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Nume anterior: scosmynnnn
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13 Jun 2014, 17:18

Atunci multumesc,stiam ca nu am de ce sa ii atribui 33 de pozitii..pentru ca nu e vorba de un player s'au eu stiu cum ci de o echipa,credeam ca merge si asa dar in fine,mersi :)
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13 Jun 2014, 17:51

scosmynnnn wrote:Atunci multumesc,stiam ca nu am de ce sa ii atribui 33 de pozitii..pentru ca nu e vorba de un player s'au eu stiu cum ci de o echipa,credeam ca merge si asa dar in fine,mersi :)
Aici trebuie pentru ca meniul va fii afisat individual pentru toti playerii ( observa ca sunt parcursi in MRAD_ctwin msg.

Edit: am mai gasit o problema:

Code: Select all

 new iPlayers[32], iNum;
   get_players(iPlayers, iNum);
   for(new i = 0; i < iNum; i++)
      menu[iPlayers[i]] = true;
Asta va parcurge toti playerii, absolut toti.

Corect e sa folosesti:

Code: Select all

get_players( iPlayers, iPlayersNum, "e", "TERRORIST" )//t
get_players( iPlayers, iPlayersNum, "e", "CT" )//ct
Codul de mai sus devine

Code: Select all

new iPlayers[32], iNum;
get_players( iPlayers, iPlayersNum, "e", "CT" )//ct
for(new i = 0; i < iNum; i++) {

      menu[iPlayers[i]] = true;
Daca vreti ajutorul meu, nu dati bump la topic, fara intrebari de genu "cat mai dureaza/mai astept mult?".
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13 Jun 2014, 19:50

Imi puteti spune si mie cum modific ce grad de admin poate avea acces la comanda?
| Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <engine>
#include <regex>

#define PLUGIN_NAME	"Advanced Bans"
#define PLUGIN_VERSION	"0.8.1"
#define PLUGIN_AUTHOR	"Exolent"

#pragma semicolon 1

// ===============================================
// ===============================================

// uncomment the line below if you want this plugin to
// load old bans from the banned.cfg and listip.cfg files

// uncomment the line below if you want the history to be in one file

// if you must have a maximum amount of bans to be compatible with AMXX versions before 1.8.0
// change this number to your maximum amount
// if you would rather have unlimited (requires AMXX 1.8.0 or higher) then set it to 0
#define MAX_BANS 0

// if you want to use SQL for your server, then uncomment the line below
//#define USING_SQL

// ===============================================
// ===============================================

#if defined USING_SQL
#include <sqlx>

#define TABLE_NAME		"advanced_bans"
#define KEY_NAME		"name"
#define KEY_STEAMID		"steamid"
#define KEY_BANLENGTH		"banlength"
#define KEY_UNBANTIME		"unbantime"
#define KEY_REASON		"reason"
#define KEY_ADMIN_NAME		"admin_name"
#define KEY_ADMIN_STEAMID	"admin_steamid"


#define REGEX_IP_PATTERN "\b(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\b"
#define REGEX_STEAMID_PATTERN "^^STEAM_0:(0|1):\d+$"

new Regex:g_IP_pattern;
new Regex:g_SteamID_pattern;
new g_regex_return;

/*bool:IsValidIP(const ip[])
	return regex_match_c(ip, g_IP_pattern, g_regex_return) > 0;

#define IsValidIP(%1) (regex_match_c(%1, g_IP_pattern, g_regex_return) > 0)

/*bool:IsValidAuthid(const authid[])
	return regex_match_c(authid, g_SteamID_pattern, g_regex_return) > 0;

#define IsValidAuthid(%1) (regex_match_c(%1, g_SteamID_pattern, g_regex_return) > 0)

enum // for name displaying
	ACTIVITY_NONE, // nothing is shown
	ACTIVITY_HIDE, // admin name is hidden
	ACTIVITY_SHOW  // admin name is shown
new const g_admin_activity[] =
	ACTIVITY_NONE, // amx_show_activity 0 = show nothing to everyone
	ACTIVITY_HIDE, // amx_show_activity 1 = hide admin name from everyone
	ACTIVITY_SHOW, // amx_show_activity 2 = show admin name to everyone
	ACTIVITY_SHOW, // amx_show_activity 3 = show name to admins but hide it from normal users
	ACTIVITY_SHOW, // amx_show_activity 4 = show name to admins but show nothing to normal users
	ACTIVITY_HIDE  // amx_show_activity 5 = hide name from admins but show nothing to normal users
new const g_normal_activity[] =
	ACTIVITY_NONE, // amx_show_activity 0 = show nothing to everyone
	ACTIVITY_HIDE, // amx_show_activity 1 = hide admin name from everyone
	ACTIVITY_SHOW, // amx_show_activity 2 = show admin name to everyone
	ACTIVITY_HIDE, // amx_show_activity 3 = show name to admins but hide it from normal users
	ACTIVITY_NONE, // amx_show_activity 4 = show name to admins but show nothing to normal users
	ACTIVITY_NONE  // amx_show_activity 5 = hide name from admins but show nothing to normal users

#if MAX_BANS <= 0
enum _:BannedData

new Trie:g_trie;
new Array:g_array;
new g_names[MAX_BANS][32];
new g_steamids[MAX_BANS][35];
new g_banlengths[MAX_BANS];
new g_unbantimes[MAX_BANS][32];
new g_reasons[MAX_BANS][128];
new g_admin_names[MAX_BANS][64];
new g_admin_steamids[MAX_BANS][35];
new g_total_bans;

#if !defined USING_SQL
new g_ban_file[64];
new Handle:g_sql_tuple;
new bool:g_loading_bans = true;

new ab_website;
new ab_immunity;
new ab_bandelay;
new ab_unbancheck;

new amx_show_activity;

#if MAX_BANS <= 0
new Array:g_maxban_times;
new Array:g_maxban_flags;
#define MAX_BANLIMITS	30
new g_maxban_times[MAX_BANLIMITS];
new g_maxban_flags[MAX_BANLIMITS];
new g_total_maxban_times;

new g_unban_entity;

new g_max_clients;

new g_msgid_SayText;

public plugin_init()
	register_cvar("advanced_bans", PLUGIN_VERSION, FCVAR_SPONLY);
	register_concmd("amx_ban", "CmdBan", ADMIN_BAN, "<nick, #userid, authid> <time in minutes> <reason>");
	register_concmd("amx_banip", "CmdBanIp", ADMIN_BAN, "<nick, #userid, authid> <time in minutes> <reason>");
	register_concmd("amx_addban", "CmdAddBan", ADMIN_BAN, "<name> <authid or ip> <time in minutes> <reason>");
	register_concmd("amx_unban", "CmdUnban", ADMIN_BAN, "<authid or ip>");
	register_concmd("amx_banlist", "CmdBanList", ADMIN_BAN, "[start] -- shows everyone who is banned");
	register_srvcmd("amx_addbanlimit", "CmdAddBanLimit", -1, "<flag> <time in minutes>");
	ab_website = register_cvar("ab_website", "");
	ab_immunity = register_cvar("ab_immunity", "1");
	ab_bandelay = register_cvar("ab_bandelay", "1.0");
	ab_unbancheck = register_cvar("ab_unbancheck", "5.0");
	amx_show_activity = register_cvar("amx_show_activity", "2");
	#if MAX_BANS <= 0
	g_trie = TrieCreate();
	g_array = ArrayCreate(BannedData);
	#if !defined MAX_BANLIMITS
	g_maxban_times = ArrayCreate(1);
	g_maxban_flags = ArrayCreate(1);
	#if !defined USING_SQL
	get_datadir(g_ban_file, sizeof(g_ban_file) - 1);
	add(g_ban_file, sizeof(g_ban_file) - 1, "/advanced_bans.txt");
	g_sql_tuple = SQL_MakeStdTuple();
	new error[2];
	g_IP_pattern = regex_compile(REGEX_IP_PATTERN, g_regex_return, error, sizeof(error) - 1);
	g_SteamID_pattern = regex_compile(REGEX_STEAMID_PATTERN, g_regex_return, error, sizeof(error) - 1);
	g_max_clients = get_maxplayers();
	g_msgid_SayText = get_user_msgid("SayText");

