case 2: client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "ADMIN_ADDBAN_2", name, arg)
        case 1: client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "ADMIN_ADDBAN_1", arg)

    get_user_authid(id, authid, 31)
    log_amx("Cmd: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" ban ^"%s^" (minutes ^"%s^") (reason ^"%s^")", name, get_user_userid(id), authid, arg, minutes, reason)


public cmdBan(id, level, cid)
    if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 3))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

    new target[32], minutes[8], reason[64]
    read_argv(1, target, 31)
    read_argv(2, minutes, 7)
    read_argv(3, reason, 63)
    new player = cmd_target(id, target, 9)
    if (!player)
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

    new authid[32], name2[32], authid2[32], name[32]
    new userid2 = get_user_userid(player)

    get_user_authid(player, authid2, 31)
    get_user_authid(id, authid, 31)
    get_user_name(player, name2, 31)
    get_user_name(id, name, 31)
    log_amx("Ban: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" ban and kick ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" (minutes ^"%s^") (reason ^"%s^")", name, get_user_userid(id), authid, name2, userid2, authid2, minutes, reason)
    new temp[64], banned[16], nNum = str_to_num(minutes)
    if (nNum)
        format(temp, 63, "%L", player, "FOR_MIN", minutes)
        format(temp, 63, "%L", player, "PERM")

    format(banned, 15, "%L", player, "BANNED")

    if (reason[0])
        server_cmd("kick #%d ^"%s (%s %s)^";wait;banid ^"%s^" ^"%s^";wait;writeid", userid2, reason, banned, temp, minutes, authid2)
        server_cmd("kick #%d ^"%s %s^";wait;banid ^"%s^" ^"%s^";wait;writeid", userid2, banned, temp, minutes, authid2)

    new activity = get_cvar_num("amx_show_activity")
    if (activity != 0)
        new players[32], pnum, msg[256], len
        get_players(players, pnum, "c")
        for (new i = 0; i < pnum; i++)
            len = format(msg, 255, "%L", players, "ADMIN")
            if (activity == 1)
                len += copy(msg[len], 255-len, ":")
                len += format(msg[len], 255-len, " %s:", name)
            len += format(msg[len], 255-len, " %L", players, "BAN")
            len += format(msg[len], 255-len, " %s ", name2)
            if (nNum)
                format(msg[len], 255-len, "%L", players, "FOR_MIN", minutes)
                format(msg[len], 255-len, "%L", players, "PERM")
            client_print(players, print_chat, "%s", msg)
    console_print(id, "[AMXX] %L", id, "CLIENT_BANNED", name2)

public cmdBanIP(id, level, cid)
    if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 3))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    new target[32], minutes[8], reason[64]
    read_argv(1, target, 31)
    read_argv(2, minutes, 7)
    read_argv(3, reason, 63)
    new player = cmd_target(id, target, 9)
    if (!player)
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    new authid[32], name2[32], authid2[32], name[32]
    new userid2 = get_user_userid(player)
    get_user_authid(player, authid2, 31)
    get_user_authid(id, authid, 31)
    get_user_name(player, name2, 31)
    get_user_name(id, name, 31)
    log_amx("Ban: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" ban and kick ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" (minutes ^"%s^") (reason ^"%s^")", name, get_user_userid(id), authid, name2, userid2, authid2, minutes, reason)

    new temp[64], banned[16], nNum = str_to_num(minutes)
    if (nNum)
        format(temp, 63, "%L", player, "FOR_MIN", minutes)
        format(temp, 63, "%L", player, "PERM")
    format(banned, 15, "%L", player, "BANNED")

    new address[32]
    get_user_ip(player, address, 31, 1)

    if (reason[0])
        server_cmd("kick #%d ^"%s (%s %s)^";wait;addip ^"%s^" ^"%s^";wait;writeip", userid2, reason, banned, temp, minutes, address)
        server_cmd("kick #%d ^"%s %s^";wait;addip ^"%s^" ^"%s^";wait;writeip", userid2, banned, temp, minutes, address)

