Modificare plugin NightCrawler

Modificari necesare ale pluginurilor

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21 Jun 2014, 10:43

Salut , vrea sa imi eliminati meniul de arme din aces plugin , adica la inceput sa imi apara aceste arme , in ordinea de mai jos :

Plugin :


Si la pistoale :
Dual Elite
Si cel care a mai ramas (nu ii stiu numele pistolului)

Last edited by Gossu on 25 Jun 2014, 19:23, edited 1 time in total.
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21 Jun 2014, 12:59

| Afiseaza codul
		Plugin: Nightcrawler Mod
		Author: Gamerz-Vip
		Version: 1.0
			Nightcrawler mod is a modification for Counter-Strike 1.6. In the beginning, a random player is chosen to be a 
			nightcrawler. Nightcrawlers have more speed, less gravity, a custom knife, are invisible, can climb walls, 
			and can teleport. The objective of the nightcrawlers is to kill the humans (CTs). 
			The humans can choose from any primary and secondary weapons in the game. They also have the opportunity to choose
			from a variety of different items. Those items include: Laser Sight, Suicide Bomb, Poison Scout Bullets, 
			Adrenaline, and Medical Kits. Their objective is to defend themselves by any means possible.
			nc_ratio <percent> 				- Percentage of players that are nightcrawlers.
			nc_visible_time <seconds>		- How long nightcrawlers are visible when shot at.
			nc_health <health>				- How much health nightcrawlers spawn with.
			nc_gravity <gravity>			- How much gravity nightcrawlers spawn with.
			nc_speed <speed>				- How much speed nightcrawlers have.
			nc_teleport_count <amount>		- How many times nightcrawlers can teleport in a round.
			nc_teleport_delay <seconds>		- How long a nightcrawler has to wait in between teleports.
			nc_lighting <letter>			- How dark the map is. a=darkest, z=lightest
			nc_adrenaline_uses <amount>		- How many times a human can inject adrenaline per round.
			nc_adrenaline_time <seconds>	- How long adrenaline lasts per injection.
			nc_adrenaline_speed <speed>		- How fast humans go when they have injected adrenaline.
			nc_suicide_damage <damage>		- How much damage suicide bomb does to those in the radius.
			nc_suicide_radius <distance>	- How many units around the player suicide bomb affects.
			nc_suicide_time <time>			- How long it takes for a player to explode after activating the bomb.
			nc_medkit_uses <amount>			- How many medical kit a human has.
			nc_medkit_health <health>		- How much health a medical kit heals you to.
			nc_poison_amount <amount>		- How many times poison will hurt the player.
			nc_poison_interval <seconds> 	- How often poison will hurt the player.
			nc_poison_damage <damage>		- How much damage poison does each time.
			October 11, 2011	
				- v1.0 -
					+ Initial Release
				+ Team Menu
				+ Suicide Bomb
				+ Teleport Player

	/* Includes */
		#include < amxmodx >
		#include < cstrike >
		#include < hamsandwich >
		#include < fun >
		#include < fakemeta >
		#include < engine >
		#include < xs >
	/* Defines */
		#define SHOTGUN_WEAPONS_BIT    (1<<CSW_M3|1<<CSW_XM1014)
		#define RIFLE_WEAPONS_BIT    (1<<CSW_FAMAS|1<<CSW_GALIL|1<<CSW_AK47|1<<CSW_SCOUT|1<<CSW_M4A1|1<<CSW_SG550|1<<CSW_SG552|1<<CSW_AUG|1<<CSW_AWP|1<<CSW_G3SG1)
		#define MACHINE_WEAPONS_BIT    (1<<CSW_M249)


		#define IsPrimaryWeapon(%1) ( (1<<%1) & PRIMARY_WEAPONS_BIT )
		#define IsSecondaryWeapon(%1) ( (1<<%1) & PISTOL_WEAPONS_BIT )

		#define m_iVGUI						510
		#define m_fGameHUDInitialized		349
		#define m_fNextHudTextArgsGameTime	198

		#define TEAM_MENU					"#Team_Select"
		#define TEAM_MENU2					"#Team_Select_Spect"

		#define MIN_WEAPON		CSW_P228
		#define MAX_WEAPON 		CSW_P90

		#define TEAM_NC 		CS_TEAM_T

		#define MAX_PLAYERS 	32
	/* Constants */
		enum (+=1000)
		new const g_iMaxBPAmmo[ MAX_WEAPON + 1 ] =
			0, 52, 0, 90, 1, 32, 0, 100, 90, 1, 120, 100, 100, 90, 90, 90, 100, 120, 30,
			120, 200, 32, 90, 120, 90, 2, 35, 90, 90, 0, 100

		new const g_iMaxClipAmmo[ MAX_WEAPON + 1 ] =
			0, 13, 0, 10, 0, 7, 0, 30, 30, 0, 30, 20, 25, 30, 35, 25, 12, 20, 10, 30, 
			100, 8, 30, 30, 20, 0, 7, 30, 30, 0, 50

		new const g_szWeaponClassnames[ MAX_WEAPON + 1 ][ ] =
			"", "weapon_p228", "", "weapon_scout", "weapon_hegrenade",
			"weapon_xm1014", "weapon_c4", "weapon_mac10", "weapon_aug",
			"weapon_smokegrenade", "weapon_elite", "weapon_fiveseven",
			"weapon_ump45", "weapon_sg550", "weapon_galil", "weapon_famas",
			"weapon_usp", "weapon_glock18", "weapon_awp", "weapon_mp5navy",
			"weapon_m249", "weapon_m3", "weapon_m4a1", "weapon_tmp", "weapon_g3sg1",
			"weapon_flashbang", "weapon_deagle", "weapon_sg552", "weapon_ak47",
			"weapon_knife", "weapon_p90"

		new const g_szWeaponNames[ MAX_WEAPON + 1 ][ ] =
			"", "P228", "", "Schmidt Scout", "", "XM1014 (Auto-Shotgun)", "",
			"Mac-10", "AUG", "", "Dual Elites", "Five-Seven", "UMP-45", "SG-550",
			"Galil", "Famas", "USP", "Glock-18", "AWP", "MP5-Navy", "M249 (Para)",
			"M3 (Pump-Shotgun)", "M4A1", "TMP", "G3SG1", "", "Deagle", "SG-552",
			"AK-47", "", "P90"

		enum _:ItemsInfo
			ITEM_LASER, // Done
			ITEM_SUICIDE, // Done
			ITEM_POISON, // Done
			ITEM_MEDKIT // Done

		new const g_szItemNames[ ItemsInfo ][ ] =
			"Laser Sight",
			"Suicide Bomber \r(Bind Key Activated)",
			"Poison Scout Bullets",
			"Adrenaline \r(Bind Key Activated)",
			"Medic Kit \r(Bind Key Activated)"
		new const g_szObjectives[ ][ ] = 
		new const g_szPrefix[ ] = "[Nightcrawler]";

		new const g_szNCModel[ ] = "models/player/nightcrawler/nightcrawler.mdl";
		new const g_szNCKnife_V[ ] = "models/nightcrawler/v_nightcrawler.mdl";
		new const g_szLaserSprite[ ] = "sprites/zbeam4.spr";
		new const g_szExplosionSprite[ ] = "sprites/zerogxplode.spr";
		new const g_szSuicideBombSound[ ] = "weapons/c4_beep4.wav";
		new const g_szTeleportSound[ ] = "warcraft3/blinkarrival.wav";
		new const g_szAdrenalineSound[ ] = "fvox/adrenaline_shot.wav";
		new const g_szMedicalKitSound[ ] = "fvos/administering_medical.wav";
	/* Booleans */
		new bool:g_bRememberGuns[ 33 ];
		new bool:g_bNCNextRound[ 33 ];
		new bool:g_bHasLaser[ 33 ];
		new bool:g_bAdrenalineActive[ 33 ];
		new bool:g_bVisible[ 33 ];
	/* Floats */
		new Float:g_flWallOrigin[ 33 ][ 3 ];
		new Float:g_flLastTeleportTime[ 33 ];
	/* Integers */
		new g_iPrimaryWeapon[ 33 ];
		new g_iSecondaryWeapon[ 33 ];
		new g_iChosenItem[ 33 ];
		new g_iAdrenalineUses[ 33 ];
		new g_iMedKitUses[ 33 ];
		new g_iSuicideTime[ 33 ];
		new g_iPoisonRemaining[ 33 ];
		new g_iTeleportsRemaining[ 33 ];
		new g_iTeamCount[ CsTeams ];		
		new g_iCurrentRound;
		new g_iMaxPlayers;
		new g_iLaserSprite;
		new g_iExplosionSprite;

	/* Menus */
		new g_hWeaponMenu;
		new g_hPrimaryWeaponMenu;
		new g_hSecondaryWeaponMenu;
		new g_hItemsMenu;

	/* Messages */
		new g_msgShowMenu;
		new g_msgVGUIMenu;
		new g_msgStatusIcon;

	/* PCVARS */
		new g_pNightcrawlerRatio;
		new g_pNightcrawlerVisibleTime;
		new g_pNightcrawlerHealth;
		new g_pNightcrawlerGravity;
		new g_pNightcrawlerSpeed;
		new g_pNightcrawlerTeleDelay;
		new g_pNightcrawlerTeleCount;
		new g_pMapLighting;
		new g_pAdrenalineUses;
		new g_pAdrenalineTime;
		new g_pAdrenalineSpeed;
		new g_pMedKitUses;
		new g_pMedKitHealth;
		new g_pSuicideRadius;
		new g_pSuicideDamage;
		new g_pSuicideTime;
		new g_pPoisonAmount;
		new g_pPoisonInterval;
		new g_pPoisonDamage;
	/* Ham Hooks (Used to reset max speed) */
		new Ham:Ham_Player_ResetMaxSpeed = Ham_Item_PreFrame;
	//* Client (dis)connecting *//
	public client_putinserver( id )
		g_bRememberGuns[ id ] = false;
		g_bNCNextRound[ id ] = false;
		g_bHasLaser[ id ] = false;
		g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] = false;
		g_bVisible[ id ] = true;
		g_iAdrenalineUses[ id ] = 0;
		g_iMedKitUses[ id ] = 0;
		g_iSuicideTime[ id ] = 0;
		g_iPoisonRemaining[ id ] = 0;
		g_iPrimaryWeapon[ id ] = 0;
		g_iSecondaryWeapon[ id ] = 0;
		g_iTeleportsRemaining[ id ] = 0;
		g_iChosenItem[ id ] = -1;
		new szLighting[ 3 ];
		get_pcvar_string( g_pMapLighting, szLighting, 2 );
		engfunc( EngFunc_LightStyle, 0, szLighting );

	public client_disconnect( id )
		remove_task( TASK_SUICIDE + id );
	//* Plugin Precache *//
	public plugin_precache()
		precache_model( g_szNCModel );
		precache_model( g_szNCKnife_V );
		precache_sound( g_szSuicideBombSound );
		precache_sound( g_szTeleportSound );
		precache_sound( g_szMedicalKitSound );
		precache_sound( g_szAdrenalineSound );
		g_iLaserSprite = precache_model( g_szLaserSprite );
		g_iExplosionSprite = precache_model( g_szExplosionSprite );
	//* Plugin Init *//
	public plugin_init()
		register_plugin( "Nightcrawler Mod", "1.0", "H3avY Ra1n" );
		register_clcmd( "jointeam", 	"CmdJoinTeam" 	);
		register_clcmd( "joinclass", 	"CmdJoinTeam" 	);
		register_clcmd( "say /guns", 	"CmdEnableGuns" );
		register_clcmd( "item", 		"CmdUseItem" 	);
		RegisterHam( Ham_AddPlayerItem, "player", "Ham_AddPlayerItem_Pre", 		0 );
		RegisterHam( Ham_Spawn, 		"player", "Ham_PlayerSpawn_Post", 		1 );
		RegisterHam( Ham_Killed, 		"player", "Ham_PlayerKilled_Post", 		1 );
		RegisterHam( Ham_TakeDamage, 	"player", "Ham_PlayerTakeDamage_Post", 	1 );
		RegisterHam( Ham_TakeDamage, 	"player", "Ham_PlayerTakeDamage_Pre", 	0 );
		register_forward( FM_Spawn, 			"Forward_Spawn_Post", 			1 );
		register_forward( FM_Touch, 			"Forward_Touch_Pre", 			0 );
		register_forward( FM_PlayerPreThink, 	"Forward_PlayerPreThink", 		0 );
		register_forward( FM_AddToFullPack, 	"Forward_AddToFullPack_Post", 	1 );
		register_logevent( "LogEvent_RoundEnd", 2, "1=Round_End" );
		register_event( "CurWeapon", "Event_CurWeapon", "be" );
		register_menucmd( register_menuid( "Team_Select", 1 ), MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_6, "TeamSelectMenu_Handler" );
		g_msgShowMenu 	= get_user_msgid( "ShowMenu" 	);
		g_msgVGUIMenu 	= get_user_msgid( "VGUIMenu" 	);
		g_msgStatusIcon = get_user_msgid( "StatusIcon" 	);
		register_message( g_msgShowMenu, 	"Message_ShowMenu" 		);
		register_message( g_msgVGUIMenu, 	"Message_VGUIMenu" 		);
		register_message( g_msgStatusIcon, 	"Message_StatusIcon" 	);
		g_pNightcrawlerRatio		= register_cvar( "nc_ratio", 			"33" 	); // Percentage
		g_pNightcrawlerVisibleTime	= register_cvar( "nc_visible_time", 	"2" 	);
		g_pNightcrawlerHealth		= register_cvar( "nc_health", 			"150" 	);
		g_pNightcrawlerGravity		= register_cvar( "nc_gravity", 			"600" 	);
		g_pNightcrawlerSpeed		= register_cvar( "nc_speed", 			"280.0" );
		g_pNightcrawlerTeleCount	= register_cvar( "nc_teleport_count", 	"2" 	);
		g_pNightcrawlerTeleDelay 	= register_cvar( "nc_teleport_delay", 	"2" 	);
		g_pMapLighting				= register_cvar( "nc_lighting", 		"g" 	);
		g_pAdrenalineUses			= register_cvar( "nc_adrenaline_uses", 	"2" 	);
		g_pAdrenalineTime			= register_cvar( "nc_adrenaline_time", 	"10" 	);
		g_pAdrenalineSpeed			= register_cvar( "nc_adrenaline_speed", "320" 	);
		g_pSuicideDamage 			= register_cvar( "nc_suicide_damage", 	"80" 	);
		g_pSuicideRadius			= register_cvar( "nc_suicide_radius", 	"50" 	);
		g_pSuicideTime				= register_cvar( "nc_suicide_time", 	"3" 	);
		g_pMedKitUses				= register_cvar( "nc_medkit_uses", 		"2" 	);
		g_pMedKitHealth				= register_cvar( "nc_medkit_health", 	"100" 	);
		g_pPoisonAmount				= register_cvar( "nc_poison_amount", 	"3" 	);
		g_pPoisonInterval			= register_cvar( "nc_poison_interval", 	"1" 	);
		g_pPoisonDamage				= register_cvar( "nc_poison_damage", 	"5" 	);
		g_iMaxPlayers 				= get_maxplayers();
		set_task( 30.0, "Task_StartGame", TASK_STARTGAME );

	//* Client Commands *//
	//*	--------------- *//
	//*    Join Team    *//
	//*   Enable Guns   *//
	//*     Use Item    *//
	public CmdJoinTeam( id )
	public CmdEnableGuns( id )
		if( g_bRememberGuns[ id ] )
			client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Your gun menu has been re-enabled.", g_szPrefix );
			g_bRememberGuns[ id ] = false;
			client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Your gun menu is already enabled!", g_szPrefix );
	public CmdUseItem( id )
		switch( cs_get_user_team( id ) )
			case TEAM_NC:
				if( g_iTeleportsRemaining[ id ] > 0 )
					new Float:flGameTime = get_gametime();
					new iDelay = get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerTeleDelay );
					if( flGameTime - g_flLastTeleportTime[ id ] < iDelay )
						client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You must wait %i seconds inbetween teleports.", g_szPrefix, iDelay );
					else if( TeleportPlayer( id ) )
						g_flLastTeleportTime[ id ] = get_gametime();
						if( --g_iTeleportsRemaining[ id ] == 0 )
							client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You are now out of teleports.", g_szPrefix );
						else client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You have %i teleports left.", g_szPrefix, g_iTeleportsRemaining[ id ] );
			case TEAM_HUMAN:
				switch( g_iChosenItem[ id ] )
						if( g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] )
							client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Adrenaline is already active!", g_szPrefix );
						else if( g_iAdrenalineUses[ id ] > 0 )
							g_iAdrenalineUses[ id ]--;
							client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You have injected adrenaline!", g_szPrefix );
							g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] = true;
							client_cmd( id, "spk ^"%s^"", g_szAdrenalineSound );
							set_user_maxspeed( id, get_pcvar_float( g_pAdrenalineSpeed ) );
							set_task( get_pcvar_float( g_pAdrenalineTime ), "Task_RemoveAdrenaline", TASK_ADRENALINE + id );
					case ITEM_MEDKIT:
						if( g_iMedKitUses[ id ] > 0 )
							new iNewHealth = get_pcvar_num( g_pMedKitHealth );

							if( get_user_health( id ) >= iNewHealth )
								client_print( id, print_chat, "%s A medical kit won't help you right now!", g_szPrefix );
								g_iMedKitUses[ id ]--;
								client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You have used one of your medical kits. You have %i more.", g_szPrefix, g_iMedKitUses[ id ] );
								set_user_health( id, iNewHealth );
								client_cmd( id, "spk ^"%s^"", g_szMedicalKitSound );
							client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You're out of medical kits!", g_szPrefix );
					case ITEM_SUICIDE:
						if( task_exists( TASK_SUICIDE + id ) )
						g_iSuicideTime[ id ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pSuicideTime );
						Task_Suicide( TASK_SUICIDE + id );
						set_task( 1.0, "Task_Suicide", TASK_SUICIDE + id, .flags="a", .repeat=g_iSuicideTime[ id ] );
	//*      Menus     *//
	//*     -------    *//
	//*   Weapon Menu  *//
	//*  Primary Menu  *//
	//* Secondary Menu *//
	//*    Item Menu   *//
	public CreateMenus()
		g_hWeaponMenu = menu_create( "Weapons Menu", "WeaponMenu_Handler" );
		menu_additem( g_hWeaponMenu, "New Weapons", "0" );
		menu_additem( g_hWeaponMenu, "Previous Weapons", "1" );
		menu_additem( g_hWeaponMenu, "2 + Don't Ask Again", "2" );
		g_hPrimaryWeaponMenu = menu_create( "Primary Weapons", "PrimaryMenu_Handler" );
		g_hSecondaryWeaponMenu = menu_create( "Secondary Weapons", "SecondaryMenu_Handler" );
		new szInfo[ 3 ];
		for( new i = MIN_WEAPON; i <= MAX_WEAPON; i++ )
			if( IsPrimaryWeapon( i ) )
				num_to_str( i, szInfo, charsmax( szInfo ) );
				menu_additem( g_hPrimaryWeaponMenu, g_szWeaponNames[ i ], szInfo );
			else if( IsSecondaryWeapon( i ) )
				num_to_str( i, szInfo, charsmax( szInfo ) );
				menu_additem( g_hSecondaryWeaponMenu, g_szWeaponNames[ i ], szInfo );
			else continue;
		g_hItemsMenu = menu_create( "Choose an Item:", "ItemsMenu_Handler" );
		for( new i = 0; i < ItemsInfo; i++ )
			num_to_str( i, szInfo, charsmax( szInfo ) );
			if( i == ITEM_LASER )
				menu_additem( g_hItemsMenu, g_szItemNames[ i ], szInfo, _, menu_makecallback( "LaserItem_Callback" ) );
			else menu_additem( g_hItemsMenu, g_szItemNames[ i ], szInfo );
	public LaserItem_Callback( id, hMenu, iItem )
		if( g_iCurrentRound == 0 )
			return ITEM_DISABLED;
		new iFrags = get_user_frags( id );
		new iDeaths = get_user_deaths( id );

		new iPlayerFrags;
		new iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum;
		get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "ae", "CT" );
		if( iNum == 1 )
			return ITEM_DISABLED;
		for( new i = 0, iPlayer; i < iNum; i++ )
			iPlayer = iPlayers[ i ];
			if( !is_user_alive( iPlayer ) || iPlayer == id )
			iPlayerFrags = get_user_frags( iPlayer );
			if( iPlayerFrags > iFrags )
				return ITEM_DISABLED;
			else if( iPlayerFrags == iFrags )
				if( get_user_deaths( iPlayer ) < iDeaths )
					return ITEM_DISABLED;
		return ITEM_ENABLED;

	public WeaponMenu_Handler( id, hMenu, iItem )
		switch( iItem )
			case 0: menu_display( id, g_hPrimaryWeaponMenu, 0 );
			case 1: 
				GiveWeapons( id );
				menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );
			case 2: 
				GiveWeapons( id );
				g_bRememberGuns[ id ] = true;
				menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );

	public PrimaryMenu_Handler( id, hMenu, iItem )
		if( iItem == MENU_EXIT )
			menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );
		new iAccess, hCallback;
		new szData[ 6 ];
		menu_item_getinfo( hMenu, iItem, iAccess, szData, charsmax( szData ), _, _, hCallback );
		g_iPrimaryWeapon[ id ] = str_to_num( szData );

		menu_display( id, g_hSecondaryWeaponMenu, 0 );

	public SecondaryMenu_Handler( id, hMenu, iItem )
		if( iItem == MENU_EXIT )
			menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );
		new iAccess, hCallback;
		new szData[ 6 ];
		menu_item_getinfo( hMenu, iItem, iAccess, szData, charsmax( szData ), _, _, hCallback );
		g_iSecondaryWeapon[ id ] = str_to_num( szData );

