Cerere Plugin VIP - Salut am revenit am o idee.

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13 Feb 2021, 01:56

Buna sera asta noapte mi-a venit o idee pentru vip
Va rog fara hate eu doar vin cu ideea restu depinde de voi daca va place sau nu !
Mai jos ideile:
********************************************* ROMANIA VERSION *********************************************
VIP Bronze , VIP Silver , VIP Gold , VIP Diamond , VIP Platinum - FREE Intre orele 23-10
Cele mentionate mai sus s-ar putea creea un system meniu cu event vip free - Sa alegi in felu urmator
Alege de mai jos vip-ul care doriti sa distribuiti jucatorilor.
1. Vip Bronze
2. Vip Silver
3. Vip Gold
4. Vip Diamond
5. Vip Platinum
Dupa ce ai selectat sa iti deschida un meniu cu orele acestea
Alege ora dorita pentru a porni-opri vip-ul.
1. 22-00
2. 23-10
3. 00-10
Alegeti voi va ganditi la ce ore vreti sa apare in meniu
Cand selectezi sa-ti apara la toate acelas meniu de ore cum am mentionat mai sus
Lasa si tu un like daca ti-a placut acesta ideea -
Ideile de mai jos cu benefiicile se poate lua din Vip-ul EFFX de tip csgo remake
Link: amxmodx/plugin-vip-csgo-remake-t368621.html
Inca o data va rog lasa-ti un like daca va placut acesta idee!
- Tin sa mentionez ca trebuie sa lucrati mult pentru asta chiar eu m-am gandit la ea cu ajutorul lui andrei gogoasa care ii multumesc pentru idee va voi lasa tag cu profilu lui de fb.
-Daca puteti adauga in felu urmator adauga/sterge vip(chiar daca este offline jucatorul) direct de pe server si aveti log-uri la cine adauga/sterge vip-ul cuiva, nu este pe flag/vips.ini
-Se pot "bana" sau "debana" mape direct de pe server gen pe ce mape sa nu mai mearga vip-ul sau sa mearga vip-ul daca ati bagat o mapa gresita si aveti log-uri si la cine baneaza/debaneaza mapele.
-Stiu ca multi dau VIP pe 1 luna/2 luni ei bine doresc sistem prin care puteti adauga vip pe X zile si dupa acea perioada de timp el v-a fi scos automat (cand jucatorul v-a intra pe server i se va afisa un mesaj(in caz ca are vip) cu data in care ii va expira vip-ul).
-Toate beneficiile sunt configurabile prin CVAR sau prin config-ul vip-ului "vip_config.cfg".
-Daca doriti puteti sa luati system-ul de vip_config.cfg de la effx cum am spus mai sus !
VIP Bronze acces:
In /bmenu sa se afle 1xRespawn , deagle+M4A1/Ak47/AWP/GALIL(depinde de echipa) si set grenazi
VIP Silver acces:
In /smenu sa se afle 2xRespawn , deagle+M4A1/Ak47/AWP/GALIL(depinde de echipa) si set grenazi
VIP Gold acces:
In /gmenu sa se afle 3xRespawn , deagle+M4A1/Ak47/AWP/GALIL(depinde de echipa) , set grenazi si 100AP+100HP
VIP Diamond acces:
In /dmenu sa se afle 4xRespawn , deagle+M4A1/Ak47/AWP/GALIL(depinde de echipa) , set grenazi , 100AP+100HP si deagle+AWP
VIP Platinum acces:
In /pmenu sa se afle 5xRespawn , deagle+M4A1/Ak47(depinde de echipa) , set grenazi , 100AP+100HP , deagle+AWP si deagle+M3
VIP Bronze-Flag m
VIP Silver-Flag n
VIP Gold-Flag o
VIP Diamond-Flag p
VIP Platinum-Flag q
Meniu pentru deschiderea vip-menu test. -/- /viptest ↓
Buna ziua doriti sa testati vip-ul? va rugam sa selectati vip-ul dorit este valabil doar o zi doar o data poti alege asa ca fi atent 😃
VIP TEST BRONZE - /vipbronzetest
VIP TEST SILVER - /vipsilvertest
VIP TEST GOLD - /vipgoldtest
VIP TEST Diamond - /vipdiamondtest
VIP TEST Platinum - /vipplatinumtest
La inceputu rundei - mape primei runde sa apara meniu cu pistoale Deagle FiveSeven etc.
Dupa inca 2 runde - sa apara meniu cu arme!
- Comanda pentru deschiderea meniului - /vmenu , /vipmenu , / vm !
- Menu Weapons - Meniu cu arme
- Menu Special Items - Meniu cu iteme speciale.
- Select your skin VIP! - Modele in sma
Benefiiciile special items:
Hud cu experience Experience: Suma
Experience: 0/12500 - Suma maxima
1. Multi-Jump Price: 400 VM
2. HP Regenrare - Add 2HP per second. 800VM
3. Immobilize - 1100VM Chance for immobilize with a shot!
4. BunnyHop - 1500VM Add for you automatic bhop!
5. No Damage - Nu-ti pierzi din viata timp de 15 secunde! 2000VM
6. La fiecare 3 minute sa primeasca bonus 10 Exp - VM
Accese VIP:
VIP Bronze No access Special Items.
VIP Silver No access Special Items.
VIP Gold Access to Special Items.
VIP Diamond Access to Special Items - Skin Model.
VIP Platinum Access full access.
******* Daca doriti puteti adauga in vip aceste reclame pentru jucatori.*******
******* Vip Bronze 3 Euro / Vip Silver 5 Euro / Vip Gold 7 Euro / Vip Diamond 9 Euro / Vip Platinum 11 Euro - Fiecare au un pret dorit de detinator punti ce preturi si cat sa tina acesta!*******
******* DNS SERVER : *******
******* Forum: forumnume *******
******* Mesajele sa se pot afisa doar cand doresti sa deschizi /viptest - sa apara in chat. *******

