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Doctor whO? <3
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02 Oct 2013, 16:05

Sall all :D
Vr si eu un plugin pentru modul furien pentru echipa CT, camp.
Cel care se incarca cu %.
RoyalServer 2
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02 Oct 2013, 16:48

| Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <fun>
#include <cstrike>	// don't worry if you're not running cstrike, it's all good
#include <csx>			// don't worry if you're not running cstrike, it's all good

#pragma semicolon 1

#define TASKID_CHECK_CAMPING 85809473

#define DBG_METER_ON_1	1

#define SND_STOP (1<<5)

#define TEAM1 1
#define TEAM2	2

// Player Flags
#define METER_PAUSE		 1
#define METER_IGNORE		2
#define PLAYER_BLIND		4
#define PLAYER_SOUND		8

#define FADE_IN	(1<<0)
#define FADE_OUT	(1<<1)
#define FADE_HOLD (1<<2)

#define FADE_LENGTH_PERM (1<<0)

#define PUNISH_SLAP			  1
#define PUNISH_HEALTH		  2
#define PUNISH_SOUND		  4
#define PUNISH_BLIND		  8
#define PUNISH_MONEY		16
#define PUNISH_SNARKS	 32

#define ANNOUNCE_HUD  2




#define MAX_PLAYER_CNT	 32
#define MAX_VECTOR_CNT	  4
#define MAX_COORD_CNT		3


new g_meter[MAX_PLAYER_CNT + 1], g_playerFlags[MAX_PLAYER_CNT + 1], g_snarkCnt[MAX_PLAYER_CNT + 1];
new g_bombPlanter, bool:g_bombPlanted;
new g_bombDefuser;
new g_msgFade, g_mapHasBomb;
new g_cstrike;
new g_immunityFlags[32];
new g_maxPlayers;
new g_campMeterMsgSync, g_isCampingMsgSync;

// declare CVAR pointers
new g_cvarDebug, g_cvarPunish, g_cvarLimit, g_cvarDisplay, g_cvarCheckAll, g_cvarShowSpec;
new g_cvarStart, g_cvarDamageReset, g_cvarDamageRestart, g_cvarHealth, g_cvarMoney;
new g_cvarMinPlayers, g_cvarAllow, g_cvarAnnounce, g_cvarSound, g_cvarImmunityFlags;

public plugin_natives()

public filter_module(const module[])
	return (equal(module, "cstrike") || equal(module, "csx")) ? PLUGIN_HANDLED : PLUGIN_CONTINUE;

public filter_native(const name[], index, trap)

public plugin_precache()
	if (get_cvar_num("badcamper_sound") & SOUNDTYPE_SNORE) precache_sound("misc/snore.wav");


public plugin_init()
	new pluginVersion[] = "1.4 beta";
	register_plugin("Bad Camper", pluginVersion, "Brad Jones");

	register_cvar("badcamper_version", pluginVersion, FCVAR_SERVER|FCVAR_SPONLY);
	g_cvarDebug = register_cvar("badcamper_debug", "0");

	register_concmd("badcamper", "cmd_list", ADMIN_CVAR, "- lists available punishments and indicates which are active");
	g_cvarPunish				= register_cvar("badcamper_punish", "12");  // is camping to be punished and if so, how
	g_cvarLimit			 		= register_cvar("badcamper_limit", "35");  // seconds allowed to camp
	g_cvarDisplay		  	= register_cvar("badcamper_display", "1"); // at what percentage to display meter
	g_cvarCheckAll		 	= register_cvar("badcamper_check_all", "1"); // check both teams or just team with primary objective
	g_cvarStart			 		= register_cvar("badcamper_start", "4.0"); // number of seconds after the start of a round that the meter starts
	g_cvarDamageReset	 	= register_cvar("badcamper_damage_reset", "3"); // flag that indicates which meter(s) get reset upon a player attack
	g_cvarDamageRestart = register_cvar("badcamper_damage_restart", "4.0"); // number of seconds after giving or taking damage that the meter restarts
	g_cvarHealth				= register_cvar("badcamper_health", "10");  // health taken if 'health reduction' punishment flag set (at 100% camp meter)
	g_cvarMoney			 		= register_cvar("badcamper_money", "10"); // percentage of player's money taken if 'money reduction' punishment flag set (at 100% camp meter)
	g_cvarMinPlayers	  = register_cvar("badcamper_min_players", "0"); // minimum players before camping is allowed
	g_cvarAllow			 		= register_cvar("badcamper_allow", "0"); // when is camping allowed
	g_cvarAnnounce		 	= register_cvar("badcamper_announce", "3"); // announce a player's camping status
	g_cvarSound			 		= register_cvar("badcamper_sound", "1"); // type of sound to play when "badcamper_punish" includes the sound punishment
	g_cvarImmunityFlags = register_cvar("badcamper_immunity_flags", ""); // which access levels have immunity
	g_cvarShowSpec		 	= register_cvar("badcamper_show_spec", "1");	// let spectators see a player's meter?

