Server deathrun devine server default

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NuRoFeN [;x]
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11 Jan 2013, 11:16

vezi ca deathrun_dust2009 sa o ai completa si la restul pluginurilor sa ai bagate toate modelele , sar putea si la deathrun shop sa fie problema :-??

posteaza respawn.sma si Hook_Deathmessage.sma
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11 Jan 2013, 12:36

NuRoFeN [;x] wrote:vezi ca deathrun_dust2009 sa o ai completa si la restul pluginurilor sa ai bagate toate modelele , sar putea si la deathrun shop sa fie problema :-??

posteaza respawn.sma si Hook_Deathmessage.sma
1. Hook_Deathmessage nu ii plugin ci ceva particica din codul de la Deathrun_Shop.amxx
2. Acesta ii sursa de la respawn.amxx
respawn.sma | Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <cstrike>

native give_item( index, const item[] )

public plugin_init() 
    register_plugin( "auto respawner", "50", "DeathRun" )
    RegisterHam( Ham_Killed, "player", "dead_playerr", 1 ) 
    register_clcmd( "say /respawn", "respawns" );
    register_clcmd( "say /revive", "respawns" );
public client_putinserver( id )
    set_task( 1.2, "respawns", id )
public respawns( id )
    if( !is_user_alive( id ) && cs_get_user_team( id ) == CS_TEAM_CT )
        ExecuteHamB( Ham_CS_RoundRespawn, id )
        give_item( id, "weapon_knife" )
public dead_playerr( id )
    if( is_user_connected( id ) )
        set_task( 0.2, "respawns", id )
3. Toate pluginurile si hartile au full models ( adica toate modelele necesare ) puse .
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11 Jan 2013, 13:29


Code: Select all

#include < amxmodx >
#include < hamsandwich >
#include < cstrike >

native give_item ( index, const item [ ] )
public plugin_init ( ) 
    register_plugin ( "auto respawner", "50", "DeathRun" )
    RegisterHam ( Ham_Killed, "player", "dead_playerr", 1 )
    register_clcmd ( "say /respawn", "respawn" );
    register_clcmd ( "say /revive", "respawn" );

public client_putinserver ( id )
    if ( !is_user_connected ( id ) || is_user_bot ( id ) )
        return 1;
    set_task( 5.0, "respawn", id )
    return -1;

public respawn ( id )
    if ( !is_user_alive ( id ) && cs_get_user_team ( id ) == CS_TEAM_CT )
        ExecuteHamB ( Ham_CS_RoundRespawn, id )
        give_item ( id, "weapon_knife" )

public dead_playerr ( id )
    if ( is_user_connected ( id ) )
        set_task ( 1.0, "respawn", id )


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Membru, skill +1
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11 Jan 2013, 18:30

Ok cu respawn mi-a mers vadca nu mai primesc nici o eroare deocamdata :-? , dar uitati ce eroare primesc la deathrunmanager

eroare | Afiseaza codul
L 01/11/2013 - 18:19:58: Start of error session.
L 01/11/2013 - 18:19:58: Info (map "deathrun_2010") (file "addons/amxmodx/logs/error_20130111.log")
L 01/11/2013 - 18:19:58: [FUN] Invalid player 19
L 01/11/2013 - 18:19:58: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "Deathrun_Shop.amxx")
L 01/11/2013 - 18:19:58: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "set_user_gravity")
L 01/11/2013 - 18:19:58: [AMXX]    [0] 49920.attach::Hook_Deathmessage (line 1046)
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11 Jan 2013, 19:59

| Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <fun>
#include <nvault>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <fakemeta>

/* --| Let's force the semicolon on every endline */
#pragma semicolon 1

/* --| Some defines :) */
#define PICKUP_SND		"items/gunpickup2.wav"
#define HEALTH_SOUND		"items/smallmedkit1.wav"
#define ARMOR_SOUND		"items/ammopickup2.wav"
#define CLOACK_SOUND		"hornet/ag_buzz1.wav"
#define LJ_SOUND		"fvox/powermove_on.wav"
#define SOUND_NVGOFF		"items/nvg_off.wav"
#define HAS_NVGS		(1<<0)
#define USES_NVGS		(1<<8)
#define get_user_nvg(%1)    	(get_pdata_int(%1,m_iNvg) & HAS_NVGS)

/* --| Plugin informations */
new const PLUGIN[] 	= "Deathrun Shop";
new const VERSION[] 	= "4.0";
new const AUTHOR[] 	= "tuty";
/* --| Zomg lot of globals :) */
new gDrShopOn;
new gHeCost;
new gBothGrenadesCost;
new gSilentCost;
new gHealthCost;
new gArmorCost;
new gSpeedCost;
new gGravityCost;
new gInvisCost;
new gSpeedCvar;
new gGravityCvar;
new gAdvertiseCvar;
new gHealthPointCvar;
new gArmorPointCvar;
new gAdvertiseTimeCvar;
new gInvisPercent;
new gKillerPointsCvar;
new gSuiciderPointsCvar;
new gSavePlayerPoints;
new gNoclipCost;
new gVault;
new gNoclipTime;
new gJetSprite;
new gJetPackCost;
new gJetTime;
new gDeagleCost;
new gMsgItemPickup;
new gLongJumpTime;
new gLongJumpCost;
new gGlowCost;
new gNvgCost;
new gMessageNVG;

/* --| Item variables */
new HasHe[ 33 ];
new HasBothGren[ 33 ];
new HasSilent[ 33 ];
new HasHealth[ 33 ];
new HasArmor[ 33 ];
new HasSpeed[ 33 ];
new HasGravity[ 33 ];
new HasInvis[ 33 ];
new HasNoclip[ 33 ];
new HasJet[ 33 ];
new HasDeagle[ 33 ];
new HasLongJump[ 33 ];
new HasGlow[ 33 ];
new HasNVG[ 33 ];
new gName[ 32 char ];
new gSteamID[ 32 ];
new vKey[ 64 ];
new vData[ 64 ];

