Problema meniu arme

Modificari necesare ale pluginurilor

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Utilizator neserios (tepar)
Utilizator neserios (tepar)
Posts: 1054
Joined: 06 Oct 2018, 14:41
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SteamID: /id/kidd0x/
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25 Jan 2021, 20:01

Salut extream ,am acest plg de arme pentru ze

Code: Select all

#include <zombie_escape>
#include <ze_levels>
#include <stripweapons>

native give_golden_mp5(id);
native give_golden_m4a1(id);
native give_golden_ak47(id);
native GetAwpz(id);
native give_weapon_sfgun(id);
native give_paladin(id);
native give_unicorn(id);

// Setting File
new const ZE_SETTING_RESOURCES[] = "zombie_escape.ini"

// Keys

// Primary Weapons Entities [Default Values]
new const szPrimaryWeaponEnt[][] =
	"weapon_xm1014",  // Level 0
	"weapon_ump45",   // Level 0
	"weapon_m3",      // Level 1
	"weapon_mp5navy", // Level 2
	"weapon_p90",     // Level 3
	"weapon_galil",   // Level 4
	"weapon_famas",   // Level 5
	"weapon_sg550",   // Level 6
	"weapon_g3sg1",   // Level 7
	"weapon_m249",    // Level 8
	"weapon_sg552",   // Level 9
	"weapon_aug",     // Level 10
	"weapon_m4a1",    // Level 11
	"weapon_ak47"     // Level 12

// Secondary Weapons Entities [Default Values]
new const szSecondaryWeaponEnt[][]=
	"weapon_usp",         // Level 0
	"weapon_p228",        // Level 0
	"weapon_glock18",     // Level 1
	"weapon_fiveseven",   // Level 2
	"weapon_deagle",      // Level 3
	"weapon_elite"        // Level 4

// Primary and Secondary Weapons Names [Default Values]
new const szWeaponNames[][] = 
	"HE Grenade",
	"Smoke Grenade", 
	"Dual Elite",
	"Five Seven",
	"UMP 45",
	"Desert Eagle",

// Max Back Clip Ammo (Change it From here if you need)
new const szMaxBPAmmo[] =

// Menu selections
const MENU_KEY_BACK = 7
const MENU_KEY_NEXT = 8
const MENU_KEY_EXIT = 9

// Variables
new Array:g_szPrimaryWeapons, Array:g_szSecondaryWeapons

new g_iMenuData[33][4],

// Define
#define WPN_STARTID g_iMenuData[id][0]
#define WPN_SELECTION (g_iMenuData[id][0]+key)
#define WPN_AUTO_ON g_iMenuData[id][1]
#define WPN_AUTO_PRI g_iMenuData[id][2]
#define WPN_AUTO_SEC g_iMenuData[id][3]

// Cvars
new g_pCvarBuyTime,

public plugin_natives()
	register_native("ze_show_weapon_menu", "native_ze_show_weapon_menu", 1)
	register_native("ze_is_auto_buy_enabled", "native_ze_is_auto_buy_enabled", 1)
	register_native("ze_disable_auto_buy", "native_ze_disable_auto_buy", 1)

public plugin_precache()
	// Initialize arrays (32 is the max length of Weapon Entity like: weapon_ak47)
	g_szPrimaryWeapons = ArrayCreate(32, 1)
	g_szSecondaryWeapons = ArrayCreate(32, 1)
	// Load from external file
	amx_load_setting_string_arr(ZE_SETTING_RESOURCES, "Weapons Menu", "PRIMARY", g_szPrimaryWeapons)
	amx_load_setting_string_arr(ZE_SETTING_RESOURCES, "Weapons Menu", "SECONDARY", g_szSecondaryWeapons)
	// If we couldn't load from file, use and save default ones
	new iIndex
	if (ArraySize(g_szPrimaryWeapons) == 0)
		for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < sizeof szPrimaryWeaponEnt; iIndex++)
			ArrayPushString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, szPrimaryWeaponEnt[iIndex])
		// If not found .ini File Create it and save default values in it
		amx_save_setting_string_arr(ZE_SETTING_RESOURCES, "Weapons Menu", "PRIMARY", g_szPrimaryWeapons)
	if (ArraySize(g_szSecondaryWeapons) == 0)
		for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < sizeof szSecondaryWeaponEnt; iIndex++)
			ArrayPushString(g_szSecondaryWeapons, szSecondaryWeaponEnt[iIndex])
		// If not found .ini File Create it and save default values in it
		amx_save_setting_string_arr(ZE_SETTING_RESOURCES, "Weapons Menu", "SECONDARY", g_szSecondaryWeapons)

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin("[ZE] Levels Weapons Menu", "1.1", "Raheem")
	// Commands
	register_clcmd("guns", "Cmd_Buy")
	register_clcmd("say /enable", "Cmd_Enable")
	register_clcmd("say_team /enable", "Cmd_Enable")
	// Cvars
	g_pCvarBuyTime = register_cvar("ze_buy_time", "60")
	g_pCvarHeGrenade = register_cvar("ze_give_HE_nade", "1") // 0 Nothing || 1 Give HE
	g_pCvarSmokeGrenade = register_cvar("ze_give_SM_nade", "1")
	g_pCvarFlashGrenade = register_cvar("ze_give_FB_nade", "1")
	g_pCvarBlockWeapLowLevel = register_cvar("ze_block_weapons_lowlvl", "1")
	// Menus
	register_menu("Primary Weapons", KEYSMENU, "Menu_Buy_Primary")
	register_menu("Secondary Weapons", KEYSMENU, "Menu_Buy_Secondary")
	// Hams
	RegisterHam(Ham_Touch, "weaponbox", "Fw_TouchWeapon_Pre", 0)
	RegisterHam(Ham_Touch, "armoury_entity", "Fw_TouchWeapon_Pre", 0)

public client_disconnected(id)

public Cmd_Enable(id)
		ze_colored_print(id, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "BUY_ENABLED")

public Cmd_Buy(id)
	// Player Zombie
	if (ze_is_user_zombie(id))
		ze_colored_print(id, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "NO_BUY_ZOMBIE")
	// Player Dead
	if (!is_user_alive(id))
		ze_colored_print(id, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DEAD_CANT_BUY_WEAPON")
	// Already bought
	if (g_bBoughtPrimary[id] && g_bBoughtSecondary[id])
		ze_colored_print(id, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "ALREADY_BOUGHT")

public ze_user_humanized(id)
	// Static Values
	switch (ze_get_user_level(id))
		case 0: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 2
		case 1: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 3
		case 2: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 4
		case 3: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 5
		case 4: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 6
		case 5: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 7
		case 6: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 8
		case 7: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 9
		case 8: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 10
		case 9: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 11
		case 10: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 12
		case 11: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 13
		case 12..14: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 14
		case 15..19: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 15 // Golden m3
		case 20..24: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 16 // Golden MP5
		case 25..29: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 17 // Golden M4A1
		case 30..34: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 18     // Golden AK47 & minigun & awpz
	if (ze_get_user_level(id) > 30)
		WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 21  // cand adaugi o arma modifici aici si adaugi +1 

	// Buyzone time starts when player is set to human
	g_fBuyTimeStart[id] = get_gametime()
	g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = false
	g_bBoughtSecondary[id] = false
	// Player dead or zombie
	if (!is_user_alive(id) || ze_is_user_zombie(id))
		ze_colored_print(id, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "RE_ENABLE_MENU")
		Buy_Primary_Weapon(id, WPN_AUTO_PRI)
		Buy_Secondary_Weapon(id, WPN_AUTO_SEC)
	// Open available buy menus
	// Give HE Grenade
	if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarHeGrenade) != 0)
		rg_give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade")
	// Give Smoke Grenade
	if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarSmokeGrenade) != 0)
		rg_give_item(id, "weapon_smokegrenade")
	// Give Flashbang Grenade
	if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarFlashGrenade) != 0)
		rg_give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang")

public Show_Available_Buy_Menus(id)
	// Already Bought
	if (g_bBoughtPrimary[id] && g_bBoughtSecondary[id])
	// Here we use if and else if so we make sure that Primary weapon come first then secondary
	if (!g_bBoughtPrimary[id])
		// Primary		
	else if (!g_bBoughtSecondary[id])
		// Secondary

public Show_Menu_Buy_Primary(id)
	new iMenuTime = floatround(g_fBuyTimeStart[id] + get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarBuyTime) - get_gametime())
	if (iMenuTime <= 0)
		ze_colored_print(id, "%L", id, "BUY_MENU_TIME_EXPIRED")
	static szMenu[300], szWeaponName[32]
	new iLen, iIndex, iMaxLoops = min(WPN_STARTID+7, WPN_MAXIDS[id])
	// Title
	iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\y%L \w[\r%d\w-\r%d\w]^n^n", id, "MENU_PRIMARY_TITLE", WPN_STARTID+1, min(WPN_STARTID+7, WPN_MAXIDS[id]))
	// 1-7. Weapon List
	for (iIndex = WPN_STARTID; iIndex < iMaxLoops; iIndex++)
		if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 0 && iIndex >= 2||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 1 && iIndex >= 3 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 2 && iIndex >= 4 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 3 && iIndex >= 5 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 4 && iIndex >= 6 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 5 && iIndex >= 7 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 6 && iIndex >= 8 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 7 && iIndex >= 9 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 8 && iIndex >= 10 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 9 && iIndex >= 11 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 10 && iIndex >= 12 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 11 && iIndex >= 13 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 12 && iIndex >= 14)
		*  Note that WPN_MAXIDS start from 1 but iIndex start from 0.

		// Golden MP5
		if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 20 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 25)
			if (iIndex == 13)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden MP5")
		// Golden M4A1
		if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 25 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 30)
			if (iIndex == 14)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden MP5")
			if (iIndex == 15)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M4A1")
		// Golden AK47
		if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 30 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 35)
			if (iIndex == 14)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden MP5")
			if (iIndex == 15)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M4A1")
			if (iIndex == 16)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden AK-47")
		// sf gun lvl 35
		if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 35 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 40)
			if (iIndex == 14)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden MP5")
			if (iIndex == 15)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M4A1")
			if (iIndex == 16)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden AK-47")
			if (iIndex == 17)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "SF Gun")
		// etheral lvl 40
		if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 40 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 45)
			if (iIndex == 14)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden MP5")
			if (iIndex == 15)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M4A1")
			if (iIndex == 16)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden AK-47")
			if (iIndex == 17)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "SF Gun")
			if (iIndex == 18)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "AK47 Paladin")
		// awp z 45
		if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 45 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 50)
			if (iIndex == 14)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden MP5")
			if (iIndex == 15)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M4A1")
			if (iIndex == 16)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden AK-47")
			if (iIndex == 17)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "SF Gun")
			if (iIndex == 18)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "AK47 Paladin")
			if (iIndex == 19)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "AWP-Z")
		// unicorn 50 lvl
		if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 50)
			if (iIndex == 14)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden MP5")
			if (iIndex == 15)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M4A1")
			if (iIndex == 16)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden AK-47")
			if (iIndex == 17)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "SF Gun")
			if (iIndex == 18)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "AK47 Paladin")
			if (iIndex == 19)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "AWP-Z")
			if (iIndex == 20)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "UT3 Link Gun")
		// Must check if iIndex < 15 laser minigun
		if (iIndex < 14)
			ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, iIndex, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
			iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	if (iIndex < 7)
		ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, iIndex, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 5)
		ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 7, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 6)
		ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 8, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 7)
		ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 9, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 8)
		ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 10, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 9)
		ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 11, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 10)
		ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 12, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 11)
		ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 13, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 12 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 20) // Golden MP5
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Level 20 Unlock\w: \yGolden MP5^n")
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 20 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 25) // Golden M4A1
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Level 25 Unlock\w: \yGolden M4A1^n")
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 25 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 30) // Golden Ak-47
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Level 30 Unlock\w: \yGolden AK-47^n")
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 30 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 35) // SF GUN
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Level 35 Unlock\w: \ySF Gun^n")
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 35 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 40) // Ethereal
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Level 40 Unlock\w: \yAk47 Paladin^n")
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 40 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 45) // AWP Z
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Level 45 Unlock\w: \yAWP-Z^n")
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 45 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 50) // UT3 Link Gun
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Level 45 Unlock\w: \yUT3 Link Gun^n")

