Cerere plugin VIP cu arme GOLD

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30 Nov 2018, 11:18

Plugin Cerut: VIP cu arme GOLD
Descriere (adica ce face el mai exact): Salutare!
Aș dori un plugin VIP pentru modul clasic cu următoarele beneficii:

1) Meniu cu arme (rundă de rundă)
a) M4A1 + Deagle (GOLD)
b) AK47 + Deagle (GOLD)
c) AWP + Deagle (GOLD)
* Modelele le am eu.

2) Grenade gratuite (rundă de rundă)
3) Să aibe tag „VIP” acolo unde arată scorul, decese etc.
4) Să se deschidă un motd (.html) cu detalii despre VIP. Motd-ul îl fac eu, verau doar să adăugați comanda ca atunci când dau /vipinfo să se deschidă motd-ul.

Serverul ruleaza (HLDS/ReHLDS): reHLDS
Versiune AMX Mod X: -
Modul Serverului: -

P.S: Am tot căutat dar nu am găsit ceea ce vreau eu. Țin foarte mult să am plugin VIP cu arme gold. Dacă e să nu fi văzut ceva lăsați un reply cu link și mă uit. :)

Thanks! :ok_hand_tone2:
Last edited by Rainq on 11 Jan 2019, 17:56, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Editat dupa model
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03 Dec 2018, 18:53


Daca vrea cineva sa-ti puna armele gold.

Sunt sigur ca este undeva pe forum un plugin exact cu ce ai cerut tu. Facut de mine si altele. Cauta pe la mine prin posturile vechi daca ai timp ca-s 99% sigur ca am facut asa ceva pe undeva. Eu n-am timp sa caut.
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04 Dec 2018, 02:53

Testeaza | Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <fakemeta_util>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <cstrike>

#define PLUGIN "VIP"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR "Truth*"

#define SCOREATTRIB_DEAD    ( 1 << 0 )
#define SCOREATTRIB_BOMB    ( 1 << 1 )
#define SCOREATTRIB_VIP  ( 1 << 2 )


new const vGoldenAk[ 64 ] = "models/v_golden_ak47.mdl";
new const pGoldenAk[ 64 ] = "models/p_golden_ak47.mdl";

new const vGoldenM4[ 64 ] = "models/v_golden_m4a1.mdl";
new const pGoldenM4[ 64 ] = "models/p_golden_m4a1.mdl";

new const vGoldenAWP[ 64 ] = "models/v_golden_mp5.mdl";
new const pGoldenAWP[ 64 ] = "models/p_golden_mp5.mdl";

new const vGDeagle[ 64 ] = "models//v_golden_deagle.mdl";
new const pGDeagle[ 64 ] = "models/p_golden_deagle.mdl";

new bool: HaveWeapon[ 33 ];
new bool: AreGoldenAK[ 33 ];
new bool: AreGoldenM4[ 33 ];
new bool: AreGoldenAWP[ 33 ];
new bool: AreGoldenD[ 33 ];

public plugin_init() {
	register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
	register_event( "CurWeapon", "CurrWeapon", "be", "1=1" );
	RegisterHam( Ham_Spawn, "player", "Spawn", true );
	register_clcmd( "say_team /vipmenu", "VipMenu" );
	register_clcmd( "say_team /vipinfo", "VipMOTD" );
	register_message( get_user_msgid( "ScoreAttrib" ), "MessageScoreAttrib" );
	// Add your code here...

public VipMOTD(id)	show_motd(id, "addons/amxmodx/configs/vip.html", "VIP");

public plugin_precache( ) 
	//-- | Arme Gold | --//
	precache_model( vGoldenAk );
	precache_model( pGoldenAk );
	precache_model( vGoldenM4 );
	precache_model( pGoldenM4 );
	precache_model( vGoldenAWP );
	precache_model( pGoldenAWP );
	precache_model( vGDeagle );
	precache_model( pGDeagle );

public Spawn ( id )
	AreGoldenAK[ id ] = false;
	AreGoldenM4[ id ] = false;
	AreGoldenAWP[ id ] = false;
	HaveWeapon[ id ] = false;
	AreGoldenD[ id ] = false;
	if( is_user_alive(id) && get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS )
		fm_give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
		fm_give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
		fm_give_item( id, "weapon_smokegrenade" );

public CurrWeapon ( id ) {
	new Arma = read_data( 2 )
	if( Arma == CSW_AK47 && AreGoldenAK[ id ] ) 
		set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, vGoldenAk )
		set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, pGoldenAk )
	if( Arma == CSW_M4A1 && AreGoldenM4[ id ] ) 
		set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, vGoldenM4 )
		set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, pGoldenM4 )
	if( Arma == CSW_AWP && AreGoldenAWP[ id ] ) 
		set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, vGoldenAWP )
		set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, pGoldenAWP )
	if ( Arma == CSW_DEAGLE && AreGoldenD [ id ] ) {
		set_pev ( id, pev_viewmodel2, vGDeagle );
		set_pev ( id, pev_weaponmodel2, pGDeagle );

public VipMenuCMD( id ) {
	new MeniuVIP = menu_create( "\r* V.I.P. * \yMenu", "VipMenuCMDHandler" )
	if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS )
		menu_additem( MeniuVIP, "\yGolden [\r AK47\y ] ", "1", 0 )
		menu_additem( MeniuVIP, "\yGolden [\r AK47\y ] - \d( Only VIP )", "1", 0 )
	if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS )
		menu_additem( MeniuVIP, "\yGolden [\r M4A1\y ] ", "2", 0 )
		menu_additem( MeniuVIP, "\yGolden [\r M4A1\y ] - \d( Only VIP )", "2", 0 )
	if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS )
		menu_additem( MeniuVIP, "\yGolden [\r AWP\y ] ", "3", 0 )
		menu_additem( MeniuVIP, "\yGolden [\r AWP\y ] - \d( Only VIP )", "3", 0 )
	menu_setprop( MeniuVIP, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL )
	menu_display( id, MeniuVIP, 0 )