/* --| Player points, need this to save points, load points, etc */
new gKillerPoints[ 33 ];

/* --| Offsets for nvg */
const m_iNvg = 129;
const m_iLinuxDiff = 5;

/* --| So, let's get started */
public plugin_init()
	/* --| Registering the plugin to show when you type amx_plugins.. */
	register_plugin( PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR );
	/* --| Registering a little cvar to see wich servers using this plugin */
	register_cvar( "drshop_version", VERSION, FCVAR_SERVER | FCVAR_SPONLY );

	/* --| Register some usefull events */
	register_logevent( "logevent_round_start", 2, "1=Round_Start" );
	register_event( "DeathMsg", "Hook_Deathmessage", "a" );
	register_event( "CurWeapon", "HookCurWeapon", "be", "1=1" );
	/* --| Called when a player is performing a jump */
	RegisterHam( Ham_Player_Jump, "player", "bacon_playerJumping" );
	/* --| We need this forward to find if player has suicided with kill in console */
	/* --| We can't do that on deathmsg because player die in traps by suicide,.. trigger_hurt or world.. etc */
	register_forward( FM_ClientKill, "forward_kill" );
	/* --| Command for setting points to player/@all */
	register_concmd( "deathrun_set_points", "cmdSetPoints", ADMIN_ACCESS_CMD, "<name/@all> <points> - set points to a player" );
	/* --| Command for reseting points to palyer/@all */
	register_concmd( "deathrun_reset_points", "cmdResetPoints", ADMIN_ACCESS_CMD, "<name/@all> - reset player points" );
	/* --| Command for opening the menu */
	register_clcmd( "say /drshop", "DeathrunShop" );
	register_clcmd( "say_team /drshop", "DeathrunShop" );
	/* --| Command to see our points :) */
	register_clcmd( "say /mypoints", "ShowPoints" );
	register_clcmd( "say_team /mypoints", "ShowPoints" );

	/* --| Let's register the cvars, a lot of cvars but huh.. *** :) */
	gDrShopOn = register_cvar( "deathrun_shop", "1" );
	gHeCost = register_cvar( "deathrun_he_cost", "10" ); 
	gBothGrenadesCost = register_cvar( "deathrun_bothgrenades_cost", "20" );
	gSilentCost = register_cvar( "deathrun_silent_cost", "24" );
	gHealthCost = register_cvar( "deathrun_health_cost", "30" );
	gArmorCost = register_cvar( "deathrun_armor_cost", "15" );
	gSpeedCost = register_cvar( "deathrun_speed_cost", "39" );
	gGravityCost = register_cvar( "deathrun_gravity_cost", "41" );
	gNoclipCost = register_cvar( "deathrun_noclip_cost", "50" );
	gJetPackCost = register_cvar( "deathrun_jetpack_cost", "60" );
	gInvisCost = register_cvar( "deathrun_invisibility_cost", "69" );
	gSpeedCvar = register_cvar( "deathrun_speed_power", "400.0" );
	gNoclipTime = register_cvar( "deathrun_noclip_duration", "2" );
	gJetTime = register_cvar( "deathrun_jetpack_duration", "10" );
	gDeagleCost = register_cvar( "deathrun_deagle_cost", "31" );
	gGravityCvar = register_cvar( "deathrun_gravity_power", "0.7" );
	gAdvertiseCvar = register_cvar( "deathrun_advertise_message", "1" );
	gHealthPointCvar = register_cvar( "deathrun_health_points", "255" );
	gArmorPointCvar = register_cvar( "deathrun_armor_points", "400" );
	gAdvertiseTimeCvar = register_cvar( "deathrun_advertise_time", "7.0" );
	gInvisPercent = register_cvar( "deathrun_invisibility_percentage", "111" );
	gKillerPointsCvar = register_cvar( "deathrun_killer_bonuspoints", "5" );
	gSuiciderPointsCvar = register_cvar( "deathrun_suicider_loose_points", "3" );
	gSavePlayerPoints = register_cvar( "deathrun_save_points", "1" );
	gLongJumpTime = register_cvar( "deathrun_longjump_duration", "6" );
	gLongJumpCost = register_cvar( "deathrun_longjump_cost", "46" );
	gGlowCost = register_cvar( "deathrun_glow_cost", "8" );
	gNvgCost = register_cvar( "deathrun_nvg_cost", "33" );

	/* --| Let's find/do some stuff here */
	gMsgItemPickup = get_user_msgid( "ItemPickup" );
	gMessageNVG = get_user_msgid( "NVGToggle" );
	/* --| Register the multilingual file */
	register_dictionary( "DeathrunShopLang.txt" );

/* --| Precache stuff */
public plugin_precache()
	gJetSprite = precache_model( "sprites/explode1.spr" );
	precache_sound( PICKUP_SND );
	precache_sound( HEALTH_SOUND );
	precache_sound( ARMOR_SOUND );
	precache_sound( CLOACK_SOUND );
	precache_sound( LJ_SOUND );

/* --| Plugin cfg, here we do some ugly shit ever -.- */
public plugin_cfg()
	new iCfgDir[ 32 ], iFile[ 192 ];
	/* --| We need to find the configs directory, and to add the configuration file */
	get_configsdir( iCfgDir, charsmax( iCfgDir ) );
	formatex( iFile, charsmax( iFile ), "%s/DeathrunShop_Cfg.cfg", iCfgDir );
	/* --| If file not exists, let's create one but empty */
	if( !file_exists( iFile ) )
		server_print( "[DrShop] %L", LANG_SERVER, "DRSHOP_SVPRINT", iFile );
		write_file( iFile, " ", -1 );
	/* --| Else, let's load the cvars from cfg */
		server_print( "[DrShop] %L", LANG_SERVER, "DRSHOP_SVPRINT_DONE", iFile );
		server_cmd( "exec %s", iFile );
	/* --| Set the server maxspeed to a high value, need it for speed item */
	server_cmd( "sv_maxspeed 99999999.0" );

