[REZOLVAT]Modificare plugin V.I.P (ceva simplu)

Modificari necesare ale pluginurilor

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EmiNem | XTR
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12 Aug 2014, 20:44

Salut, vreau să-mi adăugaţi şi mie 2 lucruri în următorul plugin.

Ce doresc:

1. Cine e V.I.P să apară în TAB ca V.I.P
2. VIPii să aibe paraşută gratis în fiecare rundă. ATENŢIE: Vreau ca paraşută să fie învizibilă, să nu aibe model dăla, să fie învizibilă. Înţelegeţi voi!

| Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <cstrike>
#include <fun>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <fakemeta_util>
#include <ColorChat>

static const COLOR[] = "^x04" //green
static const CONTACT[] = ""
new maxplayers
new gmsgSayText
new g_type, g_hudmsg
new mpd, mkb, mhb
new health_add
new health_hs_add
new health_max
new nKiller
new nKiller_hp
new nHp_add
new round;
new nHp_max
new g_menu_active
#define is_vip(%1) (get_user_flags(%1) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H)
#define Keysrod (1<<0)|(1<<1)|(1<<2)|(1<<9)

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin("VIP", "3.0", "Aegon.")
	mpd = register_cvar("vip_money_damage","3")
	mkb = register_cvar("vip_money_kill","500")
	mhb = register_cvar("vip_money_hs","1000")
	health_add = register_cvar("vip_hp_kill", "10")
	health_hs_add = register_cvar("vip_hp_hs", "25")
	health_max = register_cvar("vip_hp_max", "100")
	g_menu_active = register_cvar("vip_guns_menu", "1")
	register_clcmd("say /wantvip","ShowMotd")
	maxplayers = get_maxplayers()
	gmsgSayText = get_user_msgid("SayText")
	register_clcmd("say", "handle_say")
	register_cvar("amx_contactinfo", CONTACT, FCVAR_SERVER) 
	register_event("DeathMsg", "hook_death", "ab", "1>0")
	register_event("Damage", "on_damage", "it", "2!0", "3=0", "4!0")
	register_menucmd(register_menuid("rod"), Keysrod, "Pressedrod")
	g_type = register_cvar("vip_bulletdamage","1")
	g_hudmsg = CreateHudSyncObj()
	register_event("HLTV", "event_new_round", "ab", "1=0", "2=0") 

public on_damage(id)
		static attacker; attacker = get_user_attacker(id)
		static damage; damage = read_data(2)	

		if(get_user_flags(attacker) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H)	
					set_hudmessage(0, 100, 200, -1.0, 0.55, 2, 0.1, 4.0, 0.02, 0.02, -1)
					ShowSyncHudMsg(attacker, g_hudmsg, "%i^n", damage)				

public Damage(id)
	new weapon, hitpoint, attacker = get_user_attacker(id,weapon,hitpoint)
	if(attacker<=maxplayers && is_user_alive(attacker) && attacker!=id)
	if (get_user_flags(attacker) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H) 
		new money = read_data(2) * get_pcvar_num(mpd)
		if(hitpoint==1) money += get_pcvar_num(mhb)
		cs_set_user_money(attacker,cs_get_user_money(attacker) + money)

public client_putinserver(id)
		static name[32];
		get_user_name(id, name, charsmax(name) - 1)
                ColorChat(id, GREEN, "^x04V.I.P %s se conecteaza pe server.", name)

public death_msg()
	if(read_data(1)<=maxplayers && read_data(1) && read_data(1)!=read_data(2)) cs_set_user_money(read_data(1),cs_get_user_money(read_data(1)) + get_pcvar_num(mkb) - 300)
public event_new_round()
	new players[32], player, pnum;
	get_players(players, pnum, "a");
	for(new i = 0; i < pnum; i++)
		player = players;
		if(get_user_flags(player) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H)

		if (!get_pcvar_num(g_menu_active))
		if(round > 2)

public Event_RoundRestart(id)