#if defined USING_SQL
	new query[128];
	formatex(query, sizeof(query) - 1,\
		"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `%s` (`%s` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `%s` varchar(35) NOT NULL, `%s` int(10) NOT NULL, `%s` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `%s` varchar(128) NOT NULL, `%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL, `%s` varchar(35) NOT NULL);",\
	SQL_ThreadQuery(g_sql_tuple, "QueryCreateTable", query);

public QueryCreateTable(failstate, Handle:query, error[], errcode, data[], datasize, Float:queuetime)
	if( failstate == TQUERY_CONNECT_FAILED )
		set_fail_state("Could not connect to database.");
	else if( failstate == TQUERY_QUERY_FAILED )
		set_fail_state("Query failed.");
	else if( errcode )
		log_amx("Error on query: %s", error);

public plugin_cfg()

public CreateUnbanEntity()
	static failtimes;
	g_unban_entity = create_entity("info_target");
	if( !is_valid_ent(g_unban_entity) )
		log_amx("[ERROR] Failed to create unban entity (%i/10)", failtimes);
		if( failtimes < 10 )
			set_task(1.0, "CreateUnbanEntity");
			log_amx("[ERROR] Could not create unban entity!");
	entity_set_string(g_unban_entity, EV_SZ_classname, "unban_entity");
	entity_set_float(g_unban_entity, EV_FL_nextthink, get_gametime() + 1.0);
	register_think("unban_entity", "FwdThink");

public client_authorized(client)
	static authid[35];
	get_user_authid(client, authid, sizeof(authid) - 1);
	static ip[35];
	get_user_ip(client, ip, sizeof(ip) - 1, 1);
	#if MAX_BANS > 0
	static banned_authid[35], bool:is_ip;
	for( new i = 0; i < g_total_bans; i++ )
		copy(banned_authid, sizeof(banned_authid) - 1, g_steamids);
		is_ip = bool:(containi(banned_authid, ".") != -1);
		if( is_ip && equal(ip, banned_authid) || !is_ip && equal(authid, banned_authid) )
			static name[32], reason[128], unbantime[32], admin_name[32], admin_steamid[64];
			copy(name, sizeof(name) - 1, g_names);
			copy(reason, sizeof(reason) - 1, g_reasons);
			new banlength = g_banlengths;
			copy(unbantime, sizeof(unbantime) - 1, g_unbantimes);
			copy(admin_name, sizeof(admin_name) - 1, g_admin_names);
			copy(admin_steamid, sizeof(admin_steamid) - 1, g_admin_steamids);
			PrintBanInformation(client, name, banned_authid, reason, banlength, unbantime, admin_name, admin_steamid, true, true);
			set_task(get_pcvar_float(ab_bandelay), "TaskDisconnectPlayer", client);
	static array_pos;
	if( TrieGetCell(g_trie, authid, array_pos) || TrieGetCell(g_trie, ip, array_pos) )
		static data[BannedData];
		ArrayGetArray(g_array, array_pos, data);
		PrintBanInformation(client, data[bd_name], data[bd_steamid], data[bd_reason], data[bd_banlength], data[bd_unbantime], data[bd_admin_name], data[bd_admin_steamid], true, true);
		set_task(get_pcvar_float(ab_bandelay), "TaskDisconnectPlayer", client);

public CmdBan(client, level, cid)
	if( !cmd_access(client, level, cid, 4) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
	static arg[128];
	read_argv(1, arg, sizeof(arg) - 1);
	new target = cmd_target(client, arg, GetTargetFlags(client));
	if( !target ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
	static target_authid[35];
	get_user_authid(target, target_authid, sizeof(target_authid) - 1);
	if( !IsValidAuthid(target_authid) )
		console_print(client, "[AdvancedBans] %L", client, "AB_NOT_AUTHORIZED");
	#if MAX_BANS <= 0
	if( TrieKeyExists(g_trie, target_authid) )
		console_print(client, "[AdvancedBans] %L", client, "AB_ALREADY_BANNED_STEAMID");
	for( new i = 0; i < g_total_bans; i++ )
		if( !strcmp(target_authid, g_steamids, 1) )
			console_print(client, "[AdvancedBans] %L", client, "AB_ALREADY_BANNED_STEAMID");
	read_argv(2, arg, sizeof(arg) - 1);
	new length = str_to_num(arg);
	new maxlength = GetMaxBanTime(client);
	if( maxlength && (!length || length > maxlength) )
		console_print(client, "[AdvancedBans] %L", client, "AB_MAX_BAN_TIME", maxlength);
	static unban_time[64];
	if( length == 0 )
		formatex(unban_time, sizeof(unban_time) - 1, "%L", client, "AB_PERMANENT_BAN");
		GenerateUnbanTime(length, unban_time, sizeof(unban_time) - 1);
	read_argv(3, arg, sizeof(arg) - 1);
	static admin_name[64], target_name[32];
	get_user_name(client, admin_name, sizeof(admin_name) - 1);
	get_user_name(target, target_name, sizeof(target_name) - 1);
	static admin_authid[35];
	get_user_authid(client, admin_authid, sizeof(admin_authid) - 1);
	AddBan(target_name, target_authid, arg, length, unban_time, admin_name, admin_authid);
	PrintBanInformation(target, target_name, target_authid, arg, length, unban_time, admin_name, admin_authid, true, true);
	PrintBanInformation(client, target_name, target_authid, arg, length, unban_time, admin_name, admin_authid, false, false);
	set_task(get_pcvar_float(ab_bandelay), "TaskDisconnectPlayer", target);
	GetBanTime(length, unban_time, sizeof(unban_time) - 1);
	PrintActivity(admin_name, "^x04[AdvancedBans] $name^x01 :^x03  banned %s. Reason: %s. Ban Length: %s", target_name, arg, unban_time);
	Log("%s <%s> banned %s <%s> || Reason: ^"%s^" || Ban Length: %s", admin_name, admin_authid, target_name, target_authid, arg, unban_time);

public CmdBanIp(client, level, cid)
	if( !cmd_access(client, level, cid, 4) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
	static arg[128];
	read_argv(1, arg, sizeof(arg) - 1);
	new target = cmd_target(client, arg, GetTargetFlags(client));
	if( !target ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
	static target_ip[35];
	get_user_ip(target, target_ip, sizeof(target_ip) - 1, 1);
	#if MAX_BANS <= 0
	if( TrieKeyExists(g_trie, target_ip) )
		console_print(client, "[AdvancedBans] %L", client, "AB_ALREADY_BANNED_IP");
	for( new i = 0; i < g_total_bans; i++ )
		if( !strcmp(target_ip, g_steamids, 1) )
			console_print(client, "[AdvancedBans] %L", client, "AB_ALREADY_BANNED_IP");
	read_argv(2, arg, sizeof(arg) - 1);
	new length = str_to_num(arg);
	new maxlength = GetMaxBanTime(client);
	if( maxlength && (!length || length > maxlength) )
		console_print(client, "[AdvancedBans] %L", client, "AB_MAX_BAN_TIME", maxlength);
	static unban_time[32];
	if( length == 0 )
		formatex(unban_time, sizeof(unban_time) - 1, "%L", client, "AB_PERMANENT_BAN");
		GenerateUnbanTime(length, unban_time, sizeof(unban_time) - 1);
	read_argv(3, arg, sizeof(arg) - 1);
	static admin_name[64], target_name[32];
	get_user_name(client, admin_name, sizeof(admin_name) - 1);
	get_user_name(target, target_name, sizeof(target_name) - 1);
	static admin_authid[35];
	get_user_authid(client, admin_authid, sizeof(admin_authid) - 1);
	AddBan(target_name, target_ip, arg, length, unban_time, admin_name, admin_authid);
	PrintBanInformation(target, target_name, target_ip, arg, length, unban_time, admin_name, admin_authid, true, true);
	PrintBanInformation(client, target_name, target_ip, arg, length, unban_time, admin_name, admin_authid, false, false);
	set_task(get_pcvar_float(ab_bandelay), "TaskDisconnectPlayer", target);
	GetBanTime(length, unban_time, sizeof(unban_time) - 1);
	PrintActivity(admin_name, "^x04[AdvancedBans] $name^x01 :^x03  banned %s. Reason: %s. Ban Length: %s", target_name, arg, unban_time);
	Log("%s <%s> banned %s <%s> || Reason: ^"%s^" || Ban Length: %s", admin_name, admin_authid, target_name, target_ip, arg, unban_time);