/* --| When client is connecting, let's reset stuff and load client's points */
public client_connect( id )
	HasHe[ id ] = false;
	HasBothGren[ id ] = false;
	HasSilent[ id ] = false;
	HasHealth[ id ] = false;
	HasArmor[ id] = false;
	HasSpeed[ id ] = false;
	HasGravity[ id ] = false;
	HasInvis[ id ] = false;
	HasNoclip[ id ] = false;
	HasJet[ id ] = false;
	HasDeagle[ id ] = false;
	HasLongJump[ id ] = false;
	HasGlow[ id ] = false;
	HasNVG[ id ] = false;
	/* --| Load client points */
	load_client_points( id );

/* --| When client has disconnected let's reset stuff and save points */
public client_disconnect( id )
	HasHe[ id ] = false;
	HasBothGren[ id ] = false;
	HasSilent[ id ] = false;
	HasHealth[ id ] = false;
	HasArmor[ id] = false;
	HasSpeed[ id ] = false;
	HasGravity[ id ] = false;
	HasInvis[ id ] = false;
	HasNoclip[ id ] = false;
	HasJet[ id ] = false;
	HasDeagle[ id ] = false;
	HasLongJump[ id ] = false;
	HasGlow[ id ] = false;
	HasNVG[ id ] = false;
	/* --| If player is not a bot, let's save the points */
	if( get_pcvar_num( gSavePlayerPoints ) != 0 && !is_user_bot( id ) )
		/* --| Save player points is cvar is 1 */
		save_client_points( id );

/* --| When client has entered on sv, need to show him a hudmessage :) */
public client_putinserver( id )
	if( get_pcvar_num( gAdvertiseCvar ) != 0 )
		/* --| Need to set task, 7 default because need to wait for player choosing a team or something */
		set_task( get_pcvar_float( gAdvertiseTimeCvar ), "ShowPlayerInfo", id );

/* --| Deathrun shop menu with items ^^ */
public DeathrunShop( id )
	/* --| If cvar is set to 0, player can't open the shop */
	if( get_pcvar_num( gDrShopOn ) != 1 )
		client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_DISABLED" );
	/* --| If player is dead, cant buy items :) */
	if( !is_user_alive( id ) )
		client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_ONLY_ALIVE" );
	/* --| Menu stuff */
	new szText[ 555 char ];
	formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_MENU_TITLE", VERSION, gKillerPoints[ id ] );
	new menu = menu_create( szText, "shop_handler" );

	/* --| Menu item 1 */
	formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_ITEM_1", get_pcvar_num( gHeCost ) );
	menu_additem( menu, szText, "1", 0 );
	/* --| Menu item 2 */
	formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_ITEM_2", get_pcvar_num( gBothGrenadesCost ) );
	menu_additem( menu, szText, "2", 0 );
	/* --| Menu item 3 */
	formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_ITEM_3", get_pcvar_num( gSilentCost ) );
	menu_additem( menu, szText, "3", 0 );
	/* --| Menu item 4 */
	formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_ITEM_4", get_pcvar_num( gHealthPointCvar ), get_pcvar_num( gHealthCost ) );
	menu_additem( menu, szText, "4", 0 );
	/* --| Menu item 5 */
	formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_ITEM_5", get_pcvar_num( gArmorPointCvar ), get_pcvar_num( gArmorCost ) );
	menu_additem( menu, szText, "5", 0 );
	/* --| Menu item 6 */
	formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_ITEM_6", get_pcvar_num( gSpeedCost ) );
	menu_additem( menu, szText, "6", 0 );
	/* --| Menu item 7 */
	formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_ITEM_7", get_pcvar_num( gGravityCost ) );
	menu_additem( menu, szText, "7", 0 );
	/* --| Menu item 8 */
	formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_ITEM_8", get_pcvar_num( gInvisPercent ), get_pcvar_num( gInvisCost ) );
	menu_additem( menu, szText, "8", 0 );
	/* --| Menu item 9 */
	formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_ITEM_9", get_pcvar_num( gNoclipTime ), get_pcvar_num( gNoclipCost ) );
	menu_additem( menu, szText, "9", 0 );
	/* --| Menu item 10 */
	formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_ITEM_10", get_pcvar_num( gJetTime ), get_pcvar_num( gJetPackCost ) );
	menu_additem( menu, szText, "10", 0 );
	/* --| Menu item 11 */
	formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_ITEM_11", get_pcvar_num( gDeagleCost ) );
	menu_additem( menu, szText, "11", 0 );
	/* --| Menu item 12 */
	formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_ITEM_12", get_pcvar_num( gLongJumpTime ), get_pcvar_num( gLongJumpCost ) );
	menu_additem( menu, szText, "12", 0 );
	/* --| Menu item 13 */
	formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_ITEM_13", get_pcvar_num( gGlowCost ) );
	menu_additem( menu, szText, "13", 0 );
	/* --| Menu item 14 */
	formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_ITEM_14", get_pcvar_num( gNvgCost ) );
	menu_additem( menu, szText, "14", 0 );
	menu_setprop( menu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL );
	/* --| Show the menu, with current page 0 */
	menu_display( id, menu, 0 );


/* --| Menu commands */
public shop_handler( id, menu, item )
	/* --| If key is 0, let's close the menu */
	if( item == MENU_EXIT )
		menu_destroy( menu );
	/* --| Getting the menu information */
	new data[ 6 ], iName[ 64 ], access, callback;
	menu_item_getinfo( menu, item, access, data, charsmax( data ), iName, charsmax( iName ), callback );