public hook_death()
   // Killer id
   nKiller = read_data(1)
   if ( (read_data(3) == 1) && (read_data(5) == 0) )
      nHp_add = get_pcvar_num (health_hs_add)
      nHp_add = get_pcvar_num (health_add)
   nHp_max = get_pcvar_num (health_max)
   // Updating Killer HP
   if(!(get_user_flags(nKiller) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H))

   nKiller_hp = get_user_health(nKiller)
   nKiller_hp += nHp_add
   // Maximum HP check
   if (nKiller_hp > nHp_max) nKiller_hp = nHp_max
   set_user_health(nKiller, nKiller_hp)
   // Hud message "Healed +15/+30 HP"
   set_hudmessage(0, 255, 0, -1.0, 0.15, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.1, 0.1, -1)
   show_hudmessage(nKiller, "Healed ! +%d HP", nHp_add)
   // Screen fading
   message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("ScreenFade"), {0,0,0}, nKiller)

public Showrod(id) 
	show_menu(id, Keysrod, "Free V.I.P Guns Menu:^n\w1. M4A1 + Deagle^n\w2. AK47 + Deagle^n\w3. Set Grenazi^n0. Exit^n", -1, "rod") // Display menu
public Pressedrod(id, key) 
	switch (key) {
		case 0: {
                        strip_user_weapons (id) 
			give_item(id, "item_assaultsuit");
			give_item(id, "item_thighpack");
			cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_M4A1, 90 );
			cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_DEAGLE, 35 );
			client_print(id, print_center, "Ai primit M4A1 + Deagle !")
                        ColorChat(id, GREEN, "^x04[V.I.P Menu System]^x01 Ai ales^x04 M4A1^x01 si un^x04 Deagle^x01 !")

		case 1: { 
                        strip_user_weapons (id)
			give_item(id, "item_assaultsuit");
			give_item(id, "item_thighpack");
			cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_AK47, 90);
			cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_DEAGLE, 35 );
			client_print(id, print_center, "Ai primit AK47 + Deagle !")
                        ColorChat(id, GREEN, "^x04[V.I.P Menu System]^x01 Ai ales^x04 AK47^x01 si un^x04 Deagle^x01 !")

		case 2: {
			give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade");
			give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang");
			give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang");
			give_item(id, "item_assaultsuit");
			give_item(id, "item_thighpack");
			client_print(id, print_center, "Ai primit un Set de Grenazi !")
                        ColorChat(id, GREEN, "^x04[V.I.P Menu System]^x01 Ai ales un^x04 set de grenazi^x01 !")

		case 9: { 			

public ShowMotd(id)
 show_motd(id, "vip.txt")
public client_authorized(id)
 set_task(30.0, "PrintText" ,id)
public PrintText(id)
 ColorChat(id, GREEN, "^x04[V.I.P System] Tasteaza /wantvip si vei vedea cum poti obtine V.I.P si ce privilegii are un V.I.P.")

public handle_say(id) {
	new said[192]
	if( ( containi(said, "who") != -1 && containi(said, "admin") != -1 ) || contain(said, "/vipson") != -1 )

public print_adminlist(user) 
	new adminnames[33][32]
	new message[256]
	new contactinfo[256], contact[112]
	new id, count, x, len
	for(id = 1 ; id <= maxplayers ; id++)
			if(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H)
				get_user_name(id, adminnames[count++], 31)

	len = format(message, 255, "%s V.I.P's ONLINE: ",COLOR)
	if(count > 0) {
		for(x = 0 ; x < count ; x++) {
			len += format(message[len], 255-len, "%s%s ", adminnames[x], x < (count-1) ? ", ":"")
			if(len > 96 ) {
				print_message(user, message)
				len = format(message, 255, "%s ",COLOR)
		print_message(user, message)
	else {
		len += format(message[len], 255-len, "No V.I.P's Online.")
		print_message(user, message)
	get_cvar_string("amx_contactinfo", contact, 63)
	if(contact[0])  {
		format(contactinfo, 111, "Contact Founder - [email protected]", COLOR, contact)
		print_message(user, contactinfo)

print_message(id, msg[]) {
	message_begin(MSG_ONE, gmsgSayText, {0,0,0}, id)

