Cerere Plugin Sentry Guns

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Traficant De Wi-Fi
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03 Jan 2022, 15:16

Am un plugin de SentryGun , este pentru ZM , dar din pacate acel mod de unde am eu pluginul nu mai este functional ,. si nici pluginul nu functineaza fara modul ZM ,
| Afiseaza codul
 * ============================================================================
 *  Zombie Plague
 *  Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Nikita Ushakov (Ireland, Dublin)
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * ============================================================================

#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <sdkhooks>
#include <zombieplague>

#pragma newdecls required
#pragma semicolon 1

 * @brief Record plugin info.
public Plugin myinfo =
    name            = "[ZP] Weapon: DroneGun",
    author          = "qubka (Nikita Ushakov) | Pelipoika",     
    description     = "Addon of custom weapons",
    version         = "2.0",
    url             = "https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=290657"

// Decal index
int gDecal[5];
#pragma unused gDecal

// Sound index
int gSoundShoot; int gSoundUpgrade; ConVar hSoundLevel; ConVar hKnockBack;
#pragma unused gSoundShoot, gSoundUpgrade, hSoundLevel, hKnockBack
// Item index
int gWeapon;
#pragma unused gWeapon

 * @section Variables to store virtual SDK adresses.
Handle hSDKCallStudioFrameAdvance; 
Handle hSDKCallAddLayeredSequence;
int AnimatingOverlay_Count;
 * @endsection
 * @section Information about the weapon.
#define WEAPON_IDLE_TIME              1.63
 * @endsection
 * @section Properties of the gibs shooter.
#define METAL_GIBS_AMOUNT             5.0
#define METAL_GIBS_DELAY              0.2
#define METAL_GIBS_SPEED              200.0
#define METAL_GIBS_VARIENCE           2.0  
#define METAL_GIBS_LIFE               5.0  
#define METAL_GIBS_DURATION           6.0
 * @endsection
 * @section Properties of the turret.
#define SENTRY_ATTACK_NPC             // Uncomment to avoid attack chichens and npc
#define SENTRY_ATTACK_VISIVILTY       50.0
#define SENTRY_BULLET_DAMAGE          20.0
#define SENTRY_BULLET_RANGE           1100.0
#define SENTRY_BULLET_DISTANCE        8192.0
#define SENTRY_BULLET_RADIUS          5.0
#define SENTRY_BULLET_TURN            2.0
#define SENTRY_BULLET_THINK           0.05
#define SENTRY_BULLET_SPEED           0.2
#define SENTRY_EYE_OFFSET_LEVEL_1     32.0 
#define SENTRY_EYE_OFFSET_LEVEL_2     40.0 
#define SENTRY_EYE_OFFSET_LEVEL_3     46.0
#define SENTRY_ROCKET_DELAY           3.0
#define SENTRY_ROCKET_RELOAD          1.8
#define SENTRY_ROCKET_SPEED           1000.0
#define SENTRY_ROCKET_DAMAGE          300.0
#define SENTRY_ROCKET_KNOCKBACK       300.0
#define SENTRY_ROCKET_GRAVITY         0.01
#define SENTRY_ROCKET_RADIUS          400.0
#define SENTRY_CONTROL_MENU           10
 * @endsection
 * @section Sentry states.
 * @endsection
 * @section Sentry modes.
 * @endsection
 * @section Sentry sounds.
 * @sectionend
// Animation sequences

// Effect modes

 * @brief Called after a library is added that the current plugin references optionally. 
 *        A library is either a plugin name or extension name, as exposed via its include file.
public void OnLibraryAdded(const char[] sLibrary)
    // Validate library
    if (!strcmp(sLibrary, "zombieplague", false))
        // Loads a game config file
        Handle hConfig = LoadGameConfigFile("plugin.turret"); 

        // Load other offsets
        if ((AnimatingOverlay_Count = GameConfGetOffset(hConfig, "CBaseAnimatingOverlay::Count")) == -1) SetFailState("Failed to get offset: \"CBaseAnimatingOverlay::Count\". Update offset in \"plugin.turret\""); 

        // Starts the preparation of an SDK call
        PrepSDKCall_SetFromConf(hConfig, SDKConf_Signature, "CBaseAnimatingOverlay::StudioFrameAdvance"); 
        // Validate call
        if ((hSDKCallStudioFrameAdvance = EndPrepSDKCall()) == null) SetFailState("Failed to load SDK call \"CBaseAnimatingOverlay::StudioFrameAdvance\". Update signature in \"plugin.turret\"");      
        // Starts the preparation of an SDK call
        PrepSDKCall_SetFromConf(hConfig, SDKConf_Signature, "CBaseAnimatingOverlay::AddLayeredSequence"); 
        // Adds a parameter to the calling convention. This should be called in normal ascending order
        PrepSDKCall_AddParameter(SDKType_PlainOldData, SDKPass_Plain);
        PrepSDKCall_AddParameter(SDKType_PlainOldData, SDKPass_Plain);
        PrepSDKCall_SetReturnInfo(SDKType_PlainOldData, SDKPass_Plain);

        // Validate call
        if ((hSDKCallAddLayeredSequence = EndPrepSDKCall()) == null) SetFailState("Failed to load SDK call \"CBaseAnimatingOverlay::AddLayeredSequence\". Update signature in \"plugin.turret\""); 

        // Close file
        delete hConfig;
        // Load translations phrases used by plugin
        // If map loaded, then run custom forward
        if (ZP_IsMapLoaded())
            // Execute it

 * @brief Called after a zombie core is loaded.
public void ZP_OnEngineExecute(/*void*/)
    // Weapons
    gWeapon = ZP_GetWeaponNameID("drone gun");
    //if (gWeapon == -1) SetFailState("[ZP] Custom weapon ID from name : \"drone gun\" wasn't find");
    // Sounds
    gSoundShoot = ZP_GetSoundKeyID("TURRET_SOUNDS");
    if (gSoundShoot == -1) SetFailState("[ZP] Custom sound key ID from name : \"TURRET_SOUNDS\" wasn't find");
    gSoundUpgrade = ZP_GetSoundKeyID("TURRET_UP_SOUNDS");
    if (gSoundUpgrade == -1) SetFailState("[ZP] Custom sound key ID from name : \"TURRET_UP_SOUNDS\" wasn't find");

    // Cvars
    hKnockBack = FindConVar("zp_knockback"); 
    if (hKnockBack == null) SetFailState("[ZP] Custom cvar key ID from name : \"zp_knockback\" wasn't find");
    hSoundLevel = FindConVar("zp_seffects_level");
    if (hSoundLevel == null) SetFailState("[ZP] Custom cvar key ID from name : \"zp_seffects_level\" wasn't find");

 * @brief The map is starting.
public void OnMapStart(/*void*/)
    // Sounds
    PrecacheSound("survival/turret_death_01.wav", true);
    PrecacheSound("survival/turret_takesdamage_01.wav", true);
    PrecacheSound("survival/turret_takesdamage_02.wav", true);
    PrecacheSound("survival/turret_takesdamage_03.wav", true);
    // Decals
    gDecal[0] = PrecacheDecal("decals/concrete/shot1.vmt", true);
    gDecal[1] = PrecacheDecal("decals/concrete/shot2.vmt", true);
    gDecal[2] = PrecacheDecal("decals/concrete/shot3.vmt", true);
    gDecal[3] = PrecacheDecal("decals/concrete/shot4.vmt", true);
    gDecal[4] = PrecacheDecal("decals/concrete/shot5.vmt", true);

//*          Don't modify the code below this line unless             *
//*             you know _exactly_ what you are doing!!!              *

#define ANIM_LAYER_ACTIVE        0x0001 
#define ANIM_LAYER_AUTOKILL      0x0002 
#define ANIM_LAYER_KILLME        0x0004 
#define ANIM_LAYER_DONTRESTORE   0x0008 
#define ANIM_LAYER_CHECKACCESS   0x0010 
#define ANIM_LAYER_DYING         0x0020
#define ANIM_LAYER_NOEVENTS      0x0040

enum //CAnimationLayer 
    m_fFlags = 0,
    m_bSequenceFinished = 4,
    m_bLooping = 5,
    m_nSequence = 8,
    m_flCycle = 12,
    m_flPlaybackRate = 16,
    m_flPrevCycle = 20,
    m_flWeight = 24,
    m_flWeightDeltaRate = 28,
    m_flBlendIn = 32,
    m_flBlendOut = 36,
    m_flKillRate = 40,
    m_flKillDelay = 44,
    m_flLayerAnimtime = 48,
    m_flLayerFadeOuttime = 52,
        ??? = 56,
        ??? = 60,
        ??? = 64,
    m_nActivity = 68,
    m_nPriority = 72,
    m_nOrder = 76,
    m_flLastEventCheck = 80,
    m_flLastAccess = 84,
    m_pOwnerEntity = 88,
    CAnimationLayer_Size = 92

methodmap CAnimationOverlay  
    public CAnimationOverlay(int address)
        return view_as<CAnimationOverlay>(address);
    property Address Address  
        public get()  
            return view_as<Address>(this); 
    property bool isNull
        public get()  
            return this.Address == Address_Null; 

    public any Get(int iOffset, int iLayer) 
        return LoadFromAddress(this.Address + view_as<Address>(iOffset + CAnimationLayer_Size * iLayer), NumberType_Int32); 
    public void Set(int iOffset, int iLayer, any iValue) 
        StoreToAddress(this.Address + view_as<Address>(iOffset + CAnimationLayer_Size * iLayer), iValue, NumberType_Int32); 

