Cerere Modificare furien gift

Modificari necesare ale pluginurilor

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j a h k 0-
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28 Dec 2019, 13:46

doresc si eu o modificare la acest plugin, problema este ca mosul tia confiscat toate armele eu doresc sa nu mai ia si bomba de la terro adica armele sa le ia dar inafara de c4 :)

SMA: https://pastebin.com/UFX0tkuR
Si daca ati putea sa rezolvați si eroarea aceasta http://prntscr.com/qh5xjw din consola da am pus debug in fata numelui :)
Last edited by j a h k 0- on 29 Dec 2019, 17:39, edited 1 time in total.
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28 Dec 2019, 18:23

Jah# wrote:
28 Dec 2019, 13:46
doresc si eu o modificare la acest plugin, problema este ca mosul tia confiscat toate armele eu doresc sa nu mai ia si bomba de la terro adica armele sa le ia dar inafara de c4 :)

SMA: https://pastebin.com/UFX0tkuR
Si daca ati putea sa rezolvați si eroarea aceasta din consola da am pus debug in fata numelui :)
Daca cineva o sa ti-l rezolve o sa faci ca in topicul celalalt ca este privat nu :((
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j a h k 0-
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28 Dec 2019, 18:28

Ionut am platit pentru pluginu ala cum am vrut sa fie:) nu cu acesta nu o sa fie asa ca asta este pe net:)
Tranzactii efectuate cu succes.
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j a h k 0-
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29 Dec 2019, 12:49

UPPP, careva?
Tranzactii efectuate cu succes.
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29 Dec 2019, 15:14

@IONUTZ wrote:
28 Dec 2019, 18:23
Jah# wrote:
28 Dec 2019, 13:46
doresc si eu o modificare la acest plugin, problema este ca mosul tia confiscat toate armele eu doresc sa nu mai ia si bomba de la terro adica armele sa le ia dar inafara de c4 :)

SMA: https://pastebin.com/UFX0tkuR
Si daca ati putea sa rezolvați si eroarea aceasta din consola da am pus debug in fata numelui :)
Daca cineva o sa ti-l rezolve o sa faci ca in topicul celalalt ca este privat nu :((
https://discord.gg/VABVdhXMrK ZM CSO server in working..
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30 Dec 2019, 03:26

