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AboveAll :)
Membru, skill +1
Membru, skill +1
Posts: 141
Joined: 16 Dec 2014, 11:29
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Detinator server CS: Abcs.LaLeagane.Ro
SteamID: AboveAll14
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Location: Barlad

12 Feb 2023, 18:54

Salutare tuturor, cine ma poate ajuta si pe mine va rog frumos? vreau ca acest plugin sa fie colorat dar nu stiu ce si unde sa bag. Mi.l poate face cineva va rog? apoi ma ocup eu de restul, la ce mesaje sa pun !g, !n, !t daca se poate sa modific culorile din uwc3x.txt pentru ca acolo sunt toate mesajele...

Code: Select all

* AMXX Plugin:  Ultimate Warcraft3 Expansion ( uwc3x )
* UWC3X is written for AMX Mod X
*** 	Original UWC3 mod by K2mia with portions by Dumb and the community
* This plugin is a new approach to the War3 and War3FT plugins created by
* SpaceDude and Pimp Daddy. UWC3 provides a raceless, skill/level based 
* system. Much of the internal workings of Warcraft3FT skills and items were 
* kept intact from Pimp Daddy's version, though the overall player structures
* have been changed to allow a flexible skill-based system. 
* Uwc3X takes this approach and attempts to add new items, new skills, and balance
* the mod and gameplay in such a way that makes the game fair and easier for lower
* level players while making the game more competitive and difficult for higher levels
* Credits to:
* Original War3FT by Pimp Daddy ( OoTOAoO )
* Original Ultimate uwc3 by K2mia ( Andrew Cowan )
* the original UWC3 DEV team 
* Spacedude ( for War3 MOD )
* Ludwig Van ( for flamethrower )
* OLO ( for spectating rank info )
* JGHG for the mole code
* [AOL]Demandred, [AOL]LuckyJ for help coding it for steam
* [AOL]Demandred for freezetime exploit fix
* Denkkar for some of his code ( ie. STEAM_POWERED )
* joecool12321 for various health related fixes
* Tri Moon for various improvements ( No Race, war3menu, etc... )
* xeroblood for spotting some bugs for me : )
* bad-at-this for contributing the status bar code used for godmode ( big bad voodoo )
* kamikaze, (--eRRoR--), Dantallion, Left Nut and the Yaur Community for help w/testing
* lui for the delayed ultimate code
* Left Nut for all his hard work on balancing the skills
* Hawk552 for his work on jumpkick
* twistedeuphoria for his work on multijump
* the developers of DIABLO MOD for inspiring us
* (--eRRoR--) from the StormZone community for their work on finding bugs and some of the new sprites and sounds
* Dantallion for fatal strike and bug replication as well as help with some sounds
* A special THANKS to the YAUR community for their work and inspiration
* *** Everyone at for help ***

new const UWC3XNAME[]		=	"Ultimate Warcraft3 Expansion"
new const UWC3XAUTHOR[]		=	"-=[Yaur]=- modified by"
new const UWC3XVERSION[]	=	"1.0.83"

#pragma reqclass	xstats
#pragma reqlib		engine
#pragma reqlib		fun
#pragma reqlib		fakemeta
#pragma reqlib		cstrike
#pragma loadlib		sqlite
#pragma loadlib		mysql
#pragma dynamic		65536

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <engine>
#include <fun>
#include <fakemeta> 
#include <cstrike>
#include <dbi>
#include <sqlx>
#include <string>
//Inline Code files
#include "uwc3xmod/defines.inl"
#include "uwc3xmod/vars.inl"
#include "uwc3xmod/cvars.inl"

#include "uwc3xmod/ultimates.inl"
#include "uwc3xmod/abilities.inl"
#include "uwc3xmod/enhancements.inl"

#include "uwc3xmod/utility.inl"
#include "uwc3xmod/stock.inl"
#include "uwc3xmod/storage.inl"
#include "uwc3xmod/Storage_MySQL.inl"
#include "uwc3xmod/Storage_SQLLite.inl"
#include "uwc3xmod/help.inl"
#include "uwc3xmod/menu.inl"
#include "uwc3xmod/ClientCommands.inl"

#include "uwc3xmod/Events.inl"
#include "uwc3xmod/Events_damage.inl"
#include "uwc3xmod/Events_log.inl"
#include "uwc3xmod/Events_Skills.inl"
#include "uwc3xmod/Events_ultimates.inl"

#include "uwc3xmod/mole.inl"
#include "uwc3xmod/respawn.inl"
#include "uwc3xmod/items.inl"
#include "uwc3xmod/shopmenu.inl"
#include "uwc3xmod/shopmenu2.inl"
#include "uwc3xmod/shopmenu3.inl"
#include "uwc3xmod/skills.inl"

#include "uwc3xmod/tasks.inl"
#include "uwc3xmod/xp.inl"
#include "uwc3xmod/chat.inl"


public plugin_modules ( )
	require_module ( "engine" );
	require_module ( "fun" );
	require_module ( "cstrike" );
	require_module ( "sqlx" );

public CheckUserName( id )
	new username[33];
	get_user_info(id , "name" , username , 32);

	if ((strlen(username)) < 4 )
		new randID = random_num(1, 999);
		format(username, 32, "reclama - [Uwc3x]%i", randID)
		set_user_info(id, "name", username);


public ShowUsername_Message( id )

	new message[4096] = "", temp[1024] = "";
	add( message, 4096, "<body bgcolor=#000000><font color=#FFB000>" );
	format( temp, 1024, "<center><b>About Your Username</b></center><p>" );
	add( message, 4096, temp );
	add( message, 4096, "<center><table width=800 border=1 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=4>" );
	add( message, 4096, "<tr><td valign=top width=50%><font color=#FFB000>" );
	add( message, 4096, "Hello,<br />Your username is less then 4 characters long, and this server has disabled that." );
	add( message, 4096, "<br />Typically people change their usernames to a short character name so that others can not see their charsheet." );
	add( message, 4096, "<br />We think thats pretty <b>lame of you</b>, so we are forcing you to have a 4 character or longer name." );
	add( message, 4096, "<br />This is to stop people from being able to hide their charsheets from others." );
	add( message, 4096, "<br /><br />As such, we have changed your username, please feel free to change it so long as it is over 3 characters" );
	add( message, 4096, "Thanks<br /><br />" );
	add( message, 4096, "The -=[Yaur]=- Clan" );
	add( message, 4096, "</td></tr></table></center>" );
	show_motd( id, message, "About Your Username" );


public client_infochanged(id)

public client_putinserver(id)
	if (!uwc3x)
	// Check for steam ID pending
	static szPlayerID[32];
	get_user_authid( id, szPlayerID, charsmax( szPlayerID ) );
	// Then the player doesn't have a steam id, lets make them reconnect
	if ( equal(szPlayerID, "STEAM_ID_PENDING") )
		client_cmd( id, "reconnect" );
			log_amx("Send reconnect to player %d because STEAM_ID_PENDING.", szPlayerID);
		xpreadytoload[id] = 1;

public plugin_init ( )

	register_plugin ( UWC3XNAME, UWC3XVERSION, UWC3XAUTHOR );
	register_cvar ( "amx_uwc3x", UWC3XVERSION, FCVAR_SERVER );

	// Set messagning variables 
	gMsgScreenFade		= get_user_msgid ( "ScreenFade" );
	gmsgDeathMsg		= get_user_msgid ( "DeathMsg" );
	gmsgFade			= get_user_msgid ( "ScreenFade"	);
	gmsgShake			= get_user_msgid ( "ScreenShake" );
	gmsgStatusText		= get_user_msgid ( "StatusText"	);
	gmsgScoreInfo		= get_user_msgid ( "ScoreInfo" );
	gmsgStatusIcon		= get_user_msgid ( "StatusIcon" );
	register_dictionary ( "uwc3x.txt" );
	//Removed the Forward and used hookDrop for the client command instead
	//register_forward(FM_Touch, "Fwd_Touch");
	//Create the clcmds
	Initialize_CLCMD ( );
	//Create the Menus
	Initialize_Menus ( );
	//Register Events
	RegisterEvents( );
	//Register Message traps
	RegisterMessages ( );
	//Register the Log Events
	Initialize_LogEvents ( );

	//Create and Bind Cvars needed for Gameplay
	Register_Cvars ( );
	set_task(0.5, "Exec_User_CFG", TASK_EXEC_CFG);
	set_task(0.6, "Bind_Cvars", TASK_BIND_CVARS);
	//Set the initial Tasks we need
	Initialize_Tasks ( );
	//Init the hud messages
	// set_task calls for functions needed by init or to run continuously
	set_task ( 10.0, "Check_UWC3X", TASK_CHECK_UWC3X, "", 0, "b" );
	set_task ( 1.0, "Check_UWC3X", TASK_CHECK_UWC3X_AGAIN );
	set_task ( 0.01, "TASK_Check_Duck", TASK_DO_NOW, "", 0, "b" );
	set_task ( 2.0, "TASK_CHECK_FOOTSTEPS", TASK_CHECK_FOOTSTEPS_NOID, "", 0, "b" );
	set_task ( 0.01, "TASK_CHECK_USER_SPEED", TASK_CHECK_USER_SPEED_NOID, "", 0, "b" );

	// Set weapon xp modifiers
	set_task(0.7, "XP_SetMultiplier", TASK_SET_XP_MULTIPLIER);
	// Set skills-based tables ( skill levels, effects, etc )
	set_task(0.8, "Set_Skill_Limits", TASK_SET_SKILL_LIMITS);
	//Load the XP Configuration and Storage Detection
	set_task(0.9, "LoadXPConfig", TASK_LOAD_XP_CONFIG);
	log_amx( "[%s] Initialized UWC3X Plugin Version %s", MOD, UWC3XVERSION );

public plugin_precache ( ) 
	PreCache_Sounds ( );
	PreCache_Models ( );
	PreCache_Sprites ( );

public set_variables ( )
	//Set the base XP Values
	XP_SetBase_Values ( );
	//Checks to make sure enhancements are enabled and sets the values
	Initialize_Enhancements ( );

	//Check for Admin only skills, and set them accordingly
	SetAdminOnlySkills ( );

	//Checks for Custom Shopmenu Item prices and values
	SetUser_Defined_Item_Values ( );

	//See if the redirection system by level is enabled, and set the base values
	Check_Redirection_Level_System ( );


public client_connect ( id )
	client_cmd ( id, "hud_centerid 0" );
	g_specMode[id] = false;

	// Initialize player data ( NOT limited init mode )
		log_amx( "DEBUG :: SMA -> Initializing Player data - non limited" );
	Initialize_PlayerData ( id, false );
	kickflag[id] = 0;
	jumpnum[id] = 0;
	dojump[id] = false;
		// Reset lowres to true for player slot
		lowres[id] = true;
		// Reset lowres boolean for thisplayer
		lowres[id] = false;