    public bool IsActive(int iLayer)    { return ((this.Get(m_fFlags, iLayer) & ANIM_LAYER_ACTIVE)   != 0); } 
    public bool IsAutokill(int iLayer)  { return ((this.Get(m_fFlags, iLayer) & ANIM_LAYER_AUTOKILL) != 0); } 
    public bool IsKillMe(int iLayer)    { return ((this.Get(m_fFlags, iLayer) & ANIM_LAYER_KILLME)   != 0); } 
    public bool IsDying(int iLayer)     { return ((this.Get(m_fFlags, iLayer) & ANIM_LAYER_DYING)    != 0); } 
    public bool NoEvents(int iLayer)    { return ((this.Get(m_fFlags, iLayer) & ANIM_LAYER_NOEVENTS) != 0); }
    public void KillMe(int iLayer)      { int iFlags = this.Get(m_fFlags, iLayer); this.Set(m_fFlags, iLayer, (iFlags |= ANIM_LAYER_KILLME)); } 
    public void AutoKill(int iLayer)    { int iFlags = this.Get(m_fFlags, iLayer); this.Set(m_fFlags, iLayer, (iFlags |= ANIM_LAYER_AUTOKILL)); }
    public void Dying(int iLayer)       { int iFlags = this.Get(m_fFlags, iLayer); this.Set(m_fFlags, iLayer, (iFlags |= ANIM_LAYER_DYING));  } 
    public void Dead(int iLayer)        { int iFlags = this.Get(m_fFlags, iLayer); this.Set(m_fFlags, iLayer, (iFlags &= ~ANIM_LAYER_DYING)); }
    public void Loop(int iLayer)        { int iFlags = this.Get(m_fFlags, iLayer); this.Set(m_fFlags, iLayer, (iFlags &= ~ANIM_LAYER_AUTOKILL)); }
    // @link https://github.com/VSES/SourceEngine200 ... .cpp#L1073
    public void RemoveLayer(int iLayer, float flKillRate, float flKillDelay)
        this.Set(m_flKillRate, iLayer, flKillRate > 0.0 ? this.Get(m_flWeight, iLayer) / flKillRate : 100.0);
        this.Set(m_flKillDelay, iLayer, flKillDelay);
    // @link https://github.com/droozynuu/swarm-sdk- ... .cpp#L1025
    public void SetLayerAutokill(int iLayer, bool bAutokill)
        if (bAutokill)
    // @link https://github.com/VSES/SourceEngine200 ... y.cpp#L815
    public bool IsAlive(int iLayer)         { int iFlags = this.Get(m_fFlags, iLayer); return (((iFlags & ANIM_LAYER_ACTIVE) != 0) || ((iFlags & ANIM_LAYER_KILLME) == 0)); }
    // @link https://github.com/VSES/SourceEngine200 ... .cpp#L1060
    public int GetLayerSequence(int iLayer) { return (this.Get(m_nSequence, iLayer)); }

methodmap SentryGun /** Regards to Pelipoika **/
    // Constructor
    public SentryGun(int owner, float vPosition[3], float vAngle[3], int iHealth, int iAmmo, int iRocket, int iSkin, int iLevel) 
        // Create a monster entity
        int entity = UTIL_CreateMonster("turret", vPosition, vAngle, "models/buildables/sentry1.mdl", NPC_GAG | NPC_WAITFORSCRIPT | NPC_DONTDROPWEAPONS | NPC_IGNOREPLAYERPUSH);
        // Validate entity
        if (entity != -1)
            // Initialize vectors
            static float vGoal[3]; static float vCurrent[3]; 

            // Sets boundaries
            int iRightBound = RoundToNearest(AngleMod(vAngle[1] - 50.0)); 
            int iLeftBound  = RoundToNearest(AngleMod(vAngle[1] + 50.0)); 
            if (iRightBound > iLeftBound) 
                iRightBound = iLeftBound; 
                iLeftBound = RoundToNearest(AngleMod(vAngle[1] - 50.0)); 
            SetEntProp(entity, Prop_Data, "m_iSpeedModSpeed", iRightBound); 
            SetEntProp(entity, Prop_Data, "m_iSpeedModRadius", iLeftBound); 
            // Start it rotating
            vGoal[1] = float(iRightBound); 
            vGoal[0] = vCurrent[0] = 0.0; 
            vCurrent[1] = AngleMod(vAngle[1]); 
            SetEntPropVector(entity, Prop_Data, "m_vecLastPosition", vCurrent); 
            SetEntPropVector(entity, Prop_Data, "m_vecStoredPathGoal", vGoal);
            SetEntProp(entity, Prop_Data, "m_bSpeedModActive", true); 
            SetEntProp(entity, Prop_Data, "m_bIsAutoaimTarget", true);
            SetEntProp(entity, Prop_Data, "m_iInteractionState", SENTRY_STATE_SEARCHING); 

            // Sets physics
            /*SetEntityMoveType(parent, MOVETYPE_NONE);
            SetEntProp(parent, Prop_Data, "m_CollisionGroup", COLLISION_GROUP_WEAPON); 
            SetEntProp(parent, Prop_Data, "m_nSolidType", SOLID_VPHYSICS);*/
            // Sets effects
            SetEntProp(entity, Prop_Send, "m_nSkin", iSkin);
            SetEntProp(entity, Prop_Send, "m_nBody", 2);

            // Sets health
            SetEntProp(entity, Prop_Data, "m_takedamage", DAMAGE_EVENTS_ONLY);
            SetEntProp(entity, Prop_Data, "m_iHealth", iHealth);
            SetEntProp(entity, Prop_Data, "m_iMaxHealth", iHealth);

            // Sets owner for the entity
            SetEntPropEnt(entity, Prop_Data, "m_pParent", owner); 

            // Sets ammunition and mode
            SetEntProp(entity, Prop_Data, "m_iAmmo", iAmmo); 
            SetEntProp(entity, Prop_Data, "m_iMySquadSlot", iRocket); 
            SetEntProp(entity, Prop_Data, "m_iHammerID", iLevel); 
            SetEntProp(entity, Prop_Data, "m_iDesiredWeaponState", SENTRY_MODE_NORMAL); 
            SetEntPropFloat(entity, Prop_Data, "m_flUseLookAtAngle", 0.0); ///
            // Make model invisible
            UTIL_SetRenderColor(entity, Color_Alpha, 0);
            // Create damage hook
            SDKHook(entity, SDKHook_OnTakeDamage, SentryDamageHook);
            // Create a upgradable entity
            vPosition[2] -= 35.0;
            int upgrade = UTIL_CreateDynamic("upgrade", vPosition, vAngle, "models/buildables/sentry1_heavy.mdl", "build");

            // Validate entity
            if (upgrade != -1)
                // Sets effects
                SetEntProp(upgrade, Prop_Send, "m_nSkin", iSkin);
                SetEntProp(upgrade, Prop_Send, "m_nBody", 2);

                // Sets owner for the entity
                SetEntPropEnt(upgrade, Prop_Data, "m_hOwnerEntity", entity);
                // Sets upgrade for the entity
                SetEntPropEnt(entity, Prop_Data, "m_hInteractionPartner", upgrade); 
                // Play sound
                ZP_EmitSoundToAll(gSoundUpgrade, 1, upgrade, SNDCHAN_STATIC, hSoundLevel.IntValue);
                // Create timer to activate
                CreateTimer(5.0, SentryActivateHook, EntIndexToEntRef(upgrade), TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
        // Return index on the success
        return view_as<SentryGun>(entity); 
    property int Index 
        public get() 
            return view_as<int>(this);  
    property float NextSound
        public get() 
            return GetEntPropFloat(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_flUseLookAtAngle");  

        public set(float flDelay) 
            SetEntPropFloat(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_flUseLookAtAngle", flDelay); 
    property float NextAttack
        public get() 
            return GetEntPropFloat(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_flLastAttackTime");  

        public set(float flDelay) 
            SetEntPropFloat(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_flLastAttackTime", flDelay); 
    property float NextRocket
        public get() 
            return GetEntPropFloat(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_flNextWeaponSearchTime");  

        public set(float flDelay) 
            SetEntPropFloat(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_flNextWeaponSearchTime", flDelay); 
    property float TurnRate
        public get() 
            return GetEntPropFloat(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_flNextDecisionTime");  

        public set(float flRate) 
            SetEntPropFloat(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_flNextDecisionTime", flRate); 
    property int Enemy
        public get() 
            return GetEntPropEnt(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_hEnemy");  

        public set(int entity) 
            SetEntPropEnt(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_hEnemy", entity); 

    property int Skin
        public get() 
            return GetEntProp(this.Index, Prop_Send, "m_nSkin");  

        public set(int iSkin) 
            SetEntPropEnt(this.Index, Prop_Send, "m_nSkin", iSkin); 

    property int Health
        public get() 
            return GetEntProp(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_iHealth");  

        public set(int iHealth) 
            SetEntProp(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_iHealth", iHealth); 
    property int State
        public get() 
            return GetEntProp(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_iInteractionState");  

        public set(int iState) 
            SetEntProp(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_iInteractionState", iState); 
    property int RightBound
        public get() 
            return GetEntProp(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_iSpeedModSpeed");  

        public set(int iBound) 
            SetEntProp(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_iSpeedModSpeed", iBound); 
    property int LeftBound
        public get() 
            return GetEntProp(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_iSpeedModRadius");  

        public set(int iBound) 
            SetEntProp(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_iSpeedModRadius", iBound); 
    property bool TurningRight
        public get() 
            return view_as<bool>(GetEntProp(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_bSpeedModActive"));  

        public set(bool bState) 
            SetEntProp(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_bSpeedModActive", bState); 
    property int Ammo
        public get() 
            return GetEntProp(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_iAmmo");  

        public set(int iAmmo) 
            SetEntProp(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_iAmmo", iAmmo); 

    property int Body
        public get() 
            return GetEntProp(this.Index, Prop_Send, "m_nBody");  

        public set(int iBody) 
            SetEntProp(this.Index, Prop_Send, "m_nBody", iBody); 
    property int Rockets
        public get() 
            return GetEntProp(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_iMySquadSlot");  

        public set(int iRocket) 
            SetEntProp(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_iMySquadSlot", iRocket); 
    property bool Lock
        public get() 
            return view_as<bool>(GetEntProp(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_bIsAutoaimTarget"));  

        public set(bool bLock) 
            SetEntProp(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_bIsAutoaimTarget", bLock); 
    property int Owner
        public get() 
            return GetEntPropEnt(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_pParent");  

        public set(int entity) 
            SetEntPropEnt(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_pParent", entity); 

    property int UpgradeState
        public get() 
            return GetEntProp(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_iHammerID");  

        public set(int iLevel) 
            SetEntProp(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_iHammerID", iLevel); 
    property int UpgradeLevel
        public get() 
            return GetEntProp(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_iDesiredWeaponState");  

        public set(int iLevel) 
            SetEntProp(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_iDesiredWeaponState", iLevel); 

    property int UpgradeModel
        public get() 
            return GetEntPropEnt(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_hInteractionPartner");  

