New HUD System( Show AP / HP )

Pluginuri facute de utilizatorii forumului eXtream.

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20 Feb 2014, 00:46

Salut, poftim offseturile pentru radar, timp, bani, etc.

Code: Select all

// Hides Crosshair, Ammo, Weapons List ( CAL in code ). Players won't be able to switch weapons using list so it's not recommended
#define HUD_HIDE_CAL (1<<0)

// Hides Flashlight, but adds Crosshair ( Flash in code )
#define HUD_HIDE_FLASH (1<<1)

// Hides all. Equal to "hud_draw 0", it removes everything (amx's menus TOO), so it's hardly not recommended.
//#define HUD_HIDE_ALL (1<<2)

// Hides Radar, Health & Armor, but adds Crosshair ( RHA in code )	
#define HUD_HIDE_RHA (1<<3)

// Hides Timer	
#define HUD_HIDE_TIMER (1<<4)

// Hides Money
#define HUD_HIDE_MONEY (1<<5)

// Hides Crosshair ( Cross in code )
#define HUD_HIDE_CROSS (1<<6)
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20 Feb 2014, 17:24

SimeriaIonut wrote:Salut, poftim offseturile pentru radar, timp, bani, etc.

Code: Select all

// Hides Crosshair, Ammo, Weapons List ( CAL in code ). Players won't be able to switch weapons using list so it's not recommended
#define HUD_HIDE_CAL (1<<0)

// Hides Flashlight, but adds Crosshair ( Flash in code )
#define HUD_HIDE_FLASH (1<<1)

// Hides all. Equal to "hud_draw 0", it removes everything (amx's menus TOO), so it's hardly not recommended.
//#define HUD_HIDE_ALL (1<<2)

// Hides Radar, Health & Armor, but adds Crosshair ( RHA in code )	
#define HUD_HIDE_RHA (1<<3)

// Hides Timer	
#define HUD_HIDE_TIMER (1<<4)

// Hides Money
#define HUD_HIDE_MONEY (1<<5)

// Hides Crosshair ( Cross in code )
#define HUD_HIDE_CROSS (1<<6)
Mersi oricum, gasit si eu dar nu e cine stie ce pluginul ;) !
„Peste douăzeci de ani vei fi dezamăgit din cauza lucrurilor pe care nu le-ai făcut, nu din cauza celor pe care le-ai făcut.” - Mark Twain
„Asa e si in viata, hotii castiga, prostii care invata pierd.” - Mihai Nemeș

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24 Feb 2014, 20:22

Poti face sa apara si Creditele , pentru un server de furien mod. Pluginul de credite este Furien Credits System al lui Ashkanar
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25 Feb 2014, 01:47

| Afiseaza codul
#include < amxmodx >
#include < fakemeta >
#include < hamsandwich >

 * Returns a players credits
 * @param		client - The player index to get points of
 * @return		The credits client

native fcs_get_user_credits(client);

 * Sets <credits> to client
 * @param		client - The player index to set points to
 * @param		credits - The amount of credits to set to client
 * @return		The credits of client

native fcs_set_user_credits(client, credits);

 * Adds <credits> points to client
 * @param		client - The player index to add points to
 * @param		credits - The amount of credits to add to client
 * @return		The credits of client

stock fcs_add_user_credits(client, credits)
	return fcs_set_user_credits(client, fcs_get_user_credits(client) + credits);

 * Subtracts <credits>  from client
 * @param		client - The player index to subtract points from
 * @param		credits - The amount of credits to substract from client
 * @return		The credits of client

stock fcs_sub_user_credits(client, credits)
	return fcs_set_user_credits(client, fcs_get_user_credits(client) - credits);

new const PLUGIN_NAME[  ] = "New HUD System( Show AP / HP )";
new const PLUGIN_VERSION[  ] = "1.0";
new const PLUGIN_AUTHOR[  ] = "YONTU";