public plugin_cfg()
	g_msgFade = get_user_msgid("ScreenFade");
	g_maxPlayers = get_maxplayers();
	g_isCampingMsgSync = CreateHudSyncObj();
	g_campMeterMsgSync = CreateHudSyncObj();
	get_pcvar_string(g_cvarImmunityFlags, g_immunityFlags, 31);

	if (module_exists("cstrike"))
		g_cstrike = true;

//		register_event("StatusValue","set_spec_target","bd","1=2"); // from Kost
		register_event("SpecHealth2", "meter_display_spec_clear", "bd");
		register_event("BarTime", "event_bartime", "b");
		register_event("HLTV", "event_new_round", "a", "1=0", "2=0");
		register_logevent("event_round_start", 2, "1=Round_Start");
		register_logevent("event_round_end", 2, "1=Round_End");
		register_logevent("event_round_end", 2, "1&Restart_Round_");
		g_mapHasBomb = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString,-1, "classname", "func_bomb_target");
	else if (module_exists("dodx"))
		register_event("RoundState", "event_round_start", "a", "1=1");
		register_event("RoundState", "event_round_end", "a", "1>2");
		register_event("ResetSens", "flags_reset", "b");

public cmd_list(id, level, cid)
	if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
	new punishmentFlags = get_pcvar_num(g_cvarPunish);
	new punishSlap[32], punishHealth[32], punishSound[32], punishBlind[32], punishMoney[32], punishSnarks[32];

	// List each of the punishments available and indicate which of them are currently active.
	formatex(punishSlap,	31, "%5i %-1.1s%L",  1, (punishmentFlags & PUNISH_SLAP) ? "*" : "",	LANG_SERVER, "PUNISH_SLAP") ;
	formatex(punishHealth, 31, "%5i %-1.1s%L",  2, (punishmentFlags & PUNISH_HEALTH) ? "*" : "", LANG_SERVER, "PUNISH_HEALTH");
	formatex(punishSound,  31, "%5i %-1.1s%L (%L)",  4, (punishmentFlags & PUNISH_SOUND) ? "*" : "",  LANG_SERVER, "PUNISH_SOUND", LANG_SERVER, (get_pcvar_num(g_cvarSound) & SOUNDTYPE_SNORE) ? "SOUND_SNORE" : "SOUND_HEART");
	formatex(punishBlind,  31, "%5i %-1.1s%L",  8, (punishmentFlags & PUNISH_BLIND) ? "*" : "",  LANG_SERVER, "PUNISH_BLIND");
	formatex(punishMoney,  31, "%5i %-1.1s%L", 16, (punishmentFlags & PUNISH_MONEY) ? "*" : "",  LANG_SERVER, "PUNISH_MONEY");
	formatex(punishSnarks, 31, "%5i %-1.1s%L", 32, (punishmentFlags & PUNISH_SNARKS) ? "*" : "", LANG_SERVER, "PUNISH_SNARKS");
	if (id)
		client_print(id, print_console, "%s", punishSlap);
		client_print(id, print_console, "%s", punishHealth);
		client_print(id, print_console, "%s", punishSound);
		client_print(id, print_console, "%s", punishBlind);
		client_print(id, print_console, "%s", punishMoney);
		client_print(id, print_console, "%s", punishSnarks);
		server_print("%s", punishSlap);
		server_print("%s", punishHealth);
		server_print("%s", punishSound);
		server_print("%s", punishBlind);
		server_print("%s", punishMoney);
		server_print("%s", punishSnarks);