		GiveWeapons( id );
		menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );

	public GiveWeapons( id )
		new iPrimary = g_iPrimaryWeapon[ id ];
		new iSecondary = g_iSecondaryWeapon[ id ];
		give_item( id, g_szWeaponClassnames[ iPrimary ] );
		give_item( id, g_szWeaponClassnames[ iSecondary ] );
		cs_set_user_bpammo( id, iPrimary, g_iMaxBPAmmo[ iPrimary ] );
		cs_set_user_bpammo( id, iSecondary, g_iMaxBPAmmo[ iSecondary ] );
	public ItemsMenu_Handler( id, hMenu, iItem )
		g_iChosenItem[ id ] = iItem;
		switch( iItem )
			case ITEM_LASER:
				g_bHasLaser[ id ] = true;
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Bind a key to 'item' to inject adrenaline.", g_szPrefix );
				g_iAdrenalineUses[ id ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pAdrenalineUses );
			case ITEM_MEDKIT:
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Bind a key to 'item' to use a medical kit.", g_szPrefix );
				g_iMedKitUses[ id ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pMedKitUses );
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Bind a key to 'item' to start the countdown.", g_szPrefix );
			case ITEM_POISON:
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s All bullets fired with a scout will be poisonous.", g_szPrefix );
	//*    Ham Functions    *//
	//*    -------------    *//
	//*  Spawn              *//
	//*  Killed             *//
	//*  Take Damage (PRE)  *//
	//*  Take Damage (POST) *//
	public Ham_AddPlayerItem_Pre( id, iWeapon )
		if( cs_get_weapon_id( iWeapon ) == CSW_C4 )
			cs_set_user_plant( id, 0, 0 );
			set_pev( id, pev_body, 0 );
			SetHamReturnInteger( false );
			return HAM_SUPERCEDE;
		return HAM_IGNORED;
	public Ham_PlayerSpawn_Post( id )
		if( !is_user_alive( id ) )
			return HAM_IGNORED;
		strip_user_weapons( id );
		give_item( id, "weapon_knife" );
		new CsTeams:iTeam = cs_get_user_team( id );
		if( g_bNCNextRound[ id ] )
			if( iTeam != TEAM_NC )
				cs_set_user_team( id, TEAM_NC );
				ExecuteHamB( Ham_CS_RoundRespawn, id );
				g_bNCNextRound[ id ] = false;
				return HAM_IGNORED;
			g_bNCNextRound[ id ] = false;
		switch( iTeam )
			case TEAM_NC:
				cs_set_user_model( id, "nightcrawler" );
				if( get_user_weapon( id ) == CSW_KNIFE )
					set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, g_szNCKnife_V );
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You are now invisible.", g_szPrefix );
				set_user_health( id, get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerHealth ) );
				set_user_gravity( id, get_pcvar_float( g_pNightcrawlerGravity ) / 800 );
				set_user_maxspeed( id, get_pcvar_float( g_pNightcrawlerSpeed ) );
				set_user_footsteps( id, 1 );
				g_iTeleportsRemaining[ id ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerTeleCount );
				g_bVisible[ id ] = false;
			case TEAM_HUMAN:
				/*if( g_bRememberGuns[ id ] )
					GiveWeapons( id );
				else if( g_iPrimaryWeapon[ id ] == 0 || g_iSecondaryWeapon[ id ] == 0 )
					menu_display( id, g_hPrimaryWeaponMenu );
				else menu_display( id, g_hWeaponMenu );*/
				set_user_footsteps( id, 0 );
				cs_set_user_model( id, "gign" );
				g_bVisible[ id ] = true;
		g_bNCNextRound[ id ] = false;
		return HAM_IGNORED;

	public Ham_PlayerKilled_Post( iVictim, iKiller, iShouldGib )
		if( !is_user_alive( iKiller ) )
			return HAM_IGNORED;
		switch( cs_get_user_team( iKiller ) )
			case TEAM_HUMAN:
				if( cs_get_user_team( iVictim ) == TEAM_NC )
					client_print( iVictim, print_chat, "%s You were killed by a human and are now one also!", g_szPrefix );
					cs_set_user_team( iVictim, TEAM_HUMAN );
					if( !g_bNCNextRound[ iKiller ] )
						client_print( iKiller, print_chat, "%s You killed a Night-Crawler and will be one next round!", g_szPrefix );
						g_bNCNextRound[ iKiller ] = true;
			case TEAM_NC:
				if( cs_get_user_team( iVictim ) == TEAM_HUMAN )
					client_print( iKiller, print_chat, "%s You killed a human!", g_szPrefix );
					client_print( iVictim, print_chat, "%s You were killed by a Night-Crawler!", g_szPrefix );
		return HAM_IGNORED;

	public Ham_PlayerTakeDamage_Pre( iVictim, iInflictor, iAttacker, Float:flDamage, iBits )
		if( cs_get_user_team( iVictim ) == TEAM_NC && iBits & DMG_FALL )
			return HAM_SUPERCEDE;
		return HAM_IGNORED;
	public Ham_PlayerTakeDamage_Post( iVictim, iInflictor, iAttacker, Float:flDamage, iBits )
		if( cs_get_user_team( iVictim ) == TEAM_NC )
			if( is_user_connected( iAttacker ) )
				remove_task( TASK_INVISIBLE + iVictim );
				g_bVisible[ iVictim ] = true;
				set_task( get_pcvar_float( g_pNightcrawlerVisibleTime ), "Task_SetInvisible", iVictim + TASK_INVISIBLE );
				if( g_iChosenItem[ iAttacker ] == ITEM_POISON && iInflictor == CSW_SCOUT )
					g_iPoisonRemaining[ iVictim ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pPoisonAmount );
					remove_task( TASK_POISON + iVictim );
					new szParams[ 2 ];
					szParams[ 0 ] = iAttacker;
					set_task( get_pcvar_float( g_pPoisonInterval ), "Task_Poison", TASK_POISON + iVictim, szParams, 2 );
		return HAM_IGNORED;
	//* Fakemeta Hooks *//
	//* -------------- *//
	//*  Entity Spawn*  //
	//*  Entity Touch*  //
	//*  Player Think  *//
	//*  AddToFullPack *//
	public Forward_Spawn_Post( iEntity )
		new szClassname[ 32 ];
		pev( iEntity, pev_classname, szClassname, charsmax( szClassname ) );
		for( new i = 0; i < sizeof g_szObjectives; i++ )
			if( equali( szClassname, g_szObjectives[ i ] ) )
				remove_entity( iEntity );
	public Forward_Touch_Pre( iEnt, id )
		if( !is_user_alive( id ) )
			return FMRES_IGNORED;
		new szClassname[ 32 ];
		pev( iEnt, pev_classname, szClassname, charsmax( szClassname ) );
		if( equali( szClassname, "worldspawn" ) || equali( szClassname, "func_wall" ) || equali( szClassname, "func_breakable" ) )
			pev( id, pev_origin, g_flWallOrigin[ id ] );
		else if( equali( szClassname, "weaponbox" ) || equali( szClassname, "armoury_entity" ) )
			if( cs_get_user_team( id ) == TEAM_NC )
	public Forward_PlayerPreThink( id )
		if( !is_user_alive( id ) )
		static CsTeams:iTeam;
		iTeam = cs_get_user_team( id );
		if( iTeam == TEAM_HUMAN )
			if( !g_bHasLaser[ id ] )
				static iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum;
				get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "ae", "CT" );
				if( iNum == 1 )
					g_bHasLaser[ id ] = true;
			if( g_bHasLaser[ id ] )

				static iTarget, iBody, iRed, iGreen, iBlue, iWeapon;
				get_user_aiming( id, iTarget, iBody );
				iWeapon = get_user_weapon( id );
				if( IsPrimaryWeapon( iWeapon ) || IsSecondaryWeapon( iWeapon ) )
					if( is_user_alive( iTarget ) && cs_get_user_team( iTarget ) == TEAM_NC )
						iRed = 255;
						iGreen = 0;
						iBlue = 0;
						iRed = 0;
						iGreen = 255;
						iBlue = 0;
					static iOrigin[ 3 ];
					get_user_origin( id, iOrigin, 3 );
					message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY );
					write_byte( TE_BEAMENTPOINT );
					write_short( id | 0x1000 );
					write_coord( iOrigin[ 0 ] );
					write_coord( iOrigin[ 1 ] );
					write_coord( iOrigin[ 2 ] );
					write_short( g_iLaserSprite );
					write_byte( 1 );
					write_byte( 10 );
					write_byte( 1 );
					write_byte( 5 );
					write_byte( 0 );
					write_byte( iRed );
					write_byte( iGreen );
					write_byte( iBlue );
					write_byte( 150 );
					write_byte( 25 );
					message_end( );
		else if( iTeam == TEAM_NC )
			static iButton;
			iButton = get_user_button( id );
			if( iButton & IN_USE )
				static Float:fOrigin[ 3 ];
				pev( id, pev_origin, fOrigin );
				if( get_distance_f( fOrigin, g_flWallOrigin[ id ] ) > 10.0 )
				if( pev( id, pev_flags ) & FL_ONGROUND )
				if( iButton & IN_FORWARD )
					static Float:fVelocity[ 3 ];
					velocity_by_aim( id, 240, fVelocity );
					set_pev( id, pev_velocity, fVelocity );
				else if( iButton & IN_BACK )
					static Float:fVelocity[ 3 ];
					velocity_by_aim( id, -240, fVelocity );
					set_pev( id, pev_velocity, fVelocity );
	public Forward_AddToFullPack_Post( es, e, iEntity, iHost, iHostFlags, iPlayer, pSet )
		if( is_user_alive( iEntity ) && is_user_alive( iHost ) && cs_get_user_team( iEntity ) == TEAM_NC && cs_get_user_team( iHost ) == TEAM_HUMAN )
			set_es( es, ES_RenderMode, kRenderTransAdd );
			if( g_bVisible[ iEntity ] )
				set_es( es, ES_RenderAmt, 255 );
			else set_es( es, ES_RenderAmt, 0 );
	//* Log Events *//
	//* ---------- *//
	//* Round End  //
	public LogEvent_RoundEnd()
	//*   Events  *//
	//*   ------  *//
	//* CurWeapon *//
	public Event_CurWeapon( id )
		new iWeapon = read_data( 2 );
		switch( cs_get_user_team( id ) )
			case TEAM_HUMAN:
				if( IsPrimaryWeapon( iWeapon ) || IsSecondaryWeapon( iWeapon ) )
					if( cs_get_user_bpammo( id, iWeapon ) != g_iMaxBPAmmo[ iWeapon ] )
						cs_set_user_bpammo( id, iWeapon, g_iMaxBPAmmo[ iWeapon ] );
					if( g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] )
						new iEnt = find_ent_by_owner( -1, g_szWeaponClassnames[ iWeapon ], id );
						if( !pev_valid( iEnt ) )
						cs_set_weapon_ammo( iEnt, g_iMaxClipAmmo[ iWeapon ] );
				if( g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] )
					set_user_maxspeed( id, get_pcvar_float( g_pAdrenalineSpeed ) );
			case TEAM_NC:
				if( iWeapon == CSW_KNIFE )
					set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, g_szNCKnife_V );
	//* Ratio Stuff *//
	//* ----------- *//
	//*  Team Menu  *//
	//* Force Team  *//
	public TeamSelectMenu_Handler( id, iKey )
		new CsTeams:iTeam = cs_get_user_team( id );

		switch( iKey )
			case 0: // Join NC (Terrorists)
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You cannot join the Night-Crawler team!", g_szPrefix );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			case 1: // Join Humans (CTs)
				if( iTeam == TEAM_HUMAN )
					return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
				if( task_exists( TASK_STARTGAME ) )
					ForceTeam( id, TEAM_HUMAN );
					// ( Percent * Total Players / 100 ) - Current Amount of NCs
					new iNeeded = get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerRatio ) * ( g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_NC ] + g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_HUMAN ] ) / 100 - g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_NC ];
					if( iNeeded == 0 && g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_HUMAN ] == 1 )
						iNeeded = 1;
					if( iNeeded >= 1 )
						ForceTeam( id, TEAM_NC );
					else ForceTeam( id, TEAM_HUMAN );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			case 5:
				user_silentkill( id );
				ForceTeam( id, CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

	public ForceTeam( id, CsTeams:iTeam )
		static iRestore, iVGUI, iMSGBlock;

		iRestore = get_pdata_int( id, m_iVGUI );
		iVGUI = iRestore & ( 1 << 0 );
		if( iVGUI )
			set_pdata_int( id, m_iVGUI, iRestore & ~( 1 << 0 ) );

		switch( iTeam )
				iMSGBlock = get_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu );
				set_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu, BLOCK_ONCE );
				dllfunc( DLLFunc_ClientPutInServer, id );
				set_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu, iMSGBlock );
				set_pdata_int( id, m_fGameHUDInitialized, 1 );
				engclient_cmd( id, "jointeam", "6" );
			case CS_TEAM_T, CS_TEAM_CT:
				iMSGBlock = get_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu );
				set_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu, BLOCK_ONCE );
				engclient_cmd( id, "jointeam", ( iTeam == CS_TEAM_CT ) ? "2" : "1" );
				engclient_cmd( id, "joinclass", "1" );
				set_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu, iMSGBlock );
		if( iVGUI )
			set_pdata_int( id, m_iVGUI, iRestore );
	//*  Messages   *//
	//*  --------   *//
	//* VGUI Menu   *//
	//* Show Menu   *//
	//* Status Icon *//

	public Message_VGUIMenu( iMSGId, iDest, id )
		static iMSGArg1;

		iMSGArg1 = get_msg_arg_int( 1 );
		if( iMSGArg1 == 2 )
			show_menu( id, 51, TEAM_MENU2, -1 );


	public Message_ShowMenu( iMSGId, iDest, id )
		static iMSGArg1;
		iMSGArg1 = get_msg_arg_int( 1 );

		if( iMSGArg1 != 531 && iMSGArg1 != 563 )

		show_menu( id, 51, TEAM_MENU2, -1 );
	public Message_StatusIcon( iMsgID, iMsgDest, id )
		static szIcon[ 8 ];
		get_msg_arg_string( 2, szIcon, 7 );
		if( equal( szIcon, "buyzone" ) && get_msg_arg_int( 1 ) )
			set_pdata_int( id, 235, get_pdata_int( id, 235 ) & ~(1<<0) );
	//*     Tasks     *//
	//*     -----     *//
	//*     Poison    *//
	//*   Start Game  *//
	//* Set Invisible *//
	//*  Suicide Bomb *//
	//*   Adrenaline  *//
	public Task_Poison( szParams[ ], iTaskID )
		new iAttacker = szParams[ 0 ];
		new id = iTaskID - TASK_POISON;
		ExecuteHam( Ham_TakeDamage, id, iAttacker, iAttacker, get_pcvar_float( g_pPoisonDamage ), DMG_GENERIC );
		if( --g_iPoisonRemaining[ id ] > 0 )
			set_task( get_pcvar_float( g_pPoisonInterval ), "Task_PoisonHurt", iTaskID );
	public Task_StartGame()
		new iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum;
		get_players( iPlayers, iNum );
		new iNCAmount = ( get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerRatio ) * iNum ) / 100 - g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_NC ];
		if( iNCAmount == 0 && iNum > 1 )
			iNCAmount = 1;
		new iRandom;
		for( new i = 0; i < iNCAmount; i++ )
			iRandom = random( iNum );			
			cs_set_user_team( iPlayers[ iRandom ], TEAM_NC );
			iPlayers[ iRandom ] = iPlayers[ --iNum ];
		server_cmd( "sv_restartround 1 " );
	public Task_SetInvisible( iTaskID )
		new id = iTaskID - TASK_INVISIBLE;
		g_bVisible[ id ] = false;
	public Task_Suicide( iTaskID )
		new id = iTaskID - TASK_SUICIDE;

		if( --g_iSuicideTime[ id ] == 0 )
			new Float:flOrigin[ 3 ];
			pev( id, pev_origin, flOrigin );
			user_kill( id );
			message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY );
			write_byte( TE_EXPLOSION );
			write_coord( floatround( flOrigin[ 0 ] ) );
			write_coord( floatround( flOrigin[ 1 ] ) );
			write_coord( floatround( flOrigin[ 2 ] ) );
			write_short( g_iExplosionSprite );
			write_byte( 30 );
			write_byte( 30 );
			write_byte( 0 );
			fm_radius_damage( id, flOrigin, get_pcvar_float( g_pSuicideDamage ), get_pcvar_float( g_pSuicideRadius ) );
		else emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, g_szSuicideBombSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
	public Task_RemoveAdrenaline( iTaskID )
		new id = iTaskID - TASK_ADRENALINE;
		g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] = false;
		if( is_user_alive( id ) )
			ExecuteHamB( Ham_Player_ResetMaxSpeed, id );
			client_print( id, print_chat, "%s The adrenaline has worn off.", g_szPrefix );
	//*   Other Stuff   *//
	//*   -----------   *//
	//*  Radius Damage  *//
	//*   Count Teams   *//
	//* Teleport Player *//
	// Taken from Jailbreak Mod by Pastout.
	fm_radius_damage( id, Float:flOrigin[ 3 ], Float:flDamage, Float:flRadius )
		new szClassname[ 33 ], CsTeams:iTeam;
		iTeam = cs_get_user_team( id );
		static iEnt;
		iEnt = -1;
		while( ( iEnt = engfunc( EngFunc_FindEntityInSphere, iEnt, flOrigin, flRadius ) ) )
			pev( iEnt, pev_classname, szClassname, charsmax( szClassname ) );
			if( !equali( szClassname, "player" ) || !is_user_alive( iEnt ) || cs_get_user_team( iEnt ) == iTeam )
			ExecuteHamB( Ham_TakeDamage, iEnt, 0, id, flDamage, DMG_GENERIC );
		for( new i = 1; i <= g_iMaxPlayers; i++ )
			if( !is_user_connected( i ) )
			g_iTeamCount[ cs_get_user_team( i ) ]++;
	// Credits to Exolent for this function
	TeleportPlayer( iPlayer )
		new Float:vOrigin[ 3 ], Float:vViewOfs[ 3 ];
		pev( iPlayer, pev_origin, vOrigin );
		pev( iPlayer, pev_view_ofs, vViewOfs );
		xs_vec_add( vOrigin, vViewOfs, vOrigin );
		new Float:vViewAngle[ 3 ];
		pev( iPlayer, pev_v_angle, vViewAngle );
		new Float:vAimVector[ 3 ];
		angle_vector( vViewAngle, ANGLEVECTOR_FORWARD, vAimVector );
		xs_vec_normalize( vAimVector, vAimVector );
		xs_vec_mul_scalar( vAimVector, 9999.0, vAimVector );
		engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vAimVector, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
		get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vAimVector );
		get_tr2( 0, TR_vecPlaneNormal, vOrigin );
		xs_vec_normalize( vOrigin, vOrigin );
		xs_vec_mul_scalar( vOrigin, 36.0, vOrigin );
		xs_vec_add( vAimVector, vOrigin, vOrigin );
		new bool:bDucking = false;
		if( trace_hull( vOrigin, HULL_HUMAN, iPlayer ) )
			if( !trace_hull( vOrigin, HULL_HEAD, iPlayer ) )
				bDucking = true;
				// player cannot duck or stand clearly, so try to move the origin so player can
				new iResetCount;
				if( ++iResetCount > 4 )
					// too many tries to find a good origin. just set to fail.
					client_print( iPlayer, print_center, "You cannot teleport there! You will be stuck!" );
					return 0;
				for( new i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
					switch( i )
						case 0:
							// check above x
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 0 ] += 16.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
								vOrigin[ 0 ] = vViewOfs[ 0 ] - 16.0;
								goto test_new_origin;
						case 1:
							// check below x
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 0 ] -= 16.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
								vOrigin[ 0 ] = vViewOfs[ 0 ] + 16.0;
								goto test_new_origin;
						case 2:
							// check above y
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 1 ] += 16.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
								vOrigin[ 1 ] = vViewOfs[ 1 ] - 16.0;
								goto test_new_origin;
						case 3:
							// check below y
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 1 ] -= 16.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
								vOrigin[ 1 ] = vViewOfs[ 1 ] + 16.0;
								goto test_new_origin;
						case 4:
							// check above z
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 2 ] += 36.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
								vViewOfs[ 2 ] += 18.0;
								engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
								get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
								if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
									get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
									vOrigin[ 2 ] = vViewOfs[ 2 ] - 36.0;
									goto test_new_origin;
								bDucking = true;
						case 5:
							// check below z
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 2 ] -= 36.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
								vViewOfs[ 2 ] -= 18.0;
								engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
								get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
								if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
									get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
									vOrigin[ 2 ] = vViewOfs[ 2 ] + 36.0;
									goto test_new_origin;
								bDucking = true;
		if( engfunc( EngFunc_PointContents, vOrigin ) == CONTENTS_SKY )
			client_print( iPlayer, print_center, "You can't teleport there!" );
			return 0;
		if( bDucking )
			set_pev( iPlayer, pev_flags, pev( iPlayer, pev_flags ) | FL_DUCKING );
			engfunc( EngFunc_SetSize, iPlayer, Float:{ -16.0, -16.0, -18.0 }, Float:{ 16.0, 16.0, 18.0 } );
		emit_sound( iPlayer, CHAN_ITEM, g_szTeleportSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
		engfunc( EngFunc_SetOrigin, iPlayer, vOrigin );
		return 1;
Pentru ajutor, faceți cerere bine detaliată, completând și respectând modelul corespunzător.
Nu-mi mai dați cereri doar pentru a mă avea în lista de prieteni.
Dacă te ajut, și mă ignori/etc > te adaug în „foe”.
Aveți grijă la cei ce încearcă să mă copieze sau să dea drept mine..Puteți lua legătura cu mine prin STEAM dacă aveți o problemă/nelămurire în acest caz! Cont de forum am doar aici.
În cazul în care utilizați ceva din ce am postat(ex: aici), e bine să fiți la curent cu modificările aduse și de aici, iar dacă sunt ceva probleme nu ezitați să luați legătura cu mine. Actualizarea unor coduri nu se vor afișa public, doar dacă se găsește ceva critic/urgent de remediat, unele fiind coduri vechi iar unele refăcute chiar recent dar private.
* Nume pe cs1.6: eVoLuTiOn \ Nume vechi: eVo
* Atelierul meu - post2819572.html#p2819572 (închis, click link ca să vedeți de ce)
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21 Jun 2014, 16:06

