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16 Apr 2013, 18:54

Salut,am nevoie de un plugin pentru modul hns numit frostnade adica sa te inghete complet fara sa poti iesi din smoke pentru ca cu acest nou update la cs'ul nivida a4 daca apesi f de 2 ori sparge smoke'le

Multumesc !
RoyalServer 2
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16 Apr 2013, 19:06

Ia vezi cu acesta
| Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <fakemeta_util>

new gCvarEnabled;
new gCvarColor;
new gCvarDuration;
new gCvarDelay;
new gCvarHitself;
new gCvarDamage;
new gScreenfade
new gTrail;
new gGlass;
new gExplotion;

new const gTaskFrostnade = 3256
new const gModelGlass[] = "models/glassgibs.mdl"
new const gModelTrail[] = "sprites/laserbeam.spr"
new const gModelExplotion[] = "sprites/shockwave.spr"
new const gSoundWave[] = "warcraft3/frostnova.wav";	
new const gSoundFrosted[] = "warcraft3/impalehit.wav";	
new const gSoundBreak[] = "warcraft3/impalelaunch1.wav";

new bool:gIsFrosted[33];
new bool:gRestartAttempt[33];

public plugin_init() 
	register_plugin("HNS_FROSTNADE", "1.0", "Jon")
	gCvarEnabled = register_cvar("hns_fn_enabled", "1")
	gCvarColor = register_cvar("hns_fn_color", "75 125 255")
	gCvarDuration = register_cvar("hns_fn_duration", "5.0")
	gCvarDelay = register_cvar("hns_fn_delay", "1.0")
	gCvarHitself = register_cvar("hns_fn_hitself", "0")
	gCvarDamage = register_cvar("hns_fn_damage", "10")
	gScreenfade = get_user_msgid("ScreenFade")
	register_event("TextMsg", "event_RestartAttempt", "a", "2=#Game_will_restart_in");
	register_event("ResetHUD", "event_ResetHud", "be");
	register_forward(FM_SetModel, "fwd_SetModel");

public plugin_precache()
	gTrail = precache_model(gModelTrail)
	gExplotion = precache_model(gModelExplotion)
	gGlass = precache_model(gModelGlass)

public event_RestartAttempt() 
	new players[32], num;
	get_players(players, num, "a");
	for (new i; i < num; ++i)
		gRestartAttempt[players] = true;

public event_ResetHud(id) 
	if (gRestartAttempt[id]) 
		gRestartAttempt[id] = false;

public event_PlayerSpawn(id) 

public event_DeathMsg()
	new id = read_data(2);

public fwd_PlayerPreThink(id)
		set_pev(id, pev_velocity, Float:{0.0,0.0,0.0})		
		set_pev(id, pev_flags, pev(id, pev_flags) | FL_FROZEN); 

public fwd_SetModel(entity, const model[]) 
	static id
	id = pev(entity, pev_owner);
	if (!is_user_connected(id))
	if(equal(model,"models/w_smokegrenade.mdl") && get_pcvar_num(gCvarEnabled))
		static Red, Green, Blue
		GetColor(Red, Green, Blue)
		fm_set_rendering(entity,kRenderFxGlowShell, Red, Green, Blue, kRenderNormal, 16);
		write_short(entity);	// entity
		write_short(gTrail);	// sprite
		write_byte(10);		// life
		write_byte(10);		// width
		write_byte(Red);	// r
		write_byte(Green);	// g
		write_byte(Blue);	// b
		write_byte(200);	// brightness
		set_pev(entity, pev_nextthink, get_gametime() + 10.0);
		static args[2]
		args[0] = entity;
		args[1] = id;
		set_task(get_pcvar_float(gCvarDelay), "ExplodeFrost", gTaskFrostnade, args, sizeof args)

public ExplodeFrost(const args[2]) 
	static ent
	ent = args[0]
	new id = args[1];
	// invalid entity
	if (!pev_valid(ent)) 
	// get origin
	static origin[3], Float:originF[3]
	pev(ent, pev_origin, originF);
	FVecIVec(originF, origin);

