[NEW - War3ft] 3 Frozen Throne {AMXX}

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18 Apr 2012, 15:41

[NEW - War3ft] 3 Frozen Throne {AMXX}

a)Informatii legate de crearea addonsului
Nume:[NEW - War3ft] 3 FrozeN Throne {AMXX}
Descriere:Un addons War3ft 3 Frozen Throne cu pluginuri destul de fun !
Ajutor testare:GABYFTW.
Comenzi colorate : 40 %

Addons format din :[/u]
  • AMX MOD X 1.8.2

b)Downloadare addons

Download Addons varianta Win32 :Varianta WINDOWS
Download Addons variante Linux :Varianta 1 LINUX
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d)Pluginuri addons
Pluginuri standard ACTIVATE:

Code: Select all

Pluginuri standard DEZACTIVATE:

Code: Select all


Pluginuri DIVERSE:

Code: Select all

dp_test.amxx  		    ; Vine cu dproto 0.3.7
war3ft.amxx 		    ; Modul War3ft
bad_camper.amxx             ;nu te lasa sa campezi
bindanticod.amxx            ;cand apesi unele taste mai suspecte primesti kick 
grenade_sack.amxx           ;poti sa iti cumperi mai multe grenazi
bullet_whizz.amxx           ;se aude suieratul gloantelor
amxx_fuckoff.amxx           ;diverse comenzi impotriva codatilor
hpk.amxx                    ;cei cu lag au kick 
last_maps.amxx              ;arata ultimele harti jucate pe server
ghw_message_disp.amxx       ;diverse mesaje in chat colorate
multi_kill_bonus.amxx       ;primesti hp la fiecare kill(depinde ce fel de kill) 
simple_no_team_flash.amxx   ;coechipierii nu primesc flash
amx_parachute.amxx          ;ai parasuta pe server
swear_filter.amxx           ;cenzureaza jignirile/injuraturile
team_join.amxx              ;cand intri pe server esti ales automat intr-o echipa stabilita prin cvar
say_restart_fun.amxx        ;poti da restart din chat diferit
pss_ban.amxx                ;cand dai un ban ii pace si poza
admin_chat_colors.amxx      ;admini scriu colorat
cfg_vertical_messages.amxx  ;mesaje verticale
advanced_slowmo.amxx        ;cand omori/te omoara pe cineva arata cu incetinitorul
team_changer.amxx           ;iti poti schimba echipa printr-un tabel HUD
rank_rankstats_top.amxx     ;un nou rank si top pe server
multijump.amxx              ;poti sa sari de mai multe ori
cfg_slash.amxx              ;poti da slap,slay,kick,ban din chat
camera.amxx                 ;poti schimba modul de joc
quakesounds.amxx            ;sunete la fiecare kill 
amx_show_ip.amxx            ;arata ip-urile jucatorilor in consola 
amx_super.amxx              ;niste comenzi fun pentru admini
amx_exec.amxx               ;niste comenzi importante pentru admini
grenade_trail.amxx          ;arata o urma cand arunci cu o grenada
bullet_damage.amxx          ;un nou bullet damage funny

e)Accese admin
  • [1] ~~[NEW - War3ft]..:[*]:..Detinator~~[1] // abcdefghijklmnopqrstu
  • [2] ~~NEW - War3ft..:[*]:..Equilibrum Mod ~~[3] // bcdefghijlmnopqrst
  • [3] ~~NEW - War3ft..:[*]:..Super moderator~~[4] // bcdefghijlmnopqrs
  • [4] ~~NEW - War3ft..:[*]:..Moderator~~[5] // bcdefgijlmnopqr
  • [5] ~~NEW - War3ft..:[*]:..Administrator~~[7] // bcdefgijmn
  • [6] ~~NEW - War3ft..:[*]:..Loc rezervat~~[9] // a


//Grenade sack

Code: Select all

mp_max_fb 2 // numarul maxim de grenazi FlashBang
mp_max_fb 2 // numarul maxim de grenazi HE
mp_max_sg 2 // numarul maxim de grenazi SmokeGrenade
//Bullet Whizz

Code: Select all

amx_bulletwhizz 1 // activat(1),dezactivat(0)
amx_bulletwhizz_dis 35 // distanta de la care sa se auda
//Multi kill bonus

Code: Select all

amx_kill_bonus 1 // cat hp primesti cand omori pe cineva
amx_hs_bonus 3 // cat hp primesti cand omori pe cineva hs
amx_knife_bonus 4 // cat hp primesti cand omori pe cineva cu knife
amx_knifehs_bonus 5 // cat hp primesti cand omori pe cineva cu knife hs
//Join Team

Code: Select all

tjm_join_team 4 // 0 = Don't Auto-Join, 1 = T, 2 = CT, 3 = SPEC, 4 = Random CT or T
tjm_switch_team 1 // 0 = OFF, 1 = ON
tjm_class_t 1 // 1 = Phoenix Connexion, 2 = Elite Crew, 3 = Arctic Avengers, 4 = Guerilla Warfare, 5 = Random
tjm_class_ct 3 // 1 = Seal Team, 2 = GSG-9, 3 = SAS, 4 = GIGN, 5 = Random
tjm_block_change 1 // Block team 1|0
//Special Say Restart

