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08 May 2019, 20:47

Ti-am specificat ca am 1.8.2 daca nu ai vazut+ te rog lasa fvault.inc( si lasa-mi ce sa scriu si in folderu.ini te rog)
RoyalServer 2
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08 May 2019, 20:57

Reycku wrote:
08 May 2019, 20:47
Ti-am specificat ca am 1.8.2 daca nu ai vazut+ te rog lasa fvault.inc( si lasa-mi ce sa scriu si in folderu.ini te rog)

Code: Select all

#if defined _file_vault_included

#define _file_vault_included

 * FVault was created by Exolent on 8/24/08
 * This vault system uses actual files and no modules
 * It is very flexible and has many features
 * Visit this page for more information: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=76453

#include <amxmodx>

stock const _vault_dir[] = "addons/amxmodx/data/file_vault";
stock const _temp_vault[] = "fvault_temp.txt";

 * Retrieves a key name specified by its number
 * @param vaultname	Vault name to look in
 * @param keynum	Key number within the vault to find key name
 * @param key		String which key name will be copied to
 * @param len		Length of key name
 * @return		Returns 1 on success, 0 on failue.
stock fvault_get_keyname(const vaultname[], const keynum, key[], len)
	new filename[128];
	_FormatVaultName(vaultname, filename, sizeof(filename) - 1);
	if( !file_exists(filename) )
		return 0;
	new vault = fopen(filename, "rt");
	new _data[64], _other[3];
	new line = -1;
	while( !feof(vault) )
		fgets(vault, _data, sizeof(_data) - 1);
		if( ++line == keynum )
			parse(_data, key, len, _other, sizeof(_other) - 1);
			return 1;
	return 0;

 * Retrieves a key number specified by its name
 * @param vaultname	Vault name to look in
 * @param key		Key name to search for
 * @return		Returns key number on success, -1 on failure
stock fvault_get_keynum(const vaultname[], const key[])
	new filename[128];
	_FormatVaultName(vaultname, filename, sizeof(filename) - 1);
	if( !file_exists(filename) )
		return -1;
	new vault = fopen(filename, "rt");
	new _data[70], _key[64], _other[3];
	new line = -1;
	while( !feof(vault) )
		fgets(vault, _data, sizeof(_data) - 1);
		parse(_data, _key, sizeof(_key) - 1, _other, sizeof(_other) - 1);
		if( equal(_key, key) )
			return line;
	return -1;

 * Retrieves data specified by a key
 * @param vaultname	Vault name to look in
 * @param key		Key name to look for the data
 * @param data		String which data will be copied to
 * @param len		Length of data
 * @param timestamp	The unix time of when the data was last set ( -1 if permanent data, 0 if old fvault version ) ( optional param )
 * @return		Returns 1 on success, 0 on failue.
stock fvault_get_data(const vaultname[], const key[], data[], len, &timestamp=0)
	new filename[128];
	_FormatVaultName(vaultname, filename, sizeof(filename) - 1);
	if( !file_exists(filename) )
		return 0;
	new vault = fopen(filename, "rt");
	new _data[512], _key[64], _time[32];
	while( !feof(vault) )
		fgets(vault, _data, sizeof(_data) - 1);
		parse(_data, _key, sizeof(_key) - 1);
		if( equal(_key, key) )
			new _len = strlen(_key) + 4; // + 2 = quotes on key, + 1 = space, + 1 = first quote
			for( new i = copy(data, len, _data[_len]) - 1; i > 0; i-- )
				if( data[i] == '"' ) break;
				if( data[i] == ' '
				&& data[i - 1] == '"' )
					data[i - 1] = '^0';
					copy(_time, sizeof(_time) - 1, data[i + 1]);
					timestamp = str_to_num(_time);
			return 1;
	copy(data, len, "");
	return 0;

 * Sets data of a key with current timestamp
 * @param vaultname	Vault name to look in
 * @param key		Key name to which data will be set
 * @param data		Data to set to key
 * @return		Does not return a value.
stock fvault_set_data(const vaultname[], const key[], const data[])
	_fvault_set_data(vaultname, key, data, get_systime());

 * Sets data of a key permanently (can't be removed with fvault_prune)
 * @param vaultname	Vault name to look in
 * @param key		Key name to which data will be set
 * @param data		Data to set to key
 * @return		Does not return a value.
stock fvault_pset_data(const vaultname[], const key[], const data[])
	_fvault_set_data(vaultname, key, data, -1);