public VipMenuCMDHandler( id, MeniuVIP, item ) 
	if( !is_user_alive( id ) ) 
		ColorChat( id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Nu poti accesa meniul cand esti mort!" )
	if( item == MENU_EXIT ) 
		menu_destroy( MeniuVIP )
	switch( item ) 
		case 0 : 
			if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS )
				fm_give_item(id, "weapon_knife");
				fm_give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
				fm_give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
				fm_give_item( id, "weapon_smokegrenade" );
				fm_give_item(id, "weapon_deagle");
				cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 70 );
				fm_give_item(id, "weapon_ak47" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_AK47, 90 );
				set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, vGoldenAk );
				set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, pGoldenAk );
				HaveWeapon[ id ] = true;
				AreGoldenAK[ id ] = true;
				AreGoldenM4[ id ] = false;
				AreGoldenAWP[ id ] = false;
				AreGoldenD[ id ] = true;
				CurrWeapon( id );
				ColorChat(id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Nu ai acces la acest meniu !" );
		case 1 : 
			if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS )
				fm_give_item(id, "weapon_knife");
				fm_give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
				fm_give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
				fm_give_item( id, "weapon_smokegrenade" );
				fm_give_item(id, "weapon_deagle");
				cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 70 );
				fm_give_item(id, "weapon_m4a1");
				cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_M4A1, 90 );
				set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, vGoldenM4 );
				set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, pGoldenM4 );
				HaveWeapon[ id ] = true;
				AreGoldenAK[ id ] = false;
				AreGoldenM4[ id ] = true;
				AreGoldenAWP[ id ] = false;
				AreGoldenD[ id ] = true;
				CurrWeapon( id );
				ColorChat(id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Nu ai acces la acest meniu !" );
		case 2 : 
			if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS )
				fm_give_item(id, "weapon_knife");
				fm_give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
				fm_give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
				fm_give_item( id, "weapon_smokegrenade" );
				fm_give_item(id, "weapon_deagle");
				cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 70 );
				fm_give_item(id, "weapon_mp5navy");
				cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_AWP, 90 );
				set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, vGoldenAWP );
				set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, pGoldenAWP );
				HaveWeapon[ id ] = true;
				AreGoldenAK[ id ] = false;
				AreGoldenM4[ id ] = false;
				AreGoldenAWP[ id ] = true;
				AreGoldenD[ id ] = true;
				CurrWeapon( id );
				ColorChat(id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Nu ai acces la acest meniu !" );
	menu_destroy( MeniuVIP )

public VipMenu( id ) 
	if( !is_user_alive( id ) ) 
		ColorChat( id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Nu poti accesa meniul cand esti mort !" );
	if( HaveWeapon[ id ] ) 
		ColorChat( id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Ti-ai ales deja arma pe runda aceasta." );
	VipMenuCMD( id );

public MessageScoreAttrib( iMsgID, iDest, iReceiver ) {
	new iPlayer = get_msg_arg_int( 1 );
	if( is_user_connected( iPlayer ) && ( get_user_flags( iPlayer ) & VIP_ACCESS ) ) 
		set_msg_arg_int( 2, ARG_BYTE, is_user_alive( iPlayer ) ? SCOREATTRIB_VIP : SCOREATTRIB_DEAD );

stock ColorChat(const id, const input[], any:...) {
	new count = 1, players[32];
	static msg[191];
	vformat(msg, 190, input, 3);
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!x04", "^4");
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!x01", "^1");
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!x03", "^3");
	if(id) players[0] = id;
	else get_players(players, count, "ch"); {
		for(new i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			if(is_user_connected(players)) {
				message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players);
P.S.: Netestat = Nu am avut timp să mă uit atent peste cod. Deci ceea ce am scris este posibil să fie greşit sau să aibă erori.

If i helped you and you wanna thank me, you can donate at this link : here
This will motivate me to help you in the future.
[If you want a private plugin send me a PM.(No complex plugins please, I am a student and I don't have the time to make those)]
Utilizator neserios
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Utilizator neserios
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Has thanked: 40 times
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04 Dec 2018, 03:41

Truth* wrote:
Testeaza | Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <fakemeta_util>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <cstrike>

#define PLUGIN "VIP"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR "Truth*"

#define SCOREATTRIB_DEAD    ( 1 << 0 )
#define SCOREATTRIB_BOMB    ( 1 << 1 )
#define SCOREATTRIB_VIP  ( 1 << 2 )


new const vGoldenAk[ 64 ] = "models/v_golden_ak47.mdl";
new const pGoldenAk[ 64 ] = "models/p_golden_ak47.mdl";

new const vGoldenM4[ 64 ] = "models/v_golden_m4a1.mdl";
new const pGoldenM4[ 64 ] = "models/p_golden_m4a1.mdl";

new const vGoldenAWP[ 64 ] = "models/v_golden_mp5.mdl";
new const pGoldenAWP[ 64 ] = "models/p_golden_mp5.mdl";

new const vGDeagle[ 64 ] = "models//v_golden_deagle.mdl";
new const pGDeagle[ 64 ] = "models/p_golden_deagle.mdl";

new bool: HaveWeapon[ 33 ];
new bool: AreGoldenAK[ 33 ];
new bool: AreGoldenM4[ 33 ];
new bool: AreGoldenAWP[ 33 ];
new bool: AreGoldenD[ 33 ];

public plugin_init() {
	register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
	register_event( "CurWeapon", "CurrWeapon", "be", "1=1" );
	RegisterHam( Ham_Spawn, "player", "Spawn", true );
	register_clcmd( "say_team /vipmenu", "VipMenu" );
	register_clcmd( "say_team /vipinfo", "VipMOTD" );
	register_message( get_user_msgid( "ScoreAttrib" ), "MessageScoreAttrib" );
	// Add your code here...