public CmdAddBan(client, level, cid)
	if( !cmd_access(client, level, cid, 5) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
	static target_name[32], target_authid[35], bantime[10], reason[128];
	read_argv(1, target_name, sizeof(target_name) - 1);
	read_argv(2, target_authid, sizeof(target_authid) - 1);
	read_argv(3, bantime, sizeof(bantime) - 1);
	read_argv(4, reason, sizeof(reason) - 1);
	new bool:is_ip = bool:(containi(target_authid, ".") != -1);
	if( !is_ip && !IsValidAuthid(target_authid) )
		console_print(client, "[AdvancedBans] %L", client, "AB_INVALID_STEAMID");
		console_print(client, "[AdvancedBans] %L", client, "AB_VALID_STEAMID_FORMAT");
	else if( is_ip )
		new pos = contain(target_authid, ":");
		if( pos > 0 )
			target_authid[pos] = 0;
		if( !IsValidIP(target_authid) )
			console_print(client, "[AdvancedBans] %L", client, "AB_INVALID_IP");
	#if MAX_BANS <= 0
	if( TrieKeyExists(g_trie, target_authid) )
		console_print(client, "[AdvancedBans] %L", client, is_ip ? "AB_ALREADY_BANNED_IP" : "AB_ALREADY_BANNED_STEAMID");
	for( new i = 0; i < g_total_bans; i++ )
		if( !strcmp(target_authid, g_steamids, 1) )
			console_print(client, "[AdvancedBans] %L", client, is_ip ? "AB_ALREADY_BANNED_IP" : "AB_ALREADY_BANNED_STEAMID");
	new length = str_to_num(bantime);
	new maxlength = GetMaxBanTime(client);
	if( maxlength && (!length || length > maxlength) )
		console_print(client, "[AdvancedBans] %L", client, "AB_MAX_BAN_TIME", maxlength);
	if( is_user_connected(find_player(is_ip ? "d" : "c", target_authid)) )
		client_cmd(client, "amx_ban ^"%s^" %i ^"%s^"", target_authid, length, reason);
	static unban_time[32];
	if( length == 0 )
		formatex(unban_time, sizeof(unban_time) - 1, "%L", client, "AB_PERMANENT_BAN");
		GenerateUnbanTime(length, unban_time, sizeof(unban_time) - 1);
	static admin_name[64], admin_authid[35];
	get_user_name(client, admin_name, sizeof(admin_name) - 1);
	get_user_authid(client, admin_authid, sizeof(admin_authid) - 1);
	AddBan(target_name, target_authid, reason, length, unban_time, admin_name, admin_authid);
	PrintBanInformation(client, target_name, target_authid, reason, length, unban_time, "", "", false, false);
	GetBanTime(length, unban_time, sizeof(unban_time) - 1);
	PrintActivity(admin_name, "^x04[AdvancedBans] $name^x01 :^x03  banned %s %s. Reason: %s. Ban Length: %s", is_ip ? "IP" : "SteamID", target_authid, reason, unban_time);
	Log("%s <%s> banned %s <%s> || Reason: ^"%s^" || Ban Length: %s", admin_name, admin_authid, target_name, target_authid, reason, unban_time);

public CmdUnban(client, level, cid)
	if( !cmd_access(client, level, cid, 2) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
	static arg[35];
	read_argv(1, arg, sizeof(arg) - 1);
	#if MAX_BANS > 0
	static banned_authid[35];
	for( new i = 0; i < g_total_bans; i++ )
		copy(banned_authid, sizeof(banned_authid) - 1, g_steamids[i]);
		if( equal(arg, banned_authid) )
			static admin_name[64];
			get_user_name(client, admin_name, sizeof(admin_name) - 1);
			static name[32], reason[128];
			copy(name, sizeof(name) - 1, g_names[i]);
			copy(reason, sizeof(reason) - 1, g_reasons[i]);
			PrintActivity(admin_name, "^x04[AdvancedBans] $name^x01 :^x03  unbanned %s^x01 [%s] [Ban Reason: %s]", name, arg, reason);
			static authid[35];
			get_user_authid(client, authid, sizeof(authid) - 1);
			Log("%s <%s> unbanned %s <%s> || Ban Reason: ^"%s^"", admin_name, authid, name, arg, reason);
	if( TrieKeyExists(g_trie, arg) )
		static array_pos;
		TrieGetCell(g_trie, arg, array_pos);
		static data[BannedData];
		ArrayGetArray(g_array, array_pos, data);
		static unban_name[32];
		get_user_name(client, unban_name, sizeof(unban_name) - 1);
		PrintActivity(unban_name, "^x04[AdvancedBans] $name^x01 :^x03  unbanned %s^x01 [%s] [Ban Reason: %s]", data[bd_name], data[bd_steamid], data[bd_reason]);
		static admin_name[64];
		get_user_name(client, admin_name, sizeof(admin_name) - 1);
		static authid[35];
		get_user_authid(client, authid, sizeof(authid) - 1);
		Log("%s <%s> unbanned %s <%s> || Ban Reason: ^"%s^"", admin_name, authid, data[bd_name], data[bd_steamid], data[bd_reason]);
		RemoveBan(array_pos, data[bd_steamid]);
	console_print(client, "[AdvancedBans] %L", client, "AB_NOT_IN_BAN_LIST", arg);

public CmdBanList(client, level, cid)
	if( !cmd_access(client, level, cid, 1) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
	if( !g_total_bans )
		console_print(client, "[AdvancedBans] %L", client, "AB_NO_BANS");
	static start;
	if( read_argc() > 1 )
		static arg[5];
		read_argv(1, arg, sizeof(arg) - 1);
		start = min(str_to_num(arg), g_total_bans) - 1;
		start = 0;
	new last = min(start + 10, g_total_bans);
	if( client == 0 )
		server_cmd("echo ^"%L^"", client, "AB_BAN_LIST_NUM", start + 1, last);
		client_cmd(client, "echo ^"%L^"", client, "AB_BAN_LIST_NUM", start + 1, last);
	for( new i = start; i < last; i++ )
		#if MAX_BANS <= 0
		static data[BannedData];
		ArrayGetArray(g_array, i, data);
		PrintBanInformation(client, data[bd_name], data[bd_steamid], data[bd_reason], data[bd_banlength], data[bd_unbantime], data[bd_admin_name], data[bd_admin_steamid], true, false);
		static name[32], steamid[35], reason[128], banlength, unbantime[32], admin_name[32], admin_steamid[35];
		copy(name, sizeof(name) - 1, g_names[i]);
		copy(steamid, sizeof(steamid) - 1, g_steamids[i]);
		copy(reason, sizeof(reason) - 1, g_reasons[i]);
		banlength = g_banlengths[i];
		copy(unbantime, sizeof(unbantime) - 1, g_unbantimes[i]);
		copy(admin_name, sizeof(admin_name) - 1, g_admin_names[i]);
		copy(admin_steamid, sizeof(admin_steamid) - 1, g_admin_steamids[i]);
		PrintBanInformation(client, name, steamid, reason, banlength, unbantime, admin_name, admin_steamid, true, false);
	if( ++last < g_total_bans )
		if( client == 0 )
			server_cmd("echo ^"%L^"", client, "AB_BAN_LIST_NEXT", last);
			client_cmd(client, "echo ^"%L^"", client, "AB_BAN_LIST_NEXT", last);