Ii o singur problema ,imi elimina armele , dar imi elimina si un meniu care il apare dupa aia , mai exact "Chose Menu" , ai putea sa elimini doar armele ?
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Scripter eXtreamCS
Scripter eXtreamCS
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21 Jun 2014, 21:54

Nu pricep, explica mai bine :-??
Pentru ajutor, faceți cerere bine detaliată, completând și respectând modelul corespunzător.
Nu-mi mai dați cereri doar pentru a mă avea în lista de prieteni.
Dacă te ajut, și mă ignori/etc > te adaug în „foe”.
Aveți grijă la cei ce încearcă să mă copieze sau să dea drept mine..Puteți lua legătura cu mine prin STEAM dacă aveți o problemă/nelămurire în acest caz! Cont de forum am doar aici.
În cazul în care utilizați ceva din ce am postat(ex: aici), e bine să fiți la curent cu modificările aduse și de aici, iar dacă sunt ceva probleme nu ezitați să luați legătura cu mine. Actualizarea unor coduri nu se vor afișa public, doar dacă se găsește ceva critic/urgent de remediat, unele fiind coduri vechi iar unele refăcute chiar recent dar private.
* Nume pe cs1.6: eVoLuTiOn \ Nume vechi: eVo
* Atelierul meu - post2819572.html#p2819572 (închis, click link ca să vedeți de ce)
Membru, skill 0
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21 Jun 2014, 22:23

Cand intru pe sv la CT ma pune sa aleg armele , iar apoi imi da un meniu cu 5 iteme : Laser , Adrenaline etc , etc. Eu vreau sa imi scoti doar chestia cu armele. Mai sus ai scos si iteme.
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Scripter eXtreamCS
Scripter eXtreamCS
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Nume anterior: Adryyy
Location: ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ
Discord: devilclass
Has thanked: 36 times
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22 Jun 2014, 01:09

Gossu wrote:Cand intru pe sv la CT ma pune sa aleg armele , iar apoi imi da un meniu cu 5 iteme : Laser , Adrenaline etc , etc. Eu vreau sa imi scoti doar chestia cu armele. Mai sus ai scos si iteme.
| Afiseaza codul
		Plugin: Nightcrawler Mod
		Author: Gamerz-Vip
		Version: 1.0
			Nightcrawler mod is a modification for Counter-Strike 1.6. In the beginning, a random player is chosen to be a 
			nightcrawler. Nightcrawlers have more speed, less gravity, a custom knife, are invisible, can climb walls, 
			and can teleport. The objective of the nightcrawlers is to kill the humans (CTs). 
			The humans can choose from any primary and secondary weapons in the game. They also have the opportunity to choose
			from a variety of different items. Those items include: Laser Sight, Suicide Bomb, Poison Scout Bullets, 
			Adrenaline, and Medical Kits. Their objective is to defend themselves by any means possible.
			nc_ratio <percent> 				- Percentage of players that are nightcrawlers.
			nc_visible_time <seconds>		- How long nightcrawlers are visible when shot at.
			nc_health <health>				- How much health nightcrawlers spawn with.
			nc_gravity <gravity>			- How much gravity nightcrawlers spawn with.
			nc_speed <speed>				- How much speed nightcrawlers have.
			nc_teleport_count <amount>		- How many times nightcrawlers can teleport in a round.
			nc_teleport_delay <seconds>		- How long a nightcrawler has to wait in between teleports.
			nc_lighting <letter>			- How dark the map is. a=darkest, z=lightest
			nc_adrenaline_uses <amount>		- How many times a human can inject adrenaline per round.
			nc_adrenaline_time <seconds>	- How long adrenaline lasts per injection.
			nc_adrenaline_speed <speed>		- How fast humans go when they have injected adrenaline.
			nc_suicide_damage <damage>		- How much damage suicide bomb does to those in the radius.
			nc_suicide_radius <distance>	- How many units around the player suicide bomb affects.
			nc_suicide_time <time>			- How long it takes for a player to explode after activating the bomb.
			nc_medkit_uses <amount>			- How many medical kit a human has.
			nc_medkit_health <health>		- How much health a medical kit heals you to.
			nc_poison_amount <amount>		- How many times poison will hurt the player.
			nc_poison_interval <seconds> 	- How often poison will hurt the player.
			nc_poison_damage <damage>		- How much damage poison does each time.
			October 11, 2011	
				- v1.0 -
					+ Initial Release
				+ Team Menu
				+ Suicide Bomb
				+ Teleport Player

	/* Includes */
		#include < amxmodx >
		#include < cstrike >
		#include < hamsandwich >
		#include < fun >
		#include < fakemeta >
		#include < engine >
		#include < xs >
	/* Defines */
		#define SHOTGUN_WEAPONS_BIT    (1<<CSW_M3|1<<CSW_XM1014)
		#define RIFLE_WEAPONS_BIT    (1<<CSW_FAMAS|1<<CSW_GALIL|1<<CSW_AK47|1<<CSW_SCOUT|1<<CSW_M4A1|1<<CSW_SG550|1<<CSW_SG552|1<<CSW_AUG|1<<CSW_AWP|1<<CSW_G3SG1)
		#define MACHINE_WEAPONS_BIT    (1<<CSW_M249)


		#define IsPrimaryWeapon(%1) ( (1<<%1) & PRIMARY_WEAPONS_BIT )
		#define IsSecondaryWeapon(%1) ( (1<<%1) & PISTOL_WEAPONS_BIT )

		#define m_iVGUI						510
		#define m_fGameHUDInitialized		349
		#define m_fNextHudTextArgsGameTime	198

		#define TEAM_MENU					"#Team_Select"
		#define TEAM_MENU2					"#Team_Select_Spect"

		#define MIN_WEAPON		CSW_P228
		#define MAX_WEAPON 		CSW_P90

		#define TEAM_NC 		CS_TEAM_T

		#define MAX_PLAYERS 	32
	/* Constants */
		enum (+=1000)
		new const g_iMaxBPAmmo[ MAX_WEAPON + 1 ] =
			0, 52, 0, 90, 1, 32, 0, 100, 90, 1, 120, 100, 100, 90, 90, 90, 100, 120, 30,
			120, 200, 32, 90, 120, 90, 2, 35, 90, 90, 0, 100

		new const g_iMaxClipAmmo[ MAX_WEAPON + 1 ] =
			0, 13, 0, 10, 0, 7, 0, 30, 30, 0, 30, 20, 25, 30, 35, 25, 12, 20, 10, 30, 
			100, 8, 30, 30, 20, 0, 7, 30, 30, 0, 50

		new const g_szWeaponClassnames[ MAX_WEAPON + 1 ][ ] =
			"", "weapon_p228", "", "weapon_scout", "weapon_hegrenade",
			"weapon_xm1014", "weapon_c4", "weapon_mac10", "weapon_aug",
			"weapon_smokegrenade", "weapon_elite", "weapon_fiveseven",
			"weapon_ump45", "weapon_sg550", "weapon_galil", "weapon_famas",
			"weapon_usp", "weapon_glock18", "weapon_awp", "weapon_mp5navy",
			"weapon_m249", "weapon_m3", "weapon_m4a1", "weapon_tmp", "weapon_g3sg1",
			"weapon_flashbang", "weapon_deagle", "weapon_sg552", "weapon_ak47",
			"weapon_knife", "weapon_p90"

		/*new const g_szWeaponNames[ MAX_WEAPON + 1 ][ ] =
			"", "P228", "", "Schmidt Scout", "", "XM1014 (Auto-Shotgun)", "",
			"Mac-10", "AUG", "", "Dual Elites", "Five-Seven", "UMP-45", "SG-550",
			"Galil", "Famas", "USP", "Glock-18", "AWP", "MP5-Navy", "M249 (Para)",
			"M3 (Pump-Shotgun)", "M4A1", "TMP", "G3SG1", "", "Deagle", "SG-552",
			"AK-47", "", "P90"

		enum _:ItemsInfo
			ITEM_LASER, // Done
			ITEM_SUICIDE, // Done
			ITEM_POISON, // Done
			ITEM_MEDKIT // Done

		new const g_szItemNames[ ItemsInfo ][ ] =
			"Laser Sight",
			"Suicide Bomber \r(Bind Key Activated)",
			"Poison Scout Bullets",
			"Adrenaline \r(Bind Key Activated)",
			"Medic Kit \r(Bind Key Activated)"
		new const g_szObjectives[ ][ ] = 
		new const g_szPrefix[ ] = "[Nightcrawler]";

		new const g_szNCModel[ ] = "models/player/nightcrawler/nightcrawler.mdl";
		new const g_szNCKnife_V[ ] = "models/nightcrawler/v_nightcrawler.mdl";
		new const g_szLaserSprite[ ] = "sprites/zbeam4.spr";
		new const g_szExplosionSprite[ ] = "sprites/zerogxplode.spr";
		new const g_szSuicideBombSound[ ] = "weapons/c4_beep4.wav";
		new const g_szTeleportSound[ ] = "warcraft3/blinkarrival.wav";
		new const g_szAdrenalineSound[ ] = "fvox/adrenaline_shot.wav";
		new const g_szMedicalKitSound[ ] = "fvos/administering_medical.wav";
	/* Booleans */
		new bool:g_bRememberGuns[ 33 ];
		new bool:g_bNCNextRound[ 33 ];
		new bool:g_bHasLaser[ 33 ];
		new bool:g_bAdrenalineActive[ 33 ];
		new bool:g_bVisible[ 33 ];
	/* Floats */
		new Float:g_flWallOrigin[ 33 ][ 3 ];
		new Float:g_flLastTeleportTime[ 33 ];
	/* Integers */
		new g_iPrimaryWeapon[ 33 ];
		new g_iSecondaryWeapon[ 33 ];
		new g_iChosenItem[ 33 ];
		new g_iAdrenalineUses[ 33 ];
		new g_iMedKitUses[ 33 ];
		new g_iSuicideTime[ 33 ];
		new g_iPoisonRemaining[ 33 ];
		new g_iTeleportsRemaining[ 33 ];
		new g_iTeamCount[ CsTeams ];		
		new g_iCurrentRound;
		new g_iMaxPlayers;
		new g_iLaserSprite;
		new g_iExplosionSprite;

	/* Menus */
		//new g_hWeaponMenu;
		//new g_hPrimaryWeaponMenu;
		//new g_hSecondaryWeaponMenu;
		new g_hItemsMenu;

	/* Messages */
		new g_msgShowMenu;
		new g_msgVGUIMenu;
		new g_msgStatusIcon;

	/* PCVARS */
		new g_pNightcrawlerRatio;
		new g_pNightcrawlerVisibleTime;
		new g_pNightcrawlerHealth;
		new g_pNightcrawlerGravity;
		new g_pNightcrawlerSpeed;
		new g_pNightcrawlerTeleDelay;
		new g_pNightcrawlerTeleCount;
		new g_pMapLighting;
		new g_pAdrenalineUses;
		new g_pAdrenalineTime;
		new g_pAdrenalineSpeed;
		new g_pMedKitUses;
		new g_pMedKitHealth;
		new g_pSuicideRadius;
		new g_pSuicideDamage;
		new g_pSuicideTime;
		new g_pPoisonAmount;
		new g_pPoisonInterval;
		new g_pPoisonDamage;
	/* Ham Hooks (Used to reset max speed) */
		new Ham:Ham_Player_ResetMaxSpeed = Ham_Item_PreFrame;
	//* Client (dis)connecting *//
	public client_putinserver( id )
		g_bRememberGuns[ id ] = false;
		g_bNCNextRound[ id ] = false;
		g_bHasLaser[ id ] = false;
		g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] = false;
		g_bVisible[ id ] = true;
		g_iAdrenalineUses[ id ] = 0;
		g_iMedKitUses[ id ] = 0;
		g_iSuicideTime[ id ] = 0;
		g_iPoisonRemaining[ id ] = 0;
		g_iPrimaryWeapon[ id ] = 0;
		g_iSecondaryWeapon[ id ] = 0;
		g_iTeleportsRemaining[ id ] = 0;
		g_iChosenItem[ id ] = -1;
		new szLighting[ 3 ];
		get_pcvar_string( g_pMapLighting, szLighting, 2 );
		engfunc( EngFunc_LightStyle, 0, szLighting );

	public client_disconnect( id )
		remove_task( TASK_SUICIDE + id );
	//* Plugin Precache *//
	public plugin_precache()
		precache_model( g_szNCModel );
		precache_model( g_szNCKnife_V );
		precache_sound( g_szSuicideBombSound );
		precache_sound( g_szTeleportSound );
		precache_sound( g_szMedicalKitSound );
		precache_sound( g_szAdrenalineSound );
		g_iLaserSprite = precache_model( g_szLaserSprite );
		g_iExplosionSprite = precache_model( g_szExplosionSprite );
	//* Plugin Init *//
	public plugin_init()
		register_plugin( "Nightcrawler Mod", "1.0", "H3avY Ra1n" );
		register_clcmd( "jointeam", 	"CmdJoinTeam" 	);
		register_clcmd( "joinclass", 	"CmdJoinTeam" 	);
		register_clcmd( "say /guns", 	"CmdEnableGuns" );
		register_clcmd( "item", 		"CmdUseItem" 	);
		RegisterHam( Ham_AddPlayerItem, "player", "Ham_AddPlayerItem_Pre", 		0 );
		RegisterHam( Ham_Spawn, 		"player", "Ham_PlayerSpawn_Post", 		1 );
		RegisterHam( Ham_Killed, 		"player", "Ham_PlayerKilled_Post", 		1 );
		RegisterHam( Ham_TakeDamage, 	"player", "Ham_PlayerTakeDamage_Post", 	1 );
		RegisterHam( Ham_TakeDamage, 	"player", "Ham_PlayerTakeDamage_Pre", 	0 );
		register_forward( FM_Spawn, 			"Forward_Spawn_Post", 			1 );
		register_forward( FM_Touch, 			"Forward_Touch_Pre", 			0 );
		register_forward( FM_PlayerPreThink, 	"Forward_PlayerPreThink", 		0 );
		register_forward( FM_AddToFullPack, 	"Forward_AddToFullPack_Post", 	1 );
		register_logevent( "LogEvent_RoundEnd", 2, "1=Round_End" );
		register_event( "CurWeapon", "Event_CurWeapon", "be" );
		register_menucmd( register_menuid( "Team_Select", 1 ), MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_6, "TeamSelectMenu_Handler" );
		g_msgShowMenu 	= get_user_msgid( "ShowMenu" 	);
		g_msgVGUIMenu 	= get_user_msgid( "VGUIMenu" 	);
		g_msgStatusIcon = get_user_msgid( "StatusIcon" 	);
		register_message( g_msgShowMenu, 	"Message_ShowMenu" 		);
		register_message( g_msgVGUIMenu, 	"Message_VGUIMenu" 		);
		register_message( g_msgStatusIcon, 	"Message_StatusIcon" 	);
		g_pNightcrawlerRatio		= register_cvar( "nc_ratio", 			"33" 	); // Percentage
		g_pNightcrawlerVisibleTime	= register_cvar( "nc_visible_time", 	"2" 	);
		g_pNightcrawlerHealth		= register_cvar( "nc_health", 			"150" 	);
		g_pNightcrawlerGravity		= register_cvar( "nc_gravity", 			"600" 	);
		g_pNightcrawlerSpeed		= register_cvar( "nc_speed", 			"280.0" );
		g_pNightcrawlerTeleCount	= register_cvar( "nc_teleport_count", 	"2" 	);
		g_pNightcrawlerTeleDelay 	= register_cvar( "nc_teleport_delay", 	"2" 	);
		g_pMapLighting				= register_cvar( "nc_lighting", 		"g" 	);
		g_pAdrenalineUses			= register_cvar( "nc_adrenaline_uses", 	"2" 	);
		g_pAdrenalineTime			= register_cvar( "nc_adrenaline_time", 	"10" 	);
		g_pAdrenalineSpeed			= register_cvar( "nc_adrenaline_speed", "320" 	);
		g_pSuicideDamage 			= register_cvar( "nc_suicide_damage", 	"80" 	);
		g_pSuicideRadius			= register_cvar( "nc_suicide_radius", 	"50" 	);
		g_pSuicideTime				= register_cvar( "nc_suicide_time", 	"3" 	);
		g_pMedKitUses				= register_cvar( "nc_medkit_uses", 		"2" 	);
		g_pMedKitHealth				= register_cvar( "nc_medkit_health", 	"100" 	);
		g_pPoisonAmount				= register_cvar( "nc_poison_amount", 	"3" 	);
		g_pPoisonInterval			= register_cvar( "nc_poison_interval", 	"1" 	);
		g_pPoisonDamage				= register_cvar( "nc_poison_damage", 	"5" 	);
		g_iMaxPlayers 				= get_maxplayers();
		set_task( 30.0, "Task_StartGame", TASK_STARTGAME );

	//* Client Commands *//
	//*	--------------- *//
	//*    Join Team    *//
	//*   Enable Guns   *//
	//*     Use Item    *//
	public CmdJoinTeam( id )
	public CmdEnableGuns( id )
		if( g_bRememberGuns[ id ] )
			client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Your gun menu has been re-enabled.", g_szPrefix );
			g_bRememberGuns[ id ] = false;
			client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Your gun menu is already enabled!", g_szPrefix );
	public CmdUseItem( id )
		switch( cs_get_user_team( id ) )
			case TEAM_NC:
				if( g_iTeleportsRemaining[ id ] > 0 )
					new Float:flGameTime = get_gametime();
					new iDelay = get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerTeleDelay );
					if( flGameTime - g_flLastTeleportTime[ id ] < iDelay )
						client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You must wait %i seconds inbetween teleports.", g_szPrefix, iDelay );
					else if( TeleportPlayer( id ) )
						g_flLastTeleportTime[ id ] = get_gametime();
						if( --g_iTeleportsRemaining[ id ] == 0 )
							client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You are now out of teleports.", g_szPrefix );
						else client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You have %i teleports left.", g_szPrefix, g_iTeleportsRemaining[ id ] );
			case TEAM_HUMAN:
				switch( g_iChosenItem[ id ] )
						if( g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] )
							client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Adrenaline is already active!", g_szPrefix );
						else if( g_iAdrenalineUses[ id ] > 0 )
							g_iAdrenalineUses[ id ]--;
							client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You have injected adrenaline!", g_szPrefix );
							g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] = true;
							client_cmd( id, "spk ^"%s^"", g_szAdrenalineSound );
							set_user_maxspeed( id, get_pcvar_float( g_pAdrenalineSpeed ) );
							set_task( get_pcvar_float( g_pAdrenalineTime ), "Task_RemoveAdrenaline", TASK_ADRENALINE + id );
					case ITEM_MEDKIT:
						if( g_iMedKitUses[ id ] > 0 )
							new iNewHealth = get_pcvar_num( g_pMedKitHealth );

							if( get_user_health( id ) >= iNewHealth )
								client_print( id, print_chat, "%s A medical kit won't help you right now!", g_szPrefix );
								g_iMedKitUses[ id ]--;
								client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You have used one of your medical kits. You have %i more.", g_szPrefix, g_iMedKitUses[ id ] );
								set_user_health( id, iNewHealth );
								client_cmd( id, "spk ^"%s^"", g_szMedicalKitSound );
							client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You're out of medical kits!", g_szPrefix );
					case ITEM_SUICIDE:
						if( task_exists( TASK_SUICIDE + id ) )
						g_iSuicideTime[ id ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pSuicideTime );
						Task_Suicide( TASK_SUICIDE + id );
						set_task( 1.0, "Task_Suicide", TASK_SUICIDE + id, .flags="a", .repeat=g_iSuicideTime[ id ] );
	//*      Menus     *//
	//*     -------    *//
	//*   Weapon Menu  *//
	//*  Primary Menu  *//
	//* Secondary Menu *//
	//*    Item Menu   *//
	public CreateMenus()
		//g_hWeaponMenu = menu_create( "Weapons Menu", "WeaponMenu_Handler" );
		//menu_additem( g_hWeaponMenu, "New Weapons", "0" );
		//menu_additem( g_hWeaponMenu, "Previous Weapons", "1" );
		//menu_additem( g_hWeaponMenu, "2 + Don't Ask Again", "2" );
		//g_hPrimaryWeaponMenu = menu_create( "Primary Weapons", "PrimaryMenu_Handler" );
		//g_hSecondaryWeaponMenu = menu_create( "Secondary Weapons", "SecondaryMenu_Handler" );
		new szInfo[ 3 ];
		/*for( new i = MIN_WEAPON; i <= MAX_WEAPON; i++ )
			if( IsPrimaryWeapon( i ) )
				num_to_str( i, szInfo, charsmax( szInfo ) );
				menu_additem( g_hPrimaryWeaponMenu, g_szWeaponNames[ i ], szInfo );
			else if( IsSecondaryWeapon( i ) )
				num_to_str( i, szInfo, charsmax( szInfo ) );
				menu_additem( g_hSecondaryWeaponMenu, g_szWeaponNames[ i ], szInfo );
			else continue;
		g_hItemsMenu = menu_create( "Choose an Item:", "ItemsMenu_Handler" );
		for( new i = 0; i < ItemsInfo; i++ )
			num_to_str( i, szInfo, charsmax( szInfo ) );
			if( i == ITEM_LASER )
				menu_additem( g_hItemsMenu, g_szItemNames[ i ], szInfo, _, menu_makecallback( "LaserItem_Callback" ) );
			else menu_additem( g_hItemsMenu, g_szItemNames[ i ], szInfo );
	public LaserItem_Callback( id, hMenu, iItem )
		if( g_iCurrentRound == 0 )
			return ITEM_DISABLED;
		new iFrags = get_user_frags( id );
		new iDeaths = get_user_deaths( id );

		new iPlayerFrags;
		new iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum;
		get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "ae", "CT" );
		if( iNum == 1 )
			return ITEM_DISABLED;
		for( new i = 0, iPlayer; i < iNum; i++ )
			iPlayer = iPlayers[ i ];
			if( !is_user_alive( iPlayer ) || iPlayer == id )
			iPlayerFrags = get_user_frags( iPlayer );
			if( iPlayerFrags > iFrags )
				return ITEM_DISABLED;
			else if( iPlayerFrags == iFrags )
				if( get_user_deaths( iPlayer ) < iDeaths )
					return ITEM_DISABLED;
		return ITEM_ENABLED;