public VipMOTD(id)	show_motd(id, "addons/amxmodx/configs/vip.html", "VIP");

public plugin_precache( ) 
	//-- | Arme Gold | --//
	precache_model( vGoldenAk );
	precache_model( pGoldenAk );
	precache_model( vGoldenM4 );
	precache_model( pGoldenM4 );
	precache_model( vGoldenAWP );
	precache_model( pGoldenAWP );
	precache_model( vGDeagle );
	precache_model( pGDeagle );

public Spawn ( id )
	AreGoldenAK[ id ] = false;
	AreGoldenM4[ id ] = false;
	AreGoldenAWP[ id ] = false;
	HaveWeapon[ id ] = false;
	AreGoldenD[ id ] = false;
	if( is_user_alive(id) && get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS )
		fm_give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
		fm_give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
		fm_give_item( id, "weapon_smokegrenade" );

public CurrWeapon ( id ) {
	new Arma = read_data( 2 )
	if( Arma == CSW_AK47 && AreGoldenAK[ id ] ) 
		set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, vGoldenAk )
		set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, pGoldenAk )
	if( Arma == CSW_M4A1 && AreGoldenM4[ id ] ) 
		set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, vGoldenM4 )
		set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, pGoldenM4 )
	if( Arma == CSW_AWP && AreGoldenAWP[ id ] ) 
		set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, vGoldenAWP )
		set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, pGoldenAWP )
	if ( Arma == CSW_DEAGLE && AreGoldenD [ id ] ) {
		set_pev ( id, pev_viewmodel2, vGDeagle );
		set_pev ( id, pev_weaponmodel2, pGDeagle );

public VipMenuCMD( id ) {
	new MeniuVIP = menu_create( "\r* V.I.P. * \yMenu", "VipMenuCMDHandler" )
	if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS )
		menu_additem( MeniuVIP, "\yGolden [\r AK47\y ] ", "1", 0 )
		menu_additem( MeniuVIP, "\yGolden [\r AK47\y ] - \d( Only VIP )", "1", 0 )
	if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS )
		menu_additem( MeniuVIP, "\yGolden [\r M4A1\y ] ", "2", 0 )
		menu_additem( MeniuVIP, "\yGolden [\r M4A1\y ] - \d( Only VIP )", "2", 0 )
	if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS )
		menu_additem( MeniuVIP, "\yGolden [\r AWP\y ] ", "3", 0 )
		menu_additem( MeniuVIP, "\yGolden [\r AWP\y ] - \d( Only VIP )", "3", 0 )
	menu_setprop( MeniuVIP, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL )
	menu_display( id, MeniuVIP, 0 )

public VipMenuCMDHandler( id, MeniuVIP, item ) 
	if( !is_user_alive( id ) ) 
		ColorChat( id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Nu poti accesa meniul cand esti mort!" )
	if( item == MENU_EXIT ) 
		menu_destroy( MeniuVIP )
	switch( item ) 
		case 0 : 
			if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS )
				fm_give_item(id, "weapon_knife");
				fm_give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
				fm_give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
				fm_give_item( id, "weapon_smokegrenade" );
				fm_give_item(id, "weapon_deagle");
				cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 70 );
				fm_give_item(id, "weapon_ak47" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_AK47, 90 );
				set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, vGoldenAk );
				set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, pGoldenAk );
				HaveWeapon[ id ] = true;
				AreGoldenAK[ id ] = true;
				AreGoldenM4[ id ] = false;
				AreGoldenAWP[ id ] = false;
				AreGoldenD[ id ] = true;
				CurrWeapon( id );
				ColorChat(id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Nu ai acces la acest meniu !" );
		case 1 : 
			if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS )
				fm_give_item(id, "weapon_knife");
				fm_give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
				fm_give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
				fm_give_item( id, "weapon_smokegrenade" );
				fm_give_item(id, "weapon_deagle");
				cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 70 );
				fm_give_item(id, "weapon_m4a1");
				cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_M4A1, 90 );
				set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, vGoldenM4 );
				set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, pGoldenM4 );
				HaveWeapon[ id ] = true;
				AreGoldenAK[ id ] = false;
				AreGoldenM4[ id ] = true;
				AreGoldenAWP[ id ] = false;
				AreGoldenD[ id ] = true;
				CurrWeapon( id );
				ColorChat(id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Nu ai acces la acest meniu !" );
		case 2 : 
			if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS )
				fm_give_item(id, "weapon_knife");
				fm_give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
				fm_give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
				fm_give_item( id, "weapon_smokegrenade" );
				fm_give_item(id, "weapon_deagle");
				cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 70 );
				fm_give_item(id, "weapon_mp5navy");
				cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_AWP, 90 );
				set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, vGoldenAWP );
				set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, pGoldenAWP );
				HaveWeapon[ id ] = true;
				AreGoldenAK[ id ] = false;
				AreGoldenM4[ id ] = false;
				AreGoldenAWP[ id ] = true;
				AreGoldenD[ id ] = true;
				CurrWeapon( id );
				ColorChat(id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Nu ai acces la acest meniu !" );
	menu_destroy( MeniuVIP )

public VipMenu( id ) 
	if( !is_user_alive( id ) ) 
		ColorChat( id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Nu poti accesa meniul cand esti mort !" );
	if( HaveWeapon[ id ] ) 
		ColorChat( id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Ti-ai ales deja arma pe runda aceasta." );
	VipMenuCMD( id );

public MessageScoreAttrib( iMsgID, iDest, iReceiver ) {
	new iPlayer = get_msg_arg_int( 1 );
	if( is_user_connected( iPlayer ) && ( get_user_flags( iPlayer ) & VIP_ACCESS ) ) 
		set_msg_arg_int( 2, ARG_BYTE, is_user_alive( iPlayer ) ? SCOREATTRIB_VIP : SCOREATTRIB_DEAD );

stock ColorChat(const id, const input[], any:...) {
	new count = 1, players[32];
	static msg[191];
	vformat(msg, 190, input, 3);
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!x04", "^4");
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!x01", "^1");
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!x03", "^3");
	if(id) players[0] = id;
	else get_players(players, count, "ch"); {
		for(new i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			if(is_user_connected(players)) {
				message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players);

mai bine asa | Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <fakemeta_util>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <cstrike>