public CmdAddBanLimit()
	if( read_argc() != 3 )
		log_amx("amx_addbanlimit was used with incorrect parameters!");
		log_amx("Usage: amx_addbanlimit <flags> <time in minutes>");
	static arg[16];
	read_argv(1, arg, sizeof(arg) - 1);
	new flags = read_flags(arg);
	read_argv(2, arg, sizeof(arg) - 1);
	new minutes = str_to_num(arg);
	#if !defined MAX_BANLIMITS
	ArrayPushCell(g_maxban_flags, flags);
	ArrayPushCell(g_maxban_times, minutes);
	if( g_total_maxban_times >= MAX_BANLIMITS )
		static notified;
		if( !notified )
			log_amx("The amx_addbanlimit has reached its maximum!");
			notified = 1;
	g_maxban_flags[g_total_maxban_times] = flags;
	g_maxban_times[g_total_maxban_times] = minutes;

public FwdThink(entity)
	if( entity != g_unban_entity ) return;
	#if defined USING_SQL
	if( g_total_bans > 0 && !g_loading_bans )
	if( g_total_bans > 0 )
		static _hours[5], _minutes[5], _seconds[5], _month[5], _day[5], _year[7];
		format_time(_hours, sizeof(_hours) - 1, "%H");
		format_time(_minutes, sizeof(_minutes) - 1, "%M");
		format_time(_seconds, sizeof(_seconds) - 1, "%S");
		format_time(_month, sizeof(_month) - 1, "%m");
		format_time(_day, sizeof(_day) - 1, "%d");
		format_time(_year, sizeof(_year) - 1, "%Y");
		// c = current
		// u = unban
		new c_hours = str_to_num(_hours);
		new c_minutes = str_to_num(_minutes);
		new c_seconds = str_to_num(_seconds);
		new c_month = str_to_num(_month);
		new c_day = str_to_num(_day);
		new c_year = str_to_num(_year);
		static unban_time[32];
		static u_hours, u_minutes, u_seconds, u_month, u_day, u_year;
		for( new i = 0; i < g_total_bans; i++ )
			#if MAX_BANS <= 0
			static data[BannedData];
			ArrayGetArray(g_array, i, data);
			if( data[bd_banlength] == 0 ) continue;
			if( g_banlengths[i] == 0 ) continue;
			#if MAX_BANS <= 0
			copy(unban_time, sizeof(unban_time) - 1, data[bd_unbantime]);
			copy(unban_time, sizeof(unban_time) - 1, g_unbantimes[i]);
			replace_all(unban_time, sizeof(unban_time) - 1, ":", " ");
			replace_all(unban_time, sizeof(unban_time) - 1, "/", " ");
				_hours, sizeof(_hours) - 1,\
				_minutes, sizeof(_minutes) - 1,\
				_seconds, sizeof(_seconds) - 1,\
				_month, sizeof(_month) - 1,\
				_day, sizeof(_day) - 1,\
				_year, sizeof(_year) - 1
			u_hours = str_to_num(_hours);
			u_minutes = str_to_num(_minutes);
			u_seconds = str_to_num(_seconds);
			u_month = str_to_num(_month);
			u_day = str_to_num(_day);
			u_year = str_to_num(_year);
			if( u_year < c_year
			|| u_year == c_year && u_month < c_month
			|| u_year == c_year && u_month == c_month && u_day < c_day
			|| u_year == c_year && u_month == c_month && u_day == c_day && u_hours < c_hours
			|| u_year == c_year && u_month == c_month && u_day == c_day && u_hours == c_hours && u_minutes < c_minutes
			|| u_year == c_year && u_month == c_month && u_day == c_day && u_hours == c_hours && u_minutes == c_minutes && u_seconds <= c_seconds )
				#if MAX_BANS <= 0
				Log("Ban time is up for: %s [%s]", data[bd_name], data[bd_steamid]);
				Print("^x04[AdvancedBans]^x03 %s^x01[^x04%s^x01]^x03 ban time is up!^x01 [Ban Reason: %s]", data[bd_name], data[bd_steamid], data[bd_reason]);
				RemoveBan(i, data[bd_steamid]);
				Log("Ban time is up for: %s [%s]", g_names[i], g_steamids[i]);
				Print("^x04[AdvancedBans]^x03 %s^x01[^x04%s^x01]^x03 ban time is up!^x01 [Ban Reason: %s]", g_names[i], g_steamids[i], g_reasons[i]);
				i--; // current pos was replaced with another ban, so we need to check it again.
	entity_set_float(g_unban_entity, EV_FL_nextthink, get_gametime() + get_pcvar_float(ab_unbancheck));

public TaskDisconnectPlayer(client)
	server_cmd("kick #%i ^"You are banned from this server. Check your console^"", get_user_userid(client));

AddBan(const target_name[], const target_steamid[], const reason[], const length, const unban_time[], const admin_name[], const admin_steamid[])
	#if MAX_BANS > 0
	if( g_total_bans == MAX_BANS )
		log_amx("Ban list is full! (%i)", g_total_bans);
	#if defined USING_SQL
	static target_name2[32], reason2[128], admin_name2[32];
	MakeStringSQLSafe(target_name, target_name2, sizeof(target_name2) - 1);
	MakeStringSQLSafe(reason, reason2, sizeof(reason2) - 1);
	MakeStringSQLSafe(admin_name, admin_name2, sizeof(admin_name2) - 1);
	static query[512];
	formatex(query, sizeof(query) - 1,\
		"INSERT INTO `%s` (`%s`, `%s`, `%s`, `%s`, `%s`, `%s`, `%s`) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%i', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s');",\
		target_name2, target_steamid, length, unban_time, reason2, admin_name2, admin_steamid
	SQL_ThreadQuery(g_sql_tuple, "QueryAddBan", query);
	new f = fopen(g_ban_file, "a+");
	fprintf(f, "^"%s^" ^"%s^" %i ^"%s^" ^"%s^" ^"%s^" ^"%s^"^n",\
	#if MAX_BANS <= 0
	static data[BannedData];
	copy(data[bd_name], sizeof(data[bd_name]) - 1, target_name);
	copy(data[bd_steamid], sizeof(data[bd_steamid]) - 1, target_steamid);
	data[bd_banlength] = length;
	copy(data[bd_unbantime], sizeof(data[bd_unbantime]) - 1, unban_time);
	copy(data[bd_reason], sizeof(data[bd_reason]) - 1, reason);
	copy(data[bd_admin_name], sizeof(data[bd_admin_name]) - 1, admin_name);
	copy(data[bd_admin_steamid], sizeof(data[bd_admin_steamid]) - 1, admin_steamid);
	TrieSetCell(g_trie, target_steamid, g_total_bans);
	ArrayPushArray(g_array, data);
	copy(g_names[g_total_bans], sizeof(g_names[]) - 1, target_name);
	copy(g_steamids[g_total_bans], sizeof(g_steamids[]) - 1, target_steamid);
	g_banlengths[g_total_bans] = length;
	copy(g_unbantimes[g_total_bans], sizeof(g_unbantimes[]) - 1, unban_time);
	copy(g_reasons[g_total_bans], sizeof(g_reasons[]) - 1, reason);
	copy(g_admin_names[g_total_bans], sizeof(g_admin_names[]) - 1, admin_name);
	copy(g_admin_steamids[g_total_bans], sizeof(g_admin_steamids[]) - 1, admin_steamid);
	#if MAX_BANS > 0
	if( g_total_bans == MAX_BANS )
		log_amx("Ban list is full! (%i)", g_total_bans);