        public set(int upgrade) 
            SetEntPropEnt(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_hInteractionPartner", upgrade); 

    public void GetCurAngles(float vOutput[3])
        GetEntPropVector(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_vecLastPosition", vOutput); 
    public void SetCurAngles(float vInput[3])
        SetEntPropVector(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_vecLastPosition", vInput); 
    public void GetGoalAngles(float vOutput[3])
        GetEntPropVector(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_vecStoredPathGoal", vOutput); 
    public void SetGoalAngles(float vInput[3])
        SetEntPropVector(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_vecStoredPathGoal", vInput); 

    public void GetAbsAngles(float vOutput[3]) 
        GetEntPropVector(this.Index, Prop_Data, "m_angAbsRotation", vOutput); 
    public void GetGunPosition(float vOutput[3]) 
        GetAbsOrigin(this.Index, vOutput); 
        switch (this.UpgradeLevel) 
            case SENTRY_MODE_NORMAL    : vOutput[2] += SENTRY_EYE_OFFSET_LEVEL_1; 
            case SENTRY_MODE_AGRESSIVE : vOutput[2] += SENTRY_EYE_OFFSET_LEVEL_2; 
            case SENTRY_MODE_ROCKET    : vOutput[2] += SENTRY_EYE_OFFSET_LEVEL_3; 
    public void GetLauncherPosition(float vOutput[3]) 
        GetAbsOrigin(this.Index, vOutput); 
        vOutput[2] += SENTRY_SHOOTER_OFFSET_LEVEL; 

    public CAnimationOverlay CBaseAnimatingOverlay() 
        static int iOffset;
        if (!iOffset) iOffset = FindDataMapInfo(this.Index, "m_AnimOverlay");
        return CAnimationOverlay(GetEntData(this.Index, iOffset));

    public int AnimOverlayCount()
        static int iOffset;
        if (!iOffset) iOffset = FindDataMapInfo(this.Index, "m_AnimOverlay") + AnimatingOverlay_Count;
        return GetEntData(this.Index, iOffset);
    public void SetPoseParameter(int iParameter, float flStart, float flEnd, float flValue)    
        float flCtl = (flValue - flStart) / (flEnd - flStart); 
        if (flCtl < 0) flCtl = 0.0; 
        if (flCtl > 1) flCtl = 1.0; 
        SetEntPropFloat(this.Index, Prop_Send, "m_flPoseParameter", flCtl, iParameter); 
    // @info https://github.com/VSES/SourceEngine200 ... y.cpp#L811
    public int FindGestureLayer(char[] sAnim) 
        // Find the sequence index
        int iSequence = ZP_LookupSequence(this.Index, sAnim); 
        if (iSequence < 0) 
            return -1; 

        // Validate address
        CAnimationOverlay pOverlay = this.CBaseAnimatingOverlay(); 
        if (pOverlay.isNull) 
            return -1; 
        // i = layer index
        int iCount = this.AnimOverlayCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) 
            // Validate layer
            if (!pOverlay.IsAlive(i)) 

            // Validate sequence
            if (pOverlay.GetLayerSequence(i) == iSequence) 
                return i; 
        // Return on the unsuccess
        return -1; 

    // @link https://github.com/VSES/SourceEngine200 ... y.cpp#L527
    public int AddGesture(char[] sAnim, bool bAutoKill = true) 
        // Find the sequence index
        int iSequence = ZP_LookupSequence(this.Index, sAnim); 
        if (iSequence < 0) 
            return -1; 

        // Validate address
        CAnimationOverlay pOverlay = this.CBaseAnimatingOverlay(); 
        if (pOverlay.isNull) 
            return -1; 
        // Create a new layer
        int iLayer = SDKCall(hSDKCallAddLayeredSequence, this.Index, iSequence, 0); 
        if (iLayer >= 0 && iLayer < this.AnimOverlayCount() && pOverlay.IsActive(iLayer))
            // Sets main properties
            pOverlay.SetLayerAutokill(iLayer, bAutoKill);
        // Return on the success
        return iLayer;

    // @link https://github.com/VSES/SourceEngine200 ... y.cpp#L836
    public bool IsPlayingGesture(char[] sAnim)    
        return this.FindGestureLayer(sAnim) != -1 ? true : false; 

    // @link https://github.com/VSES/SourceEngine200 ... y.cpp#L866
    public void RemoveGesture(char[] sAnim) 
        // Validate layer
        int iLayer = this.FindGestureLayer(sAnim); 
        if (iLayer == -1) 

        // Validate address
        CAnimationOverlay pOverlay = this.CBaseAnimatingOverlay(); 
        if (pOverlay.isNull) 
        // Delete it !
        pOverlay.RemoveLayer(iLayer, 0.0, 0.0);


    public bool ValidTargetPlayer(int target, float vStart[3], float vEndPosition[3]) 
        // Create the end-point trace
        TR_TraceRayFilter(vStart, vEndPosition, (MASK_SHOT|CONTENTS_GRATE), RayType_EndPoint, TurretFilter, this.Index); 
        // Validate any kind of collision along the trace ray
        bool bHit;
        if (!TR_DidHit() || TR_GetEntityIndex() == target) 
            bHit = true; 

        // Return on success
        return bHit;
    public void SelectTargetPoint(float vStart[3], float vMid[3]) 
        // Track the enemy 
        GetCenterOrigin(this.Enemy, vMid); 
        // If we cannot see their GetCenterOrigin ( possible, as we do our target finding based 
        // on the eye position of the target) then fire at the eye position 
        TR_TraceRayFilter(vStart, vMid, (MASK_SHOT|CONTENTS_GRATE), RayType_EndPoint, TurretFilter, this.Index); 
        // Validate collision
        if (TR_DidHit()) 
            // Validate victim
            int victim = TR_GetEntityIndex();
            if (victim >= MaxClients || victim <= 0)
                // Hack it lower a little bit
                // The eye position is not always within the hitboxes for a standing CS player 
                GetEyePosition(this.Enemy, vMid); 
                vMid[2] -= 5.0; 
    public bool CanUpgrade() 
        // Gets entity position
        static float vPosition[3];
        GetAbsOrigin(this.Index, vPosition); 
        // Initialize the hull vectors
        static const float vMins[3] = { -40.0, -40.0, 0.0   }; 
        static const float vMaxs[3] = {  40.0,  40.0, 72.0  }; 
        // Create array of entities
        ArrayList hList = new ArrayList();
        // Create the hull trace
        vPosition[2] += vMaxs[2];
        TR_EnumerateEntitiesHull(vPosition, vPosition, vMins, vMaxs, false, HullEnumerator, hList);

        // Is hit world only ?
        bool bHit;
        if (!hList.Length)
            bHit = true;
        // Return on success
        delete hList;
        return bHit;
    public void EmitSound(int iIndex)
        // Play sound
        ZP_EmitSoundToAll(gSoundShoot, iIndex, this.Index, SNDCHAN_STATIC, hSoundLevel.IntValue);
    public void FoundTarget(int target) 
        // Sets target index
        this.Enemy = target; 
        // Validate ammunition
        if (this.Ammo > 0 || (this.Rockets > 0 && this.UpgradeLevel == SENTRY_MODE_ROCKET))
            this.EmitSound(GetRandomInt(SENTRY_SOUND_SPOT, SENTRY_SOUND_SPOT2));
        // Gets the current game tick
        float flCurrentTime = GetGameTime();
        // Create a small delay
        float flDelay = SENTRY_BULLET_THINK;
        this.State = SENTRY_STATE_ATTACKING; 
        this.NextAttack = flCurrentTime + flDelay; 
        if (this.NextRocket < flCurrentTime) 
            this.NextRocket = flCurrentTime + flDelay * 10.0; 

    public bool FindTarget() 
        // Initialize vectors
        static float vPosition[3]; static float vEnemy[3]; 
        // Loop through players within 1100 units (sentry range)

        // If we have an enemy get his minimum distance to check against
        int target = -1; int old = this.Enemy;
        float flMinDistance = SENTRY_BULLET_RANGE; float flOldDistance = MAX_FLOAT; float flNewDistance;

        // i = client index
        for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) 
            // Validate client
            if (!IsPlayerExist(i))
            // Validate zombie
            if (!ZP_IsPlayerZombie(i))

            // Validate visiblity
            if (UTIL_GetRenderColor(i, Color_Alpha) < SENTRY_ATTACK_VISIVILTY)
            // Gets victim origin
            GetAbsOrigin(i, vEnemy);
            // Gets target distance
            flNewDistance = GetVectorDistance(vPosition, vEnemy);
            // Store the current target distance if we come across it 
            if (i == old) 
                flOldDistance = flNewDistance; 
            // Check to see if the target is closer than the already validated target
            if (flNewDistance > flMinDistance) 
            // It is closer, check to see if the target is valid
            if (this.ValidTargetPlayer(i, vPosition, vEnemy)) 
                flMinDistance = flNewDistance; 
                target = i; 

        // Initialize name char
        static char sClassname[SMALL_LINE_LENGTH];
        // If we already have a target, don't check objects
        if (target == -1) 
            // i = entity index
            int MaxEntities = GetMaxEntities();
            for (int i = MaxClients; i <= MaxEntities; i++)
                // Validate entity
                if (IsValidEdict(i))
                    // Gets valid edict classname
                    GetEdictClassname(i, sClassname, sizeof(sClassname));