#define PLUGIN "VIP"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR "Truth*/Filip" 


new const Models[][] = {

new HaveWeapon[ 33 ] = 0

public plugin_init() {
	register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
	register_event( "CurWeapon", "CurrWeapon", "be", "1=1" );
	RegisterHam( Ham_Spawn, "player", "Spawn", true );
	register_clcmd( "say_team /vipmenu", "VipMenu" );
	register_clcmd( "say_team /vipinfo", "VipMOTD" );
	register_message( get_user_msgid( "ScoreAttrib" ), "MessageScoreAttrib" );
	// Add your code here...

public VipMOTD(id)	show_motd(id, "addons/amxmodx/configs/vip.html", "VIP");

public plugin_precache( ) 
	for(new i = 0; i < sizeof Models; i++) precache_model(Models) 

public Spawn ( id )
	HaveWeapon[ id ] = 0
	if( is_user_alive(id) && get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS )
		fm_give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
		fm_give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
		fm_give_item( id, "weapon_smokegrenade" );

public CurrWeapon ( id ) {
	new Arma = read_data( 2 )
	if( Arma == CSW_AK47 && HaveWeapon[ id ] == 1 ) 
		set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, Models[0] )
		set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, Models[1] )
	if( Arma == CSW_M4A1 && HaveWeapon[ id ] == 2 ) 
		set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, Models[2] )
		set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, Models[3] )
	if( Arma == CSW_AWP && HaveWeapon[ id ] == 3 ) 
		set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, Models[4] )
		set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, Models[5] )
	if ( Arma == CSW_DEAGLE && HaveWeapon[ id ] != 0 ) {
		set_pev ( id, pev_viewmodel2, Models[6] );
		set_pev ( id, pev_weaponmodel2, Models[7] );

public VipMenuCMD( id ) {
	new MeniuVIP = menu_create( "\r* V.I.P. * \yMenu", "VipMenuCMDHandler" )

	new gString[256]
	formatex(gString, 100, "%sGolden [\r AK47\y ]", ((get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS) ? "\y" : "\d")), menu_additem( MeniuVIP, gString, "1", 0 )  
	formatex(gString, 100, "%sGolden [\r M4A1\y ]", ((get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS) ? "\y" : "\d")), menu_additem( MeniuVIP, gString, "2", 0 )  
	formatex(gString, 100, "%sGolden [\r AWP\y ]", ((get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS) ? "\y" : "\d")), menu_additem( MeniuVIP, gString, "3", 0 )   
	menu_setprop( MeniuVIP, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL )
	menu_display( id, MeniuVIP, 0 )

public VipMenuCMDHandler( id, MeniuVIP, item ) 
	if( !is_user_alive( id ) ) 
		ColorChat( id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Nu poti accesa meniul cand esti mort!" )
	if( item == MENU_EXIT ) {
		menu_destroy( MeniuVIP )

	if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS) return ColorChat(id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Nu ai acces la acest meniu !" );
	switch( item ) 
		case 0 : 
			fm_give_item(id, "weapon_ak47" );
			cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_AK47, 90 );   
		case 1 : 
			fm_give_item(id, "weapon_m4a1");
			cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_M4A1, 90 );   
		case 2 : 
			fm_give_item(id, "weapon_mp5navy");
			cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_AWP, 90 );   

	fm_give_item(id, "weapon_knife");
	fm_give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
	fm_give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
	fm_give_item( id, "weapon_smokegrenade" );
	fm_give_item(id, "weapon_deagle");
	cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 70 ); 
	CurrWeapon( id ); 
	HaveWeapon[ id ] = item+1

	menu_destroy( MeniuVIP )

public VipMenu( id ) 
	if( !is_user_alive( id ) ) return ColorChat( id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Nu poti accesa meniul cand esti mort !" ); 
	if( HaveWeapon[ id ] != 0 ) return ColorChat( id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Ti-ai ales deja arma pe runda aceasta." );

	VipMenuCMD( id );

	return true

public MessageScoreAttrib( iMsgID, iDest, iReceiver ) {
	new iPlayer = get_msg_arg_int( 1 );
	if( is_user_connected( iPlayer ) && ( get_user_flags( iPlayer ) & VIP_ACCESS ) ) 
		set_msg_arg_int( 2, ARG_BYTE, is_user_alive( iPlayer ) ? ( 1 << 2 ) : ( 1 << 0 ) );

stock ColorChat(const id, const input[], any:...) {
	new count = 1, players[32];
	static msg[191];
	vformat(msg, 190, input, 3);
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!x04", "^4");
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!x01", "^1");
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!x03", "^3");
	if(id) players[0] = id;
	else get_players(players, count, "ch"); {
		for(new i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			if(is_user_connected(players)) {
				message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players);

	return true
https://discord.gg/VABVdhXMrK ZM CSO server in working..
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Membru, skill 0
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11 Jan 2019, 02:38

Diversity wrote:
Truth* wrote:
Testeaza | Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <fakemeta_util>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <cstrike>

#define PLUGIN "VIP"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR "Truth*"

#define SCOREATTRIB_DEAD    ( 1 << 0 )
#define SCOREATTRIB_BOMB    ( 1 << 1 )
#define SCOREATTRIB_VIP  ( 1 << 2 )


new const vGoldenAk[ 64 ] = "models/v_golden_ak47.mdl";
new const pGoldenAk[ 64 ] = "models/p_golden_ak47.mdl";

new const vGoldenM4[ 64 ] = "models/v_golden_m4a1.mdl";
new const pGoldenM4[ 64 ] = "models/p_golden_m4a1.mdl";

new const vGoldenAWP[ 64 ] = "models/v_golden_mp5.mdl";
new const pGoldenAWP[ 64 ] = "models/p_golden_mp5.mdl";

new const vGDeagle[ 64 ] = "models//v_golden_deagle.mdl";
new const pGDeagle[ 64 ] = "models/p_golden_deagle.mdl";

new bool: HaveWeapon[ 33 ];
new bool: AreGoldenAK[ 33 ];
new bool: AreGoldenM4[ 33 ];
new bool: AreGoldenAWP[ 33 ];
new bool: AreGoldenD[ 33 ];

public plugin_init() {
	register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
	register_event( "CurWeapon", "CurrWeapon", "be", "1=1" );
	RegisterHam( Ham_Spawn, "player", "Spawn", true );
	register_clcmd( "say_team /vipmenu", "VipMenu" );
	register_clcmd( "say_team /vipinfo", "VipMOTD" );
	register_message( get_user_msgid( "ScoreAttrib" ), "MessageScoreAttrib" );
	// Add your code here...

