
Modificari necesare ale pluginurilor

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12 Feb 2022, 23:54

hello guys
i have this vip plugin but its only working on zombie escape mod can someone make it work on classic mod


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#include <zombie_escape>
#include <ze_vip>

// Defines - Comment MULTIJUMP or PARACHUTE, so you don't need to run multijump/parachute plugin.
#define DAMAGE			VIP_E
#define NON_VIP			VIP_Z

#if defined PARACHUTE
	#include <ze_parachute>

#if defined MULTIJUMP
	#include <ze_multijump>

// Variables
new g_szPasswordKey[65], 

// Const.
static const g_szLocalFile[] = "addons/amxmodx/configs/ze_vips.ini"

new const szCommands[][] =
	"say /vip",
	"say /vips",
	"say_team /vip",
	"say_team /vips"

// Cvars
new g_pCvarVIPScoreboard, 

#if defined PARACHUTE
	new g_pCvarParachute

#if defined MULTIJUMP
	new g_pCvarMultijump

public plugin_natives()
	register_native("ze_get_vip_flags", "native_ze_get_vip_flags", 1)
	register_native("ze_set_vip_flags", "native_ze_set_vip_flags", 1)
	register_native("ze_is_user_vip", "native_ze_is_user_vip", 1)

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin("[ZE] Zombie Escape VIP", VIP_VERSION, AUTHORS)
	// Hookchain
	RegisterHookChain(RG_CBasePlayer_TakeDamage, "Fw_TakeDamage_Pre", 0)
	// Cvars
	g_pCvarConnectMessage = register_cvar("ze_connect_message", "1")
	g_pCvarAdminContact = register_cvar("ze_admin_contact", "Admin Name")
	g_pCvarVIPScoreboard = register_cvar("ze_show_vip_scoreboard", "1")
	g_pCvarEnableHappyHours = register_cvar("ze_enable_happy_hours", "1")
	g_pCvarHappyHours = register_cvar("ze_vip_happy_hours", "9-12")
	g_pCvarHappyHoursFlags = register_cvar("ze_happy_hours_vip_flags", "abcd")
	g_pCvarDamage = register_cvar("ze_vip_multiply_damage", "1.2")
	#if defined MULTIJUMP
		g_pCvarMultijump = register_cvar("ze_give_vip_multijump", "1")
	#if defined PARACHUTE
		g_pCvarParachute = register_cvar("ze_give_vip_parachute", "1")
	register_cvar("ze_vip_version", VIP_VERSION, FCVAR_SERVER|FCVAR_SPONLY)
	set_cvar_string("ze_vip_version", VIP_VERSION)
	// Commands
	for (new i = 0; i < charsmax(szCommands); i++)
		register_clcmd(szCommands[i], "CmdVIP")

	register_clcmd("say /getvip", "CmdMotd")
	register_clcmd("say_team /getvip", "CmdMotd")
	// Get Password Key
	get_cvar_string("amx_password_field", g_szPasswordKey, charsmax(g_szPasswordKey))
	// Initialize Arrays
	arrayset(g_bIsUserVIP, false, 32)
	arrayset(g_bSetVIP, false, 32)
	// Get max players
	g_iMaxPlayers = get_member_game(m_nMaxPlayers)

public plugin_cfg()
	// Get our configiration file and Execute it
	new szCfgDir[64]
	get_localinfo("amxx_configsdir", szCfgDir, charsmax(szCfgDir))
	server_cmd("exec %s/ze_vip.cfg", szCfgDir)

public Fw_TakeDamage_Pre(iVictim, iInflictor, iAttacker, Float:flDamage, bitsDamageType)
	if (!is_user_alive(iVictim) || !is_user_alive(iAttacker))
		return HC_CONTINUE
	if (!(ze_get_vip_flags(iAttacker) & DAMAGE) || get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarDamage) == 0)
		return HC_CONTINUE

	SetHookChainArg(4, ATYPE_FLOAT, flDamage * get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarDamage))

public client_authorized(id)
	// Get password from Setinfo
	new szPassword[65]
	get_user_info(id, g_szPasswordKey, szPassword, charsmax(szPassword))
	// Player VIP?
	if (g_bIsUserVIP[id])
		if (!equal(szPassword, g_szPassword))
			// VIP and wrong Password? Kick him
			client_cmd(id, "echo ^"* VIP Invalid Password!^"")
			server_cmd("kick #%d ^"You have no entry to the server...^"", get_user_userid(id))
			client_cmd(id, "echo ^"* VIP Password Accepted!^"")