    new activity = get_cvar_num("amx_show_activity")
    if (activity != 0)
        new players[32], pnum, msg[256], len
        get_players(players, pnum, "c")
        for (new i = 0; i < pnum; i++)
            len = format(msg, 255, "%L", players, "ADMIN")
            if (activity == 1)
                len += copy(msg[len], 255-len, ":")
                len += format(msg[len], 255-len, " %s:", name)
            len += format(msg[len], 255-len, " %L", players, "BAN")
            len += format(msg[len], 255-len, " %s ", name2)
            if (nNum)
                format(msg[len], 255-len, "%L", players, "FOR_MIN", minutes)
                format(msg[len], 255-len, "%L", players, "PERM")
            client_print(players, print_chat, "%s", msg)
    console_print(id, "[AMXX] %L", id, "CLIENT_BANNED", name2)

public cmdSlay(id, level, cid)
    if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    new arg[32]
    read_argv(1, arg, 31)
    new player = cmd_target(id, arg, 5)
    if (!player)
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    new authid[32], name2[32], authid2[32], name[32]
    get_user_authid(id, authid, 31)
    get_user_name(id, name, 31)
    get_user_authid(player, authid2, 31)
    get_user_name(player, name2, 31)
    log_amx("Cmd: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" slay ^"%s<%d><%s><>^"", name, get_user_userid(id), authid, name2, get_user_userid(player), authid2)

    switch (get_cvar_num("amx_show_activity"))
        case 2: client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "ADMIN_SLAY_2", name, name2)
        case 1: client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "ADMIN_SLAY_1", name2)
    console_print(id, "[AMXX] %L", id, "CLIENT_SLAYED", name2)

public cmdSlap(id, level, cid)
    if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

    new arg[32]
    read_argv(1, arg, 31)
    new player = cmd_target(id, arg, 5)
    if (!player)
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

    new spower[32], authid[32], name2[32], authid2[32], name[32]
    read_argv(2, spower, 31)
    new damage = str_to_num(spower)
    user_slap(player, damage)
    get_user_authid(id, authid, 31)
    get_user_name(id, name, 31)
    get_user_authid(player, authid2, 31)
    get_user_name(player, name2, 31)
    log_amx("Cmd: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" slap with %d damage ^"%s<%d><%s><>^"", name, get_user_userid(id), authid, damage, name2, get_user_userid(player), authid2)

    switch (get_cvar_num("amx_show_activity"))
        case 2: client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "ADMIN_SLAP_2", name, name2, damage)
        case 1: client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "ADMIN_SLAP_1", name2, damage)
    console_print(id, "[AMXX] %L", id, "CLIENT_SLAPED", name2, damage)

public chMap(map[])
    server_cmd("changelevel %s", map)

public cmdMap(id, level, cid)
    if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

    new arg[32]
    new arglen = read_argv(1, arg, 31)
    if (!is_map_valid(arg))
        console_print(id, "[AMXX] %L", id, "MAP_NOT_FOUND")
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

    new authid[32], name[32]
    get_user_authid(id, authid, 31)
    get_user_name(id, name, 31)
    switch (get_cvar_num("amx_show_activity"))
        case 2: client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "ADMIN_MAP_2", name, arg)
        case 1: client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "ADMIN_MAP_1", arg)
    log_amx("Cmd: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" changelevel ^"%s^"", name, get_user_userid(id), authid, arg)
    new _modName[10]
    get_modname(_modName, 9)
    if (!equal(_modName, "zp"))
        message_begin(MSG_ALL, SVC_INTERMISSION)
    set_task(2.0, "chMap", 0, arg, arglen + 1)

    for (new a = 0; a < g_cvarRconNum; ++a)
        if (equali(g_cvarRcon[a], name))
            return 1
    return 0

public cmdCvar(id, level, cid)
    if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    new arg[32], arg2[64]
    read_argv(1, arg, 31)
    read_argv(2, arg2, 63)
    if (equal(arg, "add") && (get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_RCON))
        if (cvar_exists(arg2))
            if (g_cvarRconNum < MAXRCONCVARS)
                copy(g_cvarRcon[g_cvarRconNum++], 31, arg2)
                console_print(id, "[AMXX] %L", id, "NO_MORE_CVARS")
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    if (!cvar_exists(arg))
        console_print(id, "[AMXX] %L", id, "UNKNOWN_CVAR", arg)
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    if (onlyRcon(arg) && !(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_RCON))
        console_print(id, "[AMXX] %L", id, "CVAR_NO_ACC")
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    else if (equal(arg, "sv_password") && !(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_PASSWORD))
        console_print(id, "[AMXX] %L", id, "CVAR_NO_ACC")
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    if (read_argc() < 3)
        get_cvar_string(arg, arg2, 63)
        console_print(id, "[AMXX] %L", id, "CVAR_IS", arg, arg2)
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

