Modificare b-hop

Modificari necesare ale pluginurilor

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25 Jul 2014, 09:24

Deci am si eu un b-hop.amxx pe server care arata un mesaj la 30 de secunde, da doar odata acel mesaj si e colorat mesaju.Nu mai am .sma si doresc sa ii modific si eu culoarea la tag :) va las un .sma de plugin b-hop automat si as dori sa-l faceti sa dea mesaju ala dupa 30 de secunde de la conectare si sa fie colorat.Vreau sa il fixati sa dea doar un mesaj in plugin arata 2 mesaje.
| Afiseaza codul
 *	Author:		homorapian
 *	Date:		14-Aug-2005 
 *	what it is..	It is a bunnyhop that removes the slowdown after a jump. hold it to go faster
 *	Cvars:
 *			bh_enabled		1 to enable this plugin, 0 to disable.
 *			bh_autojump		If set to 1 players just need to hold down jump to bunny hop (no skill required)
 *			bh_showusage		If set to 1 it will inform joining players that bunny hopping has been enabled
 *						and how to use it if bh_autojump enabled.
 *	Requirements:	amxmodx 1.01 or higher
 *  ************************ I LEARNED THIS PLUGIN FROM ANOTHER Bunnyhop PLUGIN*************************************

#include <amxmodx>
#include <engine>

#define	FL_WATERJUMP	(1<<11)	// popping out of the water
#define	FL_ONGROUND	(1<<9)	// not moving on the ground

public plugin_init() {
	register_plugin("Bhop", "1.0", "homorapian")
	register_cvar("sbhopper_version", "1.0", FCVAR_SERVER)

	register_cvar("bh_enabled", "1")
	register_cvar("bh_autojump", "1")
	register_cvar("bh_showusage", "1")

public client_PreThink(id) {
	if (!get_cvar_num("bh_enabled"))

	entity_set_float(id, EV_FL_fuser2, 0.0)		// Won't slow down after a jump

	if (!get_cvar_num("bh_autojump"))

	if (entity_get_int(id, EV_INT_button) & 2) {	
		new flags = entity_get_int(id, EV_INT_flags)

		if (flags & FL_WATERJUMP)
		if ( entity_get_int(id, EV_INT_waterlevel) >= 2 )
		if ( !(flags & FL_ONGROUND) )

		new Float:velocity[3]
		entity_get_vector(id, EV_VEC_velocity, velocity)
		velocity[2] += 250.0
		entity_set_vector(id, EV_VEC_velocity, velocity)

		entity_set_int(id, EV_INT_gaitsequence, 6)	// Jump graphics

public client_authorized(id)
	set_task(30.0, "showUsage", id)

public showUsage(id) {
	if ( !get_cvar_num("bh_enabled") || !get_cvar_num("bh_showusage") )

	if ( !get_cvar_num("bh_autojump") ) {
		client_print(id, print_chat, "[INFO] BunnyHop este activat pe acest server, puteti sari")
	} else {
		client_print(id, print_chat, "[INFO] BunnyHop este activat pe acest server, puteti sari")
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25 Jul 2014, 14:18


Code: Select all

 *   Author:      homorapian
 *   Date:      14-Aug-2005 
 *   what it is..   It is a bunnyhop that removes the slowdown after a jump. hold it to go faster
 *   Cvars:
 *         bh_enabled      1 to enable this plugin, 0 to disable.
 *         bh_autojump      If set to 1 players just need to hold down jump to bunny hop (no skill required)
 *         bh_showusage      If set to 1 it will inform joining players that bunny hopping has been enabled
 *                  and how to use it if bh_autojump enabled.
 *   Requirements:   amxmodx 1.01 or higher
 *  ************************ I LEARNED THIS PLUGIN FROM ANOTHER Bunnyhop PLUGIN*************************************