public client_putinserver(id)
	if (ze_get_vip_flags(id) & VIP_MESSAGES)
		if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarConnectMessage) != 0)
			new szName[32]
			get_user_name(id, szName, charsmax(szName))
			ze_colored_print(0, "!tVIP !g%s !thas connected to the server!y.", szName)

public CmdMotd(id)
	show_motd(id, "ze_vip.txt", "Zombie Escape VIP")

public CmdVIP(id)
	set_task(0.1, "Print_List")

public Print_List()

public Print_VIP_List()
	new szVIPName[33][32], szMessage[700], szContact[256]
	new iPlayer, i, iVIPCount = 0, iLen = 0;
	for (iPlayer = 1; iPlayer <= g_iMaxPlayers; iPlayer++)
		if (!is_user_connected(iPlayer))
		if (ze_get_vip_flags(iPlayer) & VIP_MESSAGES)
			get_user_name(iPlayer, szVIPName[iVIPCount], charsmax(szVIPName))
	iLen = formatex(szMessage, charsmax(szMessage), "^4VIPs ONLINE^1: ")
	if (iVIPCount > 0)
		for (i = 0; i <= iVIPCount; i++)
			iLen += formatex(szMessage[iLen], charsmax(szMessage) - iLen, "^3%s^1%s^3", szVIPName[i], (i < (iVIPCount - 1)) ? ", " : "")
		szMessage = "^4No VIPs online^1."
	client_print_color(0, print_team_default, szMessage)
	get_pcvar_string(g_pCvarAdminContact, szContact, charsmax(szContact))
	if (szContact[0])
		client_print_color(0, print_team_default, "^1- ^4Contact Server Admin ^1-- ^3%s", szContact)

public ze_user_humanized(id)
	if (!is_user_alive(id))
	if (g_bIsHappyHour == true && get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableHappyHours) != 0)
		new szFlags[VIP_MAX_FLAGS]
		get_pcvar_string(g_pCvarHappyHoursFlags, szFlags, charsmax(szFlags))
		ze_set_vip_flags(id, read_flags(szFlags))
	// Get password from Setinfo
	new szPassword[65]
	get_user_info(id, g_szPasswordKey, szPassword, charsmax(szPassword))
	if (g_bIsUserVIP[id])
		if (!equal(szPassword, g_szPassword))
			// VIP and wrong Password? Kick him
			client_cmd(id, "echo ^"* VIP Invalid Password!^"")
			server_cmd("kick #%d ^"You have no entry to the server...^"", get_user_userid(id))
			client_cmd(id, "echo ^"* VIP Password Accepted!^"")
	#if defined MULTIJUMP
		if (ze_get_vip_flags(id) & MULTIJUMP)
			if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarMultijump) != 0)
	#if defined PARACHUTE
		if (ze_get_vip_flags(id) & PARACHUTE)
			if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarParachute) != 0)

	set_task(0.1, "Update_Attribute", id, _, _, "a", 10)

public ze_roundend(WinTeam)
	for (new i = 0; i < get_member_game(m_nMaxPlayers); i++)
		g_bSetVIP[i] = false

public Update_Attribute(id)
	if ((ze_get_vip_flags(id) & SCOREBOARD) && get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarVIPScoreboard) != 0)
		message_begin(MSG_ALL, get_user_msgid("ScoreAttrib"), {0, 0, 0}, id)

public native_ze_get_vip_flags(id)
	// Our file exists?
	if (file_exists(g_szLocalFile))
		*	We can't use new file system here, because if file opened it can not be deleted.
		*	Old system provide the suitable way for doing it simply. That's a reason.