Code: Select all

amx_special_rr_tag WAR3FT PSS
//Pss Ban

Code: Select all

amx_intarzie_repoze "0.5" // O data la cate secunde sa faca o poza ( e perfect o data la 0.5 )
amx_intarziere_ban "1.7" // Dupa cate secunde sa dea banul ( e perfect la 1.7 secunde, pentru ca jucatorul sa nu iasa )
amx_numar_poze "2" // Cate poze sa faca jucatorului ( Daca pozele se fac la un interval de 0.5 secunde, nu se pot pune mai mult de 2 poze, deoarece serverul in 1.7 secunde va da ban jucatorului, iar pozele vor fi facute altor playeri )
amx_infoban_forum "www.Pss-Live.Ro" // Forumul sau ID de Y!M care va aparea playerilor
//Admin Chat Colors

Code: Select all

amx_color 2 // Message colors: [1] Default Yellow, [2] Green, [3] White, [4] Blue, [5] Red
amx_namecolor 6 // Name colors: [1] Default Yellow, [2] Green, [3] White, [4] Blue, [5] Red, [6] Team-color	amx_listen 1 // Set whether admins see or not all messages (Alive, dead and team-only)
//Advaced slowmotion

Code: Select all

adv_slowmo bcdef
 a - Explozia Bombei in Slow Motion
 b - Ultimul Ucis in Slow Motion
 c - Ucis cu Grenada in Slow Motion
 d - Ucis cu Cutit in Slow Motion
 e - Ucis prin HeadShot in Slow Motion
 f - Efecte Speciale (Slow Motion)
//Rank Stats Top

Code: Select all

amx_stats_top 1 // Comanda /top este disponibila sau nu
amx_stats_rank 1 // Comanda /rank este disponibila sau nu
amx_stats_rankstas 1 //Comanda / rankstats este disponibila sau nu
//Multi Jump

Code: Select all

amx_maxjumps 2 // De cate ori ai voie sa sari
amx_mjadminonly 0 // Doar admini | Admini si playeri au acces
//Grenade Trail

Code: Select all

grenade_tr 2
grenade_he 255000000 // Culoare grenada he
grenade_fb 000000255 // Culoare grenada flash
grenade_sg 000255000 // Culoare grenada smoke

[b][u]//Bullet damage New[/u][/b]
Bullet_Damage_Mode 1
Bullet_Damage_Distance 1
Bullet_Damage_ShowWalls 1
Bullet_Show_Spec 1
Bullet_Hs_Mode 2
Show_Accumulated_Damage 1
Color_RGB_Victim 255000000 // Culoare pentru victima
Color_RGB_Attacker 000255000 // culoare pentru cine ataca
Color_RGB_Ourself_Teammate 255102021 // Culoare pentru ambele echipe
Bullet_Text_Mode 1 
Bullet_Show_Mode 0 // 0 Circle  | 1 Vertical | 2 Horizontal | 3 Arch of circle 

Code: Select all

]amx_deadchat 1		   // Enable/Disable dead players chatting with opposing teammates when alltalk is off.
amx_revivemsg 0		   // Enable/Disable the HUD revive message when somebody is revived.
amx_loadsong 1		   // Enable/Disable the loading songs when joining the server.
amx_adminlisten 1	   	   // Enable/Disable Admins listen plugin.  Lets admin see All chat
amx_flashsound 1	   	   // Enable/Disable flash sound when  using amx_flash
bullet_damage 1		   // Enable/Disable the bullet bamage HUD above your crosshairs when you hit your opponents. (HP Damage)
allow_catchfire 1	   	   // Enable/Disable people to catch other people on fire with amx_fire
amx_admin_check 1		   // Enable/Disable the ability to say /admin(s) and show the admins online
;Sound Fix

Code: Select all

amx_soundfix 1	   	   // Enable/Disable the echo sound fix plugin to fix echoes automatically.
amx_soundfix_pallow 1	   // Enable/Disable players to be able to use /fixsound to fix echoes.
;Bomb Transfer

Code: Select all

afk_bombtransfer_spawn 7   // Maximum allowed AFK time for the bomb carrier from Spawn Only
afk_bombtransfer_time 15   // Maximum allowed AFK time for the bomb carrier from any AFK any time
;C4 Timer

Code: Select all

amx_showc4timer 3 	   // <0|1|3> - Off | T's only | CT's only | ALL
amx_showc4flash 0	   	   // <0|1> - Sprite flashing 
amx_showc4sprite 1	   // <0|1> - Choose from 2 sprites 
amx_showc4msg 0		   // <0|1> - Shows a hud message about the timer 
;Stats Marquee