    new authid[32], name[32]
    get_user_authid(id, authid, 31)
    get_user_name(id, name, 31)
    log_amx("Cmd: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" set cvar (name ^"%s^") (value ^"%s^")", name, get_user_userid(id), authid, arg, arg2)
    set_cvar_string(arg, arg2)

    new activity = get_cvar_num("amx_show_activity")
    if (activity != 0)
        new players[32], pnum, admin[64], cvar_val[64], len
        get_players(players, pnum, "c")
        for (new i = 0; i < pnum; i++)
            len = format(admin, 255, "%L", players[i], "ADMIN")
            if (activity == 1)
                len += copy(admin[len], 255-len, ":")
                len += format(admin[len], 255-len, " %s:", name)

            if (equal(arg, "rcon_password") || equal(arg, "sv_password"))
                format(cvar_val, 63, "*** %L ***", players[i], "PROTECTED")
                copy(cvar_val, 63, arg2)
            client_print(players[i], print_chat, "%L", players[i], "SET_CVAR_TO", admin, arg, arg2)
    console_print(id, "[AMXX] %L", id, "CVAR_CHANGED", arg, arg2)

public cmdPlugins(id, level, cid)
    if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

    new name[32], version[32], author[32], filename[32], status[32]
    new lName[32], lVersion[32], lAuthor[32], lFile[32], lStatus[32]

    format(lName, 31, "%L", id, "NAME")
    format(lVersion, 31, "%L", id, "VERSION")
    format(lAuthor, 31, "%L", id, "AUTHOR")
    format(lFile, 31, "%L", id, "FILE")
    format(lStatus, 31, "%L", id, "STATUS")

    new num = get_pluginsnum()
    new running = 0
    console_print(id, "%L:", id, "LOADED_PLUGINS")
    console_print(id, "%-18.17s %-8.7s %-17.16s %-16.15s %-9.8s", lName, lVersion, lAuthor, lFile, lStatus)

    for (new i = 0; i <num; i++)
        get_plugin(i, filename, 31, name, 31, version, 31, author, 31, status, 31)
        console_print(id, "%-18.17s %-8.7s %-17.16s %-16.15s %-9.8s", name, version, author, filename, status)
        if (equal(status, "running"))
    console_print(id, "%L", id, "PLUGINS_RUN", num, running)


public cmdModules(id, level, cid)
    if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

    new name[32], version[32], author[32], status, sStatus[16]
    new lName[32], lVersion[32], lAuthor[32]

    format(lName, 31, "%L", id, "NAME")
    format(lVersion, 31, "%L", id, "VERSION")
    format(lAuthor, 31, "%L", id, "AUTHOR")

    new num = get_modulesnum()
    console_print(id, "%L:", id, "LOADED_MODULES")
    console_print(id, "%-23.22s %-8.7s %-20.19s", lName, lVersion, lAuthor)
    for (new i = 0; i < num; i++)
        get_module(i, name, 31, author, 31, version, 31, status)
        switch (status)
            case module_loaded: copy(sStatus, 15, "running")
            default: copy(sStatus, 15, "error")
        console_print(id, "%-23.22s %-8.7s %-20.19s", name, version, author)
    console_print(id, "%L", id, "NUM_MODULES", num)


public cmdCfg(id, level, cid)
    if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    new arg[128]
    read_argv(1, arg, 127)
    if (!file_exists(arg))
        console_print(id, "[AMXX] %L", id, "FILE_NOT_FOUND", arg)
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    new authid[32], name[32]
    get_user_authid(id, authid, 31)
    get_user_name(id, name, 31)
    log_amx("Cmd: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" execute cfg (file ^"%s^")", name, get_user_userid(id), authid, arg)
    console_print(id, "[AMXX] Executing file ^"%s^"", arg)
    server_cmd("exec %s", arg)

        case 2: client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "ADMIN_CONF_2", name, arg)
        case 1: client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "ADMIN_CONF_1", arg)


public cmdLBack()
    if (!g_PauseAllowed)
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE    

