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CsN^ ;x
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16 Oct 2012, 10:40

As dori si eu sa mi modificati acest .sma va rog frumos.
Las dori sa mearga cu flags "bceij" si sa aiba acces decat vipii nu si adminii si slotu
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16 Oct 2012, 10:43

posteaza sma-ul !
si te ajut cu cea mai mare placere !~
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CsN^ ;x
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16 Oct 2012, 10:48

Uite aici | Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <cstrike>
#include <fun>
#include <hamsandwich>

#define PLUGIN "VIP Sistem"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR "sDs|Aragon*"

#pragma semicolon 1

static const COLOR[] = "^x04"; // Green for display VIP
new CvarHPBonus, CvarAPBonus;
new bool:killed[33];
public plugin_init() {
	register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR);
	register_clcmd("say", "handle_say");
	register_clcmd("say_team", "handle_say");
	CvarHPBonus = register_cvar("vip_hp_bonus", "15");
	CvarAPBonus = register_cvar("vip_ap_bonus", "15");
	RegisterHam(Ham_Killed, "player", "KilledPlayer");
	RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "Spawn", 1);
public plugin_precache() {
public KilledPlayer(victim, killer, shouldgib) {
	killed[killer] ++;
public Spawn(id)
	if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_LEVEL) {
public GiveItems(id) {
	give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade");
	give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang");
	cs_set_user_model(id, "vip");
	if(killed[id]) {
	ColorChat(id,"Ai primit %dHP si %dAP pentru uciderea inamicilor",(get_pcvar_num(CvarHPBonus) * killed[id]), (get_pcvar_num(CvarAPBonus) * killed[id]));
public givehp(id) {
	if(killed[id]) {
	set_user_health(id, get_user_health(id) + get_pcvar_num(CvarHPBonus));
	set_user_armor(id, get_user_armor(id) + get_pcvar_num(CvarAPBonus));
	else {
public print_adminlist(user) {
	new adminnames[33][32];
	new message[256];
	new id, count, x, len;
	for(id = 1 ; id <= get_maxplayers() ; id++)
	if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_LEVEL)
	get_user_name(id, adminnames[count++], 31);

	len = format(message, 255, "%s VIP ONLINE: ",COLOR);
	if(count > 0) {
	for(x = 0 ; x < count ; x++) {
	len += format(message[len], 255-len, "%s%s ", adminnames[x], x < (count-1) ? ", ":"");
	if(len > 96) {
	print_message(user, message);
	len = format(message, 255, "%s ",COLOR);
	print_message(user, message);
	else {
	len += format(message[len], 255-len, "No VIP online.");
	print_message(user, message);
print_message(id, msg[]) {
	message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), {0,0,0}, id);
public handle_say(id) {
	new said[192];
	if(contain(said, "/vips") != -1)
public vip_scoreboard(const MsgId, const MsgType, const MsgDest) {
	static id;
	id = get_msg_arg_int(1);
	if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_LEVEL)
	set_msg_arg_int(2, ARG_BYTE, (1 << 2 ));
stock ColorChat(const id, const input[], any:...) {
	new count = 1, players[32];
	static msg[191];
	vformat(msg, 190, input, 3);
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!x04", "^4");
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!x01", "^1");
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!x03", "^3");
	if(id) players[0] = id;
	else get_players(players, count, "ch"); {
	for(new i = 0; i < count; i++) {
	if(is_user_connected(players)) {
	message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players);

Si daca se poate sa pui si un smoke care in gheata .. :D

Si daca te mai rog ceva nu ma lasa sa-l copilez pluginu asta ultimate_who daca doresti tu sa mil copiezi uit si sma-ul de la el
ultimate_who | Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>

#define PLUGIN         "ULTIMATE WHO"
#define VERSION         "1.1"
#define AUTHOR         "PoSiTiOn Of PoWeR "

#define CharsMax(%1)      sizeof %1 - 1
#define time_shower      1.0

#define GROUPS_NAME      8
#define GROUPS_ACCESS   8

#define RRR         255
#define GGG         255
#define BBB         255
#define time_hud      12.0

#define motd_msg      "Admini Online"

