VIP System( SQL Version ) [Support for Nobs] [16.02.2014]

Pluginuri facute de utilizatorii forumului eXtream.

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Membru, skill 0
Membru, skill 0
Posts: 23
Joined: 11 Jul 2009, 20:28
Detinator Steam: Da
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08 Feb 2015, 01:28

The YONTU wrote:trece-l doar cu 2 de x in plugins.ini :))

Ma scuzi my bad, dar tot nu functioneaza gravity , nu da hp , armura si viteza, modelul merge, scoreboard merge damage merge
dar viata, armura si viteza nu le da ma da cu 100 100 .

Poftim demo:
| Afiseaza codul
Sursa de plugins ce folosesc:
| Afiseaza codul

		Credits:	Exolent - VIP in Scoreboard
			pharse - x2 Jump for VIP( for ZP 5.0.5 )
			Sn!ff3r - Show bullet dmg in HUD only VIP
			Askhanar - Change Model to VIP
			cheap.suit - No VIP Flash( extracted on Biohazard v2.00 beta )
			AMXX Dev Team - Add VIP's
			cyby - VIP Event

#include < amxmodx >
#include < amxmisc >
#include < hamsandwich >
#include < cstrike >
#include < fakemeta >
#include < engine >
#include < fun >
#include < ColorChat >
#include < message_const >

//#define USING_SQL

#if defined USING_SQL
#include < sqlx >

// Toate aceste date vor fi trecute in fisierul "users.ini" !
#define VIP_FLAGS		"bit"	// Flagurile VIP-ului( Nu schimba )
#define VIP_FLAGS_TYPE		"a"	// a - deconecteaza VIP-ii cu parola invalida( Alte flaguri gasiti in "users.ini" )
#define VIP_PASSWORD		"parola"	// Aici setati parola oricarui VIP

#define is_user_player(%1) ( 1 <= %1 <= g_iMaxPlayers )

#define TASK_SECRET_MSG		216439

// Aici schimbati orele cand jucatorii pot avea VIP free( pentru a dezactiva setati caloarea 0 cvar-ului "vip_enable_vip_event" )
#define FIRST_HOUR	12
#define LAST_HOUR	13

new const PLUGIN_VERSION[  ] = "1.0.2",

#if defined USING_SQL
new const PLUGIN_NAME_SQL[  ] = "VIP System( SQL )";
new const PLUGIN_NAME[  ] = "VIP System";

new const g_szTag[  ] = "[VIP System]";	// TAG
new const g_szVipFlags[  ] =	"t";		// flagul vip-ului( ADMIN_LEVEL_H )

// Aici iti pui numele cu care joci pe server si adresa ta( pluginul va afisa un mesaj la inceput de runda cu datele tale daca jucatorii sunt interesati sa cumpere vip );
new const YourNick[  ] = "nuconteaza", 
	 YourMessenger[  ] = "[email protected]";

static const COLORG[  ] = "^x04", COLORD[  ] = "^x01", COLORT[  ] = "^x03";

// Refil Ammo on headshot
new const g_Weapons[  ] = {


new const g_szWeapons[  ][  ] = {


new const g_iWeaponsAmmo[  ] = {


enum {


enum ( <<= 1 ) {


enum _:WhatUserHas {

new bool:g_bUserHas[ 33 ][ WhatUserHas ];

new 	g_cvar_speed_spawn,

new Ham:Ham_Player_ResetMaxSpeed = Ham_Item_PreFrame;

new bool:VipEvent;

new iJumpNum[ 33 ] = 0;
new g_iMultiJumps[ 33 ] = 0;
new g_iMaxJumps = 0;

new g_iMaxPlayers;
new SyncHudMessage;

public plugin_init(  ) {

	#if defined USING_SQL
	register_plugin( PLUGIN_NAME_SQL,
	register_plugin( PLUGIN_NAME,

	register_clcmd( "say /wantvip", "ShowAbilityForVip" );
	register_clcmd( "say_team /wantvip", "ShowAbilityForVip" );

	register_concmd( "amx_addvips", "ClCmdAddVips", ADMIN_RCON, "< nume >" );

	register_event( "ResetHUD", "event_ResetModel", "b" );
	register_event( "DeathMsg", "event_DeathMsg", "a" );
	register_event( "DeathMsg", "event_DeathMsg2", "ae" );
	register_event( "Damage", "event_Damage", "b", "2!0", "3=0", "4!0" );

	register_logevent( "logevent_RoundStart", 2 , "1=Round_Start" );
	register_logevent( "logevent_RoundEnd", 2, "1=Round_End" );

	register_forward( FM_PlayerPreThink, "forward_PlayerPreThink" );
	register_forward( FM_PlayerPostThink, "forward_PlayerPostThink" );

