New effects from damage [19.02.2014]

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18 Feb 2014, 14:20

Descriere: La un anumit dmg facut victimei va aparea un mic efect mai nou.
Descarcare v1.0.0:
New effects from
NEW: Download
SMA v1.0 | Afiseaza codul
[code=php]#include < amxmodx >
#include < message_const >

new const PLUGIN_NAME[  ] = "New effects from damage",
     PLUGIN_VERSION[  ] = "2.0",

/* Aici stergi "//" din fata liniei daca vrei sa ti se coloreze imaginea cand faci un anumit dmg victimei */

// Don't change; These are messages
#define TE_BEAMTORUS     19    // Screen aligned beam ring, expands to max radius over lifetime
#define TE_BEAMDISK     20    // Disk that expands to max radius over lifetime
#define TE_BEAMCYLINDER     21    // Cylinder that expands to max radius over lifetime

// Cvars
new g_cvarShakeScreenEffectsOn, g_cvarTypeEffects;

// Var
new ShockWave;

// Random Color( Red, Green, Blue )
new const RandomColorRed[  ] = {


new const RandomColorGreen[  ] = {


new const RandomColorBlue[  ] = {


public plugin_init(  ) {

    register_event( "Damage", "event_Damage", "b", "2!0", "3=0", "4!0" );

    g_cvarShakeScreenEffectsOn = register_cvar( "nde_shakescreen_on", "1" );
    g_cvarTypeEffects = register_cvar( "nde_type_effects", "2" );

public plugin_precache(  )
    ShockWave = precache_model( "sprites/shockwave.spr" );

public event_Damage( id ) {

    static iAttacker;
    static fDamage;

    iAttacker = get_user_attacker( id );
    fDamage = read_data( 2 );

    if( get_user_team( iAttacker ) == get_user_team( id ) || !is_user_alive( iAttacker ) )
        return 1;

    if( fDamage > 0 ) {

        switch( get_pcvar_num( g_cvarTypeEffects ) ) {

            case 0: {    // TE_BEAMTORUS

                if( get_pcvar_num( g_cvarShakeScreenEffectsOn ) )
                    ShakeScreen( id, 3.0 );

                new g_iColor[ 3 ];
                g_iColor[ 0 ] = RandomColorRed[ random_num( 0, charsmax( RandomColorRed ) ) ];
                g_iColor[ 1 ] = RandomColorGreen[ random_num( 0, charsmax( RandomColorGreen ) ) ];
                g_iColor[ 2 ] = RandomColorBlue[ random_num( 0, charsmax( RandomColorBlue ) ) ];

                new iOrigin[ 3 ];
                get_user_origin( id, iOrigin, 0 );

                UTIL_CreateBeamCylinder( iOrigin, 19, 60, ShockWave, 0, 0, 4, 70, 0, g_iColor[ 0 ], g_iColor[ 1 ], g_iColor[ 2 ], 255, 0 );
#if defined FADE_SCREEN
                FadeScreen( iAttacker, 1.5, g_iColor[ 1 ], g_iColor[ 0 ], g_iColor[ 2 ], 153 );

            case 1: {    // TE_BEAMDISK

                if( get_pcvar_num( g_cvarShakeScreenEffectsOn ) )
                    ShakeScreen( id, 3.0 );

                new g_iColor[ 3 ];
                g_iColor[ 0 ] = RandomColorRed[ random_num( 0, charsmax( RandomColorRed ) ) ];
                g_iColor[ 1 ] = RandomColorGreen[ random_num( 0, charsmax( RandomColorGreen ) ) ];
                g_iColor[ 2 ] = RandomColorBlue[ random_num( 0, charsmax( RandomColorBlue ) ) ];

                new iOrigin[ 3 ];
                get_user_origin( id, iOrigin, 0 );

                UTIL_CreateBeamCylinder( iOrigin, 20, 135, ShockWave, 0, 0, 4, 70, 0, g_iColor[ 0 ], g_iColor[ 1 ], g_iColor[ 2 ], 255, 0 );
#if defined FADE_SCREEN
                FadeScreen( iAttacker, 1.5, g_iColor[ 1 ], g_iColor[ 0 ], g_iColor[ 2 ], 153 );

            case 2: {    // TE_BEAMCYLINDER

                if( get_pcvar_num( g_cvarShakeScreenEffectsOn ) )
                    ShakeScreen( id, 3.0 );

                new g_iColor[ 3 ];
                g_iColor[ 0 ] = RandomColorRed[ random_num( 0, charsmax( RandomColorRed ) ) ];
                g_iColor[ 1 ] = RandomColorGreen[ random_num( 0, charsmax( RandomColorGreen ) ) ];
                g_iColor[ 2 ] = RandomColorBlue[ random_num( 0, charsmax( RandomColorBlue ) ) ];

                new iOrigin[ 3 ];
                get_user_origin( id, iOrigin, 0 );