	/*public WeaponMenu_Handler( id, hMenu, iItem )
		switch( iItem )
			case 0: menu_display( id, g_hPrimaryWeaponMenu, 0 );
			case 1: 
				GiveWeapons( id );
				menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );
			case 2: 
				GiveWeapons( id );
				g_bRememberGuns[ id ] = true;
				menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );

	public PrimaryMenu_Handler( id, hMenu, iItem )
		if( iItem == MENU_EXIT )
			menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );
		new iAccess, hCallback;
		new szData[ 6 ];
		menu_item_getinfo( hMenu, iItem, iAccess, szData, charsmax( szData ), _, _, hCallback );
		g_iPrimaryWeapon[ id ] = str_to_num( szData );

		menu_display( id, g_hSecondaryWeaponMenu, 0 );

	public SecondaryMenu_Handler( id, hMenu, iItem )
		if( iItem == MENU_EXIT )
			menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );
		new iAccess, hCallback;
		new szData[ 6 ];
		menu_item_getinfo( hMenu, iItem, iAccess, szData, charsmax( szData ), _, _, hCallback );
		g_iSecondaryWeapon[ id ] = str_to_num( szData );

		GiveWeapons( id );
		menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );

	public GiveWeapons( id )
		new iPrimary = g_iPrimaryWeapon[ id ];
		new iSecondary = g_iSecondaryWeapon[ id ];
		give_item( id, g_szWeaponClassnames[ iPrimary ] );
		give_item( id, g_szWeaponClassnames[ iSecondary ] );
		cs_set_user_bpammo( id, iPrimary, g_iMaxBPAmmo[ iPrimary ] );
		cs_set_user_bpammo( id, iSecondary, g_iMaxBPAmmo[ iSecondary ] );
	public ItemsMenu_Handler( id, hMenu, iItem )
		g_iChosenItem[ id ] = iItem;
		switch( iItem )
			case ITEM_LASER:
				g_bHasLaser[ id ] = true;
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Bind a key to 'item' to inject adrenaline.", g_szPrefix );
				g_iAdrenalineUses[ id ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pAdrenalineUses );
			case ITEM_MEDKIT:
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Bind a key to 'item' to use a medical kit.", g_szPrefix );
				g_iMedKitUses[ id ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pMedKitUses );
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Bind a key to 'item' to start the countdown.", g_szPrefix );
			case ITEM_POISON:
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s All bullets fired with a scout will be poisonous.", g_szPrefix );
	//*    Ham Functions    *//
	//*    -------------    *//
	//*  Spawn              *//
	//*  Killed             *//
	//*  Take Damage (PRE)  *//
	//*  Take Damage (POST) *//
	public Ham_AddPlayerItem_Pre( id, iWeapon )
		if( cs_get_weapon_id( iWeapon ) == CSW_C4 )
			cs_set_user_plant( id, 0, 0 );
			set_pev( id, pev_body, 0 );
			SetHamReturnInteger( false );
			return HAM_SUPERCEDE;
		return HAM_IGNORED;
	public Ham_PlayerSpawn_Post( id )
		if( !is_user_alive( id ) )
			return HAM_IGNORED;
		strip_user_weapons( id );
		give_item( id, "weapon_knife" );
		new CsTeams:iTeam = cs_get_user_team( id );
		if( g_bNCNextRound[ id ] )
			if( iTeam != TEAM_NC )
				cs_set_user_team( id, TEAM_NC );
				ExecuteHamB( Ham_CS_RoundRespawn, id );
				g_bNCNextRound[ id ] = false;
				return HAM_IGNORED;
			g_bNCNextRound[ id ] = false;
		switch( iTeam )
			case TEAM_NC:
				cs_set_user_model( id, "nightcrawler" );
				if( get_user_weapon( id ) == CSW_KNIFE )
					set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, g_szNCKnife_V );
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You are now invisible.", g_szPrefix );
				set_user_health( id, get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerHealth ) );
				set_user_gravity( id, get_pcvar_float( g_pNightcrawlerGravity ) / 800 );
				set_user_maxspeed( id, get_pcvar_float( g_pNightcrawlerSpeed ) );
				set_user_footsteps( id, 1 );
				g_iTeleportsRemaining[ id ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerTeleCount );
				g_bVisible[ id ] = false;
			case TEAM_HUMAN:
				/*if( g_bRememberGuns[ id ] )
					GiveWeapons( id );
				else if( g_iPrimaryWeapon[ id ] == 0 || g_iSecondaryWeapon[ id ] == 0 )
					menu_display( id, g_hPrimaryWeaponMenu );
				else menu_display( id, g_hWeaponMenu );*/
				set_user_footsteps( id, 0 );
				cs_set_user_model( id, "gign" );
				g_bVisible[ id ] = true;
		g_bNCNextRound[ id ] = false;
		return HAM_IGNORED;

	public Ham_PlayerKilled_Post( iVictim, iKiller, iShouldGib )
		if( !is_user_alive( iKiller ) )
			return HAM_IGNORED;
		switch( cs_get_user_team( iKiller ) )
			case TEAM_HUMAN:
				if( cs_get_user_team( iVictim ) == TEAM_NC )
					client_print( iVictim, print_chat, "%s You were killed by a human and are now one also!", g_szPrefix );
					cs_set_user_team( iVictim, TEAM_HUMAN );
					if( !g_bNCNextRound[ iKiller ] )
						client_print( iKiller, print_chat, "%s You killed a Night-Crawler and will be one next round!", g_szPrefix );
						g_bNCNextRound[ iKiller ] = true;
			case TEAM_NC:
				if( cs_get_user_team( iVictim ) == TEAM_HUMAN )
					client_print( iKiller, print_chat, "%s You killed a human!", g_szPrefix );
					client_print( iVictim, print_chat, "%s You were killed by a Night-Crawler!", g_szPrefix );
		return HAM_IGNORED;

	public Ham_PlayerTakeDamage_Pre( iVictim, iInflictor, iAttacker, Float:flDamage, iBits )
		if( cs_get_user_team( iVictim ) == TEAM_NC && iBits & DMG_FALL )
			return HAM_SUPERCEDE;
		return HAM_IGNORED;
	public Ham_PlayerTakeDamage_Post( iVictim, iInflictor, iAttacker, Float:flDamage, iBits )
		if( cs_get_user_team( iVictim ) == TEAM_NC )
			if( is_user_connected( iAttacker ) )
				remove_task( TASK_INVISIBLE + iVictim );
				g_bVisible[ iVictim ] = true;
				set_task( get_pcvar_float( g_pNightcrawlerVisibleTime ), "Task_SetInvisible", iVictim + TASK_INVISIBLE );
				if( g_iChosenItem[ iAttacker ] == ITEM_POISON && iInflictor == CSW_SCOUT )
					g_iPoisonRemaining[ iVictim ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pPoisonAmount );
					remove_task( TASK_POISON + iVictim );
					new szParams[ 2 ];
					szParams[ 0 ] = iAttacker;
					set_task( get_pcvar_float( g_pPoisonInterval ), "Task_Poison", TASK_POISON + iVictim, szParams, 2 );
		return HAM_IGNORED;
	//* Fakemeta Hooks *//
	//* -------------- *//
	//*  Entity Spawn*  //
	//*  Entity Touch*  //
	//*  Player Think  *//
	//*  AddToFullPack *//
	public Forward_Spawn_Post( iEntity )
		new szClassname[ 32 ];
		pev( iEntity, pev_classname, szClassname, charsmax( szClassname ) );
		for( new i = 0; i < sizeof g_szObjectives; i++ )
			if( equali( szClassname, g_szObjectives[ i ] ) )
				remove_entity( iEntity );
	public Forward_Touch_Pre( iEnt, id )
		if( !is_user_alive( id ) )
			return FMRES_IGNORED;
		new szClassname[ 32 ];
		pev( iEnt, pev_classname, szClassname, charsmax( szClassname ) );
		if( equali( szClassname, "worldspawn" ) || equali( szClassname, "func_wall" ) || equali( szClassname, "func_breakable" ) )
			pev( id, pev_origin, g_flWallOrigin[ id ] );
		else if( equali( szClassname, "weaponbox" ) || equali( szClassname, "armoury_entity" ) )
			if( cs_get_user_team( id ) == TEAM_NC )
	public Forward_PlayerPreThink( id )
		if( !is_user_alive( id ) )
		static CsTeams:iTeam;
		iTeam = cs_get_user_team( id );
		if( iTeam == TEAM_HUMAN )
			if( !g_bHasLaser[ id ] )
				static iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum;
				get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "ae", "CT" );
				if( iNum == 1 )
					g_bHasLaser[ id ] = true;
			if( g_bHasLaser[ id ] )

				static iTarget, iBody, iRed, iGreen, iBlue, iWeapon;
				get_user_aiming( id, iTarget, iBody );
				iWeapon = get_user_weapon( id );
				if( IsPrimaryWeapon( iWeapon ) || IsSecondaryWeapon( iWeapon ) )
					if( is_user_alive( iTarget ) && cs_get_user_team( iTarget ) == TEAM_NC )
						iRed = 255;
						iGreen = 0;
						iBlue = 0;
						iRed = 0;
						iGreen = 255;
						iBlue = 0;
					static iOrigin[ 3 ];
					get_user_origin( id, iOrigin, 3 );
					message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY );
					write_byte( TE_BEAMENTPOINT );
					write_short( id | 0x1000 );
					write_coord( iOrigin[ 0 ] );
					write_coord( iOrigin[ 1 ] );
					write_coord( iOrigin[ 2 ] );
					write_short( g_iLaserSprite );
					write_byte( 1 );
					write_byte( 10 );
					write_byte( 1 );
					write_byte( 5 );
					write_byte( 0 );
					write_byte( iRed );
					write_byte( iGreen );
					write_byte( iBlue );
					write_byte( 150 );
					write_byte( 25 );
					message_end( );
		else if( iTeam == TEAM_NC )
			static iButton;
			iButton = get_user_button( id );
			if( iButton & IN_USE )
				static Float:fOrigin[ 3 ];
				pev( id, pev_origin, fOrigin );
				if( get_distance_f( fOrigin, g_flWallOrigin[ id ] ) > 10.0 )
				if( pev( id, pev_flags ) & FL_ONGROUND )
				if( iButton & IN_FORWARD )
					static Float:fVelocity[ 3 ];
					velocity_by_aim( id, 240, fVelocity );
					set_pev( id, pev_velocity, fVelocity );
				else if( iButton & IN_BACK )
					static Float:fVelocity[ 3 ];
					velocity_by_aim( id, -240, fVelocity );
					set_pev( id, pev_velocity, fVelocity );
	public Forward_AddToFullPack_Post( es, e, iEntity, iHost, iHostFlags, iPlayer, pSet )
		if( is_user_alive( iEntity ) && is_user_alive( iHost ) && cs_get_user_team( iEntity ) == TEAM_NC && cs_get_user_team( iHost ) == TEAM_HUMAN )
			set_es( es, ES_RenderMode, kRenderTransAdd );
			if( g_bVisible[ iEntity ] )
				set_es( es, ES_RenderAmt, 255 );
			else set_es( es, ES_RenderAmt, 0 );
	//* Log Events *//
	//* ---------- *//
	//* Round End  //
	public LogEvent_RoundEnd()
	//*   Events  *//
	//*   ------  *//
	//* CurWeapon *//
	public Event_CurWeapon( id )
		new iWeapon = read_data( 2 );
		switch( cs_get_user_team( id ) )
			case TEAM_HUMAN:
				if( IsPrimaryWeapon( iWeapon ) || IsSecondaryWeapon( iWeapon ) )
					if( cs_get_user_bpammo( id, iWeapon ) != g_iMaxBPAmmo[ iWeapon ] )
						cs_set_user_bpammo( id, iWeapon, g_iMaxBPAmmo[ iWeapon ] );
					if( g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] )
						new iEnt = find_ent_by_owner( -1, g_szWeaponClassnames[ iWeapon ], id );
						if( !pev_valid( iEnt ) )
						cs_set_weapon_ammo( iEnt, g_iMaxClipAmmo[ iWeapon ] );
				if( g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] )
					set_user_maxspeed( id, get_pcvar_float( g_pAdrenalineSpeed ) );
			case TEAM_NC:
				if( iWeapon == CSW_KNIFE )
					set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, g_szNCKnife_V );
	//* Ratio Stuff *//
	//* ----------- *//
	//*  Team Menu  *//
	//* Force Team  *//
	public TeamSelectMenu_Handler( id, iKey )
		new CsTeams:iTeam = cs_get_user_team( id );

		switch( iKey )
			case 0: // Join NC (Terrorists)
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You cannot join the Night-Crawler team!", g_szPrefix );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			case 1: // Join Humans (CTs)
				if( iTeam == TEAM_HUMAN )
					return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
				if( task_exists( TASK_STARTGAME ) )
					ForceTeam( id, TEAM_HUMAN );
					// ( Percent * Total Players / 100 ) - Current Amount of NCs
					new iNeeded = get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerRatio ) * ( g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_NC ] + g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_HUMAN ] ) / 100 - g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_NC ];
					if( iNeeded == 0 && g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_HUMAN ] == 1 )
						iNeeded = 1;
					if( iNeeded >= 1 )
						ForceTeam( id, TEAM_NC );
					else ForceTeam( id, TEAM_HUMAN );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			case 5:
				user_silentkill( id );
				ForceTeam( id, CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

	public ForceTeam( id, CsTeams:iTeam )
		static iRestore, iVGUI, iMSGBlock;

		iRestore = get_pdata_int( id, m_iVGUI );
		iVGUI = iRestore & ( 1 << 0 );
		if( iVGUI )
			set_pdata_int( id, m_iVGUI, iRestore & ~( 1 << 0 ) );

		switch( iTeam )
				iMSGBlock = get_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu );
				set_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu, BLOCK_ONCE );
				dllfunc( DLLFunc_ClientPutInServer, id );
				set_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu, iMSGBlock );
				set_pdata_int( id, m_fGameHUDInitialized, 1 );
				engclient_cmd( id, "jointeam", "6" );
			case CS_TEAM_T, CS_TEAM_CT:
				iMSGBlock = get_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu );
				set_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu, BLOCK_ONCE );
				engclient_cmd( id, "jointeam", ( iTeam == CS_TEAM_CT ) ? "2" : "1" );
				engclient_cmd( id, "joinclass", "1" );
				set_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu, iMSGBlock );
		if( iVGUI )
			set_pdata_int( id, m_iVGUI, iRestore );
	//*  Messages   *//
	//*  --------   *//
	//* VGUI Menu   *//
	//* Show Menu   *//
	//* Status Icon *//

	public Message_VGUIMenu( iMSGId, iDest, id )
		static iMSGArg1;

		iMSGArg1 = get_msg_arg_int( 1 );
		if( iMSGArg1 == 2 )
			show_menu( id, 51, TEAM_MENU2, -1 );


	public Message_ShowMenu( iMSGId, iDest, id )
		static iMSGArg1;
		iMSGArg1 = get_msg_arg_int( 1 );

		if( iMSGArg1 != 531 && iMSGArg1 != 563 )

		show_menu( id, 51, TEAM_MENU2, -1 );
	public Message_StatusIcon( iMsgID, iMsgDest, id )
		static szIcon[ 8 ];
		get_msg_arg_string( 2, szIcon, 7 );
		if( equal( szIcon, "buyzone" ) && get_msg_arg_int( 1 ) )
			set_pdata_int( id, 235, get_pdata_int( id, 235 ) & ~(1<<0) );
	//*     Tasks     *//
	//*     -----     *//
	//*     Poison    *//
	//*   Start Game  *//
	//* Set Invisible *//
	//*  Suicide Bomb *//
	//*   Adrenaline  *//
	public Task_Poison( szParams[ ], iTaskID )
		new iAttacker = szParams[ 0 ];
		new id = iTaskID - TASK_POISON;
		ExecuteHam( Ham_TakeDamage, id, iAttacker, iAttacker, get_pcvar_float( g_pPoisonDamage ), DMG_GENERIC );
		if( --g_iPoisonRemaining[ id ] > 0 )
			set_task( get_pcvar_float( g_pPoisonInterval ), "Task_PoisonHurt", iTaskID );
	public Task_StartGame()
		new iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum;
		get_players( iPlayers, iNum );
		new iNCAmount = ( get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerRatio ) * iNum ) / 100 - g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_NC ];
		if( iNCAmount == 0 && iNum > 1 )
			iNCAmount = 1;
		new iRandom;
		for( new i = 0; i < iNCAmount; i++ )
			iRandom = random( iNum );			
			cs_set_user_team( iPlayers[ iRandom ], TEAM_NC );
			iPlayers[ iRandom ] = iPlayers[ --iNum ];
		server_cmd( "sv_restartround 1 " );
	public Task_SetInvisible( iTaskID )
		new id = iTaskID - TASK_INVISIBLE;
		g_bVisible[ id ] = false;
	public Task_Suicide( iTaskID )
		new id = iTaskID - TASK_SUICIDE;

		if( --g_iSuicideTime[ id ] == 0 )
			new Float:flOrigin[ 3 ];
			pev( id, pev_origin, flOrigin );
			user_kill( id );
			message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY );
			write_byte( TE_EXPLOSION );
			write_coord( floatround( flOrigin[ 0 ] ) );
			write_coord( floatround( flOrigin[ 1 ] ) );
			write_coord( floatround( flOrigin[ 2 ] ) );
			write_short( g_iExplosionSprite );
			write_byte( 30 );
			write_byte( 30 );
			write_byte( 0 );
			fm_radius_damage( id, flOrigin, get_pcvar_float( g_pSuicideDamage ), get_pcvar_float( g_pSuicideRadius ) );
		else emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, g_szSuicideBombSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
	public Task_RemoveAdrenaline( iTaskID )
		new id = iTaskID - TASK_ADRENALINE;
		g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] = false;
		if( is_user_alive( id ) )
			ExecuteHamB( Ham_Player_ResetMaxSpeed, id );
			client_print( id, print_chat, "%s The adrenaline has worn off.", g_szPrefix );
	//*   Other Stuff   *//
	//*   -----------   *//
	//*  Radius Damage  *//
	//*   Count Teams   *//
	//* Teleport Player *//
	// Taken from Jailbreak Mod by Pastout.
	fm_radius_damage( id, Float:flOrigin[ 3 ], Float:flDamage, Float:flRadius )
		new szClassname[ 33 ], CsTeams:iTeam;
		iTeam = cs_get_user_team( id );
		static iEnt;
		iEnt = -1;
		while( ( iEnt = engfunc( EngFunc_FindEntityInSphere, iEnt, flOrigin, flRadius ) ) )
			pev( iEnt, pev_classname, szClassname, charsmax( szClassname ) );
			if( !equali( szClassname, "player" ) || !is_user_alive( iEnt ) || cs_get_user_team( iEnt ) == iTeam )
			ExecuteHamB( Ham_TakeDamage, iEnt, 0, id, flDamage, DMG_GENERIC );
		for( new i = 1; i <= g_iMaxPlayers; i++ )
			if( !is_user_connected( i ) )
			g_iTeamCount[ cs_get_user_team( i ) ]++;
	// Credits to Exolent for this function
	TeleportPlayer( iPlayer )
		new Float:vOrigin[ 3 ], Float:vViewOfs[ 3 ];
		pev( iPlayer, pev_origin, vOrigin );
		pev( iPlayer, pev_view_ofs, vViewOfs );
		xs_vec_add( vOrigin, vViewOfs, vOrigin );
		new Float:vViewAngle[ 3 ];
		pev( iPlayer, pev_v_angle, vViewAngle );
		new Float:vAimVector[ 3 ];
		angle_vector( vViewAngle, ANGLEVECTOR_FORWARD, vAimVector );
		xs_vec_normalize( vAimVector, vAimVector );
		xs_vec_mul_scalar( vAimVector, 9999.0, vAimVector );
		engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vAimVector, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
		get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vAimVector );
		get_tr2( 0, TR_vecPlaneNormal, vOrigin );
		xs_vec_normalize( vOrigin, vOrigin );
		xs_vec_mul_scalar( vOrigin, 36.0, vOrigin );
		xs_vec_add( vAimVector, vOrigin, vOrigin );
		new bool:bDucking = false;
		if( trace_hull( vOrigin, HULL_HUMAN, iPlayer ) )
			if( !trace_hull( vOrigin, HULL_HEAD, iPlayer ) )
				bDucking = true;
				// player cannot duck or stand clearly, so try to move the origin so player can
				new iResetCount;
				if( ++iResetCount > 4 )
					// too many tries to find a good origin. just set to fail.
					client_print( iPlayer, print_center, "You cannot teleport there! You will be stuck!" );
					return 0;
				for( new i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
					switch( i )
						case 0:
							// check above x
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 0 ] += 16.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
								vOrigin[ 0 ] = vViewOfs[ 0 ] - 16.0;
								goto test_new_origin;
						case 1:
							// check below x
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 0 ] -= 16.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
								vOrigin[ 0 ] = vViewOfs[ 0 ] + 16.0;
								goto test_new_origin;
						case 2:
							// check above y
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 1 ] += 16.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
								vOrigin[ 1 ] = vViewOfs[ 1 ] - 16.0;
								goto test_new_origin;
						case 3:
							// check below y
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 1 ] -= 16.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
								vOrigin[ 1 ] = vViewOfs[ 1 ] + 16.0;
								goto test_new_origin;
						case 4:
							// check above z
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 2 ] += 36.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
								vViewOfs[ 2 ] += 18.0;
								engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
								get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
								if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
									get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
									vOrigin[ 2 ] = vViewOfs[ 2 ] - 36.0;
									goto test_new_origin;
								bDucking = true;
						case 5:
							// check below z
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 2 ] -= 36.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
								vViewOfs[ 2 ] -= 18.0;
								engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
								get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
								if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
									get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
									vOrigin[ 2 ] = vViewOfs[ 2 ] + 36.0;
									goto test_new_origin;
								bDucking = true;
		if( engfunc( EngFunc_PointContents, vOrigin ) == CONTENTS_SKY )
			client_print( iPlayer, print_center, "You can't teleport there!" );
			return 0;
		if( bDucking )
			set_pev( iPlayer, pev_flags, pev( iPlayer, pev_flags ) | FL_DUCKING );
			engfunc( EngFunc_SetSize, iPlayer, Float:{ -16.0, -16.0, -18.0 }, Float:{ 16.0, 16.0, 18.0 } );
		emit_sound( iPlayer, CHAN_ITEM, g_szTeleportSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
		engfunc( EngFunc_SetOrigin, iPlayer, vOrigin );
		return 1;
Pentru ajutor, faceți cerere bine detaliată, completând și respectând modelul corespunzător.
Nu-mi mai dați cereri doar pentru a mă avea în lista de prieteni.
Dacă te ajut, și mă ignori/etc > te adaug în „foe”.
Aveți grijă la cei ce încearcă să mă copieze sau să dea drept mine..Puteți lua legătura cu mine prin STEAM dacă aveți o problemă/nelămurire în acest caz! Cont de forum am doar aici.
În cazul în care utilizați ceva din ce am postat(ex: aici), e bine să fiți la curent cu modificările aduse și de aici, iar dacă sunt ceva probleme nu ezitați să luați legătura cu mine. Actualizarea unor coduri nu se vor afișa public, doar dacă se găsește ceva critic/urgent de remediat, unele fiind coduri vechi iar unele refăcute chiar recent dar private.
* Nume pe cs1.6: eVoLuTiOn \ Nume vechi: eVo
* Atelierul meu - post2819572.html#p2819572 (închis, click link ca să vedeți de ce)
Membru, skill 0
Membru, skill 0
Posts: 88
Joined: 27 May 2014, 15:31
Detinator Steam: Da
Fond eXtream: 0
Has thanked: 16 times