	PrintConnectMessage ( id );

public client_disconnect ( id )
		log_amx( "[UWC3X] client_disconnect :: id=%d", id);
	g_specMode[id]		= false;	// Reset spectator status for player
	isburning[id]		= 0;		// Reset burning status for player ( flamethrower )
	isnburning[id]		= 0;		// Reset burning status for player ( napalm burn )
	ispoisonedss[id]	= 0;		// Reset poisoned status for player
	isdiseasedcb[id]	= 0;		// Reset diseased status for player
	repairs[id]			= 0;		// Reset number of repairs done
	mends[id]			= 0;		// Reset number of mends done
	he[id]				= 0;		// Reset he grenade status
	threwnapalm[id]		= 0;		// Reset status of napalm gren for round
	diedlastround[id]	= false;	// Reset status for player death previous round
	lastpspage[id]		= 0;		// Reset last player skill page read to 0
	hasmole[id]			= false; 	// Reset mole item global
	itemsrunning[id]	= false;	// Reset itemsrunning for userid
	loadedlevel[id]		= 0;		// Reset status for having initial level loaded
	vengeance_used[id]	= 0;		// Reset vengeance status
	playeritem[id]		= 0;		// Reset Shopmenu Item
	playeritem2[id]		= 0;		// Reset Shopmenu2 Item
	playeritem3[id]		= 0;		// Reset Shopmenu3 Item
	playertombs[id]		= 0;		// Reset Tomes purchased
	unammo[id]			= false;
	badaim[id]			= false;
	hasFrostNade[id]	= false;
	isChilled[id]		= false;
	isFrozen[id]		= false;

	HkDelay[id] 		= 0.0
	HookCount[id] 		= 0
	hooked[id] 			= false
	kickflag[id]		= 0;		// Reset kick flag

	dojump[id]			= false;
	jumpnum[id]			= 0;
	//User is not rotting
	bIsRotting[id]		= false;
	//Cloak of chameleon
	CheckCloak[id]		= true;
	//Team Shield stuff
	HasTeamShield[id]	= false;
	p_ShieldMaxDamageAbsorbed[id] = 0;
	UsedTeamShield[id]	= 0;
	TeamShieldCooldown[id]	= 0;

	UsedDepower[id]		= 0;
	BlockPickup[id]		= false;

	//Reset Cripple
	crippletype[id]		= 0;
	iscrippled[id]		= 0;
		// Reset lowres to true for player slot
		lowres[id] = true;
		// Reset lowres boolean for thisplayer
		lowres[id] = false;
	for ( new i=0; i<32; ++i )
		// Reset due to Equipment Reincarnation
		savedweapons[id][i] = 0;

	if ( playerxp[id] < 100 ) 
	if ( CVAR_SAVE_XP && !is_user_bot ( id ) && playerxp[id] )
		SaveSinglePlayerXP ( id );
		xpreadytoload[id] = 0;

	PrintDisconnectMessage ( id );

public client_PreThink ( id ) 
	//If they are a bot, not alive, or not connected, then we dont care about them
	if( !is_user_alive(id) || !is_user_connected(id)  || is_user_bot( id ) ) 

	//Disable slow down after jumping
	entity_set_float ( id, EV_FL_fuser2, 0.0 );
		new Float:badvec[3] = {100.0,100.0,100.0};
		for(new j = 0;j<6;j++)
			entity_set_vector(id,EV_VEC_punchangle,badvec);  //Three's a charm!
	// if they are frozen, make sure they don't move at all
		// stop motion

		new button = get_user_button(id), oldbuttons = entity_get_int(id,EV_INT_oldbuttons);
		new flags = entity_get_int(id,EV_INT_flags);

		// if are on the ground and about to jump, set the gravity too high to really do so
		if( (button & IN_JUMP) && !(oldbuttons & IN_JUMP) && (flags & FL_ONGROUND) )
			// otherwise, set the gravity so low that they don't fall
			entity_set_float(id,EV_FL_gravity,0.000001); // 0.0 doesn't work

	//Multi Jump
	new MJ_SKILL = p_skills[id][SKILLIDX_MULTIJUMP];
	if( MJ_SKILL ) 
		new nbut = get_user_button(id);
		new obut = get_user_oldbutton(id);
		new maxjumps = p_maxjumps[ MJ_SKILL ];
		if((nbut & IN_JUMP) && !(get_entity_flags(id) & FL_ONGROUND) && !(obut & IN_JUMP))
			if( jumpnum[id] < maxjumps )
				dojump[id] = true;
		if((nbut & IN_JUMP) && (get_entity_flags(id) & FL_ONGROUND))
			jumpnum[id] = 0;

	if( p_skills[id][SKILLIDX_JUMPKICK] )
		if( kickflag[id] == 0 && (entity_get_int(id, EV_INT_button) & 2 ) )
			new ent,Float:origin[3];
			while((ent = find_ent_in_sphere(ent,origin,CVAR_JUMPKICK_RADIUS)) != 0) 
				if(!is_user_alive(ent) || ent == id || get_user_team(id) == get_user_team(ent))

				kickflag[id] = 1;
				new parm[1];
				parm[0] = id;
				set_task( CVAR_JUMPKICK_COOLDOWN,"Task_Jumpkick_Cooldown", TASK_JUMPKICK + id, parm, 1 );

public client_PostThink(id)
	//If they are a bot, not alive, or not connected, then we dont care about them
	if( !is_user_alive(id) || !is_user_connected(id) || is_user_bot( id ) ) 
	new MJ_SKILL = p_skills[id][SKILLIDX_MULTIJUMP];
	if( MJ_SKILL ) 
		if( dojump[id] == true )
			new Float:velocity[3];
			velocity[2] = random_float(265.0,285.0);
			dojump[id] = false;

public plugin_end ( )
		SaveAllPlayersXP ( );
Abcs.LaLeagane.Ro / - Uwc3x - Level Mod 50 Lvl !
RoyalServer 2
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Utilizator neserios (tepar)
Utilizator neserios (tepar)
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Discord: kidd0x
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12 Feb 2023, 23:21

Acest plugin nu are nici macar mesaje in el, ce ai vrea sa colorezi?

Foloseste in loc de client_print(id/0, print_chat, ...)
client_print_color(id/0, print_team_default, ....), asta doar daca ai amxx > 183, daca nu ai n tutoriale pe net de a adauga culori in plugin
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Scripter eXtreamCS
Scripter eXtreamCS
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12 Feb 2023, 23:27

verifică în inl alea pentru mesajele din chat
Nu îmi mai trimiteți PM pe forum! Nu merge să răspund
Pentru ajutor, faceți cerere bine detaliată, completând și respectând modelul corespunzător.
Nu-mi mai dați cereri doar pentru a mă avea în lista de prieteni.
Dacă te ajut, și mă ignori/etc > te adaug în „foe”.
Aveți grijă la cei ce încearcă să mă copieze sau să dea drept mine..Puteți lua legătura cu mine prin STEAM dacă aveți o problemă/nelămurire în acest caz! Cont de forum am doar aici.
În cazul în care utilizați ceva din ce am postat(ex: aici), e bine să fiți la curent cu modificările aduse și de aici, iar dacă sunt ceva probleme nu ezitați să luați legătura cu mine. Actualizarea unor coduri nu se vor afișa public, doar dacă se găsește ceva critic/urgent de remediat, unele fiind coduri vechi iar unele refăcute chiar recent dar private.
* Nume pe cs1.6: eVoLuTiOn \ Nume vechi: eVo
* Atelierul meu - post2819572.html#p2819572 (închis, click link ca să vedeți de ce)
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AboveAll :)
Membru, skill +1
Membru, skill +1
Posts: 141
Joined: 16 Dec 2014, 11:29
Detinator Steam: Da
CS Status: Citesc forumul!
Detinator server CS: Abcs.LaLeagane.Ro
SteamID: AboveAll14
Fond eXtream: 0
Location: Barlad

13 Feb 2023, 15:22

Pluginul are mesajele de chat si hud in uwc3x.txt. Uite txt-ul
| Afiseaza codul


TERRORIST = Terrorist

COUNTER_TERRORIST = Counter-Terrorists

EVERYONE = Everyone

SAY = say

IN_CONSOLE = In console:

PLAYER_NAME = player_name

UWC3X_VERSION = You are playing %s version %s by %s

PLAYERSKILLS = /Playerskills is deprecated, please use /who instead.

XP_GIVE_MULT = Give Multiple Players XP

XP_GIVE_ONE = Give Individual Players XP


HELPMENU1 = UWC3X General Help

HELPMENU2 = About UWC3X Ultimates


HELPMENU4 = UWC3X Latest News

HELPMENU5 = (\rNew\w) Attributes Info

HELPMENU6 = (\rNew\w) Resistances Inf

HELPMENU7 = Tips for Playing UWC3X pg.1

HELPMENU8 = Tips for Playing UWC3X pg.2

MENUITEM1 = Skills Menu

MENUITEM2 = Item Menu



MENUITEM5 = Commands List

MENUITEM6 = Your Character Sheet

MENUITEM7 = Admin Menu

SERVER_MODE_FAST = Server Mode: Fast XP -- Long Term XP is Disabled

UWC3X_XP_TABLE_HEADER = UWC3X XP Table for this Server:

ENH_COST_TABLE = Attrib pentru Cost: %d E-XP , Resist pentru Cost: %d E-XP

UWC3X_XP_TABLE = [level %d] XP: %d Total XP: %d

NO_ACCESS = You have no access to that command

COMMAND_DISABLED = This command has been disabled.

ADMINMENU_OFF = The Admin Menu has been disabled on this server

ADMIN_GIVEXP_LOG = [%s] %s used Admin-Menu XP [%s] for %s

ADMIN_GIVEXP = The admin just awarded you %d experience.

ADMIN_XP1 = Give %d XP

ADMIN_MAX_RESISTS = [%s] The admin has given you max resistances.  What a nice guy!

ADMIN_MAX_ATTRIBS = [%s] The admin has given you max attributes.  What a nice guy!

ADMIN_RESET_SKILLS = [%s] The admin has reset your skills, please pick new ones on the next round

ADMIN_RESET_ATTRIBS = [%s] The admin has reset your attribs, please pick new ones on the next round

ADMIN_RESET_RESISTS = [%s] The admin has reset your resists, please pick new ones on the next round

ADMIN_RESET_ALL = [%s] The admin has reset your charsheet, please pick new skills, attribs and resists on the next round

ADMIN_XP_T_LOG = [%s] %s used Admin-Menu XP [%d] for team Terrorist

ADMIN_XP_CT_LOG = [%s] %s used Admin-Menu XP [%d] for team CT

ADMIN_XP_ALL_LOG = [%s] %s used Admin-Menu XP [%d] for EVERYONE


COMMANDS_HEADER2 = The following commands are available:

COMMANDS_HELP1 = say /war3menu - Show UWC3X main menu

COMMANDS_HELP2 = say /help - Show UWC3X help menu

COMMANDS_HELP3 = say /selectskill - Select skills

COMMANDS_HELP4 = say /selectattrib - Select attributes

COMMANDS_HELP5 = say /selectresist - Select resistances

COMMANDS_HELP6 = say /charsheet - Displays your character summary

COMMANDS_HELP7 = say /who - Displays a list of players on the server

COMMANDS_HELP8 = say /whois player - Displays the character sheet for the specified player

COMMANDS_HELP9 = say /skillsinfo# - Show info about each skill (# is skill page number)

COMMANDS_HELP10 = say /resetskills - Resets your skills so you can retrain them

COMMANDS_HELP11 = say /resetattribs - Resets your attributes so you can retrain them 

COMMANDS_HELP12 = say /deletexp - Deletes all of your XP and skill points

COMMANDS_HELP13 = say /itemsinfo# - Displays the list of items in the shopmenu (# is 1 to 3)

COMMANDS_HELP14 = say /itemsinfo2 - Displays the list of items in the shopmenu2

COMMANDS_HELP15 = say /itemsinfo3 - Displays the list of items in the shopmenu3

COMMANDS_HELP16 = say /level - Displays your rank and level

COMMANDS_HELP17 = say /toggle_lowres - Toggles the position of ultimate/shopitems HUD messages

COMMANDS_HELP18 = type xp_table (in console) - Displays the XP/Level table for this server

