Music Player pe server :)[Rezolvat!]

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31 Jul 2013, 17:04

Salutare eXtreamCS, As dori un Plugin
Vreau un plugin la care sa scrii /music si sa-ti apara un meniu:
1. Melodia 1
2. Melodia mea
7. Melodia lui ...
8. Inapoi
9. Inainte
0. Iesi

Iar melodiile sa fie in sound/
Si sa le scriu untr-un fisier .ini in genu asta
"sound/misc/music.mp3" "Numele_Melodiei"
"sound/Music2.wav" "Numele_Melodiei2"
DAR NU VREAU SA LA AUD DOAR EU, Sa le auda toti de pe server
Si sa ai nevoie de ADMIN_IMMUNITY Ca sa ai acces
Multumesc MUULT Si anticipat !!!!! ^_^
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RoyalServer 2
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31 Jul 2013, 21:53

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#include < amxmodx >
#include < amxmisc >


enum _:g_mMusicArray
	g_mName[ 32 ],
	g_mAuthor[ 18 ],
	g_mPath[ 64 ]

new g_szMusicFile[ 64 ], g_iSong[ 33 ], g_iToAll[ 33 ], Float:g_fVolume[ 33 ];

new Array:g_aSongs;

public plugin_init( )
	register_plugin( "Music Menu", "v1.0", "XControlX" );
	register_saycmd( "/music", "CmdMusicMenu", ADMIN_IMMUNITY, "- Open the music menu." );
	register_saycmd( "/stop", "CmdStopMusic", ADMIN_IMMUNITY, "- Stop the music." );

public plugin_precache( )
	g_aSongs = ArrayCreate( g_mMusicArray );
	loadMusics( );
	new music[ g_mMusicArray ];
	for ( new i = 0; i < ArraySize( g_aSongs ) - 1; i++ )
		ArrayGetArray( g_aSongs, i, music );
		precache_sound( music[ g_mPath ] );

public plugin_end( )
	ArrayDestroy( g_aSongs );

public client_connect( client )
	g_iSong[ client ] = 0;
	g_iToAll[ client ] = 0;
	g_fVolume[ client ] = 0.5;

public CmdMusicMenu( client )
	if ( ! is_user_connected( client ) )	return 1;
	if ( ArraySize( g_aSongs ) <= 1 )	return ColorChat( client, "The server didn't load any song." );
	new music[ g_mMusicArray ], item[ 50 ];
	ArrayGetArray( g_aSongs, g_iSong[ client ], music );
	new menu = menu_create( "\r[Music] \yMusic Menu^n\wChoose your options:", "CmdMusicHandler" );
	new callback = menu_makecallback( "CmdMusicCallback" );
	formatex( item, charsmax( item ), "\rSong: [\y%s\r]", music[ g_mName ] );
	menu_additem( menu, item );
	formatex( item, charsmax( item ), "\rAuthor: [\y%s\r]", music[ g_mAuthor ] );
	menu_additem( menu, item, _, _, callback );
	formatex( item, charsmax( item ), "\rVolume: [\y%.1f\r]", g_fVolume[ client ] );
	menu_additem( menu, item );
	formatex( item, charsmax( item ), "\rPlay To All: [\y%sable\r]", g_iToAll[ client ] ? "En" : "Dis" );
	menu_additem( menu, item, _, _, callback );
	menu_addblank( menu, 0 );
	menu_additem( menu, "\rStart The Music" );
	menu_setprop( menu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL );
	menu_setprop( menu, MPROP_EXITNAME, "\rExit Music Menu" );
	menu_setprop( menu, MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR, "\d" );
	menu_display( client, menu, 0 );
	return 1;

public CmdMusicCallback( client, menu, item )
	switch ( item )
		case 1:		return ITEM_DISABLED;
		case 3:		return ( get_user_flags( client ) & MUSIC_ACCESS ) ? ITEM_ENABLED : ITEM_DISABLED;

public CmdMusicHandler( client, menu, item )
	if ( item != MENU_EXIT )
		switch ( item )
			case 0:
				( g_iSong[ client ] >= ( ArraySize( g_aSongs )  - 1 ) ) ? ( g_iSong[ client ] = 0 ) : ( g_iSong[ client ] += 1 );
				return CmdMusicMenu( client );
			case 2:
				( g_fVolume[ client ] > 1.0 ) ? ( g_fVolume[ client ] = 0.1 ) : ( g_fVolume[ client ] += 0.1 );
				return CmdMusicMenu( client );
			case 3:
				if ( ! ( get_user_flags( client ) & MUSIC_ACCESS ) ) return CmdMusicMenu( client );
				g_iToAll[ client ] = ! g_iToAll[ client ];
				return CmdMusicMenu( client );
			case 4:
				new music[ g_mMusicArray ];
				ArrayGetArray( g_aSongs, g_iSong[ client ], music );
				( g_iToAll[ client ] ) ? client_cmd( 0, "mp3 play ^"sound/%s^"", music[ g_mPath ] ) : client_cmd( client, "mp3 play ^"sound/%s^"", music[ g_mPath ] );
				( g_iToAll[ client ] ) ? client_cmd( 0, "MP3Volume %.1f", g_fVolume[ client ] ) : client_cmd( client, "MP3Volume %.1f", g_fVolume[ client ] );
				( g_iToAll[ client ] ) ? ColorChat( 0, "^x03 Admin %s^x01 has started the song^x03 ^"%s^"^x01, by^x03 ^"%s^"^x01.^x04 (Volume: %.1f)", GetUserName( client ), music[ g_mName ], music[ g_mAuthor ], g_fVolume[ client ] ) : ColorChat( client, "You have started the song^x03 ^"%s^"^x01, by^x03 ^"%s^"^x01.^x04 (Volume: %.1f)", music[ g_mName ], music[ g_mAuthor ], g_fVolume[ client ] );
	menu_destroy( menu );
	return 1;