                    // If entity is a chicken
                    if (sClassname[0] == 'c' && sClassname[1] == 'h') // chicken
                    // If entity is a npc
                    else if (sClassname[0] == 'm' && sClassname[8] == 'g') // monster_generic
                        // Skip turrets
                        if (IsEntityTurret(i))
                    // Otherwise skip
                    else continue;
                    // Gets victim origin
                    GetAbsOrigin(i, vEnemy);
                    // Gets target distance
                    flNewDistance = GetVectorDistance(vPosition, vEnemy);
                    // Store the current target distance if we come across it 
                    if (i == old) 
                        flOldDistance = flNewDistance; 
                    // Check to see if the target is closer than the already validated target
                    if (flNewDistance > flMinDistance) 
                    // It is closer, check to see if the target is valid
                    if (this.ValidTargetPlayer(i, vPosition, vEnemy)) 
                        flMinDistance = flNewDistance; 
                        target = i; 
        // We have a target
        if (target != -1) 
            // Is it new target ?
            if (target != old) 
                // flMinDistance is the new target's distance 
                // flOldDistance is the old target's distance 
                // Don't switch unless the new target is closer by some percentage 
                if (flMinDistance < (flOldDistance * 0.75)) 
            // Target was found
            return true; 
        // Target was missed
        return false; 

    public bool Move() 
        // Initialize variables
        bool bMoved = false; 
        float flDelay = SENTRY_BULLET_THINK;
        float flTurnRate = SENTRY_BULLET_TURN; 
        // Start it rotating
        static float vGoal[3]; static float vCurrent[3];
        // Any x movement? 
        if (vCurrent[0] != vGoal[0]) 
            float flDir = vGoal[0] > vCurrent[0] ? 1.0 : -1.0 ; 
            vCurrent[0] += flDelay * (flTurnRate * 5) * flDir; 
            // if we started below the goal, and now we're past, peg to goal 
            if (flDir == 1) 
                if (vCurrent[0] > vGoal[0]) 
                    vCurrent[0] = vGoal[0]; 
                if (vCurrent[0] < vGoal[0]) 
                    vCurrent[0] = vGoal[0]; 
            this.SetPoseParameter(ZP_LookupPoseParameter(this.Index, "aim_pitch"), -50.0, 50.0, -vCurrent[0]); 
            bMoved = true; 
        // Any y movement?  
        if (vCurrent[1] != vGoal[1]) 
            float flDir = vGoal[1] > vCurrent[1] ? 1.0 : -1.0 ; 
            float flNewDistance = FloatAbs(vGoal[1] - vCurrent[1]); 
            bool bReversed = false; 
            if (flNewDistance > 180.0) 
                flNewDistance = 360.0 - flNewDistance; 
                flDir = -flDir; 
                bReversed = true; 
            // Target not exist
            if (this.Enemy == -1) 
                if (flNewDistance > 30.0) 
                    if (this.TurnRate < flTurnRate * 10.0) 
                        this.TurnRate += flTurnRate; 
                    // Slow down 
                    if (this.TurnRate > (flTurnRate * 5.0)) 
                        this.TurnRate -= flTurnRate; 
                // When tracking enemies, move faster and don't slow 
                if (flNewDistance > 30.0) 
                    if (this.TurnRate < flTurnRate * 30.0) 
                        this.TurnRate += flTurnRate * 3.0; 
            vCurrent[1] += flDelay * this.TurnRate * flDir; 
            // if we passed over the goal, peg right to it now 
            if (flDir == -1) 
                if ((bReversed == false && vGoal[1] > vCurrent[1]) || 
                    (bReversed == true  && vGoal[1] < vCurrent[1])) 
                    vCurrent[1] = vGoal[1]; 
                if ((bReversed == false && vGoal[1] < vCurrent[1]) || 
                    (bReversed == true  && vGoal[1] > vCurrent[1])) 
                    vCurrent[1] = vGoal[1]; 
            if (vCurrent[1] < 0.0) 
                vCurrent[1] += 360.0; 
            else if (vCurrent[1] >= 360.0) 
                vCurrent[1] -= 360.0; 
            if (flNewDistance < (flDelay * 0.5 * flTurnRate)) 
                vCurrent[1] = vGoal[1]; 
            // Gets angles
            static float vAngle[3]; 
            float flYaw = AngleNormalize(vCurrent[1] - vAngle[1]); 
            this.SetPoseParameter(ZP_LookupPoseParameter(this.Index, "aim_yaw"), -180.0, 180.0, -flYaw); 
            bMoved = true; 
        if (!bMoved || this.TurnRate <= 0.0) 
            this.TurnRate = flTurnRate * 5.0; 
        return bMoved; 
    public void Rocket(float vPosition[3], float vAngle[3], float vVelocity[3])
        // Initialize buffer char
        static char sBuffer[SMALL_LINE_LENGTH];
        // Create a rocket entity
        int entity = UTIL_CreateProjectile(vPosition, vAngle, "models/weapons/cso/bazooka/w_bazooka_projectile.mdl");

        // Validate entity
        if (entity != -1)
            // Push the rocket
            TeleportEntity(entity, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR, vVelocity);

            // Sets an entity color
            UTIL_SetRenderColor(entity, Color_Alpha, 0);
            AcceptEntityInput(entity, "DisableShadow"); /// Prevents the entity from receiving shadows
            // Sets name for entity
            SetEntPropString(entity, Prop_Data, "m_iGlobalname", "rocket");

            // Create a prop_dynamic_override entity
            int rocket = UTIL_CreateDynamic("rocket", NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR, "models/buildables/sentry3_rockets.mdl", "idle", false);

            // Validate entity
            if (rocket != -1)
                // Sets parent to the entity
                AcceptEntityInput(rocket, "SetParent", entity, rocket);

                // Sets attachment to the projectile
                AcceptEntityInput(rocket, "SetParentAttachment", entity, rocket);
                // Create effects
                for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
                    FormatEx(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "rocket%d", i);
                    UTIL_CreateParticle(rocket, _, _, sBuffer, "sentry_rocket", SENTRY_ROCKET_EFFECT_TIME);

            // Sets gravity
            SetEntPropFloat(entity, Prop_Data, "m_flGravity", SENTRY_ROCKET_GRAVITY);
            // Sets weapon ID
            SetEntProp(entity, Prop_Data, "m_iHammerID", gWeapon);

            // Create touch hook
            SDKHook(entity, SDKHook_Touch, RocketTouchHook);
            // Create timer to kill
            CreateTimer(4.0, RocketExploadHook, EntIndexToEntRef(entity), TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
        // Make an effect
        this.Body = 1;
        // Initialize flags char
        FormatEx(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "OnUser2 !self:SetBodyGroup:0:%f:1", SENTRY_ROCKET_RELOAD);
        // Sets modified flags on the entity
        AcceptEntityInput(this.Index, "AddOutput");
        AcceptEntityInput(this.Index, "FireUser2"); /// Reset body
    public void Shot(float vPosition[3], float vDirection[3], char[] sAttach) 
        // Initialize vectors
        static float vEndPosition[3]; static float vVelocity[3]; static float vSpeed[3];
        // Calculate and store endpoint
        ScaleVector(vDirection, SENTRY_BULLET_DISTANCE);
        AddVectors(vDirection, vPosition, vEndPosition);
        // Sentryguns are perfectly accurate, but this doesn't look good for tracers
        // Add a little noise to them, but not enough so that it looks like they're missing
        vEndPosition[0] += GetRandomFloat(-10.0, 10.0); 
        vEndPosition[1] += GetRandomFloat(-10.0, 10.0); 
        vEndPosition[2] += GetRandomFloat(-10.0, 10.0); 
        // Fire a bullet 
        TR_TraceRayFilter(vPosition, vEndPosition, (MASK_SHOT|CONTENTS_GRATE), RayType_EndPoint, TurretFilter, this.Index); 

        // Validate collisions
        if (TR_DidHit())
            // Returns the collision position of a trace result

            // Bullet tracer
            UTIL_CreateTracer(this.Index, sAttach, "weapon_tracers_50cal", vEndPosition, 0.1);

            // Gets victim index
            int victim = TR_GetEntityIndex();
            // Is hit world ?
            if (victim < 1)
                // Create a decal effect
                TE_Start("BSP Decal");
                TE_WriteVector("m_vecOrigin", vEndPosition);
                TE_WriteNum("m_nEntity", victim);
                TE_WriteNum("m_nIndex", gDecal[GetRandomInt(0, 4)]);
                // Create the damage for victims
                UTIL_CreateDamage(_, vEndPosition, this.Index, SENTRY_BULLET_DAMAGE, SENTRY_BULLET_RADIUS, DMG_BULLET);
                // Validate victim
                if (IsPlayerExist(victim) && ZP_IsPlayerZombie(victim))
                    // Validate force
                    float flForce = ZP_GetClassKnockBack(ZP_GetClientClass(victim)) * ZP_GetWeaponKnockBack(gWeapon); 
                    if (flForce <= 0.0)
                    // If knockback system is enabled, then apply
                    if (hKnockBack.BoolValue)
                        // Gets vector from the given starting and ending points
                        MakeVectorFromPoints(vPosition, vEndPosition, vVelocity);

                        // Normalize the vector (equal magnitude at varying distances)
                        NormalizeVector(vVelocity, vVelocity);

                        // Apply the magnitude by scaling the vector
                        ScaleVector(vVelocity, flForce);
                        // Gets client velocity
                        GetEntPropVector(victim, Prop_Data, "m_vecVelocity", vSpeed);
                        // Add to the current
                        AddVectors(vSpeed, vVelocity, vVelocity);
                        // Push the target
                        TeleportEntity(victim, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR, vVelocity);
                        // Validate max
                        if (flForce > 100.0) flForce = 100.0;
                        else if (flForce <= 0.0) return;
                        // Apply the stamina-based slowdown
                        SetEntPropFloat(victim, Prop_Send, "m_flStamina", flForce);

    public void Fire() 
        // Initialize variables
        static float vPosition[3]; static float vAngle[3]; static float vVelocity[3]; static float vEnemy[3];
        float flSpeed = SENTRY_BULLET_SPEED; 
        float flCurrentTime = GetGameTime();
        // Level 3 Turrets fire rockets every 3 seconds
        if (this.UpgradeLevel == SENTRY_MODE_ROCKET && this.NextRocket < flCurrentTime)
            if (this.Rockets > 0) 
                // Add layers
                if (!this.IsPlayingGesture("ACT_RANGE_ATTACK2")) 
                // Alternate between the 1 rocket launcher ports
                ///ZP_GetAttachment(this.Index, "rocket", vPosition, vVelocity);  // Not work correctly

                // Calculate a velocity
                GetCenterOrigin(this.Enemy, vEnemy); 
                MakeVectorFromPoints(vPosition, vEnemy, vAngle);
                NormalizeVector(vAngle, vAngle); 
                GetVectorAngles(vAngle, vAngle); 
                GetAngleVectors(vAngle, vVelocity, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
                NormalizeVector(vVelocity, vVelocity);
                ScaleVector(vVelocity, SENTRY_ROCKET_SPEED);

                // Create a rocket
                this.Rocket(vPosition, vAngle, vVelocity); 