	// 8. Auto Select
	iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\w8.\y %L \w[\r%L\w]", id, "MENU_AUTOSELECT", id, (WPN_AUTO_ON) ? "SAVE_YES" : "SAVE_NO")
	// 9. Next/Back - 0. Exit
	iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n^n\y9.\r %L \w/ \r%L^n^n\w0.\y %L", id, "NEXT", id, "BACK", id, "EXIT")
	// Fix for AMXX custom menus
	set_pdata_int(id, OFFSET_CSMENUCODE, 0)
	show_menu(id, KEYSMENU, szMenu, iMenuTime, "Primary Weapons")

public Show_Menu_Buy_Secondary(id)
	new iMenuTime = floatround(g_fBuyTimeStart[id] + get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarBuyTime) - get_gametime())
	if (iMenuTime <= 0)
		ze_colored_print(id, "%L", id, "BUY_MENU_TIME_EXPIRED")
	static szMenu[250], szWeaponName[32]
	new iLen, iIndex, iMaxLoops = ArraySize(g_szSecondaryWeapons)
	// Title
	iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\y%L^n", id, "MENU_SECONDARY_TITLE")
	// 1-6. Weapon List
	for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < iMaxLoops; iIndex++)
		if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 0 && iIndex >= 2 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 1 && iIndex >= 3 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 2 && iIndex >= 4 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 3 && iIndex >= 5 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 4 && iIndex >= 6)
		ArrayGetString(g_szSecondaryWeapons, iIndex, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\w%d.\y %s", iIndex+1, szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	if (iIndex < ArraySize(g_szSecondaryWeapons))
		ArrayGetString(g_szSecondaryWeapons, iIndex, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	// 8. Auto Select
	iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n^n\w8.\y %L \w[\r%L\w]", id, "MENU_AUTOSELECT", id, (WPN_AUTO_ON) ? "SAVE_YES" : "SAVE_NO")
	// 0. Exit
	iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n^n\w0.\y %L", id, "EXIT")
	// Fix for AMXX custom menus
	set_pdata_int(id, OFFSET_CSMENUCODE, 0)
	show_menu(id, KEYSMENU, szMenu, iMenuTime, "Secondary Weapons")

public Menu_Buy_Primary(id, key)
	// Player dead or zombie or already bought primary
	if (!is_user_alive(id) || ze_is_user_zombie(id) || g_bBoughtPrimary[id])
	// Special keys / weapon list exceeded
		switch (key)
			case MENU_KEY_AUTOSELECT: // toggle auto select
			case MENU_KEY_NEXT: // next/back
				if (WPN_STARTID+7 < WPN_MAXIDS[id])
					WPN_STARTID += 7
					WPN_STARTID = 0
			case MENU_KEY_EXIT: // exit
		// Show buy menu again
	// Store selected weapon id
	// Buy primary weapon
	Buy_Primary_Weapon(id, WPN_AUTO_PRI)
	// Show Secondary Weapons

public Buy_Primary_Weapon(id, selection)
    if (selection == 14) // Golden MP5
		StripWeapons(id, Primary)
		give_item(id, "weapon_knife")
		g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = true
		return true;
	else if (selection == 15) // Golden M4A1
		StripWeapons(id, Primary)
		give_item(id, "weapon_knife")
		g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = true
		return true;
	else if (selection == 16) // Golden AK47
		StripWeapons(id, Primary)
		give_item(id, "weapon_knife")
		g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = true
		return true;
	else if (selection == 17) // SF GUN
		StripWeapons(id, Primary)
		give_item(id, "weapon_knife")
		g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = true
		return true;
	else if (selection == 18) // paladin
		StripWeapons(id, Primary)
		give_item(id, "weapon_knife")
		g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = true
		return true;
	else if (selection == 19) // AWP Z
		StripWeapons(id, Primary)
		give_item(id, "weapon_knife")
		g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = true
		return true;
	else if (selection == 20) // Unicorn
		StripWeapons(id, Primary)
		give_item(id, "weapon_knife")
		g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = true
		return true;
	static szWeaponName[32]
	ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, selection, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
	new iWeaponId = get_weaponid(szWeaponName)
	// Strip and Give Full Weapon
	rg_give_item(id, szWeaponName, GT_REPLACE)
	rg_set_user_bpammo(id, WeaponIdType:iWeaponId, szMaxBPAmmo[iWeaponId])
	// Primary bought
	g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = true
	return true;

public Menu_Buy_Secondary(id, key)
	// Player dead or zombie or already bought secondary
	if (!is_user_alive(id) || ze_is_user_zombie(id) || g_bBoughtSecondary[id])
	// Special keys / weapon list exceeded
	if (key >= ArraySize(g_szSecondaryWeapons))
		// Toggle autoselect
		// Reshow menu unless user exited
		if (key != MENU_KEY_EXIT)
	// Store selected weapon id
	// Buy secondary weapon
	Buy_Secondary_Weapon(id, key)

public Buy_Secondary_Weapon(id, selection)
	if ( ((selection == 2) && (ze_get_user_level(id) < 1)) ||
	((selection == 3) && (ze_get_user_level(id) < 2)) ||
	((selection == 4) && (ze_get_user_level(id) < 3)) ||
	((selection == 5) && (ze_get_user_level(id) < 4)) )

	static szWeaponName[32]
	ArrayGetString(g_szSecondaryWeapons, selection, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
	new iWeaponId = get_weaponid(szWeaponName)
	// Strip and Give Full Weapon
	rg_give_item(id, szWeaponName, GT_REPLACE)
	rg_set_user_bpammo(id, WeaponIdType:iWeaponId, szMaxBPAmmo[iWeaponId])
	// Secondary bought
	g_bBoughtSecondary[id] = true

public Fw_TouchWeapon_Pre(iEnt, id)
	if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarBlockWeapLowLevel) == 0)
		return HAM_IGNORED;
	// Not alive or Not Valid Weapon?
	if(!is_user_alive(id) || !pev_valid(iEnt))
		return HAM_IGNORED;
	// Get Weapon Model
	new szWeapModel[32]
	pev(iEnt, pev_model, szWeapModel, charsmax(szWeapModel))
	// Remove "models/w_" and ".mdl"
	copyc(szWeapModel, charsmax(szWeapModel), szWeapModel[contain(szWeapModel, "_" ) + 1], '.')
	// Set for mp5 to be same as "weapon_mp5navy"
	if(szWeapModel[1] == 'p' && szWeapModel[2] == '5')
		szWeapModel = "mp5navy"
	// Add "weapon_" to all model names
	static szWeaponEnt[32]
	formatex(szWeaponEnt, charsmax(szWeaponEnt), "weapon_%s", szWeapModel)

	// Get it's index in Weapon Array
	new iIndex, i
	// I won't explain the blew code if you need to understand ask me in Escapers-Zone.XYZ
	for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(g_szPrimaryWeapons); i++)
		new szPrimaryWeapon[32]
		ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, i, szPrimaryWeapon, charsmax(szPrimaryWeapon))
		if (equali(szWeaponEnt, szPrimaryWeapon))
			iIndex = i
	if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 0 && iIndex > 1)
	for (i = 1; i <= 11; i++)
		if ((ze_get_user_level(id) == i) && iIndex > i+1)
			return HAM_SUPERCEDE;
	return HAM_IGNORED;

// Natives
public native_ze_show_weapon_menu(id)
	if (!is_user_connected(id))
		log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZE] Invalid Player (%d)", id)
		return false
	return true

public native_ze_is_auto_buy_enabled(id)
	if (!is_user_connected(id))
		log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZE] Invalid Player (%d)", id)
		return -1;
	return WPN_AUTO_ON;

public native_ze_disable_auto_buy(id)
	if (!is_user_connected(id))
		log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZE] Invalid Player (%d)", id)
		return false
	return true
Problema e urmatoarea : Poti lua arme chiar daca nu ai nivelul respectiv :
In aceasta poza : apar 4 arme , cea de level 40 ar fi a 5-a , dar problema e ca eu o pot lua , si arma de lvl 40 si cele de dupa 40 fara sa am nevoie de levelul necesar, dar ideea e ca liniile din meniu sunt invizibile sau ceva de genu ,adica -si revin iar la poza-, am 4 arme , dar daca apas 5,6,7 imi da armele de la nivelele urmatoare !

Daca stie cineva de unde ar fi problema sa imi zica si mie ca ma chinui de ore cu bugul asta . Stiu sigur ca dupa ce adaug o arma trb sa modific partea asta de cod

Code: Select all

	if (ze_get_user_level(id) > 30)
		WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 21  // cand adaugi o arma modifici aici si adaugi +1 
dar in rest nu stiu unde ar mai trebui sa mai modific

inc 1

Code: Select all

#include <amxmodx>
#include <cstrike>
#include <fun>
#include <reapi>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <xs>
#include <nvault>
#include <engine>
#include <sqlx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <amx_settings_api>
#include <cs_weap_models_api>
#include <zombie_escape_stocks>

#define ZE_VERSION "Zombie Escape 1.6"
#define AUTHORS "ZE Dev Team"

*	For more information about these natives and forwards, just vist our forum:

// Team constants, use them in ze_roundend() forward 

// Items returns used in ze_select_item_pre()
#define ZE_WRONG_ITEM -1

// General forwards return values
#define ZE_CONTINUE 0
#define ZE_STOP 1

// Max Extra-Items
#define MAX_EXTRA_ITEMS 60

// Forwards

* Description:		Called on round end event.
* @param WinTeam	The win team ZE_TEAM_ZOMBIE or ZE_TEAM_HUMAN.
* @return			Returns here useless, it will not affect the real end round event.
forward ze_roundend(WinTeam);

* Description:	Called when user humanized, it called whenever 
*				ze_set_user_human(id) native used.
*				It's called also at every new round when all players humanized.
* @param id		Client index.
* @return		Returns here useless, it will not affect the real humanization event.
forward ze_user_humanized(id);

* Description:		Called before user get infected by player.
* @param iVictim	Victim index, human who will catch the infection.
* @param iInfector	Infector index, zombie who will cause the infection.
* @param iDamage	The blocked damage value.
* @return			To stop the infection event use:   return ZE_STOP
*					To let the infection continue use: return ZE_CONTINUE
* @note				This forward will not called on the zombie choose by the server,
*					only called if player try to infect player.
*					You can use pre to block the infection or to let it in specific conditions.
*					Basically return > ZE_CONTINUE  will stop the infection.
forward ze_user_infected_pre(iVictim, iInfector, iDamage);

* Description:		Called when user infected by player or by the server.
*					Called also at the first choose of zombies (in this case server is the infector).
* @param iVictim	Victim index, human who catch the infection.
* @param iInfector	Infector index, zombie or server who caused the infection.
* @return			Returns here useless, it will not affect the real infection event.
* @note				If the infector is the server, The iInfector will be 0
*					else the iInfector will be the zombie id.		
forward ze_user_infected(iVictim, iInfector);

* Description:	Called when zombies chosen.
* @return		Returns here useless, it will not affect the real appearing event.
forward ze_zombie_appear();

* Description:	Called when the chosen zombies released.
* @return		Returns here useless, it will not affect the real releasing event.
forward ze_zombie_release();