#define who_meniu_ad_group_msg   "\y-=[Admin's]=- \r-=[Online]=-^n"
#define who_meniu_admin_msg   "\y-=[Admin's]=- \w-=[Online]=-^n^n"

#define who_meniu_ad_group_msg_bottom   "^n\wPt a iesi apasati \y0 \w sau \y5"
#define who_meniu_admin_msg_bottom   "^n\wPt a iesi apasati \r0 \w sau \r5"

#define   who_console_top      "=============       Admini Online      =============="
#define   who_console_bottom    "====================================================="

new GroupNames[GROUPS_NAME][] = {

new GroupFlags[GROUPS_ACCESS][] = {

new GroupFlagsValue[GROUPS_NAME]

new who_type, who_typemeniu, who_typtable

public plugin_init() 
   register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
   for(new p_of_pw = 0 ; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++)
      GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw] = read_flags(GroupFlags[p_of_pw])
   register_clcmd("say", "cmdSay")
   register_clcmd("say_team", "cmdSay")
   who_type   = register_cvar("cmd_who","1")
   who_typemeniu   = register_cvar("who_typemeniu","1")
   who_typtable   = register_cvar("who_typetable","2")

public cmdSay(id)
   new say[192]
   if(( containi(say, "who") != -1 || containi(say, "admin") != -1 || containi(say, "admins") != -1  || contain(say, "/who") != -1 || contain(say, "/admin") != -1 || contain(say, "/admins") != -1))

public cmdULTMWho(id)
      case 1: who_meniu(id)
      case 2: who_motd(id)
      case 3: who_table(id)
      case 4: who_hud(id)
      case 5: who_console(id)
   return 0

      case 1: who_meniu_admin_groups(id)
      case 2: who_meniu_admin(id)
   return 0
   new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer
   new sName[32]
   new szMenu[256], nLen, keys
   nLen = format(szMenu[nLen], 255, who_meniu_ad_group_msg)
   get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch")
   for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++)
      nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen,"\r%s^n", GroupNames[p_of_pw])
      for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++)
         iPlayer = sPlayers[a]
         if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw])
            get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1)
            nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen,"\w%s^n", sName)
   nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen, who_meniu_ad_group_msg_bottom)
   keys = (1<<0|1<<1|1<<2|1<<3|1<<4|1<<5|1<<6|1<<9)
   return 0

   new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer
   new sName[32]
   new szMenu[256], nLen, keys
   nLen = format(szMenu[nLen], 255, who_meniu_admin_msg)
   get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch")
   for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++)
      for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++)
         iPlayer = sPlayers[a]
         if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw])
            get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1)
            nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen,"\r%s^n", sName)
   nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen, who_meniu_admin_msg_bottom)
   keys = (1<<0|1<<1|1<<2|1<<3|1<<4|1<<5|1<<6|1<<9)
   return 0

   new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer
   new sName[32], sBuffer[1024]
   new iLen
   iLen = formatex(sBuffer, sizeof sBuffer - 1, "<body bgcolor=#000000><font color=#7b68ee><pre>")
   get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch")
   for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++)
      iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<center><h5><font color=^"red^">%s^n</font></h5></center>", GroupNames[p_of_pw])
      for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++)
         iPlayer = sPlayers[a]
         if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw])
            get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1)
            iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<center>%s^n</center>", sName)
   show_motd(id, sBuffer, motd_msg)
   return 0