    new paused[25]
    format(paused, 24, "%L", g_pauseCon, g_Paused ? "UNPAUSED" : "PAUSED")
    set_cvar_float("pausable", g_pausAble)
    console_print(g_pauseCon, "[AMXX] Server %s", paused)
    g_PauseAllowed = false
    if (g_Paused)
        g_Paused = false
        g_Paused = true

public cmdPause(id, level, cid)
    if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED 
    new authid[32], name[32], slayer = id
    get_user_authid(id, authid, 31) 
    get_user_name(id, name, 31) 
    g_pausAble = get_cvar_float("pausable")
    if (!slayer)
        slayer = find_player("h") 
    if (!slayer)
        console_print(id, "[AMXX] %L", id, "UNABLE_PAUSE") 
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

    set_cvar_float("pausable", 1.0)
    g_PauseAllowed = true
    client_cmd(slayer, "pause;pauseAck")
    log_amx("Cmd: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" %s server", name, get_user_userid(id), authid, g_Paused ? "unpause" : "pause")
    console_print(id, "[AMXX] %L", id, g_Paused ? "UNPAUSING" : "PAUSING")

    new activity = get_cvar_num("amx_show_activity")
    if (activity != 0)
        new players[32], pnum, msg[128], len
        get_players(players, pnum, "c")
        for (new i = 0; i < pnum; i++)
            len = format(msg, 127, "%L", players[i], "ADMIN")
            if (activity == 1)
                len += copy(msg[len], 127-len, ": ")
                len += format(msg[len], 127-len, " %s: ", name)
            format(msg[len], 127-len, "%L", players[i], g_Paused ? "UNPAUSE" : "PAUSE")
            client_print(players[i], print_chat, "%s server", msg)
    g_pauseCon = id

public cmdShowRcon(id, level, cid)
    if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    new password[64]
    get_cvar_string("rcon_password", password, 63)
    if (!password[0])
        cmdRcon(id, level, cid)
    } else {
        new args[128]
        read_args(args, 127)
        client_cmd(id, "rcon_password %s", password)
        client_cmd(id, "rcon %s", args)

public cmdRcon(id, level, cid)
    if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    new arg[128], authid[32], name[32]
    read_args(arg, 127)
    get_user_authid(id, authid, 31)
    get_user_name(id, name, 31)
    log_amx("Cmd: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" server console (cmdline ^"%s^")", name, get_user_userid(id), authid, arg)
    console_print(id, "[AMXX] %L", id, "COM_SENT_SERVER", arg)
    server_cmd("%s", arg)

public cmdWho(id, level, cid)
    if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

    new players[32], inum, cl_on_server[64], authid[32], name[32], flags, sflags[32]
    new lImm[16], lRes[16], lAccess[16], lYes[16], lNo[16]
    format(lImm, 15, "%L", id, "IMMU")
    format(lRes, 15, "%L", id, "RESERV")
    format(lAccess, 15, "%L", id, "ACCESS")
    format(lYes, 15, "%L", id, "YES")
    format(lNo, 15, "%L", id, "NO")
    get_players(players, inum)
    format(cl_on_server, 63, "%L", id, "CLIENTS_ON_SERVER")
    console_print(id, "^n%s:^n #  %-16.15s %-20s %-8s %-4.3s %-4.3s %s", cl_on_server, "nick", "authid", "userid", lImm, lRes, lAccess)
    for (new a = 0; a < inum; ++a)
        get_user_authid(players[a], authid, 31)
        get_user_name(players[a], name, 31)
        flags = get_user_flags(players[a])
        get_flags(flags, sflags, 31)
        console_print(id, "%2d  %-16.15s %-20s %-8d %-6.5s %-6.5s %s", players[a], name, authid, 
        get_user_userid(players[a]), (flags&ADMIN_IMMUNITY) ? lYes : lNo, (flags&ADMIN_RESERVATION) ? lYes : lNo, sflags)
    console_print(id, "%L", id, "TOTAL_NUM", inum)
    get_user_authid(id, authid, 31)
    get_user_name(id, name, 31)
    log_amx("Cmd: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" ask for players list", name, get_user_userid(id), authid) 

hasTag(name[], tags[4][32], tagsNum)
    for (new a = 0; a < tagsNum; ++a)
        if (contain(name, tags[a]) != -1)
            return a
    return -1

