[inchis] Cerere Plugin respawn si speedometer

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30 Jan 2014, 13:15

Dupa cum spune si titlul , asi dori un plugin de speedometer , cam asa:Image daca se poate sa il compilati voi sa aibe culoare fix asa sau macar sa imi explicati cum se face

Si un plugin respawn , cam asa:Image si aici sa fie ca si in poza :D daca se poate !
Last edited by YONTU on 30 Jan 2014, 15:55, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Inchis!
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30 Jan 2014, 13:27

| Afiseaza codul
#include < amxmodx >
#include < fakemeta >

#pragma semicolon 1

static const

	VERSION[ ] =		"0.0.1",
	AUTHOR[ ] =		"Rap^^";

public plugin_init( )
	register_plugin( PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR );
	register_forward( FM_PlayerPreThink, "ForwardPreThink" );

public ForwardPreThink(id)
	if( is_user_alive( id ) )
		new Float: vVelocity[3];

		pev(id, pev_velocity, vVelocity);
		set_hudmessage(0, 170, 255, 0.32, 0.46, 0, 6.0, 12.0)
		show_hudmessage(id, "Viteza: %d unitati/secunda", floatround(vector_length(vVelocity), floatround_floor));
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30 Jan 2014, 13:35

| Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <cstrike>

new g_counter  

new Float:RoundStartTime

new g_Time_Interval;
const MAX_PLAYERS = 32;

new g_iRespawn[MAX_PLAYERS+1], g_TeamInfoCounter[MAX_PLAYERS+1], CsTeams:g_iPlayerTeam[MAX_PLAYERS+1];
new g_pCvarRespawnTime, g_pCvarRespawnDelay, g_pCvarMaxHealth;

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin("Dr.Respawn", "1.1", "Vicious Vixen"); 
	RegisterHam(Ham_Killed, "player", "fwdPlayerKilledPost", 1);
	RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "fwdPlayerSpawnPost", 1);
	register_event("TeamInfo", "eTeamInfo", "a");
	register_logevent( "LogEventRoundStart", 2, "1=Round_Start" )
	g_pCvarRespawnTime = register_cvar("amx_respawn_tickets", "0"); //Set to 0 for unlimited respawns
	g_pCvarRespawnDelay = register_cvar("amx_respawn_delay", "1"); // Delay to respawn
	g_pCvarMaxHealth = register_cvar("amx_max_health", "100"); // Health on respawn
	g_Time_Interval = register_cvar("amx_max_time", "30"); // Time Left to respawn
	set_msg_block( get_user_msgid( "ClCorpse" ), BLOCK_SET );
	register_event("HLTV", "event_new_round", "a", "1=0", "2=0") 

public event_new_round()
	set_task ( 20.0, "end_bai_coi", 0 ) ;
	player_color( 0, ".g[.vDR.g] AVETI RESPAWN .e20 .gSECUNDE !", g_Time_Interval)
public end_bai_coi()
	 player_color( 0, ".g[.vDR.g] RESPAWN DEZACTIVAT MOTHERFUCKER !")
public LogEventRoundStart()
	RoundStartTime = get_gametime()
	new iPlayers[32]
	new iNum
	get_players( iPlayers, iNum )
	for( new i = 0; i < iNum; i++ )
		g_iRespawn[iPlayers] = true

public Runda_Terminata()

public fwdPlayerKilledPost(iVictim, iKiller, iShoudlGib)
	if(g_iRespawn[iVictim]++ < get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarRespawnTime) || get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarRespawnTime) == 0)
		set_task(get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarRespawnDelay), "taskRespawnPlayer", iVictim);
	return HAM_IGNORED;

public fwdPlayerSpawnPost(iClient)
		set_pev(iClient, pev_health, get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarMaxHealth));

public taskRespawnPlayer(id)
	if(is_user_connected(id) && RoundStartTime + get_pcvar_num(g_Time_Interval) >= get_gametime() && g_iRespawn[id] && !is_user_alive(id) && cs_get_user_team(id) != CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR) {
		ExecuteHamB(Ham_CS_RoundRespawn, id)
		g_iRespawn[id] = false

public eTeamInfo() 
	new iClient = read_data(1);
	new szTeam[2];
	read_data(2, szTeam, charsmax(szTeam));
		case 'T': 
			if(g_TeamInfoCounter[iClient] == 2 || g_iPlayerTeam[iClient] == CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR)
				set_task(get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarRespawnDelay), "taskRespawnPlayer",  iClient);
			g_iPlayerTeam[iClient] = CS_TEAM_T;
		case 'C': 
			if(g_TeamInfoCounter[iClient] == 2 || g_iPlayerTeam[iClient] == CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR)
				set_task(get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarRespawnDelay), "taskRespawnPlayer",  iClient);
			g_iPlayerTeam[iClient] = CS_TEAM_CT;
		case 'S':
			g_iPlayerTeam[iClient] = CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR;

stock player_color( const id, const input[ ], any:... )
	new count = 1, players[ 32 ]

	static msg[ 191 ]
	vformat( msg, 190, input, 3 )
	replace_all( msg, 190, ".v", "^4" ) /* verde */
	replace_all( msg, 190, ".g", "^1" ) /* galben */
	replace_all( msg, 190, ".e", "^3" ) /* ct=albastru | t=rosu */
	replace_all( msg, 190, ".x", "^0" ) /* normal-echipa */
	if( id ) players[ 0 ] = id; else get_players( players, count, "ch" )
		for( new i = 0; i < count; i++ )
			if( is_user_connected( players[ i ] ) )
				message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid( "SayText" ), _, players[ i ] )
				write_byte( players[ i ] );
				write_string( msg );
				message_end( );
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30 Jan 2014, 13:46