#define ColorRed		0
#define ColorGreen	255
#define ColorBlue		0

#define SpecColorRed	0
#define SpecColorGreen	200
#define SpecColorBlue	200

// Thanks Aragon for this codes( director HUD )
#define clamp_byte(%1)		( clamp( %1, 0, 255 ) )
#define pack_color(%1,%2,%3)	( %3 + ( %2 << 8 ) + ( %1 << 16 ) )

const PEV_SPEC_TARGET = pev_iuser2;

new SyncHudMessage;

new g_cvar_show_type;

public plugin_init(  ) {

	register_event( "ResetHUD", "event_ResetHud", "be" );

	RegisterHam( Ham_Spawn, "player", "Ham_PlayerSpawnedPost", 1 );

	g_cvar_show_type = register_cvar( "nhs_show", "1" );

	SyncHudMessage = CreateHudSyncObj(  );

public Ham_PlayerSpawnedPost( id )
	if( is_user_connected( id ) )
		set_task( 1.0, "ShowHud", id, _, _, "b" );

public event_ResetHud( id )
	ShowHud( id );

public ShowHud( id ) {

	switch( get_pcvar_num( g_cvar_show_type ) ) {

		case 0: {

			if( is_user_alive( id ) && ( get_user_team( id ) == 1 || get_user_team( id ) == 2 ) ) {

				new szMessage[ 256 ];
				formatex( szMessage, sizeof( szMessage ) - 1,"Health: %d   Armor: %d   Credits: %i", get_user_health( id ), get_user_armor( id ), fcs_get_user_credits( id ) );

				set_hudmessage( ColorRed, ColorGreen, ColorBlue, 0.02, 0.94, 0, 0.5, 15.0, 2.0, 2.0, -1 );
				ShowSyncHudMsg( id, SyncHudMessage, szMessage );

				set_pdata_int( id, 361, get_pdata_int( id, 361 ) | ( 1<<3 ) );

			else {

				new idSpec;
				new szPlayerName[ 32 ];

				idSpec = pev( id, PEV_SPEC_TARGET );
				get_user_name( idSpec, szPlayerName, 31 );

				set_hudmessage( SpecColorRed, SpecColorGreen, SpecColorBlue, -1.0, 0.7, 0, 0.5, 15.0, 2.0, 2.0, -1 );
				ShowSyncHudMsg( id, SyncHudMessage, "Spectating: %s^nHealth: %d^nArmor: %d^nCredits: %i", szPlayerName, get_user_health( idSpec ), get_user_armor( idSpec ), fcs_get_user_credits( idSpec ) );

		case 1: {
			if( is_user_connected( id ) && is_user_alive( id ) && ( get_user_team( id ) == 1 || get_user_team( id ) == 2 ) ) {

				new szMessage[ 256 ];
				formatex( szMessage, sizeof( szMessage ) - 1,"Health: %d   Armor: %d   Credits: %i", get_user_health( id ), get_user_armor( id ), fcs_get_user_credits( id ) );

				ShowHudMessage( id, szMessage, ColorRed, ColorGreen, ColorBlue, 0.02, 0.94, 0, _, 1.0 );

				set_pdata_int( id, 361, get_pdata_int( id, 361 ) | ( 1<<3 ) );

			else {

				new idSpec;
				new szPlayerName[ 32 ];

				idSpec = pev( id, PEV_SPEC_TARGET );
				get_user_name( idSpec, szPlayerName, 31 );

				new szMessage[ 256 ];
				formatex( szMessage, sizeof( szMessage ) - 1,"Spectating: %s^nHealth: %d^nArmor: %d^nCredits: %i", szPlayerName, get_user_health( idSpec ), get_user_armor( idSpec ), fcs_get_user_credits( idSpec ) );