*{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang1063\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par }
Last edited by Cosmin on 14 Aug 2014, 16:19, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: #Rezolvat.
EmiNem | XTR
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Membru, skill +1
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13 Aug 2014, 20:08

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13 Aug 2014, 20:46

| Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <cstrike>
#include <fun>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <engine>
#include <fakemeta_util>
#include <ColorChat>

static const COLOR[] = "^x04" //green
static const CONTACT[] = ""
new maxplayers
new gmsgSayText
new g_type, g_hudmsg
new mpd, mkb, mhb
new health_add
new health_hs_add
new health_max
new nKiller
new nKiller_hp
new nHp_add
new round;
new nHp_max
new g_menu_active
#define is_vip(%1) (get_user_flags(%1) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H)
#define Keysrod (1<<0)|(1<<1)|(1<<2)|(1<<9)

new const PARACHUTE[] = "models/parachute.mdl"
new bool:has_parachute[33],para_ent[33], pDetach, pFallSpeed, pEnabled;
new vippp = 1324343

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin("VIP", "3.0", "Aegon.")
	mpd = register_cvar("vip_money_damage","3")
	mkb = register_cvar("vip_money_kill","500")
	mhb = register_cvar("vip_money_hs","1000")
	health_add = register_cvar("vip_hp_kill", "10")
	health_hs_add = register_cvar("vip_hp_hs", "25")
	health_max = register_cvar("vip_hp_max", "100")
	g_menu_active = register_cvar("vip_guns_menu", "1")
	register_clcmd("say /wantvip","ShowMotd")
	maxplayers = get_maxplayers()
	gmsgSayText = get_user_msgid("SayText")
	register_clcmd("say", "handle_say")
	register_cvar("amx_contactinfo", CONTACT, FCVAR_SERVER) 
	register_event("DeathMsg", "hook_death", "ab", "1>0")
	register_event( "DeathMsg", "death_event", "ach" );
	register_event("Damage", "on_damage", "it", "2!0", "3=0", "4!0")
	register_menucmd(register_menuid("rod"), Keysrod, "Pressedrod")
	g_type = register_cvar("vip_bulletdamage","1")
	g_hudmsg = CreateHudSyncObj()
	pEnabled = register_cvar( "cv_sv_parachute", "1" ); // parachuta activata pe server ?
	pFallSpeed = register_cvar( "cv_parachute_fallspeed", "45" ); //Fall speed
	pDetach = register_cvar( "cv_parachute_detach", "1" ); //Don't change
	register_event("HLTV", "event_new_round", "ab", "1=0", "2=0") 
public fwd_spawn(id)
	if(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H)
		set_task(2.0,"settabscore",id + vippp)
			has_parachute[ id ] = true;
public settabscore( taskid )
	new id = taskid - vippp;
		message_begin( MSG_ALL, get_user_msgid( "ScoreAttrib" ) )
		message_end( )
public on_damage(id)
		static attacker; attacker = get_user_attacker(id)
		static damage; damage = read_data(2)	

		if(get_user_flags(attacker) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H)	
					set_hudmessage(0, 100, 200, -1.0, 0.55, 2, 0.1, 4.0, 0.02, 0.02, -1)
					ShowSyncHudMsg(attacker, g_hudmsg, "%i^n", damage)				

public Damage(id)
	new weapon, hitpoint, attacker = get_user_attacker(id,weapon,hitpoint)
	if(attacker<=maxplayers && is_user_alive(attacker) && attacker!=id)
	if (get_user_flags(attacker) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H) 
		new money = read_data(2) * get_pcvar_num(mpd)
		if(hitpoint==1) money += get_pcvar_num(mhb)
		cs_set_user_money(attacker,cs_get_user_money(attacker) + money)

public client_putinserver(id)
		static name[32];
		get_user_name(id, name, charsmax(name) - 1)
                ColorChat(id, GREEN, "^x04V.I.P %s se conecteaza pe server.", name)
public client_disconnect(id)	parachute_reset( id );

public death_msg()
	if(read_data(1)<=maxplayers && read_data(1) && read_data(1)!=read_data(2)) cs_set_user_money(read_data(1),cs_get_user_money(read_data(1)) + get_pcvar_num(mkb) - 300)
public event_new_round()
	new players[32], player, pnum;
	get_players(players, pnum, "a");
	for(new i = 0; i < pnum; i++)
		player = players;
		if(get_user_flags(player) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H)