	RegisterHam( Ham_Spawn, "player", "Ham_PlayerSpawnPost", 1 );
	RegisterHam( Ham_TakeDamage, "player", "Ham_TakeDamagePre" );
	RegisterHam( Ham_Player_ResetMaxSpeed, "player", "Ham_ResetMaxSpeedPost", 1 );

    	register_message( get_user_msgid( "ScoreAttrib" ), "MessageScoreAttrib" );
	register_message( get_user_msgid( "ScreenFade" ), "MessageScreenFade" );

	g_cvar_speed_spawn = register_cvar( "vip_speed_spawn", "400.0" );		// viteza pe care o primeste vip-ul la spawn( sa fie cu zecimala.0 )
	g_cvar_health_spawn = register_cvar( "vip_health_spawn", "200" );		// viata pe care o primeste vip-ul la spawn
	g_cvar_armor_spawn = register_cvar( "vip_armor_spawn", "200" );		// armura pe care o primeste vip-ul la spawn
	g_cvar_gravity_spawn = register_cvar( "vip_gravity_spawn", "0.85" );	// gravitatea pe care o primeste vip-ul la spawn
	g_cvar_multidmg = register_cvar( "vip_multi_dmg", "2.0" );		// vip-ul are dmg mai mare la toate armele
	g_cvar_health_kill_reward = register_cvar( "vip_hp_kill_reward", "0" );	// cata viata sa primeasca vip-ul cand face un kill
	g_cvar_health_hs_reward = register_cvar( "vip_hp_hs_reward", "0" );	// cata viata sa primeasca vip-ul cand face un headshot
	g_cvar_maxhealth = register_cvar( "vip_maxhealth", "300" );		// viata maxima a vip-ului
	g_cvar_kill_money_reward = register_cvar( "vip_kill_money", "0" );	// Cati bani sa primeasca Vip-ul pe un frag
	g_cvar_show_msgs = register_cvar( "vip_show_messages", "30.0" );		// la ce interval de timp.0 sa apara mesajele in chat despre VIP
	g_cvar_enable_show_dmg = register_cvar( "vip_show_dmg", "0" );		// afiseaza vip-ului dmg-ul facut de victima si dmg-ul pe care i la facut victimei
	g_cvar_ebable_vip_scoreboard = register_cvar( "vip_on_scoreboard", "1" );	// 1 - vip-ii apar in scoreboard ca "VIP" | 0 - dezactivat
	g_cvar_enable_vip_noflash = register_cvar( "vip_imune_flashbang", "1" );	// 1 - Vip-ul este imun la flash-uri | 0 - Nu este
	g_cvar_enable_vip_multijump = register_cvar( "vip_enable_multijump", "2" );	// 1 - Vip-ul beneficiaza de multi jump | 0 - Nu beneficiaza
	g_cvar_enable_vip_event = register_cvar( "vip_enable_vip_event", "0" );	// 1 - Intre anumite ore toti jucatorii au VIP | 0 dezactivat
	g_cvar_enable_vip_model = register_cvar( "vip_enable_model", "1" );	// 1 - VIP-ul are alt model pe server | 0 - Nu are

	if( get_pcvar_num( g_cvar_enable_vip_event ) ) {

		check_time(  );
		set_task( 60.0, "check_time", _, _, _, "b" );
		set_task( 1.0, "hud_mess", _, _, _, "b" );

	new szFile[ 64 ]
	get_configsdir( szFile, 63 );
	format( szFile, 63, "%s/vip_system.cfg", szFile );
	if( file_exists( szFile ) ) 
		server_cmd( "exec %s", szFile );

	g_iMaxPlayers = get_maxplayers(  );
	SyncHudMessage = CreateHudSyncObj(  );

public plugin_cfg(  )
	set_cvar_float( "sv_maxspeed", 1000.0 );

public plugin_precache(  ) {

	precache_model( "models/player/vip_ct/vip_ct.mdl" );
	precache_model( "models/player/vip_t/vip_t.mdl" );

public client_putinserver( id ) {

	g_iMultiJumps[ id ] = 0;
	iJumpNum[ id ] = 0;
	g_bUserHas[ id ][ Jump ] = false;
	g_bUserHas[ id ][ Speed ] = false;

public client_disconnect( id ) {

	g_iMultiJumps[ id ] = 0;
	iJumpNum[ id ] = 0;
	g_bUserHas[ id ][ Jump ] = false;
	g_bUserHas[ id ][ Speed ] = false;

public event_ResetModel( id ) {

	if( get_pcvar_num( g_cvar_enable_vip_model ) ) {

		if( is_user_vip( id ) ) {

			new CsTeams:userTeam = cs_get_user_team( id );

			if( userTeam == CS_TEAM_T ) {

				cs_set_user_model( id, "vip_t" );

				return 1;

			else if( userTeam == CS_TEAM_CT ) {

				cs_set_user_model( id, "vip_ct" );

				return 1;
		} else
			cs_reset_user_model( id );
	} else
		return 0;

	return 0;

public event_DeathMsg(  ) {

	new iAttacker = read_data( 1 );
	new iVictim = read_data( 2 );
	new iHeadshot = read_data( 3 );
	new HealthOnHeadShot = get_pcvar_num( g_cvar_health_hs_reward );
	new MaxHealth = get_pcvar_num( g_cvar_maxhealth );
	new HealthOnKill = get_pcvar_num( g_cvar_health_kill_reward );

	if( iAttacker == iVictim )
		return 0;

	if( is_user_vip( iAttacker ) && iAttacker != iVictim ) {
		if( get_user_health( iAttacker ) <= MaxHealth ) {

