Zombie Plague Advanced 1.6.1

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27 Jan 2012, 21:44

Buna! Am un sv de zombie plague advanced 1.6.1 dupa cum spune si in numele topincului si vreau sa stiu si eu cum fac ca atunci cand ramane un singur om cotra la toti zm de pe sv sa ii dea omului acela hp x2 adica cum omul are 150 hp sa ii dea 300 hp (x2) ce tre sa fac pentru asta?
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28 Jan 2012, 10:20

intri in addons/amxmodx/configs/zombie_plague_advance.cfg si cauti linia:

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zp_human_last_extrahp 150 // Last human's extra health reward
si pui exact cum am pus eu..k daca u ai 150 hp ii mai da 150 la ultimul om,.,[/b]
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28 Jan 2012, 10:24

ms. mai am o porblema. ce sa fac ca sa pornesc modul assassin vs sniper? cand apas pe M9 si dupaia 3 (ca sa pornesc modul assassin vs sniper), imi spune ceva jos "Curent modes are disabled" ceva de genu, ce sa fac?
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28 Jan 2012, 18:15

vezi tot in configs in fisierul plugins-zplague.ini linia

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ia ; din fata pluginului sa arate asa

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28 Jan 2012, 19:06

da ms merge, dar de unde setez la mod cat hp sa aiba sniper, asasinul ca imi da mai multa decat am setat eu!
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28 Jan 2012, 21:24

cauta pluginul zp_game_mode_example.sma din scripting si cauti liniile:

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cvar_sniperhp =	  register_cvar("zp_avsm_sniper_hp", "1.5")
	cvar_assahp =	  register_cvar("zp_avsm_assassin_hp", "1.0")
si setezi cat vrei u...ex pentru hp la sniper...daca u ai 5000 hp la sniper pui 1.0 si el va avea 5000 la acest mod..la assassin pui ex 0.5 daca ai 30000 hp si la mod sa ii dea 15000..sper k ai inteles...apoi il copilezi si il pui in plugins.[/b]
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28 Jan 2012, 21:37

imi da o eroare la compliere. asta e sma. cu extra healturile care le vreau!
| Afiseaza codul
		    * || [ZPA] Example Game Mode v1.6 || *


	This is an example game mode in which there are half Assassins
	and half Snipers. You can use this plugin as a guide on how to
	make custom game modes for Zombie Plague Advance.


	- zp_avsm_minplayers 2
		- Minimum players required for this game mode to be

	- zp_avsm_sniper_hp 1.5
		- Snipers HP multiplier
	- zp_avsm_assassin_hp 1.0
		- Assassins HP multiplier

	- zp_avsm_inf_ratio 0.5
		- Infection ratio of this game mode i.e how many players
		  will turn into assassins [Total players * infection ratio]

#include < amxmodx >
#include < fun >
#include < zombie_plague_advance >

|                  Customizations Section                    |
|         You can edit here according to your liking         |

// This is the chance value according to which this game mode will be called
// The higher the value the lesser the chance of calling this game mode
new const g_chance = 15

// This is the access flag required to start the game mode
// through the admin menu. Look in users.ini for more details
new const g_access_flag[] = "a"

// This is the sound which is played when the game mode is triggered
// Add as many as you want [Randomly chosen if more than one]
new const g_play_sounds[][] =
	"zombie_plague/nemesis1.wav" ,

// Comment the following line to disable ambience sounds
// Just add two slashes ( // )

// Ambience Sounds (only .wav and .mp3 formats supported)
// Add as many as you want [Randomly chosen if more than one]
new const g_sound_ambience[][] =

// Duration in seconds of each sound
new const Float:g_sound_ambience_duration[] = { 58.0 , 56.0 }

|                  Customizations Ends Here..!!              |
|         You can edit the cvars in the plugin init          |

// Variables
new g_gameid, g_maxplayers, cvar_minplayers, cvar_ratio, cvar_sniperhp, cvar_assahp, g_msg_sync