		// Declare some useful variables
		new iMaxLines, szLineToRead[129], szParse[4][65], szName[32], szSteamID[36], iTextLen
		// Get max lines number in the file
		iMaxLines = file_size(g_szLocalFile, FSOPT_LINES_COUNT)
		// Get our player name and steamid
		get_user_authid(id, szSteamID, charsmax(szSteamID))
		get_user_name(id, szName, charsmax(szName))
		// Loop through the whole file
		for (new iLine = 0; iLine < iMaxLines; iLine++)
			// Read line by line
			read_file(g_szLocalFile, iLine, szLineToRead, charsmax(szLineToRead), iTextLen)
			// Remove any space, useful to remove blank lines which only contain spaces
			// Check if string empty or starting with ; or // ignore the line
			if (strlen(szLineToRead) == 0 || szLineToRead[0] == ';' || (szLineToRead[0] == '/' && szLineToRead[1] == '/'))
			// Split our line by spaces to 4 parts: name or steam, password, flags, expire date
			parse(szLineToRead, szParse[0], charsmax(szParse[]), szParse[1], charsmax(szParse[]), szParse[2], charsmax(szParse[]), szParse[3], charsmax(szParse[]))
			// Remove all "" from our 4 parts
			// Check expire date for this steam/name (Steam/Name unique to check with)
			CheckDate(szParse[3], szParse[0])
			// Check if user in file is same who we check
			if (equali(szSteamID, szParse[0]) || equali(szName, szParse[0]))
				// Player exists in the file, this means he is VIP
				g_bIsUserVIP[id] = true
				copy(g_szPassword, charsmax(g_szPassword), szParse[1])
				// Return his flags
				return read_flags(szParse[2])
		// File not exists, then create it (Here we can use new file system without problems)
		new iFileHandler = fopen(g_szLocalFile, "wt")
		fputs(iFileHandler, "; Zombie Escape VIP^n^n")
		fputs(iFileHandler, ";Flags:^n^n")
		fputs(iFileHandler, "; a -- Connect Message and VIP List^n")
		fputs(iFileHandler, "; b -- Multi-Jump^n")
		fputs(iFileHandler, "; c -- Parachute^n")
		fputs(iFileHandler, "; d -- Scoreboard Attrib.^n")
		fputs(iFileHandler, "; e -- VIP Damage^n^n")
		fputs(iFileHandler, ";Usage Example:^n^n")
		fputs(iFileHandler, "; ^"Steam/Nick^" ^"Password^" ^"Flags^" ^"ExpireDate^"")

	g_bIsUserVIP[id] = false
	if (g_bSetVIP[id] == true)
		return g_iFlags[id]
		return NON_VIP

public native_ze_set_vip_flags(id, Flags)
	g_bSetVIP[id] = true
	g_iFlags[id] = Flags

public native_ze_is_user_vip(id)
	if (ze_get_vip_flags(id) & VIP_Z)
		return false
	return true

*	Dedicated stock for our plugin, to delete expired lines.
*	You should give it the expire date, and key.
*	Key should be unique like steam or name, so we can in another stock detect this line and delete it.
stock CheckDate(const szEndDate[], const szKey[])
	new szCurrentDate[64],
	copy(szFormatedEndDate, charsmax(szFormatedEndDate), szEndDate)
	get_time("%d-%m-%Y", szCurrentDate, charsmax(szCurrentDate))
	for (new ch = 0; ch <= charsmax(szFormatedEndDate); ch++)
		if (szFormatedEndDate[ch] == '-')
			szFormatedEndDate[ch] = ' '
	for (new ch = 0; ch <= charsmax(szCurrentDate); ch++)
		if (szCurrentDate[ch] == '-')
			szCurrentDate[ch] = ' '

	parse(szCurrentDate, szCurrentDay, charsmax(szCurrentDay), szCurrentMonth, charsmax(szCurrentMonth), szCurrentYear, charsmax(szCurrentYear))
	parse(szFormatedEndDate, szEndDay, charsmax(szEndDay), szEndMonth, charsmax(szEndMonth), szEndYear, charsmax(szEndYear))
	if (str_to_num(szFormatedEndDate) == 0)
	new iCurrentDay,
	iCurrentDay   = str_to_num(szCurrentDay)
	iCurrentMonth = str_to_num(szCurrentMonth)
	iCurrentYear  = str_to_num(szCurrentYear)
	iEndDay   = str_to_num(szEndDay)
	iEndMonth = str_to_num(szEndMonth)
	iEndYear  = str_to_num(szEndYear)
	// Just a check, maybe useless
	if ((!iCurrentDay && !iCurrentMonth && !iCurrentYear) || (!iEndDay && !iEndMonth && !iEndYear))
	*	Check expire date algorithm idea:
	*	If current year > Expire year -- This means it's already expired so delete this line.
	*	If Same year then check by month:
	*	If current month > expire month -- Expired delete the line.
	*	If same month then check by day:
	*	If current day > expire date -- Expired detete the line.
	if (iEndYear < iCurrentYear)
		Delete_Line(g_szLocalFile, szKey)
	else if (iEndYear == iCurrentYear)
		if (iEndMonth < iCurrentMonth)
			Delete_Line(g_szLocalFile, szKey)
		else if (iEndMonth == iCurrentMonth)
			if (iEndDay < iCurrentDay)
				Delete_Line(g_szLocalFile, szKey)