			if( iHeadshot ) {

				set_user_health( iAttacker, get_user_health( iAttacker ) + HealthOnHeadShot );

				set_hudmessage( 0, 250, 0, 0.85, 0.7, 0, 6.0, 5.0 );
				ShowSyncHudMsg( iAttacker, SyncHudMessage, "+ %i HP", HealthOnHeadShot );
			} else {

				set_user_health( iAttacker, get_user_health( iAttacker ) + HealthOnKill );

				set_hudmessage( 200, 200, 0, 0.85, 0.7, 0, 6.0, 5.0 );
				ShowSyncHudMsg( iAttacker, SyncHudMessage, "+ %i HP", HealthOnKill );

		if( is_user_alive( iAttacker ) && !is_user_bot( iAttacker ) )
			if( read_data( 3 ) )
				for( new w = 0; w < sizeof( g_Weapons ); w++ )
					if( get_user_weapon( iAttacker ) == g_Weapons[ w ] )
						if( find_ent_by_owner( -1, g_szWeapons[ w ], iAttacker ) )
							cs_set_weapon_ammo( find_ent_by_owner( -1, g_szWeapons[ w ], iAttacker ), g_iWeaponsAmmo[ w ] );

	return 0;

public event_DeathMsg2(  ) {

	new iAttacker = read_data( 1 ); 
	new iVictim = read_data( 2 );

	new BonusMoney = get_pcvar_num( g_cvar_kill_money_reward );
	if( iAttacker == iVictim )
		return 0;

	if( is_user_vip( iAttacker ) )
		if( iAttacker && is_user_alive( iAttacker ) )
			if( cs_get_user_team( iVictim ) == CS_TEAM_T || cs_get_user_team( iVictim ) == CS_TEAM_CT )
				if( cs_get_user_money( iAttacker ) < 16000 - BonusMoney - 300 )
					cs_set_user_money( iAttacker, cs_get_user_money( iAttacker ) + BonusMoney - 300 );

	return 0;

public event_Damage( id ) {

	if( get_pcvar_num( g_cvar_enable_show_dmg ) ) {

		static iAttacker;
		static fDamage;
		iAttacker = get_user_attacker( id );
		fDamage = read_data( 2 );

		if( is_user_alive( id ) && is_user_vip( id ) ) {
			set_hudmessage( 255, 0, 0, 0.45, 0.50, 2, 0.1, 1.0, 0.1, 0.1, -1 );
			ShowSyncHudMsg( id, SyncHudMessage, "%i^n", fDamage );	

		if( is_user_alive( iAttacker ) && is_user_vip( iAttacker ) ) {

			set_hudmessage( 0, 255, 15, -1.0, 0.55, 2, 0.1, 1.0, 0.02, 0.02, -1 );
			ShowSyncHudMsg( iAttacker, SyncHudMessage, "%i^n^n", fDamage );

public logevent_RoundStart(  ) {
	new szPlayers[ 32 ], iNum;
	get_players( szPlayers, iNum, "ch" );
	for( new i = 0; i < iNum; i++)  {

		g_bUserHas[ szPlayers[ i ] ][ Speed ] = false;
		g_bUserHas[ szPlayers[ i ] ][ Jump ] = false;
		g_iMultiJumps[ szPlayers[ i ] ] = 0;
		iJumpNum[ szPlayers[ i ] ] = 0;

		if( task_exists( szPlayers[ i ] + TASK_SECRET_MSG ) )
			remove_task( szPlayers[ i ] + TASK_SECRET_MSG );
		set_task( get_pcvar_float( g_cvar_show_msgs ), "task_ShowMessage", szPlayers[ i ] + TASK_SECRET_MSG );

public logevent_RoundEnd(  ) {
	new szPlayers[ 32 ], iNum;
	get_players( szPlayers, iNum, "ch" );
	for( new i = 0; i < iNum; i++ )
		remove_task( szPlayers[ i ] );

public forward_PlayerPreThink( id ) {

	if( !is_user_alive( id ) || !g_iMultiJumps[ id ] )
		return 0;

	if( ( pev( id, pev_button ) & IN_JUMP ) && !( pev( id, pev_flags ) & FL_ONGROUND ) && !( pev( id, pev_oldbuttons ) & IN_JUMP ) ) {

		if( iJumpNum[ id ] < g_iMultiJumps[ id ] ) {

			g_bUserHas[ id ][ Jump ] = true;
			iJumpNum[ id ]++;

			return 0;

	if( ( pev( id, pev_button ) & IN_JUMP ) && ( pev( id, pev_flags ) & FL_ONGROUND ) ) {

		iJumpNum[ id ] = 0;
		return 0;

	return 0;

public forward_PlayerPostThink( id ) {

	if( !is_user_alive( id ) || !g_iMultiJumps[ id ] )
		return 0;

	if( g_bUserHas[ id ][ Jump ] ) {

		new Float:fVelocity[ 3 ];

		pev( id, pev_velocity, fVelocity );

		fVelocity[ 2 ] = random_float( 265.0, 285.0 );

		set_pev( id, pev_velocity, fVelocity );

		g_bUserHas[ id ][ Jump ] = false;
		return 0;