COMMANDS_HELP19 = say /save skillset# - Saves a skillset at the start of next round (# is 1 to 5)

COMMANDS_HELP20 = say /load skillset# - Loads a skillset at the start of next round (# is 1 to 5)

COMMANDS_HELP21 = say /resistinfo - Shows information on resistances

COMMANDS_HELP22 = say /attribsinfo - Shows information on attributes

COMMANDS_HELP23 = say /skillsinfo# - Displays information about each skill page

COMMANDS_HELP24 = say /binds - Shows all of the bindable commands

COMMANDS_HELP25 = say /resetresists - Resets your resistances so you can re-pick them 



COMMING_SOON = coming soon

BIND_KEY = bind key

PASSIVE_ABILITY = Passive Ability

NO_SKILL = skill being developed

NEXT_PAGE = Next Page

EXIT = Exit

REQUIRED = required

WHOIS_NOTFOUND = Could not find a matching player [%s]

DEBUG1 = DEBUG #1: Mapname= ( %s ) Player= ( %s ) Level= ( %d ) #Skills= ( %d ) XP= ( %d )

DEBUG2 = DEBUG #2: Server Max_Attribs= ( %d ) Apts_spent= ( %d ) Apts_left= ( %d )

DEBUG3 = DEBUG #3: Server Max_Resists= ( %d ) Rpts_spent= ( %d ) Rpts_left= ( %d )

ONE_NADE = Only one HE grenade per round

NOTICE_MASTERED = [%s] Announcement :: %s has mastered %s

NOTICE_SKILL_TRAINED = [%s] You have expanded your knowledge of %s

NOTICE_ULT_BIND = [ Ultimate Skill, in console: bind key %s ]

NOTICE_SKILL_TRAINED2 = [%s] You have learned the basics of %s %s

NOTICE_ULT_BIND2 = Ultimate ability trained, in console: bind key %s

NOTICE_ULT_PASSIVE1 = PASSIVE Ultimate ability trained, no bind needed

ADMIN_ONLY_SKILLS = Admin-Reserved Skills

ADMIN_ONLY_RESERVED = This skill is reserved for Admins

ADMIN_SHOWXP = [%s] %s has %d XP

ADMIN_GIVE_XP = [%s] The admin gave you %d experience

ADMIN_SET_LEVEL = [%s] The admin has set your level to %d

ADMIN_SET_LEVEL_RESPONSE = %s level has been set to %d

ADMIN_TAKE_XP = The admin took %d experience away from you.

ADMIN_SHOW_LOCATION = [%s] Your location is: <%d %d %d>

WARNING_FULLUPDATE = FULLUPDATE: User:%s SteamID:%s  -- Attempted to use the fullupdate command!

RELOAD_XP = Your XP and Skill are attempting to be reloaded

RELOAD_XP_NO_AUTH = You can not reload your skills and XP as you are not yet Steam Authorized [STEAM_ID:PENDING]

DELETE_XP = Your skills/attributes/resistances and XP have been reset to 0.

COMAND_ISSUED = %s issued

NO_MATCHING_CLIENTS = No clients in such team

SAME_TEAM = He's on your team, DON'T SHOOT

EXAMINE_ENEMY = Examining %s :: [ ENEMY ]

EXAMINE_ENEMY_HPAP = Examining %s :: [ %d HP / %d ARM ]

LOW_RES_OFF = You have toggled Low Res mode OFF

LOW_RES_ON = You have toggled Low Res mode ON

DEBUG_INFO_HEADER = Dumping debug info

DEBUG_INFO_LINE = [%d] xpgiven= ( %d ) xplevel= ( %d ) attrib_pentru_cost= ( %d ) resist_pentru_cost= ( %d )

CHANGERACE1 = Ultimate Warcraft3 Expansion (UWC3X) is a raceless version of the Warcraft3 plugin you may be familiar with.

CHANGERACE2 = UWC3X provides players with 34 playable levels and a freeform skills system which allows you to mix and match skills of your choosing. In addition UWC3X offers players a choice of 10 ultimate skills and you can train up to 3 different ultimates, as well as other special abilities. UWC3X also offers an optional Enhancement system to provide your character with even more customization. 

CHANGERACE3 = Interested? Read on! Say <b>/help</b> for UWC3X's help menu and say <b>/commands</b> to see the list of UWC3X spoken commands. Say <b>/news</b> to read up on the latest changes to the plugin.

DISPLAY_INFO = Display UWC3X info

SELECT_SKILL = Displays the skills menu

SELECT_ATTRIB = Displays the attributes menu

RESET_ATTRIB = Your attributes will be reset next round

RESETATTRIBS_OFF = This server has disabled that option

SELECT_RESIST = Displays the resistances menu

RESET_RESIST = Your resistances will be reset next round

RESETRESISTS_OFF = This server has disabled that option

ATTRIB_INFO = (say /attribinfo for info about attributes)

ATTRIB_SELECT = Select an Attribute to enhance [%d pts remaining]

ATTRIB_MENU = Attributes Menu

ATTRIB_STR = Strength

ATTRIB_INT = Intellect

ATTRIB_DEX = Dexterity

ATTRIB_AGI = Agility

ATTRIB_CON = Constitution


ATTRIB_MENU1_STR = <li><b>Strength</b> - Determines your starting base health, stacks with Devotion Aura</li>

ATTRIB_MENU1_INT = <li><b>Intellect</b> - Each level of intellect adds a benefit:<ul><li>11) Increases the chance of Impale by %.0f%%</li><li>12) Increases the money stolen of Siphon Mana by %.0f%%</li><li>13) Increases the chance of Banish by %.0f%%</li>

ATTRIB_MENU1_INT2 = <li>14) Increases the chance of Hex by %.0f%%</li><li>15) Increases the chance of Bash by %.0f%%</li><li>16) Increases the damage of Trueshot Aura by %.0f%%</li><li>17) Adds %d additional Serpent Wards and decreases Teleport cooldown by %.0f seconds</li><li>18) Increases the duration of Big Bad Voodoo by %.0f seconds</li></ul></li>

ATTRIB_MENU1_DEX = <li><b>Dexterity</b> - Helps evading shots if you have Evasion skill, and adds to Jumpkick effectiveness</li>

ATTRIB_MENU1_AGI = <li><b>Agility</b> - Determines your base runspeed, stacks with Unholy Aura</li>

ATTRIB_MENU1_CON = <li><b>Constitution</b> - Provides health regeneration, stacks with Healing Wave</li>

ATTRIB_MENU1_WIS = <li><b>Wisdom</b>- Each level of wisdom adds a benefit:<ul><li>11) Decreases the chance of being Hexed by %.0f%%</li><li>12) Decreases the chance of being Impaled by %.0f%%</li><li>13) Increases the damage dealt by Fire ultimates by %.0f%%</li>

ATTRIB_MENU1_WIS2 = <li>14) Increases the damage dealt by Lightning ultimates by %.0f%%</li><li>15) Decreases the chance of dropping your weapon from jumpkick by %.0f%%</li><li>16) Decreases the chance of being banished by %.0f%%</li><li>17) Decreases the chance of being bashed by %.0f%%</li><li>18) +%d maximum ultimates</li></ul></li>

WISDOM_JUMPKICK_RESIST1 = Your Wisdom allows you to sense the impending jumpkick and hold onto your weapon!

WISDOM_JUMPKICK_RESIST2 = Your opponents wisdom allows them to hold onto their weapon!

JUMPKICK_NO_RESIST = ARG!!! Your weapon has been kicked out of your hands!  Better get a new one FAST!

JUMPKICK_NO_RESIST_DEPOWER = The only reason you are still holding your gun is becuase you are depowered....

GRAB_RESIST1 = Your high agility allows you to get out of the Grab attempt by %s

GRAB_RESIST2 = Your opponents high agility allows them to get out of your Grab attempt

WISDOM_HEX_RESIST1 = Your Wisdom allows you to sense the impending HEX and avoid it!

WISDOM_HEX_RESIST2 = Your opponents wisdom allows them to avoid your HEX!

WISDOM_BASH_RESIST1 = Your Wisdom allows you to sense the impending BASH and avoid it

WISDOM_BASH_RESIST2 = Your opponents wisdom allows them to avoid your BASH!

WISDOM_BANISH_RESIST1 = Your Wisdom allows you to sense the impending BANISH and avoid it

WISDOM_BANISH_RESIST2 = Your opponents wisdom allows them to avoid your BANISH!

WISDOM_IMPALE_RESIST1 = Your Wisdom allows you to sense the impending IMPALE and avoid it

WISDOM_IMPALE_RESIST2 = Your opponents wisdom allows them to avoid your IMPALE!

ATTRIB_MENU1 = Attributes Information

ATTRIB_MENU2 = UWC3X provides, in addition to the normal XP system, a new enhancement XP system (E-XP) which allows you to earn Attribute points to spend building your character. These attributes are as follows:

ATTRIB_MENU3 = Determines your starting base health, stacks with Devotion Aura

ATTRIB_MENU4 = Each level of intellect you enhance from 11 - 18 provides a different benefit, check the website for complete details

ATTRIB_MENU5 = Helps to successfully Evade shots for characters trained in Evasion

ATTRIB_MENU6 = Determines your base runspeed, stacks with Unholy Aura

ATTRIB_MENU7 = Provides health regeneration which stacks with Healing Wave

ATTRIB_MENU8 = Each level of wisdom you enhance from 14 - 18 provides a different benefit, check the website for complete details

RESIST_MENU = Resistances Menu

RESIST_SELECT = Select a Resistance to enhance [%d pts remaining]: \w^n

RESIST_RESET = (say /resistinfo for info about resistances) \w^n^n

RESIST_MAX = [%s] You have already reached the maximum resistance level.

RESIST_NONE = [%s] You do not have any Resistance points to spend, earn more E-XP

RESIST_MAX_POINTS = [%s] You have reached the server limit for obtainable Resistance points.

RESIST_SPEND = [%s] You spend 1 E-XP point to enhance your %s

RESIST_POISON = Poison Resistance

RESIST_DISEASE = Disease Resistance

RESIST_ELECTRICITY = Electricity Resistance

RESIST_FIRE = Fire Resistance

RESIST_MAGIC = Magic Resistance

RESIST_ROT = Rot Resistance

RESIST_MENU1_POISON = <li><b>Poison Resistance</b> - protection against Shadow Strike and poison-based attacks </li>

RESIST_MENU1_DISEASE = <li><b>Disease Resistance</b> - protection against Carrion Beetles and Locust Swarm disease-based attacks </li>

RESIST_MENU1_ELECTRIC = <li><b>Electricity Resistance</b> - protection against Chain Lightning attacks </li>

RESIST_MENU1_FIRE = <li><b>Fire Resistance</b> - protection against Flamethrower and Napalm Grenade fire-based attacks </li>

RESIST_MENU1_ICE = <li><b>Ice Resistance</b> - protection against ice-based attacks </li>

RESIST_MENU1_MAGIC = <li><b>Magic Resistance</b> - protection against Shadow Strike and poison-based attacks </li>

RESIST_MENU1_ROT = <li><b>Rot Resistance</b> - protection against Rot </li>

RESIST_MENU1 = Resistances Information

RESIST_MENU2 = UWC3X provides, in addition to the normal XP system, a new enhancement XP system (E-XP) which allows you to earn Resistance points to spend building a defense system for your character. Each resistance can be trained to 100 points at which time you should be totally covered from the specified damage type. These resistances are as follows:

RESIST_MENU3 = protection against Shadow Strike and poison-based attacks 

RESIST_MENU4 = protection against Carrion Beetles and Locust Swarm disease-based attacks

RESIST_MENU5 = protection against Chain Lightning attacks 

RESIST_MENU6 = protection against Flamethrower and Napalm Grenade fire-based attacks

RESIST_MENU7 = Similar to a Necklace of Immunity with some exceptions made to attacks covered by other resistance types.