#include <amxmodx>
#include <engine>
#include < ColorChat >

#define   FL_WATERJUMP   (1<<11)   // popping out of the water
#define   FL_ONGROUND   (1<<9)   // not moving on the ground

new g_szTag = { "BHOP" }// Tag

public plugin_init() {
   register_plugin("Bhop", "1.0", "homorapian")
   register_cvar("sbhopper_version", "1.0", FCVAR_SERVER)

   register_cvar("bh_enabled", "1")
   register_cvar("bh_autojump", "1")
   register_cvar("bh_showusage", "1")

public client_PreThink(id) {
   if (!get_cvar_num("bh_enabled"))
      return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

   entity_set_float(id, EV_FL_fuser2, 0.0)      // Won't slow down after a jump

   if (!get_cvar_num("bh_autojump"))
      return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

   if (entity_get_int(id, EV_INT_button) & 2) {   
      new flags = entity_get_int(id, EV_INT_flags)

      if (flags & FL_WATERJUMP)
         return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
      if ( entity_get_int(id, EV_INT_waterlevel) >= 2 )
         return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
      if ( !(flags & FL_ONGROUND) )
         return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

      new Float:velocity[3]
      entity_get_vector(id, EV_VEC_velocity, velocity)
      velocity[2] += 250.0
      entity_set_vector(id, EV_VEC_velocity, velocity)

      entity_set_int(id, EV_INT_gaitsequence, 6)   // Jump graphics
public client_putinserver( id ) {
	set_task( 30.0, "showUsage", id );
public showUsage( id ) {
	new pCvarEnabled = get_cvar_num( "bh_enabled" );
	new pCvarShowUsage = get_cvar_num( "bh_showusage" );
	if( pCvarEnabled == 1 && pCvarShowUsage == 1)
		ColorChat( id, RED, "^1[^3%s^1] BunnyHop este^4 activat^1 pe acest server, puteti sari.", g_szTag );
	return 0;
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25 Jul 2014, 14:20

adica vrei un mesaj sa il dea dupa ce playerul se conecteaza ? pur si simplu un mesaj ?
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26 Jul 2014, 09:15

@ rumini_uebk 2 errori la compilare

@ scosmynnnn, pluginu de bhop are incorporat el un mesaj dar il dă de 2 ori si nu e colorat.Eu vreau sa-l dea odata si sa fie colorat cum a facut rumini dar sa se compileze X_x .
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26 Jul 2014, 10:37

| Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <engine>

#define   FL_WATERJUMP   (1<<11)   // popping out of the water
#define   FL_ONGROUND   (1<<9)   // not moving on the ground

public plugin_init() {
   register_plugin("Bhop", "1.0", "homorapian")
   register_cvar("sbhopper_version", "1.0", FCVAR_SERVER)

   register_cvar("bh_enabled", "1")
   register_cvar("bh_autojump", "1")
   register_cvar("bh_showusage", "1")

public client_PreThink(id) {
   if (!get_cvar_num("bh_enabled"))
      return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

   entity_set_float(id, EV_FL_fuser2, 0.0)      // Won't slow down after a jump

   if (!get_cvar_num("bh_autojump"))
      return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

   if (entity_get_int(id, EV_INT_button) & 2) {   
      new flags = entity_get_int(id, EV_INT_flags)

      if (flags & FL_WATERJUMP)
         return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
      if ( entity_get_int(id, EV_INT_waterlevel) >= 2 )
         return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
      if ( !(flags & FL_ONGROUND) )
         return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

      new Float:velocity[3]
      entity_get_vector(id, EV_VEC_velocity, velocity)
      velocity[2] += 250.0
      entity_set_vector(id, EV_VEC_velocity, velocity)

      entity_set_int(id, EV_INT_gaitsequence, 6)   // Jump graphics

public client_authorized(id)
   set_task(30.0, "showUsage", id)

public showUsage(id) {
   if ( !get_cvar_num("bh_enabled") || !get_cvar_num("bh_showusage") )
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED

   if ( !get_cvar_num("bh_autojump") ) {
   ColorChat(id, GREEN,"[INFO] ^3BunnyHop ^4este activat pe acest server, puteti sari")
| Afiseaza codul
#if defined _colorchat_included
#define _colorchat_included