* Description:	Called every new round if game started.
* @return		To block zombie escape round return ZE_STOP, To continue zombie escape mod return ZE_CONTINUE.
* @note			This called every new round only if the game started
*				which mean players is higher than required player so game already started.
*				this native somehow similar to new round event but only called when game started.
*				You can use it to block zombie escape mod round, and use your own round like Nemesis round
*				make sure to use this after first round, never return ZE_STOP in first round.
forward ze_game_started_pre();

* Description:	Called every new round if game started.
* @return		Returns here useless, it will not affect the real new round event.
* @note			This called every new round only if the game started
*				which mean players is higher than required player so game already started.
*				this native somehow similar to new round event but only called when game started.
forward ze_game_started();

* Description:	Called before zombie (or human) get fired by fire nade.
* @return		Return ZE_STOP to stop the fire action, zombie will not get fired.
*				Return ZE_CONTINUE to continue the fire, zombie will be fired.
* @note			You can use this to stop the fire action at specific conditions.
forward ze_fire_pre(id);

* Description:	Called before zombie (or human) get frozen by frost nade.
* @return		Return ZE_STOP to stop the freeze action, zombie will not get frozen.
*				Return ZE_CONTINUE to continue the freeze, zombie will be frozen.
* @note			You can use this to stop the freeze action at specific conditions.
forward ze_frost_pre(id);

* Description:	Called when zombie get unfrozen.
* @return		Returns here useless, it will not affect the real unfreeze event.
forward ze_frost_unfreeze(id);

* Description:			Called when player opens the extra-items menu.
*						Or when he choose the item but before he get it.
* @param id				Client index.
* @param iItemid		Index of item he try to buy.
* @param bIgnoreCost	true will ignore the cost, false will not ignore cost.
* @return				ZE_ITEM_AVAILABLE   | Shows item in the menu, player can also buy it.
*						ZE_ITEM_UNAVAILABLE | Show to player but he can't but it.
*						ZE_ITEM_DONT_SHOW   | Item not appear to that player.
forward ze_select_item_pre(id, iItemid, bIgnoreCost);

* Description:			Called after player choose the item,
*						called only if ze_select_item_pre() returned ZE_ITEM_AVAILABLE.
* @param id				Client index.
* @param iItemid		Index of item he try to buy.
* @param bIgnoreCost	true will ignore the cost, false will not ignore cost.
* @return				Returns here useless, it will not affect the real buy event.
forward ze_select_item_post(id, iItemid, bIgnoreCost);

* Description:			Called when player disconnect.
* @param id				Client index.
* @return				return ZE_CONTINUE | Will continue Mod game rules.
*						return ZE_STOP | Will block Mod game rules, you can use yours.
* @note					Useful in plugins like, replacing disconnected zombie/human if he was last zombie/human.
forward ze_player_disconnect(id);

// Natives

* Description:	Check if user zombie or not.
* @param id		Client index.
* @return		true  | If user Zombie.
*				false | If user Human.
*				-1    | If player not connected.
native ze_is_user_zombie(id);

* Description:	Check if game started or not.
*				Game start when minimun required players connected.
* @return		true  | If game started.
*				false | If game not started yet.
native ze_is_game_started();

* Description:	Check if this zombie in pre-release time or not.
*				Pre-Release time is said to be freeze time for zombies.
* @param id		Client index.
* @return		true  | If this zombie in freeze time.
*				false | If this zombie not in freeze time.
*				-1    | If player not connected or this player is Human.
native ze_is_zombie_frozen(id);

* Description:	Return current round number (Integer).
*				First round is round 1, second is 2 ... etc.
* @return		Round number | If game started
*				-1           | If game not started yet
native ze_get_round_number();

* Description:	Return alive humans number (Integer).
* @return		Alive humans number.
native ze_get_humans_number();

* Description:	Return alive zombies number (Integer).
* @return		Alive zombies number.
native ze_get_zombies_number();

* Description:	Set user to zombie team.
* @param id		Client index.
* @return		true  | If set successfully
*				false | If this player not connected
* @note			This will throw error in case of invalid player.
native ze_set_user_zombie(id);

* Description:	Set user to human team.
* @param id		Client index.
* @return		true  | If set successfully
*				false | If this player not connected
* @note			This will throw error in case of invalid player.
native ze_set_user_human(id);

* Description:		Increase human speed with this factor.
*					This factor added to his current speed depend on which weapon he carries.
* @param id			Client index.
* @param iFactor	The factor to be added to current speed.
* @return			true  | If set successfully
*					false | If this player not connected
* @note				This native will add speed to current speed.
*					For example, ze_set_human_speed_factor(id, 0) will not set player speed to zero
*					it won't increase his speed so he will have normal weapon speed.
*					Example, if player carry knife and ze_set_human_speed_factor(id, 20) his speed will be 
*					increased by 20 so his total speed will be 270 (default knife speed: 250)
*					You may use negative factors to decrease this speed.
*					Using this native will set the players speed for the whole map.
*					Speeds reset if this player disconnect, or reset using reset native.
*					This is limited by sv_maxspeed cvar.
*					This will throw error in case of invalid player.
native ze_set_human_speed_factor(id, iFactor);

* Description:	Reset human speed to default value used in ze_human_speed_factor cvar.
* @param id		Client index.
* @return		true  | If reset successfully
*				false | If this player not connected
* @note			This will remove the custom speed factor set by
*				ze_set_human_speed_factor(id, iFactor) native.
*				And will use the default factor in ze_human_speed_factor cvar.
*				This will throw error in case of invalid player.
native ze_reset_human_speed(id);

* Description:		Set this zombie speed to custom value.
* @param id			Client index.
* @param iSpeed		Speed to set this zombie to.
* @return			true  | If set successfully
*					false | If this player not connected
* @note				This native will set custom speed for this zombie
*					and will not use value defined in ze_zombie_speed cvar
*					This is limited by sv_maxspeed cvar.
*					This will throw error in case of invalid player.
native ze_set_zombie_speed(id, iSpeed);

* Description:	Reset zombie speed to default value used in ze_zombie_speed cvar.
* @param id		Client index.
* @return		true  | If reset successfully
*				false | If this player not connected
* @note			This will throw error in case of invalid player.
native ze_reset_zombie_speed(id);

* Description:	Get user knockback.
* @param id		Client index.
* @return		Knockback value | if client valid
*				-1				| If player not connected
* @note			This will throw error in case of invalid player.
*				This function return integer value.
native ze_get_user_knockback(id);

* Description:			Set user knockback.
* @param id				Client index.
* @param flKnockback	Knockback value as float.	
* @return				true	| If set successfully
*						false	| If this player not connected
native ze_set_user_knockback(id, Float:flKnockback);

* Description:	Reset user knockback to use value from CVAR.
* @param id		Client index.
* @return		true	| If reset successfully
*				false	| If this player not connected
native ze_reset_user_knockback(id);

* Description:			Set user gravity.
* @param id				Client index.
* @param iGravity		Gravity value.	
* @return				true	| If set successfully
*						false	| If this player not connected
native ze_set_user_gravity(id, iGravity);

* Description:	Reset user gravity to use value from CVAR.
* @param id		Client index.
* @return		true	| If reset successfully
*				false	| If this player not connected
native ze_reset_user_gravity(id);

* Description:	Remove zombie freeze time message.
* @return		true	| If removed successfully
*				false	| If message still not appeared (message not there)
native ze_remove_zombie_freeze_msg();

* Description:	Get player escape coins.
* @param id		Client index.
* @return		Player coins  | If this player in server
*				false		  | If this player not connected
* @note			This will throw error in case of invalid player.
native ze_get_escape_coins(id);

* Description:		Set player escape coins.
* @param id			Client index.
* @param iAmount	Client index.
* @return			true  | If set successfully
*					false | If this player not connected
* @note				This will throw error in case of invalid player.
native ze_set_escape_coins(id, iAmount);

* Description:		Get escape leader index.
* @return			Escape leader id
* @note				Make sure to use it when game already started.
*					If rank mode which is used the native will return rank 1 player.
native ze_get_escape_leader_id();

* Description:		Stop/Resume setting rendering from ze_effects_messages.sma plugin.
* @param id			Client index.
* @param bSet		True or false, True will stop the rendering that comes from ze_effects_messages.sma
*					false will continue setting rendering from ze_effects_messages.sma
* @return			true  | If set successfully
*					false | If this player not connected
* @note				This native will not throw error if player not connected. It will just return false.
*					You before you set rendering for any player in any plugin you should first make: ze_stop_mod_rendering(id, true)
*					This will ensure that no rendering is setting from ze_effects_messages.sma plugin.
*					When you remove rendering, you should use: ze_stop_mod_rendering(id, false)
native ze_stop_mod_rendering(id, bool:bSet);

* Description:	Used to set/stop fire on zombie.
* @param id		Client index.
* @param bSet	Boolean value, true will set fire on zombie.
*				false will stop fire on zombie.
* @return		true  | If successfully set/stop fire on zombie.
*				false | If returned 1 in ze_fire_pre() forward.
*						Mean if fire action stopped by the pre forward.
*				-1	  | If this zombie not alive.
* @note			If zombie fired right now, you can use this to stop the fire
*				imediatly by using: ze_set_fire_grenade(id, false)
*				Same you can fire him at anytime.
*				Always check if user alive or not when using this native.
*				This will throw error in case of invalid player.
*				You can also set fire on alive humans.
native ze_set_fire_grenade(id, bSet);

* Description:	Tells you if this zombie burning now or not.
* @param id		Client index.
* @return		true  | If this zombie burning now.
*				false | If this zombie not burning.
*				-1	  | If this zombie not alive.
native ze_zombie_in_fire(id);

* Description:	Used to set/stop freeze on zombie.
* @param id		Client index.
* @param bSet	Boolean value, true will freeze zombie. false will unfreeze zombie.
* @return		true  | If successfully freeze/unfreeze zombie.
*				false | If returned 1 in ze_frost_pre() forward.
*						Mean if freeze action stopped by the pre forward.
*						Or if player already frozen
*				-1	  | If this zombie not alive.
* @note			If zombie frozen right now, you can use this to unfreeze him
*				imediatly by using: ze_set_frost_grenade(id, false)
*				Same you can freeze him at anytime.
*				Always check if user alive or not when using this native.
*				This will throw error in case of invalid player.
*				You can also freeze alive humans.
native ze_set_frost_grenade(id, bSet);

* Description:	Tells you if this zombie frozen now or not.
* @param id		Client index.
* @return		true  | If this zombie frozen now.
*				false | If this zombie unfrozen.
*				-1	  | If this zombie not alive.
native ze_zombie_in_forst(id);

* Description:		Register extra-item in the items-menu.
* @param szItemName[]	Item name.
* @param iCost			Item cost.
* @param iLimit			Item limit.
* @return				Item id in the menu, if successfully registered.
*						ZE_WRONG_ITEM | If item name was empty or item already registered.
* @note					ZE_WRONG_ITEM is defined as -1
*						Limit must be >= 0, 0 means unlimited.
*						Use this native in plugin_init() forward.
native ze_register_item(const szItemName[], iCost, iLimit);

* Description:	Open items menu for specific player.
* @param id		Client index.
* @return		true  | If successfully opened to the player.
*				false | If this player not connected.
native ze_show_items_menu(id);

* Description:			Force player to buy specific extra-item.
* @param id				Client index.
* @param iItemid		Item id, returned by ze_register_item() or ze_get_item_id().
* @param bIgnoreCost	true will ignore the cost, false will not ignore cost.
* @return				true  | If successfully bought item.
*						false | If this player not connected or itemid is invalid.
native ze_force_buy_item(id, iItemid, bIgnoreCost);

* Description:			Get item id by it's name.
* @param szItemName[]	Item name that used in ze_register_item().
* @return				Item index    | If item name is valid.
*						ZE_WRONG_ITEM | If this item name invalid.
* @note					ZE_WRONG_ITEM is defined as -1
*						Item name used in ze_register_item() native,
*						is called the real item name. 
*						this native deal with real name not name in ze_extraitems.ini
native ze_get_item_id(const szItemName[]);