22 Jun 2014, 08:46

Nu funtioneaza , dar nu ai putea sa extragi partea cu Itemele din plugin ? Si sa faci unul separat doar cu itemele ? :-??
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Membru, skill +2
Membru, skill +2
Posts: 737
Joined: 21 Dec 2013, 22:16
Detinator Steam: Da
CS Status: Scripter CS.
Detinator server CS: PM.
SteamID: PM.
Location: Bucuresti sector 2
Has thanked: 45 times
Been thanked: 45 times

22 Jun 2014, 09:02

| Afiseaza codul
#include < amxmodx >
		#include < cstrike >
		#include < hamsandwich >
		#include < fun >
		#include < fakemeta >
		#include < engine >
		#include < xs >
	/* Defines */
		#define SHOTGUN_WEAPONS_BIT    (1<<CSW_M3|1<<CSW_XM1014)
		#define RIFLE_WEAPONS_BIT    (1<<CSW_FAMAS|1<<CSW_GALIL|1<<CSW_AK47|1<<CSW_SCOUT|1<<CSW_M4A1|1<<CSW_SG550|1<<CSW_SG552|1<<CSW_AUG|1<<CSW_AWP|1<<CSW_G3SG1)
		#define MACHINE_WEAPONS_BIT    (1<<CSW_M249)


		#define IsPrimaryWeapon(%1) ( (1<<%1) & PRIMARY_WEAPONS_BIT )
		#define IsSecondaryWeapon(%1) ( (1<<%1) & PISTOL_WEAPONS_BIT )

		#define m_iVGUI						510
		#define m_fGameHUDInitialized		349
		#define m_fNextHudTextArgsGameTime	198

		#define TEAM_MENU					"#Team_Select"
		#define TEAM_MENU2					"#Team_Select_Spect"

		#define MIN_WEAPON		CSW_P228
		#define MAX_WEAPON 		CSW_P90

		#define TEAM_NC 		CS_TEAM_T

		#define MAX_PLAYERS 	32
	/* Constants */
		enum (+=1000)
		new const g_iMaxBPAmmo[ MAX_WEAPON + 1 ] =
			0, 52, 0, 90, 1, 32, 0, 100, 90, 1, 120, 100, 100, 90, 90, 90, 100, 120, 30,
			120, 200, 32, 90, 120, 90, 2, 35, 90, 90, 0, 100

		new const g_iMaxClipAmmo[ MAX_WEAPON + 1 ] =
			0, 13, 0, 10, 0, 7, 0, 30, 30, 0, 30, 20, 25, 30, 35, 25, 12, 20, 10, 30, 
			100, 8, 30, 30, 20, 0, 7, 30, 30, 0, 50

		new const g_szWeaponClassnames[ MAX_WEAPON + 1 ][ ] =
			"", "weapon_p228", "", "weapon_scout", "weapon_hegrenade",
			"weapon_xm1014", "weapon_c4", "weapon_mac10", "weapon_aug",
			"weapon_smokegrenade", "weapon_elite", "weapon_fiveseven",
			"weapon_ump45", "weapon_sg550", "weapon_galil", "weapon_famas",
			"weapon_usp", "weapon_glock18", "weapon_awp", "weapon_mp5navy",
			"weapon_m249", "weapon_m3", "weapon_m4a1", "weapon_tmp", "weapon_g3sg1",
			"weapon_flashbang", "weapon_deagle", "weapon_sg552", "weapon_ak47",
			"weapon_knife", "weapon_p90"

		new const g_szWeaponNames[ MAX_WEAPON + 1 ][ ] =
			"", "P228", "", "Schmidt Scout", "", "XM1014 (Auto-Shotgun)", "",
			"Mac-10", "AUG", "", "Dual Elites", "Five-Seven", "UMP-45", "SG-550",
			"Galil", "Famas", "USP", "Glock-18", "AWP", "MP5-Navy", "M249 (Para)",
			"M3 (Pump-Shotgun)", "M4A1", "TMP", "G3SG1", "", "Deagle", "SG-552",
			"AK-47", "", "P90"

		enum _:ItemsInfo
			ITEM_LASER, // Done
			ITEM_SUICIDE, // Done
			ITEM_POISON, // Done
			ITEM_MEDKIT // Done

		new const g_szItemNames[ ItemsInfo ][ ] =
			"Laser Sight",
			"Suicide Bomber \r(Bind Key Activated)",
			"Poison Scout Bullets",
			"Adrenaline \r(Bind Key Activated)",
			"Medic Kit \r(Bind Key Activated)"
		new const g_szObjectives[ ][ ] = 
		new const g_szPrefix[ ] = "[Nightcrawler]";

		new const g_szNCModel[ ] = "models/player/nightcrawler/nightcrawler.mdl";
		new const g_szNCKnife_V[ ] = "models/nightcrawler/v_nightcrawler.mdl";
		new const g_szLaserSprite[ ] = "sprites/zbeam4.spr";
		new const g_szExplosionSprite[ ] = "sprites/zerogxplode.spr";
		new const g_szSuicideBombSound[ ] = "weapons/c4_beep4.wav";
		new const g_szTeleportSound[ ] = "warcraft3/blinkarrival.wav";
		new const g_szAdrenalineSound[ ] = "fvox/adrenaline_shot.wav";
		new const g_szMedicalKitSound[ ] = "fvos/administering_medical.wav";
	/* Booleans */
		new bool:g_bRememberGuns[ 33 ];
		new bool:g_bNCNextRound[ 33 ];
		new bool:g_bHasLaser[ 33 ];
		new bool:g_bAdrenalineActive[ 33 ];
		new bool:g_bVisible[ 33 ];
	/* Floats */
		new Float:g_flWallOrigin[ 33 ][ 3 ];
		new Float:g_flLastTeleportTime[ 33 ];
	/* Integers */
		new g_iPrimaryWeapon[ 33 ];
		new g_iSecondaryWeapon[ 33 ];
		new g_iChosenItem[ 33 ];
		new g_iAdrenalineUses[ 33 ];
		new g_iMedKitUses[ 33 ];
		new g_iSuicideTime[ 33 ];
		new g_iPoisonRemaining[ 33 ];
		new g_iTeleportsRemaining[ 33 ];
		new g_iTeamCount[ CsTeams ];		
		new g_iCurrentRound;
		new g_iMaxPlayers;
		new g_iLaserSprite;
		new g_iExplosionSprite;

	/* Menus */
		new g_hWeaponMenu;
		new g_hPrimaryWeaponMenu;
		new g_hSecondaryWeaponMenu;
		new g_hItemsMenu;

	/* Messages */
		new g_msgShowMenu;
		new g_msgVGUIMenu;
		new g_msgStatusIcon;

	/* PCVARS */
		new g_pNightcrawlerRatio;
		new g_pNightcrawlerVisibleTime;
		new g_pNightcrawlerHealth;
		new g_pNightcrawlerGravity;
		new g_pNightcrawlerSpeed;
		new g_pNightcrawlerTeleDelay;
		new g_pNightcrawlerTeleCount;
		new g_pMapLighting;
		new g_pAdrenalineUses;
		new g_pAdrenalineTime;
		new g_pAdrenalineSpeed;
		new g_pMedKitUses;
		new g_pMedKitHealth;
		new g_pSuicideRadius;
		new g_pSuicideDamage;
		new g_pSuicideTime;
		new g_pPoisonAmount;
		new g_pPoisonInterval;
		new g_pPoisonDamage;
	/* Ham Hooks (Used to reset max speed) */
		new Ham:Ham_Player_ResetMaxSpeed = Ham_Item_PreFrame;
	//* Client (dis)connecting *//
	public client_putinserver( id )
		g_bRememberGuns[ id ] = false;
		g_bNCNextRound[ id ] = false;
		g_bHasLaser[ id ] = false;
		g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] = false;
		g_bVisible[ id ] = true;
		g_iAdrenalineUses[ id ] = 0;
		g_iMedKitUses[ id ] = 0;
		g_iSuicideTime[ id ] = 0;
		g_iPoisonRemaining[ id ] = 0;
		g_iPrimaryWeapon[ id ] = 0;
		g_iSecondaryWeapon[ id ] = 0;
		g_iTeleportsRemaining[ id ] = 0;
		g_iChosenItem[ id ] = -1;
		new szLighting[ 3 ];
		get_pcvar_string( g_pMapLighting, szLighting, 2 );
		engfunc( EngFunc_LightStyle, 0, szLighting );

	public client_disconnect( id )
		remove_task( TASK_SUICIDE + id );
	//* Plugin Precache *//
	public plugin_precache()
		precache_model( g_szNCModel );
		precache_model( g_szNCKnife_V );
		precache_sound( g_szSuicideBombSound );
		precache_sound( g_szTeleportSound );
		precache_sound( g_szMedicalKitSound );
		precache_sound( g_szAdrenalineSound );
		g_iLaserSprite = precache_model( g_szLaserSprite );
		g_iExplosionSprite = precache_model( g_szExplosionSprite );
	//* Plugin Init *//
	public plugin_init()
		register_plugin( "Nightcrawler Mod", "1.0", "H3avY Ra1n" );
		register_clcmd( "jointeam", 	"CmdJoinTeam" 	);
		register_clcmd( "joinclass", 	"CmdJoinTeam" 	);
		register_clcmd( "say /guns", 	"CmdEnableGuns" );
		register_clcmd( "item", 		"CmdUseItem" 	);
		RegisterHam( Ham_AddPlayerItem, "player", "Ham_AddPlayerItem_Pre", 		0 );
		RegisterHam( Ham_Killed, 		"player", "Ham_PlayerKilled_Post", 		1 );
		RegisterHam( Ham_TakeDamage, 	"player", "Ham_PlayerTakeDamage_Post", 	1 );
		RegisterHam( Ham_TakeDamage, 	"player", "Ham_PlayerTakeDamage_Pre", 	0 );
		register_forward( FM_Spawn, 			"Forward_Spawn_Post", 			1 );
		register_forward( FM_Touch, 			"Forward_Touch_Pre", 			0 );
		register_forward( FM_PlayerPreThink, 	"Forward_PlayerPreThink", 		0 );
		register_forward( FM_AddToFullPack, 	"Forward_AddToFullPack_Post", 	1 );
		register_logevent( "LogEvent_RoundEnd", 2, "1=Round_End" );
		register_event( "CurWeapon", "Event_CurWeapon", "be" );
		register_menucmd( register_menuid( "Team_Select", 1 ), MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_6, "TeamSelectMenu_Handler" );
		g_msgShowMenu 	= get_user_msgid( "ShowMenu" 	);
		g_msgVGUIMenu 	= get_user_msgid( "VGUIMenu" 	);
		g_msgStatusIcon = get_user_msgid( "StatusIcon" 	);
		register_message( g_msgShowMenu, 	"Message_ShowMenu" 		);
		register_message( g_msgVGUIMenu, 	"Message_VGUIMenu" 		);
		register_message( g_msgStatusIcon, 	"Message_StatusIcon" 	);
		g_pNightcrawlerRatio		= register_cvar( "nc_ratio", 			"33" 	); // Percentage
		g_pNightcrawlerVisibleTime	= register_cvar( "nc_visible_time", 	"2" 	);
		g_pNightcrawlerHealth		= register_cvar( "nc_health", 			"150" 	);
		g_pNightcrawlerGravity		= register_cvar( "nc_gravity", 			"600" 	);
		g_pNightcrawlerSpeed		= register_cvar( "nc_speed", 			"280.0" );
		g_pNightcrawlerTeleCount	= register_cvar( "nc_teleport_count", 	"2" 	);
		g_pNightcrawlerTeleDelay 	= register_cvar( "nc_teleport_delay", 	"2" 	);
		g_pMapLighting				= register_cvar( "nc_lighting", 		"g" 	);
		g_pAdrenalineUses			= register_cvar( "nc_adrenaline_uses", 	"2" 	);
		g_pAdrenalineTime			= register_cvar( "nc_adrenaline_time", 	"10" 	);
		g_pAdrenalineSpeed			= register_cvar( "nc_adrenaline_speed", "320" 	);
		g_pSuicideDamage 			= register_cvar( "nc_suicide_damage", 	"80" 	);
		g_pSuicideRadius			= register_cvar( "nc_suicide_radius", 	"50" 	);
		g_pSuicideTime				= register_cvar( "nc_suicide_time", 	"3" 	);
		g_pMedKitUses				= register_cvar( "nc_medkit_uses", 		"2" 	);
		g_pMedKitHealth				= register_cvar( "nc_medkit_health", 	"100" 	);
		g_pPoisonAmount				= register_cvar( "nc_poison_amount", 	"3" 	);
		g_pPoisonInterval			= register_cvar( "nc_poison_interval", 	"1" 	);
		g_pPoisonDamage				= register_cvar( "nc_poison_damage", 	"5" 	);
		g_iMaxPlayers 				= get_maxplayers();
		set_task( 30.0, "Task_StartGame", TASK_STARTGAME );

	//* Client Commands *//
	//*	--------------- *//
	//*    Join Team    *//
	//*   Enable Guns   *//
	//*     Use Item    *//
	public CmdJoinTeam( id )
	public CmdEnableGuns( id )
		if( g_bRememberGuns[ id ] )
			client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Your gun menu has been re-enabled.", g_szPrefix );
			g_bRememberGuns[ id ] = false;
			client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Your gun menu is already enabled!", g_szPrefix );
	public CmdUseItem( id )
		switch( cs_get_user_team( id ) )
			case TEAM_NC:
				if( g_iTeleportsRemaining[ id ] > 0 )
					new Float:flGameTime = get_gametime();
					new iDelay = get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerTeleDelay );
					if( flGameTime - g_flLastTeleportTime[ id ] < iDelay )
						client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You must wait %i seconds inbetween teleports.", g_szPrefix, iDelay );
					else if( TeleportPlayer( id ) )
						g_flLastTeleportTime[ id ] = get_gametime();
						if( --g_iTeleportsRemaining[ id ] == 0 )
							client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You are now out of teleports.", g_szPrefix );
						else client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You have %i teleports left.", g_szPrefix, g_iTeleportsRemaining[ id ] );
			case TEAM_HUMAN:
				switch( g_iChosenItem[ id ] )
						if( g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] )
							client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Adrenaline is already active!", g_szPrefix );
						else if( g_iAdrenalineUses[ id ] > 0 )
							g_iAdrenalineUses[ id ]--;
							client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You have injected adrenaline!", g_szPrefix );
							g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] = true;
							client_cmd( id, "spk ^"%s^"", g_szAdrenalineSound );
							set_user_maxspeed( id, get_pcvar_float( g_pAdrenalineSpeed ) );
							set_task( get_pcvar_float( g_pAdrenalineTime ), "Task_RemoveAdrenaline", TASK_ADRENALINE + id );
					case ITEM_MEDKIT:
						if( g_iMedKitUses[ id ] > 0 )
							new iNewHealth = get_pcvar_num( g_pMedKitHealth );

							if( get_user_health( id ) >= iNewHealth )
								client_print( id, print_chat, "%s A medical kit won't help you right now!", g_szPrefix );
								g_iMedKitUses[ id ]--;
								client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You have used one of your medical kits. You have %i more.", g_szPrefix, g_iMedKitUses[ id ] );
								set_user_health( id, iNewHealth );
								client_cmd( id, "spk ^"%s^"", g_szMedicalKitSound );
							client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You're out of medical kits!", g_szPrefix );
					case ITEM_SUICIDE:
						if( task_exists( TASK_SUICIDE + id ) )
						g_iSuicideTime[ id ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pSuicideTime );
						Task_Suicide( TASK_SUICIDE + id );
						set_task( 1.0, "Task_Suicide", TASK_SUICIDE + id, .flags="a", .repeat=g_iSuicideTime[ id ] );
	//*      Menus     *//
	//*     -------    *//
	//*   Weapon Menu  *//
	//*  Primary Menu  *//
	//* Secondary Menu *//
	//*    Item Menu   *//
	public CreateMenus()
		g_hWeaponMenu = menu_create( "Weapons Menu", "WeaponMenu_Handler" );
		menu_additem( g_hWeaponMenu, "New Weapons", "0" );
		menu_additem( g_hWeaponMenu, "Previous Weapons", "1" );
		menu_additem( g_hWeaponMenu, "2 + Don't Ask Again", "2" );
		g_hPrimaryWeaponMenu = menu_create( "Primary Weapons", "PrimaryMenu_Handler" );
		g_hSecondaryWeaponMenu = menu_create( "Secondary Weapons", "SecondaryMenu_Handler" );
		new szInfo[ 3 ];
		for( new i = MIN_WEAPON; i <= MAX_WEAPON; i++ )
			if( IsPrimaryWeapon( i ) )
				num_to_str( i, szInfo, charsmax( szInfo ) );
				menu_additem( g_hPrimaryWeaponMenu, g_szWeaponNames[ i ], szInfo );
			else if( IsSecondaryWeapon( i ) )
				num_to_str( i, szInfo, charsmax( szInfo ) );
				menu_additem( g_hSecondaryWeaponMenu, g_szWeaponNames[ i ], szInfo );
			else continue;
		g_hItemsMenu = menu_create( "Choose an Item:", "ItemsMenu_Handler" );
		for( new i = 0; i < ItemsInfo; i++ )
			num_to_str( i, szInfo, charsmax( szInfo ) );
			if( i == ITEM_LASER )
				menu_additem( g_hItemsMenu, g_szItemNames[ i ], szInfo, _, menu_makecallback( "LaserItem_Callback" ) );
			else menu_additem( g_hItemsMenu, g_szItemNames[ i ], szInfo );
	public LaserItem_Callback( id, hMenu, iItem )
		if( g_iCurrentRound == 0 )
			return ITEM_DISABLED;
		new iFrags = get_user_frags( id );
		new iDeaths = get_user_deaths( id );

		new iPlayerFrags;
		new iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum;
		get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "ae", "CT" );
		if( iNum == 1 )
			return ITEM_DISABLED;
		for( new i = 0, iPlayer; i < iNum; i++ )
			iPlayer = iPlayers[ i ];
			if( !is_user_alive( iPlayer ) || iPlayer == id )
			iPlayerFrags = get_user_frags( iPlayer );
			if( iPlayerFrags > iFrags )
				return ITEM_DISABLED;
			else if( iPlayerFrags == iFrags )
				if( get_user_deaths( iPlayer ) < iDeaths )
					return ITEM_DISABLED;
		return ITEM_ENABLED;

	public WeaponMenu_Handler( id, hMenu, iItem )
		switch( iItem )
			case 0: menu_display( id, g_hPrimaryWeaponMenu, 0 );
			case 1: 
				GiveWeapons( id );
				menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );
			case 2: 
				GiveWeapons( id );
				g_bRememberGuns[ id ] = true;
				menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );

	public PrimaryMenu_Handler( id, hMenu, iItem )
		if( iItem == MENU_EXIT )
			menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );
		new iAccess, hCallback;
		new szData[ 6 ];
		menu_item_getinfo( hMenu, iItem, iAccess, szData, charsmax( szData ), _, _, hCallback );
		g_iPrimaryWeapon[ id ] = str_to_num( szData );

		menu_display( id, g_hSecondaryWeaponMenu, 0 );

	public SecondaryMenu_Handler( id, hMenu, iItem )
		if( iItem == MENU_EXIT )
			menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );
		new iAccess, hCallback;
		new szData[ 6 ];
		menu_item_getinfo( hMenu, iItem, iAccess, szData, charsmax( szData ), _, _, hCallback );
		g_iSecondaryWeapon[ id ] = str_to_num( szData );