/* ColorChat Support */
#define NORMAL DontChange
#define GREEN DontChange
#define TEAM_COLOR DontChange
#define RED Red
#define BLUE Blue
#define GREY Grey
#define ColorChat client_print_color
/* ColorChat Support */

enum _:Colors {

stock const g_szTeamName[Colors][] = 

stock client_print_color(id, iColor=DontChange, const szMsg[], any:...)
	// check if id is different from 0
	if( id && !is_user_connected(id) )
		return 0;

	if( iColor > Grey )
		iColor = DontChange;

	new szMessage[192];
	if( iColor == DontChange )
		szMessage[0] = 0x04;
		szMessage[0] = 0x03;

	new iParams = numargs();
	// Specific player code
		if( iParams == 3 )
			copy(szMessage[1], charsmax(szMessage)-1, szMsg);
			vformat(szMessage[1], charsmax(szMessage)-1, szMsg, 4);

		if( iColor )
			new szTeam[11]; // store current team so we can restore it
			get_user_team(id, szTeam, charsmax(szTeam));

			// set id TeamInfo in consequence
			// so SayText msg gonna show the right color
			Send_TeamInfo(id, id, g_szTeamName[iColor]);

			// Send the message
			Send_SayText(id, id, szMessage);

			// restore TeamInfo
			Send_TeamInfo(id, id, szTeam);
			Send_SayText(id, id, szMessage);

	// Send message to all players
		// Figure out if at least 1 player is connected
		// so we don't send useless message if not
		// and we gonna use that player as team reference (aka SayText message sender) for color change
		new iPlayers[32], iNum;
		get_players(iPlayers, iNum, "ch");
		if( !iNum )
			return 0;

		new iFool = iPlayers[0];

		new iMlNumber, i, j;
		new Array:aStoreML = ArrayCreate();
		if( iParams >= 5 ) // ML can be used
			for(j=4; j<iParams; j++)
				// retrieve original param value and check if it's LANG_PLAYER value
				if( getarg(j) == LANG_PLAYER )
					// as LANG_PLAYER == -1, check if next parm string is a registered language translation
					while( ( szMessage[ i ] = getarg( j + 1, i++ ) ) ) {}
					if( GetLangTransKey(szMessage) != TransKey_Bad )
						// Store that arg as LANG_PLAYER so we can alter it later
						ArrayPushCell(aStoreML, j++);

						// Update ML array saire so we'll know 1st if ML is used,
						// 2nd how many args we have to alterate

		// If arraysize == 0, ML is not used
		// we can only send 1 MSG_BROADCAST message
		if( !iMlNumber )
			if( iParams == 3 )
				copy(szMessage[1], charsmax(szMessage)-1, szMsg);
				vformat(szMessage[1], charsmax(szMessage)-1, szMsg, 4);

			if( iColor )
				new szTeam[11];
				get_user_team(iFool, szTeam, charsmax(szTeam));
				Send_TeamInfo(0, iFool, g_szTeamName[iColor]);
				Send_SayText(0, iFool, szMessage);
				Send_TeamInfo(0, iFool, szTeam);
				Send_SayText(0, iFool, szMessage);

		// ML is used, we need to loop through all players,
		// format text and send a MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE SayText message
			new szTeam[11], szFakeTeam[10];
			if( iColor )
				get_user_team(iFool, szTeam, charsmax(szTeam));
				copy(szFakeTeam, charsmax(szFakeTeam), g_szTeamName[iColor]);

			for( i = 0; i < iNum; i++ )
				id = iPlayers;

				for(j=0; j<iMlNumber; j++)
					// Set all LANG_PLAYER args to player index ( = id )
					// so we can format the text for that specific player
					setarg(ArrayGetCell(aStoreML, j), _, id);