public check_camping()
	new bool:allowTeamCamp[3] = {false, ...};
	allowTeamCamp[TEAM1] = true;
	/* don't check, if the plugin is disabled */
	new punishmentFlags = get_pcvar_num(g_cvarPunish);
	if (punishmentFlags == 0) return;
	/* don't check, if there is only one player on server */
	new players[32], playerCnt;
	get_players(players, playerCnt, "ch");	// don't include bots or hltv
	if (playerCnt == 1 && !(get_pcvar_num(g_cvarDebug) && DBG_METER_ON_1)) return;

	/* determine acceptable camping values */
	new allowCampValue = get_pcvar_num(g_cvarAllow);
	new s_allowCampValue[8];
	new bool:allowCampByRatio;

	if (allowCampValue > 0)
		get_pcvar_string(g_cvarAllow, s_allowCampValue, 7);
		allowCampByRatio = (contain(s_allowCampValue, "%") ==-1) ? false : true;
		allowCampValue = (allowCampByRatio) ? clamp(allowCampValue, 1, 100) : clamp(allowCampValue, 1, 32);

	/* determine if either team is allowed to camp */
	new playerCnt_team1, playerCnt_team2, teamID, id;

	get_players(players, playerCnt, "h"); // don't include hltv
	if (playerCnt >= get_pcvar_num(g_cvarMinPlayers))
		// based on their objective ...
		if (!get_pcvar_num(g_cvarCheckAll) && g_cstrike)
			if (!g_mapHasBomb)
				allowTeamCamp[TEAM1] = true;
			else if (g_bombPlanted)
				allowTeamCamp[TEAM1] = true;
				allowTeamCamp[TEAM1] = true;

		// ... and based on calculated camp allowance
		if (allowCampValue > 0)
			// get living player counts for each team
			get_players(players, playerCnt, "ah");	// skip dead players and hltv
			for (new playerIdx = 0; playerIdx < playerCnt; ++playerIdx)
				id = players[playerIdx];
				teamID = get_user_team(id);
				if (teamID == TEAM1)
				else if (teamID == TEAM2)

			if (allowCampByRatio)
				// allow camp per ratio of players on player's team to players on other team
				if (!allowTeamCamp[TEAM1]) allowTeamCamp[TEAM1] = allowCampValue >= percent(playerCnt_team1, playerCnt_team2);
				if (!allowTeamCamp[TEAM2]) allowTeamCamp[TEAM2] = allowCampValue >= percent(playerCnt_team2, playerCnt_team1);
				// allow camp per straight player count
				if (!allowTeamCamp[TEAM1]) allowTeamCamp[TEAM1] = (allowCampValue >= playerCnt_team1);
				if (!allowTeamCamp[TEAM2]) allowTeamCamp[TEAM2] = (allowCampValue >= playerCnt_team2);

	/* handle each player's camping needs */
	new stdDev, campTolerance;
	new prevMeter, bool:punishCamper, Float:punishPercentage;
	new announceCampStatus = get_pcvar_num(g_cvarAnnounce);

	get_players(players, playerCnt, "ah");	// skip dead players and hltv
	for (new playerIdx = 0; playerIdx < playerCnt; ++playerIdx)
		id = players[playerIdx];
		// pause the meter (don't cycle coords) if needed
		if (g_playerFlags[id] & METER_PAUSE) continue;
		// insert the current location of the player
		coords_insert(id, COORDTYPE_BODY);
		// ignore the meter if the player can legally camp or the player's meter is being ignored
		teamID = get_user_team(id);
		if (allowTeamCamp[teamID] || g_playerFlags[id] & METER_IGNORE) continue;

		// ignore if this player meets the immunity requirements
		if (has_flag(id, g_immunityFlags))
			// insert the current coords of where the player's shot would hit, i.e. where the player is looking
			coords_insert(id, COORDTYPE_EYES);

			if (standing_still(id) && !looking_around(id) && g_meter[id] >= 65 && g_meter[id] < 80) continue;