#if defined USING_SQL
public QueryAddBan(failstate, Handle:query, error[], errcode, data[], datasize, Float:queuetime)
	if( failstate == TQUERY_CONNECT_FAILED )
		set_fail_state("Could not connect to database.");
	else if( failstate == TQUERY_QUERY_FAILED )
		set_fail_state("Query failed.");
	else if( errcode )
		log_amx("Error on query: %s", error);
		// Yay, ban was added! We can all rejoice!

public QueryDeleteBan(failstate, Handle:query, error[], errcode, data[], datasize, Float:queuetime)
	if( failstate == TQUERY_CONNECT_FAILED )
		set_fail_state("Could not connect to database.");
	else if( failstate == TQUERY_QUERY_FAILED )
		set_fail_state("Query failed.");
	else if( errcode )
		log_amx("Error on query: %s", error);
		// Yay, ban was deleted! We can all rejoice!

public QueryLoadBans(failstate, Handle:query, error[], errcode, data[], datasize, Float:queuetime)
	if( failstate == TQUERY_CONNECT_FAILED )
		set_fail_state("Could not connect to database.");
	else if( failstate == TQUERY_QUERY_FAILED )
		set_fail_state("Query failed.");
	else if( errcode )
		log_amx("Error on query: %s", error);
		if( SQL_NumResults(query) )
			#if MAX_BANS <= 0
			static data[BannedData];
			while( SQL_MoreResults(query) )
			while( SQL_MoreResults(query) && g_total_bans < MAX_BANS )
				#if MAX_BANS <= 0
				SQL_ReadResult(query, 0, data[bd_name], sizeof(data[bd_name]) - 1);
				SQL_ReadResult(query, 1, data[bd_steamid], sizeof(data[bd_steamid]) - 1);
				data[bd_banlength] = SQL_ReadResult(query, 2);
				SQL_ReadResult(query, 3, data[bd_unbantime], sizeof(data[bd_unbantime]) - 1);
				SQL_ReadResult(query, 4, data[bd_reason], sizeof(data[bd_reason]) - 1);
				SQL_ReadResult(query, 5, data[bd_admin_name], sizeof(data[bd_admin_name]) - 1);
				SQL_ReadResult(query, 6, data[bd_admin_steamid], sizeof(data[bd_admin_steamid]) - 1);
				ArrayPushArray(g_array, data);
				TrieSetCell(g_trie, data[bd_steamid], g_total_bans);
				SQL_ReadResult(query, 0, g_names[g_total_bans], sizeof(g_names[]) - 1);
				SQL_ReadResult(query, 1, g_steamids[g_total_bans], sizeof(g_steamids[]) - 1);
				g_banlengths[g_total_bans] = SQL_ReadResult(query, 2);
				SQL_ReadResult(query, 3, g_unbantimes[g_total_bans], sizeof(g_unbantimes[]) - 1);
				SQL_ReadResult(query, 4, g_reasons[g_total_bans], sizeof(g_reasons[]) - 1);
				SQL_ReadResult(query, 5, g_admin_names[g_total_bans], sizeof(g_admin_names[]) - 1);
				SQL_ReadResult(query, 6, g_admin_steamids[g_total_bans], sizeof(g_admin_steamids[]) - 1);
		set_task(RELOAD_BANS_INTERVAL, "LoadBans");
		g_loading_bans = false;

#if MAX_BANS > 0
	#if defined USING_SQL
	static query[128];
	formatex(query, sizeof(query) - 1,\
		"DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `%s` = '%s';",\
		TABLE_NAME, KEY_STEAMID, g_steamids[remove]
	SQL_ThreadQuery(g_sql_tuple, "QueryDeleteBan", query);
	for( new i = remove; i < g_total_bans; i++ )
		if( (i + 1) == g_total_bans )
			copy(g_names[i], sizeof(g_names[]) - 1, "");
			copy(g_steamids[i], sizeof(g_steamids[]) - 1, "");
			g_banlengths[i] = 0;
			copy(g_unbantimes[i], sizeof(g_unbantimes[]) - 1, "");
			copy(g_reasons[i], sizeof(g_reasons[]) - 1, "");
			copy(g_admin_names[i], sizeof(g_admin_names[]) - 1, "");
			copy(g_admin_steamids[i], sizeof(g_admin_steamids[]) - 1, "");
			copy(g_names[i], sizeof(g_names[]) - 1, g_names[i + 1]);
			copy(g_steamids[i], sizeof(g_steamids[]) - 1, g_steamids[i + 1]);
			g_banlengths[i] = g_banlengths[i + 1];
			copy(g_unbantimes[i], sizeof(g_unbantimes[]) - 1, g_unbantimes[i + 1]);
			copy(g_reasons[i], sizeof(g_reasons[]) - 1, g_reasons[i + 1]);
			copy(g_admin_names[i], sizeof(g_admin_names[]) - 1, g_admin_names[i + 1]);
			copy(g_admin_steamids[i], sizeof(g_admin_steamids[]) - 1, g_admin_steamids[i + 1]);
	#if !defined USING_SQL
	new f = fopen(g_ban_file, "wt");
	static name[32], steamid[35], banlength, unbantime[32], reason[128], admin_name[32], admin_steamid[35];
	for( new i = 0; i < g_total_bans; i++ )
		copy(name, sizeof(name) - 1, g_names[i]);
		copy(steamid, sizeof(steamid) - 1, g_steamids[i]);
		banlength = g_banlengths[i];
		copy(unbantime, sizeof(unbantime) - 1, g_unbantimes[i]);
		copy(reason, sizeof(reason) - 1, g_reasons[i]);
		copy(admin_name, sizeof(admin_name) - 1, g_admin_names[i]);
		copy(admin_steamid, sizeof(admin_steamid) - 1, g_admin_steamids[i]);
		fprintf(f, "^"%s^" ^"%s^" %i ^"%s^" ^"%s^" ^"%s^" ^"%s^"^n",\
RemoveBan(pos, const authid[])
	TrieDeleteKey(g_trie, authid);
	ArrayDeleteItem(g_array, pos);
	#if defined USING_SQL
	static query[128];
	formatex(query, sizeof(query) - 1,\
		"DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `%s` = '%s';",\
	SQL_ThreadQuery(g_sql_tuple, "QueryDeleteBan", query);
	new data[BannedData];
	for( new i = 0; i < g_total_bans; i++ )
		ArrayGetArray(g_array, i, data);
		TrieSetCell(g_trie, data[bd_steamid], i);
	new f = fopen(g_ban_file, "wt");
	new data[BannedData];
	for( new i = 0; i < g_total_bans; i++ )
		ArrayGetArray(g_array, i, data);
		TrieSetCell(g_trie, data[bd_steamid], i);
		fprintf(f, "^"%s^" ^"%s^" %i ^"%s^" ^"%s^" ^"%s^" ^"%s^"^n",\

	if( file_exists(filename) )
		new f = fopen(filename, "rt");
		static data[96];
		static command[10], minutes[10], steamid[35], length, unban_time[32];
		while( !feof(f) )
			fgets(f, data, sizeof(data) - 1);
			if( !data[0] ) continue;
			parse(data, command, sizeof(command) - 1, minutes, sizeof(minutes) - 1, steamid, sizeof(steamid) - 1);
			if( filename[0] == 'b' && !equali(command, "banid") || filename[0] == 'l' && !equali(command, "addip") ) continue;
			length = str_to_num(minutes);
			GenerateUnbanTime(length, unban_time, sizeof(unban_time) - 1);
			AddBan("", steamid, "", length, unban_time, "", "");
		static filename2[32];
		// copy current
		copy(filename2, sizeof(filename2) - 1, filename);
		// cut off at the "."
		// banned.cfg = banned
		// listip.cfg = listip
		filename2[containi(filename2, ".")] = 0;
		// add 2.cfg
		// banned = banned2.cfg
		// listip = listip2.cfg
		add(filename2, sizeof(filename2) - 1, "2.cfg");
		// rename file so that it isnt loaded again
		while( !rename_file(filename, filename2, 1) ) { }