                // Sets delay for the next rocket
                this.NextRocket = flCurrentTime + SENTRY_ROCKET_DELAY;
                // Kill layers
                /*if (this.IsPlayingGesture("ACT_RANGE_ATTACK2")) 
                // Out of rockets
                this.NextRocket = MAX_FLOAT;
        // All turrets fire shells 
        if (this.Ammo > 0) 
            // If turret is upgraded remove low gesture
            if (this.UpgradeLevel > SENTRY_MODE_NORMAL) 
                if (this.IsPlayingGesture("ACT_RANGE_ATTACK1_LOW")) 
            // Add layers
            if (!this.IsPlayingGesture("ACT_RANGE_ATTACK1")) 

            // Play sound
            switch (this.UpgradeLevel) 
                case SENTRY_MODE_NORMAL    : this.EmitSound(GetRandomInt(0, 1) ? SENTRY_SOUND_SHOOT : SENTRY_SOUND_SHOOT4); 
                case SENTRY_MODE_AGRESSIVE : this.EmitSound(SENTRY_SOUND_SHOOT2); 
                case SENTRY_MODE_ROCKET    : this.EmitSound(SENTRY_SOUND_SHOOT3); 
            // Alternate between the 3 shot ports
            static char sAttach[SMALL_LINE_LENGTH];
            strcopy(sAttach, sizeof(sAttach), (this.UpgradeLevel == SENTRY_MODE_NORMAL) ? "muzzle" : ((this.Ammo & 1) ? "muzzle_l" : "muzzle_r"));
            ZP_GetAttachment(this.Index, sAttach, vPosition, vVelocity);
            // Calculate an angle
            this.SelectTargetPoint(vPosition, vEnemy);
            MakeVectorFromPoints(vPosition, vEnemy, vAngle);
            NormalizeVector(vAngle, vAngle); 

            // Create a bullet
            static char sMuzzle[NORMAL_LINE_LENGTH];
            this.Shot(vPosition, vAngle, sAttach); 
            ZP_GetWeaponModelMuzzle(gWeapon, sMuzzle, sizeof(sMuzzle));
            UTIL_CreateParticle(this.Index, _, _, sAttach, sMuzzle, flSpeed);

            // Sets delay for the next attack
            if (this.UpgradeLevel > SENTRY_MODE_NORMAL) flSpeed *= 0.5;
            this.NextAttack = flCurrentTime + flSpeed;
            this.Lock = false;
            // If turret is upgraded add low gesture
            /*if (this.UpgradeLevel > SENTRY_MODE_NORMAL) 
                if (!this.IsPlayingGesture("ACT_RANGE_ATTACK1_LOW")) 

            // Out of ammo, play a click 
            this.NextAttack = MAX_FLOAT; 
    public void Upgrade()
        // Gets upgrade for the current mode
        static char sModel[PLATFORM_LINE_LENGTH];
        switch (this.UpgradeLevel)
            case SENTRY_MODE_NORMAL :    strcopy(sModel, sizeof(sModel), "models/buildables/sentry2_heavy.mdl");
            case SENTRY_MODE_AGRESSIVE : strcopy(sModel, sizeof(sModel), "models/buildables/sentry3_heavy.mdl");
            case SENTRY_MODE_ROCKET :    return;
        // Destroy think hook
        SDKUnhook(this.Index, SDKHook_ThinkPost, SentryThinkHook);
        // Gets paremeter indexes
        int iYaw = ZP_LookupPoseParameter(this.Index, "aim_yaw"); 
        int iPitch = ZP_LookupPoseParameter(this.Index, "aim_pitch");
        // Gets entity position
        static float vPosition[3];
        GetAbsOrigin(this.Index, vPosition);
        // Gets entity angle
        static float vAngle[3]; 

        // Create a upgradable entity
        int upgrade = UTIL_CreateDynamic("upgrade", vPosition, vAngle, sModel, "upgrade");

        // Validate entity
        if (upgrade != -1)
            // Sets effects
            SetEntProp(upgrade, Prop_Send, "m_nSkin", this.Skin);
            SetEntProp(upgrade, Prop_Send, "m_nBody", 2);
            // Sets owner for the entity
            SetEntPropEnt(upgrade, Prop_Data, "m_hOwnerEntity", this.Index); 
            // Play sound
            ZP_EmitSoundToAll(gSoundUpgrade, 2, upgrade, SNDCHAN_STATIC, hSoundLevel.IntValue);
            // Sets upgrade for the entity
            this.UpgradeModel = upgrade;
            // Sets same pose parameters
            SetEntPropFloat(upgrade, Prop_Send, "m_flPoseParameter", GetEntPropFloat(this.Index, Prop_Send, "m_flPoseParameter", iYaw), iYaw); 
            SetEntPropFloat(upgrade, Prop_Send, "m_flPoseParameter", GetEntPropFloat(this.Index, Prop_Send, "m_flPoseParameter", iPitch), iPitch); 
            // Create timer to activate
            CreateTimer(1.5, SentryActivateHook, EntIndexToEntRef(upgrade), TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
        // Update variables
        this.Lock = true;

        // Gets model for the current mode
        switch (this.UpgradeLevel)
            case SENTRY_MODE_AGRESSIVE : strcopy(sModel, sizeof(sModel), "models/buildables/sentry2.mdl");
            case SENTRY_MODE_ROCKET :    strcopy(sModel, sizeof(sModel), "models/buildables/sentry3_fix2.mdl");
        // Sets model
        SetEntityModel(this.Index, sModel);

        // Make model invisible
        UTIL_SetRenderColor(this.Index, Color_Alpha, 0);
    public void Rotate() 
        // If we're playing a fire gesture, stop it 
        if (this.IsPlayingGesture("ACT_RANGE_ATTACK1")) 
        /*if (this.IsPlayingGesture("ACT_RANGE_ATTACK1_LOW")) 
        if (this.IsPlayingGesture("ACT_RANGE_ATTACK2")) 
        // Upgrade sentry
        if (this.UpgradeState != this.UpgradeLevel && this.CanUpgrade())
        // Look for a target 
        if (this.FindTarget()) 
        // If turret is upgraded add low gesture
        if (this.UpgradeLevel > SENTRY_MODE_NORMAL) 
            if (!this.IsPlayingGesture("ACT_RANGE_ATTACK1_LOW") && !this.Lock) 
                this.Lock = true;
        // Rotate a bit
        if (!this.Move()) 
            // Gets the current game tick
            float flCurrentTime = GetGameTime();
            // Validate delay
            if (this.NextSound <= flCurrentTime)
                // Play sound
                switch (this.UpgradeLevel) 
                    case SENTRY_MODE_NORMAL    : this.EmitSound(SENTRY_SOUND_SCAN); 
                    case SENTRY_MODE_AGRESSIVE : this.EmitSound(SENTRY_SOUND_SCAN2); 
                    case SENTRY_MODE_ROCKET    : this.EmitSound(SENTRY_SOUND_SCAN3); 
                this.NextSound = flCurrentTime + 0.2;
            // Start it rotating
            static float vGoal[3]; 
            // Switch rotation direction 
            if (this.TurningRight) 
                this.TurningRight = false; 
                vGoal[1] = float(this.LeftBound); 
                this.TurningRight = true; 
                vGoal[1] = float(this.RightBound); 

            // Randomly look up and down a bit 
            if (GetRandomFloat(0.0, 1.0) < 0.3) 
                vGoal[0] = GetRandomFloat(-10.0, 10.0); 
            // Store angles

    public void Attack() 
        // Validate target
        if (!this.FindTarget()) 
            this.State = SENTRY_STATE_SEARCHING;
        // Initialize vectors
        static float vMid[3]; static float vEnemy[3]; static float vDirection[3]; static float vAngle[3]; 
        // Track the enemy 
        GetCenterOrigin(this.Index, vMid); 
        this.SelectTargetPoint(vMid, vEnemy);
        MakeVectorFromPoints(vMid, vEnemy, vDirection);
        GetVectorAngles(vDirection, vAngle); 
        // Calculate angles
        vAngle[1] = AngleMod(vAngle[1]); 
        if (vAngle[0] < -180.0) 
            vAngle[0] += 360.0; 
        if (vAngle[0] > 180.0) 
            vAngle[0] -= 360.0; 
        // now all numbers should be in [1...360] 
        // pin to turret limitations to [-50...50] 
        if (vAngle[0] > 50.0) 
            vAngle[0] = 50.0; 
        else if (vAngle[0] < -50.0) 
            vAngle[0] = -50.0; 

        // Start it rotating
        static float vGoal[3]; static float vCurrent[3]; static float vRange[3]; 
        vGoal[1] = vAngle[1]; 
        vGoal[0] = vAngle[0]; 
        // Gets vector from the given starting and ending points
        MakeVectorFromPoints(vCurrent, vGoal, vRange);
        // Gets the current game tick
        float flCurrentTime = GetGameTime();
        // Fire on the target if it's within 10 units of being aimed right at it 
        if (this.NextAttack <= flCurrentTime && GetVectorLength(vRange) <= 10.0) 
        // Validate range
        if (GetVectorLength(vRange) > 10.0) 
            // If we're playing a fire gesture, stop it 
            if (this.IsPlayingGesture("ACT_RANGE_ATTACK1")) 
            // If turret is upgraded add low gesture
            if (this.UpgradeLevel > SENTRY_MODE_NORMAL) 
                if (!this.IsPlayingGesture("ACT_RANGE_ATTACK1_LOW") && !this.Lock) 
                    this.Lock = true;
    public void Death()
        // Initialize vectors
        static float vPosition[3]; static float vGib[3]; float vShoot[3];