	/* --| Get menu keys */
	new key = str_to_num( data );
	/* --| Here we find the player points */
	new points = gKillerPoints[ id ];
	switch( key )
		/* --| Menu item 1 */
		case 1:
			/* --| If already has item, show a damn print and return */
			if( HasHe[ id ] )
				allready_have( id );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			/* --| If player does not have enough points, show a print and return */
			if( points < get_pcvar_num( gHeCost ) )
				dont_have( id );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			/* --| Let's give the item, and do some stuff */
			give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
			client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_GRENADE_ITEM" );
			HasHe[ id ] = true;
			gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gHeCost );
			emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, PICKUP_SND, VOL_NORM , ATTN_NORM , 0 , PITCH_NORM );
			menu_display( id, menu, 0 );
		/* --| Menu item 2 */
		case 2:
			/* --| If already has item, show a damn print and return */
			if( HasBothGren[ id ] )
				allready_have( id );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			/* --| If player does not have enough points, show a print and return */
			if( points < get_pcvar_num( gBothGrenadesCost ) )
				dont_have( id );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			/* --| Let's give the item, and do some stuff */
			give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
			give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
			give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
			client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_BOTHGREN_ITEM" );
			HasBothGren[ id ] = true;
			gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gBothGrenadesCost );
			emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, PICKUP_SND, VOL_NORM , ATTN_NORM , 0 , PITCH_NORM );
			menu_display( id, menu, 0 );
		/* --| Menu item 3 */
		case 3:
			/* --| If already has item, show a damn print and return */
			if( HasSilent[ id ] )
				allready_have( id );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			/* --| If player does not have enough points, show a print and return */
			if( points < get_pcvar_num( gSilentCost ) )
				dont_have( id );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			/* --| Let's give the item, and do some stuff */
			set_user_footsteps( id, 1 );
			client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_SILENTWALK_ITEM" );
			HasSilent[ id ] = true;
			gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gSilentCost );
			emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, PICKUP_SND, VOL_NORM , ATTN_NORM , 0 , PITCH_NORM );
			menu_display( id, menu, 0 );
		/* --| Menu item 4 */
		case 4:
			/* --| If already has item, show a damn print and return */
			if( HasHealth[ id ] )
				allready_have( id );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			/* --| If player does not have enough points, show a print and return */
			if( points < get_pcvar_num( gHealthCost ) )
				dont_have( id );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			/* --| Let's give the item, and do some stuff */ 
			set_user_health( id, get_user_health( id ) + get_pcvar_num( gHealthPointCvar ) );
			client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_HEALTH_ITEM", get_pcvar_num( gHealthPointCvar ) );
			HasHealth[ id ] = true;
			gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gHealthCost );
			menu_display( id, menu, 0 );
		/* --| Menu item 5 */
		case 5:
			/* --| If already has item, show a damn print and return */
			if( HasArmor[ id ] )
				allready_have( id );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			/* --| If player does not have enough points, show a print and return */
			if( points < get_pcvar_num( gArmorCost ) )
				dont_have( id );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			/* --| Let's give the item, and do some stuff */ 
			set_user_armor( id, get_user_armor( id ) + get_pcvar_num( gArmorPointCvar ) );
			client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_ARMOR_ITEM", get_pcvar_num( gArmorPointCvar ) );	
			HasArmor[ id ] = true;
			gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gArmorCost );
			menu_display( id, menu, 0 );
		/* --| Menu item 6 */
		case 6:
			/* --| If already has item, show a damn print and return */
			if( HasSpeed[ id ] )
				allready_have( id );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			/* --| If player does not have enough points, show a print and return */
			if( points < get_pcvar_num( gSpeedCost ) )
				dont_have( id );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			/* --| Let's give the item, and do some stuff */ 
			set_user_maxspeed( id, get_pcvar_float( gSpeedCvar ) );
			client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_SPEED_ITEM" );
			HasSpeed[ id ] = true;
			gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gSpeedCost );
			emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, PICKUP_SND, VOL_NORM , ATTN_NORM , 0 , PITCH_NORM );
			menu_display( id, menu, 0 );
		/* --| Menu item 7 */
		case 7:
			/* --| If already has item, show a damn print and return */
			if( HasGravity[ id ] )
				allready_have( id );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			/* --| If player does not have enough points, show a print and return */
			if( points < get_pcvar_num( gGravityCost ) )
				dont_have( id );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			/* --| Let's give the item, and do some stuff */ 
			set_user_gravity( id, get_pcvar_float( gGravityCvar ) );
			client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_GRAVITY_ITEM" );
			HasGravity[ id ] = true;
			gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gGravityCost );
			emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, PICKUP_SND, VOL_NORM , ATTN_NORM , 0 , PITCH_NORM );
			menu_display( id, menu, 0 );
		/* --| Menu item 8 */
		case 8:
			/* --| If already has item, show a damn print and return */
			if( HasInvis[ id ] )
				allready_have( id );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			/* --| If player does not have enough points, show a print and return */
			if( points < get_pcvar_num( gInvisCost ) )
				dont_have( id );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			/* --| Let's give the item, and do some stuff */ 
			set_user_rendering( id, kRenderFxNone, 0, 0, 0, kRenderTransAlpha, get_pcvar_num( gInvisPercent ) );
			client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_INVISIBILITY_ITEM" );
			HasInvis[ id ] = true;
			gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gInvisCost );
			menu_display( id, menu, 1 );
		/* --| Menu item 9 */
		case 9:
			/* --| If already has item, show a damn print and return */
			if( HasNoclip[ id ] )
				allready_have( id );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			/* --| If player does not have enough points, show a print and return */
			if( points < get_pcvar_num( gNoclipCost ) )
				dont_have( id );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			/* --| Let's give the item, and do some stuff */ 
			set_task( float( get_pcvar_num( gNoclipTime ) ), "remove_noclip", id );
			set_user_noclip( id, 1 );
			client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_NOCLIP_ITEM" );
			HasNoclip[ id ] = true;
			gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gNoclipCost );
			emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, PICKUP_SND, VOL_NORM , ATTN_NORM , 0 , PITCH_NORM );
			menu_display( id, menu, 1 );
		/* --| Menu item 10 */
		case 10:
			/* --| If already has item, show a damn print and return */
			if( HasJet[ id ] )
				allready_have( id );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			/* --| If player does not have enough points, show a print and return */
			if( points < get_pcvar_num( gJetPackCost ) )
				dont_have( id );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			/* --| Let's give the item, and do some stuff */ 
			set_task( float( get_pcvar_num( gJetTime ) ), "remove_jetpack", id );
			client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_JETPACK_ITEM" );
			HasJet[ id ] = true;
			gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gJetPackCost );
			emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, PICKUP_SND, VOL_NORM , ATTN_NORM , 0 , PITCH_NORM );
			menu_display( id, menu, 1 );
		/* --| Menu item 11 */
		case 11:
			/* --| If already has item, show a damn print and return */
			if( HasDeagle[ id ] || user_has_weapon( id, CSW_DEAGLE ) )
				allready_have( id );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			/* --| If player does not have enough points, show a print and return */
			if( points < get_pcvar_num( gDeagleCost ) )
				dont_have( id );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			/* --| Let's give the item, and do some stuff */ 
			strip_user_weapons( id );
			give_item( id, "weapon_knife" );
			give_item( id, "weapon_deagle" );
			client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_DEAGLE_ITEM" );
			HasDeagle[ id ] = true;
			gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gDeagleCost );
			emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, PICKUP_SND, VOL_NORM , ATTN_NORM , 0 , PITCH_NORM );
			menu_display( id, menu, 1 );
		/* --| Menu item 12 */
		case 12:
			/* --| If already has item, show a damn print and return */
			if( HasLongJump[ id ] )
				allready_have( id );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			/* --| If player does not have enough points, show a print and return */
			if( points < get_pcvar_num( gLongJumpCost ) )
				dont_have( id );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			/* --| Let's give the item, and do some stuff */ 
			/* --| Setting the temporary long jump */
			set_temporary_longjump( id );
			client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_LJ_ITEM" );
			HasLongJump[ id ] = true;
			gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gLongJumpCost );
			emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, LJ_SOUND, VOL_NORM , ATTN_NORM , 0 , PITCH_NORM );
			menu_display( id, menu, 1 );
		/* --| Menu item 13 */
		case 13:
			/* --| If already has item, show a damn print and return */
			if( HasGlow[ id ] )
				allready_have( id );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			/* --| If player does not have enough points, show a print and return */
			if( points < get_pcvar_num( gGlowCost ) )
				dont_have( id );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			/* --| Let's give the item, and do some stuff */ 
			set_user_rendering( id, kRenderFxGlowShell, random( 256 ), random( 256 ), random( 256 ), kRenderNormal, random( 256 ) );
			client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_GLOW_ITEM" );
			HasGlow[ id ] = true;
			gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gGlowCost );
			emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, PICKUP_SND, VOL_NORM , ATTN_NORM , 0 , PITCH_NORM );
			menu_display( id, menu, 1 );
		/* --| Menu item 13 */
		case 14:
			/* --| If already has item, show a damn print and return */
			if( HasNVG[ id ] || get_user_nvg( id ) )
				allready_have( id );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			/* --| If player does not have enough points, show a print and return */
			if( points < get_pcvar_num( gNvgCost ) )
				dont_have( id );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			/* --| Let's give the item, and do some stuff */ 
			set_user_nvg( id, 1 );
			client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_NVG_ITEM" );
			HasNVG[ id ] = true;
			gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gNvgCost );
			emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, PICKUP_SND, VOL_NORM , ATTN_NORM , 0 , PITCH_NORM );
			menu_display( id, menu, 1 );