*	Stock used to delete line in file, based on key.
*	Key is steamid or name.
*	For some purposes we can't use new file system here.
stock Delete_Line(const szFile[], const szKey[])
	// Check if file there or not
	if (file_exists(szFile))
		// Get max lines in the file
		new iMaxLines = file_size(szFile, FSOPT_LINES_COUNT)
		// Some variables
		new Array:szFileLines, szLineToRead[400], iTextLen, szParse[4][65]
		// Create dynamic array to handle all lines in our file (every line will be in element)
		szFileLines = ArrayCreate(400)
		// Loop through whole file
		for (new iLine = 0; iLine < iMaxLines; iLine++)
			// Read line by line
			read_file(szFile, iLine, szLineToRead, charsmax(szLineToRead), iTextLen)
			// Just split our line so we get the steamid or name and compare with key
			parse(szLineToRead, szParse[0], charsmax(szParse[]), szParse[1], charsmax(szParse[]), szParse[2], charsmax(szParse[]), szParse[3], charsmax(szParse[]))
			// Remove any ""
			// If steamid or name is same as one we need to delete, then don't copy to our array
			if (equal(szParse[0], szKey))
			// Push all lines to our array except one we need to delete
			ArrayPushString(szFileLines, szLineToRead)
		// Delete the file
		// Recreate the file and print all data to it
		for (new iLine = 0; iLine < ArraySize(szFileLines); iLine++)
			// Get strings in our array
			ArrayGetString(szFileLines, iLine, szLineToRead, charsmax(szLineToRead))
			// Write them to our file
			write_file(szFile, szLineToRead)
		// Destroy this array and free it's memory

stock Happy_Hours()
	new szTime[3], szHappyHours[32], szHappyHours_Start[32], szHappyHours_End[32]
	get_time("%H", szTime, charsmax(szTime))
	get_pcvar_string(g_pCvarHappyHours, szHappyHours, charsmax(szHappyHours))
	for (new ch = 0; ch <= charsmax(szHappyHours); ch++)
		if (szHappyHours[ch] == '-')
			szHappyHours[ch] = ' '
	parse(szHappyHours, szHappyHours_Start, charsmax(szHappyHours_Start), szHappyHours_End, charsmax(szHappyHours_End))
	new iTime, iHappyHourStart, iHappyHourEnd
	iTime = str_to_num(szTime)
	iHappyHourStart = str_to_num(szHappyHours_Start)
	iHappyHourEnd = str_to_num(szHappyHours_End)
	if(iHappyHourEnd > iTime >= iHappyHourStart)
        g_bIsHappyHour = true
		g_bIsHappyHour = false

Code: Select all

// Version
#define VIP_VERSION "1.3"

// Flags
#define VIP_A    (1<<0)     /* flag "a" */
#define VIP_B    (1<<1)     /* flag "b" */
#define VIP_C    (1<<2)     /* flag "c" */
#define VIP_D    (1<<3)     /* flag "d" */
#define VIP_E    (1<<4)     /* flag "e" */
#define VIP_F    (1<<5)     /* flag "f" */
#define VIP_G    (1<<6)     /* flag "g" */
#define VIP_H    (1<<7)     /* flag "h" */
#define VIP_I    (1<<8)     /* flag "i" */
#define VIP_J    (1<<9)     /* flag "j" */
#define VIP_K    (1<<10)    /* flag "k" */
#define VIP_L    (1<<11)    /* flag "l" */
#define VIP_M    (1<<12)    /* flag "m" */
#define VIP_N    (1<<13)    /* flag "n" */
#define VIP_O    (1<<14)    /* flag "o" */
#define VIP_P    (1<<15)    /* flag "p" */
#define VIP_Q    (1<<16)    /* flag "q" */
#define VIP_R    (1<<17)    /* flag "r" */
#define VIP_S    (1<<18)    /* flag "s" */
#define VIP_T    (1<<19)    /* flag "t" */
#define VIP_U    (1<<20)    /* flag "u" */
#define VIP_V    (1<<21)    /* flag "v" */
#define VIP_W    (1<<22)    /* flag "w" */
#define VIP_X    (1<<23)    /* flag "x" */
#define VIP_Y    (1<<24)    /* flag "y" */
#define VIP_Z    (1<<25)    /* flag "z" */ 

// Max Flags
#define VIP_MAX_FLAGS 26

// Natives
* Description:	This will get player flags as a bitflag sum.
* @param id		Client index.
* @return		Flags player have, as bitflag sum or if only one flag return just this this flag
*				VIP_Z if this player not VIP
* @note 		For example if player have VIP_A and VIP_B the return will be: VIP_A | VIP_B
*  		 		The use of this native is same as get_user_flags() in AMXMODX
* 		 		To check if this player has VIP_A or not: ze_get_vip_flags(id) & VIP_A
native ze_get_vip_flags(id)