        // Emit sound
        EmitSoundToAll("survival/turret_death_01.wav", this.Index, SNDCHAN_STATIC, hSoundLevel.IntValue);
        // Gets entity position
        GetAbsOrigin(this.Index, vPosition);
        // Create an explosion effect
        UTIL_CreateParticle(this.Index, vPosition, _, _, "explosion_hegrenade_interior", 0.1);
        // Create a breaked drone effect
        static char sBuffer[NORMAL_LINE_LENGTH];
        for (int x = 0; x <= 3; x++)
            // Find gib positions
            vShoot[1] += 90.0; vGib[0] = GetRandomFloat(0.0, 360.0); vGib[1] = GetRandomFloat(-15.0, 15.0); vGib[2] = GetRandomFloat(-15.0, 15.0); switch (x)
                case 0 : strcopy(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), (this.UpgradeLevel == SENTRY_MODE_ROCKET) ? "models/buildables/gibs/sentry3_gib1.mdl" : (this.UpgradeLevel ? "models/buildables/gibs/sentry2_gib1.mdl" : "models/buildables/gibs/sentry1_gib1.mdl"));
                case 1 : strcopy(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), this.UpgradeLevel ? "models/buildables/gibs/sentry2_gib2.mdl" : "models/buildables/gibs/sentry1_gib2.mdl");
                case 2 : strcopy(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), this.UpgradeLevel ? "models/buildables/gibs/sentry2_gib3.mdl" : "models/buildables/gibs/sentry1_gib3.mdl");
                case 3 : strcopy(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), this.UpgradeLevel ? "models/buildables/gibs/sentry2_gib4.mdl" : "models/buildables/gibs/sentry1_gib4.mdl");

            // Create gibs
            UTIL_CreateShooter(this.Index, "build_point_0", _, MAT_METAL, this.Skin, sBuffer, vShoot, vGib, METAL_GIBS_AMOUNT, METAL_GIBS_DELAY, METAL_GIBS_SPEED, METAL_GIBS_VARIENCE, METAL_GIBS_LIFE, METAL_GIBS_DURATION);
        // Gets upgradable entity
        int entity = this.UpgradeModel; 
        // Validate entity
        if (entity != -1)
            // Kill entity
            AcceptEntityInput(entity, "Kill");

        // Kill after some duration
        UTIL_RemoveEntity(this.Index, 0.1);

//*          Don't modify the code below this line unless             *
//*             you know _exactly_ what you are doing!!!              *

void Weapon_OnHolster(int client, int weapon, float flCurrentTime)
    #pragma unused client, weapon, flCurrentTime

    // Kill an effect
    Weapon_OnCreateEffect(client, weapon, EFFECT_KILL);

void Weapon_OnIdle(int client, int weapon, float flCurrentTime)
    #pragma unused client, weapon, flCurrentTime

    // Update an effect
    Weapon_OnCreateEffect(client, weapon, EFFECT_UPDATE);
    // Gets viewmodel index
    int entity = ZP_GetClientViewModel(client, true);
    // Validate model 
    if (entity != -1)
        // Sets skin index
        SetEntProp(entity, Prop_Send, "m_nSkin", GetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Data, "m_iAltFireHudHintCount"));
    // Validate animation delay
    if (GetEntPropFloat(weapon, Prop_Send, "m_flTimeWeaponIdle") > flCurrentTime)
    // Sets idle animation
    ZP_SetWeaponAnimation(client, ANIM_IDLE); 
    // Sets next idle time
    SetEntPropFloat(weapon, Prop_Send, "m_flTimeWeaponIdle", flCurrentTime + WEAPON_IDLE_TIME);

void Weapon_OnDeploy(int client, int weapon, float flCurrentTime)
    #pragma unused client, weapon, flCurrentTime
    /// Block the real attack
    SetEntPropFloat(client, Prop_Send, "m_flNextAttack", MAX_FLOAT);
    SetEntPropFloat(weapon, Prop_Send, "m_flNextPrimaryAttack", MAX_FLOAT);

    // Create an effect
    Weapon_OnCreateEffect(client, weapon, EFFECT_CREATE);
    // Sets draw animation
    ZP_SetWeaponAnimation(client, ANIM_DRAW);

    // Sets next attack time
    SetEntPropFloat(weapon, Prop_Send, "m_fLastShotTime", flCurrentTime + ZP_GetWeaponDeploy(gWeapon));
    // Show message
    PrintHintText(client, "%t", "rotate info");

void Weapon_OnDrop(int client, int weapon, float flCurrentTime)
    #pragma unused client, weapon, flCurrentTime

    // Sets skin index
    SetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Send, "m_nSkin", GetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Data, "m_iAltFireHudHintCount"));

void Weapon_OnPrimaryAttack(int client, int weapon, float flCurrentTime)
    #pragma unused client, weapon, flCurrentTime

    // Place an effect
    Weapon_OnCreateEffect(client, weapon, EFFECT_PLACE);

void Weapon_OnSecondaryAttack(int client, int weapon, float flCurrentTime)
    #pragma unused client, weapon, flCurrentTime

    // Gets rotation angle
    float flAngle = GetEntPropFloat(weapon, Prop_Data, "m_flUseLookAtAngle") + 0.5;
    if (flAngle > 360.0) flAngle = 0.0;

    // Sets new rotation angle
    SetEntPropFloat(weapon, Prop_Data, "m_flUseLookAtAngle", flAngle);

void Weapon_OnCreateEffect(int client, int weapon, int iMode)
    #pragma unused client, weapon, iMode

    // Gets effect index
    int entity = GetEntPropEnt(weapon, Prop_Data, "m_hEffectEntity");

    // Go to mode
    switch (iMode)
        case EFFECT_CREATE :
            // Validate entity 
            if (entity != -1)
            // Creates a model
            entity = UTIL_CreateDynamic("plan", NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR, "models/buildables/sentry1_blueprint.mdl", "reject");
            // Validate entity
            if (entity != -1)
                // Sets effect index
                SetEntPropEnt(weapon, Prop_Data, "m_hEffectEntity", entity);

        case EFFECT_KILL : 
            // Validate entity 
            if (entity == -1)
            // Remove entity from the world
            AcceptEntityInput(entity, "Kill"); 
        default :
            // Validate entity 
            if (entity == -1)
            // Initialize vectors
            static float vPosition[3]; static float vEndPosition[3]; static float vAngle[3]; bool bHit;
            // Gets trace line
            GetClientEyePosition(client, vPosition);
            ZP_GetPlayerGunPosition(client, 120.0, 0.0, 0.0, vEndPosition);

            // Create the end-point trace
            TR_TraceRayFilter(vPosition, vEndPosition, MASK_SOLID, RayType_EndPoint, ClientFilter);

            // Returns the collision position/normal of a trace result
            TR_GetPlaneNormal(null, vAngle);
            // Validate water
            if (GetEntProp(client, Prop_Data, "m_nWaterLevel") != WLEVEL_CSGO_FULL)
                // Is hit world ?
                if (TR_DidHit() && TR_GetEntityIndex() < 1)
                    bHit = true;
                    // Move to the bottom
                    ZP_GetPlayerGunPosition(client, 120.0, 0.0, -200.0, vPosition);
                    // Create the end-point trace
                    TR_TraceRayFilter(vEndPosition, vPosition, MASK_SOLID, RayType_EndPoint, ClientFilter);
                    // Is hit world ?
                    if (TR_DidHit() && TR_GetEntityIndex() < 1)
                        bHit = true;
                    // Returns the collision position/normal of a trace result
                    TR_GetPlaneNormal(null, vAngle);

            // Adds rotation angle
            vAngle[1] += GetEntPropFloat(weapon, Prop_Data, "m_flUseLookAtAngle");
            // Teleport the entity
            TeleportEntity(entity, vPosition, vAngle, NULL_VECTOR);
            // Validate hit
            if (bHit)
                // Initialize the hull vectors
                static const float vMins[3] = { -20.0, -20.0, 0.0   }; 
                static const float vMaxs[3] = {  20.0,  20.0, 72.0  }; 
                // Create the hull trace
                vPosition[2] += vMaxs[2] / 2.0; /// Move center of hull upward
                TR_TraceHull(vPosition, vPosition, vMins, vMaxs, MASK_SOLID);
                // Validate no collisions
                if (!TR_DidHit())
                    // Validate place mode
                    if (iMode == EFFECT_PLACE)
                        // Create a dronegun entity
                        SentryGun(client, vPosition, vAngle, 
                                  GetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Data, "m_iHealth"), 
                                  GetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Data, "m_iMaxHealth"), 
                                  GetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Data, "m_iReloadHudHintCount"), 
                                  GetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Data, "m_iAltFireHudHintCount"), 
                                  GetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Data, "m_iWeaponModule"));
                        // Forces a player to remove weapon
                        ZP_RemoveWeapon(client, weapon);
                        // Remove entity from the world
                        AcceptEntityInput(entity, "Kill");
                        // Show message
                        PrintHintText(client, "%t", "control info");
                        // Sets success anim
                        AcceptEntityInput(entity, "SetAnimation");
                    // Sets fail anim
                    AcceptEntityInput(entity, "SetAnimation");

bool Weapon_OnPickupTurret(int client, int entity, float flCurrentTime)
    #pragma unused client, entity, flCurrentTime

    // Initialize vectors
    static float vPosition[3]; static float vEndPosition[3]; bool bHit;
    // Gets trace line
    GetClientEyePosition(client, vPosition);
    ZP_GetPlayerGunPosition(client, 80.0, 0.0, 0.0, vEndPosition);

    // Create the end-point trace
    TR_TraceRayFilter(vPosition, vEndPosition, MASK_SOLID, RayType_EndPoint, ClientFilter);

    // Validate collisions
    if (!TR_DidHit())
        // Initialize the hull vectors
        static const float vMins[3] = { -20.0, -20.0, 0.0   }; 
        static const float vMaxs[3] = {  20.0,  20.0, 72.0  }; 
        // Create the hull trace
        TR_TraceHullFilter(vPosition, vEndPosition, vMins, vMaxs, MASK_SOLID, ClientFilter);
    // Validate collisions
    if (TR_DidHit())
        // Gets entity index
        entity = TR_GetEntityIndex();

        // Validate entity
        if (IsEntityTurret(entity))
            // Gets object methods
            SentryGun sentry = view_as<SentryGun>(entity); 
            // Validate owner
            if (sentry.Owner == client)
                // Give item and select it
                int weapon = ZP_GiveClientWeapon(client, gWeapon);
                // Valdiate weapon
                if (weapon != -1)
                    // Sets variables
                    SetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Data, "m_iHealth", sentry.Health);
                    SetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Data, "m_iMaxHealth", sentry.Ammo);
                    SetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Data, "m_iReloadHudHintCount", sentry.Rockets);
                    SetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Data, "m_iAltFireHudHintCount", sentry.Skin);
                    SetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Data, "m_iWeaponModule", sentry.UpgradeLevel);
                    // Gets upgradable entity
                    int upgrade = sentry.UpgradeModel; 