* Description:			Get item cost (Integer) by it's id.
* @param iItemid		The item id from ze_register_item() or ze_get_item_id().
* @return				Item cost     | If item id is valid.
*						ZE_WRONG_ITEM | If item id is invalid.
* @note					ZE_WRONG_ITEM is defined as -1
native ze_get_item_cost(iItemid);

* Description:		Add extra-text to the item name.
* @param szText[]	Text to be added.
* @return			No return.
* @note				This native is used in ze_select_item_pre() forward.
*					Maximum length of the text is 32
native ze_add_text_to_item(const szText[]);

* Description:		Return item limit.
* @param iItemid	Item id.
* @return			Limit 		  | If this itemid is valid.
*					ZE_WRONG_ITEM | If this itemid is invalid.
* @note				ZE_WRONG_ITEM is defined as -1
native ze_get_item_limit(iItemid);

* Description:		Return item global limit.
* @param iItemid	Item id.
* @return			Global Limit  | If this itemid is valid.
*					ZE_WRONG_ITEM | If this itemid is invalid.
* @note				ZE_WRONG_ITEM is defined as -1
native ze_get_item_global_limit(iItemid);

* Description:		Check if this item id is valid or not.
* @param iItemid	Item id to check.
* @return			true  | If this itemid is valid.
*					false | If this itemid is invalid.
native ze_is_valid_itemid(iItemid);

* Description:		Return the item name by it's id.
* @param iItemid	Item id to check.
* @param szName[]	String to copy the string name to.
* @param iLen		The string szName[] max length.
* @return			true 		  | If item name copied successfully to szName[] string.
*					ZE_WRONG_ITEM | If this itemid is invalid.
native ze_get_item_name(iItemid, const szName[], iLen);

* Description:		Set this item for specific level.
* @param iItemid	Item id.
* @param iLevel		Level must player have to buy this item.
* @return			true 		  | If level set successfully.
*					false 		  | If level < 0 (Failed).
*					ZE_WRONG_ITEM | If this itemid is invalid.
* @note				Use this under ze_register_item() native in plugin_init() forward.
*					To use this native level plugin must be installed.
native ze_set_item_level(iItemid, iLevel);

* Description:		Get item level.
* @param iItemid	Item id.
* @return			Item level 	  | If this itemid is valid.
*					ZE_WRONG_ITEM | If this itemid is invalid.
* @note				To use this native level plugin must be installed.
native ze_get_item_level(iItemid);

* Description:		Set this item for VIPs on specific flag.
* @param iItemid	Item id.
* @param szFlag		Flag to set item to: a, b, c ... etc.
* @return			true 		  | If set successfully for VIPs.
*					ZE_WRONG_ITEM | If this itemid is invalid.
* @note				Use this under ze_register_item() native in plugin_init() forward.
*					To use this native VIP plugin must be installed.
*					Make sure to use only one flag.
native ze_set_item_vip(iItemid, szFlag[]);

* Description:		See if this item for VIP or not, and on which flag.
* @param iItemid	Item id.
* @return			Flag this item set to (return integer).
*					ZE_WRONG_ITEM | If this itemid is invalid.
* @note				To use this native VIP plugin must be installed.
*					This native works like ze_get_vip_flags() native.
native ze_get_item_vip(iItemid);

* Description:	Check if this zombie in madness or not.
* @param id		Client index.
* @return		true  | This zombie in madness.
*				false | If this zombie not in madness.
*				-1    | If this player not connected or he is human.
native ze_zombie_in_madness(id);

* Description:	Show weapon menu for player.
* @param id		Client index.
* @return		true  | If menu opened successfully.
*				false | If this player not connected.
native ze_show_weapon_menu(id);

* Description:	Check if auto buy enabled or not.
* @param id		Client index.
* @return		true  | If auto buy enabled.
*				false | If auto buy disabled.
*				-1 	  | If this player not connected.
native ze_is_auto_buy_enabled(id);

* Description:	This will disable auto buy for player.
* @param id		Client index.
* @return		true  | If disabled successfully.
*				false | If this player not connected.
native ze_disable_auto_buy(id);

* Description:	Enable and disable Ready&PreRelease sounds for any player.
* @param id		Client index.
* @param bSet	true will enable sounds, false will disable sounds.
* @return		true  | If successfully disabled/enabled.
*				false | If this player not connected.
native ze_set_starting_sounds(id, bool:bSet);

* Description:	Enable and disable ambiance sound for any player.
* @param id		Client index.
* @param bSet	true will enable sound, false will disable sound.
* @return		true  | If successfully disabled/enabled.
*				false | If this player not connected.
native ze_set_ambiance_sounds(id, bool:bSet);

* Description:	Check for any player if Ready&PreRelease sounds enabled or disabled.
* @param id		Client index.
* @return		true  | If sounds enabled.
*				false | If sounds disabled.
*				-1 	  | If this player not connected.
native ze_is_starting_sounds_enabled(id);

* Description:	Check for any player if ambiance sounds enabled or disabled.
* @param id		Client index.
* @return		true  | If sounds enabled.
*				false | If sounds disabled.
*				-1 	  | If this player not connected.
native ze_is_ambiance_sounds_enabled(id);

Code: Select all

#define ZE_PREFIX "!y[!gZombie Escape!y] "

// Print Color Chat message, This stock Supports ML
stock ze_colored_print(const target, const message[], any:...)
	static buffer[512], msg_SayText = 0
	if( !msg_SayText ) msg_SayText = get_user_msgid("SayText") 
	// Send to everyone
	if (!target)
		static player, maxplayers, argscount
		maxplayers = get_member_game(m_nMaxPlayers)
		argscount = numargs()
		for (player = 1; player <= maxplayers; player++)
			// Not connected
			if (!is_user_connected(player))
			// Remember changed arguments
			static arg_index, changed_args[20], changedcount // [20] = max LANG_PLAYER occurencies	
			changedcount = 0
			// Replace LANG_PLAYER with player id
			for (arg_index = 2; arg_index < argscount; arg_index++)
				if (getarg(arg_index) == LANG_PLAYER && arg_index + 1 < argscount)
					// Check if next param string is a registered language translation
					static lang_key[64], arg_subindex
					arg_subindex = 0
					while ((lang_key[arg_subindex] = getarg(arg_index + 1, arg_subindex++))) { /* keep looping */ }
					if (GetLangTransKey(lang_key) != TransKey_Bad)
						setarg(arg_index, 0, player)
						changed_args[changedcount++] = arg_index
						arg_index++ // skip next argument since we know it's a translation key
			// Format message for player (+add ZE prefix)
			vformat(buffer, charsmax(buffer), message, 3)
			format(buffer, charsmax(buffer), "%s%s", ZE_PREFIX, buffer)
			replace_all(buffer, charsmax(buffer), "!g", "^x04"); // Green Color  
			replace_all(buffer, charsmax(buffer), "!y", "^x01"); // Yellow Color  
			replace_all(buffer, charsmax(buffer), "!t", "^x03"); // Team Color 
			// Send it
			message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, msg_SayText, _, player)
			// Replace back player id's with LANG_PLAYER
			for (arg_index = 0; arg_index < changedcount; arg_index++)
				setarg(changed_args[arg_index], 0, LANG_PLAYER)
	// Send to specific target
		// Format message for player (+add ZE prefix)
		vformat(buffer, charsmax(buffer), message, 3)
		format(buffer, charsmax(buffer), "%s%s", ZE_PREFIX, buffer)
		replace_all(buffer, charsmax(buffer), "!g", "^x04"); // Green Color  
		replace_all(buffer, charsmax(buffer), "!y", "^x01"); // Yellow Color  
		replace_all(buffer, charsmax(buffer), "!t", "^x03"); // Team Color 
		// Send it
		message_begin(MSG_ONE, msg_SayText, _, target)

// Return number of alive players from a team
stock GetAlivePlayersNum(CsTeams:iTeam)
	new iTAliveNum
	for(new i = 1; i <= get_member_game(m_nMaxPlayers) ; i++)
		if (!is_user_connected(i))
		if(is_user_alive(i) && get_member(i, m_iTeam) == iTeam)
	return iTAliveNum

// Return number of connected players from a team
stock GetTeamPlayersNum(CsTeams:iTeam)
	new iTAliveNum
	for(new i = 1; i <= get_member_game(m_nMaxPlayers) ; i++)
		if (!is_user_connected(i))
		if(is_user_connected(i) && get_member(i, m_iTeam) == iTeam)
	return iTAliveNum

// Return number of non-alive players from a team
stock GetDeadPlayersNum(CsTeams:iTeam)
	new iTAliveNum
	for(new i = 1; i <= get_member_game(m_nMaxPlayers) ; i++)
		if (!is_user_connected(i))
		if(!is_user_alive(i) && get_member(i, m_iTeam) == iTeam)
	return iTAliveNum

// Return number of all alive players
stock GetAllAlivePlayersNum()
	new iAliveAll
	for(new i = 1; i <= get_member_game(m_nMaxPlayers) ; i++)
	return iAliveAll

// Return number of all connected players
stock GetAllPlayersNum()
	new iAll
	for(new i = 1; i <= get_member_game(m_nMaxPlayers) ; i++)
	return iAll

// Return Number of required zombies
stock RequiredZombies()
		case 2..5: return 1
		case 6..15: return 2
		case 16..25: return 3
		case 26..32: return 4
	return 0

// Choose Random Target
stock GetRandomAlive(target_index)
	new iAlive, id
	for (id = 1; id <= get_member_game(m_nMaxPlayers); id++)
		if (is_user_alive(id))
		if (iAlive == target_index)
			return id
	return -1

// Set Player Map Light Style
stock Set_MapLightStyle(iIndex, const szMapLightStyle[])
	message_begin(MSG_ONE, SVC_LIGHTSTYLE, {0, 0, 0}, iIndex)

// Set Player Nightvision
stock Set_NightVision(iIndex, iDuration, iHoldTime, iFlags, iRed, iGreen, iBlue, iAlpha)
	message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("ScreenFade"), {0, 0, 0}, iIndex)

// Set Zombie Knockback
stock Set_Knockback(ent, Float:VicOrigin[3], Float:speed, type)
	static Float:fl_Velocity[3]
	static Float:EntOrigin[3]
	get_entvar(ent, var_origin, EntOrigin)
	static Float:distance_f
	distance_f = get_distance_f(EntOrigin, VicOrigin)
	new Float:fl_Time = distance_f / speed
	if (type == 1)
		fl_Velocity[0] = ((VicOrigin[0] - EntOrigin[0]) / fl_Time) * 1.5
		fl_Velocity[1] = ((VicOrigin[1] - EntOrigin[1]) / fl_Time) * 1.5
		fl_Velocity[2] = (VicOrigin[2] - EntOrigin[2]) / fl_Time		
	else if (type == 2)
		fl_Velocity[0] = ((EntOrigin[0] - VicOrigin[0]) / fl_Time) * 1.5
		fl_Velocity[1] = ((EntOrigin[1] - VicOrigin[1]) / fl_Time) * 1.5
		fl_Velocity[2] = (EntOrigin[2] - VicOrigin[2]) / fl_Time
	set_entvar(ent, var_velocity, fl_Velocity)

