Plugin NightCrawler Mod ( neterminat )

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07 Jan 2018, 09:05

Descriere: Nu stiu ce pot spune despre acest mod, toti il stiti, tero sunt niste "monstrii" invizibili care atunci cand isi iau dmg nu mai sunt invbizibili dupa revin la normal ( nu este facuta asta dar va voi spune cum sa o faceti ) iar ct sunt normali si trebuie sa salveze planeta, exact ca furien dar mai diferit, aveam in plan ca in shop sa pun si arma aia dupa furien mod care avea un laser si se facea rosu cand detecta un tero dar nu mai stiu cum se numeste si am lasat o balta... mai sunt multe de facut la acest plugin de exemplu lumina, shopul, cand i-a dmg sa nu mai fie invizibil si altele care nu imi mai vin in minte

1.0 ( poate si 1.1 cu buguri rezolvate ) | Afiseaza codul

V 1.0:

    * Now if you have the knife in your hand you are invisible
    * Added debug function
    * Added skin knife
    * Speed & Gravity for tero




            Ex1ne after alliedmods for invisible player
            fysiks after alliedmods
            ConnorMcLeod after alliedmods for no bomb in scoreboard

de facut lumina
de facut shopul
de facut chestie de detectat tero

#include < amxmodx >
#include < amxmisc >
#include < cstrike >
#include < hamsandwich >
#include < fakemeta >
#include < fun >
#include < engine >
#include < nvault >

new const   PLUGIN[ ] = "Nightcrawler Main",
            VERSION[ ] = "1.0",
            AUTHOR[ ] = "Diversity"

new savepoints

new NoKnife[ 33 ]
new Float:Speed[ 33 ]
new Float:Gravity[ 33 ]
new Points[ 33 ]

new const Knife_V [ 66 ] = "models/nightcrawler/nightcrawler_knife_v.mdl"
new const Knife_P [ 66 ] = "models/nightcrawler/nightcrawler_knife_p.mdl"

new cvar_Debug
new cvar_SpeedN
new cvar_Gravity
new cvar_Points_Kill
new cvar_Red
new cvar_Green
new cvar_Blue

#define SCOREATTRIB_BOMB            (1<<1)

public plugin_init( ) {

    register_plugin( PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR )

    register_event( "CurWeapon", "_CurWeapon", "be", "1=1" )

    RegisterHam( Ham_Spawn, "player", "_PointsKill", 1 )

    register_message(get_user_msgid("ScoreAttrib"), "Message_ScoreAttrib")

    cvar_Debug = register_cvar( "night_debug", "1" )
    cvar_SpeedN = register_cvar( "night_speed", "1000.0" )
    cvar_Gravity = register_cvar( "night_gravity", "0.375" )
    cvar_Points_Kill = register_cvar( "night_points_kill", "5" )
    cvar_Red = register_cvar( "night_red", "0" )
    cvar_Green = register_cvar( "night_green", "0" )
    cvar_Blue = register_cvar( "night_blue", "0" )

    savepoints = nvault_open( "points_nvault" )

public client_putinserver( id )
    NoKnife[ id ] = 1
    Points[ id ] = 0

    _LoadPoints( id )

public client_disconnect( id )
    _SavePoints( id )

public plugin_precache( )
    precache_model ( Knife_V )
    precache_model ( Knife_P )

public Message_ScoreAttrib()
    new iFlags = get_msg_arg_int(2)
    if( iFlags & SCOREATTRIB_BOMB )
        iFlags &= ~SCOREATTRIB_BOMB
        set_msg_arg_int(2, 0, iFlags)

public _MakeInvis( id )
    if( cs_get_user_team( id ) == NIGHT_TEAM && is_user_alive( id ) )
        if( NoKnife[ id ] == 0 )
            set_user_rendering( id, kRenderFxNone, 0, 0, 0, kRenderTransAlpha , 0 )
            Debug_Msg( "Acum esti invizibil" )
            _ShowHud( id )
            Debug_Msg( "Acum nu mai esti invizibil" )

        Speed[ id ] = get_pcvar_float( cvar_SpeedN )
        Gravity[ id ] = get_pcvar_float( cvar_Gravity )

        set_user_maxspeed( id, Speed[ id ] )
        set_user_gravity( id , Gravity[ id ] )



public _CurWeapon( id )

    if( is_user_alive( id ) && get_user_weapon( id ) == CSW_KNIFE )
        NoKnife[ id ] = 0
        set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, Knife_V );
        set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, Knife_P );
        Debug_Msg( "Acum ai model, NoKnife setat: 1 " )
        _MakeInvis( id )
        NoKnife[ id ] = 1
        Debug_Msg( "Acum nu mai ai model, NoKnife setat: 0" )
        _MakeInvis( id )


public _ShowHud( id )
    set_hudmessage( get_pcvar_num( cvar_Red ), get_pcvar_num( cvar_Green ), get_pcvar_num( cvar_Blue ), 0.0, 0.88, 0, 6.0, 12.0 )
    show_hudmessage( id, "Health: %d || Points: %d ", get_user_health( id ), Points[ id ] )

public _SavePoints( id )
    new vaultkey[ 64 ], vaultdata[ 256 ]

    format( vaultkey, 63, "%s", GetName( id ) )
    format( vaultdata, 255, "%i", Points[ id ] )

    nvault_set( savepoints, vaultkey, vaultdata )


public _LoadPoints( id )

    new vaultkey[ 64 ], vaultdata[ 256 ], playerlives[ 33 ]

    format( vaultkey, 63, "%s", GetName( id ) )

    nvault_get( savepoints, vaultkey, vaultdata, 255 )
    replace_all( vaultdata, 255, " ", " " )

    parse( vaultdata, playerlives, 31 )

    Points[ id ] = str_to_num( playerlives )


public _PointsKill( victim, attacker, shouldgib )
    if( !attacker || attacker == victim )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

    Points[ attacker ] += get_pcvar_num( cvar_Points_Kill )


stock Debug_Msg( msg[ ] )
    if( get_pcvar_num( cvar_Debug ) )
        client_print( 0, print_chat, "Debug:: %s ", msg )
        log_to_file( "Debug Log-Night_Main.txt", msg )

stock GetName( id )
    new PlayerName[ 33 ];
    get_user_name( id, PlayerName, 32 )

    return PlayerName
Nume: NightCrawler Main
Versiune: 1.0
Link oficial: asta

1. Fisierul nume_plugin.sma il puneti in addons/amxmodx/scripting
2. Fisierul nume_plugin.amxx il puneti in addons/amxmodx/plugins
3. Intrati in fisierul addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini si adaugati la urma:

Code: Select all

4. Alti pasi necesari....

Cvar-uri (se adauga in fisierul amxmodx\configs\amxx.cfg):
  • amx_cvar night_debug 1 ( default ) - 1 - modul debug activat, 0 - modul debug dezactivat
    amx_cvar night_speed 1000.0 (default) - viteza la tero
    amx_cvar night_gravity 0.375 ( default ) - gravitatea la tero
    amx_cvar night_points_kill 5 ( default ) - cate puncte sa ia pe kill
    amx_cvar night_red/green/blue 0 ( default ) - culoare la hud
Comenzi administrative (se tasteaza in consola si trebuie sa fiti administrator):
  • amx_comanda nume/parte_din_nume - descrierea comenzii respective
    amx_comanda valoare - descrierea comenzii respective
    amx_comanda X - orice alta comanda de care dispune pluginul respectiv
Module necesare (se sterge ; din fata modulului de mai jos; acestea le gasiti in fisierul amxmodx\configs\modules.ini):
vedeti in sursa

singurul bug pe care il stiu eu este acela de la hud, nu apare

pentru a face acel "sistem" sa nu mai fie invizibil cand isi i-a dmg trb sa faceti asa:

Cand victima ( tero ) isi i-a dmg de la atacator( ct ) pune NoKnife[ id ] = 1 si apeleaza fuctia _MakeInvis( id ) Cand nu isi mai ia dmg face la fel doar ca pune functia NoKnife[ id ] = 0 ZM CSO server in working..
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07 Jan 2018, 12:06

Frumos, dar modul exista deja si mi se pare ca a fost facut de Exolent dar privat
Si la mai refacut cineva public ... stcount=22

Dar daca tot vrei sa il refaci si tu, uitate putin peste serverul asta ... .47:27018/ si incearca sa il faci la fel
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07 Jan 2018, 12:41

DevilBoy.eXe wrote:Frumos, dar modul exista deja si mi se pare ca a fost facut de Exolent dar privat
Si la mai refacut cineva public ... stcount=22

Dar daca tot vrei sa il refaci si tu, uitate putin peste serverul asta ... .47:27018/ si incearca sa il faci la fel
Da stiu ca a fost facut si de Exolent, dar ca l-a refacut cineva nu stiam, o sa ma uit peste server cand ajung iar la prietenul meu ca eu nu mai am pc si doar cand merg la el mai fac si eu cate ceva :)) ZM CSO server in working..
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07 Jan 2018, 22:09

In caz ca mai vrei furien detector:
COD | Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <cstrike>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <hamsandwich>

#define PLUGIN "Furien Detector"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR "Habar n-am"

#define COST 	10000

		PRIMARY_WEAPONS_BITSUM = (1<<CSW_SCOUT)|(1<<CSW_XM1014)|(1<<CSW_MAC10)|(1<<CSW_AUG)|(1<<CSW_UMP45)|(1<<CSW_SG550)|(1<<CSW_GALIL)|(1<<CSW_FAMAS)|(1<<CSW_AWP)|(1<<CSW_MP5NAVY)|(1<<CSW_M249)|(1<<CSW_M3)|(1<<CSW_M4A1)|(1<<CSW_TMP)|(1<<CSW_G3SG1)|(1<<CSW_SG552)|(1<<CSW_AK47)|(1<<CSW_P90),

public plugin_init() {
	register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
	register_clcmd("say /detector", "CMDBUYDECTOR")
	register_clcmd("say_team /detector", "CMDBUYDECTOR")
	RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "Ham_Spawn_Post")
	register_forward(FM_PlayerPreThink, "FWD_PreThink");

public plugin_precache() 
	DetectorSprite = precache_model("sprites/Detector.spr")
public Ham_Spawn_Post(id) {
		HAVEDETECTOR[id] = false;

public CMDBUYDECTOR(id) {
	if(is_user_alive(id)) {
		if(get_user_team(id) == 1)
			ColorChat(id, "!g[DETECTOR]!t Doar!g ANTI-FURIENII!t pot cumpara!g FURIEN DETECTOR!t.")
		else if(HAVEDETECTOR[id])
			ColorChat(id, "!g[DETECTOR]!t Ai deja!g FURIEN DETECTOR!t.")
		else if(cs_get_user_money(id) - COST < 0)
			ColorChat(id, "!g[DETECTOR]!t Nu ai suficienti bani.")
		else {
			HAVEDETECTOR[id] = true
			cs_set_user_money(id, cs_get_user_money(id) - COST)

public FWD_PreThink(id) {
	if(is_user_connected(id) && is_user_alive(id)) {
		if(get_user_team(id) == 2 && HAVEDETECTOR[id]) {
			static Target, Body, Weapon;
			get_user_aiming(id, Target, Body);
			Weapon = get_user_weapon(id);
				static Origin[3];
				get_user_origin(id, Origin, 3);
				write_short(id | 0x1000);
				if(is_user_alive(Target) && get_user_team(Target) == 1) {
				else {

stock ColorChat(const id, const input[], any:...) {
	new count = 1, players[32];
	static msg[191];
	vformat(msg, 190, input, 3);
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!g", "^4");
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!y", "^1");
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!t", "^3");
	if(id) players[0] = id;
	else get_players(players, count, "ch"); {
		for(new i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			if(is_user_connected(players)) {
				message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players);
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07 Jan 2018, 23:04

nu e bun o sa pice serverul schimba cu un mesaj hud in centru ecranului (synchud)
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08 Jan 2018, 08:14

DaNNe. wrote:In caz ca mai vrei furien detector:
COD | Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <cstrike>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <hamsandwich>

#define PLUGIN "Furien Detector"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR "Habar n-am"