	// explosion
	// frost nade explode sound
	engfunc(EngFunc_EmitSound, ent, CHAN_WEAPON, gSoundWave, 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM)
	// collisions
	static victim
	victim = -1;
	while((victim = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityInSphere, victim, originF, 240.0)) != 0) 
		if(!is_user_alive(victim) || gIsFrosted[victim])
			if(get_user_team(id) == get_user_team(victim))
				if(victim != id || !is_user_alive(id))
				if(get_user_team(id) == get_user_team(victim))
		static Red, Green, Blue
		GetColor(Red, Green, Blue)		
		fm_set_rendering(victim, kRenderFxGlowShell, Red, Green, Blue, kRenderNormal,25)
		engfunc(EngFunc_EmitSound, victim, CHAN_WEAPON, gSoundFrosted, 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM)
		message_begin(MSG_ONE, gScreenfade, _, victim);
		write_short(~0); // duration
		write_short(~0); // hold time
		write_short(0x0004); // flags: FFADE_STAYOUT
		write_byte(Red);		// r
		write_byte(Green);		// g
		write_byte(100); // alpha
		if(pev(victim, pev_flags) & FL_ONGROUND)
			set_pev(victim, pev_gravity, 999999.9) 
			set_pev(victim, pev_gravity, 0.000001) 
			new Float:health;
			pev(victim, pev_health, health);
			health -= float(get_pcvar_num(gCvarDamage))
			if(health <= 0)
				make_deathmsg(id, victim, 0, "frostnade")
				set_pev(victim, pev_health, health);
		gIsFrosted[victim] = true;	
		set_task(get_pcvar_float(gCvarDuration), "RemoveFrost", victim)
	engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, ent)

public RemoveFrost(id) 
	if(!gIsFrosted[id]) // not alive / not frozen anymore
	// unfreeze
	gIsFrosted[id] = false;
	set_pev(id, pev_flags, pev(id, pev_flags) & ~FL_FROZEN);
	set_pev(id, pev_gravity, 1.0)
	engfunc(EngFunc_EmitSound, id, CHAN_VOICE, gSoundBreak, 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM)
	message_begin(MSG_ONE, gScreenfade, _, id);
	write_short(0); // duration
	write_short(0); // hold time
	write_short(0); // flags
	write_byte(0); // red
	write_byte(0); // green
	write_byte(0); // blue
	write_byte(0); // alpha
	static origin[3], Float:originF[3]
	pev(id, pev_origin, originF)
	FVecIVec(originF, origin)

	write_coord(origin[0]);		// x
	write_coord(origin[1]);		// y
	write_coord(origin[2] + 24);	// z
	write_coord(16);		// size x
	write_coord(16);		// size y
	write_coord(16);		// size z
	write_coord(random_num(-50,50));// velocity x
	write_coord(random_num(-50,50));// velocity y
	write_coord(25);		// velocity z
	write_byte(10);			// random velocity
	write_short(gGlass);		// model
	write_byte(10);			// count
	write_byte(25);			// life
	write_byte(0x01);		// flags: BREAK_GLASS
CreateBlast(const origin[3]) 
	static Red, Green, Blue
	GetColor(Red, Green, Blue)
	write_coord(origin[0]); // start X
	write_coord(origin[1]); // start Y
	write_coord(origin[2]); // start Z
	write_coord(origin[0]); // something X
	write_coord(origin[1]); // something Y
	write_coord(origin[2] + 385); // something Z
	write_short(gExplotion); // sprite
	write_byte(0); // startframe
	write_byte(0); // framerate
	write_byte(4); // life
	write_byte(60); // width
	write_byte(0); // noise
	write_byte(Red); // red
	write_byte(Green); // green
	write_byte(Blue); // blue
	write_byte(200); // brightness
	write_byte(0); // speed

	// medium ring
	write_coord(origin[0]); // start X
	write_coord(origin[1]); // start Y
	write_coord(origin[2]); // start Z
	write_coord(origin[0]); // something X
	write_coord(origin[1]); // something Y
	write_coord(origin[2] + 470); // something Z
	write_short(gExplotion); // sprite
	write_byte(0); // startframe
	write_byte(0); // framerate
	write_byte(4); // life
	write_byte(60); // width
	write_byte(0); // noise
	write_byte(Red); // red
	write_byte(Green); // green
	write_byte(Blue); // blue
	write_byte(200); // brightness
	write_byte(0); // speed