// Update Player Frags and Deaths
stock UpdateFrags(iAttacker, iVictim, iFrags, iDeaths, iScoreboard)
	// Set attacker frags
	set_entvar(iAttacker, var_frags, float(pev(iAttacker, pev_frags) + iFrags))
	// Set victim deaths
	set_member(iVictim, m_iDeaths, get_member(iVictim, m_iDeaths) + iDeaths)
	// Update scoreboard with attacker and victim info
	if (iScoreboard)
		message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, get_user_msgid("ScoreInfo"))
		write_byte(iAttacker) // id
		write_short(floatround(get_entvar(iAttacker, var_frags))) // frags
		write_short(get_member(iAttacker, m_iDeaths)) // deaths
		write_short(0) // class?
		write_short(get_member(iAttacker, m_iTeam)) // team
		message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, get_user_msgid("ScoreInfo"))
		write_byte(iVictim) // id
		write_short(floatround(get_entvar(iVictim, var_frags))) // frags
		write_short(get_member(iVictim, m_iDeaths)) // deaths
		write_short(0) // class?
		write_short(get_member(iVictim, m_iTeam)) // team

// Send Death Message
stock SendDeathMsg(iAttacker, iVictim)
	message_begin(MSG_ALL, get_user_msgid("DeathMsg"), {0, 0, 0}, 0)
	write_byte(iAttacker) // killer
	write_byte(iVictim) // victim
	write_byte(1) // headshot flag
	write_string("infection") // killer's weapon

// Show infected icon
stock InfectionIcon(id)
	message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("Damage"), _, id)
	write_byte(0) // damage save
	write_byte(0) // damage take
	write_long(DMG_NERVEGAS) // damage type - DMG_RADIATION
	write_coord(0) // x
	write_coord(0) // y
	write_coord(0) // z

// Fix Dead Attribute
stock FixDeadAttrib(iIndex)
	message_begin(MSG_ALL, get_user_msgid("ScoreAttrib"), {0, 0, 0}, 0)
	write_byte(iIndex) // id
	write_byte(0) // attrib (0 = Nothing || 1 = Dead)

// Set an entity's key value
stock Set_KeyValue(entity, const key[], const value[], const classname[])
	set_kvd(0, KV_ClassName, classname)
	set_kvd(0, KV_KeyName, key)
	set_kvd(0, KV_Value, value)
	set_kvd(0, KV_fHandled, 0)

	dllfunc(DLLFunc_KeyValue, entity, 0)

// Set Custom Sky
stock Precache_Sky(const szSkyName[])
	new bool:bFound
	static szTgaFile[35]
	static szSuffix[6][3] = {"up", "dn", "ft", "bk", "lf", "rt"}

	for(new i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
		formatex(szTgaFile, 34, "gfx/env/%s%s.tga", szSkyName, szSuffix[i])
			bFound = true
			log_amx("Cannot locate file '%s'", szTgaFile)
			bFound = false
	if(bFound == true)
		set_cvar_string("sv_skyname", szSkyName)

// Add Commas
stock AddCommas(iNum , szOutput[] , iLen)  
    new szTmp[15] , iOutputPos , iNumPos , iNumLen 
    if (iNum < 0)  
        szOutput[iOutputPos++] = '-' 
        iNum = abs(iNum)
    iNumLen = num_to_str(iNum , szTmp , charsmax(szTmp))

    if (iNumLen <= 3)  
        iOutputPos += copy(szOutput[iOutputPos] , iLen , szTmp)
        while ((iNumPos < iNumLen) && (iOutputPos < iLen))   
            szOutput[iOutputPos++] = szTmp[iNumPos++]
            if((iNumLen - iNumPos) && !((iNumLen - iNumPos) % 3))   
                szOutput[iOutputPos++] = ','
        szOutput[iOutputPos] = EOS 
    return iOutputPos

// Play Sound
stock PlaySound(id, const sound[])
	if (equal(sound[strlen(sound)-4], ".mp3"))
		client_cmd(id, "mp3 play ^"sound/%s^"", sound)
		client_cmd(id, "spk ^"%s^"", sound)

// Stop Sound
stock StopSound()
	for(new id = 1; id <= get_member_game(m_nMaxPlayers); id++)
		client_cmd(id, "mp3 stop")
		client_cmd(id, "spk stop")
		client_cmd(id, "stopsound")

// Set Glow
stock Set_Rendering(iEntity, fx = kRenderFxNone, r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, render = kRenderNormal, amount = 16)
	static Float:color[3]
	color[0] = float(r)
	color[1] = float(g)
	color[2] = float(b)
	set_entvar(iEntity, var_renderfx, fx)
	set_entvar(iEntity, var_rendercolor, color)
	set_entvar(iEntity, var_rendermode, render)
	set_entvar(iEntity, var_renderamt, float(amount))

// Multiply Vector by Scalar
stock VecMulScalar(const Float:vec[], Float:scalar, Float:out[])
	out[0] = vec[0] * scalar
	out[1] = vec[1] * scalar
	out[2] = vec[2] * scalar

// Show Given BP Ammo
stock Show_Given_BPAmmo(id, iAmmoType, iAmmount)
	if (iAmmount <= 0)
	message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("AmmoPickup"), {0,0,0}, id)

// Log MySQL Errors
stock SQL_IsFail(iFailState, iError, szError[], const szLogFile[])
		log_to_file(szLogFile, "[MySQL] Could not connect to SQL database: %s", szError)
		return true
	else if (iFailState == TQUERY_QUERY_FAILED)
		log_to_file(szLogFile, "[MySQL] Query failed: %s", szError)
		return true
	else if (iError)
		log_to_file(szLogFile, "[MySQL] Error on query: %s", szError)
		return true
	return false

// Check if player steamid in given array or not
stock IsPlayerInArray(Array:aSteamArray, id)
	new szAuthId[34], szSavedAuthId[34];
	get_user_authid(id, szAuthId, charsmax(szAuthId))
	for(new i = 0; i < ArraySize(aSteamArray); i++)
		ArrayGetString(aSteamArray, i, szSavedAuthId, charsmax(szSavedAuthId))
		if (equal(szSavedAuthId, szAuthId))
			return true
	return false
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Scripter eXtreamCS
Scripter eXtreamCS
Posts: 3844
Joined: 24 Aug 2011, 12:24
Detinator Steam: Da
CS Status:
Detinator server CS: ☯∴
SteamID: riseofevo
Reputatie: Scripter eXtreamCS
Nume anterior: Adryyy
Location: ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ
Discord: devilclass
Has thanked: 36 times
Been thanked: 594 times

25 Jan 2021, 21:06

Code: Select all

#include <zombie_escape>
#include <ze_levels>
#include <stripweapons>

native give_golden_m3(id);
native give_golden_mp5(id);
native give_golden_m4a1(id);
native give_golden_ak47(id);

native GetAwpz(id);
native give_weapon_sfgun(id);
native give_paladin(id);
native give_unicorn(id);

// Setting File
new const ZE_SETTING_RESOURCES[] = "zombie_escape.ini"

// Keys

// Primary Weapons Entities [Default Values]
new const szPrimaryWeaponEnt[][] =
	"weapon_xm1014",  // Level 0
	"weapon_ump45",   // Level 0
	"weapon_m3",      // Level 1
	"weapon_mp5navy", // Level 2
	"weapon_p90",     // Level 3
	"weapon_galil",   // Level 4
	"weapon_famas",   // Level 5
	"weapon_sg550",   // Level 6
	"weapon_g3sg1",   // Level 7
	"weapon_m249",    // Level 8
	"weapon_sg552",   // Level 9
	"weapon_aug",     // Level 10
	"weapon_m4a1",    // Level 11
	"weapon_ak47"     // Level 12

// Secondary Weapons Entities [Default Values]
new const szSecondaryWeaponEnt[][]=
	"weapon_usp",         // Level 0
	"weapon_p228",        // Level 0
	"weapon_glock18",     // Level 1
	"weapon_fiveseven",   // Level 2
	"weapon_deagle",      // Level 3
	"weapon_elite"        // Level 4

// Primary and Secondary Weapons Names [Default Values]
new const szWeaponNames[][] = 
	"HE Grenade",
	"Smoke Grenade", 
	"Dual Elite",
	"Five Seven",
	"UMP 45",
	"Desert Eagle",

// Max Back Clip Ammo (Change it From here if you need)
new const szMaxBPAmmo[] =

// Menu selections
const MENU_KEY_BACK = 7
const MENU_KEY_NEXT = 8
const MENU_KEY_EXIT = 9

// Variables
new Array:g_szPrimaryWeapons, Array:g_szSecondaryWeapons

new g_iMenuData[33][4],

// Define
#define WPN_STARTID g_iMenuData[id][0]
#define WPN_SELECTION (g_iMenuData[id][0]+key)
#define WPN_AUTO_ON g_iMenuData[id][1]
#define WPN_AUTO_PRI g_iMenuData[id][2]
#define WPN_AUTO_SEC g_iMenuData[id][3]

// Cvars
new g_pCvarBuyTime,

public plugin_natives()
	register_native("ze_show_weapon_menu", "native_ze_show_weapon_menu", 1)
	register_native("ze_is_auto_buy_enabled", "native_ze_is_auto_buy_enabled", 1)
	register_native("ze_disable_auto_buy", "native_ze_disable_auto_buy", 1)

public plugin_precache()
	// Initialize arrays (32 is the max length of Weapon Entity like: weapon_ak47)
	g_szPrimaryWeapons = ArrayCreate(32, 1)
	g_szSecondaryWeapons = ArrayCreate(32, 1)
	// Load from external file
	amx_load_setting_string_arr(ZE_SETTING_RESOURCES, "Weapons Menu", "PRIMARY", g_szPrimaryWeapons)
	amx_load_setting_string_arr(ZE_SETTING_RESOURCES, "Weapons Menu", "SECONDARY", g_szSecondaryWeapons)
	// If we couldn't load from file, use and save default ones
	new iIndex
	if (ArraySize(g_szPrimaryWeapons) == 0)
		for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < sizeof szPrimaryWeaponEnt; iIndex++)
			ArrayPushString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, szPrimaryWeaponEnt[iIndex])
		// If not found .ini File Create it and save default values in it
		amx_save_setting_string_arr(ZE_SETTING_RESOURCES, "Weapons Menu", "PRIMARY", g_szPrimaryWeapons)
	if (ArraySize(g_szSecondaryWeapons) == 0)
		for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < sizeof szSecondaryWeaponEnt; iIndex++)
			ArrayPushString(g_szSecondaryWeapons, szSecondaryWeaponEnt[iIndex])
		// If not found .ini File Create it and save default values in it
		amx_save_setting_string_arr(ZE_SETTING_RESOURCES, "Weapons Menu", "SECONDARY", g_szSecondaryWeapons)

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin("[ZE] Levels Weapons Menu", "1.1", "Raheem")
	// Commands
	register_clcmd("guns", "Cmd_Buy")
	register_clcmd("say /enable", "Cmd_Enable")
	register_clcmd("say_team /enable", "Cmd_Enable")
	// Cvars
	g_pCvarBuyTime = register_cvar("ze_buy_time", "60")
	g_pCvarHeGrenade = register_cvar("ze_give_HE_nade", "1") // 0 Nothing || 1 Give HE
	g_pCvarSmokeGrenade = register_cvar("ze_give_SM_nade", "1")
	g_pCvarFlashGrenade = register_cvar("ze_give_FB_nade", "1")
	g_pCvarBlockWeapLowLevel = register_cvar("ze_block_weapons_lowlvl", "1")
	// Menus
	register_menu("Primary Weapons", KEYSMENU, "Menu_Buy_Primary")
	register_menu("Secondary Weapons", KEYSMENU, "Menu_Buy_Secondary")
	// Hams
	RegisterHam(Ham_Touch, "weaponbox", "Fw_TouchWeapon_Pre", 0)
	RegisterHam(Ham_Touch, "armoury_entity", "Fw_TouchWeapon_Pre", 0)

public client_disconnected(id)

public Cmd_Enable(id)
		ze_colored_print(id, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "BUY_ENABLED")

public Cmd_Buy(id)
	// Player Zombie
	if (ze_is_user_zombie(id))
		ze_colored_print(id, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "NO_BUY_ZOMBIE")
	// Player Dead
	if (!is_user_alive(id))
		ze_colored_print(id, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DEAD_CANT_BUY_WEAPON")
	// Already bought
	if (g_bBoughtPrimary[id] && g_bBoughtSecondary[id])
		ze_colored_print(id, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "ALREADY_BOUGHT")

public ze_user_humanized(id)
	// Static Values
	switch (ze_get_user_level(id))
		case 0: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 2
		case 1: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 3
		case 2: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 4
		case 3: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 5
		case 4: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 6
		case 5: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 7
		case 6: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 8
		case 7: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 9
		case 8: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 10
		case 9: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 11
		case 10: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 12
		case 11: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 13
		case 12..14: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 14
		case 15..19: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 15 // Golden m3
		case 20..24: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 16 // Golden MP5
		case 25..29: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 17 // Golden M4A1
		case 30..34: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 18     // Golden AK47
		case 35..39: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 19     // altă armă
		case 40..44: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 20     // altă armă
		case 45..49: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 21     // altă armă
		case 50: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 22     // altă armă
	if (ze_get_user_level(id) > 50)
		WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 22