********************************************* ENGLISH VERSION *********************************************
VIP Bronze, VIP Silver, VIP Gold, VIP Diamond, VIP Platinum - FREE Between 23-10
The ones mentioned above could create a menu system with vip free event - Choose as follows
Choose below the VIP you want to distribute to the players.
1. Vip Bronze
2. Vip Silver
3. Vip Gold
4. Vip Diamond
5. Vip Platinum
After you have selected to open a menu with these hours
Choose the desired time to turn the VIP on and off.
1. 22-00
2. 23-10
3. 00-10
You choose what hours you want to appear in the menu
When you select to appear at all the same menu of hours as mentioned above
Leave a like if you liked this idea -
The ideas below with the benefits can be taken from the csgo remake EFFX VIP
Link: https: //www.extreamcs.com /.../ plugin-vip-csgo-remake ...
Once again please leave a like if you liked this idea!
- I want to mention that you have to work hard for this, I even thought of her with the help of Andrei Donut, who I thank for the idea, I will leave a tag with his fb profile.
For these you can make any benefits the client wants but it comes with some defaults that you can find almost anywhere such as "hp on kill, hp on headshot, weapons menu, bonus round start (hp, armor, deagle, he, flash), bulletdamage.
-You can add / delete vip (even if the player is offline) directly from the server and you have logs to who adds / deletes someone's vip, it is not on flag / vips.ini
-You can "ban" or "unban" folders directly from the server, such as which folders the vip will not work on or the vip will work if you have inserted a wrong map and you have logs and who bans / unrolls the folders .
-I know that many give VIP for 1 month / 2 months well I made a system through which you can add vip for X days and after that time it will be removed automatically (when the player enters the server a message will be displayed (in case he has a VIP) with the date when his VIP will expire).
-All benefits are configurable via CVAR or via the "vip_config.cfg" vip config.
-If you want you can take the vip_config.cfg system from effx as I said above!
VIP Bronze access:
/ bmenu
At least 1xRespawn, deagle + M4A1 / Ak47 / AWP / GALIL (depending on the team) and set of grenades
VIP Silver access:
/ smenu
In / smenu to be 2xRespawn, deagle + M4A1 / Ak47 / AWP / GALIL (depending on the team) and set of grenades
VIP Gold access:
/ gmenu
In / gmenu to be 3xRespawn, deagle + M4A1 / Ak47 / AWP / GALIL (depending on the team), set of grenades and 100AP + 100HP
VIP Diamond access:
/ dmenu
In / dmenu to be 4xRespawn, deagle + M4A1 / Ak47 / AWP / GALIL (depending on the team), set of grenades, 100AP + 100HP and deagle + AWP
VIP Platinum access:
/ pmenu
In / pm to be 5xRespawn, deagle + M4A1 / Ak47 (depending on the team), grenade set, 100AP + 100HP, deagle + AWP and deagle + M3
VIP Bronze-Flag m
VIP Silver-Flag n
VIP Gold-Flag o
VIP Diamond-Flag p
VIP Platinum-Flag q
Menu for opening the vip-test menu. - / - / viptest ↓
Hello, do you want to test the VIP? please select the desired vip is valid only one day only once you can choose so be careful 😃
VIP TEST BRONZE - / vipbronzetest
VIP TEST SILVER - / vipsilvertest
VIP TEST GOLD - / vipgoldtest
VIP TEST Diamond - / vipdiamondtest
VIP TEST Platinum - / vipplatinumtest
At the beginning of the round - folders of the first round to appear menu with Deagle FiveSeven pistols etc.
After another 2 rounds - a weapons menu will appear!
- Command to open the menu - / vmenu, / vipmenu, / vm!
- Weapons menu - Weapons menu
- Menu Special Items - Menu with special items.
- Select your skin VIP! - Models in sma
Benefits of special items:
Hud with experience Experience: Amount
Experience: 0/12500 - Maximum amount
1. Multi-Jump Price: 400 VM
2. HP Regenerate - Add 2HP per second. 800VM
3. Immobilize - 1100VM Chance to immobilize with a shot!
4. BunnyHop - 1500VM Add for you automatic bhop!
5. No Damage - Don't lose your life for 15 seconds! 2000VM
6. Every 3 minutes to receive bonus 10 Exp - VM
VIP accesses:
VIP Bronze No access Special Items.
VIP Silver No access Special Items.
VIP Gold Access to Special Items.
VIP Diamond Access to Special Items - Skin Model.
VIP Platinum Access full access.
******* If you want you can add these ads for players to the VIP.
******* Vip Bronze 3 Euro / Vip Silver 5 Euro / Vip Gold 7 Euro / Vip Diamond 9 Euro / Vip Platinum 11 Euro - Each have a price desired by the bridge owner what prices and how long to hold it! ** *****
******* DNS SERVER: *******
******* Forum: forumnume *******
******* His messages can be displayed only when you want to open / viptest - to appear in the chat. *******
Last edited by B3ta_Fir3 on 13 Feb 2021, 08:15, edited 1 time in total.
Scripter eXtreamCS
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13 Feb 2021, 02:37