		GiveWeapons( id );
		menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );

	public GiveWeapons( id )
		new iPrimary = g_iPrimaryWeapon[ id ];
		new iSecondary = g_iSecondaryWeapon[ id ];
		give_item( id, g_szWeaponClassnames[ iPrimary ] );
		give_item( id, g_szWeaponClassnames[ iSecondary ] );
		cs_set_user_bpammo( id, iPrimary, g_iMaxBPAmmo[ iPrimary ] );
		cs_set_user_bpammo( id, iSecondary, g_iMaxBPAmmo[ iSecondary ] );
	public ItemsMenu_Handler( id, hMenu, iItem )
		g_iChosenItem[ id ] = iItem;
		switch( iItem )
			case ITEM_LASER:
				g_bHasLaser[ id ] = true;
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Bind a key to 'item' to inject adrenaline.", g_szPrefix );
				g_iAdrenalineUses[ id ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pAdrenalineUses );
			case ITEM_MEDKIT:
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Bind a key to 'item' to use a medical kit.", g_szPrefix );
				g_iMedKitUses[ id ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pMedKitUses );
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Bind a key to 'item' to start the countdown.", g_szPrefix );
			case ITEM_POISON:
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s All bullets fired with a scout will be poisonous.", g_szPrefix );
	//*    Ham Functions    *//
	//*    -------------    *//
	//*  Spawn              *//
	//*  Killed             *//
	//*  Take Damage (PRE)  *//
	//*  Take Damage (POST) *//
	public Ham_AddPlayerItem_Pre( id, iWeapon )
		if( cs_get_weapon_id( iWeapon ) == CSW_C4 )
			cs_set_user_plant( id, 0, 0 );
			set_pev( id, pev_body, 0 );
			SetHamReturnInteger( false );
			return HAM_SUPERCEDE;
		return HAM_IGNORED;
	public Ham_PlayerSpawn_Post( id )
		if( !is_user_alive( id ) )
			return HAM_IGNORED;
		strip_user_weapons( id );
		give_item( id, "weapon_knife" );
		new CsTeams:iTeam = cs_get_user_team( id );
		if( g_bNCNextRound[ id ] )
			if( iTeam != TEAM_NC )
				cs_set_user_team( id, TEAM_NC );
				ExecuteHamB( Ham_CS_RoundRespawn, id );
				g_bNCNextRound[ id ] = false;
				return HAM_IGNORED;
			g_bNCNextRound[ id ] = false;
		switch( iTeam )
			case TEAM_NC:
				cs_set_user_model( id, "nightcrawler" );
				if( get_user_weapon( id ) == CSW_KNIFE )
					set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, g_szNCKnife_V );
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You are now invisible.", g_szPrefix );
				set_user_health( id, get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerHealth ) );
				set_user_gravity( id, get_pcvar_float( g_pNightcrawlerGravity ) / 800 );
				set_user_maxspeed( id, get_pcvar_float( g_pNightcrawlerSpeed ) );
				set_user_footsteps( id, 1 );
				g_iTeleportsRemaining[ id ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerTeleCount );
				g_bVisible[ id ] = false;
			case TEAM_HUMAN:
				if( g_bRememberGuns[ id ] )
					GiveWeapons( id );
				else if( g_iPrimaryWeapon[ id ] == 0 || g_iSecondaryWeapon[ id ] == 0 )
					menu_display( id, g_hPrimaryWeaponMenu );
				else menu_display( id, g_hWeaponMenu );
				set_user_footsteps( id, 0 );
				cs_set_user_model( id, "gign" );
				g_bVisible[ id ] = true;
		g_bNCNextRound[ id ] = false;
		return HAM_IGNORED;

	public Ham_PlayerKilled_Post( iVictim, iKiller, iShouldGib )
		if( !is_user_alive( iKiller ) )
			return HAM_IGNORED;
		switch( cs_get_user_team( iKiller ) )
			case TEAM_HUMAN:
				if( cs_get_user_team( iVictim ) == TEAM_NC )
					client_print( iVictim, print_chat, "%s You were killed by a human and are now one also!", g_szPrefix );
					cs_set_user_team( iVictim, TEAM_HUMAN );
					if( !g_bNCNextRound[ iKiller ] )
						client_print( iKiller, print_chat, "%s You killed a Night-Crawler and will be one next round!", g_szPrefix );
						g_bNCNextRound[ iKiller ] = true;
			case TEAM_NC:
				if( cs_get_user_team( iVictim ) == TEAM_HUMAN )
					client_print( iKiller, print_chat, "%s You killed a human!", g_szPrefix );
					client_print( iVictim, print_chat, "%s You were killed by a Night-Crawler!", g_szPrefix );
		return HAM_IGNORED;

	public Ham_PlayerTakeDamage_Pre( iVictim, iInflictor, iAttacker, Float:flDamage, iBits )
		if( cs_get_user_team( iVictim ) == TEAM_NC && iBits & DMG_FALL )
			return HAM_SUPERCEDE;
		return HAM_IGNORED;
	public Ham_PlayerTakeDamage_Post( iVictim, iInflictor, iAttacker, Float:flDamage, iBits )
		if( cs_get_user_team( iVictim ) == TEAM_NC )
			if( is_user_connected( iAttacker ) )
				remove_task( TASK_INVISIBLE + iVictim );
				g_bVisible[ iVictim ] = true;
				set_task( get_pcvar_float( g_pNightcrawlerVisibleTime ), "Task_SetInvisible", iVictim + TASK_INVISIBLE );
				if( g_iChosenItem[ iAttacker ] == ITEM_POISON && iInflictor == CSW_SCOUT )
					g_iPoisonRemaining[ iVictim ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pPoisonAmount );
					remove_task( TASK_POISON + iVictim );
					new szParams[ 2 ];
					szParams[ 0 ] = iAttacker;
					set_task( get_pcvar_float( g_pPoisonInterval ), "Task_Poison", TASK_POISON + iVictim, szParams, 2 );
		return HAM_IGNORED;
	//* Fakemeta Hooks *//
	//* -------------- *//
	//*  Entity Spawn*  //
	//*  Entity Touch*  //
	//*  Player Think  *//
	//*  AddToFullPack *//
	public Forward_Spawn_Post( iEntity )
		new szClassname[ 32 ];
		pev( iEntity, pev_classname, szClassname, charsmax( szClassname ) );
		for( new i = 0; i < sizeof g_szObjectives; i++ )
			if( equali( szClassname, g_szObjectives[ i ] ) )
				remove_entity( iEntity );
	public Forward_Touch_Pre( iEnt, id )
		if( !is_user_alive( id ) )
			return FMRES_IGNORED;
		new szClassname[ 32 ];
		pev( iEnt, pev_classname, szClassname, charsmax( szClassname ) );
		if( equali( szClassname, "worldspawn" ) || equali( szClassname, "func_wall" ) || equali( szClassname, "func_breakable" ) )
			pev( id, pev_origin, g_flWallOrigin[ id ] );
		else if( equali( szClassname, "weaponbox" ) || equali( szClassname, "armoury_entity" ) )
			if( cs_get_user_team( id ) == TEAM_NC )
	public Forward_PlayerPreThink( id )
		if( !is_user_alive( id ) )
		static CsTeams:iTeam;
		iTeam = cs_get_user_team( id );
		if( iTeam == TEAM_HUMAN )
			if( !g_bHasLaser[ id ] )
				static iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum;
				get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "ae", "CT" );
				if( iNum == 1 )
					g_bHasLaser[ id ] = true;
			if( g_bHasLaser[ id ] )

				static iTarget, iBody, iRed, iGreen, iBlue, iWeapon;
				get_user_aiming( id, iTarget, iBody );
				iWeapon = get_user_weapon( id );
				if( IsPrimaryWeapon( iWeapon ) || IsSecondaryWeapon( iWeapon ) )
					if( is_user_alive( iTarget ) && cs_get_user_team( iTarget ) == TEAM_NC )
						iRed = 255;
						iGreen = 0;
						iBlue = 0;
						iRed = 0;
						iGreen = 255;
						iBlue = 0;
					static iOrigin[ 3 ];
					get_user_origin( id, iOrigin, 3 );
					message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY );
					write_byte( TE_BEAMENTPOINT );
					write_short( id | 0x1000 );
					write_coord( iOrigin[ 0 ] );
					write_coord( iOrigin[ 1 ] );
					write_coord( iOrigin[ 2 ] );
					write_short( g_iLaserSprite );
					write_byte( 1 );
					write_byte( 10 );
					write_byte( 1 );
					write_byte( 5 );
					write_byte( 0 );
					write_byte( iRed );
					write_byte( iGreen );
					write_byte( iBlue );
					write_byte( 150 );
					write_byte( 25 );
					message_end( );
		else if( iTeam == TEAM_NC )
			static iButton;
			iButton = get_user_button( id );
			if( iButton & IN_USE )
				static Float:fOrigin[ 3 ];
				pev( id, pev_origin, fOrigin );
				if( get_distance_f( fOrigin, g_flWallOrigin[ id ] ) > 10.0 )
				if( pev( id, pev_flags ) & FL_ONGROUND )
				if( iButton & IN_FORWARD )
					static Float:fVelocity[ 3 ];
					velocity_by_aim( id, 240, fVelocity );
					set_pev( id, pev_velocity, fVelocity );
				else if( iButton & IN_BACK )
					static Float:fVelocity[ 3 ];
					velocity_by_aim( id, -240, fVelocity );
					set_pev( id, pev_velocity, fVelocity );
	public Forward_AddToFullPack_Post( es, e, iEntity, iHost, iHostFlags, iPlayer, pSet )
		if( is_user_alive( iEntity ) && is_user_alive( iHost ) && cs_get_user_team( iEntity ) == TEAM_NC && cs_get_user_team( iHost ) == TEAM_HUMAN )
			set_es( es, ES_RenderMode, kRenderTransAdd );
			if( g_bVisible[ iEntity ] )
				set_es( es, ES_RenderAmt, 255 );
			else set_es( es, ES_RenderAmt, 0 );
	//* Log Events *//
	//* ---------- *//
	//* Round End  //
	public LogEvent_RoundEnd()
	//*   Events  *//
	//*   ------  *//
	//* CurWeapon *//
	public Event_CurWeapon( id )
		new iWeapon = read_data( 2 );
		switch( cs_get_user_team( id ) )
			case TEAM_HUMAN:
				if( IsPrimaryWeapon( iWeapon ) || IsSecondaryWeapon( iWeapon ) )
					if( cs_get_user_bpammo( id, iWeapon ) != g_iMaxBPAmmo[ iWeapon ] )
						cs_set_user_bpammo( id, iWeapon, g_iMaxBPAmmo[ iWeapon ] );
					if( g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] )
						new iEnt = find_ent_by_owner( -1, g_szWeaponClassnames[ iWeapon ], id );
						if( !pev_valid( iEnt ) )
						cs_set_weapon_ammo( iEnt, g_iMaxClipAmmo[ iWeapon ] );
				if( g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] )
					set_user_maxspeed( id, get_pcvar_float( g_pAdrenalineSpeed ) );
			case TEAM_NC:
				if( iWeapon == CSW_KNIFE )
					set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, g_szNCKnife_V );
	//* Ratio Stuff *//
	//* ----------- *//
	//*  Team Menu  *//
	//* Force Team  *//
	public TeamSelectMenu_Handler( id, iKey )
		new CsTeams:iTeam = cs_get_user_team( id );

		switch( iKey )
			case 0: // Join NC (Terrorists)
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You cannot join the Night-Crawler team!", g_szPrefix );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			case 1: // Join Humans (CTs)
				if( iTeam == TEAM_HUMAN )
					return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
				if( task_exists( TASK_STARTGAME ) )
					ForceTeam( id, TEAM_HUMAN );
					// ( Percent * Total Players / 100 ) - Current Amount of NCs
					new iNeeded = get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerRatio ) * ( g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_NC ] + g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_HUMAN ] ) / 100 - g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_NC ];
					if( iNeeded == 0 && g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_HUMAN ] == 1 )
						iNeeded = 1;
					if( iNeeded >= 1 )
						ForceTeam( id, TEAM_NC );
					else ForceTeam( id, TEAM_HUMAN );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			case 5:
				user_silentkill( id );
				ForceTeam( id, CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

	public ForceTeam( id, CsTeams:iTeam )
		static iRestore, iVGUI, iMSGBlock;

		iRestore = get_pdata_int( id, m_iVGUI );
		iVGUI = iRestore & ( 1 << 0 );
		if( iVGUI )
			set_pdata_int( id, m_iVGUI, iRestore & ~( 1 << 0 ) );

		switch( iTeam )
				iMSGBlock = get_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu );
				set_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu, BLOCK_ONCE );
				dllfunc( DLLFunc_ClientPutInServer, id );
				set_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu, iMSGBlock );
				set_pdata_int( id, m_fGameHUDInitialized, 1 );
				engclient_cmd( id, "jointeam", "6" );
			case CS_TEAM_T, CS_TEAM_CT:
				iMSGBlock = get_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu );
				set_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu, BLOCK_ONCE );
				engclient_cmd( id, "jointeam", ( iTeam == CS_TEAM_CT ) ? "2" : "1" );
				engclient_cmd( id, "joinclass", "1" );
				set_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu, iMSGBlock );
		if( iVGUI )
			set_pdata_int( id, m_iVGUI, iRestore );
	//*  Messages   *//
	//*  --------   *//
	//* VGUI Menu   *//
	//* Show Menu   *//
	//* Status Icon *//

	public Message_VGUIMenu( iMSGId, iDest, id )
		static iMSGArg1;

		iMSGArg1 = get_msg_arg_int( 1 );
		if( iMSGArg1 == 2 )
			show_menu( id, 51, TEAM_MENU2, -1 );


	public Message_ShowMenu( iMSGId, iDest, id )
		static iMSGArg1;
		iMSGArg1 = get_msg_arg_int( 1 );

		if( iMSGArg1 != 531 && iMSGArg1 != 563 )

		show_menu( id, 51, TEAM_MENU2, -1 );
	public Message_StatusIcon( iMsgID, iMsgDest, id )
		static szIcon[ 8 ];
		get_msg_arg_string( 2, szIcon, 7 );
		if( equal( szIcon, "buyzone" ) && get_msg_arg_int( 1 ) )
			set_pdata_int( id, 235, get_pdata_int( id, 235 ) & ~(1<<0) );
	//*     Tasks     *//
	//*     -----     *//
	//*     Poison    *//
	//*   Start Game  *//
	//* Set Invisible *//
	//*  Suicide Bomb *//
	//*   Adrenaline  *//
	public Task_Poison( szParams[ ], iTaskID )
		new iAttacker = szParams[ 0 ];
		new id = iTaskID - TASK_POISON;
		ExecuteHam( Ham_TakeDamage, id, iAttacker, iAttacker, get_pcvar_float( g_pPoisonDamage ), DMG_GENERIC );
		if( --g_iPoisonRemaining[ id ] > 0 )
			set_task( get_pcvar_float( g_pPoisonInterval ), "Task_PoisonHurt", iTaskID );
	public Task_StartGame()
		new iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum;
		get_players( iPlayers, iNum );
		new iNCAmount = ( get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerRatio ) * iNum ) / 100 - g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_NC ];
		if( iNCAmount == 0 && iNum > 1 )
			iNCAmount = 1;
		new iRandom;
		for( new i = 0; i < iNCAmount; i++ )
			iRandom = random( iNum );			
			cs_set_user_team( iPlayers[ iRandom ], TEAM_NC );
			iPlayers[ iRandom ] = iPlayers[ --iNum ];
		server_cmd( "sv_restartround 1 " );
	public Task_SetInvisible( iTaskID )
		new id = iTaskID - TASK_INVISIBLE;
		g_bVisible[ id ] = false;
	public Task_Suicide( iTaskID )
		new id = iTaskID - TASK_SUICIDE;

		if( --g_iSuicideTime[ id ] == 0 )
			new Float:flOrigin[ 3 ];
			pev( id, pev_origin, flOrigin );
			user_kill( id );
			message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY );
			write_byte( TE_EXPLOSION );
			write_coord( floatround( flOrigin[ 0 ] ) );
			write_coord( floatround( flOrigin[ 1 ] ) );
			write_coord( floatround( flOrigin[ 2 ] ) );
			write_short( g_iExplosionSprite );
			write_byte( 30 );
			write_byte( 30 );
			write_byte( 0 );
			fm_radius_damage( id, flOrigin, get_pcvar_float( g_pSuicideDamage ), get_pcvar_float( g_pSuicideRadius ) );
		else emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, g_szSuicideBombSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
	public Task_RemoveAdrenaline( iTaskID )
		new id = iTaskID - TASK_ADRENALINE;
		g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] = false;
		if( is_user_alive( id ) )
			ExecuteHamB( Ham_Player_ResetMaxSpeed, id );
			client_print( id, print_chat, "%s The adrenaline has worn off.", g_szPrefix );
	//*   Other Stuff   *//
	//*   -----------   *//
	//*  Radius Damage  *//
	//*   Count Teams   *//
	//* Teleport Player *//
	// Taken from Jailbreak Mod by Pastout.
	fm_radius_damage( id, Float:flOrigin[ 3 ], Float:flDamage, Float:flRadius )
		new szClassname[ 33 ], CsTeams:iTeam;
		iTeam = cs_get_user_team( id );
		static iEnt;
		iEnt = -1;
		while( ( iEnt = engfunc( EngFunc_FindEntityInSphere, iEnt, flOrigin, flRadius ) ) )
			pev( iEnt, pev_classname, szClassname, charsmax( szClassname ) );
			if( !equali( szClassname, "player" ) || !is_user_alive( iEnt ) || cs_get_user_team( iEnt ) == iTeam )
			ExecuteHamB( Ham_TakeDamage, iEnt, 0, id, flDamage, DMG_GENERIC );
		for( new i = 1; i <= g_iMaxPlayers; i++ )
			if( !is_user_connected( i ) )
			g_iTeamCount[ cs_get_user_team( i ) ]++;
	// Credits to Exolent for this function
	TeleportPlayer( iPlayer )
		new Float:vOrigin[ 3 ], Float:vViewOfs[ 3 ];
		pev( iPlayer, pev_origin, vOrigin );
		pev( iPlayer, pev_view_ofs, vViewOfs );
		xs_vec_add( vOrigin, vViewOfs, vOrigin );
		new Float:vViewAngle[ 3 ];
		pev( iPlayer, pev_v_angle, vViewAngle );
		new Float:vAimVector[ 3 ];
		angle_vector( vViewAngle, ANGLEVECTOR_FORWARD, vAimVector );
		xs_vec_normalize( vAimVector, vAimVector );
		xs_vec_mul_scalar( vAimVector, 9999.0, vAimVector );
		engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vAimVector, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
		get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vAimVector );
		get_tr2( 0, TR_vecPlaneNormal, vOrigin );
		xs_vec_normalize( vOrigin, vOrigin );
		xs_vec_mul_scalar( vOrigin, 36.0, vOrigin );
		xs_vec_add( vAimVector, vOrigin, vOrigin );
		new bool:bDucking = false;
		if( trace_hull( vOrigin, HULL_HUMAN, iPlayer ) )
			if( !trace_hull( vOrigin, HULL_HEAD, iPlayer ) )
				bDucking = true;
				// player cannot duck or stand clearly, so try to move the origin so player can
				new iResetCount;
				if( ++iResetCount > 4 )
					// too many tries to find a good origin. just set to fail.
					client_print( iPlayer, print_center, "You cannot teleport there! You will be stuck!" );
					return 0;
				for( new i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
					switch( i )
						case 0:
							// check above x
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 0 ] += 16.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
								vOrigin[ 0 ] = vViewOfs[ 0 ] - 16.0;
								goto test_new_origin;
						case 1:
							// check below x
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 0 ] -= 16.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
								vOrigin[ 0 ] = vViewOfs[ 0 ] + 16.0;
								goto test_new_origin;
						case 2:
							// check above y
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 1 ] += 16.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
								vOrigin[ 1 ] = vViewOfs[ 1 ] - 16.0;
								goto test_new_origin;
						case 3:
							// check below y
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 1 ] -= 16.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
								vOrigin[ 1 ] = vViewOfs[ 1 ] + 16.0;
								goto test_new_origin;
						case 4:
							// check above z
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 2 ] += 36.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
								vViewOfs[ 2 ] += 18.0;
								engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
								get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
								if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
									get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
									vOrigin[ 2 ] = vViewOfs[ 2 ] - 36.0;
									goto test_new_origin;
								bDucking = true;
						case 5:
							// check below z
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 2 ] -= 36.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
								vViewOfs[ 2 ] -= 18.0;
								engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
								get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
								if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
									get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
									vOrigin[ 2 ] = vViewOfs[ 2 ] + 36.0;
									goto test_new_origin;
								bDucking = true;
		if( engfunc( EngFunc_PointContents, vOrigin ) == CONTENTS_SKY )
			client_print( iPlayer, print_center, "You can't teleport there!" );
			return 0;
		if( bDucking )
			set_pev( iPlayer, pev_flags, pev( iPlayer, pev_flags ) | FL_DUCKING );
			engfunc( EngFunc_SetSize, iPlayer, Float:{ -16.0, -16.0, -18.0 }, Float:{ 16.0, 16.0, 18.0 } );
		emit_sound( iPlayer, CHAN_ITEM, g_szTeleportSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
		engfunc( EngFunc_SetOrigin, iPlayer, vOrigin );
		return 1;
Membru, skill 0
Membru, skill 0
Posts: 88
Joined: 27 May 2014, 15:31
Detinator Steam: Da
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Has thanked: 16 times