      case 1: table_style_one(id)
      case 2: table_style_two(id)
   return 0
   new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer
   new sName[32], sBuffer[1024]
   new iLen
   iLen = formatex(sBuffer, sizeof sBuffer - 1, "<body bgcolor=#000000><font color=#7b68ee><pre>")
   iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<center><h3><b><font color=^"red^">NUME         -   ACCES</font></h3></b></center>")
   get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch")
   for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++)
      for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++)
         iPlayer = sPlayers[a]
         if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw])
            get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1)
            iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<center><h4><font color=^"white^">%s      %s^n</font></h4></center>", sName, GroupNames[p_of_pw])
   show_motd(id, sBuffer, motd_msg)
   return 0
   new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer
   new sName[32], sBuffer[1024]
   new iLen
   iLen = formatex(sBuffer, sizeof sBuffer - 1, "<body bgcolor=#000000><font color=#7b68ee><pre>")
   iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<html><head><title>a</title></head>")
   iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<br><br><center><body><table border>")
   iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<tr><td><h3><b><font color=^"red^">NUME</td><td></h3></b> <h3><b><font color=^"red^">ACCES</td></h3></font></b></center>")
   get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch")
   for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++)
      for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++)
         iPlayer = sPlayers[a]
         if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw])
            get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1)
            iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<center><tr><td><h4><b><font color=^"white^">%s<td></b></h4> <h4><b><font color=^"white^">%s </td></h4></font></b></center>", sName, GroupNames[p_of_pw])
   iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "</table></body></html>")
   show_motd(id, sBuffer, motd_msg)
   return 0

   new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer
   new sName[32], sBuffer[1024]
   new iLen
   get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch")
   for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++)
      iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "=== %s ===^n", GroupNames[p_of_pw])
      for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++)
         iPlayer = sPlayers[a]
         if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw])
            get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1)
            iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "%s^n", sName)
   set_hudmessage(RRR, GGG, BBB, 0.02, 0.24, 0, 6.0, time_hud)
   show_hudmessage(id, sBuffer)
   return 0

   new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer
   new sName[32]

   get_players(sPlayers, iNum)
   console_print(id, who_console_top)
   for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME; p_of_pw++) 
      for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++)
         iPlayer = sPlayers[a]
         get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1)
         if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw]) 
            console_print(id, "= %d = %s : %s", p_of_pw+1, GroupNames[p_of_pw], sName)
   console_print(id, who_console_bottom)
   return 0

S daca poti sa mile copilezi pe am2 dar daca nu macar pe vip :D
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16 Oct 2012, 15:10

ultimate_who =
revin cu vipu

EDIT: vip -

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CsN^ ;x
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16 Oct 2012, 18:52

Aolo am gresit am uitat la ultimate ala sa pun VIP :| daca te rog frumos sa adaugi tu si sa-l mai copilezi odata :|
Scuze dar ma grabisem .. | Afiseaza codul
new GroupNames[GROUPS_NAME][] = {
Si vipu e bun merge dar doresc sa bagi si smoke care in gheata daca te rog el e bun asa vreau sa mi dea 1 HE 2 flash si un smoke care ingheata dar nu complet putin si cand ii da drumu sa lase o urma stiti ce zic sper ..
Si daca poti copila acest plugin ca imi da eroare mie
rang_admin_chat | Afiseaza codul
/* Fisier descarcat de pe! */

#include < amxmodx >
#include < amxmisc >

#define PLUGIN "rang_admin_chat"
#define VERSION "3.1"
#define AUTHOR "Anonim"

#define	GROUPS	8

enum Color
	NORMAL = 1,

new TeamName[ ][ ] = 

// - - - - - - - - - - -

#define	GROUPS	10

new const g_Flags[ GROUPS ][ ] =

new const g_Groups[ GROUPS ][ ] =

// - - - - - - - - - - -

new g_FlagsValue[ GROUPS ];

new bool:g_IsConnected[ 33 ];
new SayText, TeamInfo, g_maxplayers;

public plugin_init ( )
	register_plugin ( PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR );
	register_clcmd ( "say", "hook_say" );
	register_clcmd ( "say_team", "hook_say" );
	for ( new i; i < GROUPS; i++ )
		g_FlagsValue[ i ] = read_flags ( g_Flags[ i ] );
	SayText = get_user_msgid ( "SayText" );
	TeamInfo = get_user_msgid ( "TeamInfo" );
	g_maxplayers = get_maxplayers ( );

public client_putinserver ( e_Index ) g_IsConnected[ e_Index ] = true;
public client_disconnect ( e_Index ) g_IsConnected[ e_Index ] = false;