/* --| Command for setting points | admin only ;/ */
public cmdSetPoints( id, level, cid )
	/* --| If user doesn't have acces to command, return */
	if( !cmd_access( id, level, cid, 2 ) || !get_pcvar_num( gDrShopOn ) )
	/* --| Need to read the first argument */
	new argument[ 32 ];
   	read_argv( 1, argument, charsmax( argument ) );

	/* --| Need to read second argument */
	new give_points[ 5 ];
	read_argv( 2, give_points, charsmax( give_points ) );

	/* --| We are getting the gift from second argument */
	new gift = str_to_num( give_points );
	new iPlayer[ 32 ], iNum, all;
	get_players( iPlayer, iNum, "c" );

	/* --| Lets see if argument 1 is @all */
	if( equal( argument, "@all" ) )
		for( new i; i < iNum; i++ )
			/* --| Find the index :) */
			all = iPlayer[ i ];
			/* --| Set points to all */
			gKillerPoints[ all ] = gKillerPoints[ all ] + gift;
			/* --| Show a print in chat */
			get_user_name( id, gName, charsmax( gName ) );
			client_print( 0, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DRSHOP_SHOW_ALLCMD", gName, gift );
		/* --| Now, we find the target */
		new player = cmd_target( id, argument, 10 );

		/* --| If is not a valid target, return */
		if( !player ) 
  			 return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

		/* --| Get admin, and target name */
		new TargetName[ 32 char ];
		get_user_name( player, TargetName, charsmax( TargetName ) );
		get_user_name( id, gName, charsmax( gName ) );	
		/* --| Setting target points */
		gKillerPoints[ player ] = gKillerPoints[ player ] + gift;
		client_print( 0, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DRSHOP_SHOW_CMD", gName, gift, TargetName );


/* --| Command for reseting points | admin only ;/ */
public cmdResetPoints( id, level, cid )
	/* --| If user doesn't have acces to command, return */
	if( !cmd_access( id, level, cid, 2 ) || !get_pcvar_num( gDrShopOn ) )
	/* --| Need to read the first argument */
	new argument[ 32 ];
   	read_argv( 1, argument, charsmax( argument ) );
	new iPlayer[ 32 ], iNum, all;
	get_players( iPlayer, iNum, "c" );

	/* --| Lets see if argument 1 is @all */
	if( equal( argument, "@all" ) )
		for( new i; i < iNum; i++ )
			/* --| Find the index :) */
			all = iPlayer[ i ];
			/* --| Set points to all */
			gKillerPoints[ all ] = 0;
			/* --| Show a print in chat */
			get_user_name( id, gName, charsmax( gName ) );
			client_print( 0, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DRSHOP_SHOWRESET_ALLCMD", gName );
		/* --| Now, we find the target */
		new player = cmd_target( id, argument, 10 );