WON_ROUND_XP = %s recieved %d XP for winning the round

BOMB_SPAWN = %s recieved %d XP for spawning with the bomb.

BOMB_DROP = %s lost the %d XP bomb carrying bonus.

BOMB_PICKUP = %s gained %d XP for picking up the bomb.

BOMB_PLANT_XP1 = %s recieved %d extra XP for personally planting the bomb.

BOMB_PLANT_XP2 = %s recieved %d for supporting the bomb planting effort.

BOMB_DEFUSE_XP1 = %s recieved %d extra XP for defusing the bomb.

BOMB_DEFUSE_XP2 = %s recieved %d for supporting the bomb defusing effort.

BOMB_DEFUSE_XP3 = %s recieved %d XP for cutting the red wire on the bomb.

BOMB_DEFUSE_XP4 = %s recieved %d XP for attempting to defuse bare handed.^n

HOSTAGE_KILL = %s lost %d XP for killing a hostage.

HOSTAGE_TOUCH = %s recieved %d XP for beginning to escort the hostage to safety.

HOSTAGE_RESCUE1 = %s is given %d XP for escorting a hostage to safety.

HOSTAGE_RESCUE2 = %s recieved %d for supporting the hostage run.

VIP_SPAWN = %s recieved %d XP for being so important.

VIP_ESCAPE1 = %s gained %d XP for evading assasination.

VIP_ESCAPE2 = %s recieved %d for helping the %s escape.

VIP_KILL = %s gained %d XP for assinating %s the VIP.

DROPSKILL_MENU = Displays the drop skills menu

DROPSKILL_WAIT = [%s] You must wait one round to select new skills after dropping them

DROPSKILL_NOSKILLS = [%s] You have no skill points to drop

DROPSKILL_SPENDFIRST = [%s] You must first spend your available skill points

DROPSKILL_STEALSKIN = [%s] You must first drop Steel Skin

DROPSKILL_NOPOINTS = [%s] You have no points in %s

DROPSKILL_UNTRAINED = [%s] You are no longer trained in %s

DROPSKILL_DECREASED = [%s] You have decreased your knowledge of %s

DROPSKILL_CRIPPLE = [%s] You can not go below 2 points in Trueshot and 3 points in Bash when you have the Cripple Skill

DROPSKILL_STEALSKIN = [%s] You can not go below 3 points in Leather Skin and 1 point in Vampiric when you have Steal Skin Skill

NO_SKILL_POINTS = [%s] You have no skill points to spend

SKILL_CANT_LEARN = [%s] You are not yet able to train that skill

SKILL_AT_MAX = [%s] You have reached the maximum level for this skill

SKILL_MAX_TRAINED = [%s] You have trained the allowed limit for this skill at your current level. Try again next level.

ULTIMATE_MAX_ALLOWED = [%s] You have already trained the maximum number of ultimate skills [%d]

SKILL_NO_SKILL = [%s] This skill slot is reserved for an upcoming skill

SKILL_TOO_MANY = [%s] You have spent too many skillpoints, skills reset forced.

ULT_TOO_MANY = [%s] You have spent too many skill points on ultimates, skills reset forced.

SUICIDE_NO_FAN = [%s] You would have to first give up your Suicide Bomber to train Fan of Knives

FAN_NO_SUICIDE = [%s] You would have to first give up your Fan of Knives to train Suicide Bomber

SKILL_ERROR1 = [UWC3X] Failed on player min level check

SKILL_ERROR2 = [UWC3X] Failed by trying to add more levels than current player level

SKILL_ERROR3 = [UWC3X] Failed on player is already trained in this skill

SKILL_ERROR4 = [UWC3X] Failed on player - he/she is trying to train a skill above its max ( if so, set it to the right max )

SKILL_ERROR5 = [UWC3X] Failed on players can only put 1 skill pentru into a skill for each level over ( or equal ) to the min. level to train it

SKILL_ERROR6 = [UWC3X] Failed on player min level check

SKILL_ERROR7 = [UWC3X] Failed by trying to add more levels than current player level

STEAL_SKIN_NOTICE = [%s] You must be trained in 1 level of Vampiric Aura and 3 levels of Leather Skin to train this skill

CRIPPLE_NOTICE = [%s] You must be trained in 3 levels of Bash and 2 levels of TrueShot to train this skill

STEAL_NOTICE2 =[UWC3X] Failed on Only allow Steel Skin if Vampiric and Leather Skin trained

SYPHON_AMMO_NOMANA = [%s] Only one siphon skill is allowed, you would have to give up your Siphon Mana

SYPHON_MANA_NOAMMO = [%s] Only one siphon skill is allowed, you would have to give up your Siphon Ammo

SYPHON_ERROR1 = [UWC3X] Failed on Allow only one siphon skill ( got cash )

SYPHON_ERROR2 = [UWC3X] Failed on Allow only one siphon skill ( got ammo )

CARAPACE_NO_THORNS = [%s] Only one damage shield skill is allowed, you would have to give up your Thorns Aura

THORNS_NO_CARAPACE = [%s] Only one damage shield skill is allowed, you would have to give up your Spiked Carapace

DAMAGE_SKILL_ERROR1 = [UWC3X] Failed on Allow only one damage shield skill ( got carapace )

DAMAGE_SKILL_ERROR2 = [UWC3X] Failed on Allow only one damage shield skill ( got thorns )

POISON_DISEASE_ERROR1 = [UWC3X] Failed on Allow only one Shadow Strike / Carrion Beetles ( got sstrike )

POISON_DISEASE_ERROR2 = [UWC3X] Failed on Allow only one Shadow Strike / Carrion Beetles ( got beetles )

POISON_DISEASE_ERROR3 = [UWC3X] Failed on Allow only one Shadow Strike / Carrion Beetles ( got rot )

POISON_DISEASE_ERROR4 = [UWC3X] Failed on Allow only one Shadow Strike / Carrion Beetles ( got cripple )

CRIPPLE_ERROR1 = [UWC3X] You do not meet the skill requirements for cripple

SHADOW_NO_CARION = [%s] You would have to first give up your Carrion Beetles skill to train this

CARION_NO_SHADOW = [%s] You would have to first give up your Shadow Strike skill to train this

CARION_NO_ROT = [%s] You would have to first give up your Rot skill to train this 

NO_CRIPPLE = [%s] You would have to first give up your Cripple skill to train this

VENG_NO_SUICIDE = [%s] You would have to first give up your Suicide Bomber ultimate to train this

SUICICDE_NO_VENG = [%s] You would have to first give up your Vegeance ultimate to train this

CRIT_NO_CLUSTER = [%s] You would have to first give up your Critical Grenades to train this

CLUSTER_NO_CRIT = [%s] You would have to first give up your Cluseter Bombs to train this

NAPALM_NO_ICE = [%s] You would have to first give up your Napalm Grenades to train this

ICE_NO_NAPALM = [%s] You would have to first give up your Ice Bombs to train this

SUICIDE_NO_FAN = [%s] You would have to first give up your Suicide Bomber ultimate to train this

FAN_NO_SUICIDE = [%s] You would have to first give up your Fan of Knives to train this

POINTS_REMAINING = pts remaining

SAY_SKILLINFO = (say %s for info about skills on this page)

OBJECTIVES_XP_HS = [%s] You are awarded %d XP for having a headshot

OBJECTIVES_XP = [%s] You just gained %d XP for killing %s with %s

TK_XP = [%s] You just lost %d XP for killing your team mate %s with %s

MEDIC1 = [%s] MEDIC ALERT : %s is burning and needs medical attention

MEDIC2 = [%s] MEDIC ALERT : %s is ROTTING AWAY and needs medical attention

MEDIC3 = [%s] MEDIC ALERT : %s is poisoned and needs medical attention

MEDIC4 = [%s] MEDIC ALERT : %s is diseased and needs medical attention

MEDIC5 = [%s] MEDIC ALERT : %s needs medical attention

MOLE_DEFLECT = [%s] A shot by a mole was deflected

EVADE1 = [%s] You skillfully evade a shot by %s

EVADE2 = [%s] %s skillfully evades your shot

CRIT_STRIKE_BACKFIRE1 = [%s] Your Critical Strike and Trueshot Auras have caused a backfire!

CRIT_STRIKE_BACKFIRE2 = [%s] %s experienced a backfire from Critical Strike and Trueshot Auras

POISON1 = [%s] w00t! Your poison darts hit their mark on %s

POISON2 = [%s] EGADS!  Poison darts from %s are pwning you, seek a medic quickly!

POISON3 = [%s] Your resistance to poison helps to shield you from a Shadow Strike

POISON4 = [%s] Your Shadow Strike is absorbed by your target's poison resistance

ROT1 = [%s] Your Rot infects %s with disease - muwahahaha

ROT2 = [%s] Oh Noes!! You have caught the ROT from %s, seek a medic quickly!

ROT3 = [%s] Your resistance to rot shields you from catching the ROT

ROT4 = [%s] Your ROT is absorbed by your target's rot resistance

BEGIN_LUCK1 = [%s] Your Beginner's Luck allows you to evade a shot from %s

BEGIN_LUCK2 = [%s] %s has Beginner's Luck and evades your shot.

BEGIN_LUCK3 = [%s] Your Beginner's Luck causes you to do extra damage to %s.

BEGIN_LUCK4 = [%s] %s uses Beginner's Luck to cause you extra damage.

THORNS1 = [%s] The Thorns Aura surrounding %s inflicts damage on you.

THORNS2 = [%s] Your Thorns Aura inflicts damage on %s

DISEASE1 = [%s] Your Carrion Beetles infect %s with disease

DISEASE2 = [%s] Carrion Beetles from %s infect you with disease, seek a medic quickly!

DISEASE3 = [%s] Your resistance to disease helps to shield you from Carrion Beetles

DISEASE4 = [%s] Your Carrion Beetles are absorbed by your target's disease resistance

HEX1 = [%s] %s has morphed you into an undesirable form

HEX2 = [%s] You have morphed %s into an undesirable form

BANISH1 = [%s] You have banished %s

BANISH2 = [%s] You have been banished by %s

IMPALE1 = [%s] You cause the ground to shake beneath %s

IMPALE2 = [%s] The ground shakes beneath your feet

IMPALE3 = [%s] You have been impaled for trying to kill respawner %s

SYPHON1 = [%s] You siphoned %d rounds from %s

SYPHON2 = [%s] %d rounds were siphoned by %s

SYPHON3 = [%s] You siphon $%d from %s

SYPHON4 = [%s] You have been robbed of $%d by %s

VAMPIRIC1 = [%s] Your Vampiric Aura steals health from %s

VAMPIRIC2 = [%s] Your lifeforce has been drained by %s

BASH1 = [%s] Your Bash has stunned %s

BASH2 = [%s] You have been stunned by %s

CRIT_STRIKE1 = [%s] Your critical strike is deflected by Big Bad Voodoo

CRIT_STRIKE2 = [%s] Your Big Bad Voodoo protects you from a critical strike

CRIT_STRIKE3 = [%s] You strike a critical blow to %s

CRIT_STRIKE4 = [%s] You were hit by a critical strike from %s

CRIT_GRENADE1 = [%s] Your magic resistance protects you from Critical Grenade damage

NAPALM_GRENADE1 = [%s] %s has burned you with a Napalm Grenade, Eeek!