public cmdLeave(id, level, cid)
    if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    new argnum = read_argc()
    new ltags[4][32]
    new ltagsnum = 0
    for (new a = 1; a < 5; ++a)
        if (a < argnum)
            read_argv(a, ltags[ltagsnum++], 31)
            ltags[ltagsnum++][0] = 0
    new nick[32], ires, pnum = get_maxplayers() + 1, count = 0, lReason[128]
    for (new b = 1; b < pnum; ++b)
        if (!is_user_connected(b) && !is_user_connecting(b)) continue

        get_user_name(b, nick, 31)
        ires = hasTag(nick, ltags, ltagsnum)
        if (ires != -1)
            console_print(id, "[AMXX] %L", id, "SKIP_MATCH", nick, ltags[ires])
        if (get_user_flags(b) & ADMIN_IMMUNITY)
            console_print(id, "[AMXX] %L", id, "SKIP_IMM", nick)
        console_print(id, "[AMXX] %L", id, "KICK_PL", nick)
        if (is_user_bot(b))
            server_cmd("kick #%d", get_user_userid(b))
            format(lReason, 127, "%L", b, "YOU_DROPPED")
            server_cmd("kick #%d ^"%s^"", get_user_userid(b), lReason)
    console_print(id, "[AMXX] %L", id, "KICKED_CLIENTS", count)
    new authid[32], name[32]

    get_user_authid(id, authid, 31)
    get_user_name(id, name, 31)
    log_amx("Kick: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" leave some group (tag1 ^"%s^") (tag2 ^"%s^") (tag3 ^"%s^") (tag4 ^"%s^")", name, get_user_userid(id), authid, ltags[0], ltags[1], ltags[2], ltags[3])

        case 2: client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "ADMIN_LEAVE_2", name, ltags[0], ltags[1], ltags[2], ltags[3])
        case 1: client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "ADMIN_LEAVE_1", ltags[0], ltags[1], ltags[2], ltags[3])


public cmdNick(id, level, cid)
    if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 3))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

    new arg1[32], arg2[32], authid[32], name[32], authid2[32], name2[32]

    read_argv(1, arg1, 31)
    read_argv(2, arg2, 31)

    new player = cmd_target(id, arg1, 1)
    if (!player)
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

    get_user_authid(id, authid, 31)
    get_user_name(id, name, 31)
    get_user_authid(player, authid2, 31)
    get_user_name(player, name2, 31)

    client_cmd(player, "name ^"%s^"", arg2)

    log_amx("Cmd: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" change nick to ^"%s^" ^"%s<%d><%s><>^"", name, get_user_userid(id), authid, arg2, name2, get_user_userid(player), authid2)

    switch (get_cvar_num("amx_show_activity"))
        case 2: client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "ADMIN_NICK_2", name, name2, arg2)
        case 1: client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "ADMIN_NICK_1", name2, arg2)
    console_print(id, "[AMXX] %L", id, "CHANGED_NICK", name2, arg2)

*{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang1033\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par }

In rest alea le-am bagat bine.. nu inteleg de ce nu merg...
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15 Sep 2010, 22:18

asta e admincmd.sma nu adminchat.sma :-w
Retras din activitate.
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15 Sep 2010, 22:26

| Afiseaza codul
[code]/* AMX Mod X
*   Admin Chat Plugin
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
*  originally developed by OLO
* This file is part of AMX Mod X.
*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
*  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
*  Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
*  your option) any later version.
*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
*  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*  General Public License for more details.
*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
*  Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
*  In addition, as a special exception, the author gives permission to
*  link the code of this program with the Half-Life Game Engine ("HL
*  Engine") and Modified Game Libraries ("MODs") developed by Valve,
*  L.L.C ("Valve"). You must obey the GNU General Public License in all
*  respects for all of the code used other than the HL Engine and MODs
*  from Valve. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception
*  to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If
*  you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
*  version.