		if (!get_pcvar_num(g_menu_active))
		if(round > 2)

public Event_RoundRestart(id)

public hook_death()
   // Killer id
   nKiller = read_data(1)
   if ( (read_data(3) == 1) && (read_data(5) == 0) )
      nHp_add = get_pcvar_num (health_hs_add)
      nHp_add = get_pcvar_num (health_add)
   nHp_max = get_pcvar_num (health_max)
   // Updating Killer HP
   if(!(get_user_flags(nKiller) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H))

   nKiller_hp = get_user_health(nKiller)
   nKiller_hp += nHp_add
   // Maximum HP check
   if (nKiller_hp > nHp_max) nKiller_hp = nHp_max
   set_user_health(nKiller, nKiller_hp)
   // Hud message "Healed +15/+30 HP"
   set_hudmessage(0, 255, 0, -1.0, 0.15, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.1, 0.1, -1)
   show_hudmessage(nKiller, "Healed ! +%d HP", nHp_add)
   // Screen fading
   message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("ScreenFade"), {0,0,0}, nKiller)

public Showrod(id) 
	show_menu(id, Keysrod, "Free V.I.P Guns Menu:^n\w1. M4A1 + Deagle^n\w2. AK47 + Deagle^n\w3. Set Grenazi^n0. Exit^n", -1, "rod") // Display menu
public Pressedrod(id, key) 
	switch (key) {
		case 0: {
                        strip_user_weapons (id) 
			give_item(id, "item_assaultsuit");
			give_item(id, "item_thighpack");
			cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_M4A1, 90 );
			cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_DEAGLE, 35 );
			client_print(id, print_center, "Ai primit M4A1 + Deagle !")
                        ColorChat(id, GREEN, "^x04[V.I.P Menu System]^x01 Ai ales^x04 M4A1^x01 si un^x04 Deagle^x01 !")

		case 1: { 
                        strip_user_weapons (id)
			give_item(id, "item_assaultsuit");
			give_item(id, "item_thighpack");
			cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_AK47, 90);
			cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_DEAGLE, 35 );
			client_print(id, print_center, "Ai primit AK47 + Deagle !")
                        ColorChat(id, GREEN, "^x04[V.I.P Menu System]^x01 Ai ales^x04 AK47^x01 si un^x04 Deagle^x01 !")

		case 2: {
			give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade");
			give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang");
			give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang");
			give_item(id, "item_assaultsuit");
			give_item(id, "item_thighpack");
			client_print(id, print_center, "Ai primit un Set de Grenazi !")
                        ColorChat(id, GREEN, "^x04[V.I.P Menu System]^x01 Ai ales un^x04 set de grenazi^x01 !")

		case 9: { 			

public ShowMotd(id)
 show_motd(id, "vip.txt")
public client_authorized(id)
 set_task(30.0, "PrintText" ,id)
public PrintText(id)
 ColorChat(id, GREEN, "^x04[V.I.P System] Tasteaza /wantvip si vei vedea cum poti obtine V.I.P si ce privilegii are un V.I.P.")

public handle_say(id) {
	new said[192]
	if( ( containi(said, "who") != -1 && containi(said, "admin") != -1 ) || contain(said, "/vipson") != -1 )

public print_adminlist(user) 
	new adminnames[33][32]
	new message[256]
	new contactinfo[256], contact[112]
	new id, count, x, len
	for(id = 1 ; id <= maxplayers ; id++)
			if(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H)
				get_user_name(id, adminnames[count++], 31)

	len = format(message, 255, "%s V.I.P's ONLINE: ",COLOR)
	if(count > 0) {
		for(x = 0 ; x < count ; x++) {
			len += format(message[len], 255-len, "%s%s ", adminnames[x], x < (count-1) ? ", ":"")
			if(len > 96 ) {
				print_message(user, message)
				len = format(message, 255, "%s ",COLOR)
		print_message(user, message)
	else {
		len += format(message[len], 255-len, "No V.I.P's Online.")
		print_message(user, message)
	get_cvar_string("amx_contactinfo", contact, 63)
	if(contact[0])  {
		format(contactinfo, 111, "Contact Founder - [email protected]", COLOR, contact)
		print_message(user, contactinfo)