_fvault_set_data(const vaultname[], const key[], const data[], const timestamp)
	new file = fopen(_temp_vault, "wt");
	new filename[128];
	_FormatVaultName(vaultname, filename, sizeof(filename) - 1);
	new vault = fopen(filename, "rt");
	new _data[512], _key[64], _other[3];
	new bool:replaced = false;
	while( !feof(vault) )
		fgets(vault, _data, sizeof(_data) - 1);
		parse(_data, _key, sizeof(_key) - 1, _other, sizeof(_other) - 1);
		if( equal(_key, key) && !replaced )
			fprintf(file, "^"%s^" ^"%s^" %i^n", key, data, timestamp);
			replaced = true;
			fputs(file, _data);
	if( !replaced )
		file = fopen(filename, "a+");
		fprintf(file, "^"%s^" ^"%s^" %i^n", key, data, timestamp);
		while( !rename_file(_temp_vault, filename, 1) ) { }

 * Removes a key from a vault
 * @param vaultname	Vault name to look in
 * @param key		Key to remove
 * @return		No return
stock fvault_remove_key(const vaultname[], const key[])
	new filename[128];
	_FormatVaultName(vaultname, filename, sizeof(filename) - 1);
	if( !file_exists(filename) )
	new file = fopen(_temp_vault, "wt");
	new vault = fopen(filename, "rt");
	new _data[512], _key[64], _other[3];
	new bool:found_key;
	while( !feof(vault) )
		fgets(vault, _data, sizeof(_data) - 1);
		parse(_data, _key, sizeof(_key) - 1, _other, sizeof(_other) - 1);
		if( equal(_key, key) )
			found_key = true;
		fputs(file, _data);
	if( found_key )
		while( !rename_file(_temp_vault, filename, 1) ) { }

 * Prunes the vault for keys that are within the given timestamps
 * @param vaultname	Vault name to look in
 * @param start		If timestamp is after this Unix Time (set -1 to prune from very start)
 * @param end		If timestamp is before this Unix Time (set -1 to prune to most time)
 * @return		Returns number of keys pruned
stock fvault_prune(const vaultname[], const start=-1, const end=-1)
	if( start == -1 && end == -1 )
		new keys = fvault_size(vaultname);
		if( keys )
		return keys;
	new filename[128];
	_FormatVaultName(vaultname, filename, sizeof(filename) - 1);
	if( !file_exists(filename) )
		return 0;
	new file = fopen(_temp_vault, "wt");
	new vault = fopen(filename, "rt");
	new keys;
	new data[512], i, _time[32], timestamp;
	while( !feof(vault) )
		fgets(vault, data, sizeof(data) - 1);
		if( data[0] )
			_time[0] = 0;
			for( i = strlen(data) - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
				if( data[i] == '"' ) break;
				if( data[i] == ' ' )
					copy(_time, sizeof(_time) - 1, data[i + 1]);
			timestamp = str_to_num(_time);
			if( timestamp != -1 )
				if( start == -1 && timestamp <= end
				|| end == -1 && timestamp >= start
				|| start <= timestamp <= end )
		fputs(file, data);
	if( keys )
		while( !rename_file(_temp_vault, filename, 1) ) { }
	return keys;

 * Updates the timestamp on a key located within the vault
 * @param vaultname	Vault name to look in
 * @param key		Key to update timestamp (if it doesn't exist, a blank value will be set)
 * @param timestamp	Unix Time to set for the key (-1 for current time)
 * @return		Returns 2 on new entry, 1 on success, 0 on failure for the key having a permanent timestamp
stock fvault_touch(const vaultname[], const key[], const timestamp=-1)
	new filename[128];
	_FormatVaultName(vaultname, filename, sizeof(filename) - 1);
	static new_time;
	if( (new_time = timestamp) == -1 )
		new_time = get_systime();
	if( !file_exists(filename) )
		new vault = fopen(filename, "wt");
		fprintf(vault, "^"%s^" ^"^" %i^n", key, new_time);
		return 2;
	new file = fopen(_temp_vault, "wt");
	new vault = fopen(filename, "rt");
	new bool:updated;
	new data[512], _key[64], len, i, _time[32];
	while( !feof(vault) )
		fgets(vault, data, sizeof(data) - 1);
		parse(data, _key, sizeof(_key) - 1);
		if( equal(_key, key) )
			_time[0] = 0;
			for( i = strlen(data) - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
				if( data[i] == '"' ) break;
				if( data[i] == ' ' )
					data[i] = '^0';
					copy(_time, sizeof(_time) - 1, data[i + 1]);
			if( str_to_num(_time) == -1 )
				return 0;
			fprintf(file, "%s %i^n", data, new_time);
			updated = true;
			fputs(file, data);
	if( !updated )
		fprintf(file, "^"%s^" ^"^" %i^n", key, new_time);
	while( !rename_file(_temp_vault, filename, 1) ) { }
	return (_:(!updated) + 1);