NAPALM_GRENADE2 = [%s] Your Napalm Grenade burns %s

JUMPKICK1 = OMG!! WTF#$$@  You just got JUMPKICKED to DEATH by %s !!!!

JUMPKICK2 = You just pwnt %s with a JUMPKICK right to the chops!!

SPIKED1 = [%s] The spiked armor about %s causes you pain

SPIKED2 = [%s] Your spiked carapace hurts %s

STEALSKIN = [%s] Your Steel Skin gleams as your Vampiric Aura strengthens your armor

MINE1 = OMG!! You just got blown to bits by a mine from %s !!!!

MINE2 = You just killed %s with a claymore mine!!

MINE_MAX = You can only place a maximum of %d mines each round

MINE_UNTRAINED = You do not know the Claymore Mine skill yet

MINE_PLACED = You have placed a mine, good luck!

SHOPMENU = shopmenu1

SHOPMENU2 = shopmenu2

SHOPMENU3 = shopmenu3

SHOPMENU_SHOW1 = Show Shopmenu 1 Information

SHOPMENU_SHOW2 = Show Shopmenu 2 Information

SHOPMENU_SHOW3 = Show Shopmenu 3 Information

ITEM_DEAD = You may not buy items when you are dead.

ITEM_BUYTIME = %0.0f seconds have passed. You can't buy anthing now.

ITEM_BUYZONE = You must be in the buyzone to purchase an item

ITEM_JOIN_TEAM = You must join a team before purchasing an item

ITEM_OWNS = You already own that item

ITEM_NO_MONEY = You have insufficient funds!

ITEM_ROUND_OVER = You may not purchase this after the round has ended

SHOPMENU1_HEADER = The following items are available for purchase at the shop (say shopmenu)

SHOPMENU1_ANKH = Ankh of Reincarnation: If you die you will retrieve your equipment the following round

SHOPMENU1_BOOTS = Boots of Speed: Allows you to run faster

SHOPMENU1_CLAWS = Claws of Attack: An additional %d hp will be removed from the enemy on every hit

SHOPMENU1_CLOAK = Cloak of Shadows: Makes you partially invisible, stacks with the invisibility skill, and invisibility is increased when holding the knife

SHOPMENU1_MASK = Mask of Death: You will receive health for every hit on the enemy

SHOPMENU1_NECKLACE = Necklace of Immunity: You will be immune to enemy ultimates

SHOPMENU1_ORB = Orb of Frost: Slows your enemy down when you hit him

SHOPMENU1_PERIPHAT = Periapt of Health: Receive extra health

SHOPMENU1_TOME = Tome of Experience: Purchasing a tome increases your experience by a fixed amount, the tome is consumed when bought

SHOPMENU1_TOME2 = You have gained %d XP from purchasing Tome of Experience

TOO_MANY_TOMES = You have already purchased more then the allowed amount of Tomes for this round

SHOPMENU2_HEADER = The following items are available for purchase at the shop (say shopmenu2)

SHOPMENU2_SCROLL = Scroll of Respawning: You will respawn after death

SHOPMENU2_MP = Mole Protectant: Protects you from moles (unless they hit you in the head)

SHOPMENU2_AMULET = Amulet of the Cat: You cannot be heard when running/going up ladders

SHOPMENU2_SOCK = Sock of the Feather: Allows you to levitate

SHOPMEUN2_HELM = Helm of Excellence: Immunity to headshots.Helmsplitter Ultimate can break the Helm

SHOPMENU2_GLOVE = Flaming Gloves of Warmth: Given an HE grenade every %s seconds

SHOPMENU2_RINGS = Ring of Regeneration +1: Gives 1 health every 2 seconds, you can have 5 max (type rings to receive 5)

SHOPMENU2_CHAMELEON = Chameleon: You are disguised as the enemy!!

SHOPMENU2_MOLE = Mole: Teleports you to the enemy spawn under disguise at the start of the round

SHOPMENU3_HEADER = The following items are available for purchase at the shop (say shopmenu3) and can be purchased ONCE every 30 seconds:

SHOPMENU3_ITEM1 = Lesser healing potion: Heals 50 HP instantly

SHOPMENU3_ITEM2 = Potion of Invisibility: Gives you level 10 invisibility for 15 seconds

SHOPMENU3_ITEM3 = Potion of Invulnerability: Takes away 6 damage from each hit for 20 seconds

SHOPMENU3_ITEM4 = Scroll of Town Portal: Instantly Teleports you back to your spawn

SHOPMENU3_ITEM5 = Disease Cure: Cures any infection caused by disease

SHOPMENU3_ITEM6 = Poison Cure: Cures any infection caused by poison

SHOPMENU3_ITEM7 = Fire Cure: Teaches you (momentarily) how to stop drop and roll

SHOPMENU3_ITEM8 = Rot Cure: Cures that not so fresh feeling that is teh ROT


GLOVE_NADE_GIVEN = Your Flaming Gloves provide you with a Nade!

GLOVE_RESTRICTED = Flaming Gloves of Warmth are restricted on this map

GLOVE_TIMER = %d second( s ) until your next grenade

GLOVE_DIED = If you could manage to stay alive I could provide you with more nades!

RINGS_X5_MORE = You may not purchase more than 5 rings

RINGS_X5 = Saying this allows you to buy 5 rings

MOLE_DISABLED_PLAYER = Mole has been disabled on this server

MOLE_DISABLED_ADMIN = Mole has been disabled on this server

RESETSKILLS_ON = Your skills will be reset next round

RESETSKILLS_OFF = This server has disabled that option

LOADSKILLSET_ON = Your skills will be loaded next round

LOADSKILLSET_OFF = This server has disabled that option

LOADSKILLSET = Your skills have been loaded from skillset %d

LOADSKILLSET_NODATA = No data found for that SkillSet ID #%d

LOADSKILLSET_ERROR = Error Retrieving Your Skillset Data. Please try again next map - Sorry.

SAVESKILLSET_ON = Your skills will be saved next round

SAVESKILLSET_OFF = This server has disabled that option

SAVESKILLSET = Your skills have been saved to skillset %d

SAVESKILLSET_ERROR = Error Saving Your Skillset Data. Please try again next map - Sorry.

SKILLSET_CANT_SAVE_LOAD = You can not Save your skill set becuase you are Loading a skillset.  Please wait a round then try again

SKILLSET_CANT_LOAD_SAVE = You can not Load your skill set becuase you are Saving a skillset.  Please wait a round then try again

DELETESKILLSET_ERROR = Error Deleting Your Skillset Data. Please try again next map - Sorry.

DELETESKILLSET_OK = Your Skillset %d Data has been cleared.

SKILLSET_CANT_DEL_SAVE = You can not Delete your skill set becuase you are Saving a skillset.  Please wait a round then try again

SKILLSET_CANT_DEL_LOAD = You can not Delete your skill set becuase you are Loading a skillset.  Please wait a round then try again

DELSKILLSET_ON = Your SkillSet will be deleted

SKILLS_RESET_LOG = TOO MANY SKILLPOINTS: ( %s ) level= ( %d ) skillcount= ( %d )

CANCEL = Cancel


CONNECT_TABLE_CONNECT_FAILED = Error: Could not connect to SQL database in CreateTable

FAILED_TO_CREATE_TABLE = UWC3X SQL :: Error creating table

FAILED_TO_RUN_QUERY = UWC3X SQL :: Error running Query

FAILED_TO_RUN_QUERY_CONNECT = Error: Could not connect to SQL database in RunQuerry.

CONFIG_LOADING_DEBUG = UWC3X SQL :: Config Report: host= ( %s ) user= ( %s ) pass= ( * ) db= ( %s )

CONFIG_LOADING_MESSAGE = UWC3X SQL :: Loading Configuration File...

CONFIG_LOADING_SUCCESS = UWC3X SQL :: Configuration File Loaded [OK]


CONFIG_LOADING_FDE = UWC3X SQL :: No Configuration File -- NOT SAVING XP...

DB_CONNECT_FAILURE = Error connecting to SQL database


SKILLSET_BAD = Your skillset doesnt appear to be right. Please check it and try again

SKILLSET_RESET_NR = Your skillset will be set next round

ULTIMATE_RETRIEVED = [%s] Retrieved saved ultimate ( %s )^n

ULTIMATE_READY = Ultimates Ready


STARTING_XP_DISABLED = Sorry, this server does not use Starting XP - you are now level 0

STARTING_XP_MESSAGE = Congratulations! You have been awarded the new player XP bonus of %s FREE XP

STARTING_LEVEL_MESSAGE = Congratulations! You have been awarded the new player starting level of %d 

LOAD_XP_FAILURE = Error Retrieving Your XP+Skills Data. Sorry.


LOAD_XP_CONNECT_FAILURE = Error: Could not connect to SQL database in _LoadXP.

LOAD_XP_NO_DATA = No Saved Skills SQL Data Found for you

LOAD_XP_STARTING_XP = Congratulations! You have been awarded the new player XP bonus of %d FREE XP

LOAD_XP_STARTING_LEVEL = Congratulations! You have been awarded the new player starting level of %d 


SAVEXP_CONNECT_FAILED = Error: Could not connect to SQL database in _SaveXP

SAVE_XP_FAILURE = Error Saving Your XP+Skills Data. Sorry!

SAVE_XP_DISABLED = Long term XP mode is NOT enabled now.

SAVING_XP_NOW = Saving all your UWC3X Data now.

SAVEXP_HUD_MESSAGE = Your XP, Skills, Attributes and Resistances will be saved when you disconnect, and on a map change.

SAVEXP_CLIENT_MESSAGE = Your XP, Skills, Attributes and Resistances will be saved when you disconnect, and on a map change.

ENH_OFF = This server has restricted attribute enhancements

ENH_MIN_LEVEL = [%s] You must reach level [%d] before you may enhance your attributes

ENH_MAX_LEVEL = [%s] You have already reached the maximum enhancement level.

ENH_LIMIT_REACHED = [%s] You have reached the server limit for obtainable Attribute points.

ENH_NO_POINTS = [%s] You do not have any Attribute points to spend, earn more E-XP

ENH_SPEND = [%s] You spend 1 E-XP point to enhance your %s

ABILITY_DURING_FREEZETIME = You may not use this ability during freezetime

ULTIMATE_DELAY_MESSAGE = This ability is disabled for the^nfirst %d seconds of the round

ULTIMATE_VENGANCE = Ultimate ability Vengeance trained, no bind required

CLOAK_SKILL_AWARDED = [%s] You have been awarded a Cloak of Chameleon, and now look like a member of the other team

CLOAK_SKILL_AWARDED2 = You have been awarded a Cloak of Chameleon, and now look like a member of the other team

CLOAK_SKILL_HAVE_ITEM = [%s] You can not be awarded a Cloak of Chameleon as you have the Chameleon shopmenu2 item already

HEALING_WAVE_MAX = [%s] You have already performed the maximum number of heals for this round

HEALING_WAVE_HEAL = [%s] You have healed a teammate <%d XP>.

MOLE_NO_SLOT = A mole location was not found for you, item saved for next round

MOLE_NO_SLOT_T = No Terrorist mole locations available, will try again next round

MOLE_NO_SLOT_CT = No Counter-Terrorist mole locations available, will try again next round

MOLE_SLOT = A mole location was not found for you

MOLE_BLIND = [%s] You are temporarily blind after coming into daylight.

MOLE_READY = Mole location ready, sending you to : < %d %d %d>

MOLE_JOIN_TEAM = Join a Team First!

RESPAWN_GRACE_END = Your Respawn grace period has ended, Beware!