#define COST 	10000

		PRIMARY_WEAPONS_BITSUM = (1<<CSW_SCOUT)|(1<<CSW_XM1014)|(1<<CSW_MAC10)|(1<<CSW_AUG)|(1<<CSW_UMP45)|(1<<CSW_SG550)|(1<<CSW_GALIL)|(1<<CSW_FAMAS)|(1<<CSW_AWP)|(1<<CSW_MP5NAVY)|(1<<CSW_M249)|(1<<CSW_M3)|(1<<CSW_M4A1)|(1<<CSW_TMP)|(1<<CSW_G3SG1)|(1<<CSW_SG552)|(1<<CSW_AK47)|(1<<CSW_P90),

public plugin_init() {
	register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
	register_clcmd("say /detector", "CMDBUYDECTOR")
	register_clcmd("say_team /detector", "CMDBUYDECTOR")
	RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "Ham_Spawn_Post")
	register_forward(FM_PlayerPreThink, "FWD_PreThink");

public plugin_precache() 
	DetectorSprite = precache_model("sprites/Detector.spr")
public Ham_Spawn_Post(id) {
		HAVEDETECTOR[id] = false;

public CMDBUYDECTOR(id) {
	if(is_user_alive(id)) {
		if(get_user_team(id) == 1)
			ColorChat(id, "!g[DETECTOR]!t Doar!g ANTI-FURIENII!t pot cumpara!g FURIEN DETECTOR!t.")
		else if(HAVEDETECTOR[id])
			ColorChat(id, "!g[DETECTOR]!t Ai deja!g FURIEN DETECTOR!t.")
		else if(cs_get_user_money(id) - COST < 0)
			ColorChat(id, "!g[DETECTOR]!t Nu ai suficienti bani.")
		else {
			HAVEDETECTOR[id] = true
			cs_set_user_money(id, cs_get_user_money(id) - COST)

public FWD_PreThink(id) {
	if(is_user_connected(id) && is_user_alive(id)) {
		if(get_user_team(id) == 2 && HAVEDETECTOR[id]) {
			static Target, Body, Weapon;
			get_user_aiming(id, Target, Body);
			Weapon = get_user_weapon(id);
				static Origin[3];
				get_user_origin(id, Origin, 3);
				write_short(id | 0x1000);
				if(is_user_alive(Target) && get_user_team(Target) == 1) {
				else {

stock ColorChat(const id, const input[], any:...) {
	new count = 1, players[32];
	static msg[191];
	vformat(msg, 190, input, 3);
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!g", "^4");
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!y", "^1");
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!t", "^3");
	if(id) players[0] = id;
	else get_players(players, count, "ch"); {
		for(new i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			if(is_user_connected(players)) {
				message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players);


WISHEXEC wrote:nu e bun o sa pice serverul schimba cu un mesaj hud in centru ecranului (synchud)

n-am intalnit problema asta, l-am testat si nu a picat, serverul ruleaza de 3 zile incontinu ZM CSO server in working..
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08 Jan 2018, 10:21

ma refeream la codul lui danne, la server full pica serverul

cat despre modul tau e ok dar nu asa trebuie sa setezi tu invizibilitatea in curweapon sau daca totusi vrei in curweapon trebuie sa ii faci check sa verifici doar daca a schimbat arma si nu la fiecare shot cum e acum
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09 Jan 2018, 00:56

WISHEXEC wrote:ma refeream la codul lui danne, la server full pica serverul

cat despre modul tau e ok dar nu asa trebuie sa setezi tu invizibilitatea in curweapon sau daca totusi vrei in curweapon trebuie sa ii faci check sa verifici doar daca a schimbat arma si nu la fiecare shot cum e acum
Ah am inteles si de faza cu curweapon, nu stiu cum as putea sa o setez doar cand schimba arma si nu la fiecare shot, vreau doar cand are knife in mana sa fie invizibil ZM CSO server in working..
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09 Jan 2018, 00:59

Diversity wrote:
WISHEXEC wrote:ma refeream la codul lui danne, la server full pica serverul

cat despre modul tau e ok dar nu asa trebuie sa setezi tu invizibilitatea in curweapon sau daca totusi vrei in curweapon trebuie sa ii faci check sa verifici doar daca a schimbat arma si nu la fiecare shot cum e acum
Ah am inteles si de faza cu curweapon, nu stiu cum as putea sa o setez doar cand schimba arma si nu la fiecare shot, vreau doar cand are knife in mana sa fie invizibil
Copiaza de aici functiile de baza, am rulat modul pe un server cu 10-15 playeri si nu au fost probleme
| Afiseaza codul
	-	Credits:
	-		Joropito - Team Menu
	-		Pastout - Suicide Bomb
	-		Exolent - Teleport

	#include < amxmodx >
	#include < cstrike >
	#include < hamsandwich >
	#include < fun >
	#include < fakemeta >
	#include < engine >
	#include < xs >
	#define SHOTGUN_WEAPONS_BIT    (1<<CSW_M3|1<<CSW_XM1014)
	#define RIFLE_WEAPONS_BIT    (1<<CSW_FAMAS|1<<CSW_GALIL|1<<CSW_AK47|1<<CSW_SCOUT|1<<CSW_M4A1|1<<CSW_SG550|1<<CSW_SG552|1<<CSW_AUG|1<<CSW_AWP|1<<CSW_G3SG1)
	#define MACHINE_WEAPONS_BIT    (1<<CSW_M249)


	#define IsPrimaryWeapon(%1) ( (1<<%1) & PRIMARY_WEAPONS_BIT )
	#define IsSecondaryWeapon(%1) ( (1<<%1) & PISTOL_WEAPONS_BIT )

	#define m_iVGUI						510
	#define m_fGameHUDInitialized		349
	#define m_fNextHudTextArgsGameTime	198

	#define TEAM_MENU					"#Team_Select"
	#define TEAM_MENU2					"#Team_Select_Spect"

	#define MIN_WEAPON		CSW_P228
	#define MAX_WEAPON 		CSW_P90

	#define TEAM_NC 		CS_TEAM_T

	/* Constants */
		enum (+=1000)
		new const g_iMaxBPAmmo[ MAX_WEAPON + 1 ] =
			0, 52, 0, 90, 1, 32, 0, 100, 90, 1, 120, 100, 100, 90, 90, 90, 100, 120, 30,
			120, 200, 32, 90, 120, 90, 2, 35, 90, 90, 0, 100

		new const g_iMaxClipAmmo[ MAX_WEAPON + 1 ] =
			0, 13, 0, 10, 0, 7, 0, 30, 30, 0, 30, 20, 25, 30, 35, 25, 12, 20, 10, 30, 
			100, 8, 30, 30, 20, 0, 7, 30, 30, 0, 50

		new const g_szWeaponClassnames[ MAX_WEAPON + 1 ][ ] =
			"", "weapon_p228", "", "weapon_scout", "weapon_hegrenade",
			"weapon_xm1014", "weapon_c4", "weapon_mac10", "weapon_aug",
			"weapon_smokegrenade", "weapon_elite", "weapon_fiveseven",
			"weapon_ump45", "weapon_sg550", "weapon_galil", "weapon_famas",
			"weapon_usp", "weapon_glock18", "weapon_awp", "weapon_mp5navy",
			"weapon_m249", "weapon_m3", "weapon_m4a1", "weapon_tmp", "weapon_g3sg1",
			"weapon_flashbang", "weapon_deagle", "weapon_sg552", "weapon_ak47",
			"weapon_knife", "weapon_p90"

		new const g_szWeaponNames[ MAX_WEAPON + 1 ][ ] =
			"", "P228", "", "Schmidt Scout", "", "XM1014 (Auto-Shotgun)", "",
			"Mac-10", "AUG", "", "Dual Elites", "Five-Seven", "UMP-45", "SG-550",
			"Galil", "Famas", "USP", "Glock-18", "AWP", "MP5-Navy", "M249 (Para)",
			"M3 (Pump-Shotgun)", "M4A1", "TMP", "G3SG1", "", "Deagle", "SG-552",
			"AK-47", "", "P90"

		enum _:ItemsInfo
			ITEM_LASER, // Done
			ITEM_SUICIDE, // Done
			ITEM_POISON, // Done
			ITEM_MEDKIT // Done

		new const g_szItemNames[ ItemsInfo ][ ] =
			"Laser Sight",
			"Suicide Bomber \r(Bind Key Activated)",
			"Poison Scout Bullets",
			"Adrenaline \r(Bind Key Activated)",
			"Medic Kit \r(Bind Key Activated)"
		new const g_szObjectives[ ][ ] = 
		new const g_szPrefix[ ] = "[Nightcrawler]";

		new const g_szNCModel[ ] = "models/player/nightcrawler/nightcrawler.mdl";
		new const g_szNCKnife_V[ ] = "models/nightcrawler/v_nightcrawler.mdl";
		new const g_szLaserSprite[ ] = "sprites/zbeam4.spr";
		new const g_szExplosionSprite[ ] = "sprites/zerogxplode.spr";
		new const g_szSuicideBombSound[ ] = "weapons/c4_beep4.wav";
		new const g_szTeleportSound[ ] = "warcraft3/blinkarrival.wav";
	/* Booleans */
		new bool:g_bRememberGuns[ 33 ];
		new bool:g_bNCNextRound[ 33 ];
		new bool:g_bHasLaser[ 33 ];
		new bool:g_bAdrenalineActive[ 33 ];
		new bool:g_bVisible[ 33 ];
	/* Floats */
		new Float:g_flWallOrigin[ 33 ][ 3 ];
		new Float:g_flLastTeleportTime[ 33 ];
	/* Integers */
		new g_iPrimaryWeapon[ 33 ];
		new g_iSecondaryWeapon[ 33 ];
		new g_iChosenItem[ 33 ];
		new g_iAdrenalineUses[ 33 ];
		new g_iMedKitUses[ 33 ];
		new g_iSuicideTime[ 33 ];
		new g_iPoisonRemaining[ 33 ];
		new g_iTeleportsRemaining[ 33 ];
		new g_iTeamCount[ CsTeams ];		
		new g_iCurrentRound;
		new g_iMaxPlayers;
		new g_iLaserSprite;
		new g_iExplosionSprite;

	/* Menus */
		new g_hWeaponMenu;
		new g_hPrimaryWeaponMenu;
		new g_hSecondaryWeaponMenu;
		new g_hItemsMenu;

	/* Messages */
		new g_msgShowMenu;
		new g_msgVGUIMenu;
		new g_msgDeath;
		new g_msgScoreInfo;
		new g_msgStatusIcon;