	return 0;

public Ham_PlayerSpawnPost( id ) {
	if( !is_user_alive( id ) && !is_user_vip( id ) )
		return HAM_IGNORED;
	if( is_user_vip( id ) && !is_user_bot( id ) )
		set_task( 5.0, "task_GiveSkillsAllVips", id );
	return HAM_IGNORED;

public task_GiveSkillsAllVips( id ) {

	//drop_prim( id );

	g_bUserHas[ id ][ Speed ] = true;
	fm_set_user_maxspeed( id, get_pcvar_float( g_cvar_speed_spawn ) );

	new szCommand[ 128 ];
	formatex( szCommand, sizeof( szCommand ) - 1, "cl_forwardspeed %.1f;cl_sidespeed %.1f;cl_backspeed %.1f", get_pcvar_float( g_cvar_speed_spawn ), get_pcvar_float( g_cvar_speed_spawn ), get_pcvar_float( g_cvar_speed_spawn ) );
	client_cmd( id, szCommand );

	if( get_pcvar_num( g_cvar_enable_vip_multijump ) )
		if( g_iMultiJumps[ id ] < g_iMaxJumps || !g_iMaxJumps )
			g_iMultiJumps[ id ]++;

	set_user_health( id, get_pcvar_num( g_cvar_health_spawn ) );
	set_user_armor( id, get_pcvar_num( g_cvar_armor_spawn ) );
	set_user_gravity( id, get_pcvar_float( g_cvar_gravity_spawn ) );

	fm_give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
	fm_give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
	fm_give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
	fm_give_item( id, "weapon_smokegrenade" );

	//GiveRifle( id );

public GiveRifle( id ) {

	fm_give_item( id, "weapon_m4a1" );
	cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_M4A1, 300 );

	fm_give_item( id, "weapon_ak47" );
	cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_AK47, 300 );

	fm_give_item( id, "weapon_awp" );
	cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_AWP, 100 );

	fm_give_item( id, "weapon_deagle" );
	cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 70 );

public task_ShowMessage( taskid ) {

	new id = taskid - TASK_SECRET_MSG;

	ColorChat( id, GREEN, "%s^x01 Vrei sa cumperi si tu^x03 Membru V.I.P^x01? Contacteaza-l pe^x03 %s^x01 la^x03 %s^x01 !!!", g_szTag, YourNick, YourMessenger );

	set_task( get_pcvar_float( g_cvar_show_msgs ) * 0.5, "task_ShowMessage2", id );

	if( task_exists( taskid ) )
		remove_task( taskid );

public task_ShowMessage2( id ) {

	ColorChat( id, GREEN, "%s^x01 Vrei sa faci rost de^x03 Membru VIP^x01 si nu stii cum? Tasteaza^x03 /wantvip^x01 !!!", g_szTag );

	set_task( get_pcvar_float( g_cvar_show_msgs ) * 1.2, "task_PrintVipList", id );

public task_PrintVipList( user ) {

	new szAdminNames[ 33 ][ 32 ];
	new szMessage[ 256 ];
	new iCount, iLen;
	for( new id = 1 ; id <= g_iMaxPlayers ; id++ )
		if( is_user_connected( id ) )
			if( is_user_vip( id ) )
				get_user_name( id, szAdminNames[ iCount++ ], 31 );

	iLen = format( szMessage, 255, "%sVIP's Online: ", COLORG );

	if( iCount > 0 ) {

		for( new i = 0 ; i < iCount ; i++ ) {

			iLen += format( szMessage[ iLen ], 255 - iLen, "^x03%s^x01 | ", szAdminNames[ i ], COLORT, COLORD );

			if( iLen > 96 ) {

				print_message( user, szMessage );
				iLen = format( szMessage, 255, "%s", COLORG );

		print_message( user, szMessage );
	} else {

		iLen += format( szMessage[ iLen ], 255 - iLen, "^x01Nu sunt VIP-i online.", COLORD );
		print_message( user, szMessage );

public Ham_ResetMaxSpeedPost( id ) {

	if( is_user_alive( id ) && is_user_vip( id ) && get_user_maxspeed( id ) != 1.0 ) {

  		new Float:flMaxSpeed;

  		if( g_bUserHas[ id ][ Speed ] )
   			flMaxSpeed = float( get_pcvar_num( g_cvar_speed_spawn ) );

  		if( flMaxSpeed > 0.0 )
   			set_pev( id, pev_maxspeed, flMaxSpeed );

public Ham_TakeDamagePre( iVictim, iInflictor, iAttacker, Float:fDamage ) {

	if( iVictim == iAttacker || !is_user_player( iAttacker ) || !is_user_alive( iAttacker ) || is_user_bot( iAttacker ) )
		return HAM_HANDLED;

	if( is_user_vip( iAttacker ) && is_user_player( iAttacker ) )
		SetHamParamFloat( 4, fDamage * get_pcvar_float( g_cvar_multidmg ) );

	return HAM_IGNORED;

public MessageScoreAttrib( iMsgId, iMsgDest, id ) {

	if( get_pcvar_num( g_cvar_ebable_vip_scoreboard ) ) {

		new iPlayer = get_msg_arg_int( SCOREATTRIB_ARG_PLAYERID );
		if( access( iPlayer, read_flags( g_szVipFlags ) ) )