public LoadBans()
	if( g_total_bans )
		#if MAX_BANS <= 0
		g_total_bans = 0;
	#if defined USING_SQL
	static query[128];
	formatex(query, sizeof(query) - 1,\
		"SELECT * FROM `%s`;",\
	SQL_ThreadQuery(g_sql_tuple, "QueryLoadBans", query);
	g_loading_bans = true;
	if( file_exists(g_ban_file) )
		new f = fopen(g_ban_file, "rt");
		static filedata[512], length[10];
		#if MAX_BANS <= 0
		static data[BannedData];
		while( !feof(f) )
		while( !feof(f) && g_total_bans < MAX_BANS )
			fgets(f, filedata, sizeof(filedata) - 1);
			if( !filedata[0] ) continue;
			#if MAX_BANS <= 0
				data[bd_steamid], sizeof(data[bd_steamid]) - 1,\
				data[bd_name], sizeof(data[bd_name]) - 1,\
				length, sizeof(length) - 1,\
				data[bd_unbantime], sizeof(data[bd_unbantime]) - 1,\
				data[bd_reason], sizeof(data[bd_reason]) - 1,\
				data[bd_admin_name], sizeof(data[bd_admin_name]) - 1,\
				data[bd_admin_steamid], sizeof(data[bd_admin_steamid]) - 1
			data[bd_banlength] = str_to_num(length);
			ArrayPushArray(g_array, data);
			TrieSetCell(g_trie, data[bd_steamid], g_total_bans);
			static steamid[35], name[32], unbantime[32], reason[128], admin_name[32], admin_steamid[35];
				steamid, sizeof(steamid) - 1,\
				name, sizeof(name) - 1,\
				length, sizeof(length) - 1,\
				unbantime, sizeof(unbantime) - 1,\
				reason, sizeof(reason) - 1,\
				admin_name, sizeof(admin_name) - 1,\
				admin_steamid, sizeof(admin_steamid) - 1
			copy(g_names[g_total_bans], sizeof(g_names[]) - 1, name);
			copy(g_steamids[g_total_bans], sizeof(g_steamids[]) - 1, steamid);
			g_banlengths[g_total_bans] = str_to_num(length);
			copy(g_unbantimes[g_total_bans], sizeof(g_unbantimes[]) - 1, unbantime);
			copy(g_reasons[g_total_bans], sizeof(g_reasons[]) - 1, reason);
			copy(g_admin_names[g_total_bans], sizeof(g_admin_names[]) - 1, admin_name);
			copy(g_admin_steamids[g_total_bans], sizeof(g_admin_steamids[]) - 1, admin_steamid);
	// load these after, so when they are added to the file with AddBan(), they aren't loaded again from above.
	#if defined KEEP_DEFAULT_BANS

#if defined USING_SQL
MakeStringSQLSafe(const input[], output[], len)
	copy(output, len, input);
	replace_all(output, len, "'", "*");
	replace_all(output, len, "^"", "*");
	replace_all(output, len, "`", "*");

GetBanTime(const bantime, length[], len)
	new minutes = bantime;
	new hours = 0;
	new days = 0;
	while( minutes >= 60 )
		minutes -= 60;
	while( hours >= 24 )
		hours -= 24;
	new bool:add_before;
	if( minutes )
		formatex(length, len, "%i minute%s", minutes, minutes == 1 ? "" : "s");
		add_before = true;
	if( hours )
		if( add_before )
			format(length, len, "%i hour%s, %s", hours, hours == 1 ? "" : "s", length);
			formatex(length, len, "%i hour%s", hours, hours == 1 ? "" : "s");
			add_before = true;
	if( days )
		if( add_before )
			format(length, len, "%i day%s, %s", days, days == 1 ? "" : "s", length);
			formatex(length, len, "%i day%s", days, days == 1 ? "" : "s");
			add_before = true;
	if( !add_before )
		// minutes, hours, and days = 0
		// assume permanent ban
		copy(length, len, "Permanent Ban");

GenerateUnbanTime(const bantime, unban_time[], len)
	static _hours[5], _minutes[5], _seconds[5], _month[5], _day[5], _year[7];
	format_time(_hours, sizeof(_hours) - 1, "%H");
	format_time(_minutes, sizeof(_minutes) - 1, "%M");
	format_time(_seconds, sizeof(_seconds) - 1, "%S");
	format_time(_month, sizeof(_month) - 1, "%m");
	format_time(_day, sizeof(_day) - 1, "%d");
	format_time(_year, sizeof(_year) - 1, "%Y");
	new hours = str_to_num(_hours);
	new minutes = str_to_num(_minutes);
	new seconds = str_to_num(_seconds);
	new month = str_to_num(_month);
	new day = str_to_num(_day);
	new year = str_to_num(_year);
	minutes += bantime;
	while( minutes >= 60 )
		minutes -= 60;
	while( hours >= 24 )
		hours -= 24;
	new max_days = GetDaysInMonth(month, year);
	while( day > max_days )
		day -= max_days;
	while( month > 12 )
		month -= 12;
	formatex(unban_time, len, "%i:%02i:%02i %i/%i/%i", hours, minutes, seconds, month, day, year);

GetDaysInMonth(month, year=0)
	switch( month )
		case 1:		return 31; // january
		case 2:		return ((year % 4) == 0) ? 29 : 28; // february
		case 3:		return 31; // march
		case 4:		return 30; // april
		case 5:		return 31; // may
		case 6:		return 30; // june
		case 7:		return 31; // july
		case 8:		return 31; // august
		case 9:		return 30; // september
		case 10:	return 31; // october
		case 11:	return 30; // november
		case 12:	return 31; // december
	return 30;

	static const flags_no_immunity = (CMDTARGET_ALLOW_SELF|CMDTARGET_NO_BOTS);
	switch( get_pcvar_num(ab_immunity) )
		case 1: return flags_immunity;
		case 2: return access(client, ADMIN_IMMUNITY) ? flags_no_immunity : flags_immunity;
	return flags_no_immunity;

	if( !g_total_maxban_times ) return 0;
	new flags = get_user_flags(client);
	for( new i = 0; i < g_total_maxban_times; i++ )
		#if !defined MAX_BANLIMITS
		if( flags & ArrayGetCell(g_maxban_flags, i) )
			return ArrayGetCell(g_maxban_times, i);
		if( flags & g_maxban_flags[i] )
			return g_maxban_times[i];
	return 0;