	/* PCVARS */
		new g_pNightcrawlerRatio;
		new g_pNightcrawlerVisibleTime;
		new g_pNightcrawlerHealth;
		new g_pNightcrawlerGravity;
		new g_pNightcrawlerSpeed;
		new g_pNightcrawlerTeleDelay;
		new g_pNightcrawlerTeleCount;
		new g_pMapLighting;
		new g_pAdrenalineUses;
		new g_pAdrenalineTime;
		new g_pAdrenalineSpeed;
		new g_pMedKitUses;
		new g_pSuicideRadius;
		new g_pSuicideDamage;
		new g_pSuicideTime;
		new g_pPoisonAmount;
		new g_pPoisonInterval;
		new g_pPoisonDamage;
	public plugin_precache()
		precache_model( g_szNCModel );
		precache_model( g_szNCKnife_V );
		precache_sound( g_szSuicideBombSound );
		precache_sound( g_szTeleportSound );
		g_iLaserSprite = precache_model( g_szLaserSprite );
		g_iExplosionSprite = precache_model( g_szExplosionSprite );
	public plugin_init()
		register_plugin( "Nightcrawler Mod", "1.0", "H3avY Ra1n" );
		register_clcmd( "jointeam", "CmdJoinTeam" );
		register_clcmd( "joinclass", "CmdJoinTeam" );
		register_clcmd( "say /guns", "CmdEnableGuns" );
		register_clcmd( "item", "CmdUseItem" );
		RegisterHam( Ham_Spawn, "player", "Ham_PlayerSpawn_Post", 1 );
		RegisterHam( Ham_Killed, "player", "Ham_PlayerKilled_Post", 1 );
		RegisterHam( Ham_TakeDamage, "player", "Ham_PlayerTakeDamage_Post", 1 );
		register_forward( FM_Spawn, "Forward_Spawn_Post", 1 );
		register_forward( FM_Touch, "Forward_Touch_Pre", 0 );
		register_forward( FM_PlayerPreThink, "Forward_PlayerPreThink" );
		register_forward( FM_AddToFullPack, "Forward_AddToFullPack_Post", 1 );
		register_logevent( "LogEvent_BombSpawned", 3, "2=Spawned_With_The_Bomb" );
		register_logevent( "LogEvent_RoundEnd", 2, "1=Round_End" );
		register_event( "CurWeapon", "Event_CurWeapon", "be" );
		register_menucmd( register_menuid( "Team_Select", 1 ), ( 1 << 0 ) | ( 1 << 1 ) | ( 1 << 4 ) | ( 1 << 5 ), "TeamSelectMenu_Handler" );
		g_msgShowMenu 	= get_user_msgid( "ShowMenu" );
		g_msgVGUIMenu 	= get_user_msgid( "VGUIMenu" );
		g_msgScoreInfo 	= get_user_msgid( "ScoreInfo" );
		g_msgDeath		= get_user_msgid( "DeathMsg" );
		g_msgStatusIcon = get_user_msgid( "StatusIcon" );
		register_message( g_msgShowMenu, "Message_ShowMenu" );
		register_message( g_msgVGUIMenu, "Message_VGUIMenu" );
		register_message( g_msgStatusIcon, "Message_StatusIcon" );
		g_pNightcrawlerRatio		= register_cvar( "nc_ratio", "33" ); // Percentage
		g_pNightcrawlerVisibleTime	= register_cvar( "nc_visible_time", "2" );
		g_pNightcrawlerHealth		= register_cvar( "nc_health", "150" );
		g_pNightcrawlerGravity		= register_cvar( "nc_gravity", "600" );
		g_pNightcrawlerSpeed		= register_cvar( "nc_speed", "280.0" );
		g_pNightcrawlerTeleCount	= register_cvar( "nc_teleport_count", "2" );
		g_pNightcrawlerTeleDelay 	= register_cvar( "nc_teleport_delay", "2" );
		g_pMapLighting				= register_cvar( "nc_lighting", "g" );
		g_pAdrenalineUses			= register_cvar( "nc_adrenaline_uses", "2" );
		g_pAdrenalineTime			= register_cvar( "nc_adrenaline_time", "10" );
		g_pAdrenalineSpeed			= register_cvar( "nc_adrenaline_speed", "320" );
		g_pSuicideDamage 			= register_cvar( "nc_suicide_damage", "80" );
		g_pSuicideRadius			= register_cvar( "nc_suicide_radius", "50" );
		g_pSuicideTime				= register_cvar( "nc_suicide_time", "3" );
		g_pMedKitUses				= register_cvar( "nc_medkit_uses", "2" );
		g_pPoisonAmount				= register_cvar( "nc_poison_amount", "3" );
		g_pPoisonInterval			= register_cvar( "nc_poison_interval", "1" );
		g_pPoisonDamage				= register_cvar( "nc_poison_damage", "5" );
		g_iMaxPlayers 				= get_maxplayers();
		set_task( 30.0, "Task_StartGame", TASK_STARTGAME );

	public Message_StatusIcon( iMsgID, iMsgDest, id )
		static szIcon[ 8 ];
		get_msg_arg_string( 2, szIcon, 7 );
		if( equal( szIcon, "buyzone" ) && get_msg_arg_int( 1 ) )
			set_pdata_int( id, 235, get_pdata_int( id, 235 ) & ~(1<<0) );
	public Forward_Spawn_Post( iEntity )
		new szClassname[ 32 ];
		pev( iEntity, pev_classname, szClassname, charsmax( szClassname ) );
		for( new i = 0; i < sizeof g_szObjectives; i++ )
			if( equali( szClassname, g_szObjectives[ i ] ) )
				remove_entity( iEntity );
	public Forward_Touch_Pre( iEnt, id )
		if( !is_user_alive( id ) )
			return FMRES_IGNORED;
		new szClassname[ 32 ];
		pev( iEnt, pev_classname, szClassname, charsmax( szClassname ) );
		if( equali( szClassname, "worldspawn" ) || equali( szClassname, "func_wall" ) || equali( szClassname, "func_breakable" ) )
			pev( id, pev_origin, g_flWallOrigin[ id ] );
		else if( equali( szClassname, "weaponbox" ) || equali( szClassname, "armoury_entity" ) )
			if( cs_get_user_team( id ) == TEAM_NC )

	public client_putinserver( id )
		g_bRememberGuns[ id ] = false;
		g_bNCNextRound[ id ] = false;
		g_bHasLaser[ id ] = false;
		g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] = false;
		g_bVisible[ id ] = true;
		g_iAdrenalineUses[ id ] = 0;
		g_iMedKitUses[ id ] = 0;
		g_iSuicideTime[ id ] = 0;
		g_iPoisonRemaining[ id ] = 0;
		g_iPrimaryWeapon[ id ] = 0;
		g_iSecondaryWeapon[ id ] = 0;
		g_iTeleportsRemaining[ id ] = 0;
		g_iChosenItem[ id ] = -1;
		new szLighting[ 3 ];
		get_pcvar_string( g_pMapLighting, szLighting, 2 );
		engfunc( EngFunc_LightStyle, 0, szLighting );

	public client_disconnect( id )
		remove_task( TASK_SUICIDE + id );
	public Forward_PlayerPreThink( id )
		if( !is_user_alive( id ) )
		static CsTeams:iTeam;
		iTeam = cs_get_user_team( id );
		if( iTeam == TEAM_HUMAN )
			if( !g_bHasLaser[ id ] )
				static iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum;
				get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "ae", "CT" );
				if( iNum == 1 )
					g_bHasLaser[ id ] = true;
			if( g_bHasLaser[ id ] )

				static iTarget, iBody, iRed, iGreen, iBlue, iWeapon;
				get_user_aiming( id, iTarget, iBody );
				iWeapon = get_user_weapon( id );
				if( IsPrimaryWeapon( iWeapon ) || IsSecondaryWeapon( iWeapon ) )
					if( is_user_alive( iTarget ) && cs_get_user_team( iTarget ) == TEAM_NC )
						iRed = 255;
						iGreen = 0;
						iBlue = 0;
						iRed = 0;
						iGreen = 255;
						iBlue = 0;
					static iOrigin[ 3 ];
					get_user_origin( id, iOrigin, 3 );
					message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY );
					write_byte( TE_BEAMENTPOINT );
					write_short( id | 0x1000 );
					write_coord( iOrigin[ 0 ] );
					write_coord( iOrigin[ 1 ] );
					write_coord( iOrigin[ 2 ] );
					write_short( g_iLaserSprite );
					write_byte( 1 );
					write_byte( 10 );
					write_byte( 1 );
					write_byte( 5 );
					write_byte( 0 );
					write_byte( iRed );
					write_byte( iGreen );
					write_byte( iBlue );
					write_byte( 150 );
					write_byte( 25 );
					message_end( );
		else if( iTeam == TEAM_NC )
			static iButton;
			iButton = get_user_button( id );
			if( iButton & IN_USE )
				static Float:fOrigin[ 3 ];
				pev( id, pev_origin, fOrigin );
				if( get_distance_f( fOrigin, g_flWallOrigin[ id ] ) > 10.0 )
				if( pev( id, pev_flags ) & FL_ONGROUND )
				if( iButton & IN_FORWARD )
					static Float:fVelocity[ 3 ];
					velocity_by_aim( id, 240, fVelocity );
					set_pev( id, pev_velocity, fVelocity );
				else if( iButton & IN_BACK )
					static Float:fVelocity[ 3 ];
					velocity_by_aim( id, -240, fVelocity );
					set_pev( id, pev_velocity, fVelocity );

	public LogEvent_BombSpawned()
		new szLogUser[ 80 ], szName[ 32 ];
		read_logargv( 0, szLogUser, 79 );
		parse_loguser( szLogUser, szName, 31 );
		new id = get_user_index( szName );
		engclient_cmd( id, "drop", "weapon_c4" );
		new iBomb = find_ent_by_class( -1, "weapon_c4" );
		if( iBomb )
			remove_entity( iBomb );
	public LogEvent_RoundEnd()

	///*	Ratio	*///

	public CmdJoinTeam( id )
	public TeamSelectMenu_Handler( id, iKey )
		new CsTeams:iTeam = cs_get_user_team( id );

		switch( iKey )
			case 0: // Join NC (Terrorists)
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You cannot join the Night-Crawler team!", g_szPrefix );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			case 1: // Join Humans (CTs)
				if( iTeam == TEAM_HUMAN )
					return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
				if( task_exists( TASK_STARTGAME ) )
					ForceTeam( id, TEAM_HUMAN );
					// ( Percent * Total Players / 100 ) - Current Amount of NCs
					new iNeeded = get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerRatio ) * ( g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_NC ] + g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_HUMAN ] ) / 100 - g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_NC ];
					if( iNeeded == 0 && g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_HUMAN ] == 1 )
						iNeeded = 1;
					if( iNeeded >= 1 )
						ForceTeam( id, TEAM_NC );
					else ForceTeam( id, TEAM_HUMAN );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			case 5:
				user_silentkill( id );
				ForceTeam( id, CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

	public ForceTeam( id, CsTeams:iTeam )
		static iRestore, iVGUI, iMSGBlock;

		iRestore = get_pdata_int( id, m_iVGUI );
		iVGUI = iRestore & ( 1 << 0 );
		if( iVGUI )
			set_pdata_int( id, m_iVGUI, iRestore & ~( 1 << 0 ) );

		switch( iTeam )
				iMSGBlock = get_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu );
				set_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu, BLOCK_ONCE );
				dllfunc( DLLFunc_ClientPutInServer, id );
				set_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu, iMSGBlock );
				set_pdata_int( id, m_fGameHUDInitialized, 1 );
				engclient_cmd( id, "jointeam", "6" );
			case CS_TEAM_T, CS_TEAM_CT:
				iMSGBlock = get_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu );
				set_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu, BLOCK_ONCE );
				engclient_cmd( id, "jointeam", ( iTeam == CS_TEAM_CT ) ? "2" : "1" );
				engclient_cmd( id, "joinclass", "1" );
				set_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu, iMSGBlock );
		if( iVGUI )
			set_pdata_int( id, m_iVGUI, iRestore );

	public Message_VGUIMenu( iMSGId, iDest, id )
		static iMSGArg1;

		iMSGArg1 = get_msg_arg_int( 1 );
		if( iMSGArg1 == 2 )
			show_menu( id, 51, TEAM_MENU2, -1 );


	public Message_ShowMenu( iMSGId, iDest, id )
		static iMSGArg1;
		iMSGArg1 = get_msg_arg_int( 1 );

		if( iMSGArg1 != 531 && iMSGArg1 != 563 )

		show_menu( id, 51, TEAM_MENU2, -1 );
	public Event_CurWeapon( id )
		new iWeapon = read_data( 2 );
		switch( cs_get_user_team( id ) )
			case TEAM_HUMAN:
				if( IsPrimaryWeapon( iWeapon ) || IsSecondaryWeapon( iWeapon ) )
					if( cs_get_user_bpammo( id, iWeapon ) != g_iMaxBPAmmo[ iWeapon ] )
						cs_set_user_bpammo( id, iWeapon, g_iMaxBPAmmo[ iWeapon ] );
					if( g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] )
						new iEnt = find_ent_by_owner( -1, g_szWeaponClassnames[ iWeapon ], id );
						if( !pev_valid( iEnt ) )
						cs_set_weapon_ammo( iEnt, g_iMaxClipAmmo[ iWeapon ] );
				if( g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] )
					set_user_maxspeed( id, get_pcvar_float( g_pAdrenalineSpeed ) );
			case TEAM_NC:
				if( iWeapon == CSW_KNIFE )
					set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, g_szNCKnife_V );