22 Jun 2014, 09:34

Imi dispare si meniul de iteme..
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Membru, skill +2
Membru, skill +2
Posts: 737
Joined: 21 Dec 2013, 22:16
Detinator Steam: Da
CS Status: Scripter CS.
Detinator server CS: PM.
SteamID: PM.
Location: Bucuresti sector 2
Has thanked: 45 times
Been thanked: 45 times

22 Jun 2014, 09:42

| Afiseaza codul
#include < amxmodx >
		#include < cstrike >
		#include < hamsandwich >
		#include < fun >
		#include < fakemeta >
		#include < engine >
		#include < xs >
	/* Defines */
		#define SHOTGUN_WEAPONS_BIT    (1<<CSW_M3|1<<CSW_XM1014)
		#define RIFLE_WEAPONS_BIT    (1<<CSW_FAMAS|1<<CSW_GALIL|1<<CSW_AK47|1<<CSW_SCOUT|1<<CSW_M4A1|1<<CSW_SG550|1<<CSW_SG552|1<<CSW_AUG|1<<CSW_AWP|1<<CSW_G3SG1)
		#define MACHINE_WEAPONS_BIT    (1<<CSW_M249)


		#define IsPrimaryWeapon(%1) ( (1<<%1) & PRIMARY_WEAPONS_BIT )
		#define IsSecondaryWeapon(%1) ( (1<<%1) & PISTOL_WEAPONS_BIT )

		#define m_iVGUI						510
		#define m_fGameHUDInitialized		349
		#define m_fNextHudTextArgsGameTime	198

		#define TEAM_MENU					"#Team_Select"
		#define TEAM_MENU2					"#Team_Select_Spect"

		#define MIN_WEAPON		CSW_P228
		#define MAX_WEAPON 		CSW_P90

		#define TEAM_NC 		CS_TEAM_T

		#define MAX_PLAYERS 	32
	/* Constants */
		enum (+=1000)
		new const g_iMaxBPAmmo[ MAX_WEAPON + 1 ] =
			0, 52, 0, 90, 1, 32, 0, 100, 90, 1, 120, 100, 100, 90, 90, 90, 100, 120, 30,
			120, 200, 32, 90, 120, 90, 2, 35, 90, 90, 0, 100

		new const g_iMaxClipAmmo[ MAX_WEAPON + 1 ] =
			0, 13, 0, 10, 0, 7, 0, 30, 30, 0, 30, 20, 25, 30, 35, 25, 12, 20, 10, 30, 
			100, 8, 30, 30, 20, 0, 7, 30, 30, 0, 50

		new const g_szWeaponClassnames[ MAX_WEAPON + 1 ][ ] =
			"", "weapon_p228", "", "weapon_scout", "weapon_hegrenade",
			"weapon_xm1014", "weapon_c4", "weapon_mac10", "weapon_aug",
			"weapon_smokegrenade", "weapon_elite", "weapon_fiveseven",
			"weapon_ump45", "weapon_sg550", "weapon_galil", "weapon_famas",
			"weapon_usp", "weapon_glock18", "weapon_awp", "weapon_mp5navy",
			"weapon_m249", "weapon_m3", "weapon_m4a1", "weapon_tmp", "weapon_g3sg1",
			"weapon_flashbang", "weapon_deagle", "weapon_sg552", "weapon_ak47",
			"weapon_knife", "weapon_p90"

		new const g_szWeaponNames[ MAX_WEAPON + 1 ][ ] =
			"", "P228", "", "Schmidt Scout", "", "XM1014 (Auto-Shotgun)", "",
			"Mac-10", "AUG", "", "Dual Elites", "Five-Seven", "UMP-45", "SG-550",
			"Galil", "Famas", "USP", "Glock-18", "AWP", "MP5-Navy", "M249 (Para)",
			"M3 (Pump-Shotgun)", "M4A1", "TMP", "G3SG1", "", "Deagle", "SG-552",
			"AK-47", "", "P90"

		enum _:ItemsInfo
			ITEM_LASER, // Done
			ITEM_SUICIDE, // Done
			ITEM_POISON, // Done
			ITEM_MEDKIT // Done

		new const g_szItemNames[ ItemsInfo ][ ] =
			"Laser Sight",
			"Suicide Bomber \r(Bind Key Activated)",
			"Poison Scout Bullets",
			"Adrenaline \r(Bind Key Activated)",
			"Medic Kit \r(Bind Key Activated)"
		new const g_szObjectives[ ][ ] = 
		new const g_szPrefix[ ] = "[Nightcrawler]";

		new const g_szNCModel[ ] = "models/player/nightcrawler/nightcrawler.mdl";
		new const g_szNCKnife_V[ ] = "models/nightcrawler/v_nightcrawler.mdl";
		new const g_szLaserSprite[ ] = "sprites/zbeam4.spr";
		new const g_szExplosionSprite[ ] = "sprites/zerogxplode.spr";
		new const g_szSuicideBombSound[ ] = "weapons/c4_beep4.wav";
		new const g_szTeleportSound[ ] = "warcraft3/blinkarrival.wav";
		new const g_szAdrenalineSound[ ] = "fvox/adrenaline_shot.wav";
		new const g_szMedicalKitSound[ ] = "fvos/administering_medical.wav";
	/* Booleans */
		new bool:g_bRememberGuns[ 33 ];
		new bool:g_bNCNextRound[ 33 ];
		new bool:g_bHasLaser[ 33 ];
		new bool:g_bAdrenalineActive[ 33 ];
		new bool:g_bVisible[ 33 ];
	/* Floats */
		new Float:g_flWallOrigin[ 33 ][ 3 ];
		new Float:g_flLastTeleportTime[ 33 ];
	/* Integers */
		new g_iPrimaryWeapon[ 33 ];
		new g_iSecondaryWeapon[ 33 ];
		new g_iChosenItem[ 33 ];
		new g_iAdrenalineUses[ 33 ];
		new g_iMedKitUses[ 33 ];
		new g_iSuicideTime[ 33 ];
		new g_iPoisonRemaining[ 33 ];
		new g_iTeleportsRemaining[ 33 ];
		new g_iTeamCount[ CsTeams ];		
		new g_iCurrentRound;
		new g_iMaxPlayers;
		new g_iLaserSprite;
		new g_iExplosionSprite;

	/* Menus */
		new g_hWeaponMenu;
		new g_hPrimaryWeaponMenu;
		new g_hSecondaryWeaponMenu;
		new g_hItemsMenu;

	/* Messages */
		new g_msgShowMenu;
		new g_msgVGUIMenu;
		new g_msgStatusIcon;

	/* PCVARS */
		new g_pNightcrawlerRatio;
		new g_pNightcrawlerVisibleTime;
		new g_pNightcrawlerHealth;
		new g_pNightcrawlerGravity;
		new g_pNightcrawlerSpeed;
		new g_pNightcrawlerTeleDelay;
		new g_pNightcrawlerTeleCount;
		new g_pMapLighting;
		new g_pAdrenalineUses;
		new g_pAdrenalineTime;
		new g_pAdrenalineSpeed;
		new g_pMedKitUses;
		new g_pMedKitHealth;
		new g_pSuicideRadius;
		new g_pSuicideDamage;
		new g_pSuicideTime;
		new g_pPoisonAmount;
		new g_pPoisonInterval;
		new g_pPoisonDamage;
	/* Ham Hooks (Used to reset max speed) */
		new Ham:Ham_Player_ResetMaxSpeed = Ham_Item_PreFrame;
	//* Client (dis)connecting *//
	public client_putinserver( id )
		g_bRememberGuns[ id ] = false;
		g_bNCNextRound[ id ] = false;
		g_bHasLaser[ id ] = false;
		g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] = false;
		g_bVisible[ id ] = true;
		g_iAdrenalineUses[ id ] = 0;
		g_iMedKitUses[ id ] = 0;
		g_iSuicideTime[ id ] = 0;
		g_iPoisonRemaining[ id ] = 0;
		g_iPrimaryWeapon[ id ] = 0;
		g_iSecondaryWeapon[ id ] = 0;
		g_iTeleportsRemaining[ id ] = 0;
		g_iChosenItem[ id ] = -1;
		new szLighting[ 3 ];
		get_pcvar_string( g_pMapLighting, szLighting, 2 );
		engfunc( EngFunc_LightStyle, 0, szLighting );

	public client_disconnect( id )
		remove_task( TASK_SUICIDE + id );
	//* Plugin Precache *//
	public plugin_precache()
		precache_model( g_szNCModel );
		precache_model( g_szNCKnife_V );
		precache_sound( g_szSuicideBombSound );
		precache_sound( g_szTeleportSound );
		precache_sound( g_szMedicalKitSound );
		precache_sound( g_szAdrenalineSound );
		g_iLaserSprite = precache_model( g_szLaserSprite );
		g_iExplosionSprite = precache_model( g_szExplosionSprite );
	//* Plugin Init *//
	public plugin_init()
		register_plugin( "Nightcrawler Mod", "1.0", "H3avY Ra1n" );
		register_clcmd( "jointeam", 	"CmdJoinTeam" 	);
		register_clcmd( "joinclass", 	"CmdJoinTeam" 	);
		register_clcmd( "say /guns", 	"CmdEnableGuns" );
		register_clcmd( "item", 		"CmdUseItem" 	);
		RegisterHam( Ham_AddPlayerItem, "player", "Ham_AddPlayerItem_Pre", 		0 );
		RegisterHam( Ham_Killed, 		"player", "Ham_PlayerKilled_Post", 		1 );
		RegisterHam( Ham_Spawn, 		"player", "Ham_PlayerSpawn_Post", 		1 );
		RegisterHam( Ham_TakeDamage, 	"player", "Ham_PlayerTakeDamage_Post", 	1 );
		RegisterHam( Ham_TakeDamage, 	"player", "Ham_PlayerTakeDamage_Pre", 	0 );
		register_forward( FM_Spawn, 			"Forward_Spawn_Post", 			1 );
		register_forward( FM_Touch, 			"Forward_Touch_Pre", 			0 );
		register_forward( FM_PlayerPreThink, 	"Forward_PlayerPreThink", 		0 );
		register_forward( FM_AddToFullPack, 	"Forward_AddToFullPack_Post", 	1 );
		register_logevent( "LogEvent_RoundEnd", 2, "1=Round_End" );
		register_event( "CurWeapon", "Event_CurWeapon", "be" );
		register_menucmd( register_menuid( "Team_Select", 1 ), MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_6, "TeamSelectMenu_Handler" );
		g_msgShowMenu 	= get_user_msgid( "ShowMenu" 	);
		g_msgVGUIMenu 	= get_user_msgid( "VGUIMenu" 	);
		g_msgStatusIcon = get_user_msgid( "StatusIcon" 	);
		register_message( g_msgShowMenu, 	"Message_ShowMenu" 		);
		register_message( g_msgVGUIMenu, 	"Message_VGUIMenu" 		);
		register_message( g_msgStatusIcon, 	"Message_StatusIcon" 	);
		g_pNightcrawlerRatio		= register_cvar( "nc_ratio", 			"33" 	); // Percentage
		g_pNightcrawlerVisibleTime	= register_cvar( "nc_visible_time", 	"2" 	);
		g_pNightcrawlerHealth		= register_cvar( "nc_health", 			"150" 	);
		g_pNightcrawlerGravity		= register_cvar( "nc_gravity", 			"600" 	);
		g_pNightcrawlerSpeed		= register_cvar( "nc_speed", 			"280.0" );
		g_pNightcrawlerTeleCount	= register_cvar( "nc_teleport_count", 	"2" 	);
		g_pNightcrawlerTeleDelay 	= register_cvar( "nc_teleport_delay", 	"2" 	);
		g_pMapLighting				= register_cvar( "nc_lighting", 		"g" 	);
		g_pAdrenalineUses			= register_cvar( "nc_adrenaline_uses", 	"2" 	);
		g_pAdrenalineTime			= register_cvar( "nc_adrenaline_time", 	"10" 	);
		g_pAdrenalineSpeed			= register_cvar( "nc_adrenaline_speed", "320" 	);
		g_pSuicideDamage 			= register_cvar( "nc_suicide_damage", 	"80" 	);
		g_pSuicideRadius			= register_cvar( "nc_suicide_radius", 	"50" 	);
		g_pSuicideTime				= register_cvar( "nc_suicide_time", 	"3" 	);
		g_pMedKitUses				= register_cvar( "nc_medkit_uses", 		"2" 	);
		g_pMedKitHealth				= register_cvar( "nc_medkit_health", 	"100" 	);
		g_pPoisonAmount				= register_cvar( "nc_poison_amount", 	"3" 	);
		g_pPoisonInterval			= register_cvar( "nc_poison_interval", 	"1" 	);
		g_pPoisonDamage				= register_cvar( "nc_poison_damage", 	"5" 	);
		g_iMaxPlayers 				= get_maxplayers();
		set_task( 30.0, "Task_StartGame", TASK_STARTGAME );

	//* Client Commands *//
	//*	--------------- *//
	//*    Join Team    *//
	//*   Enable Guns   *//
	//*     Use Item    *//
	public CmdJoinTeam( id )
	public CmdEnableGuns( id )
		if( g_bRememberGuns[ id ] )
			client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Your gun menu has been re-enabled.", g_szPrefix );
			g_bRememberGuns[ id ] = false;
			client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Your gun menu is already enabled!", g_szPrefix );
	public CmdUseItem( id )
		switch( cs_get_user_team( id ) )
			case TEAM_NC:
				if( g_iTeleportsRemaining[ id ] > 0 )
					new Float:flGameTime = get_gametime();
					new iDelay = get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerTeleDelay );
					if( flGameTime - g_flLastTeleportTime[ id ] < iDelay )
						client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You must wait %i seconds inbetween teleports.", g_szPrefix, iDelay );
					else if( TeleportPlayer( id ) )
						g_flLastTeleportTime[ id ] = get_gametime();
						if( --g_iTeleportsRemaining[ id ] == 0 )
							client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You are now out of teleports.", g_szPrefix );
						else client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You have %i teleports left.", g_szPrefix, g_iTeleportsRemaining[ id ] );
			case TEAM_HUMAN:
				switch( g_iChosenItem[ id ] )
						if( g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] )
							client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Adrenaline is already active!", g_szPrefix );
						else if( g_iAdrenalineUses[ id ] > 0 )
							g_iAdrenalineUses[ id ]--;
							client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You have injected adrenaline!", g_szPrefix );
							g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] = true;
							client_cmd( id, "spk ^"%s^"", g_szAdrenalineSound );
							set_user_maxspeed( id, get_pcvar_float( g_pAdrenalineSpeed ) );
							set_task( get_pcvar_float( g_pAdrenalineTime ), "Task_RemoveAdrenaline", TASK_ADRENALINE + id );
					case ITEM_MEDKIT:
						if( g_iMedKitUses[ id ] > 0 )
							new iNewHealth = get_pcvar_num( g_pMedKitHealth );

							if( get_user_health( id ) >= iNewHealth )
								client_print( id, print_chat, "%s A medical kit won't help you right now!", g_szPrefix );
								g_iMedKitUses[ id ]--;
								client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You have used one of your medical kits. You have %i more.", g_szPrefix, g_iMedKitUses[ id ] );
								set_user_health( id, iNewHealth );
								client_cmd( id, "spk ^"%s^"", g_szMedicalKitSound );
							client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You're out of medical kits!", g_szPrefix );
					case ITEM_SUICIDE:
						if( task_exists( TASK_SUICIDE + id ) )
						g_iSuicideTime[ id ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pSuicideTime );
						Task_Suicide( TASK_SUICIDE + id );
						set_task( 1.0, "Task_Suicide", TASK_SUICIDE + id, .flags="a", .repeat=g_iSuicideTime[ id ] );
	//*      Menus     *//
	//*     -------    *//
	//*   Weapon Menu  *//
	//*  Primary Menu  *//
	//* Secondary Menu *//
	//*    Item Menu   *//
	public CreateMenus()
		g_hWeaponMenu = menu_create( "Weapons Menu", "WeaponMenu_Handler" );
		menu_additem( g_hWeaponMenu, "New Weapons", "0" );
		menu_additem( g_hWeaponMenu, "Previous Weapons", "1" );
		menu_additem( g_hWeaponMenu, "2 + Don't Ask Again", "2" );
		g_hPrimaryWeaponMenu = menu_create( "Primary Weapons", "PrimaryMenu_Handler" );
		g_hSecondaryWeaponMenu = menu_create( "Secondary Weapons", "SecondaryMenu_Handler" );
		new szInfo[ 3 ];
		for( new i = MIN_WEAPON; i <= MAX_WEAPON; i++ )
			if( IsPrimaryWeapon( i ) )
				num_to_str( i, szInfo, charsmax( szInfo ) );
				menu_additem( g_hPrimaryWeaponMenu, g_szWeaponNames[ i ], szInfo );
			else if( IsSecondaryWeapon( i ) )
				num_to_str( i, szInfo, charsmax( szInfo ) );
				menu_additem( g_hSecondaryWeaponMenu, g_szWeaponNames[ i ], szInfo );
			else continue;
		g_hItemsMenu = menu_create( "Choose an Item:", "ItemsMenu_Handler" );
		for( new i = 0; i < ItemsInfo; i++ )
			num_to_str( i, szInfo, charsmax( szInfo ) );
			if( i == ITEM_LASER )
				menu_additem( g_hItemsMenu, g_szItemNames[ i ], szInfo, _, menu_makecallback( "LaserItem_Callback" ) );
			else menu_additem( g_hItemsMenu, g_szItemNames[ i ], szInfo );
	public LaserItem_Callback( id, hMenu, iItem )
		if( g_iCurrentRound == 0 )
			return ITEM_DISABLED;
		new iFrags = get_user_frags( id );
		new iDeaths = get_user_deaths( id );

		new iPlayerFrags;
		new iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum;
		get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "ae", "CT" );
		if( iNum == 1 )
			return ITEM_DISABLED;
		for( new i = 0, iPlayer; i < iNum; i++ )
			iPlayer = iPlayers[ i ];
			if( !is_user_alive( iPlayer ) || iPlayer == id )
			iPlayerFrags = get_user_frags( iPlayer );
			if( iPlayerFrags > iFrags )
				return ITEM_DISABLED;
			else if( iPlayerFrags == iFrags )
				if( get_user_deaths( iPlayer ) < iDeaths )
					return ITEM_DISABLED;
		return ITEM_ENABLED;

	public WeaponMenu_Handler( id, hMenu, iItem )
		switch( iItem )
			case 0: menu_display( id, g_hPrimaryWeaponMenu, 0 );
			case 1: 
				GiveWeapons( id );
				menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );
			case 2: 
				GiveWeapons( id );
				g_bRememberGuns[ id ] = true;
				menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );

	public PrimaryMenu_Handler( id, hMenu, iItem )
		if( iItem == MENU_EXIT )
			menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );
		new iAccess, hCallback;
		new szData[ 6 ];
		menu_item_getinfo( hMenu, iItem, iAccess, szData, charsmax( szData ), _, _, hCallback );
		g_iPrimaryWeapon[ id ] = str_to_num( szData );

		menu_display( id, g_hSecondaryWeaponMenu, 0 );

	public SecondaryMenu_Handler( id, hMenu, iItem )
		if( iItem == MENU_EXIT )
			menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );
		new iAccess, hCallback;
		new szData[ 6 ];
		menu_item_getinfo( hMenu, iItem, iAccess, szData, charsmax( szData ), _, _, hCallback );
		g_iSecondaryWeapon[ id ] = str_to_num( szData );