public MessageScreenFade( iMsgId, iMsgDest, id ) {

	if( is_user_vip( id ) && is_user_alive( id ) && get_pcvar_num( g_cvar_enable_vip_noflash ) ) {

		static szData[ 4 ];

		szData[ 0 ] = get_msg_arg_int( 4 );
		szData[ 1 ] = get_msg_arg_int( 5 );
		szData[ 2 ] = get_msg_arg_int( 6 );
		szData[ 3 ] = get_msg_arg_int( 7 );
		if( szData[ 0 ] == 255 && szData[ 1 ] == 255 && szData[ 2 ] == 255 && szData[ 3] > 199 )
			return 1;

	return 0;

public check_time(  ) {

	static preluare_ora[ 3 ], ora;
	get_time( "%H", preluare_ora, 2 );

	ora = str_to_num( preluare_ora );

	if( FIRST_HOUR >= ora || ora < LAST_HOUR ) {

		if( !VipEvent )
			ColorChat( 0, GREEN, "^x04%s^x01 Eventul^x03 Free VIP^x01 a fost activat!", g_szTag );

		VipEvent = true;
		server_cmd( "amx_default_access ^"t^"" );
	} else {

		if( VipEvent )
			ColorChat( 0, GREEN, "^x04%s^x01 Eventul^x03 Free VIP^x01 a fost activat!", g_szTag );

		VipEvent = false;
		server_cmd( "amx_default_access ^"z^"" );

	server_cmd( "amx_reloadadmins" );

public hud_mess(  ) {

	if( VipEvent ) {

		set_hudmessage( 200, 200, 10, -1.0, 0.0, 1, 1.0, 1.0, 0.1, 0.1 );
		show_hudmessage( 0, "Toti jucatorii beneficiaza de VIP free aceasta ora!" );

public ShowAbilityForVip( id ) {

	new iCfgDir[ 32 ], iFile[ 192 ];
	get_configsdir( iCfgDir, charsmax( iCfgDir ) );
	formatex( iFile, charsmax( iFile ), "%s/vip.html", iCfgDir );

	show_motd( id, iFile );

public ClCmdAddVips( id, level, cid ) {

	if( !cmd_access( id, level, cid, 2 ) )
		return 1;

	new szTarget[ 32 ];
	read_argv( 1, szTarget, 31 );

	new iPlayer = cmd_target( id, szTarget, 8 );

	if( !iPlayer )
		return 1;

	new szPlayerName[ 32 ], szAdminName[ 32 ];
	get_user_name( iPlayer, szPlayerName, charsmax( szPlayerName ) );
	get_user_name( id, szAdminName, charsmax( szAdminName ) );

	AddVIP( id, szPlayerName, VIP_FLAGS, VIP_PASSWORD, VIP_FLAGS_TYPE, szAdminName );
	server_cmd( "amx_reloadadmins" );

	console_print( id, "%s Vip-ul a fost adaugat in lista!", g_szTag );
	ColorChat( 0, GREEN, "^x04%s^x01 Adminul^x03 %s^x01 l-a adaugat ca VIP pe^x03 %s^x01 !", g_szTag, szAdminName, iPlayer );
	ColorChat( iPlayer, GREEN, "^x04%s^x01 Felicitari! Ai fost adaugat ca membru^x03 VIP^x01! VIP-ul se va activa harta viitoare!", g_szTag );

	return 1;

stock bool:is_user_vip( id ) {

	if( get_user_flags( id ) & read_flags( g_szVipFlags ) )
		return true;
	return false;

stock print_message( id, Msg[  ] ) {

	message_begin( MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid( "SayText" ), { 0, 0, 0 }, id );
	write_byte( id );
	write_string( Msg );
	message_end(  );

// stocks from "fakemeta_util"
stock fm_give_item( index, const item[  ] ) {

	if( !equal( item, "weapon_", 7 ) && !equal( item, "ammo_", 5 ) && !equal( item, "item_", 5 ) && !equal( item, "tf_weapon_", 10 ) )
		return 0;

	new ent = fm_create_entity( item );

	if( !pev_valid( ent ) )
		return 0;

	new Float:fOrigin[ 3 ];
	pev( index, pev_origin, fOrigin );

	set_pev( ent, pev_origin, fOrigin );
	set_pev( ent, pev_spawnflags, pev( ent, pev_spawnflags ) | SF_NORESPAWN );

	dllfunc( DLLFunc_Spawn, ent );

	new save = pev( ent, pev_solid );

	dllfunc( DLLFunc_Touch, ent, index );

	if( pev( ent, pev_solid ) != save )
		return ent;

	engfunc( EngFunc_RemoveEntity, ent );

	return -1;

stock fm_set_user_maxspeed( index, Float:speed = -1.0 ) {

	engfunc( EngFunc_SetClientMaxspeed, index, speed );

	set_pev( index, pev_maxspeed, speed );

	return 1;

stock Float:fm_get_user_maxspeed( index ) {

	new Float:speed;
	pev( index, pev_maxspeed, speed );

	return speed;

stock fm_set_rendering( entity, fx = kRenderFxNone, r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, render = kRenderNormal, amount = 16 ) {

	new Float:RenderColor[ 3 ];
	RenderColor[ 0 ] = float( r );
	RenderColor[ 1 ] = float( g );
	RenderColor[ 2 ] = float( b );

	set_pev( entity, pev_renderfx, fx );
	set_pev( entity, pev_rendercolor, RenderColor );
	set_pev( entity, pev_rendermode, render );
	set_pev( entity, pev_renderamt, float( amount ) );

	return 1;

stock fm_create_entity( const classname[  ] )
	return engfunc( EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity, engfunc( EngFunc_AllocString, classname ) );