 * Retrieves total keys located within the vault
 * @param vaultname	Vault name to look in
 * @return		Returns amount of keys in vault
stock fvault_size(const vaultname[])
	new filename[128];
	_FormatVaultName(vaultname, filename, sizeof(filename) - 1);
	return file_exists(filename) ? file_size(filename, 1) - 1 : 0;

 * Clears all key entries for a vault
 * @param vaultname	Vault name to erase
 * @return		No return
stock fvault_clear(const vaultname[])
 	new filename[128];
	_FormatVaultName(vaultname, filename, sizeof(filename) - 1);
	fclose(fopen(filename, "wt"));

 * Retrieves a vault name specified by its number
 * @param vaultnum	Vault number to find the vault name
 * @param vaultname	String which vault name will be copied to
 * @param len		Length of vault name
 * @return		Returns 1 on success, 0 on failue.
stock fvault_get_vaultname(const vaultnum, vaultname[], len)
	if( !dir_exists(_vault_dir) )
		return 0;
	new filenum;
	new dir = open_dir(_vault_dir, vaultname, len);
		if( equal(vaultname, ".") || equal(vaultname, "..") )
		if( filenum == vaultnum )
			replace(vaultname, len, ".txt", "");
			return 1;
	while( next_file(dir, vaultname, len) );
	copy(vaultname, len, "");
	return 0;

 * Retrieves a vault number specified by its name
 * @param vaultname	Vault name to find the number
 * @return		Returns vault number on success, -1 on failure
stock fvault_get_vaultnum(const vaultname[])
	if( !dir_exists(_vault_dir) )
		return -1;
	new filename[128], filenum;
	new dir = open_dir(_vault_dir, filename, sizeof(filename) - 1);
		if( equal(filename, ".") || equal(filename, "..") )
		replace(filename, sizeof(filename) - 1, ".txt", "");
		if( equal(filename, vaultname) )
			return filenum;
	while( next_file(dir, filename, sizeof(filename) - 1) );
	copy(vaultname, len, "");
	return -1;

 * Retrieves total vaults ever created
 * @return		Returns amount of vaults
stock fvault_total()
	if( !dir_exists(_vault_dir) )
		return 0;
	new vaultname[128], filename[128];
	new dir = open_dir(_vault_dir, vaultname, sizeof(vaultname) - 1);
	new filenum;
		if( equal(vaultname, ".") || equal(vaultname, "..") )
		formatex(filename, sizeof(filename) - 1, "%s/%s", _vault_dir, vaultname);
		if( file_exists(filename) )
	while( next_file(dir, vaultname, sizeof(vaultname) - 1) );
	return filenum;

 * Gets all vault keys, data, and timestamps
 * @param		vaultname - Vault name to look in
 * @param		keys - cellarray holding all of the keys
 * @param		datas - cellarray holding all of the data values
 * @param		timestamps - cellarray holding all of the timestamps
 * @return		Returns total number of entries in vault
 * @note		keys needs to be created like this: ArrayCreate(64)
 * 			datas needs to be created like this: ArrayCreate(512)
 * 			timestamps need to be created like this: ArrayCreate()
stock fvault_load(const vaultname[], Array:keys=Invalid_Array, Array:datas=Invalid_Array, Array:timestamps=Invalid_Array)
	new filename[128];
	_FormatVaultName(vaultname, filename, 127);
	if( !file_exists(filename) )
		return 0;
	new vault = fopen(filename, "rt");
	new array_size;
	new filedata[1024];
	new key[64], data[512], timestamp[32];
	while( !feof(vault) )
		fgets(vault, filedata, 1023);
		if( parse(filedata, key, 63, data, 511, timestamp, 31) < 2 )
		if( keys != Invalid_Array )
			ArrayPushString(keys, key);
		if( datas != Invalid_Array )
			ArrayPushString(datas, data);
		if( timestamps != Invalid_Array )
			ArrayPushCell(timestamps, str_to_num(timestamp));
	return array_size;
stock _FormatVaultName(const vaultname[], filename[], len)
	static const invalid_chars[][] =
		"/", "\", "*", ":", "?", "^"", "<", ">", "|"
	static tempvault[128], i;
	copy(tempvault, sizeof(tempvault) - 1, vaultname);
	for( i = 0; i < sizeof(invalid_chars); i++ )
		replace_all(tempvault, sizeof(tempvault) - 1, invalid_chars[i], "");
	if( !dir_exists(_vault_dir) )
	formatex(filename, len, "%s/%s.txt", _vault_dir, tempvault);
*{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang1033\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par }
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08 May 2019, 21:29