		GiveWeapons( id );
		menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );

	public GiveWeapons( id )
		new iPrimary = g_iPrimaryWeapon[ id ];
		new iSecondary = g_iSecondaryWeapon[ id ];
		give_item( id, g_szWeaponClassnames[ iPrimary ] );
		give_item( id, g_szWeaponClassnames[ iSecondary ] );
		cs_set_user_bpammo( id, iPrimary, g_iMaxBPAmmo[ iPrimary ] );
		cs_set_user_bpammo( id, iSecondary, g_iMaxBPAmmo[ iSecondary ] );
	public ItemsMenu_Handler( id, hMenu, iItem )
		g_iChosenItem[ id ] = iItem;
		switch( iItem )
			case ITEM_LASER:
				g_bHasLaser[ id ] = true;
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Bind a key to 'item' to inject adrenaline.", g_szPrefix );
				g_iAdrenalineUses[ id ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pAdrenalineUses );
			case ITEM_MEDKIT:
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Bind a key to 'item' to use a medical kit.", g_szPrefix );
				g_iMedKitUses[ id ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pMedKitUses );
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Bind a key to 'item' to start the countdown.", g_szPrefix );
			case ITEM_POISON:
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s All bullets fired with a scout will be poisonous.", g_szPrefix );
	//*    Ham Functions    *//
	//*    -------------    *//
	//*  Spawn              *//
	//*  Killed             *//
	//*  Take Damage (PRE)  *//
	//*  Take Damage (POST) *//
	public Ham_AddPlayerItem_Pre( id, iWeapon )
		if( cs_get_weapon_id( iWeapon ) == CSW_C4 )
			cs_set_user_plant( id, 0, 0 );
			set_pev( id, pev_body, 0 );
			SetHamReturnInteger( false );
			return HAM_SUPERCEDE;
		return HAM_IGNORED;
	public Ham_PlayerSpawn_Post( id )
		if( !is_user_alive( id ) )
			return HAM_IGNORED;
		strip_user_weapons( id );
		give_item( id, "weapon_knife" );
		new CsTeams:iTeam = cs_get_user_team( id );
		if( g_bNCNextRound[ id ] )
			if( iTeam != TEAM_NC )
				cs_set_user_team( id, TEAM_NC );
				ExecuteHamB( Ham_CS_RoundRespawn, id );
				g_bNCNextRound[ id ] = false;
				return HAM_IGNORED;
			g_bNCNextRound[ id ] = false;
		switch( iTeam )
			case TEAM_NC:
				cs_set_user_model( id, "nightcrawler" );
				if( get_user_weapon( id ) == CSW_KNIFE )
					set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, g_szNCKnife_V );
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You are now invisible.", g_szPrefix );
				set_user_health( id, get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerHealth ) );
				set_user_gravity( id, get_pcvar_float( g_pNightcrawlerGravity ) / 800 );
				set_user_maxspeed( id, get_pcvar_float( g_pNightcrawlerSpeed ) );
				set_user_footsteps( id, 1 );
				g_iTeleportsRemaining[ id ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerTeleCount );
				g_bVisible[ id ] = false;
			case TEAM_HUMAN:
				set_user_footsteps( id, 0 );
				cs_set_user_model( id, "gign" );
				g_bVisible[ id ] = true;
		g_bNCNextRound[ id ] = false;
		return HAM_IGNORED;

	public Ham_PlayerKilled_Post( iVictim, iKiller, iShouldGib )
		if( !is_user_alive( iKiller ) )
			return HAM_IGNORED;
		switch( cs_get_user_team( iKiller ) )
			case TEAM_HUMAN:
				if( cs_get_user_team( iVictim ) == TEAM_NC )
					client_print( iVictim, print_chat, "%s You were killed by a human and are now one also!", g_szPrefix );
					cs_set_user_team( iVictim, TEAM_HUMAN );
					if( !g_bNCNextRound[ iKiller ] )
						client_print( iKiller, print_chat, "%s You killed a Night-Crawler and will be one next round!", g_szPrefix );
						g_bNCNextRound[ iKiller ] = true;
			case TEAM_NC:
				if( cs_get_user_team( iVictim ) == TEAM_HUMAN )
					client_print( iKiller, print_chat, "%s You killed a human!", g_szPrefix );
					client_print( iVictim, print_chat, "%s You were killed by a Night-Crawler!", g_szPrefix );
		return HAM_IGNORED;

	public Ham_PlayerTakeDamage_Pre( iVictim, iInflictor, iAttacker, Float:flDamage, iBits )
		if( cs_get_user_team( iVictim ) == TEAM_NC && iBits & DMG_FALL )
			return HAM_SUPERCEDE;
		return HAM_IGNORED;
	public Ham_PlayerTakeDamage_Post( iVictim, iInflictor, iAttacker, Float:flDamage, iBits )
		if( cs_get_user_team( iVictim ) == TEAM_NC )
			if( is_user_connected( iAttacker ) )
				remove_task( TASK_INVISIBLE + iVictim );
				g_bVisible[ iVictim ] = true;
				set_task( get_pcvar_float( g_pNightcrawlerVisibleTime ), "Task_SetInvisible", iVictim + TASK_INVISIBLE );
				if( g_iChosenItem[ iAttacker ] == ITEM_POISON && iInflictor == CSW_SCOUT )
					g_iPoisonRemaining[ iVictim ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pPoisonAmount );
					remove_task( TASK_POISON + iVictim );
					new szParams[ 2 ];
					szParams[ 0 ] = iAttacker;
					set_task( get_pcvar_float( g_pPoisonInterval ), "Task_Poison", TASK_POISON + iVictim, szParams, 2 );
		return HAM_IGNORED;
	//* Fakemeta Hooks *//
	//* -------------- *//
	//*  Entity Spawn*  //
	//*  Entity Touch*  //
	//*  Player Think  *//
	//*  AddToFullPack *//
	public Forward_Spawn_Post( iEntity )
		new szClassname[ 32 ];
		pev( iEntity, pev_classname, szClassname, charsmax( szClassname ) );
		for( new i = 0; i < sizeof g_szObjectives; i++ )
			if( equali( szClassname, g_szObjectives[ i ] ) )
				remove_entity( iEntity );
	public Forward_Touch_Pre( iEnt, id )
		if( !is_user_alive( id ) )
			return FMRES_IGNORED;
		new szClassname[ 32 ];
		pev( iEnt, pev_classname, szClassname, charsmax( szClassname ) );
		if( equali( szClassname, "worldspawn" ) || equali( szClassname, "func_wall" ) || equali( szClassname, "func_breakable" ) )
			pev( id, pev_origin, g_flWallOrigin[ id ] );
		else if( equali( szClassname, "weaponbox" ) || equali( szClassname, "armoury_entity" ) )
			if( cs_get_user_team( id ) == TEAM_NC )
	public Forward_PlayerPreThink( id )
		if( !is_user_alive( id ) )
		static CsTeams:iTeam;
		iTeam = cs_get_user_team( id );
		if( iTeam == TEAM_HUMAN )
			if( !g_bHasLaser[ id ] )
				static iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum;
				get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "ae", "CT" );
				if( iNum == 1 )
					g_bHasLaser[ id ] = true;
			if( g_bHasLaser[ id ] )

				static iTarget, iBody, iRed, iGreen, iBlue, iWeapon;
				get_user_aiming( id, iTarget, iBody );
				iWeapon = get_user_weapon( id );
				if( IsPrimaryWeapon( iWeapon ) || IsSecondaryWeapon( iWeapon ) )
					if( is_user_alive( iTarget ) && cs_get_user_team( iTarget ) == TEAM_NC )
						iRed = 255;
						iGreen = 0;
						iBlue = 0;
						iRed = 0;
						iGreen = 255;
						iBlue = 0;
					static iOrigin[ 3 ];
					get_user_origin( id, iOrigin, 3 );
					message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY );
					write_byte( TE_BEAMENTPOINT );
					write_short( id | 0x1000 );
					write_coord( iOrigin[ 0 ] );
					write_coord( iOrigin[ 1 ] );
					write_coord( iOrigin[ 2 ] );
					write_short( g_iLaserSprite );
					write_byte( 1 );
					write_byte( 10 );
					write_byte( 1 );
					write_byte( 5 );
					write_byte( 0 );
					write_byte( iRed );
					write_byte( iGreen );
					write_byte( iBlue );
					write_byte( 150 );
					write_byte( 25 );
					message_end( );
		else if( iTeam == TEAM_NC )
			static iButton;
			iButton = get_user_button( id );
			if( iButton & IN_USE )
				static Float:fOrigin[ 3 ];
				pev( id, pev_origin, fOrigin );
				if( get_distance_f( fOrigin, g_flWallOrigin[ id ] ) > 10.0 )
				if( pev( id, pev_flags ) & FL_ONGROUND )
				if( iButton & IN_FORWARD )
					static Float:fVelocity[ 3 ];
					velocity_by_aim( id, 240, fVelocity );
					set_pev( id, pev_velocity, fVelocity );
				else if( iButton & IN_BACK )
					static Float:fVelocity[ 3 ];
					velocity_by_aim( id, -240, fVelocity );
					set_pev( id, pev_velocity, fVelocity );
	public Forward_AddToFullPack_Post( es, e, iEntity, iHost, iHostFlags, iPlayer, pSet )
		if( is_user_alive( iEntity ) && is_user_alive( iHost ) && cs_get_user_team( iEntity ) == TEAM_NC && cs_get_user_team( iHost ) == TEAM_HUMAN )
			set_es( es, ES_RenderMode, kRenderTransAdd );
			if( g_bVisible[ iEntity ] )
				set_es( es, ES_RenderAmt, 255 );
			else set_es( es, ES_RenderAmt, 0 );
	//* Log Events *//
	//* ---------- *//
	//* Round End  //
	public LogEvent_RoundEnd()
	//*   Events  *//
	//*   ------  *//
	//* CurWeapon *//
	public Event_CurWeapon( id )
		new iWeapon = read_data( 2 );
		switch( cs_get_user_team( id ) )
			case TEAM_HUMAN:
				if( IsPrimaryWeapon( iWeapon ) || IsSecondaryWeapon( iWeapon ) )
					if( cs_get_user_bpammo( id, iWeapon ) != g_iMaxBPAmmo[ iWeapon ] )
						cs_set_user_bpammo( id, iWeapon, g_iMaxBPAmmo[ iWeapon ] );
					if( g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] )
						new iEnt = find_ent_by_owner( -1, g_szWeaponClassnames[ iWeapon ], id );
						if( !pev_valid( iEnt ) )
						cs_set_weapon_ammo( iEnt, g_iMaxClipAmmo[ iWeapon ] );
				if( g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] )
					set_user_maxspeed( id, get_pcvar_float( g_pAdrenalineSpeed ) );
			case TEAM_NC:
				if( iWeapon == CSW_KNIFE )
					set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, g_szNCKnife_V );
	//* Ratio Stuff *//
	//* ----------- *//
	//*  Team Menu  *//
	//* Force Team  *//
	public TeamSelectMenu_Handler( id, iKey )
		new CsTeams:iTeam = cs_get_user_team( id );

		switch( iKey )
			case 0: // Join NC (Terrorists)
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You cannot join the Night-Crawler team!", g_szPrefix );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			case 1: // Join Humans (CTs)
				if( iTeam == TEAM_HUMAN )
					return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
				if( task_exists( TASK_STARTGAME ) )
					ForceTeam( id, TEAM_HUMAN );
					// ( Percent * Total Players / 100 ) - Current Amount of NCs
					new iNeeded = get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerRatio ) * ( g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_NC ] + g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_HUMAN ] ) / 100 - g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_NC ];
					if( iNeeded == 0 && g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_HUMAN ] == 1 )
						iNeeded = 1;
					if( iNeeded >= 1 )
						ForceTeam( id, TEAM_NC );
					else ForceTeam( id, TEAM_HUMAN );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			case 5:
				user_silentkill( id );
				ForceTeam( id, CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

	public ForceTeam( id, CsTeams:iTeam )
		static iRestore, iVGUI, iMSGBlock;

		iRestore = get_pdata_int( id, m_iVGUI );
		iVGUI = iRestore & ( 1 << 0 );
		if( iVGUI )
			set_pdata_int( id, m_iVGUI, iRestore & ~( 1 << 0 ) );

		switch( iTeam )
				iMSGBlock = get_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu );
				set_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu, BLOCK_ONCE );
				dllfunc( DLLFunc_ClientPutInServer, id );
				set_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu, iMSGBlock );
				set_pdata_int( id, m_fGameHUDInitialized, 1 );
				engclient_cmd( id, "jointeam", "6" );
			case CS_TEAM_T, CS_TEAM_CT:
				iMSGBlock = get_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu );
				set_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu, BLOCK_ONCE );
				engclient_cmd( id, "jointeam", ( iTeam == CS_TEAM_CT ) ? "2" : "1" );
				engclient_cmd( id, "joinclass", "1" );
				set_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu, iMSGBlock );
		if( iVGUI )
			set_pdata_int( id, m_iVGUI, iRestore );
	//*  Messages   *//
	//*  --------   *//
	//* VGUI Menu   *//
	//* Show Menu   *//
	//* Status Icon *//

	public Message_VGUIMenu( iMSGId, iDest, id )
		static iMSGArg1;

		iMSGArg1 = get_msg_arg_int( 1 );
		if( iMSGArg1 == 2 )
			show_menu( id, 51, TEAM_MENU2, -1 );


	public Message_ShowMenu( iMSGId, iDest, id )
		static iMSGArg1;
		iMSGArg1 = get_msg_arg_int( 1 );

		if( iMSGArg1 != 531 && iMSGArg1 != 563 )

		show_menu( id, 51, TEAM_MENU2, -1 );
	public Message_StatusIcon( iMsgID, iMsgDest, id )
		static szIcon[ 8 ];
		get_msg_arg_string( 2, szIcon, 7 );
		if( equal( szIcon, "buyzone" ) && get_msg_arg_int( 1 ) )
			set_pdata_int( id, 235, get_pdata_int( id, 235 ) & ~(1<<0) );
	//*     Tasks     *//
	//*     -----     *//
	//*     Poison    *//
	//*   Start Game  *//
	//* Set Invisible *//
	//*  Suicide Bomb *//
	//*   Adrenaline  *//
	public Task_Poison( szParams[ ], iTaskID )
		new iAttacker = szParams[ 0 ];
		new id = iTaskID - TASK_POISON;
		ExecuteHam( Ham_TakeDamage, id, iAttacker, iAttacker, get_pcvar_float( g_pPoisonDamage ), DMG_GENERIC );
		if( --g_iPoisonRemaining[ id ] > 0 )
			set_task( get_pcvar_float( g_pPoisonInterval ), "Task_PoisonHurt", iTaskID );
	public Task_StartGame()
		new iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum;
		get_players( iPlayers, iNum );
		new iNCAmount = ( get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerRatio ) * iNum ) / 100 - g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_NC ];
		if( iNCAmount == 0 && iNum > 1 )
			iNCAmount = 1;
		new iRandom;
		for( new i = 0; i < iNCAmount; i++ )
			iRandom = random( iNum );			
			cs_set_user_team( iPlayers[ iRandom ], TEAM_NC );
			iPlayers[ iRandom ] = iPlayers[ --iNum ];
		server_cmd( "sv_restartround 1 " );
	public Task_SetInvisible( iTaskID )
		new id = iTaskID - TASK_INVISIBLE;
		g_bVisible[ id ] = false;
	public Task_Suicide( iTaskID )
		new id = iTaskID - TASK_SUICIDE;

		if( --g_iSuicideTime[ id ] == 0 )
			new Float:flOrigin[ 3 ];
			pev( id, pev_origin, flOrigin );
			user_kill( id );
			message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY );
			write_byte( TE_EXPLOSION );
			write_coord( floatround( flOrigin[ 0 ] ) );
			write_coord( floatround( flOrigin[ 1 ] ) );
			write_coord( floatround( flOrigin[ 2 ] ) );
			write_short( g_iExplosionSprite );
			write_byte( 30 );
			write_byte( 30 );
			write_byte( 0 );
			fm_radius_damage( id, flOrigin, get_pcvar_float( g_pSuicideDamage ), get_pcvar_float( g_pSuicideRadius ) );
		else emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, g_szSuicideBombSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
	public Task_RemoveAdrenaline( iTaskID )
		new id = iTaskID - TASK_ADRENALINE;
		g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] = false;
		if( is_user_alive( id ) )
			ExecuteHamB( Ham_Player_ResetMaxSpeed, id );
			client_print( id, print_chat, "%s The adrenaline has worn off.", g_szPrefix );
	//*   Other Stuff   *//
	//*   -----------   *//
	//*  Radius Damage  *//
	//*   Count Teams   *//
	//* Teleport Player *//
	// Taken from Jailbreak Mod by Pastout.
	fm_radius_damage( id, Float:flOrigin[ 3 ], Float:flDamage, Float:flRadius )
		new szClassname[ 33 ], CsTeams:iTeam;
		iTeam = cs_get_user_team( id );
		static iEnt;
		iEnt = -1;
		while( ( iEnt = engfunc( EngFunc_FindEntityInSphere, iEnt, flOrigin, flRadius ) ) )
			pev( iEnt, pev_classname, szClassname, charsmax( szClassname ) );
			if( !equali( szClassname, "player" ) || !is_user_alive( iEnt ) || cs_get_user_team( iEnt ) == iTeam )
			ExecuteHamB( Ham_TakeDamage, iEnt, 0, id, flDamage, DMG_GENERIC );
		for( new i = 1; i <= g_iMaxPlayers; i++ )
			if( !is_user_connected( i ) )
			g_iTeamCount[ cs_get_user_team( i ) ]++;
	// Credits to Exolent for this function
	TeleportPlayer( iPlayer )
		new Float:vOrigin[ 3 ], Float:vViewOfs[ 3 ];
		pev( iPlayer, pev_origin, vOrigin );
		pev( iPlayer, pev_view_ofs, vViewOfs );
		xs_vec_add( vOrigin, vViewOfs, vOrigin );
		new Float:vViewAngle[ 3 ];
		pev( iPlayer, pev_v_angle, vViewAngle );
		new Float:vAimVector[ 3 ];
		angle_vector( vViewAngle, ANGLEVECTOR_FORWARD, vAimVector );
		xs_vec_normalize( vAimVector, vAimVector );
		xs_vec_mul_scalar( vAimVector, 9999.0, vAimVector );
		engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vAimVector, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
		get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vAimVector );
		get_tr2( 0, TR_vecPlaneNormal, vOrigin );
		xs_vec_normalize( vOrigin, vOrigin );
		xs_vec_mul_scalar( vOrigin, 36.0, vOrigin );
		xs_vec_add( vAimVector, vOrigin, vOrigin );
		new bool:bDucking = false;
		if( trace_hull( vOrigin, HULL_HUMAN, iPlayer ) )
			if( !trace_hull( vOrigin, HULL_HEAD, iPlayer ) )
				bDucking = true;
				// player cannot duck or stand clearly, so try to move the origin so player can
				new iResetCount;
				if( ++iResetCount > 4 )
					// too many tries to find a good origin. just set to fail.
					client_print( iPlayer, print_center, "You cannot teleport there! You will be stuck!" );
					return 0;
				for( new i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
					switch( i )
						case 0:
							// check above x
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 0 ] += 16.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
								vOrigin[ 0 ] = vViewOfs[ 0 ] - 16.0;
								goto test_new_origin;
						case 1:
							// check below x
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 0 ] -= 16.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
								vOrigin[ 0 ] = vViewOfs[ 0 ] + 16.0;
								goto test_new_origin;
						case 2:
							// check above y
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 1 ] += 16.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
								vOrigin[ 1 ] = vViewOfs[ 1 ] - 16.0;
								goto test_new_origin;
						case 3:
							// check below y
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 1 ] -= 16.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
								vOrigin[ 1 ] = vViewOfs[ 1 ] + 16.0;
								goto test_new_origin;
						case 4:
							// check above z
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 2 ] += 36.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
								vViewOfs[ 2 ] += 18.0;
								engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
								get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
								if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
									get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
									vOrigin[ 2 ] = vViewOfs[ 2 ] - 36.0;
									goto test_new_origin;
								bDucking = true;
						case 5:
							// check below z
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 2 ] -= 36.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
								vViewOfs[ 2 ] -= 18.0;
								engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
								get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
								if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
									get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
									vOrigin[ 2 ] = vViewOfs[ 2 ] + 36.0;
									goto test_new_origin;
								bDucking = true;
		if( engfunc( EngFunc_PointContents, vOrigin ) == CONTENTS_SKY )
			client_print( iPlayer, print_center, "You can't teleport there!" );
			return 0;
		if( bDucking )
			set_pev( iPlayer, pev_flags, pev( iPlayer, pev_flags ) | FL_DUCKING );
			engfunc( EngFunc_SetSize, iPlayer, Float:{ -16.0, -16.0, -18.0 }, Float:{ 16.0, 16.0, 18.0 } );
		emit_sound( iPlayer, CHAN_ITEM, g_szTeleportSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
		engfunc( EngFunc_SetOrigin, iPlayer, vOrigin );
		return 1;
Membru, skill 0
Membru, skill 0
Posts: 88
Joined: 27 May 2014, 15:31
Detinator Steam: Da
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Has thanked: 16 times

22 Jun 2014, 10:20

Multumesc , dar nimic. Cred ca cele 2 meniuri sunt oarecum legate.
Macar ati putea sa eliminati din arme sa ramana doar :


Si la pistoale :
Dual Elite
Si cel care a mai ramas (nu ii stiu numele pistolului)

User avatar
Membru, skill +2
Membru, skill +2
Posts: 737
Joined: 21 Dec 2013, 22:16
Detinator Steam: Da
CS Status: Scripter CS.
Detinator server CS: PM.
SteamID: PM.
Location: Bucuresti sector 2
Has thanked: 45 times
Been thanked: 45 times

22 Jun 2014, 10:35

modifici aici ce arme si pistoale sa apara

Code: Select all

new const g_szWeaponClassnames[ MAX_WEAPON + 1 ][ ] =
			"", "weapon_p228", "", "weapon_scout", "weapon_hegrenade",
			"weapon_xm1014", "weapon_c4", "weapon_mac10", "weapon_aug",
			"weapon_smokegrenade", "weapon_elite", "weapon_fiveseven",
			"weapon_ump45", "weapon_sg550", "weapon_galil", "weapon_famas",
			"weapon_usp", "weapon_glock18", "weapon_awp", "weapon_mp5navy",
			"weapon_m249", "weapon_m3", "weapon_m4a1", "weapon_tmp", "weapon_g3sg1",
			"weapon_flashbang", "weapon_deagle", "weapon_sg552", "weapon_ak47",
			"weapon_knife", "weapon_p90"

		new const g_szWeaponNames[ MAX_WEAPON + 1 ][ ] =
			"", "P228", "", "Schmidt Scout", "", "XM1014 (Auto-Shotgun)", "",
			"Mac-10", "AUG", "", "Dual Elites", "Five-Seven", "UMP-45", "SG-550",
			"Galil", "Famas", "USP", "Glock-18", "AWP", "MP5-Navy", "M249 (Para)",
			"M3 (Pump-Shotgun)", "M4A1", "TMP", "G3SG1", "", "Deagle", "SG-552",
			"AK-47", "", "P90"
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