AddVIP( id, name[  ], accessflags[  ], password[  ], flags[  ], comment[  ]="" ) {

#if defined USING_SQL
	new error[ 128 ], errno;

	new Handle:info = SQL_MakeStdTuple(  );
	new Handle:sql = SQL_Connect( info, errno, error, 127 );

	if( sql == Empty_Handle ) {

		server_print( "[AMXX] %L", LANG_SERVER, "SQL_CANT_CON", error );
		// Make sure that the users.ini file exists.
		new configsDir[ 64 ];
		get_configsdir( configsDir, 63 );
		format( configsDir, 63, "%s/users.ini", configsDir );

		if( !file_exists( configsDir ) ) {

			console_print( id, "%s File ^"%s^" doesn't exist.", g_szTag, configsDir );

		// Make sure steamid isn't already in file.
		new line = 0, textline[ 256 ], len;
		const SIZE = 63;
		new line_steamid[ SIZE + 1 ], line_password[ SIZE + 1 ], line_accessflags[ SIZE + 1 ], line_flags[ SIZE + 1 ], parsedParams;

		// <name|ip|steamid> <password> <access flags> <account flags>
		while( ( line = read_file( configsDir, line, textline, 255, len ) ) ) {

			if ( len == 0 || equal( textline, ";", 1 ) )
				continue; // comment line

			parsedParams = parse( textline, line_steamid, SIZE, line_password, SIZE, line_accessflags, SIZE, line_flags, SIZE );

			if( parsedParams != 4 )
				continue;	// Send warning/error?
			if( containi( line_flags, flags ) != -1 && equal( line_steamid, name ) ) {

				console_print( id, "%s %s already exists!", g_szTag, name );
		// If we came here, steamid doesn't exist in users.ini. Add it.
		new linetoadd[ 512 ];
		if( comment[ 0 ]==0 )
			formatex( linetoadd, 511, "^r^n^"%s^" ^"%s^" ^"%s^" ^"%s^"", name, password, accessflags, flags );

			formatex( linetoadd, 511, "^r^n^"%s^" ^"%s^" ^"%s^" ^"%s^" ; %s", name, password, accessflags, flags, comment );

		console_print( id, "Adding:^n%s", linetoadd );
		if( !write_file( configsDir, linetoadd ) )
			console_print( id, "%s Failed writing to %s!", g_szTag, configsDir );
#if defined USING_SQL
	new table[ 32 ];

	get_cvar_string( "amx_sql_table", table, 31 );

	new Handle:query = SQL_PrepareQuery( sql, "SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE (`auth` = '%s')", table, name );
	if( !SQL_Execute( query ) ) {

		SQL_QueryError( query, error, 127 );
		server_print( "[AMXX] %L", LANG_SERVER, "SQL_CANT_LOAD_ADMINS", error );
		console_print( id, "[AMXX] %L", LANG_SERVER, "SQL_CANT_LOAD_ADMINS", error );
	else if( SQL_NumResults( query ) )
		console_print( id, "%s %s already exists!", g_szTag, name );

	else {

		console_print( id, "Adding to database:^n^"%s^" ^"%s^" ^"%s^" ^"%s^"", name, password, accessflags, flags );

		SQL_QueryAndIgnore( sql, "REPLACE INTO `%s` (`name`, `password`, `access`, `flags`) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", table, name, password, accessflags, flags );

	SQL_FreeHandle( query );
	SQL_FreeHandle( sql);
	SQL_FreeHandle( info );

*{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang1033\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par }
Amx.cfg ce-l folosesc cu ceva-uri:
| Afiseaza codul
// Configuratii Server

amx_default_access z
amx_password_field _pw
amx_show_activity 2
amx_client_languages 0
amx_debug 1
amx_mldebug ""
amx_vote_answers 1
sv_timeout 70

// mp

mp_consistency 0
mp_flashlight 0
mp_playerid 1
mp_autokick 0
sv_voiceenable 0
mp_footsteps 1
sv_maxspeed 9999
sv_customsky 1

// remove
csstats_rank 0
csstats_maxsize 7000
sv_aim 0
mp_chattime 0
sv_maxrate 25000
sv_maxupdaterate 101
sys_ticrate 9999999999999999999999999
amx_vampire_hp 15
amx_vampire_hp_hs 30
amx_vampire_max_hp 100
cmd_who 2

// cfg

cfg_hs_sound 0 - Sunet pornit la victima
cfg_hs_fade 0 - Ecran rosu
cfg_hs_blood 1- Sangele sare in aer
cfg_hs_msg 0 - Mesaj pe centru