	public CreateMenus()
		g_hWeaponMenu = menu_create( "Weapons Menu", "WeaponMenu_Handler" );
		menu_additem( g_hWeaponMenu, "New Weapons", "0" );
		menu_additem( g_hWeaponMenu, "Previous Weapons", "1" );
		menu_additem( g_hWeaponMenu, "2 + Don't Ask Again", "2" );
		g_hPrimaryWeaponMenu = menu_create( "Primary Weapons", "PrimaryMenu_Handler" );
		g_hSecondaryWeaponMenu = menu_create( "Secondary Weapons", "SecondaryMenu_Handler" );
		new szInfo[ 3 ];
		for( new i = MIN_WEAPON; i <= MAX_WEAPON; i++ )
			if( IsPrimaryWeapon( i ) )
				num_to_str( i, szInfo, charsmax( szInfo ) );
				menu_additem( g_hPrimaryWeaponMenu, g_szWeaponNames[ i ], szInfo );
			else if( IsSecondaryWeapon( i ) )
				num_to_str( i, szInfo, charsmax( szInfo ) );
				menu_additem( g_hSecondaryWeaponMenu, g_szWeaponNames[ i ], szInfo );
			else continue;
		g_hItemsMenu = menu_create( "Choose an Item:", "ItemsMenu_Handler" );
		for( new i = 0; i < ItemsInfo; i++ )
			num_to_str( i, szInfo, charsmax( szInfo ) );
			if( i == ITEM_LASER )
				menu_additem( g_hItemsMenu, g_szItemNames[ i ], szInfo, _, menu_makecallback( "LaserItem_Callback" ) );
			else menu_additem( g_hItemsMenu, g_szItemNames[ i ], szInfo );
	public LaserItem_Callback( id, hMenu, iItem )
		if( g_iCurrentRound == 0 )
			return ITEM_DISABLED;
		new iFrags = get_user_frags( id );
		new iDeaths = get_user_deaths( id );

		new iPlayerFrags;
		new iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum;
		get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "ae", "CT" );
		for( new i = 0, iPlayer; i < iNum; i++ )
			iPlayer = iPlayers[ i ];
			if( !is_user_alive( iPlayer ) || iPlayer == id )
			iPlayerFrags = get_user_frags( iPlayer );
			if( iPlayerFrags > iFrags )
				return ITEM_DISABLED;
			else if( iPlayerFrags == iFrags )
				if( get_user_deaths( iPlayer ) < iDeaths )
					return ITEM_DISABLED;
		return ITEM_ENABLED;

	public Ham_PlayerSpawn_Post( id )
		if( !is_user_alive( id ) )
			return HAM_IGNORED;
		strip_user_weapons( id );
		give_item( id, "weapon_knife" );
		new CsTeams:iTeam = cs_get_user_team( id );
		if( g_bNCNextRound[ id ] )
			if( iTeam != TEAM_NC )
				cs_set_user_team( id, TEAM_NC );
				ExecuteHamB( Ham_CS_RoundRespawn, id );
				g_bNCNextRound[ id ] = false;
				return HAM_IGNORED;
			g_bNCNextRound[ id ] = false;
		switch( iTeam )
			case TEAM_NC:
				cs_set_user_model( id, "nightcrawler" );
				if( get_user_weapon( id ) == CSW_KNIFE )
					set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, g_szNCKnife_V );
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You are now invisible.", g_szPrefix );
				set_user_health( id, get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerHealth ) );
				set_user_gravity( id, get_pcvar_float( g_pNightcrawlerGravity ) / 800 );
				set_user_maxspeed( id, get_pcvar_float( g_pNightcrawlerSpeed ) );
				set_user_footsteps( id, 1 );
				g_iTeleportsRemaining[ id ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerTeleCount );
				g_bVisible[ id ] = false;
			case TEAM_HUMAN:
				if( g_bRememberGuns[ id ] )
					GiveWeapons( id );
				else if( g_iPrimaryWeapon[ id ] == 0 || g_iSecondaryWeapon[ id ] == 0 )
					menu_display( id, g_hPrimaryWeaponMenu );
				else menu_display( id, g_hWeaponMenu );
				set_user_footsteps( id, 0 );
				cs_set_user_model( id, "gign" );
				g_bVisible[ id ] = true;
		g_bNCNextRound[ id ] = false;
		return HAM_IGNORED;

	public Ham_PlayerKilled_Post( iVictim, iKiller, iShouldGib )
		if( !is_user_alive( iKiller ) )
			return HAM_IGNORED;
		switch( cs_get_user_team( iKiller ) )
			case TEAM_HUMAN:
				if( cs_get_user_team( iVictim ) == TEAM_NC )
					client_print( iVictim, print_chat, "%s You were killed by a human and are now one also!", g_szPrefix );
					cs_set_user_team( iVictim, TEAM_HUMAN );
					if( !g_bNCNextRound[ iKiller ] )
						client_print( iKiller, print_chat, "%s You killed a Night-Crawler and will be one next round!", g_szPrefix );
						g_bNCNextRound[ iKiller ] = true;
			case TEAM_NC:
				if( cs_get_user_team( iVictim ) == TEAM_HUMAN )
					client_print( iKiller, print_chat, "%s You killed a human!", g_szPrefix );
					client_print( iVictim, print_chat, "%s You were killed by a Night-Crawler!", g_szPrefix );
		return HAM_IGNORED;

	public Ham_PlayerTakeDamage_Post( iVictim, iInflictor, iAttacker, Float:flDamage, iBits )
		if( is_user_connected( iAttacker ) && cs_get_user_team( iVictim ) == TEAM_NC )
			remove_task( TASK_INVISIBLE + iVictim );
			g_bVisible[ iVictim ] = true;
			set_task( get_pcvar_float( g_pNightcrawlerVisibleTime ), "Task_SetInvisible", iVictim + TASK_INVISIBLE );
			if( g_iChosenItem[ iAttacker ] == ITEM_POISON && iInflictor == CSW_SCOUT )
				g_iPoisonRemaining[ iVictim ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pPoisonAmount );
				remove_task( TASK_POISON + iVictim );
				new szParams[ 2 ];
				szParams[ 0 ] = iAttacker;
				set_task( get_pcvar_float( g_pPoisonInterval ), "Task_Poison", TASK_POISON + iVictim, szParams, 2 );
	public Task_Poison( szParams[ ], iTaskID )
		new iAttacker = szParams[ 0 ];
		new id = iTaskID - TASK_POISON;
		ExecuteHam( Ham_TakeDamage, id, iAttacker, iAttacker, get_pcvar_float( g_pPoisonDamage ), DMG_GENERIC );
		if( --g_iPoisonRemaining[ id ] > 0 )
			set_task( get_pcvar_float( g_pPoisonInterval ), "Task_PoisonHurt", iTaskID );
	public GiveWeapons( id )
		new iPrimary = g_iPrimaryWeapon[ id ];
		new iSecondary = g_iSecondaryWeapon[ id ];
		give_item( id, g_szWeaponClassnames[ iPrimary ] );
		give_item( id, g_szWeaponClassnames[ iSecondary ] );
		cs_set_user_bpammo( id, iPrimary, g_iMaxBPAmmo[ iPrimary ] );
		cs_set_user_bpammo( id, iSecondary, g_iMaxBPAmmo[ iSecondary ] );

	public WeaponMenu_Handler( id, hMenu, iItem )
		switch( iItem )
			case 0: menu_display( id, g_hPrimaryWeaponMenu, 0 );
			case 1: 
				GiveWeapons( id );
				menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );
			case 2: 
				GiveWeapons( id );
				g_bRememberGuns[ id ] = true;
				menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );

	public PrimaryMenu_Handler( id, hMenu, iItem )
		if( iItem == MENU_EXIT )
			menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );
		new iAccess, hCallback;
		new szData[ 6 ];
		menu_item_getinfo( hMenu, iItem, iAccess, szData, charsmax( szData ), _, _, hCallback );
		g_iPrimaryWeapon[ id ] = str_to_num( szData );

		menu_display( id, g_hSecondaryWeaponMenu, 0 );

	public SecondaryMenu_Handler( id, hMenu, iItem )
		if( iItem == MENU_EXIT )
			menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );
		new iAccess, hCallback;
		new szData[ 6 ];
		menu_item_getinfo( hMenu, iItem, iAccess, szData, charsmax( szData ), _, _, hCallback );
		g_iSecondaryWeapon[ id ] = str_to_num( szData );

		GiveWeapons( id );
		menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );

	public ItemsMenu_Handler( id, hMenu, iItem )
		g_iChosenItem[ id ] = iItem;
		switch( iItem )
			case ITEM_LASER:
				g_bHasLaser[ id ] = true;
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Bind a key to 'item' to inject adrenaline.", g_szPrefix );
				g_iAdrenalineUses[ id ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pAdrenalineUses );
			case ITEM_MEDKIT:
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Bind a key to 'item' to use a medical kit.", g_szPrefix );
				g_iMedKitUses[ id ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pMedKitUses );
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Bind a key to 'item' to start the countdown.", g_szPrefix );
			case ITEM_POISON:
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s All bullets fired with a scout will be poisonous.", g_szPrefix );
	public Task_StartGame()
		new iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum;
		get_players( iPlayers, iNum );
		new iNCAmount = ( get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerRatio ) * iNum ) / 100 - g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_NC ];
		if( iNCAmount == 0 && iNum > 1 )
			iNCAmount = 1;
		new iRandom;
		for( new i = 0; i < iNCAmount; i++ )
			iRandom = random( iNum );			
			cs_set_user_team( iPlayers[ iRandom ], TEAM_NC );
			iPlayers[ iRandom ] = iPlayers[ --iNum ];
		server_cmd( "sv_restartround 1 " );
	public CmdEnableGuns( id )
		if( g_bRememberGuns[ id ] )
			client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Your gun menu has been re-enabled.", g_szPrefix );
			g_bRememberGuns[ id ] = false;
			client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Your gun menu is already enabled!", g_szPrefix );
	public CmdUseItem( id )
		switch( cs_get_user_team( id ) )
			case TEAM_NC:
				if( g_iTeleportsRemaining[ id ] > 0 )
					new Float:flGameTime = get_gametime();
					new iDelay = get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerTeleDelay );
					if( flGameTime - g_flLastTeleportTime[ id ] < iDelay )
						client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You must wait %i seconds inbetween teleports.", g_szPrefix, iDelay );
					else if( TeleportPlayer( id ) )
						g_iTeleportsRemaining[ id ]--;
						g_flLastTeleportTime[ id ] = get_gametime();
			case TEAM_HUMAN:
				switch( g_iChosenItem[ id ] )
						if( g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] )
							client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Adrenaline is already active!", g_szPrefix );
						else if( g_iAdrenalineUses[ id ] > 0 )
							g_iAdrenalineUses[ id ]--;
							client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You have injected adrenaline!", g_szPrefix );
							g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] = true;
							set_user_maxspeed( id, get_pcvar_float( g_pAdrenalineSpeed ) );
							set_task( get_pcvar_float( g_pAdrenalineTime ), "Task_RemoveAdrenaline", TASK_ADRENALINE + id );
					case ITEM_MEDKIT:
						if( g_iMedKitUses[ id ] > 0 )
							g_iMedKitUses[ id ]--;
							client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You have used one of your medical kits. You have %i more.", g_szPrefix, g_iMedKitUses[ id ] );
							set_user_health( id, 100 );
					case ITEM_SUICIDE:
						if( task_exists( TASK_SUICIDE + id ) )
						g_iSuicideTime[ id ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pSuicideTime );
						Task_Suicide( TASK_SUICIDE + id );
						set_task( 1.0, "Task_Suicide", TASK_SUICIDE + id, .flags="a", .repeat=g_iSuicideTime[ id ] );
	public Task_SetInvisible( iTaskID )
		new id = iTaskID - TASK_INVISIBLE;
		g_bVisible[ id ] = false;
	public Task_Suicide( iTaskID )
		new id = iTaskID - TASK_SUICIDE;