		/* --| If is not a valid target, return */
		if( !player ) 
  			 return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

		/* --| Get admin, and target name */
		new TargetName[ 32 char ];
		get_user_name( player, TargetName, charsmax( TargetName ) );
		get_user_name( id, gName, charsmax( gName ) );	
		/* --| Setting target points */
		gKillerPoints[ player ] = 0;
		client_print( 0, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DRSHOP_SHOWRESET_CMD", gName, TargetName );

/* --| We need to find if player has performed a jump, and set some velocity */
public bacon_playerJumping( id )
	/* --| If plugin is on, and user has jetpack item */
	if( get_pcvar_num( gDrShopOn ) != 0 && HasJet[ id ] )
		/* --| Get user origins from feet */
		new iOrigin[ 3 ];
		get_user_origin( id, iOrigin, 0 );
		/* --| Modify origin a bit */
		iOrigin[ 2 ] -= 20;
		/* --| Get player velocity */
		new Float:fVelocity[ 3 ];
		pev( id, pev_velocity, fVelocity );

		/* --| Modify velocity a bit */
		fVelocity[ 2 ] += 93;
		/* --| Set the player velocity and add a flame effect, jetpack style */
		set_pev( id, pev_velocity, fVelocity );
		create_flame( iOrigin );

/* --| We need to check is player has changed his weapon */
public HookCurWeapon( id )
	/* --| If plugin is on, and user has speed item, let's set the speed again */
	if( get_pcvar_num( gDrShopOn ) != 0 && HasSpeed[ id ] )
		set_user_maxspeed( id, get_pcvar_float( gSpeedCvar ) );

/* --| Command for show points */	
public ShowPoints( id )
	/* --| Set a hud message */
	set_hudmessage( 255, 42, 212, 0.03, 0.86, 2, 6.0, 5.0 );
	/* --| We show player points on hud */
	show_hudmessage( id, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_POINTS_INFO", gKillerPoints[ id ] );
	/* --| We show player points on chat */
	client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_POINTS_INFO", gKillerPoints[ id ] );

/* --| Here we show player hud information about this god damn shop */
public ShowPlayerInfo( id )
	/* --| Set a hud message */
	set_hudmessage( 0, 0, 255, -1.0, 0.82, 0, 6.0, 12.0 );
	/* --| Now we show the info message in hud channel */
	show_hudmessage( id, "%L", id, "DRSHOP_HUD_INFO" );

/* --| If player has suicided by console */
public forward_kill( id )
	/* --| Check if plugin is on, and user is alive */
	if( get_pcvar_num( gDrShopOn ) == 1 && is_user_alive( id ) )
		/* --| Set player points with suicide cvar */
		client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_SHOW_LOOSER", get_pcvar_num( gSuiciderPointsCvar ) );
		gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gSuiciderPointsCvar );

/* --| Event for round start */		
public logevent_round_start()
	/* --| If plugin is on... */
	if( get_pcvar_num( gDrShopOn ) == 1 )
		/* --| I used this native because with get_maxplayers will recieve a damn error with invalid player id.. */
		/* --| This is good because we can skip the damn bots */
		new iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum, i, id;
		get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "c" );
		for( i = 0; i < iNum; i++ )
			/* --| Find the index :) */
			id = iPlayers[ i ];
			/* --| Reseting items */
			HasHe[ id ] = false;
			HasBothGren[ id ] = false;
			HasSilent[ id ] = false;
			HasHealth[ id ] = false;
			HasArmor[ id] = false;
			HasSpeed[ id ] = false;
			HasGravity[ id ] = false;
			HasInvis[ id ] = false;
			HasNoclip[ id ] = false;
			HasJet[ id ] = false;
			HasDeagle[ id ] = false;
			HasLongJump[ id ] = false;
			HasGlow[ id ] = false;
			HasNVG[ id ] = false;
			set_user_gravity( id, 1.0 );	
			set_user_maxspeed( id, 0.0 );
			set_user_footsteps( id, 0 );
			set_user_noclip( id, 0 );
			set_user_rendering( id );
			set_user_nvg( id, 0 );
			remove_user_nvg( id );
			remove_task( id );

/* --| Event when player died */
public Hook_Deathmessage()
	/* --| If plugin is on... */
	if( get_pcvar_num( gDrShopOn ) == 1 )
		/* --| Get the killer and attacker */
		new killer = read_data( 1 );
		new victim = read_data( 2 );

		/* --| If player has died with world / trigger_hurt */
		if( killer == victim )
		/* --| Setting killer points when killed a enemy */
		gKillerPoints[ killer ] += get_pcvar_num( gKillerPointsCvar );
		/* --| Reseting items */
		HasHe[ victim ] = false;
		HasBothGren[ victim ] = false;
		HasSilent[ victim ] = false;
		HasHealth[ victim ] = false;
		HasArmor[ victim ] = false;
		HasSpeed[ victim ] = false;
		HasGravity[ victim ] = false;
		HasInvis[ victim ] = false;
		HasNoclip[ victim ] = false;
		HasJet[ victim ] = false;
		HasDeagle[ victim ] = false;
		HasLongJump[ victim ] = false;
		HasGlow[ victim ] = false;
		HasNVG[ victim ] = false;
		set_user_gravity( victim, 1.0 );	
		set_user_maxspeed( victim, 0.0 );
		set_user_footsteps( victim, 0 );
		set_user_noclip( victim, 0 );
		set_user_rendering( victim );
		set_user_nvg( victim, 0 );
		remove_user_nvg( victim );
		remove_task( victim );

/* --| Now we need to remove the noclip */
public remove_noclip( id )
	HasNoclip[ id ] = false;
	set_user_noclip( id, 0 );
	client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_NOCLIP_OFF", get_pcvar_num( gNoclipTime ) );