// hud

amx_hud_hide_money 1
amx_hud_hide_timer 1
amx_hud_hide_flashlight 0
amx_hud_hide_radar_health_armor 0
amx_hud_hide_crosshair 0
amx_hud_hide_cross_ammo_weaponlist 0
amx_maxjumps 1
amx_ghostchat "2"
//grenade_tr "3"
//grenade_he "255000000" set the trail color of Hegrenade
//grenade_fb "000000255" set the trail color of Flashbang
//grenade_sg "000255000" set the trail color of Smokegrenade
freehe_delay "20"
tjm_join_team 4
tjm_switch_team 1
tjm_class_t 5
tjm_class_ct 5
tjm_block_change 1
//qs_enabled 1
//qs_streak 1
//qs_headshot 2
//qs_humiliatingdefeat 2
//qs_firstblood 2
ajc_team 5
ajc_class 5
ajc_imm 1
ab_immunity 1
ab_bandelay 1
ab_unbancheck 1

// Silent Nades

amx_snilentnades 1
amx_sn_mode 0

 // balance
iatb_active 1
iatb_admins_immunity 1
iatb_message <"Ai fost transferat">

/ Anunta "spune thetime" si "timeleft spun" cu vocea, setat la 0 pentru a dezactiva.
/ /
/ / Valoare implicita: 1
amx_time_voice 1
amx_vote_delay 10
amx_vote_time 10
/ / Valoare implicita: 1
amx_vote_answers 1
amx_votekick_ratio 0.40
amx_voteban_ratio 0.40
amx_votemap_ratio 0.40
amx_vote_ratio 0.02
amx_extendmap_max 90
amx_extendmap_step 15

// Harti
amx_mapchooser_type 1
amx_mapchooser_mapsloc 2
amx_maxnominperplayer 2
amx_map_history 5
amx_extendmap_max 15
amx_extendmap_step 15
amx_ext_round_max 5
amx_ext_round_step 5
amx_ext_win_max 5
amx_ext_win_step 5
amx_rtv 1
amx_rtv_percent 0.6
amx_rtv_min_time 5

// Rezervare slot Admini

//amx_rezervation 3
//amx_hideslots 1

// Vip Setari

vip_ultra_speed "400.0" - viteza pe care o primeste vip-ul la spawn( sa fie cu zecimala.0 )
vip_health_spawn "200" - viata pe care o primeste vip-ul la spawn
vip_armor_spawn "200" - armura pe care o primeste vip-ul la spawn
vip_gravity_spawn "0.85" - gravitatea pe care o primeste vip-ul la spawn
vip_multi_dmg "2.0" - vip-ul are dmg mai mare la toate armele
vip_enable_glow "1" - 1 - Fiecare VIP are glow in functie de echipa( CT - Blue ) | ( T - Red )
//vip_hp_kill_reward "" - cata viata sa primeasca vip-ul cand face un kill
//vip_hp_hs_reward "" - cata viata sa primeasca vip-ul cand face un headshot
vip_maxhealth "300" - viata maxima a vip-ului
vip_kill_money "1" - Cati bani sa primeasca Vip-ul pe un frag
vip_show_messages "30.0" - la ce interval de timp.0 sa apara mesajele in chat despre VIP (lasati asa, 30.0 pentru ca vot fi afisate 3 mesaje in chat la inceput de runda)
vip_show_dmg "0" - afiseaza vip-ului dmg-ul facut de victima si dmg-ul pe care i la facut victimei
vip_on_scoreboard "1" - 1 - vip-ii apar in scoreboard ca "VIP" | 0 - dezactivat
vip_imune_flashbang "1" - 1 - Vip-ul este imun la flash-uri | 0 - Nu este
vip_enable_multijump "2" - 1 - Vip-ul beneficiaza de multi jump | 0 - Nu beneficiaza
vip_enable_vip_event "0" - 1 - Intre anumite ore toti jucatorii au VIP | 0 dezactivat
vip_enable_model "1" - 1 - VIP-ul are alt model pe server | 0 - Nu are
Plugins Ini
| Afiseaza codul
; Lista Plugins

; Admin Base - Always one has to be activated


;autobuyfix.amxx        ; fixseaza segmentation fault

advanced_bans.amxx     ; dezactivat face probleme sv

admin.amxx		; admin base (required for any admin-related)

;admin_sql.amxx		; admin base - SQL version (comment admin.amxx)

; Basic

mapsmenu.amxx		; maps menu (vote, changelevel)

admincmd.amxx		; basic admin console commands

adminhelp.amxx		; help command for admin console commands

;adminslots.amxx		; slot reservation

multilingual.amxx	; Multi-Lingual management

; Menus

menufront.amxx		; front-end for admin menus

cmdmenu.amxx		; command menu (speech, settings)

plmenu.amxx		; players menu (kick, ban, client cmds.)