print_message(id, msg[]) {
	message_begin(MSG_ONE, gmsgSayText, {0,0,0}, id)
public death_event( ) 
	new id = read_data( 2 );
	parachute_reset( id );
public client_parachute( id ) 
	if(get_user_flags(id)&ADMIN_LEVEL_H) {
	if ( !get_pcvar_num( pEnabled ) ) return;
	if ( !is_user_alive( id ) || !has_parachute[ id ] ) return;

	new Float:fallspeed = get_pcvar_float( pFallSpeed ) * -1.0;
	new Float:frame;

	new button = get_user_button( id );
	new oldbutton = get_user_oldbutton( id );
	new flags = get_entity_flags( id );

	if ( para_ent[ id ] > 0 && ( flags & FL_ONGROUND ) ) 

		if (get_pcvar_num( pDetach ) ) 
			if ( entity_get_int( para_ent[ id ], EV_INT_sequence ) != 2 ) 
				entity_set_int( para_ent[ id ], EV_INT_sequence, 2 );			//ZeniX  df : 2
				entity_set_int( para_ent[ id ], EV_INT_gaitsequence, 1 );
				entity_set_float( para_ent[ id ], EV_FL_frame, 0.0 );
				entity_set_float( para_ent[ id ], EV_FL_fuser1, 0.0 );
				entity_set_float( para_ent[ id ], EV_FL_animtime, 0.0 );
				entity_set_float( para_ent[ id ], EV_FL_framerate, 0.0 );

			frame = entity_get_float( para_ent[ id ], EV_FL_fuser1 ) + 2.0;
			entity_set_float( para_ent[ id ], EV_FL_fuser1, frame );
			entity_set_float( para_ent[ id ], EV_FL_frame, frame );

			if ( frame > 254.0 ) 		// 254.0 default
				remove_entity( para_ent[ id ] );
				para_ent[ id ] = 0;
			remove_entity( para_ent[ id ] );
			para_ent[ id ] = 0;


	if ( button & IN_USE ) 
		new Float:velocity[ 3 ];
		entity_get_vector( id, EV_VEC_velocity, velocity );

		if ( velocity[ 2 ] < 0.0 ) 
			if( para_ent[ id ] <= 0 ) 
				para_ent[ id ] = create_entity( "info_target" );
				if( para_ent[ id ] > 0 ) 
					entity_set_string( para_ent[ id ],EV_SZ_classname, "parachute" );
					entity_set_edict( para_ent[ id ], EV_ENT_aiment, id );
					entity_set_edict( para_ent[ id ], EV_ENT_owner, id );
					entity_set_int( para_ent[ id ], EV_INT_movetype, MOVETYPE_FOLLOW );
					entity_set_model( para_ent[ id ], PARACHUTE );					
					entity_set_int( para_ent[ id ], EV_INT_sequence, 0 );
					entity_set_int( para_ent[ id ], EV_INT_gaitsequence, 1 ); // secventa de pers df :   1
					entity_set_float( para_ent[ id ], EV_FL_frame, 0.0 ); // df : 0.0
					entity_set_float( para_ent[ id ], EV_FL_fuser1, 0.0 );

			if ( para_ent[id  ] > 0 ) 
				entity_set_int( id, EV_INT_sequence, 3 );
				entity_set_int( id, EV_INT_gaitsequence, 1 );
				entity_set_float( id, EV_FL_frame, 1.0 );
				entity_set_float( id, EV_FL_framerate, 1.0 );

				velocity[ 2 ] = ( velocity[ 2 ] + 40.0 < fallspeed ) ? velocity[ 2 ] + 40.0 : fallspeed;
				entity_set_vector( id, EV_VEC_velocity, velocity );