* Description:	To give player specific flag.
* @param id		Client index.
* @param iFlags Flags as bit sum.
* @noreturn
* @note 		To give player VIP_A and VIP_B: ze_set_vip_flags(id, VIP_A|VIP_B)
*  		 		Or you can use: ze_set_vip_flags(id, read_flags("ab"))
native ze_set_vip_flags(id, iFlags)

* Description:	Check if user VIP or not.
* @param id		Client index.
* @return		true  | If user have any of vip flags or some flags
* 		 		false | If user does not have any VIP flas, his flag is Z (Non-VIP)
* @note 		This native does not throw error in case of player not in server,
* 		 		so you should check if user connected or not before using it.
native ze_is_user_vip(id)
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14 Feb 2022, 15:17

are u using rehlds to compile this?
Nu îmi mai trimiteți PM pe forum! Nu merge să răspund
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Aveți grijă la cei ce încearcă să mă copieze sau să dea drept mine..Puteți lua legătura cu mine prin STEAM dacă aveți o problemă/nelămurire în acest caz! Cont de forum am doar aici.
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14 Feb 2022, 21:02

L E V I N wrote:
14 Feb 2022, 15:17
are u using rehlds to compile this?
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Scripter eXtreamCS
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15 Feb 2022, 12:11

Code: Select all

#include <amxmodx>
#include <reapi>

// Flags
#define VIP_A    (1<<0)     /* flag "a" */
#define VIP_B    (1<<1)     /* flag "b" */
#define VIP_C    (1<<2)     /* flag "c" */
#define VIP_D    (1<<3)     /* flag "d" */
#define VIP_E    (1<<4)     /* flag "e" */
#define VIP_F    (1<<5)     /* flag "f" */
#define VIP_G    (1<<6)     /* flag "g" */
#define VIP_H    (1<<7)     /* flag "h" */
#define VIP_I    (1<<8)     /* flag "i" */
#define VIP_J    (1<<9)     /* flag "j" */
#define VIP_K    (1<<10)    /* flag "k" */
#define VIP_L    (1<<11)    /* flag "l" */
#define VIP_M    (1<<12)    /* flag "m" */
#define VIP_N    (1<<13)    /* flag "n" */
#define VIP_O    (1<<14)    /* flag "o" */
#define VIP_P    (1<<15)    /* flag "p" */
#define VIP_Q    (1<<16)    /* flag "q" */
#define VIP_R    (1<<17)    /* flag "r" */
#define VIP_S    (1<<18)    /* flag "s" */
#define VIP_T    (1<<19)    /* flag "t" */
#define VIP_U    (1<<20)    /* flag "u" */
#define VIP_V    (1<<21)    /* flag "v" */
#define VIP_W    (1<<22)    /* flag "w" */
#define VIP_X    (1<<23)    /* flag "x" */
#define VIP_Y    (1<<24)    /* flag "y" */
#define VIP_Z    (1<<25)    /* flag "z" */ 

// Defines - Comment MULTIJUMP or PARACHUTE, so you don't need to run multijump/parachute plugin.
#define DAMAGE			VIP_E
#define NON_VIP			VIP_Z

/*#if defined PARACHUTE //bro..for those, u can take a simple plg for para and mj and to add native for vip!!!
	//#include <parachute>	//so you don t need to inc..

#if defined MULTIJUMP
	//#include <multijump>

// Variables
new g_szPasswordKey[10], 

// Const.
static const g_szLocalFile[] = "addons/amxmodx/configs/vips.ini"

new const szCommands[][] =
	"say /vip",
	"say /vips",
	"say_team /vip",
	"say_team /vips"

// Cvars
new g_pCvarVIPScoreboard, 

/*#if defined PARACHUTE
	new g_pCvarParachute

#if defined MULTIJUMP
	new g_pCvarMultijump

public plugin_natives(){
	register_native("get_vip_flags", "native_ze_get_vip_flags", 1)
	register_native("set_vip_flags", "native_ze_set_vip_flags", 1)
	register_native("is_user_vip", "native_ze_is_user_vip", 1)
public native_ze_get_vip_flags(id){
	// Our file exists?
	if (file_exists(g_szLocalFile)){
		*	We can't use new file system here, because if file opened it can not be deleted.
		*	Old system provide the suitable way for doing it simply. That's a reason.