Code: Select all

-Stiu ca multi dau VIP pe 1 luna/2 luni ei bine am facut un sistem prin care puteti adauga vip pe X zile si dupa acea perioada de timp el v-a fi scos automat (cand jucatorul v-a intra pe server i se va afisa un mesaj(in caz ca are vip) cu data in care ii va expira vip-ul).
daca ai reusit sa faci asta de ce nu faci tu pluginul de vip
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13 Feb 2021, 04:01

lexz wrote:
13 Feb 2021, 02:37

Code: Select all

-Stiu ca multi dau VIP pe 1 luna/2 luni ei bine am facut un sistem prin care puteti adauga vip pe X zile si dupa acea perioada de timp el v-a fi scos automat (cand jucatorul v-a intra pe server i se va afisa un mesaj(in caz ca are vip) cu data in care ii va expira vip-ul).
daca ai reusit sa faci asta de ce nu faci tu pluginul de vip
Nu am facut eu e anunt dupa fb daca intelegi de la Andrei gogoasa care facura pluginu eu v-am dat o idee care doreste sa faca asta eu zic ca se merita restu depinde de voi nu am adaugat eu ce e acolo am specificat ca este doar o idee + nu-s eu scripter eu nu modific autoru sau ceva daca mi-se inmaneaza vreun sma important eu pastrez autoru acolo nu schimb dupa cum am spus e doar o idee daca doriti sa o creati si sa o impartasiti aici.
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13 Feb 2021, 07:55

"ami plang ocii" dupa ce am citit felul cum ai reusit sa scrii, "m-am emoteonat si antristat".

Nu este rea ideea ta si a prietenului tau, doar ca sunt 9999 de pluginuri asemanatoare si nimic special.
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13 Feb 2021, 08:12

The Kalu wrote:
13 Feb 2021, 07:55
"ami plang ocii" dupa ce am citit felul cum ai reusit sa scrii, "m-am emoteonat si antristat".

Nu este rea ideea ta si a prietenului tau, doar ca sunt 9999 de pluginuri asemanatoare si nimic special.
:hand_over_mouth: :everything_ok:
astept un raspuns de la levi sa vad daca vrea sa faca asta eu zic ca e demential asta nu doar ca e niste pluginuri insa am nevoie de acest vip daca poate cineva si are timp sa-mi lase discord-ul sau ceva ca plata pentru asta o dau sincer sa fiu chiar de sunt pe net odata ce il iei si muncesti se poate face chiar mai bun nu stiu daca intelegi.
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13 Feb 2021, 12:27

E buna ideea , dar nu cred ca sta nimeni sa o faca pe gratis , si chiar daca o face nu stiu daca o sa o posteze :D
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13 Feb 2021, 12:36

N3v3rM1nd wrote:
13 Feb 2021, 12:27
E buna ideea , dar nu cred ca sta nimeni sa o faca pe gratis , si chiar daca o face nu stiu daca o sa o posteze :D
True but i will wait for answers i will hope i will don't lose that we will see :D
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13 Feb 2021, 14:12

1. Personal n-am inteles nimic din descrierea ta, si mai mult ca sigur nu la mine e problema.
2. Te-ai gandit ca poate nu toata lumea stie ce beneficii exista in acel vip "effx"? Stiu ca atunci cand vrei ceva lasi toate detaliile, nu dai exemplu de alt plugin si "cauta boss in sursa aia, te descurci tu" ca-l pui pe cel care vrea sa te ajute in dificultate.
3. Sunt sute de vip-uri pe internet, toate gusturile, ai de unde alege, cu toate astea voua inca va vin idei noi doar ca sa-l tineti o lună pe server si gata :)).

Asta fiind spuse sa nu ai speranțe prea mari, nu cred ca o sa te ajute cineva.
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13 Feb 2021, 20:26

vad ca in ultimul timp v-ati luat scripter personal, ii dati si teme de facut :))

eu zic sa puneti mana sa invatati niste pawn ca nu e imposibil ce ai scris tu acolo si sa va faceti pe coaiele voastre nu ale altora
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