                    // Validate entity
                    if (upgrade != -1)
                        // Kill entity
                        AcceptEntityInput(upgrade, "Kill");
                    // Kill entity
                    AcceptEntityInput(entity, "Kill");
                    // Return on the success
                    bHit = true;

    // Return on success
    return bHit;

bool Weapon_OnMenuTurret(int client, int entity, float flCurrentTime)
    #pragma unused client, entity, flCurrentTime

    // Initialize vectors
    static float vPosition[3]; static float vEndPosition[3]; bool bHit;
    // Gets trace line
    GetClientEyePosition(client, vPosition);
    ZP_GetPlayerGunPosition(client, 80.0, 0.0, 0.0, vEndPosition);

    // Create the end-point trace
    TR_TraceRayFilter(vPosition, vEndPosition, MASK_SOLID, RayType_EndPoint, ClientFilter);

    // Validate collisions
    if (!TR_DidHit())
        // Initialize the hull vectors
        static const float vMins[3] = { -20.0, -20.0, 0.0   }; 
        static const float vMaxs[3] = {  20.0,  20.0, 72.0  }; 
        // Create the hull trace
        TR_TraceHullFilter(vPosition, vEndPosition, vMins, vMaxs, MASK_SOLID, ClientFilter);
    // Validate collisions
    if (TR_DidHit())
        // Gets entity index
        entity = TR_GetEntityIndex();

        // Validate entity
        if (IsEntityTurret(entity))
            // Gets object methods
            SentryGun sentry = view_as<SentryGun>(entity); 
            // Validate owner
            if (sentry.Owner == client)
                // Open menu
                SentryMenu(client, entity);
                // Return on the success
                bHit = true;
    // Return on success
    return bHit;

//* Item (weapon) hooks.                       *

#define _call.%0(%1,%2) \
    Weapon_On%0         \
    (                   \
        %1,             \
        %2,             \
        GetGameTime()   \

 * @brief Called after a custom weapon is created.
 * @param client            The client index.
 * @param weapon            The weapon index.
 * @param weaponID          The weapon id.
public void ZP_OnWeaponCreated(int client, int weapon, int weaponID)
    // Validate custom weapon
    if (weaponID == gWeapon)
        // Reset variables
        SetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Data, "m_iHealth", ZP_GetWeaponClip(gWeapon));
        SetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Data, "m_iMaxHealth", ZP_GetWeaponAmmo(gWeapon));
        SetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Data, "m_iReloadHudHintCount", ZP_GetWeaponAmmunition(gWeapon));
        SetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Data, "m_iAltFireHudHintCount", GetRandomInt(0, 1));
        SetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Data, "m_iWeaponModule", SENTRY_MODE_NORMAL);
        SetEntPropFloat(weapon, Prop_Data, "m_flUseLookAtAngle", 0.0);

 * @brief Called on deploy of a weapon.
 * @param client            The client index.
 * @param weapon            The weapon index.
 * @param weaponID          The weapon id.
public void ZP_OnWeaponDeploy(int client, int weapon, int weaponID) 
    // Validate custom weapon
    if (weaponID == gWeapon)
        // Call event
        _call.Deploy(client, weapon);

 * @brief Called on holster of a weapon.
 * @param client            The client index.
 * @param weapon            The weapon index.
 * @param weaponID          The weapon id.
public void ZP_OnWeaponHolster(int client, int weapon, int weaponID) 
    // Validate custom weapon
    if (weaponID == gWeapon)
        // Call event
        _call.Holster(client, weapon);

 * @brief Called on drop of a weapon.
 * @param weapon            The weapon index.
 * @param weaponID          The weapon id.
public void ZP_OnWeaponDrop(int weapon, int weaponID)
    // Validate custom weapon
    if (weaponID == gWeapon)
        // Call event
        _call.Drop(-1, weapon);
 * @brief Called on each frame of a weapon holding.
 * @param client            The client index.
 * @param iButtons          The buttons buffer.
 * @param iLastButtons      The last buttons buffer.
 * @param weapon            The weapon index.
 * @param weaponID          The weapon id.
 * @return                  Plugin_Continue to allow buttons. Anything else 
 *                                (like Plugin_Changed) to change buttons.
public Action ZP_OnWeaponRunCmd(int client, int &iButtons, int iLastButtons, int weapon, int weaponID)
    // Validate custom weapon
    if (weaponID == gWeapon)
        // Button primary attack press
        if (iButtons & IN_ATTACK)
            // Call event
            _call.PrimaryAttack(client, weapon); 
            iButtons &= (~IN_ATTACK);
            return Plugin_Changed;

        // Call event
        _call.Idle(client, weapon);

        // Button secondary attack press
        if (iButtons & IN_ATTACK2)
            // Call event
            _call.SecondaryAttack(client, weapon); 
            iButtons &= (~IN_ATTACK2);
            return Plugin_Changed;
        // Button use press
        if (iButtons & IN_USE && !(iLastButtons & IN_USE))
            // Validate no weapon
            if (ZP_IsPlayerHuman(client) && ZP_IsPlayerHasWeapon(client, gWeapon) == -1)
                // Call event
                int entity; /// Initialize index
                if (_call.PickupTurret(client, entity))
                    iButtons &= (~IN_USE);
                    return Plugin_Changed;

    // Allow button
    return Plugin_Continue;

 * @brief Called before show a main menu.
 * @param client            The client index.
 * @return                  Plugin_Handled or Plugin_Stop to block showing. Anything else
 *                              (like Plugin_Continue) to allow showing.
public Action ZP_OnClientValidateButton(int client)
    // Validate human
    if (ZP_IsPlayerHuman(client))
        // Call event
        int entity; /// Initialize index
        if (_call.MenuTurret(client, entity))
            // Block showing menu
            return Plugin_Handled;
    // Allow menu
    return Plugin_Continue;

//* Item (drone) hooks.                        *

 * @brief Sentry think hook.
 * @param entity            The entity index.
public void SentryThinkHook(int entity) 
    // Animate entity
    SDKCall(hSDKCallStudioFrameAdvance, entity); 
    // Gets object methods
    SentryGun sentry = view_as<SentryGun>(entity); 
    // Sets state
    switch (sentry.State)
        case SENTRY_STATE_SEARCHING : sentry.Rotate();
        case SENTRY_STATE_ATTACKING : sentry.Attack();

 * @brief Timer for a sentry activation.
 * @param hTimer            The timer handle.
 * @param refID             The reference index.
public Action SentryActivateHook(Handle hTimer, int refID)
    // Gets entity index from reference key
    int entity = EntRefToEntIndex(refID);

    // Validate entity
    if (entity != -1)
        // Gets sentry index
        int sentry = GetEntPropEnt(entity, Prop_Data, "m_hOwnerEntity");
        // validate sentry
        if (sentry != -1)
            // Reset visibility
            UTIL_SetRenderColor(sentry, Color_Alpha, 255);
            // Create think hook
            SDKHook(sentry, SDKHook_ThinkPost, SentryThinkHook);
        // Remove the entity from the world
        AcceptEntityInput(entity, "Kill");
    // Destroy timer
    return Plugin_Stop;

 * @brief Sentry damage hook.
 * @param entity            The entity index.
 * @param attacker          The attacker index.
 * @param inflictor         The inflictor index.
 * @param damage            The amount of damage inflicted.
 * @param damageBits        The type of damage inflicted.
public Action SentryDamageHook(int entity, int &attacker, int &inflictor, float &flDamage, int &damageBits)
    // Validate attacker
    if (IsPlayerExist(attacker))
        // Validate zombie
        if (ZP_IsPlayerZombie(attacker))
            // Gets object methods
            SentryGun sentry = view_as<SentryGun>(entity); 
            // Calculate the damage
            int iHealth = sentry.Health - RoundToNearest(flDamage); iHealth = (iHealth > 0) ? iHealth : 0;

            // Destroy entity
            if (!iHealth)
                // Destroy damage/think hook
                SDKUnhook(entity, SDKHook_OnTakeDamage, SentryDamageHook);
                SDKUnhook(entity, SDKHook_ThinkPost, SentryThinkHook);
                // Call removal
                // Apply damage
                sentry.Health = iHealth; 
                // Emit sound
                switch (GetRandomInt(0, 2))
                    case 0 : EmitSoundToAll("survival/turret_takesdamage_01.wav", entity, SNDCHAN_STATIC, hSoundLevel.IntValue);
                    case 1 : EmitSoundToAll("survival/turret_takesdamage_02.wav", entity, SNDCHAN_STATIC, hSoundLevel.IntValue);
                    case 2 : EmitSoundToAll("survival/turret_takesdamage_03.wav", entity, SNDCHAN_STATIC, hSoundLevel.IntValue);
    // Return on success
    return Plugin_Handled;

 * @brief Rocket touch hook.
 * @param entity            The entity index.        
 * @param target            The target index.               
public Action RocketTouchHook(int entity, int target)
    // Validate target
    if (!IsEntityTurret(target))
        // Gets entity position
        static float vPosition[3];
        GetAbsOrigin(entity, vPosition);

        // Create an explosion effect
        UTIL_CreateParticle(_, vPosition, _, _, "expl_coopmission_skyboom", SENTRY_ROCKET_EXPLOSION_TIME);
        // Create an explosion
        UTIL_CreateExplosion(vPosition, EXP_NOFIREBALL | EXP_NOSOUND, _, SENTRY_ROCKET_DAMAGE, SENTRY_ROCKET_RADIUS, "rocket", _, entity);

        // Play sound
        ZP_EmitSoundToAll(gSoundShoot, SENTRY_SOUND_EXPLOAD, entity, SNDCHAN_STATIC, hSoundLevel.IntValue);

        // Remove the entity from the world
        AcceptEntityInput(entity, "Kill");

    // Return on the success
    return Plugin_Continue;

 * @brief Timer for a rocket exploade.
 * @param hTimer            The timer handle.
 * @param refID             The reference index.
public Action RocketExploadHook(Handle hTimer, int refID)
    // Gets entity index from reference key
    int entity = EntRefToEntIndex(refID);

    // Validate entity
    if (entity != -1)
        // Explode it
        RocketTouchHook(entity, 0);
    // Destroy timer
    return Plugin_Stop;