Mr.SpRyTe wrote:
| Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <cstrike>

new g_counter  

new Float:RoundStartTime

new g_Time_Interval;
const MAX_PLAYERS = 32;

new g_iRespawn[MAX_PLAYERS+1], g_TeamInfoCounter[MAX_PLAYERS+1], CsTeams:g_iPlayerTeam[MAX_PLAYERS+1];
new g_pCvarRespawnTime, g_pCvarRespawnDelay, g_pCvarMaxHealth;

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin("Dr.Respawn", "1.1", "Vicious Vixen"); 
	RegisterHam(Ham_Killed, "player", "fwdPlayerKilledPost", 1);
	RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "fwdPlayerSpawnPost", 1);
	register_event("TeamInfo", "eTeamInfo", "a");
	register_logevent( "LogEventRoundStart", 2, "1=Round_Start" )
	g_pCvarRespawnTime = register_cvar("amx_respawn_tickets", "0"); //Set to 0 for unlimited respawns
	g_pCvarRespawnDelay = register_cvar("amx_respawn_delay", "1"); // Delay to respawn
	g_pCvarMaxHealth = register_cvar("amx_max_health", "100"); // Health on respawn
	g_Time_Interval = register_cvar("amx_max_time", "30"); // Time Left to respawn
	set_msg_block( get_user_msgid( "ClCorpse" ), BLOCK_SET );
	register_event("HLTV", "event_new_round", "a", "1=0", "2=0") 

public event_new_round()
	set_task ( 20.0, "end_bai_coi", 0 ) ;
	player_color( 0, ".g[.vDR.g] AVETI RESPAWN .e20 .gSECUNDE !", g_Time_Interval)
public end_bai_coi()
	 player_color( 0, ".g[.vDR.g] RESPAWN DEZACTIVAT MOTHERFUCKER !")
public LogEventRoundStart()
	RoundStartTime = get_gametime()
	new iPlayers[32]
	new iNum
	get_players( iPlayers, iNum )
	for( new i = 0; i < iNum; i++ )
		g_iRespawn[iPlayers] = true

public Runda_Terminata()

public fwdPlayerKilledPost(iVictim, iKiller, iShoudlGib)
	if(g_iRespawn[iVictim]++ < get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarRespawnTime) || get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarRespawnTime) == 0)
		set_task(get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarRespawnDelay), "taskRespawnPlayer", iVictim);
	return HAM_IGNORED;

public fwdPlayerSpawnPost(iClient)
		set_pev(iClient, pev_health, get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarMaxHealth));

public taskRespawnPlayer(id)
	if(is_user_connected(id) && RoundStartTime + get_pcvar_num(g_Time_Interval) >= get_gametime() && g_iRespawn[id] && !is_user_alive(id) && cs_get_user_team(id) != CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR) {
		ExecuteHamB(Ham_CS_RoundRespawn, id)
		g_iRespawn[id] = false

public eTeamInfo() 
	new iClient = read_data(1);
	new szTeam[2];
	read_data(2, szTeam, charsmax(szTeam));
		case 'T': 
			if(g_TeamInfoCounter[iClient] == 2 || g_iPlayerTeam[iClient] == CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR)
				set_task(get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarRespawnDelay), "taskRespawnPlayer",  iClient);
			g_iPlayerTeam[iClient] = CS_TEAM_T;
		case 'C': 
			if(g_TeamInfoCounter[iClient] == 2 || g_iPlayerTeam[iClient] == CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR)
				set_task(get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarRespawnDelay), "taskRespawnPlayer",  iClient);
			g_iPlayerTeam[iClient] = CS_TEAM_CT;
		case 'S':
			g_iPlayerTeam[iClient] = CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR;

stock player_color( const id, const input[ ], any:... )
	new count = 1, players[ 32 ]

	static msg[ 191 ]
	vformat( msg, 190, input, 3 )
	replace_all( msg, 190, ".v", "^4" ) /* verde */
	replace_all( msg, 190, ".g", "^1" ) /* galben */
	replace_all( msg, 190, ".e", "^3" ) /* ct=albastru | t=rosu */
	replace_all( msg, 190, ".x", "^0" ) /* normal-echipa */
	if( id ) players[ 0 ] = id; else get_players( players, count, "ch" )
		for( new i = 0; i < count; i++ )
			if( is_user_connected( players[ i ] ) )
				message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid( "SayText" ), _, players[ i ] )
				write_byte( players[ i ] );
				write_string( msg );
				message_end( );

Din pacate nu e ce asteptam :|
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30 Jan 2014, 13:47

scosmynnnn wrote:viteza:
| Afiseaza codul
#include < amxmodx >
#include < fakemeta >

#pragma semicolon 1

static const

	VERSION[ ] =		"0.0.1",
	AUTHOR[ ] =		"Rap^^";

public plugin_init( )
	register_plugin( PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR );
	register_forward( FM_PlayerPreThink, "ForwardPreThink" );

public ForwardPreThink(id)
	if( is_user_alive( id ) )
		new Float: vVelocity[3];

		pev(id, pev_velocity, vVelocity);
		set_hudmessage(0, 170, 255, 0.32, 0.46, 0, 6.0, 12.0)
		show_hudmessage(id, "Viteza: %d unitati/secunda", floatround(vector_length(vVelocity), floatround_floor));
Imi poti oferi un link de downlodare pentru sma :D
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30 Jan 2014, 14:03

Te invit sa citesti regulamentul!

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