                UTIL_CreateBeamCylinder( iOrigin, 21, 60, ShockWave, 0, 0, 4, 70, 0, g_iColor[ 0 ], g_iColor[ 1 ], g_iColor[ 2 ], 255, 0 );
#if defined FADE_SCREEN
                FadeScreen( iAttacker, 1.5, g_iColor[ 1 ], g_iColor[ 0 ], g_iColor[ 2 ], 153 );

    return 0;

public ShakeScreen( id, const Float:iSeconds ) {

    message_begin( MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid( "ScreenShake" ), { 0, 0, 0 }, id );
    write_short( floatround( 4096.0 * iSeconds, floatround_round ) );
    write_short( floatround( 4096.0 * iSeconds, floatround_round ) );
    write_short( 1<<13 );
    message_end(  );

#if defined FADE_SCREEN
stock FadeScreen( id, const Float:iSeconds, const iRed, const iGreen, const iBlue, const iAlpha ) {

    message_begin( MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid( "ScreenFade" ), _, id );
    write_short( floatround( 4096.0 * iSeconds, floatround_round ) );
    write_short( floatround( 4096.0 * iSeconds, floatround_round ) );
    write_short( 0x0000 );
    write_byte( iRed );
    write_byte( iGreen );
    write_byte( iBlue );
    write_byte( iAlpha );
    message_end(  );

stock UTIL_CreateBeamCylinder( iOrigin[ 3 ], iTE, iRadius, iSprite, iStartFrate, iFrameRate, iLife, iWidth, iAmplitude, Red, Green, Blue, iBrightness, iSpeed ) {

    message_begin( MSG_ALL, SVC_TEMPENTITY, iOrigin ); 
    write_byte( iTE );
    write_coord( iOrigin[ 0 ] );
    write_coord( iOrigin[ 1 ] );
    write_coord( iOrigin[ 2 ] );
    write_coord( iOrigin[ 0 ] );
    write_coord( iOrigin[ 1 ] );
    write_coord( iOrigin[ 2 ] + iRadius );
    write_short( iSprite );
    write_byte( iStartFrate );
    write_byte( iFrameRate );
    write_byte( iLife );
    write_byte( iWidth );
    write_byte( iAmplitude );
    write_byte( Red );
    write_byte( Green );
    write_byte( Blue );
    write_byte( iBrightness );
    write_byte( iSpeed );
    message_end(  );

*{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang1048\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par }
*/ [/code]
Nume: New effects from damage
Versiune: 2.0
Link oficial: Aici.

1. Fisierul new_effects_from_dmg.sma il puneti in addons/amxmodx/scripting !
2. Fisierul new_effects_from_dmg.amxx il puneti in addons/amxmodx/plugins !
3. Intrati in fisierul addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini si adaugati la urma:

Code: Select all

4. Alti pasi necesari...
Cvar-uri (se adauga in fisierul amxmodx\configs\amxx.cfg):
  • nde_shakescreen_on "0 / 1":
    * 1 - Zguduie ecranul victimei cand atacatorul ii face daunele
    * 0 - Nu zguduie
    nde_type_effects "0 / 1 / 2":
    * 0 - Efectul apare in forma de diamant, cu diverse raze segmentate, numit si Beamtorus (vedeti pozele mai jos)
    * 1 - La bazinul trupului apare un disc pe o anumita raza, numit si Beamdisk
    * 2 - Efectul apare sub forma de cilindru, numit si Beamcylinder
Alte Informatii | Afiseaza codul
/* Aici stergi "//" din fata liniei daca vrei sa ti se coloreze imaginea cand faci un anumit dmg victimei */
Module necesare (se sterge ; din fata modulului de mai jos; acestea le gasiti in fisierul amxmodx\configs\modules.ini):
- Nu necesita;
Changelog | Afiseaza codul
[code=php]v1.0 - Prima lansare
v2.0 - Trecerea din Ham_TakeDamage in Damage(event), fixarea bugurilor, alegerea random a culorilor, efecte noi[/code]
Imagini | Afiseaza codul












Fade Screen ON:

„Peste douăzeci de ani vei fi dezamăgit din cauza lucrurilor pe care nu le-ai făcut, nu din cauza celor pe care le-ai făcut.” - Mark Twain
„Asa e si in viata, hotii castiga, prostii care invata pierd.” - Mihai Nemeș

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18 Feb 2014, 16:15

Frumos ! \m/
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18 Feb 2014, 18:10