		if( --g_iSuicideTime[ id ] == 0 )
			new Float:flOrigin[ 3 ];
			pev( id, pev_origin, flOrigin );
			user_kill( id );
			message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY );
			write_byte( TE_EXPLOSION );
			write_coord( floatround( flOrigin[ 0 ] ) );
			write_coord( floatround( flOrigin[ 1 ] ) );
			write_coord( floatround( flOrigin[ 2 ] ) );
			write_short( g_iExplosionSprite );
			write_byte( 30 );
			write_byte( 30 );
			write_byte( 0 );
			fm_radius_damage( id, flOrigin, get_pcvar_float( g_pSuicideDamage ), get_pcvar_float( g_pSuicideRadius ) );
		else emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, g_szSuicideBombSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
	// Taken from Jailbreak Mod by Pastout.
	stock fm_radius_damage( id, Float:flOrigin[ 3 ], Float:flDamage, Float:flRadius )
		new szClassname[ 33 ], CsTeams:iTeam;
		iTeam = cs_get_user_team( id );
		static iEnt;
		iEnt = -1;
		while( ( iEnt = engfunc( EngFunc_FindEntityInSphere, iEnt, flOrigin, flRadius ) ) )
			pev( iEnt, pev_classname, szClassname, charsmax( szClassname ) );
			if( !equali( szClassname, "player" ) || !is_user_alive( iEnt ) || cs_get_user_team( iEnt ) == iTeam )
			ExecuteHamB( Ham_TakeDamage, iEnt, 0, id, flDamage, DMG_GENERIC );
	// Taken from Jailbreak Mod by Pastout
	stock createKill(id, attacker, weaponDescription[]) 
		new iFrags, iFrags2;
		if(id != attacker) 
			iFrags = get_user_frags(attacker);
			set_user_frags(attacker, iFrags + 1);
			//Kill the victim and block the messages
			//user_kill removes a frag, this gives it back
			iFrags2 = get_user_frags(id);
			set_user_frags(id, iFrags2 + 1);
			//Replaced HUD death message
			message_begin(MSG_ALL, g_msgDeath,{0,0,0},0);
			//Update killers scorboard with new info
			message_begin(MSG_ALL, g_msgScoreInfo);
			//Update victims scoreboard with correct info
			message_begin(MSG_ALL, g_msgScoreInfo);
			new szName[32], szName1[32];
			get_user_name(id, szName, 31);
			get_user_name(attacker, szName1, 31);
	public Task_RemoveAdrenaline( iTaskID )
		new id = iTaskID - TASK_ADRENALINE;
		g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] = false;
		if( is_user_alive( id ) )
			set_user_maxspeed( id, 0.0 );
	public Forward_AddToFullPack_Post( es, e, iEntity, iHost, iHostFlags, iPlayer, pSet )
		if( is_user_alive( iEntity ) && is_user_alive( iHost ) && cs_get_user_team( iEntity ) == TEAM_NC && cs_get_user_team( iHost ) == TEAM_HUMAN )
			set_es( es, ES_RenderMode, kRenderTransAdd );
			if( g_bVisible[ iEntity ] )
				set_es( es, ES_RenderAmt, 255 );
			else set_es( es, ES_RenderAmt, 0 );

		for( new i = 1; i <= g_iMaxPlayers; i++ )
			if( !is_user_connected( i ) )
			g_iTeamCount[ cs_get_user_team( i ) ]++;
	// Credits to NiHiLaNTh
	TeleportPlayer( iPlayer )
		new Float:vOrigin[ 3 ], Float:vViewOfs[ 3 ];
		pev( iPlayer, pev_origin, vOrigin );
		pev( iPlayer, pev_view_ofs, vViewOfs );
		xs_vec_add( vOrigin, vViewOfs, vOrigin );
		new Float:vViewAngle[ 3 ];
		pev( iPlayer, pev_v_angle, vViewAngle );
		new Float:vAimVector[ 3 ];
		angle_vector( vViewAngle, ANGLEVECTOR_FORWARD, vAimVector );
		xs_vec_normalize( vAimVector, vAimVector );
		xs_vec_mul_scalar( vAimVector, 9999.0, vAimVector );
		engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vAimVector, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
		get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vAimVector );
		get_tr2( 0, TR_vecPlaneNormal, vOrigin );
		xs_vec_normalize( vOrigin, vOrigin );
		xs_vec_mul_scalar( vOrigin, 36.0, vOrigin );
		xs_vec_add( vAimVector, vOrigin, vOrigin );
		new bool:bDucking = false;
		if( trace_hull( vOrigin, HULL_HUMAN, iPlayer ) )
			if( !trace_hull( vOrigin, HULL_HEAD, iPlayer ) )
				bDucking = true;
				// player cannot duck or stand clearly, so try to move the origin so player can
				new iResetCount;
				if( ++iResetCount > 4 )
					// too many tries to find a good origin. just set to fail.
					client_print( iPlayer, print_center, "You cannot teleport there! You will be stuck!" );
					return 0;
				for( new i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
					switch( i )
						case 0:
							// check above x
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 0 ] += 16.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
								vOrigin[ 0 ] = vViewOfs[ 0 ] - 16.0;
								goto test_new_origin;
						case 1:
							// check below x
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 0 ] -= 16.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
								vOrigin[ 0 ] = vViewOfs[ 0 ] + 16.0;
								goto test_new_origin;
						case 2:
							// check above y
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 1 ] += 16.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
								vOrigin[ 1 ] = vViewOfs[ 1 ] - 16.0;
								goto test_new_origin;
						case 3:
							// check below y
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 1 ] -= 16.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
								vOrigin[ 1 ] = vViewOfs[ 1 ] + 16.0;
								goto test_new_origin;
						case 4:
							// check above z
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 2 ] += 36.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
								vViewOfs[ 2 ] += 18.0;
								engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
								get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
								if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
									get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
									vOrigin[ 2 ] = vViewOfs[ 2 ] - 36.0;
									goto test_new_origin;
								bDucking = true;
						case 5:
							// check below z
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 2 ] -= 36.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
								vViewOfs[ 2 ] -= 18.0;
								engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
								get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
								if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
									get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
									vOrigin[ 2 ] = vViewOfs[ 2 ] + 36.0;
									goto test_new_origin;
								bDucking = true;
		if( engfunc( EngFunc_PointContents, vOrigin ) != CONTENTS_EMPTY )
			client_print( iPlayer, print_center, "You can't teleport there!" );
			return 0;
		if( bDucking )
			set_pev( iPlayer, pev_flags, pev( iPlayer, pev_flags ) | FL_DUCKING );
			engfunc( EngFunc_SetSize, iPlayer, Float:{ -16.0, -16.0, -18.0 }, Float:{ 16.0, 16.0, 18.0 } );
		engfunc( EngFunc_SetOrigin, iPlayer, vOrigin );
		return 1;
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A k c 3 n 7
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09 Jan 2018, 00:59

cam asa
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#include < amxmodx >
#include < fun >
#include < cstrike >


public plugin_init( ) {
        register_plugin( "Knife Speed", "1.0", "A k c 3 n 7" );
	register_event( "CurWeapon","CheckWeapon","be","1=1" );

public CheckWeapon( id ) {
	new Weapon;

	Weapon = get_user_weapon(id);
	if( Weapon == CSW_KNIFE ) {
		if( is_user_connected( id ) && get_user_flags( id ) & VIP_FLAG ) {
		//    set_user_maxspeed(id, 350.0 );
                      set_user_rendering( id, kRenderFxNone, 0, 0, 0, kRenderTransTexture, 0 );
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09 Jan 2018, 10:26

Asa se face pentru knife si pentru arme faci 2 variabile oldweapon[id] si newweapon[id] stochezi armele si verifici in curweapon sa nu fie egale
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09 Jan 2018, 10:46

DevilBoy.eXe wrote:
Diversity wrote:
WISHEXEC wrote:ma refeream la codul lui danne, la server full pica serverul

cat despre modul tau e ok dar nu asa trebuie sa setezi tu invizibilitatea in curweapon sau daca totusi vrei in curweapon trebuie sa ii faci check sa verifici doar daca a schimbat arma si nu la fiecare shot cum e acum
Ah am inteles si de faza cu curweapon, nu stiu cum as putea sa o setez doar cand schimba arma si nu la fiecare shot, vreau doar cand are knife in mana sa fie invizibil
Copiaza de aici functiile de baza, am rulat modul pe un server cu 10-15 playeri si nu au fost probleme
| Afiseaza codul
	-	Credits:
	-		Joropito - Team Menu
	-		Pastout - Suicide Bomb
	-		Exolent - Teleport

	#include < amxmodx >
	#include < cstrike >
	#include < hamsandwich >
	#include < fun >
	#include < fakemeta >
	#include < engine >
	#include < xs >
	#define SHOTGUN_WEAPONS_BIT    (1<<CSW_M3|1<<CSW_XM1014)
	#define RIFLE_WEAPONS_BIT    (1<<CSW_FAMAS|1<<CSW_GALIL|1<<CSW_AK47|1<<CSW_SCOUT|1<<CSW_M4A1|1<<CSW_SG550|1<<CSW_SG552|1<<CSW_AUG|1<<CSW_AWP|1<<CSW_G3SG1)
	#define MACHINE_WEAPONS_BIT    (1<<CSW_M249)


	#define IsPrimaryWeapon(%1) ( (1<<%1) & PRIMARY_WEAPONS_BIT )
	#define IsSecondaryWeapon(%1) ( (1<<%1) & PISTOL_WEAPONS_BIT )

	#define m_iVGUI						510
	#define m_fGameHUDInitialized		349
	#define m_fNextHudTextArgsGameTime	198

	#define TEAM_MENU					"#Team_Select"
	#define TEAM_MENU2					"#Team_Select_Spect"

	#define MIN_WEAPON		CSW_P228
	#define MAX_WEAPON 		CSW_P90

	#define TEAM_NC 		CS_TEAM_T

	/* Constants */
		enum (+=1000)
		new const g_iMaxBPAmmo[ MAX_WEAPON + 1 ] =
			0, 52, 0, 90, 1, 32, 0, 100, 90, 1, 120, 100, 100, 90, 90, 90, 100, 120, 30,
			120, 200, 32, 90, 120, 90, 2, 35, 90, 90, 0, 100

		new const g_iMaxClipAmmo[ MAX_WEAPON + 1 ] =
			0, 13, 0, 10, 0, 7, 0, 30, 30, 0, 30, 20, 25, 30, 35, 25, 12, 20, 10, 30, 
			100, 8, 30, 30, 20, 0, 7, 30, 30, 0, 50

		new const g_szWeaponClassnames[ MAX_WEAPON + 1 ][ ] =
			"", "weapon_p228", "", "weapon_scout", "weapon_hegrenade",
			"weapon_xm1014", "weapon_c4", "weapon_mac10", "weapon_aug",
			"weapon_smokegrenade", "weapon_elite", "weapon_fiveseven",
			"weapon_ump45", "weapon_sg550", "weapon_galil", "weapon_famas",
			"weapon_usp", "weapon_glock18", "weapon_awp", "weapon_mp5navy",
			"weapon_m249", "weapon_m3", "weapon_m4a1", "weapon_tmp", "weapon_g3sg1",
			"weapon_flashbang", "weapon_deagle", "weapon_sg552", "weapon_ak47",
			"weapon_knife", "weapon_p90"

		new const g_szWeaponNames[ MAX_WEAPON + 1 ][ ] =
			"", "P228", "", "Schmidt Scout", "", "XM1014 (Auto-Shotgun)", "",
			"Mac-10", "AUG", "", "Dual Elites", "Five-Seven", "UMP-45", "SG-550",
			"Galil", "Famas", "USP", "Glock-18", "AWP", "MP5-Navy", "M249 (Para)",
			"M3 (Pump-Shotgun)", "M4A1", "TMP", "G3SG1", "", "Deagle", "SG-552",
			"AK-47", "", "P90"

		enum _:ItemsInfo
			ITEM_LASER, // Done
			ITEM_SUICIDE, // Done
			ITEM_POISON, // Done
			ITEM_MEDKIT // Done