public hook_say ( e_Index )
	static s_Said[ 192 ];
	read_args ( s_Said, charsmax ( s_Said ) );
	if ( equal ( s_Said, "" ) )
	remove_quotes ( s_Said );
	static s_Name[ 32 ], i;
	get_user_name ( e_Index, s_Name, 31 );
	for ( i = 0; i < GROUPS; i++ )
		if ( get_user_flags ( e_Index ) == g_FlagsValue[ i ] )
			ColorChat ( 0, RED, "^x01[^x04%s^x01]^x03 %s^x01^x04: %s", g_Groups[ i ], s_Name, s_Said );

public ColorChat ( id, Color:type, const msg[], { Float, Sql, Result, _ }:... )
	static message[ 256 ];

	switch ( type )
		case NORMAL:
			message[ 0 ] = 0x01;
		case GREEN:
			message[ 0 ] = 0x04;
			message[ 0 ] = 0x03;

	vformat ( message[ 1 ], 251, msg, 4 );
	message[ 192 ] = '^0';

	new team, ColorChange, index, MSG_Type;
	if ( id )
		MSG_Type = MSG_ONE;
		index = id;
		index = FindPlayer ( );
		MSG_Type = MSG_ALL;
	team = get_user_team ( index );	
	ColorChange = ColorSelection ( index, MSG_Type, type );

	ShowColorMessage ( index, MSG_Type, message );
	if ( ColorChange )
		Team_Info ( index, MSG_Type, TeamName[ team ] );

ShowColorMessage ( id, type, message[] )
	message_begin ( type, SayText, _, id );
	write_byte ( id )		
	write_string ( message );
	message_end ( );	

Team_Info ( id, type, team[] )
	message_begin ( type, TeamInfo, _, id );
	write_byte ( id );
	write_string ( team );
	message_end ( );

	return 1;

ColorSelection ( index, type, Color:Type )
	switch ( Type )
		case RED:
			return Team_Info ( index, type, TeamName[ 1 ] );
		case BLUE:
			return Team_Info ( index, type, TeamName[ 2 ] );
		case GREY:
			return Team_Info ( index, type, TeamName[ 0 ] );
	return 0;

public FindPlayer ( )
	for ( new i = 1; i <= g_maxplayers; i++ )
		if ( g_IsConnected[ i ] )
			return i;
	return -1;
Asta daca doresti daca nu lasa decat aia cu vip sa o faci sa bagi smoke ala si sa copilezi din nou ala te rog frumos si sa bagi si vipu ca am uitat eu :| scuzzele mele :|
si ai cate +1 la fiecare post postat aici adica toti veti avea ;)
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16 Oct 2012, 19:16

si scuze de 2x post dar nu pot edita postu de sus
daca se poate ca vipu sa nu se poata da la celalate grade decat la acestea
Atata va rog /te rog :D
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16 Oct 2012, 22:06

Rang Chat | Afiseaza codul
/* Fisier descarcat de pe! */

#include < amxmodx >
#include < amxmisc >

#define PLUGIN "rang_admin_chat"
#define VERSION "3.1"
#define AUTHOR "Anonim"

#define	GROUPS	8

enum Color
	NORMAL = 1,

new TeamName[ ][ ] = 

#define	GROUPS	8

new const g_Flags[ GROUPS ][ ] =

new const g_Groups[ GROUPS ][ ] =

new g_FlagsValue[ GROUPS ];

new bool:g_IsConnected[ 33 ];
new SayText, TeamInfo, g_maxplayers;

public plugin_init ( )
	register_plugin ( PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR );
	register_clcmd ( "say", "hook_say" );
	register_clcmd ( "say_team", "hook_say" );
	for ( new i; i < GROUPS; i++ )
		g_FlagsValue[ i ] = read_flags ( g_Flags[ i ] );
	SayText = get_user_msgid ( "SayText" );
	TeamInfo = get_user_msgid ( "TeamInfo" );
	g_maxplayers = get_maxplayers ( );

public client_putinserver ( e_Index ) g_IsConnected[ e_Index ] = true;
public client_disconnect ( e_Index ) g_IsConnected[ e_Index ] = false;