PHEONIX_REVIVE1 = %s has revived you

PHEONIX_REVIVE2 = Your Phoenix has revived %s <%d XP>

PHEONIX_REVIVE3 = You have revived %s, way to go!

PHEONIX_REVIVE4 = %s has revived you

SERPENTWARD_PLACED = Serpent Ward Placed, %d remaining

SERPENTWARD_ALLGONE = You have already used all %d of your Serpent Wards

SERPENTWARD_UNTRAINED = You do not know the Serpant Ward ultimate yet

SERPENTWARD_MAGICPROTECT = Your magic resistance protects you from a Serpent Ward

REPAIR_ARMOR_UNTRAINED = You do not know the Repair Armor ability yet

REPAIR_ARMOR_XP_MESSAGE = You have made some repairs to your teammate's armor <%d XP>.

REPAIR_ARMOR_MAX_REPAIRS = You have already performed the maximum number of repairs for this round

REPAIR_ARMOR_UNNEEDED = %s does not need armor repair at this time

REPAIR_ARMOR_MESSAGE = %s has made some repairs to your armor.

DISPELL_UNTRAINED = You do not know the Dispell Hex ability yet

DISPELL_NOT_HEXED = Your teammate isnt hexed at the moment.

DISPELL_MESSAGE = %s has dispelled your hex.

DISPELL_XP_MESSAGE = You have dispelled your teammate's hex <%d XP>.

DISPELL_MAX_DISPELLS = You have already performed the maximum number of dispells for this round

MENDWOUNDS_UNTRAINED = You do not know the Mend Wounds ability yet

MENDWOUNDS_MAX_HEALS = You have already mended the maximum number of wounds for this round

MENDWOUNDS_NOT_HURT = %s does not have wounds to be mended at this time

MENDWOUNDS_CURED = You have provided basic medical care to %s <%d XP>

MENDWOUNDS_CURED_TARGET = %s has provided basic medical care to you

MENDWOUNDS_CURED_AILMENTS = You have provided medical care to %s : %s <%d XP>

MENDWOUNDS_CURED_AILMENTS_TARGET = %s has provided extra medical care to you : %s





MENDWOUNDS_CURE_NBURN = tended napalm burn

SHHH_DEAD_MESSAGE = Shhhh, you are dead, act like it.

RESISTANCE_ENDED = [%s] Your magic resistance to %s has ended

SM3_DISEASE = [%s] Whoah,you suddenly start feeling a little better....

SM3_POISON = [%s] Out of no where a man appears and sucks out the poison!

SM3_FIRE = [%s] You suddenly remember to stop drop and roll,and the fire goes out.

SM3_ROT = [%s] The arm that had rotted off suddenly regenerates and you are no longer rotting

SM3_INVIS = [%s] You are now Completely Invisible for 10 seconds!

SM3_HEAL = [%s] mmmm You feel heathly!

SM3_INVUL = [%s] For the next 20 seconds you will recieve 6 health back from each shot taken, if you survive the damage....

SM3_GATE = [%s] You will be taken back to spawn.  Wussy :p

SM3_VISIBLE = [%s] You are now VISIBLE again.....better hide....

SM3_VULNERABLE = [%s] Looks like you are starting to become VULNERABLE again.....better not take much more damage....

SM3_WAIT = [%s] You must wait 30 seconds between shopemnu3 purchases

SM3_CAN_BUY = [%s] You can now make another purchase from SHOPMENU3

SM3_NOHEX = [%s] Your hex has been dispelled.Boy your legs are tired from all that jumping...

SM3_MAXHEALTH = You are already at maximum health.

SM3_NO_DISEASE = You are not diseased, this item will do you no good

SM3_NO_POISON = You are not poisoned, this item will do you no good

SM3_NO_FIRE = You are not on fire, this item will do you no good

SM3_NO_ROT = You are not rotting, this item will do you no good

SM3_DOES_NOTHING = [%s] Congratulations, you just wasted your money since this item doesnt do anything.

SM3_NO_HEX = You are not hexed, this item will do you no good

ULTIMATE_SIV_XP = You have been awarded %d XP for Shielding %s

ULTIMATE_SIV_READY = Your Team Shield has recharged and is ready to be used

ULTIMATE_SIV_PLAYER_EXPIRED = The Shield arround %s fades... 

ULTIMATE_SIV_PLAYER = You have a Shield placed arround you by %s

ULTIMATE_SIV_SHIELDER = You have placed a shield arround %s

ULTIMATE_SIV_SHIELDER_EXPIRED = You Shield is loosing strength...

ULTIMATE_SIV_UNTRAINED = You do not know the Siv Shield ultimate yet

TEAMSHIELD_ABSORB1 = [%s] The Team shield provided by %s absorbs %d damage - Thanks may be in order.... 

TEAMSHIELD_ABSORB2 = [%s] You have taken %d damage from the shield protecting %s 

ULTIMATE_DELAY = Ultimates are disabled for the^nfirst %d seconds of the round

ULTIMATE_PLAYER_IS_MOLE = Moles cannot use ultimates

ULTIMATE_FREEZETIME = You may not use your ultimate during freezetime

ULTIMATE_WCSUICIDE_UNTRAINED = [%s] You do not know the Suicide Bomber ultimate yet

ULTIMATE_WCSUICIDE_ARMED = Suicide Bomb Armed^nPress Again To Detonate

ULTIMATE_SUICIDE_RESIST = [%s] Your magic resistance makes you temporarily immune to a Suicide Bomber's blast waves

ULTIMATE_FLAME_UNTRAINED = You do not know the Flame Strike ultimate yet

ULTIMATE_FLAME_RESIST = [%s] Your fire resistance protects you from a flamethrower attack

ULTIMATE_FLAME_DEFLECTED = [%s] Your flamethrower attack is deflected by your target's fire resistance

ULTIMATE_FLAME_FAILED = [%s] Your fire resistance fails to fully protect you from a flamethrower attack

ULTIMATE_TELEPORT_UNTRAINED = You do not know the Teleport ultimate yet

ULTIMATE_TELEPORT_IMMUNITY = Teleport Failed^nA Nearby Enemy Has Immunity

ULTIMATE_TELEPORT_SLAY = [%s] You have been slain for teleporting into a restricted area

ULTIMATE_TELEPORT_NO_TARGETS = No valid targets found!

ULTIMATE_TELEPORT_FAILED = Teleport Failed^nBad Destination

ULTIMATE_TEPELORT_IMMUNE = Teleport Failed^nAn Enemy Near Your Destination Has Immunity

ULTIMATE_VOODOO_UNTRAINED = You do not know the Big Bad Voodoo ultimate yet

ULTIMATE_VOODOO_EXPIRED = Your Voodoo has expired

ULTIMATE_VOODOO_RESET = Your Voodoo has been reset

ULTIMATE_GATE_UNTRAINED = You do not know the Gate ultimate yet

ULTIAMTE_GATE = [%s] Your gateway opens and is ready to take you home

ULTIMATE_GATE_NO_MORE = [%s] You have used up your available Gateways this round.

ULTIMATE_GATE_FAILED = [%s] Your gateway failed to open

ULTIMATE_GATE_COLLAPSE = [%s] An unknown force causes your gateway to collapse

ULTIMATE_GATE_COOLDOWN = [%s] You must wait %d seconds between gate attempts

ULTIMATE_LGHTNG_UNTRAINED = You do not know the Chain Lightning ultimate yet

ULTIMATE_LGHTNG_RESISTALL = [%s] Your resistance to electricity absorbs all of the Chain Lightning damage

ULTIMATE_LGHTNG_RESIST = [%s] Your resistance to electricity absorbs some of the Chain Lightning damage

ULTIMATE_DECOY_UNTRAINED = You do not know the Decoy ultimate yet

ULTIMATE_DECOY_ONE = [%s] You cannot have more than one decoy at a time

ULTIMATE_DECOY_LIMIT = [%s] You may only create 1 decoy per round

ULTIMATE_DECOY_HEXED = [%s] You are currently a Goombah and unable to create a decoy.

ULTIMATE_DECOY_PLAYER = [%s] You cannot create a Decoy on a player.

ULTIMATE_DECOY_EXPIRED = Your decoy has expired

ULTIMATE_ENTANGLE_UNTRAINED = You do not know the Entangle ultimate yet

ULTIMATE_ENGANGLE_RESISTANT = [%s] Your magic resistance makes you temporarily immune to Entangling Roots

ULTIMATE_TEAMSHIELD_UNTRAINED = You do not know the Team Shield ultimate yet

ULTIMATE_TEAMSHIELD_ACTIVE = [%s] You are already using a Team Shield, wait until that one is done

ULTIMATE_TEAMSHIELD_COOLDOWN = [%s] You have already used a Team Shield, you now have to wait %f seconds after the last one expired

ULTIMATE_DEPOWER_UNTRAINED = You do not know the Depower ultimate yet

ULTIMATE_DEPOWER_COOLDOWN = [%s] You have recently used depower, you now have to wait %f seconds until you can use it again

ULTIMATE_DEPOWER_YOU1 = [%s] You have depowered %s and now you both have TMPs!!

ULTIMATE_DEPOWER_ENEMY1 = [%s] You have been depowered by %s and now you both have TMPs!!

ULTIMATE_DEPOWER_READY = [%s] Your depower ultimate is once again ready to be used

ULTIMATE_DEPOWER_ENEMY2 = [%s] You can only have the TMP until your cooldown is finished.  You cant drop this gun until then

ULTIMATE_DEPOWER_WORE_OFF = [%s] The depower placed on you by %s has finally wore off, you can go find a real gun now.....

ULTIMATE_BLIND_UNTRAINED = [%s] You do not know the Total Blindness ultimate yet

ULTIMATE_BLIND_ENEMY = You have been blinded by %s

ULTIMATE_BLIND_YOU = [%s] You have blinded %s

ULTIMATE_BADAIM_ENEMY1 = [%s] You have been disoreinted by %s for %d seconds!!!!

ULTIMATE_BADAIM_ENEMY2 = You have been disoreinted by %s for %d seconds!!!!

ULTIMATE_BADAIM_ENEMY3 = [%s] %s is no longer disoriented!

ULTIMATE_BADAIM_YOU1 = [%s] %s has been disoriented for %d seconds!!!!

ULTIMATE_BADAIM_YOU2 = %s has been disoriented for %d seconds!!!!

ULTIMATE_BADAIM_YOU3 = [%s] You are no longer disoriented!