public VipMOTD(id)	show_motd(id, "addons/amxmodx/configs/vip.html", "VIP");

public plugin_precache( ) 
	//-- | Arme Gold | --//
	precache_model( vGoldenAk );
	precache_model( pGoldenAk );
	precache_model( vGoldenM4 );
	precache_model( pGoldenM4 );
	precache_model( vGoldenAWP );
	precache_model( pGoldenAWP );
	precache_model( vGDeagle );
	precache_model( pGDeagle );

public Spawn ( id )
	AreGoldenAK[ id ] = false;
	AreGoldenM4[ id ] = false;
	AreGoldenAWP[ id ] = false;
	HaveWeapon[ id ] = false;
	AreGoldenD[ id ] = false;
	if( is_user_alive(id) && get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS )
		fm_give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
		fm_give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
		fm_give_item( id, "weapon_smokegrenade" );

public CurrWeapon ( id ) {
	new Arma = read_data( 2 )
	if( Arma == CSW_AK47 && AreGoldenAK[ id ] ) 
		set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, vGoldenAk )
		set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, pGoldenAk )
	if( Arma == CSW_M4A1 && AreGoldenM4[ id ] ) 
		set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, vGoldenM4 )
		set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, pGoldenM4 )
	if( Arma == CSW_AWP && AreGoldenAWP[ id ] ) 
		set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, vGoldenAWP )
		set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, pGoldenAWP )
	if ( Arma == CSW_DEAGLE && AreGoldenD [ id ] ) {
		set_pev ( id, pev_viewmodel2, vGDeagle );
		set_pev ( id, pev_weaponmodel2, pGDeagle );

public VipMenuCMD( id ) {
	new MeniuVIP = menu_create( "\r* V.I.P. * \yMenu", "VipMenuCMDHandler" )
	if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS )
		menu_additem( MeniuVIP, "\yGolden [\r AK47\y ] ", "1", 0 )
		menu_additem( MeniuVIP, "\yGolden [\r AK47\y ] - \d( Only VIP )", "1", 0 )
	if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS )
		menu_additem( MeniuVIP, "\yGolden [\r M4A1\y ] ", "2", 0 )
		menu_additem( MeniuVIP, "\yGolden [\r M4A1\y ] - \d( Only VIP )", "2", 0 )
	if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS )
		menu_additem( MeniuVIP, "\yGolden [\r AWP\y ] ", "3", 0 )
		menu_additem( MeniuVIP, "\yGolden [\r AWP\y ] - \d( Only VIP )", "3", 0 )
	menu_setprop( MeniuVIP, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL )
	menu_display( id, MeniuVIP, 0 )

public VipMenuCMDHandler( id, MeniuVIP, item ) 
	if( !is_user_alive( id ) ) 
		ColorChat( id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Nu poti accesa meniul cand esti mort!" )
	if( item == MENU_EXIT ) 
		menu_destroy( MeniuVIP )
	switch( item ) 
		case 0 : 
			if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS )
				fm_give_item(id, "weapon_knife");
				fm_give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
				fm_give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
				fm_give_item( id, "weapon_smokegrenade" );
				fm_give_item(id, "weapon_deagle");
				cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 70 );
				fm_give_item(id, "weapon_ak47" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_AK47, 90 );
				set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, vGoldenAk );
				set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, pGoldenAk );
				HaveWeapon[ id ] = true;
				AreGoldenAK[ id ] = true;
				AreGoldenM4[ id ] = false;
				AreGoldenAWP[ id ] = false;
				AreGoldenD[ id ] = true;
				CurrWeapon( id );
				ColorChat(id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Nu ai acces la acest meniu !" );
		case 1 : 
			if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS )
				fm_give_item(id, "weapon_knife");
				fm_give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
				fm_give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
				fm_give_item( id, "weapon_smokegrenade" );
				fm_give_item(id, "weapon_deagle");
				cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 70 );
				fm_give_item(id, "weapon_m4a1");
				cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_M4A1, 90 );
				set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, vGoldenM4 );
				set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, pGoldenM4 );
				HaveWeapon[ id ] = true;
				AreGoldenAK[ id ] = false;
				AreGoldenM4[ id ] = true;
				AreGoldenAWP[ id ] = false;
				AreGoldenD[ id ] = true;
				CurrWeapon( id );
				ColorChat(id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Nu ai acces la acest meniu !" );
		case 2 : 
			if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS )
				fm_give_item(id, "weapon_knife");
				fm_give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
				fm_give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
				fm_give_item( id, "weapon_smokegrenade" );
				fm_give_item(id, "weapon_deagle");
				cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 70 );
				fm_give_item(id, "weapon_mp5navy");
				cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_AWP, 90 );
				set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, vGoldenAWP );
				set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, pGoldenAWP );
				HaveWeapon[ id ] = true;
				AreGoldenAK[ id ] = false;
				AreGoldenM4[ id ] = false;
				AreGoldenAWP[ id ] = true;
				AreGoldenD[ id ] = true;
				CurrWeapon( id );
				ColorChat(id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Nu ai acces la acest meniu !" );
	menu_destroy( MeniuVIP )

public VipMenu( id ) 
	if( !is_user_alive( id ) ) 
		ColorChat( id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Nu poti accesa meniul cand esti mort !" );
	if( HaveWeapon[ id ] ) 
		ColorChat( id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Ti-ai ales deja arma pe runda aceasta." );
	VipMenuCMD( id );

public MessageScoreAttrib( iMsgID, iDest, iReceiver ) {
	new iPlayer = get_msg_arg_int( 1 );
	if( is_user_connected( iPlayer ) && ( get_user_flags( iPlayer ) & VIP_ACCESS ) ) 
		set_msg_arg_int( 2, ARG_BYTE, is_user_alive( iPlayer ) ? SCOREATTRIB_VIP : SCOREATTRIB_DEAD );

stock ColorChat(const id, const input[], any:...) {
	new count = 1, players[32];
	static msg[191];
	vformat(msg, 190, input, 3);
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!x04", "^4");
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!x01", "^1");
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!x03", "^3");
	if(id) players[0] = id;
	else get_players(players, count, "ch"); {
		for(new i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			if(is_user_connected(players)) {
				message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players);

mai bine asa | Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <fakemeta_util>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <cstrike>