public hook_say ( e_Index )
	static s_Said[ 192 ];
	read_args ( s_Said, charsmax ( s_Said ) );
	if ( equal ( s_Said, "" ) )
	remove_quotes ( s_Said );
	static s_Name[ 32 ], i;
	get_user_name ( e_Index, s_Name, 31 );
	for ( i = 0; i < GROUPS; i++ )
		if ( get_user_flags ( e_Index ) == g_FlagsValue[ i ] )
			ColorChat ( 0, RED, "^x01[^x04%s^x01]^x03 %s^x01^x04: %s", g_Groups[ i ], s_Name, s_Said );

public ColorChat ( id, Color:type, const msg[], { Float, Sql, Result, _ }:... )
	static message[ 256 ];

	switch ( type )
		case NORMAL:
			message[ 0 ] = 0x01;
		case GREEN:
			message[ 0 ] = 0x04;
			message[ 0 ] = 0x03;

	vformat ( message[ 1 ], 251, msg, 4 );
	message[ 192 ] = '^0';

	new team, ColorChange, index, MSG_Type;
	if ( id )
		MSG_Type = MSG_ONE;
		index = id;
		index = FindPlayer ( );
		MSG_Type = MSG_ALL;
	team = get_user_team ( index );	
	ColorChange = ColorSelection ( index, MSG_Type, type );

	ShowColorMessage ( index, MSG_Type, message );
	if ( ColorChange )
		Team_Info ( index, MSG_Type, TeamName[ team ] );

ShowColorMessage ( id, type, message[] )
	message_begin ( type, SayText, _, id );
	write_byte ( id )		
	write_string ( message );
	message_end ( );	

Team_Info ( id, type, team[] )
	message_begin ( type, TeamInfo, _, id );
	write_byte ( id );
	write_string ( team );
	message_end ( );

	return 1;

ColorSelection ( index, type, Color:Type )
	switch ( Type )
		case RED:
			return Team_Info ( index, type, TeamName[ 1 ] );
		case BLUE:
			return Team_Info ( index, type, TeamName[ 2 ] );
		case GREY:
			return Team_Info ( index, type, TeamName[ 0 ] );
	return 0;

public FindPlayer ( )
	for ( new i = 1; i <= g_maxplayers; i++ )
		if ( g_IsConnected[ i ] )
			return i;
	return -1;

Ultimate Who | Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>

#define VERSION			"1.1"
#define AUTHOR			"P.Of.Pw"

#define CharsMax(%1)		sizeof %1 - 1
#define time_shower		1.0

#define GROUPS_NAME		8
#define GROUPS_ACCESS		8

#define RRR			255
#define GGG			255
#define BBB			255
#define time_hud		12.0

#define motd_msg		"Admin's Online"

#define who_meniu_ad_group_msg	"\y-=[Admin's]=- \r-=[Online]=-^n"
#define who_meniu_admin_msg	"\y-=[Admin's]=- \w-=[Online]=-^n^n"

#define who_meniu_ad_group_msg_bottom	"^n\wPt a esi apasati \y0 \w sau \y5"
#define who_meniu_admin_msg_bottom	"^n\wPt a esi apasati \r0 \w sau \r5"

#define	who_console_top		"=========== Admini Online ==========="
#define	who_console_bottom 	"================================"

new GroupNames[GROUPS_NAME][] = {

new GroupFlags[GROUPS_ACCESS][] = {

new GroupFlagsValue[GROUPS_NAME]

new who_type, who_typemeniu, who_typtable

public plugin_init() 
	register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
	for(new p_of_pw = 0 ; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++)
		GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw] = read_flags(GroupFlags[p_of_pw])
	register_clcmd("say", "cmdSay")
	register_clcmd("say_team", "cmdSay")
	who_type	= register_cvar("cmd_who","1")
	who_typemeniu	= register_cvar("who_typemeniu","1")
	who_typtable	= register_cvar("who_typetable","2")

public cmdSay(id)
	new say[192]
	if(( containi(say, "who") != -1 || containi(say, "admin") != -1 || containi(say, "admins") != -1  || contain(say, "/who") != -1 || contain(say, "/admin") != -1 || contain(say, "/admins") != -1))