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>

new g_msgChannel

#define MAX_CLR 10

new g_Values[MAX_CLR][] = {{255, 255, 255}, {255, 0, 0}, {0, 255, 0}, {0, 0, 255}, {255, 255, 0}, {255, 0, 255}, {0, 255, 255}, {227, 96, 8}, {45, 89, 116}, {103, 44, 38}}
new Float:g_Pos[4][] = {{0.0, 0.0}, {0.05, 0.55}, {-1.0, 0.2}, {-1.0, 0.7}}

public plugin_init()
    register_plugin("Admin Chat", AMXX_VERSION_STR, "AMXX Dev Team")
    register_clcmd("say", "cmdSayChat", ADMIN_CHAT, "@[@|@|@][w|r|g|b|y|m|c]<text> - displays hud message")
    register_clcmd("say_team", "cmdSayAdmin", 0, "@<text> - displays message to admins")
    register_concmd("amx_say", "cmdSay", ADMIN_CHAT, "<message> - sends message to all players")
    register_concmd("amx_chat", "cmdChat", ADMIN_CHAT, "<message> - sends message to admins")
    register_concmd("amx_psay", "cmdPsay", ADMIN_CHAT, "<name or #userid> <message> - sends private message")
    register_concmd("amx_tsay", "cmdTsay", ADMIN_CHAT, "<color> <message> - sends left side hud message to all players")
    register_concmd("amx_csay", "cmdTsay", ADMIN_CHAT, "<color> <message> - sends center hud message to all players")

public cmdSayChat(id)
    if (!access(id, ADMIN_CHAT))
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
    new said[6], i = 0
    read_argv(1, said, 5)
    while (said == '@')
    if (!i || i > 3)
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
    new message[192], a = 0
    read_args(message, 191)
    switch (said)
        case 'r': a = 1
        case 'g': a = 2
        case 'b': a = 3
        case 'y': a = 4
        case 'm': a = 5
        case 'c': a = 6
        case 'o': a = 7
    new n, s = i
    if (a)
    while (said[s] && isspace(said[s]))

    new name[32], authid[32], userid
    get_user_authid(id, authid, 31)
    get_user_name(id, name, 31)
    userid = get_user_userid(id)
    log_amx("Chat: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" tsay ^"%s^"", name, userid, authid, message[i + n])
    log_message("^"%s<%d><%s><>^" triggered ^"amx_tsay^" (text ^"%s^") (color ^"%L^")", name, userid, authid, message[i + n], "en", g_Colors[a])
    if (++g_msgChannel > 6 || g_msgChannel < 3)
        g_msgChannel = 3
    new Float:verpos = g_Pos[1] + float(g_msgChannel) / 35.0
    set_hudmessage(g_Values[a][0], g_Values[a][1], g_Values[a][2], g_Pos[0], verpos, 0, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, -1)

    if (get_cvar_num("amx_show_activity") == 2)
        show_hudmessage(0, "%s :   %s", name, message[i + n])
        client_print(0, print_notify, "%s :   %s", name, message[i + n])
    } else {
        show_hudmessage(0, "%s", message[i + n])
        client_print(0, print_notify, "%s", message[i + n])


public cmdSayAdmin(id)
    new said[2]
    read_argv(1, said, 1)
    if (said[0] != '@')
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
    new message[192], name[32], authid[32], userid
    new players[32], inum
    read_args(message, 191)
    get_user_authid(id, authid, 31)
    get_user_name(id, name, 31)
    userid = get_user_userid(id)
    log_amx("Chat: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" chat ^"%s^"", name, userid, authid, message[1])
    log_message("^"%s<%d><%s><>^" triggered ^"amx_chat^" (text ^"%s^")", name, userid, authid, message[1])
    if (is_user_admin(id))
        format(message, 191, "(%L) %s :  %s", id, "ADMIN", name, message[1])
        format(message, 191, "(%L) %s :  %s", id, "PLAYER", name, message[1])

    get_players(players, inum)
    for (new i = 0; i < inum; ++i)
        // dont print the message to the client that used the cmd if he has ADMIN_CHAT to avoid double printing
        if (players != id && get_user_flags(players) & ADMIN_CHAT)
            client_print(players, print_chat, "%s", message)
    client_print(id, print_chat, "%s", message)

public cmdChat(id, level, cid)
    if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

    new message[192], name[32], players[32], inum, authid[32], userid
    read_args(message, 191)
    get_user_authid(id, authid, 31)
    get_user_name(id, name, 31)
    userid = get_user_userid(id)
    get_players(players, inum)
    log_amx("Chat: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" chat ^"%s^"", name, userid, authid, message)
    log_message("^"%s<%d><%s><>^" triggered ^"amx_chat^" (text ^"%s^")", name, userid, authid, message)
    format(message, 191, "(ADMINS) %s :   %s", name, message)
    console_print(id, "%s", message)
    for (new i = 0; i < inum; ++i)
        if (access(players, ADMIN_CHAT))
            client_print(players, print_chat, "%s", message)