public CmdStopMusic( client )
	if ( ! is_user_connected( client ) )	return 1;
	client_cmd( client, "mp3 stop" );
	ColorChat( client, "You have^x03 stoped^x01 the music." );
	return 1;

stock GetUserName( const index )
	static name[ 32 ];
	get_user_name( index, name, charsmax( name ) );
	return name;

stock loadMusics( )
	get_configsdir( g_szMusicFile, charsmax( g_szMusicFile ) );
	add( g_szMusicFile, charsmax( g_szMusicFile ), "/MusicMenu.ini" );
	if ( ! file_exists( g_szMusicFile ) )
		write_file( g_szMusicFile, "; Music Menu By xControl" );
		write_file( g_szMusicFile, "; ==================================================" );
		write_file( g_szMusicFile, "; How to add a song to the menu:" );
		write_file( g_szMusicFile, "; ^"music name^" ^"music author^" ^"music path^"" );
		write_file( g_szMusicFile, "; ==================================================" );
	new buffer[ 128 ], args[ g_mMusicArray ];
	new file = fopen( g_szMusicFile, "rt" );
	while ( ! feof( file ) )
		fgets( file, buffer, charsmax( buffer ) );
		remove_quotes( buffer );
		if ( buffer[ 0 ] == ';' || equali( buffer, "//", 2 ) || strlen( buffer ) < 5 )	continue;
		parse( buffer, args[ g_mName ], charsmax( args[ g_mName ] ), args[ g_mAuthor ], charsmax( args[ g_mAuthor ] ), args[ g_mPath ], charsmax( args[ g_mPath ] ) );
		new song[ 64 ];
		formatex( song, charsmax( song ), "sound/%s", args[ g_mPath ] );
		if ( ! file_exists( song ) )
			log_amx( "Can't load song %s by %s (%s)", args[ g_mName ], args[ g_mAuthor ], song );
		ArrayPushArray( g_aSongs, args );
	fclose( file );
	( ArraySize( g_aSongs ) < 1 ) ? log_amx( "Can't load any song from file." ) : log_amx( "Successfuly loaded %i songs from file.", ArraySize( g_aSongs ) );

stock register_saycmd( command[ ], function[ ], flags, description[ ] )
	new signs[ ] = { "/", "!", "." };
	new types[ ] = { "say", "say_team" };
	new temp[ 64 ];
	for ( new i = 0; i < sizeof( signs ); i++ )
		for ( new j = 0; j < sizeof( types ); j++ )
			formatex( temp, charsmax( temp ), "%s %s%s", types[ j ], signs[ i ], command );
			register_clcmd( temp, function, flags, description );

stock ColorChat( const iPlayer, const szMsg[ ], { Float, Sql, Resul, _ } : ... ) 	
	new iMsg[ 191 ], iPlayers[ 32 ], iCount = 1;
	static iLen;
	iLen = formatex( iMsg, charsmax( iMsg ), "^x04[Music]^x01 " );
	vformat( iMsg[ iLen ], charsmax( iMsg ) - iLen, szMsg, 3 ); 
	if ( iPlayer )
		iPlayers[ 0 ] = iPlayer;
		get_players( iPlayers, iCount, "ch" );
	for ( new i = 0; i < iCount; i++ )
		if ( ! is_user_connected( iPlayers[ i ] ) )
		message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid( "SayText" ), _, iPlayers[ i ] );
		write_byte( iPlayers[ i ] );
		write_string( iMsg );
		message_end( );
	return 1;
*{\\ rtf1\\ fbidis\\ ansi\\ ansicpg1252\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil\\ fcharset0 Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ ltrpar\\ lang1037\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par }
Aproximativ ceea ce vrei tu.

Adaugi melodiile in MusicMenu.ini (fie il creezi tu, fie ti-l creeaza serverul cand rulezi plugin-ul) din configs dupa urmatorul mode:

Code: Select all

"Nume melodie" "Autor" "Locatie"

"Gangnam Style" "PSY" "MusicMenu/gangnam_style.mp3"
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01 Aug 2013, 20:07

Multumesc muult !!!
Last edited by d3zz on 03 Aug 2013, 09:32, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Rezolvat
Contact | Afiseaza codul
Contact: valio_skull
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