// Ambience sounds task
#define TASK_AMB 3256

public plugin_init( )
	// Plugin registeration.
	register_plugin( "[ZP] Assassin vs Snipers Mode","1.0", "@bdul!" )
	// Register some cvars
	// Edit these according to your liking
	cvar_minplayers = register_cvar("zp_avsm_minplayers", "2")
	cvar_sniperhp =	  register_cvar("zp_avsm_sniper_hp", "1.5")
	cvar_assahp =	  register_cvar("zp_avsm_assassin_hp", "2.5")
	cvar_ratio = 	  register_cvar("zp_avsm_inf_ratio", "0.5")
	// Get maxplayers
	g_maxplayers = get_maxplayers( )
	// Hud stuff
	g_msg_sync = CreateHudSyncObj()

// Game modes MUST be registered in plugin precache ONLY
public plugin_precache( )
	// Read the access flag
	new access_flag = read_flags( g_access_flag )
	new i
	// Precache the play sounds
	for (i = 0; i < sizeof g_play_sounds; i++)
		precache_sound( g_play_sounds )
	// Precache the ambience sounds
	#if defined AMBIENCE_SOUNDS
	new sound[100]
	for (i = 0; i < sizeof g_sound_ambience; i++)
		if (equal(g_sound_ambience[strlen(g_sound_ambience)-4], ".mp3"))
			formatex(sound, sizeof sound - 1, "sound/%s", g_sound_ambience)
			precache_generic( sound )
			precache_sound( g_sound_ambience )
	// Register our game mode
	g_gameid = zp_register_game_mode( "Assassin vs Snipers Mode", access_flag, g_chance, 0, ZP_DM_BALANCE )

// Player spawn post
public zp_player_spawn_post( id )
	// Check for current mode
	if( zp_get_current_mode() == g_gameid )
		// Check if the player is a zombie
		if( zp_get_user_zombie( id ))
			// Make him an assassin instead
			zp_make_user_assassin( id )
			// Set his health
			set_user_health( id, floatround(get_user_health(id) * get_pcvar_float(cvar_assahp)) )
			// Make him a sniper
			zp_make_user_sniper( id )
			// Set his health
			set_user_health( id, floatround(get_user_health(id) * get_pcvar_float(cvar_sniperhp)) )

public zp_round_started_pre( game )
	// Check if it is our game mode
	if( game == g_gameid )
		// Check for min players
		if( fn_get_alive_players() < get_pcvar_num(cvar_minplayers) )
			 * Note:
			 * This very necessary, you should return ZP_PLUGIN_HANDLED if
			 * some conditions required by your game mode are not met
			 * This will inform the main plugin that you have rejected
			 * the offer and so the main plugin will allow other game modes
			 * to be given a chance
		// Start our new mode
		start_avs_mode( )
	// Make the compiler happy =)

public zp_round_started( game, id )
	// Check if it is our game mode
	if( game == g_gameid )
		// Show HUD notice
		set_hudmessage(221, 156, 21, -1.0, 0.17, 1, 0.0, 5.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1)
		ShowSyncHudMsg(0, g_msg_sync, "Assassins vs Snipers Mode !!!")
		// Play the starting sound
		client_cmd(0, "spk ^"%s^"", g_play_sounds[ random_num(0, sizeof g_play_sounds -1) ] )
		// Remove ambience task affects
		remove_task( TASK_AMB )
		// Set task to start ambience sounds
		#if defined AMBIENCE_SOUNDS
		set_task( 2.0, "start_ambience_sounds", TASK_AMB )

public zp_game_mode_selected( gameid, id )
	// Check if our game mode was called
	if( gameid == g_gameid )
		start_avs_mode( )
	// Make the compiler happy again =)