public cmdSay(id, level, cid)
    if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

    new message[192], name[32], authid[32], userid
    read_args(message, 191)
    get_user_authid(id, authid, 31)
    get_user_name(id, name, 31)
    userid = get_user_userid(id)
    client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "PRINT_ALL", name, message)
    console_print(id, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "PRINT_ALL", name, message)
    log_amx("Chat: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" say ^"%s^"", name, userid, authid, message)
    log_message("^"%s<%d><%s><>^" triggered ^"amx_say^" (text ^"%s^")", name, userid, authid, message)

public cmdPsay(id, level, cid)
    if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 3))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    new name[32]
    read_argv(1, name, 31)
    new priv = cmd_target(id, name, 0)

    if (!priv)
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    new length = strlen(name) + 1
    new message[192], name2[32], authid[32], authid2[32], userid, userid2
    get_user_authid(id, authid, 31)
    get_user_name(id, name2, 31)
    userid = get_user_userid(id)
    read_args(message, 191)
    if (message[0] == '"' && message[length] == '"') // HLSW fix
        message[0] = ' '
        message[length] = ' '
        length += 2
    get_user_name(priv, name, 31)
    if (id && id != priv)
        client_print(id, print_chat, "(%s) %s :   %s", name, name2, message[length])
    client_print(priv, print_chat, "(%s) %s :   %s", name, name2, message[length])
    console_print(id, "(%s) %s :   %s", name, name2, message[length])
    get_user_authid(priv, authid2, 31)
    userid2 = get_user_userid(priv)
    log_amx("Chat: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" psay ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" ^"%s^"", name2, userid, authid, name, userid2, authid2, message[length])
    log_message("^"%s<%d><%s><>^" triggered ^"amx_psay^" against ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" (text ^"%s^")", name2, userid, authid, name, userid2, authid2, message[length])

public cmdTsay(id, level, cid)
    if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 3))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    new cmd[16], color[16], color2[16], message[192], name[32], authid[32], userid = 0
    read_argv(0, cmd, 15)
    new bool:tsay = (tolower(cmd[4]) == 't')
    read_args(message, 191)
    parse(message, color, 15)
    new found = 0, a = 0
    new lang[3], langnum = get_langsnum()

    for (new i = 0; i < MAX_CLR; ++i)
        for (new j = 0; j < langnum; j++)
            get_lang(j, lang)
            format(color2, 15, "%L", lang, g_Colors)
            if (equali(color, color2))
                a = i
                found = 1
        if (found == 1)
    new length = found ? (strlen(color) + 1) : 0
    if (++g_msgChannel > 6 || g_msgChannel < 3)
        g_msgChannel = 3

    new Float:verpos = (tsay ? 0.55 : 0.1) + float(g_msgChannel) / 35.0
    get_user_authid(id, authid, 31)
    get_user_name(id, name, 31)
    userid = get_user_userid(id)
    set_hudmessage(g_Values[a][0], g_Values[a][1], g_Values[a][2], tsay ? 0.05 : -1.0, verpos, 0, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, -1)

    if (get_cvar_num("amx_show_activity") == 2)
        show_hudmessage(0, "%s :   %s", name, message[length])
        client_print(0, print_notify, "%s :   %s", name, message[length])
        console_print(id, "%s :   %s", name, message[length])
    } else {
        show_hudmessage(0, "%s", message[length])
        client_print(0, print_notify, "%s", message[length])
        console_print(id, "%s", message[length])

    log_amx("Chat: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" %s ^"%s^"", name, userid, authid, cmd[4], message[length])
    log_message("^"%s<%d><%s><>^" triggered ^"%s^" (text ^"%s^") (color ^"%s^")", name, userid, authid, cmd, message[length], color2)

Last edited by Ciprian on 18 Sep 2010, 23:11, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Foloseste sursa pt. texte lungi.
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SteamID: crazycipry
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Nume anterior: crazy.cipry
Location: Baia Mare
Has thanked: 177 times
Been thanked: 405 times

18 Sep 2010, 23:13

1. Adaptezi ce e aici pentru ce doresti tu.
sau ... 6&p=614540

2. Mutat in Programare CS - Pluginuri !
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