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#include < amxmodx >
#include < cstrike >
#include < fakemeta >
#include < engine >
#include < fun >
#pragma semicolon 1
#define PLUGIN "Furien Christmas Gifts"
#define VERSION "0.6.3"
enum Color
    NORMAL = 1,         // Culoarea care o are jucatorul setata in cvar-ul scr_concolor.
    GREEN,          // Culoare Verde.
    TEAM_COLOR,         // Culoare Rosu, Albastru, Gri.
    GREY,           // Culoarea Gri.
    RED,            // Culoarea Rosu.
    BLUE,           // Culoarea Albastru.
new TeamName[  ][  ] =
new const g_szFmuGiftsModels[  7  ][   ]  =
new const g_iFmuGiftsColors[  7  ][  3  ]  =
    { 0, 255, 255 },
    { 0, 255, 125 },
    { 255, 125, 65 },
    { 255, 0, 125 },
    { 255, 25, 25 },
    { 255, 255, 0 },
    { 255, 255, 255 }
new const FMU_TAG[    ]  =  "[Furien Gifts]";
new const g_szGiftClassName[    ]  =  "FurienGift_byAskhanar";
// Nu modifica !!
new Float:fMaxs[ 3 ]  =  {  14.0, 14.0, 35.0  };
new Float:fMins[ 3 ]  =  {  -14.0, -14.0, 0.0  };
// Nu modifica !!
new gCvarGiftHP;
new gCvarGiftAP;
new gCvarGiftMoney;
new gCvarGiftChance;
public plugin_precache(    )
    for( new i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
        precache_model( g_szFmuGiftsModels[ i ] );
public plugin_init( )
    register_plugin( PLUGIN, VERSION, "Askhanar" );
    gCvarGiftHP = register_cvar( "fmu_gifts_hp", "5" );
    gCvarGiftAP = register_cvar( "fmu_gifts_ap", "5" );
    gCvarGiftMoney = register_cvar( "fmu_gifts_money", "5500" );
    gCvarGiftChance = register_cvar( "fmu_gifts_chance", "75" );
    register_event(  "DeathMsg",  "EventDeathMsg",  "a"  );
    register_event( "HLTV", "DeleteAllGifts", "a", "1=0", "2=0" );
    register_event( "TextMsg", "DeleteAllGifts", "a", "2=#Game_will_restart_in" );
    // Oprita.. ( cand omori ultimu jucator, pica cadoul dar e sters de chemarea eventului.. ).
    //register_logevent( "DeleteAllGifts", 2, "0=World triggered", "1=Round_Draw", "1=Round_End" );
    register_touch( g_szGiftClassName, "player", "FwdPlayerTouchGift" );
public EventDeathMsg(  )
    new iKiller  = read_data(  1  );
    new iVictim  = read_data(  2  );
    if( iVictim  !=  iKiller )
        static iRandomChance;
        iRandomChance = random_num( 1, 100 );
        static iChance;
        iChance = get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftChance );
        if( iRandomChance <= iChance )
            new iParm[ 3 ];
            new Float:fUserOrigin[ 3 ], iUserOrigin[ 3 ];
            pev(iVictim, pev_origin, fUserOrigin );
            FVecIVec( fUserOrigin, iUserOrigin );
            iParm[ 0 ] = iUserOrigin[ 0 ];
            iParm[ 1 ] = iUserOrigin[ 1 ];
            iParm[ 2 ] = iUserOrigin[ 2 ];
            set_task( 0.7, "CreateGift", _, iParm, 3 );
    return 0;
public CreateGift( iParm[ ] )
    new iOrigin[ 3 ], Float:fOrigin[ 3 ];
    iOrigin[ 0 ] = iParm[ 0 ];
    iOrigin[ 1 ] = iParm[ 1 ];
    iOrigin[ 2 ] = iParm[ 2 ];
    IVecFVec( iOrigin, fOrigin );
    new iEnt = create_entity( "info_target" );
    if ( !is_valid_ent(iEnt) ) return 0;
    new iRandom = random_num( 0, 6 );
    entity_set_string(  iEnt, EV_SZ_classname, g_szGiftClassName  );
    entity_set_origin(  iEnt, fOrigin  );
    entity_set_model(  iEnt, g_szFmuGiftsModels[  iRandom  ]  );
    entity_set_int(  iEnt, EV_INT_movetype, MOVETYPE_NONE  );
    entity_set_int(  iEnt, EV_INT_solid, SOLID_BBOX );
    entity_set_size(  iEnt, fMins, fMaxs  );
    set_rendering( iEnt,
            g_iFmuGiftsColors[ iRandom ][ 0 ],
            g_iFmuGiftsColors[ iRandom ][ 1 ],
            g_iFmuGiftsColors[ iRandom ][ 2 ],
            255 );
    drop_to_floor(  iEnt  );
    new Float:fVelocity[ 3 ];
    fVelocity[ 0 ] = ( random_float( 0.0, 256.0 ) - 128.0 );
    fVelocity[ 1 ] = ( random_float( 0.0, 256.0 ) - 128.0 );
    fVelocity[ 2 ] = ( random_float( 0.0, 300.0 ) + 75.0 );
    entity_set_vector( iEnt, EV_VEC_velocity, fVelocity );
    return 0;
public DeleteAllGifts( )
    new iFoundEntity;
    while ( ( iFoundEntity = find_ent_by_class(  iFoundEntity, g_szGiftClassName  ) )  >  0  )
        engfunc( EngFunc_RemoveEntity, iFoundEntity );
public FwdPlayerTouchGift(  const iEnt, const id  )
    if( is_valid_ent(  iEnt  )  &&  is_user_alive(  id  )  )
        static iRandomChance;
        iRandomChance = random_num( 1, 100 );
        if( iRandomChance <= 90 )
            new iRandomGift = random_num( GIFT_HP, GIFT_HE );
            while(  iRandomGift  ==  GIFT_HE   &&  user_has_weapon(  id,  CSW_HEGRENADE  )  )
                iRandomGift = random_num( GIFT_HP, GIFT_HE );
            GivePlayerGift( id, iRandomGift );
            new iRandomGift = random_num( BADGIFT_MONEY, BADGIFT_SLAP );
            while( iRandomGift == BADGIFT_MONEY && cs_get_user_money( id ) == 0 )
                iRandomGift = random_num( BADGIFT_MONEY, BADGIFT_SLAP );
            GivePlayerGift( id, iRandomGift );
        remove_entity( iEnt  );
    return 0;
public GivePlayerGift(  id, const  iGiftType  )
    new HasC4;
    switch(  iGiftType  )
        case GIFT_HP:
            set_user_health(  id,  get_user_health(  id  )  +  get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftHP )  );
            ColorChat(  id, RED,  "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a oferit cadou^x03 %i HP^x01!",  FMU_TAG, get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftHP )  );