PrintBanInformation(client, const target_name[], const target_authid[], const reason[], const length, const unban_time[], const admin_name[], const admin_authid[], bool:show_admin, bool:show_website)
	static website[64], ban_length[64];
	if( client == 0 )
		server_print("%L", client, "AB_BAN_INFORMATION");
		server_print("%L: %s", client, "AB_NAME", target_name);
		server_print("%L: %s", client, IsValidAuthid(target_authid) ? "AB_STEAMID" : "AB_IP", target_authid);
		server_print("%L: %s", client, "AB_REASON", reason);
		if( length > 0 )
			GetBanTime(length, ban_length, sizeof(ban_length) - 1);
			server_print("%L: %s", client, "AB_BAN_LENGTH", ban_length);
		server_print("%L: %s", client, "AB_UNBAN_TIME", unban_time);
		if( show_admin )
			server_print("%L: %s", client, "AB_ADMIN_NAME", admin_name);
			server_print("%L: %s", client, "AB_ADMIN_STEAMID", admin_authid);
		if( show_website )
			get_pcvar_string(ab_website, website, sizeof(website) - 1);
			if( website[0] )
				server_print("%L", client, "AB_WEBSITE");
				server_print("%s", website);
		client_cmd(client, "echo ^"************************************************^"");
		client_cmd(client, "echo ^"%L^"", client, "AB_BAN_INFORMATION");
		client_cmd(client, "echo ^"%L: %s^"", client, "AB_NAME", target_name);
		client_cmd(client, "echo ^"%L: %s^"", client, IsValidAuthid(target_authid) ? "AB_STEAMID" : "AB_IP", target_authid);
		client_cmd(client, "echo ^"%L: %s^"", client, "AB_REASON", reason);
		if( length > 0 )
			GetBanTime(length, ban_length, sizeof(ban_length) - 1);
			client_cmd(client, "echo ^"%L: %s^"", client, "AB_BAN_LENGTH", ban_length);
		client_cmd(client, "echo ^"%L: %s^"", client, "AB_UNBAN_TIME", unban_time);
		if( show_admin )
			client_cmd(client, "echo ^"%L: %s^"", client, "AB_ADMIN_NAME", admin_name);
			client_cmd(client, "echo ^"%L: %s^"", client, "AB_ADMIN_STEAMID", admin_authid);
		if( show_website )
			get_pcvar_string(ab_website, website, sizeof(website) - 1);
			if( website[0] )
				client_cmd(client, "echo ^"^"");
				client_cmd(client, "echo ^"%L^"", client, "AB_WEBSITE");
				client_cmd(client, "echo ^"%s^"", website);
		client_cmd(client, "echo ^"************************************************^"");

PrintActivity(const admin_name[], const message_fmt[], any:...)
	if( !get_playersnum() ) return;
	new activity = get_pcvar_num(amx_show_activity);
	if( !(0 <= activity <= 5) )
		set_pcvar_num(amx_show_activity, (activity = 2));
	static message[192], temp[192];
	vformat(message, sizeof(message) - 1, message_fmt, 3);
	for( new client = 1; client <= g_max_clients; client++ )
		if( !is_user_connected(client) ) continue;
		switch( is_user_admin(client) ? g_admin_activity[activity] : g_normal_activity[activity] )
				copy(temp, sizeof(temp) - 1, message);
				replace(temp, sizeof(temp) - 1, "$name", "ADMIN");
				message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, g_msgid_SayText, _, client);
				copy(temp, sizeof(temp) - 1, message);
				replace(temp, sizeof(temp) - 1, "$name", admin_name);
				message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, g_msgid_SayText, _, client);

Print(const message_fmt[], any:...)
	if( !get_playersnum() ) return;
	static message[192];
	vformat(message, sizeof(message) - 1, message_fmt, 2);
	for( new client = 1; client <= g_max_clients; client++ )
		if( !is_user_connected(client) ) continue;
		message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, g_msgid_SayText, _, client);

Log(const message_fmt[], any:...)
	static message[256];
	vformat(message, sizeof(message) - 1, message_fmt, 2);
	static filename[96];
	#if defined HISTORY_ONE_FILE
	if( !filename[0] )
		get_basedir(filename, sizeof(filename) - 1);
		add(filename, sizeof(filename) - 1, "/logs/ban_history.log");
	static dir[64];
	if( !dir[0] )
		get_basedir(dir, sizeof(dir) - 1);
		add(dir, sizeof(dir) - 1, "/logs");
	format_time(filename, sizeof(filename) - 1, "%m%d%Y");
	format(filename, sizeof(filename) - 1, "%s/BAN_HISTORY_%s.log", dir, filename);
	log_amx("%s", message);
	log_to_file(filename, "%s", message);
*{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang1033\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par }

Last edited by Nicholas on 13 Jun 2014, 20:00, edited 1 time in total.
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13 Jun 2014, 19:56

register_concmd("amx_ban", "CmdBan", ADMIN_BAN, "<nick, #userid, authid> <time in minutes> <reason>");
register_concmd("amx_banip", "CmdBanIp", ADMIN_BAN, "<nick, #userid, authid> <time in minutes> <reason>");
register_concmd("amx_addban", "CmdAddBan", ADMIN_BAN, "<name> <authid or ip> <time in minutes> <reason>");
register_concmd("amx_unban", "CmdUnban", ADMIN_BAN, "<authid or ip>");
register_concmd("amx_banlist", "CmdBanList", ADMIN_BAN, "[start] -- shows everyone who is banned");
register_srvcmd("amx_addbanlimit", "CmdAddBanLimit", -1, "<flag> <time in minutes>");
Modifici flagurile de acolo,acelea cu negru .
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19 Jul 2014, 15:55

Salut din nou :)) !
Ce face stock-ul asta? ( -Luat din Zombie Outstamding Copie- )
| Afiseaza codul
public AddCommas( iNum, szOutput[  ], iLen ) {

//	static MyAmmo[ 15 ];
//	AddCommas( zp_get_user_ammo( id ), MyAmmo, charsmax( MyAmmo ) );

	new szTmp[ 15 ], iOutputPos, iNumPos, iNumLen;

	if( iNum < 0 ) {

		szOutput[ iOutputPos++ ] = '-'
		iNum = abs( iNum );

	iNumLen = num_to_str( iNum, szTmp, charsmax( szTmp ) );

	if( iNumLen <= 3 ) {
		iOutputPos += copy( szOutput[ iOutputPos ], iLen, szTmp );
	} else {

		while( ( iNumPos < iNumLen ) && ( iOutputPos < iLen ) ) {

			szOutput[ iOutputPos++ ] = szTmp[ iNumPos++ ];
			if( ( iNumLen - iNumPos ) && !( ( iNumLen - iNumPos ) % 3 ) ) 
				szOutput[ iOutputPos++ ] = ','

		szOutput[ iOutputPos ] = EOS;

	return iOutputPos;
„Peste douăzeci de ani vei fi dezamăgit din cauza lucrurilor pe care nu le-ai făcut, nu din cauza celor pe care le-ai făcut.” - Mark Twain
„Asa e si in viata, hotii castiga, prostii care invata pierd.” - Mihai Nemeș

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19 Jul 2014, 16:31

Ce ai luat tu aici pune virgula aia . Gen faci cu el in loc de 1500 Ammo -> 1,500 Ammo
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25 Sep 2014, 17:34

Salut din nou :)) !
Am vazut la hamlet o chestioara intr-un stock de-al lui...
Ce face bucatica asta:
| Afiseaza codul
stock File_Create( const szFileName[ ], const szInit[ ]= 0, const szFolderName[ ] = 0 )
	new szDir[ 60 ], szFullPath[ 128 ]
	get_localinfo( "amxx_configsdir", szDir, charsmax( szDir ) )
	if( szFolderName[ 0 ] != EOS )
		formatex( szFullPath, charsmax( szFullPath ), "%s/%s", szDir, szFolderName )
		if( !dir_exists( szFullPath ) )
			mkdir( szFullPath )
		formatex( szFullPath, charsmax( szFullPath ),"%s/%s", szFullPath, szFileName )
		formatex( szFullPath, charsmax( szFullPath ),"%s/%s", szDir, szFileName )
	if( !file_exists( szFullPath ) )
		new fp = fopen( szFullPath, "a+" )
		if( fp )
			if( szInit[ 0 ] != EOS )
				File_WriteStr( fp, szInit, false )
			return fp
	return -1
Mai precis ce face acel EOS :-? !