		// Declare some useful variables
		new iMaxLines, szLineToRead[129], szParse[4][65], szName[33], szSteamID[35], iTextLen, szIP[35]
		// Get max lines number in the file
		iMaxLines = file_size(g_szLocalFile, FSOPT_LINES_COUNT)
		// Get our player name and steamid
		get_user_authid(id, szSteamID, charsmax(szSteamID))
		get_user_name(id, szName, charsmax(szName))
		get_user_ip(id, szIP, charsmax(szIP), 1)
		// Loop through the whole file
		for (new iLine = 0; iLine < iMaxLines; iLine++){
			// Read line by line
			read_file(g_szLocalFile, iLine, szLineToRead, charsmax(szLineToRead), iTextLen)
			// Remove any space, useful to remove blank lines which only contain spaces
			// Check if string empty or starting with ; or // ignore the line
			if (strlen(szLineToRead) == 0 || szLineToRead[0] == ';' || (szLineToRead[0] == '/' && szLineToRead[1] == '/')) continue
			// Split our line by spaces to 4 parts: name or steam, password, flags, expire date
			parse(szLineToRead, szParse[0], charsmax(szParse[]), szParse[1], charsmax(szParse[]), szParse[2], charsmax(szParse[]), szParse[3], charsmax(szParse[]))
			// Remove all "" from our 4 parts
			// Check expire date for this steam/name (Steam/Name unique to check with)
			CheckDate(szParse[3], szParse[0])
			// Check if user in file is same who we check
			if (equal(szSteamID, szParse[0]) || equal(szName, szParse[0]) || equal(szIP, szParse[0])){
				// Player exists in the file, this means he is VIP
				g_bIsUserVIP[id] = true
				copy(g_szPassword, charsmax(g_szPassword), szParse[1])
				// Return his flags
				return read_flags(szParse[2])
		// File not exists, then create it (Here we can use new file system without problems)
		new iFileHandler = fopen(g_szLocalFile, "wt")
		fputs(iFileHandler, "; VIP^n^n")
		fputs(iFileHandler, ";Flags:^n^n")
		fputs(iFileHandler, "; a -- Connect Message and VIP List^n")
		fputs(iFileHandler, "; b -- Multi-Jump^n")
		fputs(iFileHandler, "; c -- Parachute^n")
		fputs(iFileHandler, "; d -- Scoreboard Attrib.^n")
		fputs(iFileHandler, "; e -- VIP Damage^n^n")
		fputs(iFileHandler, ";Usage Example:^n")
		fputs(iFileHandler, "; use exact name/ip/steamid! | expire date format - ^n^n")
		fputs(iFileHandler, "; ^"Steam/Nick/Ip(no port)^" ^"Password^" ^"Flag/s^" ^"Expire-Date^"")
	g_bIsUserVIP[id] = false
	if (g_bSetVIP[id] == true) return g_iFlags[id]
	else return NON_VIP
public native_ze_set_vip_flags(id, Flags){
	g_bSetVIP[id] = true
	g_iFlags[id] = Flags
public native_ze_is_user_vip(id){
	if (get_vip_flags(id) & VIP_Z) return false
	return true

public plugin_init(){
	register_plugin("[ZE] (Zombie Escape) VIP", "1.3", "idk bro..")//from ZE(ro) to CL(ass)IC
	// Hookchain
	RegisterHookChain(RG_CBasePlayer_TakeDamage, "Fw_TakeDamage_Pre", 0)
	// Cvars
	g_pCvarConnectMessage = register_cvar("connect_message", "1")
	g_pCvarAdminContact = register_cvar("admin_contact", "Admin Name")
	g_pCvarVIPScoreboard = register_cvar("show_vip_scoreboard", "1")
	g_pCvarEnableHappyHours = register_cvar("enable_happy_hours", "1")
	g_pCvarHappyHours = register_cvar("vip_happy_hours", "9-12")
	g_pCvarHappyHoursFlags = register_cvar("happy_hours_vip_flags", "abcd")
	g_pCvarDamage = register_cvar("vip_multiply_damage", "1.2")
	/*#if defined MULTIJUMP
		g_pCvarMultijump = register_cvar("give_vip_multijump", "1")
	#if defined PARACHUTE
		g_pCvarParachute = register_cvar("give_vip_parachute", "1")
	register_cvar("vip_version", VIP_VERSION, FCVAR_SERVER|FCVAR_SPONLY)
	set_cvar_string("vip_version", VIP_VERSION)
	// Commands
	for (new i = 0; i < charsmax(szCommands); i++)
		register_clcmd(szCommands[i], "CmdVIP")

	register_clcmd("say /getvip", "CmdMotd")
	register_clcmd("say_team /getvip", "CmdMotd")
	// Get Password Key
	get_cvar_string("amx_password_field", g_szPasswordKey, charsmax(g_szPasswordKey))
	// Initialize Arrays
	arrayset(g_bIsUserVIP, false, charsmax(g_bIsUserVIP))
	arrayset(g_bSetVIP, false, charsmax(g_bSetVIP))
	// Get max players
	g_iMaxPlayers = get_member_game(m_nMaxPlayers)
public plugin_cfg(){
	// Get our configiration file and Execute it
	new szCfgDir[65];get_localinfo("amxx_configsdir", szCfgDir, charsmax(szCfgDir))
	server_cmd("exec %s/vip.cfg", szCfgDir)

	get_pcvar_string(g_pCvarAdminContact, szContact, charsmax(szContact))

public Fw_TakeDamage_Pre(iVictim, iInflictor, iAttacker, Float:flDamage, bitsDamageType){
	if (!is_user_alive(iVictim) || !is_user_alive(iAttacker)) return HC_CONTINUE
	if (!(get_vip_flags(iAttacker) & DAMAGE) || get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarDamage) == 0) return HC_CONTINUE