		// grab the standard deviation from the player coords
		stdDev = coords_stdv(id);

		// grab the camping tolerance based on current objective
		campTolerance = (!g_mapHasBomb || g_bombPlanted) ? TOLERANCE_ATTACKING : TOLERANCE_DEFENDING;
		// grab the current meter percentage
		prevMeter = g_meter[id];
		// add new percentage points to the meter
		g_meter[id] += (campTolerance- stdDev) / get_pcvar_num(g_cvarLimit);

		// ensure the meter falls within bounds		
		g_meter[id] = clamp(g_meter[id], 0, 100);

		// if the meter is trending down, give the player some love
		if (g_meter[id] < prevMeter)
			if (g_meter[id] < 80)
				// help the meter find it's way down
				g_meter[id]-= (prevMeter- g_meter[id]) / 3;
				if (prevMeter >= 80)
					// ensure player isn't still being punished
					// announce that the player is no longer camping
					if (announceCampStatus && g_playerFlags[id] & CAMPER_ANNOUNCED) camper_announcement(id, false);

		// determine how severe the punishment should be, if at all
		punishCamper = true; // now prove me wrong
		if (g_meter[id] == 100)		 punishPercentage = 1.00;
		else if (g_meter[id] >= 90) punishPercentage = 0.50;
		else if (g_meter[id] >= 80) punishPercentage = 0.10;
		else punishCamper = false;
		// punish the vile camper
		if (punishCamper)
			if (punishmentFlags & PUNISH_SLAP)	 punish_slap(id, punishPercentage);
			if (punishmentFlags & PUNISH_HEALTH) punish_health_reduction(id, punishPercentage);
			if (punishmentFlags & PUNISH_BLIND)  punish_blind(id, punishPercentage);
			if (punishmentFlags & PUNISH_SOUND)  punish_sound(id, punishPercentage);
			if (punishmentFlags & PUNISH_MONEY)  punish_money_reduction(id, punishPercentage);
			if (punishmentFlags & PUNISH_SNARKS) punish_snark_attack(id, punishPercentage);

			// announce that the player is camping
			if (g_meter[id] >= 90 && !(g_playerFlags[id] & CAMPER_ANNOUNCED)) camper_announcement(id, true);

		// let them know how long they've camped

camper_announcement(id, bool:isCamping)
	// announce to the opposite team this player's camping status
	new camperName[32];
	get_user_name(id, camperName, 31);
	new camperTeam = get_user_team(id);

	new announcementType = get_pcvar_num(g_cvarAnnounce);	
	if (announcementType)
		new msgAnnouncement[16];
		copy(msgAnnouncement, 15, (isCamping) ? "CAMPING_STARTED" : "CAMPING_STOPPED");

		new playerId, announcement[64];
		for (playerId = 1; playerId <= g_maxPlayers; playerId++)
			if (is_user_connected(playerId) && get_user_team(playerId) != camperTeam)
				formatex(announcement, 63, "%L", playerId, msgAnnouncement, camperName);
				if (announcementType & ANNOUNCE_CHAT)
					client_print(playerId, print_chat, "[BADCAMPER] %s", announcement);
				if (announcementType & ANNOUNCE_HUD)
					set_hudmessage(100, 100, 255,-1.0, 0.88, 0, 1.0, 6.0, 0.1, 0.1,-1);
					ShowSyncHudMsg(playerId, g_isCampingMsgSync, "%s", announcement);
		g_playerFlags[id] += (isCamping) ? CAMPER_ANNOUNCED :-CAMPER_ANNOUNCED;

punish_health_reduction(id, Float:punishPercentage)
	set_pev(id, pev_dmg_inflictor, id);
//	set_pev(id, pev_health, get_user_health(id)- floatround(get_pcvar_float(g_cvarHealth) * punishPercentage)); <-- apparently this does bad things
	set_user_health(id, get_user_health(id)- floatround(get_pcvar_float(g_cvarHealth) * punishPercentage));