#define PLUGIN "VIP"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR "Truth*/Filip" 


new const Models[][] = {

new HaveWeapon[ 33 ] = 0

public plugin_init() {
	register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
	register_event( "CurWeapon", "CurrWeapon", "be", "1=1" );
	RegisterHam( Ham_Spawn, "player", "Spawn", true );
	register_clcmd( "say_team /vipmenu", "VipMenu" );
	register_clcmd( "say_team /vipinfo", "VipMOTD" );
	register_message( get_user_msgid( "ScoreAttrib" ), "MessageScoreAttrib" );
	// Add your code here...

public VipMOTD(id)	show_motd(id, "addons/amxmodx/configs/vip.html", "VIP");

public plugin_precache( ) 
	for(new i = 0; i < sizeof Models; i++) precache_model(Models) 

public Spawn ( id )
	HaveWeapon[ id ] = 0
	if( is_user_alive(id) && get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS )
		fm_give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
		fm_give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
		fm_give_item( id, "weapon_smokegrenade" );

public CurrWeapon ( id ) {
	new Arma = read_data( 2 )
	if( Arma == CSW_AK47 && HaveWeapon[ id ] == 1 ) 
		set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, Models[0] )
		set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, Models[1] )
	if( Arma == CSW_M4A1 && HaveWeapon[ id ] == 2 ) 
		set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, Models[2] )
		set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, Models[3] )
	if( Arma == CSW_AWP && HaveWeapon[ id ] == 3 ) 
		set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, Models[4] )
		set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, Models[5] )
	if ( Arma == CSW_DEAGLE && HaveWeapon[ id ] != 0 ) {
		set_pev ( id, pev_viewmodel2, Models[6] );
		set_pev ( id, pev_weaponmodel2, Models[7] );

public VipMenuCMD( id ) {
	new MeniuVIP = menu_create( "\r* V.I.P. * \yMenu", "VipMenuCMDHandler" )

	new gString[256]
	formatex(gString, 100, "%sGolden [\r AK47\y ]", ((get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS) ? "\y" : "\d")), menu_additem( MeniuVIP, gString, "1", 0 )  
	formatex(gString, 100, "%sGolden [\r M4A1\y ]", ((get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS) ? "\y" : "\d")), menu_additem( MeniuVIP, gString, "2", 0 )  
	formatex(gString, 100, "%sGolden [\r AWP\y ]", ((get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS) ? "\y" : "\d")), menu_additem( MeniuVIP, gString, "3", 0 )   
	menu_setprop( MeniuVIP, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL )
	menu_display( id, MeniuVIP, 0 )

public VipMenuCMDHandler( id, MeniuVIP, item ) 
	if( !is_user_alive( id ) ) 
		ColorChat( id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Nu poti accesa meniul cand esti mort!" )
	if( item == MENU_EXIT ) {
		menu_destroy( MeniuVIP )

	if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS) return ColorChat(id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Nu ai acces la acest meniu !" );
	switch( item ) 
		case 0 : 
			fm_give_item(id, "weapon_ak47" );
			cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_AK47, 90 );   
		case 1 : 
			fm_give_item(id, "weapon_m4a1");
			cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_M4A1, 90 );   
		case 2 : 
			fm_give_item(id, "weapon_mp5navy");
			cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_AWP, 90 );   

	fm_give_item(id, "weapon_knife");
	fm_give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
	fm_give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
	fm_give_item( id, "weapon_smokegrenade" );
	fm_give_item(id, "weapon_deagle");
	cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 70 ); 
	CurrWeapon( id ); 
	HaveWeapon[ id ] = item+1

	menu_destroy( MeniuVIP )

public VipMenu( id ) 
	if( !is_user_alive( id ) ) return ColorChat( id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Nu poti accesa meniul cand esti mort !" ); 
	if( HaveWeapon[ id ] != 0 ) return ColorChat( id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Ti-ai ales deja arma pe runda aceasta." );

	VipMenuCMD( id );

	return true

public MessageScoreAttrib( iMsgID, iDest, iReceiver ) {
	new iPlayer = get_msg_arg_int( 1 );
	if( is_user_connected( iPlayer ) && ( get_user_flags( iPlayer ) & VIP_ACCESS ) ) 
		set_msg_arg_int( 2, ARG_BYTE, is_user_alive( iPlayer ) ? ( 1 << 2 ) : ( 1 << 0 ) );

stock ColorChat(const id, const input[], any:...) {
	new count = 1, players[32];
	static msg[191];
	vformat(msg, 190, input, 3);
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!x04", "^4");
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!x01", "^1");
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!x03", "^3");
	if(id) players[0] = id;
	else get_players(players, count, "ch"); {
		for(new i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			if(is_user_connected(players)) {
				message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players);

	return true

[ Vip Menu ] Nu ai acces la acest meniu !
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Scripter eXtreamCS
Scripter eXtreamCS
Posts: 3850
Joined: 24 Aug 2011, 12:24
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Reputatie: Scripter eXtreamCS
Nume anterior: Adryyy
Location: ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ
Discord: devilclass
Has thanked: 36 times
Been thanked: 595 times

11 Jan 2019, 16:16

| Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <fakemeta_util>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <cstrike>