		new const g_szItemNames[ ItemsInfo ][ ] =
			"Laser Sight",
			"Suicide Bomber \r(Bind Key Activated)",
			"Poison Scout Bullets",
			"Adrenaline \r(Bind Key Activated)",
			"Medic Kit \r(Bind Key Activated)"
		new const g_szObjectives[ ][ ] = 
		new const g_szPrefix[ ] = "[Nightcrawler]";

		new const g_szNCModel[ ] = "models/player/nightcrawler/nightcrawler.mdl";
		new const g_szNCKnife_V[ ] = "models/nightcrawler/v_nightcrawler.mdl";
		new const g_szLaserSprite[ ] = "sprites/zbeam4.spr";
		new const g_szExplosionSprite[ ] = "sprites/zerogxplode.spr";
		new const g_szSuicideBombSound[ ] = "weapons/c4_beep4.wav";
		new const g_szTeleportSound[ ] = "warcraft3/blinkarrival.wav";
	/* Booleans */
		new bool:g_bRememberGuns[ 33 ];
		new bool:g_bNCNextRound[ 33 ];
		new bool:g_bHasLaser[ 33 ];
		new bool:g_bAdrenalineActive[ 33 ];
		new bool:g_bVisible[ 33 ];
	/* Floats */
		new Float:g_flWallOrigin[ 33 ][ 3 ];
		new Float:g_flLastTeleportTime[ 33 ];
	/* Integers */
		new g_iPrimaryWeapon[ 33 ];
		new g_iSecondaryWeapon[ 33 ];
		new g_iChosenItem[ 33 ];
		new g_iAdrenalineUses[ 33 ];
		new g_iMedKitUses[ 33 ];
		new g_iSuicideTime[ 33 ];
		new g_iPoisonRemaining[ 33 ];
		new g_iTeleportsRemaining[ 33 ];
		new g_iTeamCount[ CsTeams ];		
		new g_iCurrentRound;
		new g_iMaxPlayers;
		new g_iLaserSprite;
		new g_iExplosionSprite;

	/* Menus */
		new g_hWeaponMenu;
		new g_hPrimaryWeaponMenu;
		new g_hSecondaryWeaponMenu;
		new g_hItemsMenu;

	/* Messages */
		new g_msgShowMenu;
		new g_msgVGUIMenu;
		new g_msgDeath;
		new g_msgScoreInfo;
		new g_msgStatusIcon;

	/* PCVARS */
		new g_pNightcrawlerRatio;
		new g_pNightcrawlerVisibleTime;
		new g_pNightcrawlerHealth;
		new g_pNightcrawlerGravity;
		new g_pNightcrawlerSpeed;
		new g_pNightcrawlerTeleDelay;
		new g_pNightcrawlerTeleCount;
		new g_pMapLighting;
		new g_pAdrenalineUses;
		new g_pAdrenalineTime;
		new g_pAdrenalineSpeed;
		new g_pMedKitUses;
		new g_pSuicideRadius;
		new g_pSuicideDamage;
		new g_pSuicideTime;
		new g_pPoisonAmount;
		new g_pPoisonInterval;
		new g_pPoisonDamage;
	public plugin_precache()
		precache_model( g_szNCModel );
		precache_model( g_szNCKnife_V );
		precache_sound( g_szSuicideBombSound );
		precache_sound( g_szTeleportSound );
		g_iLaserSprite = precache_model( g_szLaserSprite );
		g_iExplosionSprite = precache_model( g_szExplosionSprite );
	public plugin_init()
		register_plugin( "Nightcrawler Mod", "1.0", "H3avY Ra1n" );
		register_clcmd( "jointeam", "CmdJoinTeam" );
		register_clcmd( "joinclass", "CmdJoinTeam" );
		register_clcmd( "say /guns", "CmdEnableGuns" );
		register_clcmd( "item", "CmdUseItem" );
		RegisterHam( Ham_Spawn, "player", "Ham_PlayerSpawn_Post", 1 );
		RegisterHam( Ham_Killed, "player", "Ham_PlayerKilled_Post", 1 );
		RegisterHam( Ham_TakeDamage, "player", "Ham_PlayerTakeDamage_Post", 1 );
		register_forward( FM_Spawn, "Forward_Spawn_Post", 1 );
		register_forward( FM_Touch, "Forward_Touch_Pre", 0 );
		register_forward( FM_PlayerPreThink, "Forward_PlayerPreThink" );
		register_forward( FM_AddToFullPack, "Forward_AddToFullPack_Post", 1 );
		register_logevent( "LogEvent_BombSpawned", 3, "2=Spawned_With_The_Bomb" );
		register_logevent( "LogEvent_RoundEnd", 2, "1=Round_End" );
		register_event( "CurWeapon", "Event_CurWeapon", "be" );
		register_menucmd( register_menuid( "Team_Select", 1 ), ( 1 << 0 ) | ( 1 << 1 ) | ( 1 << 4 ) | ( 1 << 5 ), "TeamSelectMenu_Handler" );
		g_msgShowMenu 	= get_user_msgid( "ShowMenu" );
		g_msgVGUIMenu 	= get_user_msgid( "VGUIMenu" );
		g_msgScoreInfo 	= get_user_msgid( "ScoreInfo" );
		g_msgDeath		= get_user_msgid( "DeathMsg" );
		g_msgStatusIcon = get_user_msgid( "StatusIcon" );
		register_message( g_msgShowMenu, "Message_ShowMenu" );
		register_message( g_msgVGUIMenu, "Message_VGUIMenu" );
		register_message( g_msgStatusIcon, "Message_StatusIcon" );
		g_pNightcrawlerRatio		= register_cvar( "nc_ratio", "33" ); // Percentage
		g_pNightcrawlerVisibleTime	= register_cvar( "nc_visible_time", "2" );
		g_pNightcrawlerHealth		= register_cvar( "nc_health", "150" );
		g_pNightcrawlerGravity		= register_cvar( "nc_gravity", "600" );
		g_pNightcrawlerSpeed		= register_cvar( "nc_speed", "280.0" );
		g_pNightcrawlerTeleCount	= register_cvar( "nc_teleport_count", "2" );
		g_pNightcrawlerTeleDelay 	= register_cvar( "nc_teleport_delay", "2" );
		g_pMapLighting				= register_cvar( "nc_lighting", "g" );
		g_pAdrenalineUses			= register_cvar( "nc_adrenaline_uses", "2" );
		g_pAdrenalineTime			= register_cvar( "nc_adrenaline_time", "10" );
		g_pAdrenalineSpeed			= register_cvar( "nc_adrenaline_speed", "320" );
		g_pSuicideDamage 			= register_cvar( "nc_suicide_damage", "80" );
		g_pSuicideRadius			= register_cvar( "nc_suicide_radius", "50" );
		g_pSuicideTime				= register_cvar( "nc_suicide_time", "3" );
		g_pMedKitUses				= register_cvar( "nc_medkit_uses", "2" );
		g_pPoisonAmount				= register_cvar( "nc_poison_amount", "3" );
		g_pPoisonInterval			= register_cvar( "nc_poison_interval", "1" );
		g_pPoisonDamage				= register_cvar( "nc_poison_damage", "5" );
		g_iMaxPlayers 				= get_maxplayers();
		set_task( 30.0, "Task_StartGame", TASK_STARTGAME );

	public Message_StatusIcon( iMsgID, iMsgDest, id )
		static szIcon[ 8 ];
		get_msg_arg_string( 2, szIcon, 7 );
		if( equal( szIcon, "buyzone" ) && get_msg_arg_int( 1 ) )
			set_pdata_int( id, 235, get_pdata_int( id, 235 ) & ~(1<<0) );
	public Forward_Spawn_Post( iEntity )
		new szClassname[ 32 ];
		pev( iEntity, pev_classname, szClassname, charsmax( szClassname ) );
		for( new i = 0; i < sizeof g_szObjectives; i++ )
			if( equali( szClassname, g_szObjectives[ i ] ) )
				remove_entity( iEntity );
	public Forward_Touch_Pre( iEnt, id )
		if( !is_user_alive( id ) )
			return FMRES_IGNORED;
		new szClassname[ 32 ];
		pev( iEnt, pev_classname, szClassname, charsmax( szClassname ) );
		if( equali( szClassname, "worldspawn" ) || equali( szClassname, "func_wall" ) || equali( szClassname, "func_breakable" ) )
			pev( id, pev_origin, g_flWallOrigin[ id ] );
		else if( equali( szClassname, "weaponbox" ) || equali( szClassname, "armoury_entity" ) )
			if( cs_get_user_team( id ) == TEAM_NC )

	public client_putinserver( id )
		g_bRememberGuns[ id ] = false;
		g_bNCNextRound[ id ] = false;
		g_bHasLaser[ id ] = false;
		g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] = false;
		g_bVisible[ id ] = true;
		g_iAdrenalineUses[ id ] = 0;
		g_iMedKitUses[ id ] = 0;
		g_iSuicideTime[ id ] = 0;
		g_iPoisonRemaining[ id ] = 0;
		g_iPrimaryWeapon[ id ] = 0;
		g_iSecondaryWeapon[ id ] = 0;
		g_iTeleportsRemaining[ id ] = 0;
		g_iChosenItem[ id ] = -1;
		new szLighting[ 3 ];
		get_pcvar_string( g_pMapLighting, szLighting, 2 );
		engfunc( EngFunc_LightStyle, 0, szLighting );

	public client_disconnect( id )
		remove_task( TASK_SUICIDE + id );
	public Forward_PlayerPreThink( id )
		if( !is_user_alive( id ) )
		static CsTeams:iTeam;
		iTeam = cs_get_user_team( id );
		if( iTeam == TEAM_HUMAN )
			if( !g_bHasLaser[ id ] )
				static iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum;
				get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "ae", "CT" );
				if( iNum == 1 )
					g_bHasLaser[ id ] = true;
			if( g_bHasLaser[ id ] )

				static iTarget, iBody, iRed, iGreen, iBlue, iWeapon;
				get_user_aiming( id, iTarget, iBody );
				iWeapon = get_user_weapon( id );
				if( IsPrimaryWeapon( iWeapon ) || IsSecondaryWeapon( iWeapon ) )
					if( is_user_alive( iTarget ) && cs_get_user_team( iTarget ) == TEAM_NC )
						iRed = 255;
						iGreen = 0;
						iBlue = 0;
						iRed = 0;
						iGreen = 255;
						iBlue = 0;
					static iOrigin[ 3 ];
					get_user_origin( id, iOrigin, 3 );
					message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY );
					write_byte( TE_BEAMENTPOINT );
					write_short( id | 0x1000 );
					write_coord( iOrigin[ 0 ] );
					write_coord( iOrigin[ 1 ] );
					write_coord( iOrigin[ 2 ] );
					write_short( g_iLaserSprite );
					write_byte( 1 );
					write_byte( 10 );
					write_byte( 1 );
					write_byte( 5 );
					write_byte( 0 );
					write_byte( iRed );
					write_byte( iGreen );
					write_byte( iBlue );
					write_byte( 150 );
					write_byte( 25 );
					message_end( );
		else if( iTeam == TEAM_NC )
			static iButton;
			iButton = get_user_button( id );
			if( iButton & IN_USE )
				static Float:fOrigin[ 3 ];
				pev( id, pev_origin, fOrigin );
				if( get_distance_f( fOrigin, g_flWallOrigin[ id ] ) > 10.0 )
				if( pev( id, pev_flags ) & FL_ONGROUND )
				if( iButton & IN_FORWARD )
					static Float:fVelocity[ 3 ];
					velocity_by_aim( id, 240, fVelocity );
					set_pev( id, pev_velocity, fVelocity );
				else if( iButton & IN_BACK )
					static Float:fVelocity[ 3 ];
					velocity_by_aim( id, -240, fVelocity );
					set_pev( id, pev_velocity, fVelocity );

	public LogEvent_BombSpawned()
		new szLogUser[ 80 ], szName[ 32 ];
		read_logargv( 0, szLogUser, 79 );
		parse_loguser( szLogUser, szName, 31 );
		new id = get_user_index( szName );
		engclient_cmd( id, "drop", "weapon_c4" );
		new iBomb = find_ent_by_class( -1, "weapon_c4" );
		if( iBomb )
			remove_entity( iBomb );
	public LogEvent_RoundEnd()