public cmdULTMWho(id)
		case 1: who_meniu(id)
		case 2: who_motd(id)
		case 3: who_table(id)
		case 4: who_hud(id)
		case 5: who_console(id)
	return 0

		case 1: who_meniu_admin_groups(id)
		case 2: who_meniu_admin(id)
	return 0
	new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer
	new sName[32]
	new szMenu[256], nLen, keys
	nLen = format(szMenu[nLen], 255, who_meniu_ad_group_msg)
	get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch")
	for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++)
		nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen,"\r%s^n", GroupNames[p_of_pw])
		for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++)
			iPlayer = sPlayers[a]
			if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw])
				get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1)
				nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen,"\w%s^n", sName)
	nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen, who_meniu_ad_group_msg_bottom)
	keys = (1<<0|1<<1|1<<2|1<<3|1<<4|1<<5|1<<6|1<<9)
	return 0

	new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer
	new sName[32]
	new szMenu[256], nLen, keys
	nLen = format(szMenu[nLen], 255, who_meniu_admin_msg)
	get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch")
	for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++)
		for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++)
			iPlayer = sPlayers[a]
			if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw])
				get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1)
				nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen,"\r%s^n", sName)
	nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen, who_meniu_admin_msg_bottom)
	keys = (1<<0|1<<1|1<<2|1<<3|1<<4|1<<5|1<<6|1<<9)
	return 0

	new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer
	new sName[32], sBuffer[1024]
	new iLen
	iLen = formatex(sBuffer, sizeof sBuffer - 1, "<body bgcolor=#000000><font color=#7b68ee><pre>")
	get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch")
	for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++)
		iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<center><h5><font color=^"red^">%s^n</font></h5></center>", GroupNames[p_of_pw])
		for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++)
			iPlayer = sPlayers[a]
			if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw])
				get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1)
				iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<center>%s^n</center>", sName)
	show_motd(id, sBuffer, motd_msg)
	return 0


		case 1: table_style_one(id)
		case 2: table_style_two(id)
	return 0
	new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer
	new sName[32], sBuffer[1024]
	new iLen
	iLen = formatex(sBuffer, sizeof sBuffer - 1, "<body bgcolor=#000000><font color=#7b68ee><pre>")
	iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<center><h3><b><font color=^"red^">NUME			-	ACCES</font></h3></b></center>")
	get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch")
	for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++)
		for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++)
			iPlayer = sPlayers[a]
			if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw])
				get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1)
				iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<center><h4><font color=^"white^">%s		%s^n</font></h4></center>", sName, GroupNames[p_of_pw])
	show_motd(id, sBuffer, motd_msg)
	return 0
	new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer
	new sName[32], sBuffer[1024]
	new iLen
	iLen = formatex(sBuffer, sizeof sBuffer - 1, "<body bgcolor=#000000><font color=#7b68ee><pre>")
	iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<html><head><title>a</title></head>")
	iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<br><br><center><body><table border>")
	iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<tr><td><h3><b><font color=^"red^">NUME</td><td></h3></b> <h3><b><font color=^"red^">ACCES</td></h3></font></b></center>")
	get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch")
	for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++)
		for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++)
			iPlayer = sPlayers[a]
			if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw])
				get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1)
				iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<center><tr><td><h4><b><font color=^"white^">%s<td></b></h4> <h4><b><font color=^"white^">%s </td></h4></font></b></center>", sName, GroupNames[p_of_pw])
	iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "</table></body></html>")
	show_motd(id, sBuffer, motd_msg)
	return 0

	new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer
	new sName[32], sBuffer[1024]
	new iLen
	get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch")
	for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++)
		iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "=== %s ===^n", GroupNames[p_of_pw])
		for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++)
			iPlayer = sPlayers[a]
			if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw])
				get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1)
				iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "%s^n", sName)
	set_hudmessage(RRR, GGG, BBB, 0.02, 0.24, 0, 6.0, time_hud)
	show_hudmessage(id, sBuffer)
	return 0

	new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer
	new sName[32]

	get_players(sPlayers, iNum)
	console_print(id, who_console_top)
	for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME; p_of_pw++) 
		for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++)
			iPlayer = sPlayers[a]
			get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1)
			if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw]) 
				console_print(id, "= %d = %s : %s", p_of_pw+1, GroupNames[p_of_pw], sName)
	console_print(id, who_console_bottom)
	return 0