#define PLUGIN "VIP"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR "Truth*/Filip" 


new const Models[][] = {

new HaveWeapon[ 33 ] = 0

public plugin_init() {
	register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
	register_event( "CurWeapon", "CurrWeapon", "be", "1=1" );
	RegisterHam( Ham_Spawn, "player", "Spawn", true );
	register_clcmd( "say_team /vipmenu", "VipMenu" );
	register_clcmd( "say_team /vipinfo", "VipMOTD" );
	register_message( get_user_msgid( "ScoreAttrib" ), "MessageScoreAttrib" );
	// Add your code here...

public VipMOTD(id)	show_motd(id, "addons/amxmodx/configs/vip.html", "VIP");

public plugin_precache( ) 
	for(new i = 0; i < sizeof Models; i++) precache_model(Models) 

public Spawn ( id )
	HaveWeapon[ id ] = 0
	if( is_user_alive(id) && get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS )
		fm_give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
		fm_give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
		fm_give_item( id, "weapon_smokegrenade" );

public CurrWeapon ( id ) {
	new Arma = read_data( 2 )
	if( Arma == CSW_AK47 && HaveWeapon[ id ] == 1 ) 
		set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, Models[0] )
		set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, Models[1] )
	if( Arma == CSW_M4A1 && HaveWeapon[ id ] == 2 ) 
		set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, Models[2] )
		set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, Models[3] )
	if( Arma == CSW_AWP && HaveWeapon[ id ] == 3 ) 
		set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, Models[4] )
		set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, Models[5] )
	if ( Arma == CSW_DEAGLE && HaveWeapon[ id ] != 0 ) {
		set_pev ( id, pev_viewmodel2, Models[6] );
		set_pev ( id, pev_weaponmodel2, Models[7] );

public VipMenuCMD( id ) {
	new MeniuVIP = menu_create( "\r* V.I.P. * \yMenu", "VipMenuCMDHandler" )

	new gString[256]
	formatex(gString, 100, "%sGolden [\r AK47\y ]", ((get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS) ? "\y" : "\d")), menu_additem( MeniuVIP, gString, "1", 0 )  
	formatex(gString, 100, "%sGolden [\r M4A1\y ]", ((get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS) ? "\y" : "\d")), menu_additem( MeniuVIP, gString, "2", 0 )  
	formatex(gString, 100, "%sGolden [\r AWP\y ]", ((get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS) ? "\y" : "\d")), menu_additem( MeniuVIP, gString, "3", 0 )   
	menu_setprop( MeniuVIP, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL )
	menu_display( id, MeniuVIP, 0 )

public VipMenuCMDHandler( id, MeniuVIP, item ) 
	if( !is_user_alive( id ) ) 
		ColorChat( id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Nu poti accesa meniul cand esti mort!" )
	if( item == MENU_EXIT ) {
		menu_destroy( MeniuVIP )

	if(!(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_ACCESS)) return ColorChat(id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Nu ai acces la acest meniu !" );
	switch( item ) 
		case 0 : 
			fm_give_item(id, "weapon_ak47" );
			cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_AK47, 90 );   
		case 1 : 
			fm_give_item(id, "weapon_m4a1");
			cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_M4A1, 90 );   
		case 2 : 
			fm_give_item(id, "weapon_mp5navy");
			cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_AWP, 90 );   

	fm_give_item(id, "weapon_knife");
	fm_give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
	fm_give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
	fm_give_item( id, "weapon_smokegrenade" );
	fm_give_item(id, "weapon_deagle");
	cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 70 ); 
	CurrWeapon( id ); 
	HaveWeapon[ id ] = item+1

	menu_destroy( MeniuVIP )

public VipMenu( id ) 
	if( !is_user_alive( id ) ) return ColorChat( id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Nu poti accesa meniul cand esti mort !" ); 
	if( HaveWeapon[ id ] != 0 ) return ColorChat( id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Ti-ai ales deja arma pe runda aceasta." );

	VipMenuCMD( id );

	return true

public MessageScoreAttrib( iMsgID, iDest, iReceiver ) {
	new iPlayer = get_msg_arg_int( 1 );
	if( is_user_connected( iPlayer ) && ( get_user_flags( iPlayer ) & VIP_ACCESS ) ) 
		set_msg_arg_int( 2, ARG_BYTE, is_user_alive( iPlayer ) ? ( 1 << 2 ) : ( 1 << 0 ) );

stock ColorChat(const id, const input[], any:...) {
	new count = 1, players[32];
	static msg[191];
	vformat(msg, 190, input, 3);
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!x04", "^4");
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!x01", "^1");
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!x03", "^3");
	if(id) players[0] = id;
	else get_players(players, count, "ch"); {
		for(new i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			if(is_user_connected(players)) {
				message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players);

	return true
Nu îmi mai trimiteți PM pe forum! Nu merge să răspund
Pentru ajutor, faceți cerere bine detaliată, completând și respectând modelul corespunzător.
Nu-mi mai dați cereri doar pentru a mă avea în lista de prieteni.
Dacă te ajut, și mă ignori/etc > te adaug în „foe”.
Aveți grijă la cei ce încearcă să mă copieze sau să dea drept mine..Puteți lua legătura cu mine prin STEAM dacă aveți o problemă/nelămurire în acest caz! Cont de forum am doar aici.
În cazul în care utilizați ceva din ce am postat(ex: aici), e bine să fiți la curent cu modificările aduse și de aici, iar dacă sunt ceva probleme nu ezitați să luați legătura cu mine. Actualizarea unor coduri nu se vor afișa public, doar dacă se găsește ceva critic/urgent de remediat, unele fiind coduri vechi iar unele refăcute chiar recent dar private.
* Nume pe cs1.6: eVoLuTiOn \ Nume vechi: eVo
* Atelierul meu - post2819572.html#p2819572 (închis, click link ca să vedeți de ce)
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11 Jan 2019, 19:57

Imi da voie acum dar la meniu 1,2,3 imi apare decat skin de awp si atat , awp-ul nu pune zoom
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Scripter eXtreamCS
Scripter eXtreamCS
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12 Jan 2019, 00:13

| Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <fakemeta_util>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <cstrike>