	// Buyzone time starts when player is set to human
	g_fBuyTimeStart[id] = get_gametime()
	g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = false
	g_bBoughtSecondary[id] = false
	// Player dead or zombie
	if (!is_user_alive(id) || ze_is_user_zombie(id))
		ze_colored_print(id, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "RE_ENABLE_MENU")
		Buy_Primary_Weapon(id, WPN_AUTO_PRI)
		Buy_Secondary_Weapon(id, WPN_AUTO_SEC)
	// Open available buy menus
	// Give HE Grenade
	if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarHeGrenade) != 0)
		rg_give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade")
	// Give Smoke Grenade
	if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarSmokeGrenade) != 0)
		rg_give_item(id, "weapon_smokegrenade")
	// Give Flashbang Grenade
	if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarFlashGrenade) != 0)
		rg_give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang")

public Show_Available_Buy_Menus(id)
	// Already Bought
	if (g_bBoughtPrimary[id] && g_bBoughtSecondary[id])
	// Here we use if and else if so we make sure that Primary weapon come first then secondary
	if (!g_bBoughtPrimary[id])
		// Primary		
	else if (!g_bBoughtSecondary[id])
		// Secondary

public Show_Menu_Buy_Primary(id)
	new iMenuTime = floatround(g_fBuyTimeStart[id] + get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarBuyTime) - get_gametime())
	if (iMenuTime <= 0)
		ze_colored_print(id, "%L", id, "BUY_MENU_TIME_EXPIRED")
	static szMenu[300], szWeaponName[32]
	new iLen, iIndex, iMaxLoops = min(WPN_STARTID+7, WPN_MAXIDS[id])
	// Title
	iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\y%L \w[\r%d\w-\r%d\w]^n^n", id, "MENU_PRIMARY_TITLE", WPN_STARTID+1, min(WPN_STARTID+7, WPN_MAXIDS[id]))
	// 1-7. Weapon List
	for (iIndex = WPN_STARTID; iIndex < iMaxLoops; iIndex++)
		if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 0 && iIndex >= 2||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 1 && iIndex >= 3 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 2 && iIndex >= 4 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 3 && iIndex >= 5 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 4 && iIndex >= 6 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 5 && iIndex >= 7 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 6 && iIndex >= 8 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 7 && iIndex >= 9 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 8 && iIndex >= 10 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 9 && iIndex >= 11 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 10 && iIndex >= 12 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 11 && iIndex >= 13 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 12 && iIndex >= 14)
		*  Note that WPN_MAXIDS start from 1 but iIndex start from 0.

		// Golden M3
		if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 15 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 20)
			if (iIndex == 14)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M3")
		// Golden MP5
		if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 20 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 25)
			if (iIndex == 14)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M3")
			if (iIndex == 15)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden MP5")
		// Golden M4A1
		if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 25 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 30)
			if (iIndex == 14)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M3")
			if (iIndex == 15)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden MP5")
			if (iIndex == 16)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M4A1")
		// Golden AK47
		if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 30 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 35)
			if (iIndex == 14)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M3")
			if (iIndex == 15)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden MP5")
			if (iIndex == 16)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M4A1")
			if (iIndex == 17)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden AK-47")
		// sf gun lvl 35
		if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 35 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 40)
			if (iIndex == 14)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M3")
			if (iIndex == 15)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden MP5")
			if (iIndex == 16)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M4A1")
			if (iIndex == 17)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden AK-47")
			if (iIndex == 18)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "SF Gun")
		// etheral lvl 40
		if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 40 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 45)
			if (iIndex == 14)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M3")
			if (iIndex == 15)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden MP5")
			if (iIndex == 16)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M4A1")
			if (iIndex == 17)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden AK-47")
			if (iIndex == 18)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "SF Gun")

			if (iIndex == 19)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "AK47 Paladin")

		// awp z 45
		if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 45 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 50)
			if (iIndex == 14)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M3")
			if (iIndex == 15)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden MP5")
			if (iIndex == 16)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M4A1")
			if (iIndex == 17)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden AK-47")
			if (iIndex == 18)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "SF Gun")

			if (iIndex == 19)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "AK47 Paladin")

			if (iIndex == 20)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "AWP-Z")

		// unicorn 50 lvl
		if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 50)
			if (iIndex == 14)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M3")
			if (iIndex == 15)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden MP5")
			if (iIndex == 16)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M4A1")
			if (iIndex == 17)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden AK-47")
			if (iIndex == 18)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "SF Gun")

			if (iIndex == 19)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "AK47 Paladin")

			if (iIndex == 20)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "AWP-Z")

			if (iIndex == 21)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "UT3 Link Gun")
		// Must check if iIndex < 14 LAST WEAPON
		if (iIndex < 14)
			ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, iIndex, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
			iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	if (iIndex < 7)
		ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, iIndex, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 5)
		ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 7, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 6)
		ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 8, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 7)
		ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 9, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 8)
		ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 10, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 9)
		ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 11, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 10)
		ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 12, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 11)
		ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 13, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 12 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 15) // Golden M3
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Level 15 Unlock\w: \yGolden M3^n")
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 15 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 20) // Golden MP5
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Level 20 Unlock\w: \yGolden MP5^n")
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 20 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 25) // Golden M4A1
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Level 25 Unlock\w: \yGolden M4A1^n")
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 25 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 30) // Golden Ak-47
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Level 30 Unlock\w: \yGolden AK-47^n")
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 30 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 35) // SF GUN
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Level 35 Unlock\w: \ySF Gun^n")
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 35 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 40) // Ethereal
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Level 40 Unlock\w: \yAk47 Paladin^n")
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 40 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 45) // AWP Z
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Level 45 Unlock\w: \yAWP-Z^n")
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 45 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 50) // UT3 Link Gun
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Level 50 Unlock\w: \yUT3 Link Gun^n")

	// 8. Auto Select
	iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\w8.\y %L \w[\r%L\w]", id, "MENU_AUTOSELECT", id, (WPN_AUTO_ON) ? "SAVE_YES" : "SAVE_NO")
	// 9. Next/Back - 0. Exit
	iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n^n\y9.\r %L \w/ \r%L^n^n\w0.\y %L", id, "NEXT", id, "BACK", id, "EXIT")
	// Fix for AMXX custom menus
	set_pdata_int(id, OFFSET_CSMENUCODE, 0)
	show_menu(id, KEYSMENU, szMenu, iMenuTime, "Primary Weapons")

public Show_Menu_Buy_Secondary(id)
	new iMenuTime = floatround(g_fBuyTimeStart[id] + get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarBuyTime) - get_gametime())
	if (iMenuTime <= 0)
		ze_colored_print(id, "%L", id, "BUY_MENU_TIME_EXPIRED")
	static szMenu[250], szWeaponName[32]
	new iLen, iIndex, iMaxLoops = ArraySize(g_szSecondaryWeapons)
	// Title
	iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\y%L^n", id, "MENU_SECONDARY_TITLE")
	// 1-6. Weapon List
	for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < iMaxLoops; iIndex++)
		if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 0 && iIndex >= 2 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 1 && iIndex >= 3 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 2 && iIndex >= 4 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 3 && iIndex >= 5 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 4 && iIndex >= 6)
		ArrayGetString(g_szSecondaryWeapons, iIndex, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\w%d.\y %s", iIndex+1, szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	if (iIndex < ArraySize(g_szSecondaryWeapons))
		ArrayGetString(g_szSecondaryWeapons, iIndex, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	// 8. Auto Select
	iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n^n\w8.\y %L \w[\r%L\w]", id, "MENU_AUTOSELECT", id, (WPN_AUTO_ON) ? "SAVE_YES" : "SAVE_NO")
	// 0. Exit
	iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n^n\w0.\y %L", id, "EXIT")
	// Fix for AMXX custom menus
	set_pdata_int(id, OFFSET_CSMENUCODE, 0)
	show_menu(id, KEYSMENU, szMenu, iMenuTime, "Secondary Weapons")

public Menu_Buy_Primary(id, key)
	// Player dead or zombie or already bought primary
	if (!is_user_alive(id) || ze_is_user_zombie(id) || g_bBoughtPrimary[id])
	// Special keys / weapon list exceeded
		switch (key)
			case MENU_KEY_AUTOSELECT: // toggle auto select
			case MENU_KEY_NEXT: // next/back
				if (WPN_STARTID+7 < WPN_MAXIDS[id])
					WPN_STARTID += 7
					WPN_STARTID = 0
			case MENU_KEY_EXIT: // exit
		// Show buy menu again
	// Store selected weapon id
	// Buy primary weapon
	Buy_Primary_Weapon(id, WPN_AUTO_PRI)
	// Show Secondary Weapons

public Buy_Primary_Weapon(id, selection)
	if (selection == 14) // Golden M3
		g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = true
		return true;
	else if (selection == 15) // Golden MP5
		g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = true
		return true;
	else if (selection == 16) // Golden M4A1
		StripWeapons(id, Primary)
		give_item(id, "weapon_knife")
		g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = true
		return true;
	else if (selection == 17) // Golden AK47
		StripWeapons(id, Primary)
		give_item(id, "weapon_knife")
		g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = true
		return true;
	else if (selection == 18) // SF GUN
		StripWeapons(id, Primary)
		give_item(id, "weapon_knife")
		g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = true
		return true;
	else if (selection == 19) // paladin
		StripWeapons(id, Primary)
		give_item(id, "weapon_knife")
		g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = true
		return true;
	else if (selection == 20) // AWP Z
		StripWeapons(id, Primary)
		give_item(id, "weapon_knife")
		g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = true
		return true;
	else if (selection == 21) // Unicorn
		StripWeapons(id, Primary)
		give_item(id, "weapon_knife")
		g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = true
		return true;
	static szWeaponName[32]
	ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, selection, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
	new iWeaponId = get_weaponid(szWeaponName)
	// Strip and Give Full Weapon
	rg_give_item(id, szWeaponName, GT_REPLACE)
	rg_set_user_bpammo(id, WeaponIdType:iWeaponId, szMaxBPAmmo[iWeaponId])
	// Primary bought
	g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = true
	return true;

public Menu_Buy_Secondary(id, key)
	// Player dead or zombie or already bought secondary
	if (!is_user_alive(id) || ze_is_user_zombie(id) || g_bBoughtSecondary[id])
	// Special keys / weapon list exceeded
	if (key >= ArraySize(g_szSecondaryWeapons))
		// Toggle autoselect
		// Reshow menu unless user exited
		if (key != MENU_KEY_EXIT)
	// Store selected weapon id
	// Buy secondary weapon
	Buy_Secondary_Weapon(id, key)

public Buy_Secondary_Weapon(id, selection)
	if ( ((selection == 2) && (ze_get_user_level(id) < 1)) ||
	((selection == 3) && (ze_get_user_level(id) < 2)) ||
	((selection == 4) && (ze_get_user_level(id) < 3)) ||
	((selection == 5) && (ze_get_user_level(id) < 4)) )

	static szWeaponName[32]
	ArrayGetString(g_szSecondaryWeapons, selection, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
	new iWeaponId = get_weaponid(szWeaponName)
	// Strip and Give Full Weapon
	rg_give_item(id, szWeaponName, GT_REPLACE)
	rg_set_user_bpammo(id, WeaponIdType:iWeaponId, szMaxBPAmmo[iWeaponId])
	// Secondary bought
	g_bBoughtSecondary[id] = true

public Fw_TouchWeapon_Pre(iEnt, id)
	if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarBlockWeapLowLevel) == 0)
		return HAM_IGNORED;
	// Not alive or Not Valid Weapon?
	if(!is_user_alive(id) || !pev_valid(iEnt))
		return HAM_IGNORED;
	// Get Weapon Model
	new szWeapModel[32]
	pev(iEnt, pev_model, szWeapModel, charsmax(szWeapModel))
	// Remove "models/w_" and ".mdl"
	copyc(szWeapModel, charsmax(szWeapModel), szWeapModel[contain(szWeapModel, "_" ) + 1], '.')
	// Set for mp5 to be same as "weapon_mp5navy"
	if(szWeapModel[1] == 'p' && szWeapModel[2] == '5')
		szWeapModel = "mp5navy"
	// Add "weapon_" to all model names
	static szWeaponEnt[32]
	formatex(szWeaponEnt, charsmax(szWeaponEnt), "weapon_%s", szWeapModel)