Cat despre VIP nu inteleg exact ce vrei sa zici, daca vrei ti-l pot pune pe o anumita litera de acces,daca vrei sa-i adaugi VIP-ului comenzi aditionale ii pui flagurile specifice al accesu din users. Iti recomand accesul ADMIN_LEVEL_H (adica flagul "t") sau ADMIN_LEVEL_F (adica flagul "r")
P.S : Daca vrei smoke inghetat iti trebuiesc grenazi care ingheata... (Frost Nades)
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CsN^ ;x
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16 Oct 2012, 23:04

Da vreau cum zici tu si cand dau admine intrun in si tot la fel dau "name" "parola" "r" "a" ?
Si vreau smoku ala decat la vip sa fie .. si vreau ca vipu sa poata da kick,slay,gag astea slap si vote
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CsN^ ;x
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17 Oct 2012, 21:08

Up ?
Se poate ajuta ?
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18 Oct 2012, 12:12

Poftim la vip cu smoke :) daca vrei sa inchete cauta pluginul frostnade. si aici ca sa dai la cineva vip cine are acces la flagul D/d atunci are vip tu poti sa stergi la toti din user.ini flagul d si sa iti ti numa tie astfel numa tu o sa ai vip :)

Code: Select all

 #include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <cstrike>
#include <fun>
#include <hamsandwich>

#define PLUGIN "VIP Sistem"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR "sDs|Aragon*"

#pragma semicolon 1

static const COLOR[] = "^x04"; // Green for display VIP
new CvarHPBonus, CvarAPBonus;
new bool:killed[33];
public plugin_init() {
	register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR);
	register_clcmd("say", "handle_say");
	register_clcmd("say_team", "handle_say");
	CvarHPBonus = register_cvar("vip_hp_bonus", "15");
	CvarAPBonus = register_cvar("vip_ap_bonus", "15");
	RegisterHam(Ham_Killed, "player", "KilledPlayer");
	RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "Spawn", 1);
public plugin_precache() {
public KilledPlayer(victim, killer, shouldgib) {
	killed[killer] ++;
public Spawn(id)
	if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_LEVEL) {
public GiveItems(id) {
	give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade");
	give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang");
	give_item(id, "weapon_smokegrenade");
	cs_set_user_model(id, "vip");
	if(killed[id]) {
	ColorChat(id,"Ai primit %dHP si %dAP pentru uciderea inamicilor",(get_pcvar_num(CvarHPBonus) * killed[id]), (get_pcvar_num(CvarAPBonus) * killed[id]));
public givehp(id) {
	if(killed[id]) {
	set_user_health(id, get_user_health(id) + get_pcvar_num(CvarHPBonus));
	set_user_armor(id, get_user_armor(id) + get_pcvar_num(CvarAPBonus));
	else {
public print_adminlist(user) {
	new adminnames[33][32];
	new message[256];
	new id, count, x, len;
	for(id = 1 ; id <= get_maxplayers() ; id++)
	if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_LEVEL)
	get_user_name(id, adminnames[count++], 31);

	len = format(message, 255, "%s VIP ONLINE: ",COLOR);
	if(count > 0) {
	for(x = 0 ; x < count ; x++) {
	len += format(message[len], 255-len, "%s%s ", adminnames[x], x < (count-1) ? ", ":"");
	if(len > 96) {
	print_message(user, message);
	len = format(message, 255, "%s ",COLOR);
	print_message(user, message);
	else {
	len += format(message[len], 255-len, "No VIP online.");
	print_message(user, message);
print_message(id, msg[]) {
	message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), {0,0,0}, id);
public handle_say(id) {
	new said[192];
	if(contain(said, "/vips") != -1)
public vip_scoreboard(const MsgId, const MsgType, const MsgDest) {
	static id;
	id = get_msg_arg_int(1);
	if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_LEVEL)
	set_msg_arg_int(2, ARG_BYTE, (1 << 2 ));
stock ColorChat(const id, const input[], any:...) {
	new count = 1, players[32];
	static msg[191];
	vformat(msg, 190, input, 3);
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!x04", "^4");
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!x01", "^1");
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!x03", "^3");
	if(id) players[0] = id;
	else get_players(players, count, "ch"); {
	for(new i = 0; i < count; i++) {
	if(is_user_connected(players[i])) {
	message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players[i]);
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CsN^ ;x
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18 Oct 2012, 18:31