				// format string for specific player
				vformat(szMessage[1], charsmax(szMessage)-1, szMsg, 4);

				if( iColor )
					Send_TeamInfo(id, iFool, szFakeTeam);
					Send_SayText(id, iFool, szMessage);
					Send_TeamInfo(id, iFool, szTeam);
					Send_SayText(id, iFool, szMessage);
	return 1;

stock Send_TeamInfo(iReceiver, iPlayerId, szTeam[])
	static iTeamInfo = 0;
	if( !iTeamInfo )
		iTeamInfo = get_user_msgid("TeamInfo");
	message_begin(iReceiver ? MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE : MSG_BROADCAST, iTeamInfo, .player=iReceiver);

stock Send_SayText(iReceiver, iPlayerId, szMessage[])
	static iSayText = 0;
	if( !iSayText )
		iSayText = get_user_msgid("SayText");
	message_begin(iReceiver ? MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE : MSG_BROADCAST, iSayText, .player=iReceiver);

stock register_dictionary_colored(const filename[])
	if( !register_dictionary(filename) )
		return 0;

	new szFileName[256];
	get_localinfo("amxx_datadir", szFileName, charsmax(szFileName));
	format(szFileName, charsmax(szFileName), "%s/lang/%s", szFileName, filename);
	new fp = fopen(szFileName, "rt");
	if( !fp )
		log_amx("Failed to open %s", szFileName);
		return 0;

	new szBuffer[512], szLang[3], szKey[64], szTranslation[256], TransKey:iKey;

	while( !feof(fp) )
		fgets(fp, szBuffer, charsmax(szBuffer));

		if( szBuffer[0] == '[' )
			strtok(szBuffer[1], szLang, charsmax(szLang), szBuffer, 1, ']');
		else if( szBuffer[0] )
			strbreak(szBuffer, szKey, charsmax(szKey), szTranslation, charsmax(szTranslation));
			iKey = GetLangTransKey(szKey);
			if( iKey != TransKey_Bad )
				while( replace(szTranslation, charsmax(szTranslation), "!g", "^4") ){}
				while( replace(szTranslation, charsmax(szTranslation), "!t", "^3") ){}
				while( replace(szTranslation, charsmax(szTranslation), "!n", "^1") ){}
				AddTranslation(szLang, iKey, szTranslation[2]);
	return 1;
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26 Jul 2014, 12:22

@ w3zoo_RedX,au trecut 2 minute si mesaju acela nu a mai aparut :|
Astept sa fie incontinuare modificat.
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26 Jul 2014, 14:58

| Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <engine>

#define   FL_WATERJUMP   (1<<11)   // popping out of the water
#define   FL_ONGROUND   (1<<9)   // not moving on the ground

public plugin_init() {
   register_plugin("Bhop", "1.0", "homorapian")
   register_cvar("sbhopper_version", "1.0", FCVAR_SERVER)

   register_cvar("bh_enabled", "1")
   register_cvar("bh_autojump", "1")
   register_cvar("bh_showusage", "1")

public client_PreThink(id) {
   if (!get_cvar_num("bh_enabled"))
      return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

   entity_set_float(id, EV_FL_fuser2, 0.0)      // Won't slow down after a jump

   if (!get_cvar_num("bh_autojump"))
      return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

   if (entity_get_int(id, EV_INT_button) & 2) {   
      new flags = entity_get_int(id, EV_INT_flags)

      if (flags & FL_WATERJUMP)
         return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
      if ( entity_get_int(id, EV_INT_waterlevel) >= 2 )
         return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
      if ( !(flags & FL_ONGROUND) )
         return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

      new Float:velocity[3]
      entity_get_vector(id, EV_VEC_velocity, velocity)
      velocity[2] += 250.0
      entity_set_vector(id, EV_VEC_velocity, velocity)

      entity_set_int(id, EV_INT_gaitsequence, 6)   // Jump graphics

public client_authorized(id)
   set_task(30.0, "showUsage", id)

public showUsage(id) {
   if ( !get_cvar_num("bh_enabled") || !get_cvar_num("bh_showusage") )
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED

   if ( get_cvar_num("bh_autojump") ) {
   ColorChat(id, GREEN,"[INFO] ^3BunnyHop ^4este activat pe acest server, puteti sari")
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26 Jul 2014, 15:27