// This function contains the whole code behind this game mode
start_avs_mode( )
	// Create and initialize some important vars
	static i_assassins, i_max_assassins, id, i_alive
	i_alive = fn_get_alive_players()
	id = 0
	// Get the no of players we have to turn into assassins
	i_max_assassins = floatround( ( i_alive * get_pcvar_float( cvar_ratio ) ), floatround_ceil )
	i_assassins = 0
	// Randomly turn players into Assassins
	while (i_assassins < i_max_assassins)
		// Keep looping through all players
		if ( (++id) > g_maxplayers) id = 1
		// Dead
		if ( !is_user_alive(id) )
		// Random chance
		if (random_num(1, 5) == 1)
			// Make user assassin
			// Set his health
			set_user_health( id, floatround(get_user_health(id) * get_pcvar_float(cvar_assahp)) )
			// Increase counter
	// Turn the remaining players into snipers
	for (id = 1; id <= g_maxplayers; id++)
		// Only those of them who are alive and are not assassins
		if ( !is_user_alive(id) || zp_get_user_assassin(id) )
		// Turn into a sniper
		// Set his health
		set_user_health( id, floatround(get_user_health(id) * get_pcvar_float(cvar_sniperhp)) )

public start_ambience_sounds( )
	// Variables
	static amb_sound[64], sound, Float:duration
	// Select our ambience sound
	sound = random_num( 0, sizeof g_sound_ambience - 1 )
	copy( amb_sound, sizeof amb_sound - 1 , g_sound_ambience[ sound ] )
	duration = g_sound_ambience_duration[ sound ]
	// Check whether it's a wav or mp3, then play it on clients
	if ( equal( amb_sound[ strlen( amb_sound ) - 4 ], ".mp3" ) )
		client_cmd( 0, "mp3 play ^"sound/%s^"", amb_sound )
		client_cmd( 0, "spk ^"%s^"", sound )
	// Start the ambience sounds
	set_task( duration, "start_ambience_sounds", TASK_AMB )
public zp_round_ended( winteam )
	// Stop ambience sounds on round end
	remove_task( TASK_AMB )

// This function returns the no. of alive players
// Feel free to use this in your plugin when you 
// are making your own game modes.
fn_get_alive_players( )
	static i_alive, id
	i_alive = 0
	for ( id = 1; id <= g_maxplayers; id++ )
		if( is_user_alive( id ) )
	return i_alive;
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28 Jan 2012, 23:41

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16 Aug 2012, 15:59


am si eu o problema!!!

cand ma fac assassin am setat speed la assassin 600 ni merge ca un zm normal !!!!

P.S. am pus in consola jocului zp_assassin_speed 600 si mi-a dat unknown command "zp_assassin_speed"

oare ce are... plss ajutatima
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16 Aug 2012, 21:30

1-de la VIP mod
2-De la unele clase de zombie
3-Din cvar-uri..seteza sv_maxspeed "999" in server.cfg si listenserver.cfg
4-din pluginul de baza..
tu seteaza mai intai cum ti-am zis si daca nu merge nu ia ce sa ii faci..eu dadeam reinstall puneam pluginul d baza si tot nu avea speed..incearca alt mod daca nu..k sunt multe care au si assasin mod..
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18 Aug 2012, 02:08

*ExpertiiCS*Ellis wrote:Salut!

am si eu o problema!!!

cand ma fac assassin am setat speed la assassin 600 ni merge ca un zm normal !!!!

P.S. am pus in consola jocului zp_assassin_speed 600 si mi-a dat unknown command "zp_assassin_speed"

oare ce are... plss ajutatima
zpa are un bug la faza cu speed , am rezolvat , am rezolvat de mai multe ori problema asta.. :P
my website
:hand_over_mouth: :ghosts:

1. vevios.ro

2. minios.ro
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18 Aug 2012, 08:09


era de la vip :P

trebuia sa sterg arma NITROGEN GALIL SI ACU ARE SPEED :P

dar mine oricum :)
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