ULTIMATE_LOCUST_UNTRAINED = You do not know the Locust Swarm ultimate yet

ULTIMATE_UAMMO_UNTRAINED = You do not know the Unlimited Ammo ultimate yet

ULTIMATE_UAMMO_YOU1 = [%s] You have unlimited ammo for %d seconds

ULTIMATE_UAMMO_YOU2 = Your unlmited ammo spree is now over

ULTIMATE_DISORIENT_UNTRAINED = You do not know the Disorient ultimate yet

ULTIMATE_DISORIENT_YOU1 = [%s] You have been disoriented and it will ware off in %d seconds

ULTIMATE_DISORIENT_YOU2 = You have been disoriented and it will ware off in %d seconds

ULTIMATE_DISORIENT_ENEMY1 = [%s] %s is disoriented for %d seconds

ULTIMATE_DISORIENT_ENEMY2 = %s is disoriented for %d seconds

ULTIMATE_CRIPPLE_UNTRAINED = You do not know the Cripple ultimate yet

ULTIMATE_CRIPPLE_COOLDOWN = [%s] You have recently used cripple, you now have to wait %f seconds until you can use it again

ULTIMATE_CRIPPLE_ENEMY1 = [%s] You have been crippled by %s and rendered immobile for 3 seconds

ULTIMATE_CRIPPLE_ENEMY6 = [%s] You have crippled by %s and rendered immobile for 3 seconds

ULTIMATE_CRIPPLE_ENEMY2 = [%s] You have been crippled by %s and are now moving at a reduced speed for 6 seconds

ULTIMATE_CRIPPLE_ENEMY7 = [%s] You have crippled %s and he is now moving at a reduced speed for 6 seconds

ULTIMATE_CRIPPLE_ENEMY4 = You have been crippled by %s and rendered immobile for 3 seconds

ULTIMATE_CRIPPLE_ENEMY5 = You have been crippled by %s and are now moving at a reduced speed for 6 seconds

ULTIMATE_CRIPPLE_ENEMY8 = You have crippled by %s and rendered immobile for 3 seconds

ULTIMATE_CRIPPLE_ENEMY9 = You have crippled %s and he is now moving at a reduced speed for 6 seconds

ULTIMATE_CRIPPLE_READY = [%s] Your cripple ultimate is once again ready to be used

ULTIMATE_CRIPPLE_ENEMY3 = [%s] You can not use an ultimate while crippled

ULTIMATE_CRIPPLE_WORE_OFF1 = [%s] You are no longer crippled

ULTIMATE_CRIPPLE_WORE_OFF2 = You are no longer crippled

ULTIMATE_CRIPPLE_WORE_OFF4 = %s is no longer crippled

ULTIMATE_CRIPPLE_WORE_OFF3 = [%s] %s is no longer crippled

ULTIMATE_EARTHQUAKE_UNTRAINED = You do not know the Earth Quake ultimate yet

ULTIMATE_EARTHQUAKE_ENEMY1 = [%s] The ground arround you shakes from an earthquake causing you damage

ULTIMATE_EARTHQUAKE_ENEMY2 = The ground arround you shakes from an earthquake causing you damage

ULTIMATE_EARTHQUAKE_RESIST1 = [%s] Your magic resistance allows you to take only half damage from %ss Earth Quake

ULTIMATE_EARTHQUAKE_RESIST2 = Your magic resistance allows you to take only half damage from %ss Earth Quake

ULTIMATE_EARTHQUAKE_RESIST3 = [%s] %ss magic resistance allows them to take only half damage from your Earth Quake

ULTIMATE_EARTHQUAKE_RESIST4 =  %ss  magic resistance allows them to take only half damage from your Earth Quake

ULTIMATE_EARTHQUAKE_YOU1 = [%s] %s creates an Earthquake arround you causing you damage

ULTIMATE_EARTHQUAKE_YOU2 = %s creates an Earthquake arround you causing you damage

ULTIMATE_EARTHQUAKE_DAMAGE1 = [%s] Your Earthquake causes the ground to shake arround %s causing them damage

ULTIMATE_EARTHQUAKE_DAMAGE2 = Your Earthquake causes the ground to shake arround %s causing them damage

ULTIMATE_ICEBOMB_RESIST1 = [%s] Your ice resistance allows you to take only half damage from %ss Ice Bomb

ULTIMATE_ICEBOMB_RESIST2 = Your ice resistance allows you to take only half damage from %ss Ice Bomb

ULTIMATE_ICEBOMB_RESIST3 = [%s] %ss ice resistance allows them to take only half damage from your Ice Bomb

ULTIMATE_ICEBOMB_RESIST4 =  %ss  ice resistance allows them to take only half damage from your Ice Bomb

ULTIMATE_SMITE_UNTRAINED = You do not know the Smite ultimate yet

SMITE_DESC = Smite (Ultimate bind wcsmite) : A Lightning bolt falls from the sky dealing damage to one opponent - More powerful then chaing lightning but only hits one target

MINE_DESC = Claymore Mines - ability to lay a mines

VAMPIRIC_DESC = Vampiric Aura (%s): Gives you a portion the damage you do in attack back as health

LEVITATION_DESC = Levitation (%s): Allows you to jump higher by reducing your gravity

DEVOTION_DESC = Devotion Aura (%s): Gives you health at the start of the round.

REINCARNATION_DESC = Equipment Reincarnation (%s): Gives you a chance of regaining your equipment on death

HEALINGWAVE_DESC = Healing Wave (%s): Periodically you and your nearby allies gain 2 HP

SIPHONMANA_DESC = Siphon Mana (%s): Steal a portion of the enemy's money

IMPALE_DESC = Impale (%s): Adds a chance to cause the ground the shake beneath your enemy. High intellect may help your chances to land a successful impale attack.

LEATHERSKIN_DESC = Leather Skin (%s): Gives natural armor enhancement and periodic armor regeneration

UNHOLY_DESC = Unholy Aura (%s): Gives you a speed boost, weapons will no longer affect your unholy speed. Enhancing your agility improves your overall run speed.

BASH_DESC = Bash (%s): When you shoot someone you have a chance of rendering them immobile for 1 second. Enhancements made to your Intellect may help a Bash attack.

CRITSTRIKE_DESC = Critical Strike (%s): Gives you a chance of doing double the normal damage

REPAIRARMOR_DESC = Repair Armor: Allows you the opportunity to repair a teammate's armor as an alternate means of gaining XP. As your rank/level increases your effectiveness at armor repair also improves. To use: target a teammate and trigger the wcrepair command

BANISH_DESC = Banish (%s): You have a chance of slapping your enemy. High intellect may help your chance to banish an enemy.

HEX_DESC = Hex (%s): You have a chance of morphing your enemy into a less than desirable form. Enhancements made to your intellect may help your Hex attacks.

SIPHONAMMO_DESC = Siphon Ammo (%s): Allows you to steal opponents ammo when doing damage

SPIKEDCARAPACE_DESC = Spiked Carapace (%s): Does mirror damage to the person who shot you and you gain armor

MENDWOUNDS_DESC = Mend Wounds: Allows you the opportunity to heal a teammate's wounds as an alternate means of gaining XP. As your rank/level increases your effectiveness at mending wounds also improves. 2nd skill level adds ability to cure poison, 3rd skill level adds ability to cure burns from napalm or a flame thrower. To use: target a teammate and trigger the wcmend command

EVASION_DESC = Evasion (%s): Gives you a chance of evading each shot. Enhancing your Dexterity attribute improves your Evasion skill by %.0f%% per point.

TRUESHOT_DESC = Trueshot Aura (%s): Does extra damage to the enemy. A superior Intellect will cause your Trueshot to inflict more damage.

STEELSKIN_DESC = Steel Skin: [Requires 1 level Vampiric Aura and 3 levels Leather Skin] Upgrades your Leather Skin and allows Vampiric Aura to steal armor from your enemy

CARRIONBEETLES_DESC = Carrion Beetles (%s): You have a chance of sending Carrion Beetles to attack your enemy and spread disease

SHADOWSTRIKE_DESC = Shadow Strike (%s): You have a chance of poisoning your enemy with

ENTANGLEROOTS_DESC = Entangle Roots (Ultimate bind wcentangle): Allows you to prevent an enemy player from moving for 10 seconds

FLAMESTRIKE_DESC = Flame Strike (Ultimate bind wcflame): You receive a flame throwers (1 uses every 20 seconds)

DISPELLHEX_DESC = Dispell Hex (Special Ability: bind wcdispell): Works like mend/repair and will remove hex from targeted team mate. Will receive XP for dispelling.

CRITICALGRENADE_DESC = Critical Grenade (%s): Your HE grenades do more damage

SEPENTWARD_DESC = Serpent Ward (%s) (Special Ability: bind wcward): You receive serpent wards each round that damage nearby enemy units (bind a key to wcward to plant one)

THORNSAURA_DESC = Thorns Aura (%s): Does mirror damage to the person who shot you

INVISIBILITY_DESC = Invisibility: Makes you partially invisible, you will be harder to see (Use cloak for disappear more!)

TELEPORT_DESC = Teleport (Ultimate bind wcteleport): Allows you to teleport to where you aim (avoid ceilings).

BIGBADVOODOO_DESC = Big Bad Voodoo (Ultimate bind wcvoodoo): Invincibility for 3 seconds

FANOFKNIVES_DESC = Fan of Knives (%s): You have a chance of becoming a mole.

VENGANCE_DESC = Vengeance (Ultimate passive): Respawn once with half health

BLINK_DESC = Blink (%s): You have a chance to be immune to ALL enemy ultimates for the duration of the round.

PHEONIX_DESC = Phoenix (%s): You have a chance of reviving the first teammate who dies.

NAPALMGRENADE_DESC = Napalm Grenades: Each round your first he grenade will coat your enemies with napalm, anyone they touch will spread the napalm

SUICIDEBOMB_DESC = Suicide Bomber (Ultimate passive): When you die you will explode killing nearby enemies and regenerate

CHAINLIGHTNING_DESC = Chain Lightning (Ultimate bind wclightning): Discharges a bolt of lightning that jumps to all nearby enemies

DECOY_DESC = Decoy (Ultimate bind wcdecoy): Spawns a temporary decoy (looks like you) where you are aiming

GATE_DESC = Gate (Ultimate bind wcgate): Opens a Gateway for you to be teleported back to your spawn point and away from danger (hopefully)

SIV_DESC = Siv Shield (%s) (Ultimate bind wcshield): Places a protective shield arround a teammate you aim at, allowing you to take the damage from shots.  Doing this will give the player casting the shield XP for helping their team

JKICK_DESC = Jump Kick: You will do 7 damage per level and knock your oppent back (the higher the level the farther the knock back) - as well as knock the gun out of their hands.  Ahh grasshopper, this skill is deadly!

MJUMP_DESC = MultiJump: Allows you to jump multiple times while in mid air.  Each level allows one extra jump in mid air - comparable to sock or levitation although it can be controlled to what ever level of height you need at the time.

CAT_DESC = Wind Walker (Ultimate passive): This skill allows you to walk like the wind - silently.  Comparable to amulet of the cat as an ultimate skill.

ROT_DESC = Rot (%s): This is the ultimate in effect changing skills.  Much like disease or poison this skill will rot away the player until they are no more.  Doing massive damage and then a slow rotting death that is only curable with the Shopmenu3 item.

DEPOWER_DESC = Depower (Ultimate bind wcdepower): This will make BOTH you AND your opponent drop your guns and will give you a TMP instead.

CLOAK_DESC = Cloak of the chameleon: This skill gives you a 10% chance per level of being spawned as a chameleon.  The bonus of this skill is that it will stack with MOLE, so if you have mole you will be spawned in the other teams spawn AND with chameleon.

CRIPPLE_DESC = Cripple (Ultimate passive): Chance of completely freezing his target for 3 seconds (like Entangle but unblockable), Or crippling the target (crawl speed) for 6 seconds - Requires 3 points Bash, and 2 points Trueshot

BLIND_DESC = Total Blindness (Ultimate bind wcblind): Blinds the enemy you aim at for a few seconds

LOCUST_DESC = Locust Swarm (Ultimate bind wclocust): Sends a swarm out to damage enemys all over the map, each point spent does 20 damage - affected player is also slowed temporarily

DISORIENT_DESC = Disorient ( Ultimate bind wcdisorient): Causes your Opponent to be disoriented for a few seconds - quite a scary experience...

UAMMO_DESC = Unlimited Amunition ( Ultimate bind wcuammo) : Gives you unlimited ammo for a few seconds

EARTHQUAKE_DESC = Earth Quake (Ultimate bind wcquake ): Causes the ground to shake arround an enemy, damaging all enemys arround them.  The higher the skill points spent the further away from the epicenter the damage spreads

CLUSTERNADE_DESC = Cluster Grenade: For each point used in this skill causes one cluster to be included in your grenade.  Each cluster deals extra damage.