	// Get it's index in Weapon Array
	new iIndex, i
	// I won't explain the blew code if you need to understand ask me in Escapers-Zone.XYZ
	for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(g_szPrimaryWeapons); i++)
		new szPrimaryWeapon[32]
		ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, i, szPrimaryWeapon, charsmax(szPrimaryWeapon))
		if (equali(szWeaponEnt, szPrimaryWeapon))
			iIndex = i
	if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 0 && iIndex > 1)
	for (i = 1; i <= 11; i++)
		if ((ze_get_user_level(id) == i) && iIndex > i+1)
			return HAM_SUPERCEDE;
	return HAM_IGNORED;

// Natives
public native_ze_show_weapon_menu(id)
	if (!is_user_connected(id))
		log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZE] Invalid Player (%d)", id)
		return false
	return true

public native_ze_is_auto_buy_enabled(id)
	if (!is_user_connected(id))
		log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZE] Invalid Player (%d)", id)
		return -1;
	return WPN_AUTO_ON;

public native_ze_disable_auto_buy(id)
	if (!is_user_connected(id))
		log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZE] Invalid Player (%d)", id)
		return false
	return true
Pentru ajutor, faceți cerere bine detaliată, completând și respectând modelul corespunzător.
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Utilizator neserios (tepar)
Utilizator neserios (tepar)
Posts: 1054
Joined: 06 Oct 2018, 14:41
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25 Jan 2021, 23:19

L E V I N wrote:
25 Jan 2021, 21:06

Code: Select all

#include <zombie_escape>
#include <ze_levels>
#include <stripweapons>

native give_golden_m3(id);
native give_golden_mp5(id);
native give_golden_m4a1(id);
native give_golden_ak47(id);

native GetAwpz(id);
native give_weapon_sfgun(id);
native give_paladin(id);
native give_unicorn(id);

// Setting File
new const ZE_SETTING_RESOURCES[] = "zombie_escape.ini"

// Keys

// Primary Weapons Entities [Default Values]
new const szPrimaryWeaponEnt[][] =
	"weapon_xm1014",  // Level 0
	"weapon_ump45",   // Level 0
	"weapon_m3",      // Level 1
	"weapon_mp5navy", // Level 2
	"weapon_p90",     // Level 3
	"weapon_galil",   // Level 4
	"weapon_famas",   // Level 5
	"weapon_sg550",   // Level 6
	"weapon_g3sg1",   // Level 7
	"weapon_m249",    // Level 8
	"weapon_sg552",   // Level 9
	"weapon_aug",     // Level 10
	"weapon_m4a1",    // Level 11
	"weapon_ak47"     // Level 12

// Secondary Weapons Entities [Default Values]
new const szSecondaryWeaponEnt[][]=
	"weapon_usp",         // Level 0
	"weapon_p228",        // Level 0
	"weapon_glock18",     // Level 1
	"weapon_fiveseven",   // Level 2
	"weapon_deagle",      // Level 3
	"weapon_elite"        // Level 4

// Primary and Secondary Weapons Names [Default Values]
new const szWeaponNames[][] = 
	"HE Grenade",
	"Smoke Grenade", 
	"Dual Elite",
	"Five Seven",
	"UMP 45",
	"Desert Eagle",

// Max Back Clip Ammo (Change it From here if you need)
new const szMaxBPAmmo[] =

// Menu selections
const MENU_KEY_BACK = 7
const MENU_KEY_NEXT = 8
const MENU_KEY_EXIT = 9

// Variables
new Array:g_szPrimaryWeapons, Array:g_szSecondaryWeapons

new g_iMenuData[33][4],

// Define
#define WPN_STARTID g_iMenuData[id][0]
#define WPN_SELECTION (g_iMenuData[id][0]+key)
#define WPN_AUTO_ON g_iMenuData[id][1]
#define WPN_AUTO_PRI g_iMenuData[id][2]
#define WPN_AUTO_SEC g_iMenuData[id][3]

// Cvars
new g_pCvarBuyTime,

public plugin_natives()
	register_native("ze_show_weapon_menu", "native_ze_show_weapon_menu", 1)
	register_native("ze_is_auto_buy_enabled", "native_ze_is_auto_buy_enabled", 1)
	register_native("ze_disable_auto_buy", "native_ze_disable_auto_buy", 1)

public plugin_precache()
	// Initialize arrays (32 is the max length of Weapon Entity like: weapon_ak47)
	g_szPrimaryWeapons = ArrayCreate(32, 1)
	g_szSecondaryWeapons = ArrayCreate(32, 1)
	// Load from external file
	amx_load_setting_string_arr(ZE_SETTING_RESOURCES, "Weapons Menu", "PRIMARY", g_szPrimaryWeapons)
	amx_load_setting_string_arr(ZE_SETTING_RESOURCES, "Weapons Menu", "SECONDARY", g_szSecondaryWeapons)
	// If we couldn't load from file, use and save default ones
	new iIndex
	if (ArraySize(g_szPrimaryWeapons) == 0)
		for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < sizeof szPrimaryWeaponEnt; iIndex++)
			ArrayPushString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, szPrimaryWeaponEnt[iIndex])
		// If not found .ini File Create it and save default values in it
		amx_save_setting_string_arr(ZE_SETTING_RESOURCES, "Weapons Menu", "PRIMARY", g_szPrimaryWeapons)
	if (ArraySize(g_szSecondaryWeapons) == 0)
		for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < sizeof szSecondaryWeaponEnt; iIndex++)
			ArrayPushString(g_szSecondaryWeapons, szSecondaryWeaponEnt[iIndex])
		// If not found .ini File Create it and save default values in it
		amx_save_setting_string_arr(ZE_SETTING_RESOURCES, "Weapons Menu", "SECONDARY", g_szSecondaryWeapons)

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin("[ZE] Levels Weapons Menu", "1.1", "Raheem")
	// Commands
	register_clcmd("guns", "Cmd_Buy")
	register_clcmd("say /enable", "Cmd_Enable")
	register_clcmd("say_team /enable", "Cmd_Enable")
	// Cvars
	g_pCvarBuyTime = register_cvar("ze_buy_time", "60")
	g_pCvarHeGrenade = register_cvar("ze_give_HE_nade", "1") // 0 Nothing || 1 Give HE
	g_pCvarSmokeGrenade = register_cvar("ze_give_SM_nade", "1")
	g_pCvarFlashGrenade = register_cvar("ze_give_FB_nade", "1")
	g_pCvarBlockWeapLowLevel = register_cvar("ze_block_weapons_lowlvl", "1")
	// Menus
	register_menu("Primary Weapons", KEYSMENU, "Menu_Buy_Primary")
	register_menu("Secondary Weapons", KEYSMENU, "Menu_Buy_Secondary")
	// Hams
	RegisterHam(Ham_Touch, "weaponbox", "Fw_TouchWeapon_Pre", 0)
	RegisterHam(Ham_Touch, "armoury_entity", "Fw_TouchWeapon_Pre", 0)

public client_disconnected(id)

public Cmd_Enable(id)
		ze_colored_print(id, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "BUY_ENABLED")

public Cmd_Buy(id)
	// Player Zombie
	if (ze_is_user_zombie(id))
		ze_colored_print(id, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "NO_BUY_ZOMBIE")
	// Player Dead
	if (!is_user_alive(id))
		ze_colored_print(id, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DEAD_CANT_BUY_WEAPON")
	// Already bought
	if (g_bBoughtPrimary[id] && g_bBoughtSecondary[id])
		ze_colored_print(id, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "ALREADY_BOUGHT")

public ze_user_humanized(id)
	// Static Values
	switch (ze_get_user_level(id))
		case 0: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 2
		case 1: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 3
		case 2: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 4
		case 3: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 5
		case 4: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 6
		case 5: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 7
		case 6: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 8
		case 7: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 9
		case 8: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 10
		case 9: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 11
		case 10: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 12
		case 11: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 13
		case 12..14: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 14
		case 15..19: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 15 // Golden m3
		case 20..24: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 16 // Golden MP5
		case 25..29: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 17 // Golden M4A1
		case 30..34: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 18     // Golden AK47
		case 35..39: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 19     // altă armă
		case 40..44: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 20     // altă armă
		case 45..49: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 21     // altă armă
		case 50: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 22     // altă armă
	if (ze_get_user_level(id) > 50)
		WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 22

	// Buyzone time starts when player is set to human
	g_fBuyTimeStart[id] = get_gametime()
	g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = false
	g_bBoughtSecondary[id] = false
	// Player dead or zombie
	if (!is_user_alive(id) || ze_is_user_zombie(id))
		ze_colored_print(id, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "RE_ENABLE_MENU")
		Buy_Primary_Weapon(id, WPN_AUTO_PRI)
		Buy_Secondary_Weapon(id, WPN_AUTO_SEC)
	// Open available buy menus
	// Give HE Grenade
	if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarHeGrenade) != 0)
		rg_give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade")
	// Give Smoke Grenade
	if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarSmokeGrenade) != 0)
		rg_give_item(id, "weapon_smokegrenade")
	// Give Flashbang Grenade
	if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarFlashGrenade) != 0)
		rg_give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang")

public Show_Available_Buy_Menus(id)
	// Already Bought
	if (g_bBoughtPrimary[id] && g_bBoughtSecondary[id])
	// Here we use if and else if so we make sure that Primary weapon come first then secondary
	if (!g_bBoughtPrimary[id])
		// Primary		
	else if (!g_bBoughtSecondary[id])
		// Secondary

public Show_Menu_Buy_Primary(id)
	new iMenuTime = floatround(g_fBuyTimeStart[id] + get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarBuyTime) - get_gametime())
	if (iMenuTime <= 0)
		ze_colored_print(id, "%L", id, "BUY_MENU_TIME_EXPIRED")
	static szMenu[300], szWeaponName[32]
	new iLen, iIndex, iMaxLoops = min(WPN_STARTID+7, WPN_MAXIDS[id])
	// Title
	iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\y%L \w[\r%d\w-\r%d\w]^n^n", id, "MENU_PRIMARY_TITLE", WPN_STARTID+1, min(WPN_STARTID+7, WPN_MAXIDS[id]))
	// 1-7. Weapon List
	for (iIndex = WPN_STARTID; iIndex < iMaxLoops; iIndex++)
		if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 0 && iIndex >= 2||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 1 && iIndex >= 3 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 2 && iIndex >= 4 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 3 && iIndex >= 5 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 4 && iIndex >= 6 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 5 && iIndex >= 7 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 6 && iIndex >= 8 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 7 && iIndex >= 9 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 8 && iIndex >= 10 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 9 && iIndex >= 11 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 10 && iIndex >= 12 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 11 && iIndex >= 13 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 12 && iIndex >= 14)
		*  Note that WPN_MAXIDS start from 1 but iIndex start from 0.