	SetHookChainArg(4, ATYPE_FLOAT, flDamage * get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarDamage))

public client_authorized(id){
	if(is_user_hltv(id)||is_user_bot(id)) return
	// Get password from Setinfo
	new szPassword[10];get_user_info(id, g_szPasswordKey, szPassword, charsmax(szPassword))
	// Player VIP?
	if (g_bIsUserVIP[id]){
		if (!equal(szPassword, g_szPassword)){
			// VIP and wrong Password? Kick him
			engclient_print(id, engprint_console, "* VIP Invalid Password!")
			server_cmd("kick #%d You have no entry to the server...", get_user_userid(id))
		else engclient_print(id, engprint_console, "* VIP Password Accepted!")

public client_putinserver(id){
	if(is_user_bot(id)||is_user_hltv(id)) return

	if (g_bIsHappyHour == true && get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableHappyHours) != 0){
		new szFlags[35];get_pcvar_string(g_pCvarHappyHoursFlags, szFlags, charsmax(szFlags))
		set_vip_flags(id, read_flags(szFlags))
	/*#if defined MULTIJUMP
		if (get_vip_flags(id) & MULTIJUMP)
			if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarMultijump) != 0)
	#if defined PARACHUTE
		if (get_vip_flags(id) & PARACHUTE)
			if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarParachute) != 0)

	set_task(0.1, "Update_Attribute", id, _, _, "a", 10)

	if (get_vip_flags(id) & VIP_MESSAGES){
		if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarConnectMessage) != 0){
			new szName[33];get_user_name(id, szName, charsmax(szName))
			client_print_color(0, print_team_default, "^3VIP^4 %s^3 has connected to the server^1.", szName)

public CmdMotd(id) show_motd(id, "vip.txt", "VIP")

public CmdVIP(id) set_task(0.1, "Print_List")
public Print_List() Print_VIP_List()
public Print_VIP_List(){
	new szVIPName[33][32], szMessage[700],iPlayer, i, iVIPCount = 0, iLen = 0
	for (iPlayer = 1; iPlayer <= g_iMaxPlayers; iPlayer++){
		if (!is_user_connected(iPlayer)||is_user_bot(iPlayer)||is_user_hltv(iPlayer)) continue
		if (get_vip_flags(iPlayer) & VIP_MESSAGES){
			get_user_name(iPlayer, szVIPName[iVIPCount], charsmax(szVIPName))
	iLen = formatex(szMessage, charsmax(szMessage), "^4VIPs ONLINE^1: ")
	if (iVIPCount > 0) for (i = 0; i <= iVIPCount; i++) iLen += formatex(szMessage[iLen], charsmax(szMessage) - iLen, "^3%s^1%s^3", szVIPName[i], (i < (iVIPCount - 1)) ? ", " : "")
	else szMessage = "^4No VIPs online^1."
	client_print_color(0, print_team_default, szMessage)
	if (szContact[0]) client_print_color(0, print_team_default, "^1-^4 Contact Server^1--^3 %s", szContact)

public Update_Attribute(id){
	if ((get_vip_flags(id) & SCOREBOARD) && get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarVIPScoreboard) != 0 && is_user_connected(id) && !(is_user_hltv(id)||is_user_bot(id))){
		message_begin(MSG_ALL, get_user_msgid("ScoreAttrib"), {0, 0, 0}, id)