ICENADE_DESC = Ice Bomb: Causes your Smoke Grenades to become ICE BOMBS, freezing your opponents in place and slowing them down momentarily while dealing damage

ICEBOMB_GIVEN1 = [%s] You have recieved an Ice Bomb - use it well

ICEBOMB_GIVEN2 = You have recieved an Ice Bomb - use it well

SPLITTER_DESC = Helm Splitter ( Ultimate passive) : You have a chance of splitting your opponents helmet, rendering it unusable when you headshot an opponent with a helmet

HELMET_SHATTERED1 = [%s] You have shattered your opponents helmet - his head is now exposed!

HELMET_SHATTERED2 = [%s] Your helmet has been shattered by %s and your head is no longer protected!

HOOK_DESC = HookShot (bind key wchook ) : Fly to a place by aiming and pressing your bind, press again to let go

ULTIMATE_HOOK_UNTRAINED = You do not know the Hook Shot Ultimate yet

HOOK_NONE_LEFT = [%s] You are all out of hooks. Wait until next round.

HOOK_LAST_ONE = [%s] That was your last hook for this round.

HOOK_COUNT = [%s] You have %d hooks left, use them wisely.

HOOK_NO_VIP = [%s] Hooking by the VIP is prohibited

GRAB_DESC = Grab (bind key wcgrab ) : Grab a player by aiming and pressing your bind to move them arround, press again to let them go.

ULTIMATE_GRAB_UNTRAINED = You do not know the Grab Ultimate yet

GRAB_NONE_LEFT = [%s] You are all out of grabs. Wait until next round.

GRAB_LAST_ONE = [%s] That was your last grabs for this round.

GRAB_COUNT = [%s] You have %d grabs left, use them wisely.

GRAB_NO_VIP = [%s] Grabbing by the VIP is prohibited

ROPE_DESC = Ninja Rope (bind key wcrope ) : Swing from a location like Tarzan by aiming and pressing your bind - press again to let go of the rope

ULTIMATE_ROPE_UNTRAINED = You do not know the Ninja Rope Ultimate yet

ROPE_NONE_LEFT = [%s] You are all out of ropes. Wait until next round.

ROPE_LAST_ONE = [%s] That was your last ropes for this round.

ROPE_COUNT = [%s] You have %d ropes left, use them wisely.

ROPE_NO_VIP = [%s] VIPs are ninjas, but can not rope - sorry

GRAB_FOUND = [%s] Grab - Found Target

GRAB_LETGO = [%s] Grab - Target Released

GRAB_NOTARGETS = [%s] Grab - No Targets Found

HOOK_NO_ROPE = [%s] You have to give up your Ninja Rope to train Hook Shot

GRAB_NO_ROPE = [%s] You have to give up your Ninja Rope to train Grab

ROPE_NO_HOOK = [%s] You have to give up your Hook Shot to train Ninja Rope

GRAB_NO_HOOK = [%s] You have to give up your Hook Shot to train Grab

ROPE_NO_GRAB = [%s] You have to give up your Grab to train Ninja Rope

HOOK_NO_GRAB = [%s] You have to give up your Grab to train Hook Shot  

BLESS_UNTRAINED = You do not know the Blessing ability yet

BLESS_MAX_BLESS = You have already performed a blessing for this round

BLESS_GET = %s has blessed you.

BLESS_CAST = You bless %s and gain <%d XP>

BLESS_DESC = Blessing: Heals your teammate, cures any negative effects and sets his hp and armor to maximum + extra 30hp. Awards XP.

FATAL_STRIKE1 = [%s] You strike a merciless fatal blow to %s

FATAL_STRIKE2 = [%s] You just got hit by a fatal strike from %s

FATAL_DESC = Fatal Strike (%s chance) (%s bonus damage): Gives you a chance of doing at least double damage to an enemy. At the Master level also provides a small chance (%.0f%%) of doing an instant kill.

FATAL_NO_TRUE = [%s] You have to give up your True Shot skill to train Fatal Strike

TRUE_NO_FATAL = [%s] You have to give up your Fatal Strike skill to train True Shot

FATAL_NO_CRIT = [%s] You have to give up your Critical Strike skill to train Fatal Strike

CRIT_NO_FATAL = [%s] You have to give up your Fatal Strike skill to train Critical Strike

NEWSKILL13_DESC = We need ideas for new skills

NEWSKILL14_DESC = tell us what you want to see at

NEWSKILL15_DESC = We need ideas for new skills

NEWSKILL16_DESC = tell us what you want to see at

WAR3INFO1 = Ultimate Warcraft 3 Expansion (UWC3X) is more or less a raceless, skill-based implementation of the Warcraft3 Frozen Throne plugin.

WAR3INFO2 = This mod is a derived work based on Warcraft3:FT, Uwc3, and the community at -=[Yaur]=-.

WAR3INFO3 = This is how you bind a key:

WAR3INFO4 = 1) Type ` to get to the console (key to the left of number 1)

WAR3INFO5 = 2) Type bind - shopmenu (displays shopmenu1)

WAR3INFO6 = 3) Type bind = shopmenu2 (displays shopmenu2)

WAR3INFO7 = 4) Type bind p wcward (to use the serpant ward ability)

WAR3INFO8 = UWC3X allows you to have several ultimate skills as opposed to just one from the original Warcraft3. In the skills menu (/selectskill) ultimate skills will say (Ultimate: name), for example for the Teleport ultimate it says (Ultimate: wcteleport). Once you learn this skill you can use it by binding a key to the wcteleport command, done by typing: bind key wcteleport in the console.

WAR3INFO9 = Say <b>/commands</b> to see the list of UWC3X spoken commands and say <b>/help</b> for the UWC3X help menu.

ULTIMATE_LIGHTNING_DISABLED = [%s] Lightning ultimate is DISABLED on this map!

ULTIMATE_SUICIDE_DISABLED = [%s] Suicide Bomber ultimate is DISABLED on this map!

ULTIMATE_TELEPORT_DISABLED = [%s] Teleport ultimate is DISABLED on this map!

ULTIMATE_DEPOWER_DISABLED = [%s] Depower ultimate is DISABLED on this map!

ULTIMATE_SMITE_DISABLED = [%s] Smite ultimate is DISABLED on this map!

ULTIMATE_EARTHQUAKE_DISABLED = [%s] Earthquake ultimate is DISABLED on this map!

ULTIMATE_SWARM_DISABLED = [%s] Locust Swarm ultimate is DISABLED on this map!

GLOVES_ITEM_DISABLED = [%s] Gloves of Warmth are DISABLED on this map!

CGRENADE_SKILL_DISABLED = [%s] !gCritickal!n Grenade skill is DISABLED on this map!

. Are destule, de aceea doream ca modificarea culorii mesajelor sa le pot face din txt. Am vazut la multe plugine ca pui !g , !t , !r , !n la mesajele din txt-uri. Dar eu nu stiu cum sa incercat si cu tutoriale dar nu reusesc.. de aceea apelez la voi.. sunteti mai profesionisti..
Acestea sunt includeurile:
Abcs.LaLeagane.Ro / - Uwc3x - Level Mod 50 Lvl !
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13 Feb 2023, 19:21

modifici in loc de client_print(id / 0, print_chat...), pui client_print_color(id / 0, print_team_default, ^3%L....) si in .txt pui ^3, ^1, ^4 (nu sunt sigur ca asa era dar give it a shot)
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13 Feb 2023, 22:22

Nu merge … am facut fix cum ai spus dar nu se intampla nimic..
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13 Feb 2023, 22:51

AboveAll1995 wrote:
13 Feb 2023, 22:22
Nu merge … am facut fix cum ai spus dar nu se intampla nimic..
nu are cum, nu ai facut tu cum trebuie
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14 Feb 2023, 20:07

De exemplu la acest cod: client_print_utility ( id, print_chat, "%L", id, "ULTIMATE_DEPOWER_READY", MOD ).
Il modific asa?: client_print_color ( id, print_chat, "%L", id, "ULTIMATE_DEPOWER_READY", MOD )
Abcs.LaLeagane.Ro / - Uwc3x - Level Mod 50 Lvl !
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14 Feb 2023, 20:12

AboveAll :) wrote:
14 Feb 2023, 20:07
De exemplu la acest cod: client_print_utility ( id, print_chat, "%L", id, "ULTIMATE_DEPOWER_READY", MOD ).
Il modific asa?: client_print_color ( id, print_chat, "%L", id, "ULTIMATE_DEPOWER_READY", MOD )
client_print_color ( id, print_chat, "%L", id, "ULTIMATE_DEPOWER_READY", MOD )
client_print_color(id, print_team_default, "%L", id, "ULTIMATE_DEPOWER_READY", MOD )
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15 Feb 2023, 19:38

ok, si trebuie sa introduc si stock.ul asta in sursa nu?

stock C_PrintChat( const id, const input[ ], any:... )
new iCount = 1, iPlayers[ 32 ];
static szMsg[ 320 ], szMsg2[ 320 ];
vformat( szMsg, 190, input, 3 );
format( szMsg2, 190, "!c%s", szMsg );
replace_all( szMsg2, 190, "!v", "^4" );
replace_all( szMsg2, 190, "!c", "^1" );
replace_all( szMsg2, 190, "!e", "^3" );
if( id )
iPlayers[ 0 ] = id;
get_players( iPlayers, iCount, "ch" );
for( new i = 0; i < iCount; i++ )
if( is_user_connected( iPlayers[ i ] ) )
message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid( "SayText" ), _, iPlayers[ i ] );
write_byte( iPlayers[ i ] );
write_string( szMsg2 );
message_end( );
Abcs.LaLeagane.Ro / - Uwc3x - Level Mod 50 Lvl !
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15 Feb 2023, 22:06

Extraordinar! Pluginul se folosește de fișiere din afara codului respectiv și tu vrei să-ți facem mesajele colorate, când sursa mesajelor se afla altundeva.
Nu cred că stă nimeni să-ți ia toate fișierele la rând, aici trebuie să te descurci singur. Și este evident ca să faci mesajele colorate ai nevoie de un stock sau de un include care te ajuta la aceasta

Poftim mai departe de descurci, eu îți las doar un exemplu.

Code: Select all

#include <amxmodx>

#define PLUGIN  "New Plug-In"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR  "Author"

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
	register_clcmd("say /chatcolor", "CmdChatColor");


public CmdChatColor(id){
	ChatColor(id, "!g Mesaj !tColor !nAsa este")

!g - Green Color
!n - Yellow Color
!t - Team Color



// 					STOCK COLOR CHAT 						  //


stock ChatColor(const id,const input[], any:...) 
new msg[191], players[32], count = 1; 
replace_all(msg,190,"!g","^4");// green 
replace_all(msg,190,"!n","^1");// normal 
replace_all(msg,190,"!t","^3");// team 

if (id) players[0] = id; else get_players(players,count,"ch"); 
for (new i=0;i<count;i++) 
if (is_user_connected(players[i])) 
Last edited by CyBer[N]eTicK on 15 Feb 2023, 22:08, edited 1 time in total.
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15 Feb 2023, 22:07

Damn bro, de ce va mai faceti servere daca nici copy paste nu sunteti in stare sa dati, client_print_color(), cum ti am dat si link mai sus, e inclus in amxmodx > 183, ce ai dat tu e un stock random de culoare, merge cu amandoua, eu ti am oferit varianta mai simpla

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