Nu merge lasa-ti asa(nu functioneaza nimic cand scriu /promocode)

T/C va rog
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09 May 2019, 15:42

Are dreptate am testat si eu pe 1.8.1 si cand dau/promocode nu se intampla nimic in consola sv zice ceva de un array
And she be actin' funny, probably think a nigga need her
I thought I was faithful, she say I'm a cheater
They thought I was taken, I'm ready to mingle
The Kalu
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09 May 2019, 18:11

1TAP GOD wrote:
09 May 2019, 15:42
Are dreptate am testat si eu pe 1.8.1 si cand dau/promocode nu se intampla nimic in consola sv zice ceva de un array
Lasa eroarea aici
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09 May 2019, 19:53

fara debug

Code: Select all

L 05/09/2019 - 19:48:18: Invalid array handle provided (0)
L 05/09/2019 - 19:48:18: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "promo.amxx") (native "ArraySize") - debug not enabled!
L 05/09/2019 - 19:48:18: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
cu debug

Code: Select all

L 05/09/2019 - 19:50:46: Invalid array handle provided (0)
L 05/09/2019 - 19:50:46: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "promo.amxx")
L 05/09/2019 - 19:50:46: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "ArraySize")
L 05/09/2019 - 19:50:46: [AMXX]    [0] promo.sma::handle_say (line 73)
And she be actin' funny, probably think a nigga need her
I thought I was faithful, she say I'm a cheater
They thought I was taken, I'm ready to mingle
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09 May 2019, 22:18

totu depinde cum vă faceți voi ini
Nu îmi mai trimiteți PM pe forum! Nu merge să răspund
Pentru ajutor, faceți cerere bine detaliată, completând și respectând modelul corespunzător.
Nu-mi mai dați cereri doar pentru a mă avea în lista de prieteni.
Dacă te ajut, și mă ignori/etc > te adaug în „foe”.
Aveți grijă la cei ce încearcă să mă copieze sau să dea drept mine..Puteți lua legătura cu mine prin STEAM dacă aveți o problemă/nelămurire în acest caz! Cont de forum am doar aici.
În cazul în care utilizați ceva din ce am postat(ex: aici), e bine să fiți la curent cu modificările aduse și de aici, iar dacă sunt ceva probleme nu ezitați să luați legătura cu mine. Actualizarea unor coduri nu se vor afișa public, doar dacă se găsește ceva critic/urgent de remediat, unele fiind coduri vechi iar unele refăcute chiar recent dar private.
* Nume pe cs1.6: eVoLuTiOn \ Nume vechi: eVo
* Atelierul meu - post2819572.html#p2819572 (închis, click link ca să vedeți de ce)
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09 May 2019, 22:46

Ne-ai zis ceva de .ini?si nu stie?
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19 Jul 2019, 15:14

Ce trebuie pus in .ini?
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19 Jul 2019, 21:59

"codul tău" "suma pentru cod"

Code: Select all

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>

#include <fvault>
// Pruning player agree/decline after 15 days of not being updated
//	15 days * 24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds = 15 days in seconds(24x8600ms)
//		15 * 24 * 60 * 60
#define ZILE_CURATARE	15	//dupa 15 zile ii sterge pe cei care au folosit un cod din promo, ca sa poata folosii altul dinou

#include <csgo_remake>

new const FVN[] = "PCodes";
//enum data [35]
new Array: g_PromoCodes/*=Invalid_Array*/;
new Array: g_PromoCodesPoints;

new cod_folosit[33];
new name[33] [32];

new const pCMD [] = "/promocode";

public plugin_cfg()
	new ConfigsDir[128], File
	get_configsdir(ConfigsDir, charsmax(ConfigsDir));
	add(ConfigsDir, charsmax(ConfigsDir), "/promocode.ini");

		new form[100];
		formatex(form, charsmax(form), "Couldn't find ^"%s^". I will write a new one...", ConfigsDir);