;telemenu.amxx		; teleport menu (Fun Module required!)

pluginmenu.amxx		; Menus for commands/cvars organized by plugin

; Chat / Messages


AdminChat.amxx		; console chat commands

antiflood.amxx		; prevent clients from chat-flooding the server

;scrollmsg.amxx		; displays a scrolling message

;imessage.amxx		; displays information messages

adminvote.amxx		; vote commands

; Map related

//nextmap.amxx		; displays next map in mapcycle

mapchooser.amxx		; allows to vote for next map

//timeleft.amxx		; displays time left on map

; Configuration

pausecfg.amxx		; allows to pause and unpause some plugins

;statscfg.amxx		; allows to manage stats plugins via menu and commands

;restmenu.amxx		; restrict weapons menu

statsx.amxx		; stats on death or round end (CSX Module required!)

;miscstats.amxx		; bunch of events announcement for Counter-Strike

;stats_logging.amxx	; weapons stats logging (CSX Module required!)


; Pluginuri Vechi Needitate

multijump.amxx                     ; face lag , plugin jump
public_comenzi.amxx                                     ; plugin pentru /t /ct /spec /respawn

; Pluginuri Editate

ext.amxx                                ; inlocuit de amx_ext / amx_exterminate / amx_destroy / amx_russian  distruge cs-ul jucatorului mai bun ca destroy .
awp.amxx                                ; pe hartile de awp se joaca doar sniper si cutit !!
;blind.amxx                              ; Orbeste jucatorul
ss.amxx                                 ; Face 5 poze jucatorului
harti.amxx                              ; Comanda /harti in chat
reset.amxx                              ; Resetare scor in chat /rs /retry /reset /resetscoretransfer.amxx                           ; Transferi jucatori ct/spec/t
//gag.amxx                                ; trebuie pus mai sus de chat
silent.amxx                             ; Opreste fire in the hole
who.amxx                                ; ultimate who
amx_showip.amxx                         ; arata ip tara
;oldvip.amxxx                               ; vip /wantvip vip online
pret.amxx                               ; Arata lista cu preturi de admine pe server.
//imun.amxx                               ; scoti redai imunitate : amx_imun 1 / amx_imun 0
transfer.amxx                           ; transferi jucatori
demo.amxx                               ; amx_demo nick , amx_stopdemo foarte util !
vip.amxx                                ; DA VIP pe server.
NU merg specificatile viata 200/armura 200 /viteza mai mare . e la fel ..
si te rog de poti sa imi faci sa nu imi ia vipi din users.ini ci sa ii pun eu in vip.ini doar nick-urile lor , nu sa adaug flagu.
PS: Specific am CSDM 2.1.2K respawn , vreau ca la fiecare spawn la VIP sa dea specificatiile din cvar gen 200 hp 200 armura si viteza mai mare, dar nu merge.

Ti-am trimis PM , raspunzi ?
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29 Mar 2015, 16:04

Frumos,bravo :)
NU sunt intermediar.

Dacă ai nevoie de ajutor pe forum dă-mi un PM şi rezolvăm.



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30 Mar 2015, 11:16

YONTU, te rog un mic suport pentru mine, trebuie doar să modifici puţin. ... l#p2192895
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19 Jul 2015, 14:47

Salut ... am si eu de o modificare pentru VIP ...

Viteza VIP-ului sa fie putin peste cea normala ( nu foarte crescuta pentru ca apar discutii )
Gravitatia sa fie 850 ( as setao eu, da rnu stiu cum... )
Multi dmg dezactivat
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27 Sep 2015, 02:02

Imi da eroare, nu inteleg de ce..
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31 Oct 2015, 13:31

Am modificat putin .sma-ul si l-am compilat , dar imi da eroare .
Atat am modificat :

Code: Select all

#define VIP_PASSWORD        "parola"    // Aici setati parola oricarui VIP
new const g_szTag[  ] = "[VIP]";    // aici schimbati prefixul din fata mesajelor
new const YourNick[  ] = "Dr.Peanut[98]|RO|", 
     YourMessenger[  ] = "[email protected]";
Si in logs imi da eroarea asta : [AMXX] Invalid Plugin (plugin "VipSystem.amxx")

Ma poti ajuta te rog?
Y!M ID: peanut_playcs
Skype id: peanut.playcs

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26 Nov 2015, 17:12

Imi da aceasta eroare cand vreau sa il compilez , de ce ?
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28 Nov 2015, 17:45

Nu functioneaza link-urile ....
Poti pune unele noi ?
Foloseste acest voucher 87ENYUAR in comenzile tale la PC Garage si vei primi discount 1%!
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01 Dec 2015, 17:06

Salut ai putea sa faci sa ii dea gratis m4a1 [ct] sau ak47 [t] dupa a 3-a runda. Am vazut ca a-i facut asta pentru cineva dar eu vreau ceva diferit daca se poate. Adica sa poata lua m4a1 [ct] sau ak47 [t] gratis din meniul de arme dupa a 3-a runda.
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25 Mar 2016, 23:16

cum pot da remove la un vip
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16 Oct 2016, 21:53

Nu merge setez viata maxima pe 200 si tot imi creste peste 200..
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16 Dec 2016, 23:54

Scuze dar mie numi merge sa schimb numele si adresa y.m si numele ma duc por si simplu in vipSystem
si am modificat cum ai spus tu apoi m-am bagat in sv am schimbat mapa si tot ypunt aparea ..
pls ajutor
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