Da in logs errori si nu apare mesaju nici dupa 2 minute stand pe server.
Errori in logs | Afiseaza codul
[code]L 07/26/2014 - 15:26:26: Start of error session.
L 07/26/2014 - 15:26:26: Info (map "de_dust2x2") (file "addons/amxmodx/logs/error_20140726.log")
L 07/26/2014 - 15:26:26: String formatted incorrectly - parameter 3 (total 2)
L 07/26/2014 - 15:26:26: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "b-hop.amxx")
L 07/26/2014 - 15:26:26: [AMXX] Run time error 25: parameter error 
L 07/26/2014 - 15:26:26: [AMXX]    [0] b-hop.sma::color_chat (line 62)
L 07/26/2014 - 15:26:26: [AMXX]    [1] b-hop.sma::showUsage (line 53)
Rog daca se poate lucra pe aceasta sursa am adaugat eu un stock de culoare sa imi fie mie mai usor | Afiseaza codul
[code]#include <amxmodx>
#include <engine>

#define   FL_WATERJUMP   (1<<11)   // popping out of the water
#define   FL_ONGROUND   (1<<9)   // not moving on the ground

public plugin_init() {
   register_plugin("Bhop", "1.0", "homorapian")
   register_cvar("sbhopper_version", "1.0", FCVAR_SERVER)

   register_cvar("bh_enabled", "1")
   register_cvar("bh_autojump", "1")
   register_cvar("bh_showusage", "1")

public client_PreThink(id) {
   if (!get_cvar_num("bh_enabled"))
      return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

   entity_set_float(id, EV_FL_fuser2, 0.0)      // Won't slow down after a jump

   if (!get_cvar_num("bh_autojump"))
      return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

   if (entity_get_int(id, EV_INT_button) & 2) {   
      new flags = entity_get_int(id, EV_INT_flags)

      if (flags & FL_WATERJUMP)
         return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
      if ( entity_get_int(id, EV_INT_waterlevel) >= 2 )
         return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
      if ( !(flags & FL_ONGROUND) )
         return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

      new Float:velocity[3]
      entity_get_vector(id, EV_VEC_velocity, velocity)
      velocity[2] += 250.0
      entity_set_vector(id, EV_VEC_velocity, velocity)

      entity_set_int(id, EV_INT_gaitsequence, 6)   // Jump graphics

public client_authorized(id)
   set_task(30.0, "showUsage", id)

public showUsage(id) {
   if ( !get_cvar_num("bh_enabled") || !get_cvar_num("bh_showusage") )
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED

   if ( get_cvar_num("bh_autojump") ) {
   color_chat(id, "^1[^4%s^1] BunnyHop este ^4activat ^1pe acest server, puteti sari")

stock color_chat(const id, const input[], any:...)
   new count = 1, players[32]
   static msg[191]
   vformat(msg, 190, input, 3)

   replace_all(msg, 190, ".v", "^4")
   replace_all(msg, 190, ".g", "^1")
   replace_all(msg, 190, ".e", "^3")

   if (id) players[0] = id; else get_players(players, count, "ch")
      for (new i = 0; i < count; i++)
         if (is_user_connected(players))
            message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players)
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26 Jul 2014, 15:34

| Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <engine>

#define   FL_WATERJUMP   (1<<11)   // popping out of the water
#define   FL_ONGROUND   (1<<9)   // not moving on the ground

public plugin_init() {
   register_plugin("Bhop", "1.0", "homorapian")
   register_cvar("sbhopper_version", "1.0", FCVAR_SERVER)

   register_cvar("bh_enabled", "1")
   register_cvar("bh_autojump", "1")
   register_cvar("bh_showusage", "1")

public client_PreThink(id) {
   if (!get_cvar_num("bh_enabled"))
      return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

   entity_set_float(id, EV_FL_fuser2, 0.0)      // Won't slow down after a jump

   if (!get_cvar_num("bh_autojump"))
      return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

   if (entity_get_int(id, EV_INT_button) & 2) {   
      new flags = entity_get_int(id, EV_INT_flags)

      if (flags & FL_WATERJUMP)
         return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
      if ( entity_get_int(id, EV_INT_waterlevel) >= 2 )
         return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
      if ( !(flags & FL_ONGROUND) )
         return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