#pragma tabsize 0

#define PLUGIN "VIP"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR "Truth*/Filip" 

#define is_user_vip(%0)		(get_user_flags(%0)&VIP_ACCESS)

new const Models[][] = {




new HaveWeapon[ 33 ] = 0

public plugin_init() {
   register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
   register_event( "CurWeapon", "CurrWeapon", "be", "1=1" );
   RegisterHam( Ham_Spawn, "player", "Spawn", true );
   register_clcmd( "say_team /vipmenu", "VipMenu" );
   register_clcmd( "say_team /vipinfo", "VipMOTD" );
   register_message( get_user_msgid( "ScoreAttrib" ), "MessageScoreAttrib" );
   // Add your code here...

public VipMOTD(id)   show_motd(id, "addons/amxmodx/configs/vip.html", "VIP");

public plugin_precache( )	for(new i; i < sizeof Models; i++) precache_model(Models)

public Spawn ( id )
   if( is_user_alive(id) && is_user_vip(id) )
   HaveWeapon[ id ] = 0
      fm_give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
      fm_give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
      fm_give_item( id, "weapon_smokegrenade" );

public CurrWeapon ( id ) {
   new Arma = read_data( 2 )
   if( Arma == CSW_AK47 && HaveWeapon[ id ] == 1 ) 
      set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, Models[0] )
      set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, Models[1] )
   if( Arma == CSW_M4A1 && HaveWeapon[ id ] == 2 ) 
      set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, Models[2] )
      set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, Models[3] )
   if( Arma == CSW_AWP && HaveWeapon[ id ] == 3 ) 
      set_pev( id, pev_viewmodel2, Models[4] )
      set_pev( id, pev_weaponmodel2, Models[5] )
   if ( Arma == CSW_DEAGLE && HaveWeapon[ id ] != 0 ) {
      set_pev ( id, pev_viewmodel2, Models[6] );
      set_pev ( id, pev_weaponmodel2, Models[7] );

public VipMenuCMD( id ) {
   new MeniuVIP = menu_create( "\r* V.I.P. * \yMenu", "VipMenuCMDHandler" )
   menu_additem( MeniuVIP, "AK47", "1" )  
   menu_additem( MeniuVIP, "M4A1", "2" )  
   menu_additem( MeniuVIP, "AWP", "3" )   
   menu_setprop( MeniuVIP, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL )
   menu_display( id, MeniuVIP, 0 )

public VipMenuCMDHandler( id, Menu, Item ) 
   if( !is_user_alive( id ) ) 
      ColorChat( id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Nu poti accesa meniul cand esti mort!" )
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED
   if( Item == MENU_EXIT||Item<0 ) {
      menu_destroy( Menu )
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED

	new Key[ 3 ],Access, CallBack;
	menu_item_getinfo( Menu, Item, Access, Key, 2, _, _, CallBack );
	new isKey = str_to_num( Key );
   switch( isKey )
      case 1 : 
         fm_give_item(id, "weapon_ak47" );
         cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_AK47, 90 );   
      case 2 : 
         fm_give_item(id, "weapon_m4a1");
         cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_M4A1, 90 );   
      case 3 : 
         fm_give_item(id, "weapon_mp5navy");
         cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_AWP, 90 );   

   fm_give_item(id, "weapon_knife");
   fm_give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
   fm_give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
   fm_give_item( id, "weapon_smokegrenade" );
   fm_give_item(id, "weapon_deagle");
   cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 70 ); 
   CurrWeapon( id ); 
   HaveWeapon[ id ] = isKey

   menu_destroy( Menu )

public VipMenu( id ) 
   if( !is_user_alive( id ) )
ColorChat( id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Nu poti accesa meniul cand esti mort !" ); 
   if( HaveWeapon[ id ] != 0 )
ColorChat( id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Ti-ai ales deja arma pe runda aceasta." );
ColorChat(id, "^x01[^x04 Vip Menu^x01 ] Nu ai acces la acest meniu !" );

   VipMenuCMD( id );


public MessageScoreAttrib( iMsgID, iDest, iReceiver ) {
   new iPlayer = get_msg_arg_int( 1 );
   if( is_user_connected( iPlayer ) && is_user_vip(iPlayer) ) 
      set_msg_arg_int( 2, ARG_BYTE, is_user_alive( iPlayer ) ? ( 1 << 2 ) : ( 1 << 0 ) );

stock ColorChat(const id, const input[], any:...) {
   new count = 1, players[32];
   static msg[191];
   vformat(msg, 190, input, 3);
   replace_all(msg, 190, "!x04", "^4");
   replace_all(msg, 190, "!x01", "^1");
   replace_all(msg, 190, "!x03", "^3");
   if(id) players[0] = id;
   else get_players(players, count, "ch"); {
      for(new i = 0; i < count; i++) {
         if(is_user_connected(players)) {
            message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players);
Nu îmi mai trimiteți PM pe forum! Nu merge să răspund
Pentru ajutor, faceți cerere bine detaliată, completând și respectând modelul corespunzător.
Nu-mi mai dați cereri doar pentru a mă avea în lista de prieteni.
Dacă te ajut, și mă ignori/etc > te adaug în „foe”.
Aveți grijă la cei ce încearcă să mă copieze sau să dea drept mine..Puteți lua legătura cu mine prin STEAM dacă aveți o problemă/nelămurire în acest caz! Cont de forum am doar aici.
În cazul în care utilizați ceva din ce am postat(ex: aici), e bine să fiți la curent cu modificările aduse și de aici, iar dacă sunt ceva probleme nu ezitați să luați legătura cu mine. Actualizarea unor coduri nu se vor afișa public, doar dacă se găsește ceva critic/urgent de remediat, unele fiind coduri vechi iar unele refăcute chiar recent dar private.
* Nume pe cs1.6: eVoLuTiOn \ Nume vechi: eVo
* Atelierul meu - post2819572.html#p2819572 (închis, click link ca să vedeți de ce)
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12 Jan 2019, 23:33

Acum imi da doar deagle !
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