*	Dedicated stock for our plugin, to delete expired lines.
*	You should give it the expire date, and key.
*	Key should be unique like steam or name, so we can in another stock detect this line and delete it.
stock CheckDate(const szEndDate[], const szKey[]){
	new szCurrentDate[15],
	copy(szFormatedEndDate, charsmax(szFormatedEndDate), szEndDate)
	get_time("%d-%m-%Y", szCurrentDate, charsmax(szCurrentDate))
	for (new ch = 0; ch <= charsmax(szFormatedEndDate); ch++) if (szFormatedEndDate[ch] == '-') szFormatedEndDate[ch] = ' '
	for (new ch = 0; ch <= charsmax(szCurrentDate); ch++) if (szCurrentDate[ch] == '-') szCurrentDate[ch] = ' '

	parse(szCurrentDate, szCurrentDay, charsmax(szCurrentDay), szCurrentMonth, charsmax(szCurrentMonth), szCurrentYear, charsmax(szCurrentYear))
	parse(szFormatedEndDate, szEndDay, charsmax(szEndDay), szEndMonth, charsmax(szEndMonth), szEndYear, charsmax(szEndYear))
	if (str_to_num(szFormatedEndDate) == 0) return
	new iCurrentDay,
	iCurrentDay   = str_to_num(szCurrentDay)
	iCurrentMonth = str_to_num(szCurrentMonth)
	iCurrentYear  = str_to_num(szCurrentYear)
	iEndDay   = str_to_num(szEndDay)
	iEndMonth = str_to_num(szEndMonth)
	iEndYear  = str_to_num(szEndYear)
	// Just a check, maybe useless
	if ((!iCurrentDay && !iCurrentMonth && !iCurrentYear) || (!iEndDay && !iEndMonth && !iEndYear)) return
	*	Check expire date algorithm idea:
	*	If current year > Expire year -- This means it's already expired so delete this line.
	*	If Same year then check by month:
	*	If current month > expire month -- Expired delete the line.
	*	If same month then check by day:
	*	If current day > expire date -- Expired detete the line.
	if (iEndYear < iCurrentYear) Delete_Line(g_szLocalFile, szKey)
	else if (iEndYear == iCurrentYear){
		if (iEndMonth < iCurrentMonth) Delete_Line(g_szLocalFile, szKey)
		else if (iEndMonth == iCurrentMonth) if (iEndDay < iCurrentDay) Delete_Line(g_szLocalFile, szKey)
*	Stock used to delete line in file, based on key.
*	Key is steamid or name.
*	For some purposes we can't use new file system here.
stock Delete_Line(const szFile[], const szKey[]){
	// Check if file there or not
	if (file_exists(szFile)){
		// Get max lines in the file
		new iMaxLines = file_size(szFile, FSOPT_LINES_COUNT)
		// Some variables
		new Array:szFileLines, szLineToRead[400], iTextLen, szParse[4][65]
		// Create dynamic array to handle all lines in our file (every line will be in element)
		szFileLines = ArrayCreate(400)
		// Loop through whole file
		for (new iLine = 0; iLine < iMaxLines; iLine++){
			// Read line by line
			read_file(szFile, iLine, szLineToRead, charsmax(szLineToRead), iTextLen)
			// Just split our line so we get the steamid or name and compare with key
			parse(szLineToRead, szParse[0], charsmax(szParse[]), szParse[1], charsmax(szParse[]), szParse[2], charsmax(szParse[]), szParse[3], charsmax(szParse[]))
			// Remove any ""
			// If steamid or name is same as one we need to delete, then don't copy to our array
			if (equal(szParse[0], szKey)) continue
			// Push all lines to our array except one we need to delete
			ArrayPushString(szFileLines, szLineToRead)
		// Delete the file
		// Recreate the file and print all data to it
		for (new iLine = 0; iLine < ArraySize(szFileLines); iLine++){
			// Get strings in our array
			ArrayGetString(szFileLines, iLine, szLineToRead, charsmax(szLineToRead))
			// Write them to our file
			write_file(szFile, szLineToRead)
		// Destroy this array and free it's memory

stock Happy_Hours(){
	new szTime[3], szHappyHours[32], szHappyHours_Start[15], szHappyHours_End[15]
	get_time("%H", szTime, charsmax(szTime))
	get_pcvar_string(g_pCvarHappyHours, szHappyHours, charsmax(szHappyHours))
	for (new ch = 0; ch <= charsmax(szHappyHours); ch++) if (szHappyHours[ch] == '-') szHappyHours[ch] = ' '
	parse(szHappyHours, szHappyHours_Start, charsmax(szHappyHours_Start), szHappyHours_End, charsmax(szHappyHours_End))
	new iTime, iHappyHourStart, iHappyHourEnd
	iTime = str_to_num(szTime)
	iHappyHourStart = str_to_num(szHappyHours_Start)
	iHappyHourEnd = str_to_num(szHappyHours_End)
	if(iHappyHourEnd > iTime >= iHappyHourStart) g_bIsHappyHour = true
	else g_bIsHappyHour = false
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* Nume pe cs1.6: eVoLuTiOn \ Nume vechi: eVo
* Atelierul meu - post2819572.html#p2819572 (închis, click link ca să vedeți de ce)

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