/* --| Now we need to remove the jetpack */	
public remove_jetpack( id )
	HasJet[ id ] = false;
	client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_JETPACK_OFF", get_pcvar_num( gJetTime ) );

/* --| Now we need to remove the longjump */
public remove_lj( index )
	HasLongJump[ index ] = false;
	engfunc( EngFunc_SetPhysicsKeyValue, index, "slj", "0" );
	client_print( index, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", index, "DRSHOP_LJ_OFF", get_pcvar_num( gLongJumpTime ) );

/* --| Usefull stocks on this plugin */
/* --| Display a message in chat if player already have the item */
stock allready_have( id )
	client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_ALLREADY_HAVE" );

/* --| Display a message in chat if player don't have enough points */
stock dont_have( id )
	client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_DONTHAVE_POINTS" );

/* --| Saving player points */
stock save_client_points( index )
	/* --| Open the vault file */
	gVault = nvault_open( "DeathrunShop_SavedPoints" );
	/* --| If vault return -1, lets stop this shit */
	if( gVault == INVALID_HANDLE )
		set_fail_state( "[DrShop] nValut ERROR: =-> Invalid-Handle" );
	/* --| Get the player steamid */
	get_user_authid( index, gSteamID, charsmax( gSteamID ) );
	/* --| Setting stuff on vault file, and close the file */
	formatex( vKey, charsmax( vKey ), "%sPOINTS", gSteamID );
	formatex( vData, charsmax( vData ), "%d", gKillerPoints[ index ] );
	nvault_set( gVault, vKey, vData );
	nvault_close( gVault );

/* --| Loading client points */
stock load_client_points( index )
	/* --| Open the vault file */
	gVault = nvault_open( "DeathrunShop_SavedPoints" );
	/* --| If vault return -1, lets stop this shit */
	if( gVault == INVALID_HANDLE )
		set_fail_state( "[DrShop] nValut ERROR: =-> Invalid-Handle" );
	/* --| Get the player steamid */
	get_user_authid( index, gSteamID, charsmax( gSteamID ) );
	/* --| Get the player points, then, close the nvault vile */
	formatex( vKey, charsmax( vKey ), "%sPOINTS", gSteamID );
	gKillerPoints[ index ] = nvault_get( gVault, vKey );
	nvault_close( gVault );

/* --| Flame jetpack effect stock */
stock create_flame( origin[ 3 ] )
	message_begin( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, origin );
	write_byte( TE_SPRITE );
	write_coord( origin[ 0 ] );
	write_coord( origin[ 1 ] );
	write_coord( origin[ 2 ] );
	write_short( gJetSprite );
	write_byte( 3 );
	write_byte( 99 );

/* --| Setting temporary longjump stock */
stock set_temporary_longjump( index )
	/* --| Let's show to player the jetpack item on hud */
	message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, gMsgItemPickup, _, index );
	write_string( "item_longjump" );

	/* --| Setting the jetpack on */
	engfunc( EngFunc_SetPhysicsKeyValue, index, "slj", "1" );
	/* --| Setting the time before jetpack will go off */
	set_task( float( get_pcvar_num( gLongJumpTime ) ), "remove_lj", index );

/* --| Stock for setting user nightvision */
/* --| This stock is more good than cstrike native( give errors ) */
stock set_user_nvg( index, nvgoggles = 1 )
	if( nvgoggles )
		set_pdata_int( index, m_iNvg, get_pdata_int( index, m_iNvg ) | HAS_NVGS );

		set_pdata_int( index, m_iNvg, get_pdata_int( index, m_iNvg ) & ~HAS_NVGS );

/* --| Stock for removing turned on nightvision from players. Let's call, force remove nvg :) */ 
stock remove_user_nvg( index )
	new iNvgs = get_pdata_int( index, m_iNvg, m_iLinuxDiff );

	if( !iNvgs )

	if( iNvgs & USES_NVGS )

		emessage_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, gMessageNVG, _, index );
		ewrite_byte( 0 );

	set_pdata_int( index, m_iNvg, 0, m_iLinuxDiff );

/* --| Enf of plugin... */
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Abuzul in orice fel de folosirea mesajelor private va duce la sanctionare. In concluzie, vi se va lua dreptul de a mai trimite mesaje.
Reclamatiile cat si penalizarile se regasesc aici: discutii-forum/reclamatii-mesaje-private-t335539.html

1. In semnatura nu sunt permise linkuri catre jocuri (site-uri) gen bitefight, monstergame, etc.
2. La profilul Detinator server CS se permite reclama catre un server de Counter-Strike.
3. Orice insulta adusa asupra unui administrator se penalizeaza cu ban permanent. Orice insulta adusa asupra unui moderator se penalizeaza (in functie de gravitatea situatiei) de la avertisment pana la ban permanent.
4. Nu se permite ridicarea subiectelor cu mesaje gen "UP!" unul dupa altul, indiferent de timpul dintre raspunsuri.

1. Nu se permite schimbarea numelui pe forum
2. Nu aveti voie cu mai mult de 1 cont / persoana (vi se sterg toate mesajele si contul de utilizator de pe forum drept penalizare) - cei care abuzeaza si isi fac mai multe conturi, risca sa primeasca ban permanent


Model postare servere :Afiseaza modelul
Va rugam respectati urmatorul model de postare al serverului, completand campurile cu datele corecte:

Titlul va contine: NUMELE / ADRESA IP a serverului si in paranteze patrate Non.Steam / Steam / Steam & Non.Steam
Adresa poate fi de tip: NUME / IP
Port: portul acestuia
Jucatori: 18 / 22 / 24 (sau cat aveti setat)
Tipul poate fi: Non.Stop (merge 24/24 ore) sau PartTime (functioneaza doar ziua sau intre anumite ore ale zilei/noptii)
Modul poate fi: Normal / ZombieMod / SourceMod / Metamod:Source

Anticheat: Protejat / Neprotejat
Tara: RO / US / DE (sau orice alte INITIALE ale tarii respective)