PS: ROG sa nu inchideti acest topic. ARE vechime. Si este creat doar pentru sfaturi legate de anumite coduri/bucati/script-uri dintr-un plugin.
Last edited by Nubo on 25 Sep 2014, 19:23, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: [sursa=]text[/sursa]
„Peste douăzeci de ani vei fi dezamăgit din cauza lucrurilor pe care nu le-ai făcut, nu din cauza celor pe care le-ai făcut.” - Mark Twain
„Asa e si in viata, hotii castiga, prostii care invata pierd.” - Mihai Nemeș

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25 Sep 2014, 19:22

E o variabila sau constanta globala. Probabil contine un simbol, cum ar fi ; sau /
Vad ca verifica daca primul simbol din denumirea unui folder nu-i acest EOS: if( szFolderName[ 0 ] != EOS )
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25 Sep 2014, 19:40

Nubo wrote:E o variabila sau constanta globala. Probabil contine un simbol, cum ar fi ; sau /
Vad ca verifica daca primul simbol din denumirea unui folder nu-i acest EOS: if( szFolderName[ 0 ] != EOS )
Nu e nici variabila, nici constanta globala definita in plugin. EOS = end of string, caracterul nul, practic verifica daca stringul nu e nul. Mai pe romaneste, daca stringul ala are ceva in el sau e gol.

P.S. : i'm proud, deja lumea intreaba "ce a facut asta aici" =))
Daca vreti ajutorul meu, nu dati bump la topic, fara intrebari de genu "cat mai dureaza/mai astept mult?".
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29 Sep 2014, 17:07

Ham daca toti ar stii scripting cred ca ar fi nasol.

Problema e ca majoritatea au google ca daca nu ar exista google nu cred ca ar sti sa posteze un cod.

Pun pariu ca toti de aici inafara de cei care se stiu nu stiu cum sa procesezi o variabila si cand este nevoie de ea dar aminte sa procesezi un bool unde este fals sau true(adevarat)

Stocurile nu mai vorbim nu ma laud ca nu stiu xpawn perfect tocmai ce m-am apucat de el intradevar atu`ul meu este PHP pentru seamana foarte mult cu xpawn sau c++ numai ca sunt multe chesti care trebuie sa le inveti.

In mare parte ideia e simpla e usor sa furam sau sa copiem dar sa stim ce face cu adevarat nu stiu nici unu de aici.

Ma uitam in general la pluginurile sau codurile postate in mare parte toate au fost copiate din alta parte mai ales la rezorvarea lor.

Sincer gata am gasit rezolvarea si o pun , nu merg lucrurile asa .... asa cum ti-au spus si baieti de pe modders sunt multe chesti care e mai bine pentru optimizare si e mai bine sa fie respectate pentru ca sau facut prea multe greseli si prea multe coduri aruncate fara cap si ne miram uneori de ce server`ul nostru merge "infect" "lag" etc.

PS: imi aduc aminte cand purtam o discutie cu cineva de pe modders in care se specifica cand se preia o anumita functie odata ce nu e bine facuta chiar daca rezultatul o sa fie bun in loc sa fie procesata odata ... ea se proceseaza de 3 ori sau de cate ori o apelezi asa e si cu scripting`ul daca tu nu stii mai exact ce face mai bine nu mai posta . invata si vezi exact debug`ul cum este preluata de cate ori si daca se poate prelua doar o singura data la toate functile necesare !


Am sa te rog sa numai editezi posturile altora daca esti moderator si sa iti specifici parerea ta.

E o opinie si fiecare are dreptul sa exprime ce doreste !
Last edited by YONTU on 29 Sep 2014, 18:27, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Nu ma intereseaza parerea ta despre acest topic. Daca vrei sa raspunzi bine, daca nu, pa.
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29 Sep 2014, 19:41

@CristianG. fara offtopic te rog eu, daca ai o intrebare legata de Scripting/Pawn posteaza aici, daca nu, nu incarca topicul :)
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29 Sep 2014, 20:02

Dati-mi warn, putin imi pasa, dar trebuia sa ii raspund celui de mai sus.

1. E pawn si nu xpawn....
2. Explicatiile tale sunt fara logica, nu sunt generale si se bazeaza pe cazuri particulare, tu vorbesti fara sa intelegi esenta lucrurilor, fara sa cunosti de ce si cum. Vorbesti de bool-uri de parca ar fi nu stiu ce, in pawn orice este o celula cu 32 de biti. Float, bool, sunt doar tag-uri, prin tag ii spui compilerului ca celula ta o sa retina "altceva". Asta e motivul pentru care _: va scapa de tag mismatch, pentru ca "sterge" tagul variabilelor si compilerul crede ca ele sunt "normale".

"In mare parte ideia e simpla e usor sa furam sau sa copiem dar sa stim ce face cu adevarat nu stiu nici unu de aici."

Toti incepatorii invata prin a copia, termenul "furam" e exagerat si gresit, amxx e sub licenta gnu gpl, deci sub licenta publica. Si eu tot asa am invatat, imi puneam in cap sa fac x, dupa ma gandeam la pluginul y care face acelasi lucru, vedeam metoda, incercam sa o inteleg si testam. Desigur, ca unii copiaza fara sa aiba habar ce fac, dar asa este la inceput. Faza asta dureaza pana prinzi logica si incepi sa gandesti in profunzime.

"Sincer gata am gasit rezolvarea si o pun , nu merg lucrurile asa .... asa cum ti-au spus si baieti de pe modders sunt multe chesti care e mai bine pentru optimizare si e mai bine sa fie respectate pentru ca sau facut prea multe greseli si prea multe coduri aruncate fara cap si ne miram uneori de ce server`ul nostru merge "infect" "lag" etc."

Cu cine vorbesti aici ? Nu ai precizat niciun nume...
Intr-adevar, optimizari se pot face in anumite situatii, insa nu este un tipar, faci a, b, c si gata, ai un cod optimizat. Totul depinde de cat de bine intelegi cum functioneaza nativele/forward-urile cu care lucrezi, trebuie sa inveti sa vezi punctele slabe ale unui cod, asta se invata in timp. Trebuie sa poti intelege cum va gandi pluginul tau cand este rulat si sa te gandesti daca e ok sau nu.

"PS: imi aduc aminte cand purtam o discutie cu cineva de pe modders in care se specifica cand se preia o anumita functie odata ce nu e bine facuta chiar daca rezultatul o sa fie bun in loc sa fie procesata odata ... ea se proceseaza de 3 ori sau de cate ori o apelezi asa e si cu scripting`ul daca tu nu stii mai exact ce face mai bine nu mai posta . invata si vezi exact debug`ul cum este preluata de cate ori si daca se poate prelua doar o singura data la toate functile necesare !"

Cine stie ce ti-a zis el si ce ai priceput tu. Cand ai o functie care este apelata de mai multe ori( forward, task etc ) e logic ca o sa se execute de cate ori este executa de catre modulul din care provine. Daca functia e simpla, adica e chemata doar 1 data( acum depinde ce intelegem prin "1 data" si la ce ne raportam cand decidem de cate ori in intervalul x e chemata o functie ), indiferent ce pui in ea, tot asa o sa ramana( doar daca nu pui un task care sa execute functia, si astfel sa faci un loop infinit, oricum metoda proasta, ai flagul "b" ). Daca tu ai pornit gresit, aici ma refer la un cod prost, care nu va merge conform asteptarilor nu vei primi rezultatul dorit, daca codul este ok, insa poate sa fie optimizat vei primi ce vrei, exact asa cum vrei( din moment ce nu esti destul de avansat ca sa iti pese de optimizari un cod care merge e tot ce vrei ).

Cand avansezi uiti cum era la inceput si ai pretentii de la "incepatori"( aici nu ma refer numai la cei care abea au inceput ) sa lucreze atent si ordonat( nu ma refer la cod, ci la modul in care iti grupezi ideile, modul in care gandesti pluginul ). Chiar daca ii critici si ei se supara e bine sa invete din ce le spui, daca ei se incapataneaza si o tin pe a lor nu vor avansa nicioadata.
Daca vreti ajutorul meu, nu dati bump la topic, fara intrebari de genu "cat mai dureaza/mai astept mult?".
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