				ShowHudMessage( id, szMessage, SpecColorRed, SpecColorGreen, SpecColorBlue, -1.0, 0.7, 0, _, 1.0 );

stock ShowHudMessage( const id, const szMessage[  ], red = 0, green = 160, blue = 0, Float:x = -1.0, Float:y = 0.65, effects = 2, Float:fxtime = 0.01, Float:holdtime = 3.0, Float:fadeintime = 0.01, Float:fadeouttime = 0.01 ) {

	new iCount = 1, szPlayers[ 32 ];
	if( id )
		szPlayers[ 0 ] = id;

	get_players( szPlayers, iCount, "ch"); {

		for( new i = 0; i < iCount; i++ ) {

			if( is_user_connected( szPlayers[ i ] ) ) {

				new iColor = pack_color( clamp_byte( red ), clamp_byte( green ), clamp_byte( blue ) )
				message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, SVC_DIRECTOR, _, szPlayers[ i ] );
				write_byte( strlen( szMessage ) + 31 );
				write_byte( DRC_CMD_MESSAGE );
				write_byte( effects );
				write_long( iColor );
				write_long( _:x );
				write_long( _:y );
				write_long( _:fadeintime );
				write_long( _:fadeouttime );
				write_long( _:holdtime );
				write_long( _:fxtime );
				write_string( szMessage );
				message_end(  );

*{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang1048\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par }
vezi sa fie sub cel de credite.
Caut o persoana dedicata care se pricepe si stie ce face.
Vreau sa creeze si sa se ocupe de administrarea unui server de MU, da e vorba de vechiul gandesc undeva la un season 3 ep1/2.

O sa achizitionez un domeniu .ro.
Totodata sponsorizez absolut orice este necesar.
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25 Feb 2014, 19:16

Interesant dar cred ca se poate si mai frumos de atat :)
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28 Mar 2014, 19:57

Poti sa faci sa arate si cate credite ai?

P.S Pe sistemul lui Askhanar
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06 Nov 2014, 22:46

The YONTU wrote:
SimeriaIonut wrote:[/code]
Mersi oricum, gasit si eu dar nu e cine stie ce pluginul ;) !
Il poti face sa nu mai ascunda si radaru ?
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07 Nov 2014, 13:56

ionutalexandru wrote:
The YONTU wrote:
SimeriaIonut wrote:[/code]
Mersi oricum, gasit si eu dar nu e cine stie ce pluginul ;) !
Il poti face sa nu mai ascunda si radaru ?
Are ceva vechime de cand am facut pluginul asta.
Nu stiu cum sa fac sa nu mai ascunda si radarul...
„Peste douăzeci de ani vei fi dezamăgit din cauza lucrurilor pe care nu le-ai făcut, nu din cauza celor pe care le-ai făcut.” - Mark Twain
„Asa e si in viata, hotii castiga, prostii care invata pierd.” - Mihai Nemeș

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Ai nevoie de ajutorul meu? Ma poti gasi doar la adresa de discord de mai sus.
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08 Nov 2014, 01:39

The YONTU wrote:
ionutalexandru wrote:
The YONTU wrote: Mersi oricum, gasit si eu dar nu e cine stie ce pluginul ;) !
Il poti face sa nu mai ascunda si radaru ?
Are ceva vechime de cand am facut pluginul asta.
Nu stiu cum sa fac sa nu mai ascunda si radarul...
Stiu eu sigur ca nu se poate. S-a discutat si pe AlliedModders si nu se poate face nimic.
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01 Jan 2016, 21:02

Se poate doar cu alt plugin, sa pui c4 sprites sa se vada unde e bmb :)
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10 Mar 2016, 16:54

Acest plugin da eroarea :

Code: Select all

SZ_GetSpace: overflow on alex
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on HypeRiONN
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on alex
WARNING: datagram overflowed for alex
WARNING: datagram overflowed for HypeRiONN
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on alex
WARNING: datagram overflowed for alex
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on alex
WARNING: datagram overflowed for alex
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on alex
WARNING: datagram overflowed for alex
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on alex
WARNING: datagram overflowed for alex
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on alex
WARNING: datagram overflowed for alex
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on alex
WARNING: datagram overflowed for alex
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on alex
WARNING: datagram overflowed for alex
Dupa care urmeaza crash la server.
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20 Jan 2017, 11:36

Nu ai putea modifica pluginul sa scoata armura si viata? Fara sa mai pui alt hud.
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