	///*	Ratio	*///

	public CmdJoinTeam( id )
	public TeamSelectMenu_Handler( id, iKey )
		new CsTeams:iTeam = cs_get_user_team( id );

		switch( iKey )
			case 0: // Join NC (Terrorists)
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You cannot join the Night-Crawler team!", g_szPrefix );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			case 1: // Join Humans (CTs)
				if( iTeam == TEAM_HUMAN )
					return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
				if( task_exists( TASK_STARTGAME ) )
					ForceTeam( id, TEAM_HUMAN );
					// ( Percent * Total Players / 100 ) - Current Amount of NCs
					new iNeeded = get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerRatio ) * ( g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_NC ] + g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_HUMAN ] ) / 100 - g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_NC ];
					if( iNeeded == 0 && g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_HUMAN ] == 1 )
						iNeeded = 1;
					if( iNeeded >= 1 )
						ForceTeam( id, TEAM_NC );
					else ForceTeam( id, TEAM_HUMAN );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			case 5:
				user_silentkill( id );
				ForceTeam( id, CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR );
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

	public ForceTeam( id, CsTeams:iTeam )
		static iRestore, iVGUI, iMSGBlock;

		iRestore = get_pdata_int( id, m_iVGUI );
		iVGUI = iRestore & ( 1 << 0 );
		if( iVGUI )
			set_pdata_int( id, m_iVGUI, iRestore & ~( 1 << 0 ) );

		switch( iTeam )
				iMSGBlock = get_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu );
				set_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu, BLOCK_ONCE );
				dllfunc( DLLFunc_ClientPutInServer, id );
				set_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu, iMSGBlock );
				set_pdata_int( id, m_fGameHUDInitialized, 1 );
				engclient_cmd( id, "jointeam", "6" );
			case CS_TEAM_T, CS_TEAM_CT:
				iMSGBlock = get_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu );
				set_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu, BLOCK_ONCE );
				engclient_cmd( id, "jointeam", ( iTeam == CS_TEAM_CT ) ? "2" : "1" );
				engclient_cmd( id, "joinclass", "1" );
				set_msg_block( g_msgShowMenu, iMSGBlock );
		if( iVGUI )
			set_pdata_int( id, m_iVGUI, iRestore );

	public Message_VGUIMenu( iMSGId, iDest, id )
		static iMSGArg1;

		iMSGArg1 = get_msg_arg_int( 1 );
		if( iMSGArg1 == 2 )
			show_menu( id, 51, TEAM_MENU2, -1 );


	public Message_ShowMenu( iMSGId, iDest, id )
		static iMSGArg1;
		iMSGArg1 = get_msg_arg_int( 1 );

		if( iMSGArg1 != 531 && iMSGArg1 != 563 )

		show_menu( id, 51, TEAM_MENU2, -1 );
	public Event_CurWeapon( id )
		new iWeapon = read_data( 2 );
		switch( cs_get_user_team( id ) )
			case TEAM_HUMAN:
				if( IsPrimaryWeapon( iWeapon ) || IsSecondaryWeapon( iWeapon ) )
					if( cs_get_user_bpammo( id, iWeapon ) != g_iMaxBPAmmo[ iWeapon ] )
						cs_set_user_bpammo( id, iWeapon, g_iMaxBPAmmo[ iWeapon ] );
					if( g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] )
						new iEnt = find_ent_by_owner( -1, g_szWeaponClassnames[ iWeapon ], id );
						if( !pev_valid( iEnt ) )
						cs_set_weapon_ammo( iEnt, g_iMaxClipAmmo[ iWeapon ] );
				if( g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] )
					set_user_maxspeed( id, get_pcvar_float( g_pAdrenalineSpeed ) );
			case TEAM_NC:
				if( iWeapon == CSW_KNIFE )
					set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, g_szNCKnife_V );

	public CreateMenus()
		g_hWeaponMenu = menu_create( "Weapons Menu", "WeaponMenu_Handler" );
		menu_additem( g_hWeaponMenu, "New Weapons", "0" );
		menu_additem( g_hWeaponMenu, "Previous Weapons", "1" );
		menu_additem( g_hWeaponMenu, "2 + Don't Ask Again", "2" );
		g_hPrimaryWeaponMenu = menu_create( "Primary Weapons", "PrimaryMenu_Handler" );
		g_hSecondaryWeaponMenu = menu_create( "Secondary Weapons", "SecondaryMenu_Handler" );
		new szInfo[ 3 ];
		for( new i = MIN_WEAPON; i <= MAX_WEAPON; i++ )
			if( IsPrimaryWeapon( i ) )
				num_to_str( i, szInfo, charsmax( szInfo ) );
				menu_additem( g_hPrimaryWeaponMenu, g_szWeaponNames[ i ], szInfo );
			else if( IsSecondaryWeapon( i ) )
				num_to_str( i, szInfo, charsmax( szInfo ) );
				menu_additem( g_hSecondaryWeaponMenu, g_szWeaponNames[ i ], szInfo );
			else continue;
		g_hItemsMenu = menu_create( "Choose an Item:", "ItemsMenu_Handler" );
		for( new i = 0; i < ItemsInfo; i++ )
			num_to_str( i, szInfo, charsmax( szInfo ) );
			if( i == ITEM_LASER )
				menu_additem( g_hItemsMenu, g_szItemNames[ i ], szInfo, _, menu_makecallback( "LaserItem_Callback" ) );
			else menu_additem( g_hItemsMenu, g_szItemNames[ i ], szInfo );
	public LaserItem_Callback( id, hMenu, iItem )
		if( g_iCurrentRound == 0 )
			return ITEM_DISABLED;
		new iFrags = get_user_frags( id );
		new iDeaths = get_user_deaths( id );

		new iPlayerFrags;
		new iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum;
		get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "ae", "CT" );
		for( new i = 0, iPlayer; i < iNum; i++ )
			iPlayer = iPlayers[ i ];
			if( !is_user_alive( iPlayer ) || iPlayer == id )
			iPlayerFrags = get_user_frags( iPlayer );
			if( iPlayerFrags > iFrags )
				return ITEM_DISABLED;
			else if( iPlayerFrags == iFrags )
				if( get_user_deaths( iPlayer ) < iDeaths )
					return ITEM_DISABLED;
		return ITEM_ENABLED;

	public Ham_PlayerSpawn_Post( id )
		if( !is_user_alive( id ) )
			return HAM_IGNORED;
		strip_user_weapons( id );
		give_item( id, "weapon_knife" );
		new CsTeams:iTeam = cs_get_user_team( id );
		if( g_bNCNextRound[ id ] )
			if( iTeam != TEAM_NC )
				cs_set_user_team( id, TEAM_NC );
				ExecuteHamB( Ham_CS_RoundRespawn, id );
				g_bNCNextRound[ id ] = false;
				return HAM_IGNORED;
			g_bNCNextRound[ id ] = false;
		switch( iTeam )
			case TEAM_NC:
				cs_set_user_model( id, "nightcrawler" );
				if( get_user_weapon( id ) == CSW_KNIFE )
					set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, g_szNCKnife_V );
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You are now invisible.", g_szPrefix );
				set_user_health( id, get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerHealth ) );
				set_user_gravity( id, get_pcvar_float( g_pNightcrawlerGravity ) / 800 );
				set_user_maxspeed( id, get_pcvar_float( g_pNightcrawlerSpeed ) );
				set_user_footsteps( id, 1 );
				g_iTeleportsRemaining[ id ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerTeleCount );
				g_bVisible[ id ] = false;
			case TEAM_HUMAN:
				if( g_bRememberGuns[ id ] )
					GiveWeapons( id );
				else if( g_iPrimaryWeapon[ id ] == 0 || g_iSecondaryWeapon[ id ] == 0 )
					menu_display( id, g_hPrimaryWeaponMenu );
				else menu_display( id, g_hWeaponMenu );
				set_user_footsteps( id, 0 );
				cs_set_user_model( id, "gign" );
				g_bVisible[ id ] = true;
		g_bNCNextRound[ id ] = false;
		return HAM_IGNORED;

	public Ham_PlayerKilled_Post( iVictim, iKiller, iShouldGib )
		if( !is_user_alive( iKiller ) )
			return HAM_IGNORED;
		switch( cs_get_user_team( iKiller ) )
			case TEAM_HUMAN:
				if( cs_get_user_team( iVictim ) == TEAM_NC )
					client_print( iVictim, print_chat, "%s You were killed by a human and are now one also!", g_szPrefix );
					cs_set_user_team( iVictim, TEAM_HUMAN );
					if( !g_bNCNextRound[ iKiller ] )
						client_print( iKiller, print_chat, "%s You killed a Night-Crawler and will be one next round!", g_szPrefix );
						g_bNCNextRound[ iKiller ] = true;
			case TEAM_NC:
				if( cs_get_user_team( iVictim ) == TEAM_HUMAN )
					client_print( iKiller, print_chat, "%s You killed a human!", g_szPrefix );
					client_print( iVictim, print_chat, "%s You were killed by a Night-Crawler!", g_szPrefix );
		return HAM_IGNORED;

	public Ham_PlayerTakeDamage_Post( iVictim, iInflictor, iAttacker, Float:flDamage, iBits )
		if( is_user_connected( iAttacker ) && cs_get_user_team( iVictim ) == TEAM_NC )
			remove_task( TASK_INVISIBLE + iVictim );
			g_bVisible[ iVictim ] = true;
			set_task( get_pcvar_float( g_pNightcrawlerVisibleTime ), "Task_SetInvisible", iVictim + TASK_INVISIBLE );
			if( g_iChosenItem[ iAttacker ] == ITEM_POISON && iInflictor == CSW_SCOUT )
				g_iPoisonRemaining[ iVictim ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pPoisonAmount );
				remove_task( TASK_POISON + iVictim );
				new szParams[ 2 ];
				szParams[ 0 ] = iAttacker;
				set_task( get_pcvar_float( g_pPoisonInterval ), "Task_Poison", TASK_POISON + iVictim, szParams, 2 );
	public Task_Poison( szParams[ ], iTaskID )
		new iAttacker = szParams[ 0 ];
		new id = iTaskID - TASK_POISON;
		ExecuteHam( Ham_TakeDamage, id, iAttacker, iAttacker, get_pcvar_float( g_pPoisonDamage ), DMG_GENERIC );
		if( --g_iPoisonRemaining[ id ] > 0 )
			set_task( get_pcvar_float( g_pPoisonInterval ), "Task_PoisonHurt", iTaskID );
	public GiveWeapons( id )
		new iPrimary = g_iPrimaryWeapon[ id ];
		new iSecondary = g_iSecondaryWeapon[ id ];
		give_item( id, g_szWeaponClassnames[ iPrimary ] );
		give_item( id, g_szWeaponClassnames[ iSecondary ] );
		cs_set_user_bpammo( id, iPrimary, g_iMaxBPAmmo[ iPrimary ] );
		cs_set_user_bpammo( id, iSecondary, g_iMaxBPAmmo[ iSecondary ] );

	public WeaponMenu_Handler( id, hMenu, iItem )
		switch( iItem )
			case 0: menu_display( id, g_hPrimaryWeaponMenu, 0 );
			case 1: 
				GiveWeapons( id );
				menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );
			case 2: 
				GiveWeapons( id );
				g_bRememberGuns[ id ] = true;
				menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );

	public PrimaryMenu_Handler( id, hMenu, iItem )
		if( iItem == MENU_EXIT )
			menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );
		new iAccess, hCallback;
		new szData[ 6 ];
		menu_item_getinfo( hMenu, iItem, iAccess, szData, charsmax( szData ), _, _, hCallback );
		g_iPrimaryWeapon[ id ] = str_to_num( szData );

		menu_display( id, g_hSecondaryWeaponMenu, 0 );

	public SecondaryMenu_Handler( id, hMenu, iItem )
		if( iItem == MENU_EXIT )
			menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );
		new iAccess, hCallback;
		new szData[ 6 ];
		menu_item_getinfo( hMenu, iItem, iAccess, szData, charsmax( szData ), _, _, hCallback );
		g_iSecondaryWeapon[ id ] = str_to_num( szData );