        case GIFT_AP:
            set_user_armor(  id,  get_user_armor(  id  )  +  get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftAP ) );
            ColorChat(  id, RED,  "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a oferit cadou^x03 %i AP^x01!",  FMU_TAG, get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftAP )  );
        case GIFT_HP_AP:
            static iHP;
            iHP = get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftHP );
            static iAP;
            iAP = get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftAP );
            set_user_health(  id,  get_user_health(  id  )  +  iHP  );
            set_user_armor(  id,  get_user_armor(  id  )  +  iAP  );
            ColorChat(  id, RED,  "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a oferit cadou^x03 %i HP^x01 si^x03 %i AP^x01!",  FMU_TAG, iHP, iAP );
        case GIFT_MONEY:
            cs_set_user_money(  id,  clamp(  cs_get_user_money(  id  )  +  get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftMoney ), 0, 16000  )  );
            ColorChat(  id, RED,  "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a oferit cadou^x03 %i$^x01!",  FMU_TAG, get_pcvar_num( gCvarGiftMoney ) );
        case GIFT_HE:
            give_item(  id,  "weapon_hegrenade"  );
            ColorChat(  id, RED,  "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a oferit cadou un^x03 HE^x01!",  FMU_TAG  );
        case BADGIFT_MONEY:
            cs_set_user_money( id, 0 );
            ColorChat(  id, RED,  "^x04%s^x03 NU^x01 ai fost destul de^x03 cuminte^x01!",  FMU_TAG  );
            ColorChat(  id, RED,  "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a confiscat toti banii!",  FMU_TAG  );
        case BADGIFT_WEAPONS:
        if(user_has_weapon(id, CSW_C4))
			HasC4 = 1;
		give_item(id, "weapon_knife");
		if(HasC4 == 1)
			give_item(id, "weapon_c4");
            ColorChat(  id, RED,  "^x04%s^x03 NU^x01 ai fost destul de^x03 cuminte^x01!",  FMU_TAG  );
            ColorChat(  id, RED,  "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a confiscat toate armele!",  FMU_TAG );
        case BADGIFT_SLAP:
            set_task( 0.1, "PunchUser", id );
            set_task( 0.2, "PunchUser", id );
            set_task( 0.3, "PunchUser", id );
            ColorChat(  id, RED,  "^x04%s^x03 NU^x01 ai fost destul de^x03 cuminte^x01!",  FMU_TAG  );
            ColorChat(  id, RED,  "^x04%s^x01 Mosul ti-a dat^x03 3^x01 palme!",  FMU_TAG );
public PunchUser( id )
    if( !is_user_connected( id ) )
        return 1;
    new Float:fRandomAngles[ 3 ];
    for(new i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        fRandomAngles[ i ] = random_float( 100.0, 150.0 );
    entity_set_vector(id, EV_VEC_punchangle, fRandomAngles );
    user_slap( id, random_num( 1, 5 ) );
    return 0;
ColorChat(  id, Color:iType, const msg[  ], { Float, Sql, Result, _}:...  )
    // Daca nu se afla nici un jucator pe server oprim TOT. Altfel dam de erori..
    if( !get_playersnum( ) ) return;
    new szMessage[ 256 ];
    switch( iType )
         // Culoarea care o are jucatorul setata in cvar-ul scr_concolor.
        case NORMAL:    szMessage[ 0 ] = 0x01;
        // Culoare Verde.
        case GREEN: szMessage[ 0 ] = 0x04;
        // Alb, Rosu, Albastru.
        default:    szMessage[ 0 ] = 0x03;
    vformat(  szMessage[ 1 ], 251, msg, 4  );
    // Ne asiguram ca mesajul nu este mai lung de 192 de caractere.Altfel pica server-ul.
    szMessage[ 192 ] = '^0';
    new iTeam, iColorChange, iPlayerIndex, MSG_Type;
    if( id )
        MSG_Type  =  MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE;
        iPlayerIndex  =  id;
        iPlayerIndex  =  CC_FindPlayer(  );
        MSG_Type = MSG_ALL;
    iTeam  =  get_user_team( iPlayerIndex );
    iColorChange  =  CC_ColorSelection(  iPlayerIndex,  MSG_Type, iType);
    CC_ShowColorMessage(  iPlayerIndex, MSG_Type, szMessage  );
    if(  iColorChange  )    CC_Team_Info(  iPlayerIndex, MSG_Type,  TeamName[ iTeam ]  );
CC_ShowColorMessage(  id, const iType, const szMessage[  ]  )
    static bool:bSayTextUsed;
    static iMsgSayText;
    if(  !bSayTextUsed  )
        iMsgSayText  =  get_user_msgid( "SayText" );
        bSayTextUsed  =  true;
    message_begin( iType, iMsgSayText, _, id  );
    write_byte(  id  );
    write_string(  szMessage  );
    message_end(  );
CC_Team_Info( id, const iType, const szTeam[  ] )
    static bool:bTeamInfoUsed;
    static iMsgTeamInfo;
    if(  !bTeamInfoUsed  )
        iMsgTeamInfo  =  get_user_msgid( "TeamInfo" );
        bTeamInfoUsed  =  true;
    message_begin( iType, iMsgTeamInfo, _, id  );
    write_byte(  id  );
    write_string(  szTeam  );
    message_end(  );
    return 1;
CC_ColorSelection(  id, const iType, Color:iColorType)
    switch(  iColorType  )
        case RED:   return CC_Team_Info(  id, iType, TeamName[ 1 ]  );
        case BLUE:  return CC_Team_Info(  id, iType, TeamName[ 2 ]  );
        case GREY:  return CC_Team_Info(  id, iType, TeamName[ 0 ]  );
    return 0;
CC_FindPlayer(  )
    new iMaxPlayers  =  get_maxplayers(  );
    for( new i = 1; i <= iMaxPlayers; i++ )
        if(  is_user_connected( i )  )
            return i;
    return -1;
And she be actin' funny, probably think a nigga need her
I thought I was faithful, she say I'm a cheater
They thought I was taken, I'm ready to mingle
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