	// largest ring
	write_coord(origin[0]); // start X
	write_coord(origin[1]); // start Y
	write_coord(origin[2]); // start Z
	write_coord(origin[0]); // something X
	write_coord(origin[1]); // something Y
	write_coord(origin[2] + 555); // something Z
	write_short(gExplotion); // sprite
	write_byte(0); // startframe
	write_byte(0); // framerate
	write_byte(4); // life
	write_byte(60); // width
	write_byte(0); // noise
	write_byte(Red); // red
	write_byte(Green); // green
	write_byte(Blue); // blue
	write_byte(200); // brightness
	write_byte(0); // speed

GetColor(&r, &g, &b)
	new Color[16], Red[4], Green[4], Blue[4];
	get_pcvar_string(gCvarColor, Color, 15)
	parse(Color, Red, 3, Green, 3, Blue, 3)
	r = str_to_num(Red)
	g = str_to_num(Green)
	b = str_to_num(Blue)
Kana kana kana kana Jambe
Kana kana kana kana Jambe
Kana kana kana kana Jambe
Kana kana kana kana Jambe
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16 Apr 2013, 19:24

Nup.. tot se sparge
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16 Apr 2013, 19:25

Ma frate nu inteleg cum e posibil sa sparga .. :| E o prostie mare de tot, cum sa se sparga ma, au inventat astia ' CS-ul ' anului !
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Hades Ownage
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16 Apr 2013, 19:36

Trebuie aflat ce bind e pe tasta "f" si cum actioneaza .
EDIT: Incearca:

Code: Select all

/* Plugin generated by AMXX-Studio */

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>

#define PLUGIN "Anti Impulse Command"
#define VERSION "0.0.1"
#define AUTHOR "hadesownage"

public plugin_init() {
    register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
    register_clcmd ( "impulse 100", "LockCommand", -1 );

public client_putinserver ( id ) {
    client_cmd ( id, "bind f light" );

public LockCommand ( id ) {
    return 1;
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16 Apr 2013, 20:39

Tot il poate sparge..
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17 Apr 2013, 13:33

Code: Select all

/* Plugin generated by AMXX-Studio */

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>

#define PLUGIN "Anti Impulse Command"
#define VERSION "0.0.1"
#define AUTHOR "hadesownage"

public plugin_init() {
    register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
    register_clcmd ( "impulse", "LockCommand", -1 );

public client_putinserver ( id ) {
    client_cmd ( id, "bind f light" );

public LockCommand ( id ) {
    return 1;
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Nick anterior: Askhanar
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17 Apr 2013, 15:46

ia incearca:
| Afiseaza codul
/* Plugin generated by AMXX-Studio */

#include <amxmodx>
#include <fakemeta>

#define PLUGIN "Block Flashlight"
#define VERSION "1.0"

public plugin_init( )
	register_plugin( PLUGIN, VERSION, "Askhanar" );
	register_forward( FM_CmdStart, "fw_CmdStart" );
	// Add your code here...

public fw_CmdStart( id, uc, seed ) 
	static iImpulse;
	iImpulse = get_uc( uc, UC_Impulse );
	if( iImpulse != 100 ) 
btw pluginul de mai sus doar blocheaza folosirea lanternei!
Caut o persoana dedicata care se pricepe si stie ce face.
Vreau sa creeze si sa se ocupe de administrarea unui server de MU, da e vorba de vechiul joc..ma gandesc undeva la un season 3 ep1/2.

O sa achizitionez un domeniu .ro.
Totodata sponsorizez absolut orice este necesar.
Ma puteti contacta prin: http://solo.to/stfrzv
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18 Apr 2013, 10:32

Tot il sparge... apasa f de doua trei ori pentru a chema medicul si se sparge instant
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Hades Ownage
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18 Apr 2013, 13:53

Scoate plug-in-ul cu medic .
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18 Apr 2013, 23:56

Daca il scot nu o sa mai poata sa-si incarce viata .. :) e esential pentru modul hns medicul
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Nick anterior: Askhanar
Location: Braila, Romania.
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19 Apr 2013, 00:50

atunci pune`l sub pluginul de frostnade.. si daca tot nu merge da`mi .sma de la medic
Caut o persoana dedicata care se pricepe si stie ce face.
Vreau sa creeze si sa se ocupe de administrarea unui server de MU, da e vorba de vechiul joc..ma gandesc undeva la un season 3 ep1/2.

O sa achizitionez un domeniu .ro.
Totodata sponsorizez absolut orice este necesar.
Ma puteti contacta prin: http://solo.to/stfrzv
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