 * @brief Called before a client take a fake damage.
 * @param client            The client index.
 * @param attacker          The attacker index. (Not validated!)
 * @param inflicter         The inflicter index. (Not validated!)
 * @param flDamage          The amount of damage inflicted.
 * @param iBits             The ditfield of damage types.
 * @param weapon            The weapon index or -1 for unspecified.
 * @note To block damage reset the damage to zero. 
public void ZP_OnClientValidateDamage(int client, int &attacker, int &inflictor, float &flDamage, int &iBits, int &weapon)
    // Client was damaged by 'turret'
    if (iBits & DMG_BULLET)
        // Validate rocket
        if (IsEntityTurret(attacker))
            // Validate human
            if (ZP_IsPlayerHuman(client))
                // Reset damage
                flDamage = 0.0;
    // Client was damaged by 'explosion'
    else if (iBits & DMG_BLAST)
        // Validate rocket
        if (IsEntityRocket(inflictor))
            // Validate human
            if (ZP_IsPlayerHuman(client))
                // Reset damage
                flDamage = 0.0;

 * @brief Called before a grenade sound is emitted.
 * @param grenade           The grenade index.
 * @param weaponID          The weapon id.
 * @return                  Plugin_Continue to allow sounds. Anything else
 *                              (like Plugin_Stop) to block sounds.
public Action ZP_OnGrenadeSound(int grenade, int weaponID)
    // Validate custom grenade
    if (weaponID == gWeapon)
        // Block sounds
        return Plugin_Stop; 
    // Allow sounds
    return Plugin_Continue;

//* Menu (drone) callbacks.                    *

 * @brief Creates a sentry control menu.
 * @param client            The client index.
 * @param entity            The entity index.
void SentryMenu(int client, int entity)
    // Gets object methods
    SentryGun sentry = view_as<SentryGun>(entity); 
    // Initialize variables
    static char sBuffer[SMALL_LINE_LENGTH];
    static char sInfo[SMALL_LINE_LENGTH];
    int iUpgrade = GetCost(SENTRY_CONTROL_UPGRADE_RATIO);
    int iRefill = GetCost(SENTRY_CONTROL_REFILL_RATIO);
    // Convert entity index to string
    IntToString(entity, sInfo, sizeof(sInfo));
    // Creates sentry menu handle
    Menu hMenu = CreateMenu(SentryMenuSlots);

    // Sets language to target

    // Sets title
    hMenu.SetTitle("%t", "turret control", iUpgrade, "money", iRefill, "money");

    // Show  option
    FormatEx(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%t", "turret level", sentry.UpgradeState + 1);
    hMenu.AddItem(sInfo, sBuffer, GetDraw(ZP_GetClientMoney(client) < iUpgrade || sentry.UpgradeState >= SENTRY_MODE_ROCKET ? false : true));
    // Show  option
    FormatEx(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%t", "turret hp", sentry.Health);
    hMenu.AddItem(sInfo, sBuffer, GetDraw(ZP_GetClientMoney(client) < iRefill || sentry.Health >= ZP_GetWeaponClip(gWeapon) ? false : true));
    // Show  option
    FormatEx(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%t", "turret ammo", sentry.Ammo);
    hMenu.AddItem(sInfo, sBuffer, GetDraw(ZP_GetClientMoney(client) < iRefill || sentry.Ammo >= ZP_GetWeaponAmmo(gWeapon) ? false : true));
    // Validate mode
    if (sentry.UpgradeLevel >= SENTRY_MODE_ROCKET)
        // Show option
        FormatEx(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%t", "turret rockets", sentry.Rockets);
        hMenu.AddItem(sInfo, sBuffer, GetDraw(ZP_GetClientMoney(client) < iRefill || sentry.Rockets >= ZP_GetWeaponAmmunition(gWeapon) ? false : true));
    // Sets exit button
    hMenu.ExitButton = true;
    // Sets options and display it
    hMenu.OptionFlags = MENUFLAG_BUTTON_EXIT;
    hMenu.Display(client, SENTRY_CONTROL_MENU);

 * @brief Called when client selects option in the turret control menu, and handles it.
 * @param hMenu             The handle of the menu being used.
 * @param mAction           The action done on the menu (see menus.inc, enum MenuAction).
 * @param client            The client index.
 * @param mSlot             The slot index selected (starting from 0).
public int SentryMenuSlots(Menu hMenu, MenuAction mAction, int client, int mSlot)
    // Switch the menu action
    switch (mAction)
        // Client hit 'Exit' button
        case MenuAction_End :
            delete hMenu;

        // Client selected an option
        case MenuAction_Select :
            // Gets menu info
            static char sBuffer[SMALL_LINE_LENGTH];
            hMenu.GetItem(mSlot, sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer));
            int entity = StringToInt(sBuffer);
            // Validate entity
            if (IsValidEdict(entity))
                // Validate cost
                int iCost = GetCost(!mSlot ? SENTRY_CONTROL_UPGRADE_RATIO : SENTRY_CONTROL_REFILL_RATIO); 
                if (ZP_GetClientMoney(client) < iCost)
                // Gets object methods
                SentryGun sentry = view_as<SentryGun>(entity); 
                // Checks button
                switch (mSlot)
                    // Button 'Upgrade' was pressed
                    case 0 :
                        // Increment mode
                    // Button 'HP' was pressed
                    case 1 :
                        // Reset health
                        sentry.Health = ZP_GetWeaponClip(gWeapon);
                    // Button 'Ammo' was pressed
                    case 2 :
                        // Reset ammo
                        sentry.Ammo = ZP_GetWeaponAmmo(gWeapon);
                    // Button 'Rocket' was pressed
                    case 3 :
                        // Reset rocket
                        sentry.Rockets = ZP_GetWeaponAmmunition(gWeapon);
                // Remove some money from the client
                ZP_SetClientMoney(client, ZP_GetClientMoney(client) - iCost);
                // Open menu
                SentryMenu(client, entity);

//* Item (drone) stocks.                       *

 * @brief Gets the entity's position.
 * @param entity            The entity index.     
 * @param vOutput           The vector output.
stock void GetAbsOrigin(int entity, float vOutput[3]) 
    GetEntPropVector(entity, Prop_Data, "m_vecAbsOrigin", vOutput); 

 * @brief Gets the entity's center position.
 * @param entity            The entity index.     
 * @param vOutput           The vector output.
stock void GetCenterOrigin(int entity, float vOutput[3]) 
    GetAbsOrigin(entity, vOutput); 
    static float vMaxs[3]; 
    if (entity <= MaxClients)
        GetClientMaxs(entity, vMaxs);
        GetEntPropVector(entity, Prop_Data, "m_vecMaxs", vMaxs); 
    vOutput[2] += vMaxs[2] / 2.0; 

 * @brief Gets the entity's eye position.
 * @param entity            The entity index.     
 * @param vOutput           The vector output.
stock void GetEyePosition(int entity, float vOutput[3]) 
    if (entity <= MaxClients)
        GetClientEyePosition(entity, vOutput);
        static float vMaxs[3]; 
        GetAbsOrigin(entity, vOutput);
        GetEntPropVector(entity, Prop_Data, "m_vecMaxs", vMaxs); 
        vOutput[2] += vMaxs[2]; 

 * @brief Gets the cost from the percentage.
 * @param flPercentage      The percentage input.  
 * @return                  The cost ouput.
int GetCost(float flPercentage)
    return RoundToCeil(float(ZP_GetWeaponCost(gWeapon)) * flPercentage);

 * @brief Return itemdraw flag for radio menus.
 * @param menuCondition     If this is true, item will be drawn normally.
int GetDraw(bool menuCondition)
    return menuCondition ? ITEMDRAW_DEFAULT : ITEMDRAW_DISABLED;

 * @brief Validate a turret.
 * @param entity            The entity index.
 * @return                  True or false.
stock bool IsEntityTurret(int entity)
    // Validate entity
    if (entity <= MaxClients || !IsValidEdict(entity))
        return false;
    // Gets name
    static char sClassname[SMALL_LINE_LENGTH];
    GetEntPropString(entity, Prop_Data, "m_iName", sClassname, sizeof(sClassname));
    // Validate name
    return (!strcmp(sClassname, "turret", false));

 * @brief Validate a rocket.
 * @param entity            The entity index.
 * @return                  True or false.
stock bool IsEntityRocket(int entity)
    // Validate entity
    if (entity <= MaxClients || !IsValidEdict(entity))
        return false;
    // Gets name
    static char sClassname[SMALL_LINE_LENGTH];
    GetEntPropString(entity, Prop_Data, "m_iGlobalname", sClassname, sizeof(sClassname));
    // Validate name
    return (!strcmp(sClassname, "rocket", false));

 * @brief Gets the angle mod.
 * @param flAngle           The angle output.  
 * @return                  The angle mod.
stock float AngleMod(float flAngle) 
    flAngle = (360.0 / 65536) * (RoundToNearest(flAngle * (65536.0 / 360.0)) & 65535); 
    return flAngle; 

 * @brief Gets the angle normal.
 * @param flAngle           The angle output.  
 * @return                  The angle normal.
stock float AngleNormalize(float flAngle) 
    flAngle = flAngle - 360.0 * RoundToFloor(flAngle / 360.0);
    if (flAngle > 180.0)  
        flAngle -= 360.0; 
    if (flAngle < -180.0) 
        flAngle += 360.0; 
    return flAngle; 

 * @brief Trace filter.
 * @param entity            The entity index.  
 * @param contentsMask      The contents mask.
 * @return                  True or false.
public bool ClientFilter(int entity, int contentsMask)
    return !(1 <= entity <= MaxClients);

 * @brief Hull filter.
 * @param entity            The entity index.
 * @param hData             The array handle.
 * @return                  True to continue enumerating, otherwise false.
public bool HullEnumerator(int entity, ArrayList hData)
    // Validate player
    if (IsPlayerExist(entity))
        TR_ClipCurrentRayToEntity(MASK_ALL, entity);
        if (TR_DidHit()) hData.Push(entity);
    return true;

 * @brief Trace filter.
 * @param entity            The entity index.  
 * @param contentsMask      The contents mask.
 * @param filter            The filter index.
 * @return                  True or false.
public bool TurretFilter(int entity, int contentsMask, int filter)
    if (IsEntityTurret(entity)) 
        return false;
    return (entity != filter); 
as dorii daca cineva are cunostinte , sa il editeze ca sa functioneze pe orice mod
Discord: lucifer_xro
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