      new Float:velocity[3]
      entity_get_vector(id, EV_VEC_velocity, velocity)
      velocity[2] += 250.0
      entity_set_vector(id, EV_VEC_velocity, velocity)

      entity_set_int(id, EV_INT_gaitsequence, 6)   // Jump graphics

public client_authorized(id)
   set_task(30.0, "showUsage", id)

public showUsage(id) {
   color_chat(id, "^1[^4%s^1] BunnyHop este ^4activat ^1pe acest server, puteti sari")

stock color_chat(const id, const input[], any:...)
   new count = 1, players[32]
   static msg[191]
   vformat(msg, 190, input, 3)

   replace_all(msg, 190, ".v", "^4")
   replace_all(msg, 190, ".g", "^1")
   replace_all(msg, 190, ".e", "^3")

   if (id) players[0] = id; else get_players(players, count, "ch")
      for (new i = 0; i < count; i++)
         if (is_user_connected(players))
            message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players)
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CsN^ ;x
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26 Jul 2014, 15:41

errori logs | Afiseaza codul
[code]L 07/26/2014 - 15:40:01: Start of error session.
L 07/26/2014 - 15:40:01: Info (map "de_dust2x2") (file "addons/amxmodx/logs/error_20140726.log")
L 07/26/2014 - 15:40:01: String formatted incorrectly - parameter 3 (total 2)
L 07/26/2014 - 15:40:01: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "b-hop.amxx")
L 07/26/2014 - 15:40:01: [AMXX] Run time error 25: parameter error 
L 07/26/2014 - 15:40:01: [AMXX]    [0] b-hop.sma::color_chat (line 57)
L 07/26/2014 - 15:40:01: [AMXX]    [1] b-hop.sma::showUsage (line 49)
Mesaju tot nu-l arata.
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26 Jul 2014, 15:47

| Afiseaza codul
[code]#include <amxmodx>
#include <engine>

#define   FL_WATERJUMP   (1<<11)   // popping out of the water
#define   FL_ONGROUND   (1<<9)   // not moving on the ground

public plugin_init() {
   register_plugin("Bhop", "1.0", "homorapian")
   register_cvar("sbhopper_version", "1.0", FCVAR_SERVER)

   register_cvar("bh_enabled", "1")
   register_cvar("bh_autojump", "1")
   register_cvar("bh_showusage", "1")

public client_PreThink(id) {
   if (!get_cvar_num("bh_enabled"))
      return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

   entity_set_float(id, EV_FL_fuser2, 0.0)      // Won't slow down after a jump

   if (!get_cvar_num("bh_autojump"))
      return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

   if (entity_get_int(id, EV_INT_button) & 2) {   
      new flags = entity_get_int(id, EV_INT_flags)

      if (flags & FL_WATERJUMP)
         return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
      if ( entity_get_int(id, EV_INT_waterlevel) >= 2 )
         return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
      if ( !(flags & FL_ONGROUND) )
         return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

      new Float:velocity[3]
      entity_get_vector(id, EV_VEC_velocity, velocity)
      velocity[2] += 250.0
      entity_set_vector(id, EV_VEC_velocity, velocity)

      entity_set_int(id, EV_INT_gaitsequence, 6)   // Jump graphics
public client_putinserver(id){
   set_task(30.0, "showUsage", id)
public showUsage(id) {
   color(0, "^1[^4%s^1] BunnyHop este ^4activat ^1pe acest server, puteti sari")

stock color(const id, const input[], any:...)
	new count = 1, players[32];
	static msg[191]
	vformat(msg, 190, input, 3)
	replace_all(msg, 190, ".v", "^4")
	replace_all(msg, 190, ".g", "^1")
	replace_all(msg, 190, ".e", "^3")
	if(id) players[0] = id; else get_players(players, count, "ch")
		for(new i = 0; i < count; i++)
				message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, g_msg_saytext, _, players)
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CsN^ ;x
Membru eXtream
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26 Jul 2014, 15:50

Errori la compilare.

Addons HNS level,gravity,xp DOWNLOAD ( e țeapă) - un simplu site de filme pentru timpul liber
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