		File = fopen(ConfigsDir, "w");
		fputs(File, ";Aici treci codurile si premiul lor.^n");
		fputs(File, "; EX: ^"COD^" ^"SUMA^"^n");
		fputs(File, ";Suma reprezinta cifrele care se adauga ca si puncte...^n^n");

	g_PromoCodes = ArrayCreate(15);
	g_PromoCodesPoints = ArrayCreate(1);//1,32

	File = fopen(ConfigsDir, "r");//csf
	if(!File)	return;//...
		new Buffer[120], CodeName[10], CodePoints[10];
			fgets(File, Buffer, charsmax(Buffer))
			if(!Buffer[0] || Buffer[0] == ';' || Buffer[0] == '#' || Buffer[0] == '/' && Buffer[1] == '/')	continue;
			trim(Buffer); //xd
			parse(Buffer, CodeName, charsmax(CodeName), CodePoints, charsmax(CodePoints));
			//if(parse(Buffer) != 3 || !strlen(Buffer))	continue;

			for(new x; x < sizeof(CodeName); x++)	ArrayPushString(g_PromoCodes, CodeName[x]);
			for(new a; a < sizeof(CodePoints); a++)	ArrayPushCell(g_PromoCodesPoints, str_to_num(CodePoints[a]));//generare random xd

public plugin_init()	register_clcmd("say", "handle_say"),register_clcmd("say_team", "handle_say");

public client_authorized(id)	get_user_name(id, name[id], charsmax(name [])),LoadData(id);

public handle_say(Player)
	new Args[125];
	read_args(Args, charsmax(Args));
	if(!Args[0])	return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;//xD

	new szCmd[32], szCode[10], szTemp[10];
	parse(Args, szCmd, charsmax(szCmd), szCode, charsmax(szCode));

	if(equal(szCmd, pCMD))
			client_print(Player, print_chat, "Probleme in citirea codurilor.");

			client_print(Player, print_chat, "Se pare ca nu esti logat.");

		if(cod_folosit[Player] == 1)
				client_print(Player, print_chat, "Se pare ca ai activat recent un cod. Asteapta sa expire.");
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

		for(new b; b < ArraySize(g_PromoCodes); b++)
			if(equal(szCode, ""))
				client_print(Player, print_chat, "Folosire corecta: %s COD", pCMD);
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

			ArrayGetString(g_PromoCodes, b, szTemp, charsmax(szTemp));

			if(equal(szCode, szTemp))
				for(new c; c < ArraySize(g_PromoCodesPoints); c++)
					client_print(Player, print_chat, "Felicitari! Ai activat cu succes codul ^"%s^" fiind unul valid, si ai primit +%d punct%s", szTemp, ArrayGetCell(g_PromoCodesPoints, c), ArrayGetCell(g_PromoCodesPoints, c) == 1 ? "" : "e");
					csgor_set_user_points(Player, csgor_get_user_points(Player) + ArrayGetCell(g_PromoCodesPoints, c));
					cod_folosit[Player] = 1;
					fvault_set_data(FVN, name[Player], cod_folosit[Player]);
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
				client_print(Player, print_chat, "OOOOPS ! COD INVALID.");
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public LoadData(id)
	new data[120];
	if(fvault_get_data(FVN, name[id], data, charsmax(data)))	cod_folosit[id] = str_to_num(data);
	else	cod_folosit[id] = 0;

public plugin_end()
	fvault_prune(FVN, _, get_systime() - (ZILE_CURATARE * 24 * 60 * 60));//0	road2cfg

Nu îmi mai trimiteți PM pe forum! Nu merge să răspund
Pentru ajutor, faceți cerere bine detaliată, completând și respectând modelul corespunzător.
Nu-mi mai dați cereri doar pentru a mă avea în lista de prieteni.
Dacă te ajut, și mă ignori/etc > te adaug în „foe”.
Aveți grijă la cei ce încearcă să mă copieze sau să dea drept mine..Puteți lua legătura cu mine prin STEAM dacă aveți o problemă/nelămurire în acest caz! Cont de forum am doar aici.
În cazul în care utilizați ceva din ce am postat(ex: aici), e bine să fiți la curent cu modificările aduse și de aici, iar dacă sunt ceva probleme nu ezitați să luați legătura cu mine. Actualizarea unor coduri nu se vor afișa public, doar dacă se găsește ceva critic/urgent de remediat, unele fiind coduri vechi iar unele refăcute chiar recent dar private.
* Nume pe cs1.6: eVoLuTiOn \ Nume vechi: eVo
* Atelierul meu - post2819572.html#p2819572 (închis, click link ca să vedeți de ce)
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