		// Golden M3
		if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 15 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 20)
			if (iIndex == 14)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M3")
		// Golden MP5
		if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 20 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 25)
			if (iIndex == 14)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M3")
			if (iIndex == 15)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden MP5")
		// Golden M4A1
		if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 25 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 30)
			if (iIndex == 14)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M3")
			if (iIndex == 15)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden MP5")
			if (iIndex == 16)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M4A1")
		// Golden AK47
		if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 30 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 35)
			if (iIndex == 14)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M3")
			if (iIndex == 15)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden MP5")
			if (iIndex == 16)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M4A1")
			if (iIndex == 17)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden AK-47")
		// sf gun lvl 35
		if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 35 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 40)
			if (iIndex == 14)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M3")
			if (iIndex == 15)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden MP5")
			if (iIndex == 16)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M4A1")
			if (iIndex == 17)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden AK-47")
			if (iIndex == 18)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "SF Gun")
		// etheral lvl 40
		if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 40 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 45)
			if (iIndex == 14)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M3")
			if (iIndex == 15)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden MP5")
			if (iIndex == 16)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M4A1")
			if (iIndex == 17)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden AK-47")
			if (iIndex == 18)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "SF Gun")

			if (iIndex == 19)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "AK47 Paladin")

		// awp z 45
		if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 45 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 50)
			if (iIndex == 14)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M3")
			if (iIndex == 15)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden MP5")
			if (iIndex == 16)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M4A1")
			if (iIndex == 17)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden AK-47")
			if (iIndex == 18)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "SF Gun")

			if (iIndex == 19)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "AK47 Paladin")

			if (iIndex == 20)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "AWP-Z")

		// unicorn 50 lvl
		if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 50)
			if (iIndex == 14)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M3")
			if (iIndex == 15)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden MP5")
			if (iIndex == 16)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden M4A1")
			if (iIndex == 17)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "Golden AK-47")
			if (iIndex == 18)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "SF Gun")

			if (iIndex == 19)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "AK47 Paladin")

			if (iIndex == 20)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "AWP-Z")

			if (iIndex == 21)
				iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, "UT3 Link Gun")
		// Must check if iIndex < 14 LAST WEAPON
		if (iIndex < 14)
			ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, iIndex, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
			iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	if (iIndex < 7)
		ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, iIndex, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 5)
		ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 7, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 6)
		ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 8, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 7)
		ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 9, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 8)
		ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 10, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 9)
		ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 11, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 10)
		ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 12, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 11)
		ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 13, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 12 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 15) // Golden M3
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Level 15 Unlock\w: \yGolden M3^n")
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 15 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 20) // Golden MP5
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Level 20 Unlock\w: \yGolden MP5^n")
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 20 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 25) // Golden M4A1
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Level 25 Unlock\w: \yGolden M4A1^n")
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 25 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 30) // Golden Ak-47
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Level 30 Unlock\w: \yGolden AK-47^n")
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 30 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 35) // SF GUN
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Level 35 Unlock\w: \ySF Gun^n")
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 35 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 40) // Ethereal
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Level 40 Unlock\w: \yAk47 Paladin^n")
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 40 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 45) // AWP Z
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Level 45 Unlock\w: \yAWP-Z^n")
	else if (ze_get_user_level(id) >= 45 && ze_get_user_level(id) < 50) // UT3 Link Gun
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Level 50 Unlock\w: \yUT3 Link Gun^n")

	// 8. Auto Select
	iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\w8.\y %L \w[\r%L\w]", id, "MENU_AUTOSELECT", id, (WPN_AUTO_ON) ? "SAVE_YES" : "SAVE_NO")
	// 9. Next/Back - 0. Exit
	iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n^n\y9.\r %L \w/ \r%L^n^n\w0.\y %L", id, "NEXT", id, "BACK", id, "EXIT")
	// Fix for AMXX custom menus
	set_pdata_int(id, OFFSET_CSMENUCODE, 0)
	show_menu(id, KEYSMENU, szMenu, iMenuTime, "Primary Weapons")

public Show_Menu_Buy_Secondary(id)
	new iMenuTime = floatround(g_fBuyTimeStart[id] + get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarBuyTime) - get_gametime())
	if (iMenuTime <= 0)
		ze_colored_print(id, "%L", id, "BUY_MENU_TIME_EXPIRED")
	static szMenu[250], szWeaponName[32]
	new iLen, iIndex, iMaxLoops = ArraySize(g_szSecondaryWeapons)
	// Title
	iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\y%L^n", id, "MENU_SECONDARY_TITLE")
	// 1-6. Weapon List
	for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < iMaxLoops; iIndex++)
		if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 0 && iIndex >= 2 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 1 && iIndex >= 3 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 2 && iIndex >= 4 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 3 && iIndex >= 5 ||
		ze_get_user_level(id) == 4 && iIndex >= 6)
		ArrayGetString(g_szSecondaryWeapons, iIndex, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\w%d.\y %s", iIndex+1, szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	if (iIndex < ArraySize(g_szSecondaryWeapons))
		ArrayGetString(g_szSecondaryWeapons, iIndex, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
		iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
	// 8. Auto Select
	iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n^n\w8.\y %L \w[\r%L\w]", id, "MENU_AUTOSELECT", id, (WPN_AUTO_ON) ? "SAVE_YES" : "SAVE_NO")
	// 0. Exit
	iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n^n\w0.\y %L", id, "EXIT")
	// Fix for AMXX custom menus
	set_pdata_int(id, OFFSET_CSMENUCODE, 0)
	show_menu(id, KEYSMENU, szMenu, iMenuTime, "Secondary Weapons")

public Menu_Buy_Primary(id, key)
	// Player dead or zombie or already bought primary
	if (!is_user_alive(id) || ze_is_user_zombie(id) || g_bBoughtPrimary[id])
	// Special keys / weapon list exceeded
		switch (key)
			case MENU_KEY_AUTOSELECT: // toggle auto select
			case MENU_KEY_NEXT: // next/back
				if (WPN_STARTID+7 < WPN_MAXIDS[id])
					WPN_STARTID += 7
					WPN_STARTID = 0
			case MENU_KEY_EXIT: // exit
		// Show buy menu again
	// Store selected weapon id
	// Buy primary weapon
	Buy_Primary_Weapon(id, WPN_AUTO_PRI)
	// Show Secondary Weapons

public Buy_Primary_Weapon(id, selection)
	if (selection == 14) // Golden M3
		g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = true
		return true;
	else if (selection == 15) // Golden MP5
		g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = true
		return true;
	else if (selection == 16) // Golden M4A1
		StripWeapons(id, Primary)
		give_item(id, "weapon_knife")
		g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = true
		return true;
	else if (selection == 17) // Golden AK47
		StripWeapons(id, Primary)
		give_item(id, "weapon_knife")
		g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = true
		return true;
	else if (selection == 18) // SF GUN
		StripWeapons(id, Primary)
		give_item(id, "weapon_knife")
		g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = true
		return true;
	else if (selection == 19) // paladin
		StripWeapons(id, Primary)
		give_item(id, "weapon_knife")
		g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = true
		return true;
	else if (selection == 20) // AWP Z
		StripWeapons(id, Primary)
		give_item(id, "weapon_knife")
		g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = true
		return true;
	else if (selection == 21) // Unicorn
		StripWeapons(id, Primary)
		give_item(id, "weapon_knife")
		g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = true
		return true;
	static szWeaponName[32]
	ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, selection, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
	new iWeaponId = get_weaponid(szWeaponName)
	// Strip and Give Full Weapon
	rg_give_item(id, szWeaponName, GT_REPLACE)
	rg_set_user_bpammo(id, WeaponIdType:iWeaponId, szMaxBPAmmo[iWeaponId])
	// Primary bought
	g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = true
	return true;

public Menu_Buy_Secondary(id, key)
	// Player dead or zombie or already bought secondary
	if (!is_user_alive(id) || ze_is_user_zombie(id) || g_bBoughtSecondary[id])
	// Special keys / weapon list exceeded
	if (key >= ArraySize(g_szSecondaryWeapons))
		// Toggle autoselect
		// Reshow menu unless user exited
		if (key != MENU_KEY_EXIT)
	// Store selected weapon id
	// Buy secondary weapon
	Buy_Secondary_Weapon(id, key)

public Buy_Secondary_Weapon(id, selection)
	if ( ((selection == 2) && (ze_get_user_level(id) < 1)) ||
	((selection == 3) && (ze_get_user_level(id) < 2)) ||
	((selection == 4) && (ze_get_user_level(id) < 3)) ||
	((selection == 5) && (ze_get_user_level(id) < 4)) )

	static szWeaponName[32]
	ArrayGetString(g_szSecondaryWeapons, selection, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
	new iWeaponId = get_weaponid(szWeaponName)
	// Strip and Give Full Weapon
	rg_give_item(id, szWeaponName, GT_REPLACE)
	rg_set_user_bpammo(id, WeaponIdType:iWeaponId, szMaxBPAmmo[iWeaponId])
	// Secondary bought
	g_bBoughtSecondary[id] = true

public Fw_TouchWeapon_Pre(iEnt, id)
	if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarBlockWeapLowLevel) == 0)
		return HAM_IGNORED;
	// Not alive or Not Valid Weapon?
	if(!is_user_alive(id) || !pev_valid(iEnt))
		return HAM_IGNORED;
	// Get Weapon Model
	new szWeapModel[32]
	pev(iEnt, pev_model, szWeapModel, charsmax(szWeapModel))
	// Remove "models/w_" and ".mdl"
	copyc(szWeapModel, charsmax(szWeapModel), szWeapModel[contain(szWeapModel, "_" ) + 1], '.')
	// Set for mp5 to be same as "weapon_mp5navy"
	if(szWeapModel[1] == 'p' && szWeapModel[2] == '5')
		szWeapModel = "mp5navy"
	// Add "weapon_" to all model names
	static szWeaponEnt[32]
	formatex(szWeaponEnt, charsmax(szWeaponEnt), "weapon_%s", szWeapModel)

	// Get it's index in Weapon Array
	new iIndex, i
	// I won't explain the blew code if you need to understand ask me in Escapers-Zone.XYZ
	for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(g_szPrimaryWeapons); i++)
		new szPrimaryWeapon[32]
		ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, i, szPrimaryWeapon, charsmax(szPrimaryWeapon))
		if (equali(szWeaponEnt, szPrimaryWeapon))
			iIndex = i
	if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 0 && iIndex > 1)
	for (i = 1; i <= 11; i++)
		if ((ze_get_user_level(id) == i) && iIndex > i+1)
			return HAM_SUPERCEDE;
	return HAM_IGNORED;

// Natives
public native_ze_show_weapon_menu(id)
	if (!is_user_connected(id))
		log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZE] Invalid Player (%d)", id)
		return false
	return true

public native_ze_is_auto_buy_enabled(id)
	if (!is_user_connected(id))
		log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZE] Invalid Player (%d)", id)
		return -1;
	return WPN_AUTO_ON;

public native_ze_disable_auto_buy(id)
	if (!is_user_connected(id))
		log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZE] Invalid Player (%d)", id)
		return false
	return true
Multumesc LEVIN , rezolvat :flexed_biceps:
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