Nu poti sa-mi pui tu T ? ca nu stiu unde :-/
Si merge ai si tu inca +1 multumesc si mai iti dau cand revin daca revin cu el din nou sa fie cu "t" sa nu fie "d" :|
Addons HNS level,gravity,xp DOWNLOAD ( e țeapă) - un simplu site de filme pentru timpul liber
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SteamID: MorenuRaulAndrei
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18 Oct 2012, 20:56


Code: Select all

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <cstrike>
#include <fun>
#include <hamsandwich>

#define PLUGIN "VIP Sistem"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR "sDs|Aragon*"

#pragma semicolon 1

static const COLOR[] = "^x04"; // Green for display VIP
new CvarHPBonus, CvarAPBonus;
new bool:killed[33];
public plugin_init() {
   register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR);
   register_clcmd("say", "handle_say");
   register_clcmd("say_team", "handle_say");
   CvarHPBonus = register_cvar("vip_hp_bonus", "15");
   CvarAPBonus = register_cvar("vip_ap_bonus", "15");
   RegisterHam(Ham_Killed, "player", "KilledPlayer");
   RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "Spawn", 1);
public plugin_precache() {
public KilledPlayer(victim, killer, shouldgib) {
   killed[killer] ++;
public Spawn(id)
   if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_LEVEL) {
public GiveItems(id) {
   give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade");
   give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang");
   give_item(id, "weapon_smokegrenade");
   cs_set_user_model(id, "vip");
   if(killed[id]) {
   ColorChat(id,"Ai primit %dHP si %dAP pentru uciderea inamicilor",(get_pcvar_num(CvarHPBonus) * killed[id]), (get_pcvar_num(CvarAPBonus) * killed[id]));
public givehp(id) {
   if(killed[id]) {
   set_user_health(id, get_user_health(id) + get_pcvar_num(CvarHPBonus));
   set_user_armor(id, get_user_armor(id) + get_pcvar_num(CvarAPBonus));
   else {
public print_adminlist(user) {
   new adminnames[33][32];
   new message[256];
   new id, count, x, len;
   for(id = 1 ; id <= get_maxplayers() ; id++)
   if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_LEVEL)
   get_user_name(id, adminnames[count++], 31);

   len = format(message, 255, "%s VIP ONLINE: ",COLOR);
   if(count > 0) {
   for(x = 0 ; x < count ; x++) {
   len += format(message[len], 255-len, "%s%s ", adminnames[x], x < (count-1) ? ", ":"");
   if(len > 96) {
   print_message(user, message);
   len = format(message, 255, "%s ",COLOR);
   print_message(user, message);
   else {
   len += format(message[len], 255-len, "No VIP online.");
   print_message(user, message);
print_message(id, msg[]) {
   message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), {0,0,0}, id);
public handle_say(id) {
   new said[192];
   if(contain(said, "/vips") != -1)
public vip_scoreboard(const MsgId, const MsgType, const MsgDest) {
   static id;
   id = get_msg_arg_int(1);
   if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_LEVEL)
   set_msg_arg_int(2, ARG_BYTE, (1 << 2 ));
stock ColorChat(const id, const input[], any:...) {
   new count = 1, players[32];
   static msg[191];
   vformat(msg, 190, input, 3);

   replace_all(msg, 190, "!x04", "^4");
   replace_all(msg, 190, "!x01", "^1");
   replace_all(msg, 190, "!x03", "^3");

   if(id) players[0] = id;
   else get_players(players, count, "ch"); {
   for(new i = 0; i < count; i++) {
   if(is_user_connected(players[i])) {
   message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players[i]);
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