Super tare,poate am sa-l bag si la mine pe server :)
Addons HNS level,gravity,xp DOWNLOAD ( e țeapă) - un simplu site de filme pentru timpul liber
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18 Feb 2014, 18:10

Mersi baieti >:) ! O sa mai pun efecte :P !
„Peste douăzeci de ani vei fi dezamăgit din cauza lucrurilor pe care nu le-ai făcut, nu din cauza celor pe care le-ai făcut.” - Mark Twain
„Asa e si in viata, hotii castiga, prostii care invata pierd.” - Mihai Nemeș

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18 Feb 2014, 21:39

Frumoase . Nu prea imi place cel Beamtorus. Restu' sunt ok , parerea mea ;)

EDIT: Dc folosesti "#include <hamsandwich>" daca nu il folosesti ?

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#include <hamsandwich>
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19 Feb 2014, 11:16

off: cum poti baga boti care sa joace pe sv? cum ai facut tu?..
on: frumos plugin :)
Daca vrei sa faci profit case opening
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19 Feb 2014, 11:58

andre.w wrote:off: cum poti baga boti care sa joace pe sv? cum ai facut tu?..
on: frumos plugin :)
Mersi! Mi-am pus un addons clasic la new game :P !

@GhosT*** : Citeste changelog-ul! :) Asa ca am uitat libraria inclusa in plugin :)) !
„Peste douăzeci de ani vei fi dezamăgit din cauza lucrurilor pe care nu le-ai făcut, nu din cauza celor pe care le-ai făcut.” - Mark Twain
„Asa e si in viata, hotii castiga, prostii care invata pierd.” - Mihai Nemeș

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20 Feb 2014, 12:02

frumos dar cand ai px de tabla nu face lag
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20 Feb 2014, 12:53

Code: Select all

new g_iColor[ 3 ];
                g_iColor[ 0 ] = RandomColorRed[ random_num( 0, charsmax( RandomColorRed ) ) ];
                g_iColor[ 1 ] = RandomColorGreen[ random_num( 0, charsmax( RandomColorGreen ) ) ];
                g_iColor[ 2 ] = RandomColorBlue[ random_num( 0, charsmax( RandomColorBlue ) ) ];

Code: Select all

new g_iColor[ 3 ];
                g_iColor[ 0 ] = random( 256 );
                g_iColor[ 1 ] = random( 256 );
                g_iColor[ 2 ] = random( 256 );
si nu mai ai nevoie e glubalele alea 3 cu culori..
Caut o persoana dedicata care se pricepe si stie ce face.
Vreau sa creeze si sa se ocupe de administrarea unui server de MU, da e vorba de vechiul gandesc undeva la un season 3 ep1/2.

O sa achizitionez un domeniu .ro.
Totodata sponsorizez absolut orice este necesar.
Ma puteti contacta prin:
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20 Feb 2014, 17:17

Askhanar wrote:

Code: Select all

new g_iColor[ 3 ];
                g_iColor[ 0 ] = RandomColorRed[ random_num( 0, charsmax( RandomColorRed ) ) ];
                g_iColor[ 1 ] = RandomColorGreen[ random_num( 0, charsmax( RandomColorGreen ) ) ];
                g_iColor[ 2 ] = RandomColorBlue[ random_num( 0, charsmax( RandomColorBlue ) ) ];

Code: Select all

new g_iColor[ 3 ];
                g_iColor[ 0 ] = random( 256 );
                g_iColor[ 1 ] = random( 256 );
                g_iColor[ 2 ] = random( 256 );
si nu mai ai nevoie e glubalele alea 3 cu culori..
@ Am incercat sa iau random dintr-un sir de culori (ex: 255 ,201, 21) si sa afiseze efectele pe rand si nu mi.a iesit :-?? , asa ca am facut asa:

Code: Select all

new g_iColor[ 3 ];
                g_iColor[ 0 ] = RandomColorRed[ random_num( 0, charsmax( RandomColorRed ) ) ];
                g_iColor[ 1 ] = RandomColorGreen[ random_num( 0, charsmax( RandomColorGreen ) ) ];
                g_iColor[ 2 ] = RandomColorBlue[ random_num( 0, charsmax( RandomColorBlue ) ) ];
„Peste douăzeci de ani vei fi dezamăgit din cauza lucrurilor pe care nu le-ai făcut, nu din cauza celor pe care le-ai făcut.” - Mark Twain
„Asa e si in viata, hotii castiga, prostii care invata pierd.” - Mihai Nemeș

Bio.LeagueCs.Ro - Biohazard v4.4 Xmas Edition
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10 Mar 2014, 23:48

Il poti face doar cand omori un vip sa apara efectele?
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27 Mar 2014, 20:43

e super bv ti-a reusit :D
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