punish_sound(id, Float:punishPercentage)
	new soundFile[32];
	formatex(soundFile, 31, (get_pcvar_num(g_cvarSound) & SOUNDTYPE_SNORE) ? "misc/snore.wav" : "player/heartbeat1.wav");
	emit_sound(id, CHAN_VOICE, soundFile, punishPercentage, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM);
	if (!(g_playerFlags[id] & PLAYER_SOUND)) g_playerFlags[id] += PLAYER_SOUND;

	new soundFile[32];
	formatex(soundFile, 31, (get_pcvar_num(g_cvarSound) & SOUNDTYPE_SNORE) ? "misc/snore.wav" : "player/heartbeat1.wav");

	emit_sound(id, CHAN_VOICE, soundFile, 0.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM);
	if (g_playerFlags[id] & PLAYER_SOUND) g_playerFlags[id]-= PLAYER_SOUND;

punish_slap(id, Float:punishPercentage)
	for (new slapCnt = 1; slapCnt <= floatround(3.0 * punishPercentage, floatround_ceil); slapCnt++)
		user_slap(id, 0);

punish_money_reduction(id, Float:punishPercentage)
	if (g_cstrike)
		new Float:lossPercentage = (get_pcvar_float(g_cvarMoney) / 100.0) * punishPercentage;
		new Float:currentMoney = float(cs_get_user_money(id));
		new reducedMoney = floatround(currentMoney- (currentMoney * lossPercentage));
		cs_set_user_money(id, reducedMoney);

public meter_display(id)
	new displayMeter = get_pcvar_num(g_cvarDisplay);
	if (displayMeter > 0 && g_meter[id] >= displayMeter)
		new r, g, b;
		if (g_meter[id] > 90)
			r = 255;
		else if (g_meter[id] > 80)
			r = 255; 
			g = 100;
		else if (g_meter[id] > 50) 
			r = 255;
			g = 255;
		else if (g_meter[id] > 20) 
			g = 255; 
			b = 255;

		set_hudmessage(r, g, b,-1.0, 0.85, 0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.1, 0.1,-1);
		ShowSyncHudMsg(id, g_campMeterMsgSync, "%L", id, "CAMP_METER", g_meter[id]);
		// if allowed and there's anyone specing this player, go ahead and show them the meter too
		if (g_cvarShowSpec)
			new playerCnt, players[MAX_PLAYER_CNT], id_spectator;
			get_players(players, playerCnt, "bch");	// skip alive players, bots, and hltv
			for (new playerIdx = 0; playerIdx < playerCnt; ++playerIdx)
				id_spectator = players[playerIdx];
				if (pev(id_spectator, pev_iuser2) == id)
					ShowSyncHudMsg(id_spectator, g_campMeterMsgSync, "%L", id_spectator, "CAMP_METER", g_meter[id]);

public standing_still(id)
	return vectors_same(id, COORDTYPE_BODY);

public looking_around(id)
	return !vectors_same(id, COORDTYPE_EYES);

public vectors_same(id, coordType)
	new curCoords[MAX_COORD_CNT], coordIdx;

	// grab the current coordinates
	for (coordIdx = 0; coordIdx < MAX_COORD_CNT; ++coordIdx)
		curCoords[coordIdx] = (coordType == COORDTYPE_BODY) ? g_coordsBody[id][0][coordIdx] : g_coordsEyes[id][0][coordIdx];

	for (new vectorIdx = 1; vectorIdx < MAX_VECTOR_CNT; ++vectorIdx)
		for (coordIdx = 0; coordIdx < MAX_COORD_CNT; ++coordIdx)
			if (curCoords[coordIdx] != ((coordType == COORDTYPE_BODY) ? g_coordsBody[id][vectorIdx][coordIdx] : g_coordsEyes[id][vectorIdx][coordIdx])) 
				return false;
	return true;

public coords_stdv(id)
	// get the total variance of all the coords
	new sum, avg, variance, varianceTot;
	new coordIdx, vectorIdx;

	for (coordIdx = 0; coordIdx < MAX_COORD_CNT; ++coordIdx)
		// initialize our working variables
		sum = 0;
		variance = 0;
		// get the average of the coordinate
		for (vectorIdx = 0; vectorIdx < MAX_VECTOR_CNT; ++vectorIdx)
			sum += g_coordsBody[id][vectorIdx][coordIdx];
		avg = sum / MAX_VECTOR_CNT;
		// get the variance of the coordinate
		for (vectorIdx = 0; vectorIdx < MAX_VECTOR_CNT; ++vectorIdx)
			variance += power(g_coordsBody[id][vectorIdx][coordIdx]- avg, 2);
		variance = variance / (MAX_VECTOR_CNT- 1);
		// increment the total variance of all coordinates
		varianceTot += variance;