		GiveWeapons( id );
		menu_display( id, g_hItemsMenu, 0 );

	public ItemsMenu_Handler( id, hMenu, iItem )
		g_iChosenItem[ id ] = iItem;
		switch( iItem )
			case ITEM_LASER:
				g_bHasLaser[ id ] = true;
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Bind a key to 'item' to inject adrenaline.", g_szPrefix );
				g_iAdrenalineUses[ id ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pAdrenalineUses );
			case ITEM_MEDKIT:
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Bind a key to 'item' to use a medical kit.", g_szPrefix );
				g_iMedKitUses[ id ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pMedKitUses );
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Bind a key to 'item' to start the countdown.", g_szPrefix );
			case ITEM_POISON:
				client_print( id, print_chat, "%s All bullets fired with a scout will be poisonous.", g_szPrefix );
	public Task_StartGame()
		new iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum;
		get_players( iPlayers, iNum );
		new iNCAmount = ( get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerRatio ) * iNum ) / 100 - g_iTeamCount[ TEAM_NC ];
		if( iNCAmount == 0 && iNum > 1 )
			iNCAmount = 1;
		new iRandom;
		for( new i = 0; i < iNCAmount; i++ )
			iRandom = random( iNum );			
			cs_set_user_team( iPlayers[ iRandom ], TEAM_NC );
			iPlayers[ iRandom ] = iPlayers[ --iNum ];
		server_cmd( "sv_restartround 1 " );
	public CmdEnableGuns( id )
		if( g_bRememberGuns[ id ] )
			client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Your gun menu has been re-enabled.", g_szPrefix );
			g_bRememberGuns[ id ] = false;
			client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Your gun menu is already enabled!", g_szPrefix );
	public CmdUseItem( id )
		switch( cs_get_user_team( id ) )
			case TEAM_NC:
				if( g_iTeleportsRemaining[ id ] > 0 )
					new Float:flGameTime = get_gametime();
					new iDelay = get_pcvar_num( g_pNightcrawlerTeleDelay );
					if( flGameTime - g_flLastTeleportTime[ id ] < iDelay )
						client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You must wait %i seconds inbetween teleports.", g_szPrefix, iDelay );
					else if( TeleportPlayer( id ) )
						g_iTeleportsRemaining[ id ]--;
						g_flLastTeleportTime[ id ] = get_gametime();
			case TEAM_HUMAN:
				switch( g_iChosenItem[ id ] )
						if( g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] )
							client_print( id, print_chat, "%s Adrenaline is already active!", g_szPrefix );
						else if( g_iAdrenalineUses[ id ] > 0 )
							g_iAdrenalineUses[ id ]--;
							client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You have injected adrenaline!", g_szPrefix );
							g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] = true;
							set_user_maxspeed( id, get_pcvar_float( g_pAdrenalineSpeed ) );
							set_task( get_pcvar_float( g_pAdrenalineTime ), "Task_RemoveAdrenaline", TASK_ADRENALINE + id );
					case ITEM_MEDKIT:
						if( g_iMedKitUses[ id ] > 0 )
							g_iMedKitUses[ id ]--;
							client_print( id, print_chat, "%s You have used one of your medical kits. You have %i more.", g_szPrefix, g_iMedKitUses[ id ] );
							set_user_health( id, 100 );
					case ITEM_SUICIDE:
						if( task_exists( TASK_SUICIDE + id ) )
						g_iSuicideTime[ id ] = get_pcvar_num( g_pSuicideTime );
						Task_Suicide( TASK_SUICIDE + id );
						set_task( 1.0, "Task_Suicide", TASK_SUICIDE + id, .flags="a", .repeat=g_iSuicideTime[ id ] );
	public Task_SetInvisible( iTaskID )
		new id = iTaskID - TASK_INVISIBLE;
		g_bVisible[ id ] = false;
	public Task_Suicide( iTaskID )
		new id = iTaskID - TASK_SUICIDE;

		if( --g_iSuicideTime[ id ] == 0 )
			new Float:flOrigin[ 3 ];
			pev( id, pev_origin, flOrigin );
			user_kill( id );
			message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY );
			write_byte( TE_EXPLOSION );
			write_coord( floatround( flOrigin[ 0 ] ) );
			write_coord( floatround( flOrigin[ 1 ] ) );
			write_coord( floatround( flOrigin[ 2 ] ) );
			write_short( g_iExplosionSprite );
			write_byte( 30 );
			write_byte( 30 );
			write_byte( 0 );
			fm_radius_damage( id, flOrigin, get_pcvar_float( g_pSuicideDamage ), get_pcvar_float( g_pSuicideRadius ) );
		else emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, g_szSuicideBombSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
	// Taken from Jailbreak Mod by Pastout.
	stock fm_radius_damage( id, Float:flOrigin[ 3 ], Float:flDamage, Float:flRadius )
		new szClassname[ 33 ], CsTeams:iTeam;
		iTeam = cs_get_user_team( id );
		static iEnt;
		iEnt = -1;
		while( ( iEnt = engfunc( EngFunc_FindEntityInSphere, iEnt, flOrigin, flRadius ) ) )
			pev( iEnt, pev_classname, szClassname, charsmax( szClassname ) );
			if( !equali( szClassname, "player" ) || !is_user_alive( iEnt ) || cs_get_user_team( iEnt ) == iTeam )
			ExecuteHamB( Ham_TakeDamage, iEnt, 0, id, flDamage, DMG_GENERIC );
	// Taken from Jailbreak Mod by Pastout
	stock createKill(id, attacker, weaponDescription[]) 
		new iFrags, iFrags2;
		if(id != attacker) 
			iFrags = get_user_frags(attacker);
			set_user_frags(attacker, iFrags + 1);
			//Kill the victim and block the messages
			//user_kill removes a frag, this gives it back
			iFrags2 = get_user_frags(id);
			set_user_frags(id, iFrags2 + 1);
			//Replaced HUD death message
			message_begin(MSG_ALL, g_msgDeath,{0,0,0},0);
			//Update killers scorboard with new info
			message_begin(MSG_ALL, g_msgScoreInfo);
			//Update victims scoreboard with correct info
			message_begin(MSG_ALL, g_msgScoreInfo);
			new szName[32], szName1[32];
			get_user_name(id, szName, 31);
			get_user_name(attacker, szName1, 31);
	public Task_RemoveAdrenaline( iTaskID )
		new id = iTaskID - TASK_ADRENALINE;
		g_bAdrenalineActive[ id ] = false;
		if( is_user_alive( id ) )
			set_user_maxspeed( id, 0.0 );
	public Forward_AddToFullPack_Post( es, e, iEntity, iHost, iHostFlags, iPlayer, pSet )
		if( is_user_alive( iEntity ) && is_user_alive( iHost ) && cs_get_user_team( iEntity ) == TEAM_NC && cs_get_user_team( iHost ) == TEAM_HUMAN )
			set_es( es, ES_RenderMode, kRenderTransAdd );
			if( g_bVisible[ iEntity ] )
				set_es( es, ES_RenderAmt, 255 );
			else set_es( es, ES_RenderAmt, 0 );

		for( new i = 1; i <= g_iMaxPlayers; i++ )
			if( !is_user_connected( i ) )
			g_iTeamCount[ cs_get_user_team( i ) ]++;
	// Credits to NiHiLaNTh
	TeleportPlayer( iPlayer )
		new Float:vOrigin[ 3 ], Float:vViewOfs[ 3 ];
		pev( iPlayer, pev_origin, vOrigin );
		pev( iPlayer, pev_view_ofs, vViewOfs );
		xs_vec_add( vOrigin, vViewOfs, vOrigin );
		new Float:vViewAngle[ 3 ];
		pev( iPlayer, pev_v_angle, vViewAngle );
		new Float:vAimVector[ 3 ];
		angle_vector( vViewAngle, ANGLEVECTOR_FORWARD, vAimVector );
		xs_vec_normalize( vAimVector, vAimVector );
		xs_vec_mul_scalar( vAimVector, 9999.0, vAimVector );
		engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vAimVector, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
		get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vAimVector );
		get_tr2( 0, TR_vecPlaneNormal, vOrigin );
		xs_vec_normalize( vOrigin, vOrigin );
		xs_vec_mul_scalar( vOrigin, 36.0, vOrigin );
		xs_vec_add( vAimVector, vOrigin, vOrigin );
		new bool:bDucking = false;
		if( trace_hull( vOrigin, HULL_HUMAN, iPlayer ) )
			if( !trace_hull( vOrigin, HULL_HEAD, iPlayer ) )
				bDucking = true;
				// player cannot duck or stand clearly, so try to move the origin so player can
				new iResetCount;
				if( ++iResetCount > 4 )
					// too many tries to find a good origin. just set to fail.
					client_print( iPlayer, print_center, "You cannot teleport there! You will be stuck!" );
					return 0;
				for( new i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
					switch( i )
						case 0:
							// check above x
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 0 ] += 16.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
								vOrigin[ 0 ] = vViewOfs[ 0 ] - 16.0;
								goto test_new_origin;
						case 1:
							// check below x
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 0 ] -= 16.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
								vOrigin[ 0 ] = vViewOfs[ 0 ] + 16.0;
								goto test_new_origin;
						case 2:
							// check above y
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 1 ] += 16.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
								vOrigin[ 1 ] = vViewOfs[ 1 ] - 16.0;
								goto test_new_origin;
						case 3:
							// check below y
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 1 ] -= 16.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
								vOrigin[ 1 ] = vViewOfs[ 1 ] + 16.0;
								goto test_new_origin;
						case 4:
							// check above z
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 2 ] += 36.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
								vViewOfs[ 2 ] += 18.0;
								engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
								get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
								if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
									get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
									vOrigin[ 2 ] = vViewOfs[ 2 ] - 36.0;
									goto test_new_origin;
								bDucking = true;
						case 5:
							// check below z
							xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
							vViewOfs[ 2 ] -= 36.0;
							engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
							get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
							if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
								xs_vec_copy( vOrigin, vViewOfs );
								vViewOfs[ 2 ] -= 18.0;
								engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vViewOfs, 0, iPlayer, 0 );
								get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, vViewOfs[ 0 ] );
								if( vViewOfs[ 0 ] != 1.0 )
									get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vViewOfs );
									vOrigin[ 2 ] = vViewOfs[ 2 ] + 36.0;
									goto test_new_origin;
								bDucking = true;
		if( engfunc( EngFunc_PointContents, vOrigin ) != CONTENTS_EMPTY )
			client_print( iPlayer, print_center, "You can't teleport there!" );
			return 0;
		if( bDucking )
			set_pev( iPlayer, pev_flags, pev( iPlayer, pev_flags ) | FL_DUCKING );
			engfunc( EngFunc_SetSize, iPlayer, Float:{ -16.0, -16.0, -18.0 }, Float:{ 16.0, 16.0, 18.0 } );
		engfunc( EngFunc_SetOrigin, iPlayer, vOrigin );
		return 1;
nu vreau sa copiez
A k c 3 n 7 wrote:cam asa
| Afiseaza codul
#include < amxmodx >
#include < fun >
#include < cstrike >


public plugin_init( ) {
        register_plugin( "Knife Speed", "1.0", "A k c 3 n 7" );
	register_event( "CurWeapon","CheckWeapon","be","1=1" );

public CheckWeapon( id ) {
	new Weapon;

	Weapon = get_user_weapon(id);
	if( Weapon == CSW_KNIFE ) {
		if( is_user_connected( id ) && get_user_flags( id ) & VIP_FLAG ) {
		//    set_user_maxspeed(id, 350.0 );
                      set_user_rendering( id, kRenderFxNone, 0, 0, 0, kRenderTransTexture, 0 );
asa am si eu doar ca nu e cu new weapon si e cu get_user_weapon ZM CSO server in working..
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