Code: Select all

stats_marquee 0		   // Enable/Disable the stats marquee option
amx_marqplayeramount 40    // Amount of top players that will be shown
amx_marqvertlocation 2     // Where the marquee will appear (1 = top, 2 = bottom)
amx_marqfulltime 600.0     // Amount of seconds in between each time the stat marquee loops
amx_marqtimebetween 6.0    // Amount of seconds each player is individually shown before the next player is shown

;Join Leave Messages

Code: Select all

amx_join_leave 1	   	   // Enable/Disable the join/leave messages
amx_leavemessage_enable 1  // Enable/Disable the Leave Message
// %name% = Users Name, %rankpos% = Users Current Rank, \n = New line 
amx_enter_message "%name% has joined!\nWelcome!\nRank %rankpos%"
amx_leave_message "%name% has left!\nBYE BYE :)."
;Spawn Protection

Code: Select all

sv_sp 0 		   // Cvar (Command Variable) for the plugin 1=on 0=off
sv_sptime 2 		   // Cvar for controlling the message time (1-10 seconds), default 5
sv_spmessage 0 		   // Cvar for controlling the message 1=on 0=off
sv_spshellthick 25 	   // Cvar for controlling the glow shell thickness 0-100, default 25
sv_spglow 0 		   // Cvar for controlling if glow is enabled or disabled, 0 disables glow

Code: Select all

amx_autobantimed 1	   // Set whether or not to auto ban someone if they get a kill while under a timed bad aim. (default 1; 1|0)
amx_autobanall 1	   // "Get a kill under" either type of bad aim. (default 1; 1|0) 
amx_ba_follow_immunity 1   // Set whether or not bad aim follows immunity rules for admins. (default 1; 1|0) 
;AFK Manager

Code: Select all

amx_immune_access a		// Acces flag for immunity / Will not kick any admin with this flag
amx_immune_time 5		// Connected user's unassigned kick immunity time (How much time they have before their checked to get kicked)
amx_max_afktime 600		// Max. allowed AFK time (seconds)
amx_afkcheck_allow 1		// Enable / Disable this option in the AMX Super
;Allow /spec command

Code: Select all

allow_public_spec 1		// Enable/Disable the public use of /spec command (to send you to Spectator)
;Admin Listen Flag

Code: Select all

listen_immune_access c		//The acces flag required to see all chat for Admin Listen (default is d - Ban)	

g)Comenzi pluginuri adaugate:
Rank Stats
/rank - rankul jucatorului respectiv
/rankstats - rankul cu statistici ale jucatorului respectiv
/top15 - topul jucatorilor pe server

Last Maps
/harti - ultimele harti jucate

/amx_showip - arata ip-urile jucatorilor

Amx Super
/spec - te muta spectator

Team Changer
/team - schimba echipa
/changeteam - schimba echipa
/echipa - schimba echipa
/alegeechipa - schimba echipa

h)Alte informatii
[*][/color][/b]Am adaugat in arihiva motd,sounds,models,sprites,wc3,dproto,liblist
[*][/color][/b]Fisierele sounds,models,sprites le puteti descarca separat
[*][/b][/color]Am creat versiune pentru linux respectiv windows
[*][/color][/b]Am facut cateva poze
[*][/color][/b]Users.ini l-am aranjat putin
[*][/color][/b]Puteti modifica addonsul , aveti folderul scripting
[*][/color][/b]Pentru a va loga ca admin scrieti in consola setinfo _war3ft parola
[*][/color][/b]Addonsul nu are erori (nici in folderul logs)
[*][/color][/b]Astept pareri de bine si de rau/critici/observatii

i)Poze addons

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18 Apr 2012, 22:37

Foarte frumos addon-ul , te-ai pus pe treaba serios :))
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23 Apr 2012, 23:47

Din cate vad din ultimele poze , nu se salveaza XP :)
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24 Apr 2012, 16:30

frumos addons. ~

Connect Cs.BIGZone.ro



Connect Dr.BIGZone.ro



Connect PUB.BIGZone.ro STEAM ONLY !!!

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29 Apr 2012, 14:07

@ imi place cum este aranjat dar pune pluginurile cu bold :) trebuia stii modelul de postare ca nu este primul addons postat :)

@ arata foarte bine addons-ul, felicitari
lotto_parazitu - ID public si NU sunt intermediar
am iesit la pensie
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29 Apr 2012, 16:33

Este un mod nou ? NEW - War3ft] 3 Frozen Throne {AMXX} sau este war3ft normal , chiar imi place bravo
my website
:hand_over_mouth: :ghosts:

1. vevios.ro

2. minios.ro
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30 Apr 2012, 19:06

Modul se numeste War3ft 3 Frozen Throne
Nu stiu daca este nou sau vechi !
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24 Oct 2012, 18:35

E destul de frumos addons
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02 Nov 2012, 11:09

E super n-am ce zice Bv
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02 Nov 2012, 11:22

pot pune addonsul pe orce server daca nu datimi si mie un server bun care pot folosi addonsul asta va rog mult
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