	// return the standard deviation (std dev = the square root of the variance)
	return sqroot(varianceTot);

public coords_insert(id, coordType)
	// move each vector up one level, making room at the bottom for the new coords
	for (new vectorIdx = MAX_VECTOR_CNT- 1; vectorIdx > 0;--vectorIdx)
		for (new coordIdx = 0; coordIdx < MAX_COORD_CNT; ++coordIdx)
			if (coordType == COORDTYPE_BODY)
				g_coordsBody[id][vectorIdx][coordIdx] = g_coordsBody[id][vectorIdx- 1][coordIdx];
				g_coordsEyes[id][vectorIdx][coordIdx] = g_coordsEyes[id][vectorIdx- 1][coordIdx];
	// now that space is cleared for them, insert the current coords into the lowest vector
	if (is_user_connected(id))
		if (coordType == COORDTYPE_BODY)
			get_user_origin(id, g_coordsBody[id][0], 0);
			get_user_origin(id, g_coordsEyes[id][0], 3);

public punish_snark_attack(id, Float:punishPercentage)
	new maxSnarkCnt = floatround(punishPercentage * 16.0);

	if (g_snarkCnt[id] < maxSnarkCnt)
		// send the snarks out, two at a time
		server_cmd("monster snark #%i", id);
		server_cmd("monster snark #%i", id);
		g_snarkCnt[id] += 2;

public punish_blind(id, Float:punishPercentage)
	new duration = (punishPercentage == 1.0) ? FADE_LENGTH_PERM : 1<<12;
	new holdTime = (punishPercentage == 1.0) ? FADE_LENGTH_PERM : 1<<8;
	new fadeType = (punishPercentage == 1.0) ? FADE_HOLD : FADE_IN;
	new blindness = 127 + floatround(128.0 * punishPercentage);
	if (is_user_alive(id))
		if (!(g_playerFlags[id] & PLAYER_BLIND)) g_playerFlags[id] += PLAYER_BLIND;
		message_begin(MSG_ONE, g_msgFade, {0,0,0}, id); // use the magic #1 for "one client" 
		write_short(duration); // fade lasts this long duration 
		write_short(holdTime); // fade lasts this long hold time 
		write_short(fadeType); // fade type 
		write_byte(0); // fade red 
		write_byte(0); // fade green 
		write_byte(0); // fade blue  
		write_byte(blindness); // fade alpha  

public punish_blind_stop(id)
	if (g_playerFlags[id] & PLAYER_BLIND) g_playerFlags[id]-= PLAYER_BLIND;

	message_begin(MSG_ONE, g_msgFade, {0,0,0}, id); // use the magic #1 for "one client"  
	write_short(1<<12); // fade lasts this long duration  
	write_short(1<<8); // fade lasts this long hold time  
	write_short(FADE_OUT); // fade type
	write_byte(0); // fade red  
	write_byte(0); // fade green  
	write_byte(0); // fade blue	 
	write_byte(255); // fade alpha	 

public meter_dmg_reset(id)
	// forgive previous camping transgressions
	g_meter[id] = 0;
	g_playerFlags[id] = 0;
	// the player has been through enough trauma (getting or giving damage)
	// so let's just ignore the camp meter for awhile
	set_task(get_pcvar_float(g_cvarDamageRestart), "meter_unignore", id);

public meter_pause(id)
	if (!(g_playerFlags[id] & METER_PAUSE)) g_playerFlags[id] += METER_PAUSE;

public meter_ignore(id)
	if (!(g_playerFlags[id] & METER_IGNORE)) g_playerFlags[id] += METER_IGNORE;

public meter_unpause(id)
	if (g_playerFlags[id] & METER_PAUSE) g_playerFlags[id]-= METER_PAUSE;