Titlu (sau numele topicului): ExTrEaM [Steam & Non.Steam]
    Adresa: (acesta este doar un exemplu!)
    Port: 27015
    Jucatori: 18
    Tip: Non.Stop
    Mod: Normal
    Anticheat: Neprotejat
    Tara: RO

----------- Sfarsit exemplu ---------------------

* Nu va lasati adresa la SITE / FORUM in model pentru ca se considera reclama si primiti avertisment sau topicul dvs. ajunge la cos!
* Titlurile vor fi colorate cu rosu ca in exemplul de deasupra !
* Cine NU respecta modelul prezentat i se va STERGE topicul !!
* NU aveti voie sa adaugati comentarii de genul: serverul meu este cel mai tare..etc. pentru ca iarasi vi se va sterge topicul ! Insa puteti lasa alte informatii diverse (un ID Yahoo, un mail, etc.)
Model postare addonsuri : Afiseaza modelul
Acesta este un tip standard pentru postarea unui addons

A. Continut

- Nu mai stergeti folderul scripting din amxmodx pe motiv ca nu avem nevoie sau ca face lag !
- Nu includeti in addons mai multe pluginuri care fac acelasi lucru, gen hpk.
- Nu includeti in addons pluginul show_ip la care orice jucator are acces la comanda amx_ipban.
- Nu includeti in addons pluginuri care nu stiti ce fac.
- Nu personalizati addons-ul cu reclame catre alte site-uri/forum-uri,etc...
- Postati intotdeauna .sma-ul pluginurilor incluse.

B. Postare

Titlul: Va contine tipul addons-ului ( amxmodx/amxmod/adminmod/war3ft/superhero/csdm/etc..)
- Va rog nu folositi in numele topic-ului caractere ! Gen : "-->> addons by me <--"
- Deoarece am observat cateva confuzii, cand postati un addons, nu scrieti in interiorul postului "titlu : addons,blablabla"


Ce contine addons-ul. Adica ce mod, ce versiune, ce alte facilitati are in plus (booster,hlguard,webmod,statsme,etc.)
* Puteti folosi urmatorii termeni :

* Normal - addons standard.
* Normal+ - addons standard dar cu cateva lucruri modificate.
* War3ft - addons cu puteri war3ft.
* UWC3 - addons cu puteri war3ft diverse.
* Respawn/CSDM - addons care te reinvie imediat dupa ce mori.
* Soccerjam - addons cu fifa/cs instalat.
* Zombie - addons in care jucatorii trebuie 'infectati' de un zombie.
* DeathRun - addons in care jucatorii trebuie sa treaca de obstacole
* Hide N'Seek - addons in
* Divers - addons Neinclus in aceste tipuri (daca credeti ca mai trebuie adaugat un alt tip trimiteti-mi mesaj pe privat !)

Autor: Cine a facut addonsul respectiv
Versiune: 1.x 2.x


Pluginuri: aici veti scrie ce pluginuri are addons-ul postat (fara cele de baza) si ce fac acestea !
plugin1.amxx - ce face pluginul respectiv
plugin2.amxx - ce face pluginul respectiv
plugin3.amxx - ce face pluginul respectiv

- Daca vreti sa postati un addons care nu este facut de dvs.,folositi intai cautarea pentru a va asigura ca addons-ul respectiv nu este deja postat de altcineva !
- De asemenea,daca incercati sa ne pacaliti cu un addons copiat si punandu-va pe dvs ca si autor,topicul va fi mutat la Cos si riscati sa primiti warn !
- NU postati tot link-ul catre addons ! Ci folositi ]URL :

C. Raspuns/Reply
1.Cei care posteaza addons-ul !
Daca vi se zice "gj,misto addons" nu raspundeti cu "merci,alte pareri",etc...

2.Cei care raspund !
Nu faceti reply-uri de gen-ul "gj","bravo","misto addons","gg tare",etc...

3.Copiere !
Daca vi se pare ca un addons postat este copiat, nu faceti replay cu "copiat,praf","addons-ul este copiat","nu tu l-ai facut".etc.. ci veniti cu o dovada daca vreti sa fiti bagati in seama! Daca aduceti acuzatii false riscati sa primiti warn ! De asemenea, nu aduceti cuvinte vulgare la adresa autorului, veti primi fara nici o ezitare warn sau chiar ban !
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11 Jan 2013, 20:05

Incearca sa scoti accesul la amxmodmenu din menufront.sma pentru ca un admin rauvoitor poate sa-ti faca rau oprindu-ti toate pluginurile :)
Un server care nu stie ce-i ala boost! ONLINE DE 4 ANI!
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11 Jan 2013, 20:43

La pluginu de respawn tot nu sa rezolvat 8-| .
Imi da eroarea asta in logo .

Code: Select all

L 01/11/2013 - 19:29:26: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "respawn.amxx")
L 01/11/2013 - 19:29:26: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "cs_get_user_team")
L 01/11/2013 - 19:29:26: [AMXX]    [0] respawn.sma::respawn (line 29)
L 01/11/2013 - 20:20:34: Start of error session.
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11 Jan 2013, 20:49

aia functie e degeaba acolo :|

Code: Select all

#include < amxmodx >
#include < hamsandwich >
#include < fun >
public plugin_init ( ) 
    register_plugin ( "auto respawner", "50", "DeathRun" )
    RegisterHam ( Ham_Killed, "player", "dead_playerr", 1 )
    register_clcmd ( "say /respawn", "respawn" );
    register_clcmd ( "say /revive", "respawn" );

public client_putinserver ( id )
    if ( !is_user_connected ( id ) || is_user_bot ( id ) )
        return 1;
    set_task( 5.0, "respawn", id )
    return -1;

public respawn ( id )
    if ( !is_user_alive ( id ) ) /* && cs_get_user_team ( id ) == CS_TEAM_CT ) */
        ExecuteHamB ( Ham_CS_RoundRespawn, id )
        give_item ( id, "weapon_knife" )

public dead_playerr ( id )
    if ( is_user_connected ( id ) )
        set_task ( 1.0, "respawn", id )


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