				if ( entity_get_int( para_ent[ id ], EV_INT_sequence ) == 0 ) 
					frame = entity_get_float( para_ent[ id ], EV_FL_fuser1 ) + 1.0;
					entity_set_float( para_ent[ id ], EV_FL_fuser1, frame );
					entity_set_float( para_ent[ id ], EV_FL_frame, frame );

					if ( frame > 100.0 ) 		// df 100.0
						entity_set_float( para_ent[ id ], EV_FL_animtime, 0.0 );
						entity_set_float( para_ent[ id ], EV_FL_framerate, 0.4 ); // cadru rata df : 0.4
 						entity_set_int( para_ent[ id ], EV_INT_sequence, 1 );
						entity_set_int( para_ent[ id ], EV_INT_gaitsequence, 1 );     // secventa de pers df :   1 
						entity_set_float( para_ent[ id ], EV_FL_frame, 0.0 );
						entity_set_float( para_ent[ id ], EV_FL_fuser1, 0.0 );
		else if ( para_ent[ id ] > 0 ) 
			remove_entity( para_ent[ id ] );
			para_ent[ id ] = 0;
	else if ( ( oldbutton & IN_USE ) && para_ent[ id ] > 0 ) 
		remove_entity( para_ent[ id ] );
		para_ent[ id ] = 0;
parachute_reset( id ) 
	if( para_ent[ id ] > 0 ) 
		if ( is_valid_ent( para_ent[ id ] ) ) 
			remove_entity( para_ent[ id ] );
public plugin_precache()	precache_model( PARACHUTE )
am extras codul de la alkaline

adaugi tu parachute.mdl in models
EmiNem | XTR
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13 Aug 2014, 21:56

Şi dacă nu vreau să pun model la paraşută, adică să fie învizibilă.

Cum fac? că eu aşa am cerut.

EDIT: Erori la compilare. Când îl compilez din scripting din addons, îmi dă erori la linia 371 şi 430. Nu am cum să dau copy, încearcă şi tu să vezi.

Iar când dau compile de pe google, îmi dă erori cu Green. dar asta nu contează.

Rezolvare ceva?
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13 Aug 2014, 22:33

nu e vina mea ca nu sti sa compilezi un plugin,pe tine cine a incercat sa te ajute niciodata nu a reusit din prima,ba ai mai vrut inca ceva ba nu ti-a convenit..

merge compilat,trebuie sa ai fisierele .inc + ca fara model nu stiu adica nici nu am cautat
EmiNem | XTR
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13 Aug 2014, 22:53

Frate, ajută-mă te rog şi pe mine. Deci, crede-mă. Eu ştiu să fac toate ăstea dar chiar nu reuşesc, dacă reuşeam crezi că vă mai ceream ajutorul? Normal că nu.

Ce fişiere inc mai trebuiesc? că le am pe ălea cu ColorChat, dacă mai trebuiesc altele, zi-mi şi mie.

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13 Aug 2014, 22:57

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <cstrike>
#include <fun>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <engine>
#include <fakemeta_util>
#include <ColorChat>
astea iti trebuiesc
EmiNem | XTR
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13 Aug 2014, 23:02

Frate, le am pe toate în folder-ul înclude, mă jur. Deci la mine îmi dă altă eroare, eroarea aia cu ColorChat mi-o dă doar pe AMXX COMPILER de pe Google, pe aia ştiu cum s-o rezolv. Dar mie îmi dă o eroare ca asta:

Code: Select all

Error 017: undefined symbol "PARACHUTE"
Error 088: number of arguments does not match definition
Error 017: undefined symbol "PARACHUTE"
Error 088: number of arguments does not match definition

4 Errors.
Could not locate output file VIP.AMXX (compile failed).
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13 Aug 2014, 23:05

EmiNem | XTR
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13 Aug 2014, 23:12

O mică problemă: Paraşuta nu funcţionează! Apăs "E" şi nimic. Nu o deschide.

Se poate rezolva?

În rest merge, mulţumesc!

Aştept răspuns.
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13 Aug 2014, 23:16

trebuie sa ai flagul "t" ca sa mearga parasuta

EDIT: POFTIM ASA http://www.girlshare.ro/33852509.9
EmiNem | XTR
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14 Aug 2014, 16:16

Merge! mulţumesc.

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