public meter_unignore(id)
	if (g_playerFlags[id] & METER_IGNORE) g_playerFlags[id]-= METER_IGNORE;

public start_checking()
	for (new id = 1; id <= 32; id++)

public bomb_planting(planter)
	g_bombPlanter = planter;

public event_bartime(id)
	if (read_data(1) == 0)
		if (id == g_bombPlanter)
			g_bombPlanter = 0;
		else if (id == g_bombDefuser)
			g_bombDefuser = 0;

public bomb_planted(planter)
	g_bombPlanter = 0;
	g_bombPlanted = true;

public bomb_defusing(defuser)
	g_bombDefuser = defuser;

public bomb_defused(defuser)
	g_bombDefuser = 0;	

public client_damage(attacker, victim, damage, wpnindex, hitplace, TA)
	if (attacker && victim && attacker != victim && !TA) 
		new damageResetFlag = get_pcvar_num(g_cvarDamageReset);
		if (damageResetFlag & DMG_RESET_DEFENDER) 
		if (damageResetFlag & DMG_RESET_ATTACKER) 

public event_round_end()
	// stop checking for camping

public event_new_round()
	// make sure any straggling monsters are sent away to a better place
	if (get_pcvar_num(g_cvarPunish) & PUNISH_SNARKS)

public event_round_start()
	g_bombPlanted = false;

	if (get_pcvar_num(g_cvarPunish))
		// reset all the flags
		for (new id = 1; id <= 32; id++)
		set_task(get_pcvar_float(g_cvarStart), "start_checking");
		set_task(2.0, "check_camping", TASKID_CHECK_CAMPING, _, _, "b");

	// this function will kill ALL monsters on the map, it doesn't make a distinction
	// between monsters spawned by THIS plugin and monsters spawned some other way.
	// if it's a monster, it'll be killed.
	new Float:health;
	new maxEntities = global_get(glb_maxEntities);
	for (new entity = 1; entity < maxEntities; ++entity)
		if (pev_valid(entity) && pev(entity, pev_flags) & FL_MONSTER)
			set_pev(entity, pev_dmg_inflictor, 0);	// set the damage inflictor to "world"
			pev(entity, pev_health, health);				// grab the monster's current health
			set_pev(entity, pev_health, 0.0);				// kill the monster by taking away all it's health //pev_fuser4

public flags_reset(id)
	g_meter[id] = 0;
	g_playerFlags[id] = 0;
	g_snarkCnt[id] = 0;

public coords_reset(id)
	for (new vectorIdx = 0; vectorIdx < MAX_VECTOR_CNT; vectorIdx++)
		coords_insert(id, COORDTYPE_BODY);

public punish_stop_all(id)
	if (g_playerFlags[id] & PLAYER_BLIND) punish_blind_stop(id);
	if (g_playerFlags[id] & PLAYER_SOUND) punish_sound_stop(id);
	g_snarkCnt[id] = 0;

percent(is, of)
	return (of != 0) ? floatround(floatmul(float(is)/float(of), 100.0)) : 0;

stock debug_log(const textID[] = "", const text[] = "", {Float,Sql,Result,_}:...)
	new debugger = get_cvar_num("badcamper_debug");
	if (debugger || debugger ==-1)
		// format the text as needed
		new formattedText[1024];
		format_args(formattedText, 1023, 1);
		// if there's a text identifier, add it
		if (textID[0])
			format(formattedText, 1023, "[%s] %s", textID, formattedText);
		// log text to file
		log_to_file("_badcamper.log", formattedText);
		// if there's someone to show text to, do so
		if (debugger && is_user_connected(debugger))
			client_print(debugger, print_chat, formattedText);
	// not needed but gets rid of stupid compiler error
	if (text[0] == 0) return;

stock has_flag(id, flags[])
	return (get_user_flags(id) & read_flags(flags));

public meter_display_spec_clear(id)
	ClearSyncHud(id, g_campMeterMsgSync);
bad_camper.txt il pui in data/lang bad_camper.txt
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02 Oct 2013, 17:00

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daca ai putea sa-mi lasi PM cu ce scrie in el, sau alt site :D
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02 Oct 2013, 17:10

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