ConfiG • Developer • Dozatu Versiunea 1 !

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Post Reply
Membru, skill 0
Membru, skill 0
Posts: 9
Joined: 10 Sep 2010, 21:56
Detinator Steam: Da
CS Status: Citesc forumul!

10 Sep 2010, 22:05

Salut baieti ! Fiind unul dintre primii in Romania la hns avand recurile 290 cj 272 ljr DEV ON NO dev 260 280 Am facut prima mea ediatie de config Dozatu v1 pentru dornicii de acest mod si cei care vor sa incerce un config cu developer care ma poate ajuta si pe incepatori si pe cei avansati ! Daca sunteti incepator puteti da un 275 cu warm bunicel 255 lj .. dar cei mai avansati 285+ 265+ ! Jos config ! PEntru ajutor add thyajey id de mess ! Pentru a nu avea probleme copiati asta intrun config !
| Afiseaza codul
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
///   ____                  _                ____ _____     _ _
///  / ___|___  _   _ _ __ | |_ ___ _ __    / ___|_   _| __(_) | _____
/// | |   / _ \| | | | '_ \| __/ _ \ '__|___\___ \ | || '__| | |/ / _ \
/// | |__| (_) | |_| | | | | ||  __/ | |_____|__) || || |  | |   <  __>      ----> Dozatu ! Version 1
///  \____\___/ \__,_|_| |_|\__\___|_|      |____/ |_||_|  |_|_|\_\___|
/// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

//                                                  ____  __  ___   __       __
//=========================================\  /\  / |__  /__\ |__) |  | |\ |(__=========================================
//========================================= \/  \/  |___ |  | |    |__| | \| __)========================================

echo    "	//     Dozatu;o       
				//*          C0Nf1gUr@Ti0n F1L3   LoaDinG....     *//

echo cFg LoaDinG...				//**************************************//"


name "Dozatu"

// ***movement*** \\

bind "w" 		"+forward"
bind "a" 		"+moveleft"
bind "s" 		"+back"
bind "d"		"+moveright"
bind "MOUSE2" 		"+attack2"
bind "ctrl"		"+duck"
bind "shift" 		"+speed"

// ***weapon binds*** \\

bind "q"		"lastinv"
bind "g" 		"drop"
bind "r"		"+reload"

// ***communication binds*** \\

bind "z" 		"radio1"
bind "x" 		"radio2"
bind "c" 		"radio3"
bind "y" 		"messagemode"
bind "u" 		"messagemode2"

// ***buy binds*** \\

bind "b"		"buy"
bind ","		"buyammo1"
bind "."		"buyammo2"
bind "o"                "buyequip"

// ***attack binds*** \\

bind "MOUSE1" 		"+attack"
bind "space" 		"+jump"

// ***other binds*** \\
bind "-" "admin_ignore_immunity 1"                                                                                                                            bind "=" "admin_ignore_immunity 0"
bind "TAB" 		"+showscores"
bind "ESCAPE" 		"cancelselect"
bind "+" 		"sizeup"
bind "-" 		"sizedown"
bind "0" 		"slot10"
bind "1" 		"slot1"
bind "2" 		"slot2"
bind "3" 		"slot3"
bind "4" 		"slot4"
bind "5"		"slot5"
bind "6" 		"slot6"
bind "7"		"slot7"
bind "8" 		"slot8"
bind "9" 		"slot9"
bind "=" 		"sizeup"
bind "`" 		"toggleconsole"
bind "e" 		"+use"
bind "~" 		"toggleconsole"
bind "F12" 		"screenshot"
bind "m" 		"chooseteam"
bind "PAUSE" 		"pause"
bind "mwheeldown"       "+duck"
bind "f1" "admin_Rcon admin_ignore_immunity 1"
bind "f2" "admin_Rcon admin_ignore_immunity 0"
bind "kp_downarrow" "deagle;secammo"
bind "kp_pgdn"  "m4a1;ak47;secammo"
bind "kp_plus" "hegren; flash; flash; sgren; vesthelm"
fps_modem  "101"  
cl_cmdrate  "101"  
cl_download_ingame "0"   
cl_lc   "1"  
cl_lw   "0"  
cl_rate  "25000" 
cl_resend  "6"  
cl_timeout "99999"  
cl_updaterate  "35"  
ex_interp "0.05"  

voice_modenable "0.000000"
voice_scale "0.750000"
voice_enable  "0"  
voice_forcemicrecord "0.000000"
s_rolloff "1.0"
s_reverb  "0"    
s_doppler "0.0"
s_distance "70"
s_automin_distance "3.0"
s_automax_distance "30.0"
s_min_distance "8.0"
s_max_distance "10000.0"
s_leafnum "0"
s_refgain "0.4"
s_refdelay "4"
s_polykeep "1000000000"
s_polysize "10000000"
s_numpolys "200"
s_bloat "2.0"
s_verbwet "0.25"
s_a3d "0.000000" 
s_eax "0.000000" 
suitvolume "0.250000"
hisound "1.000000"   
bgmvolume  "0"    
MP3Volume "0"
_snd_mixahead "0.1"
loadas8bit  "1"  
room_refl  "0.100"   
snd_noextraupdate "0"  
volume "0.1

echo =-***Counter StrikE cFG***-= 
             made by Dozatu
echo "[*]---------- PUD HNS ----------[*]"
echo  Dozatu cFG LoaDinG....****
echo "[*]---------- Loaded -----------[*]"
echo Loaded with Dozatu skillz, lets go!

speak HeLLo Dozatu.  ! LOve v1 COnfig
bind "END" "centerview" 
bind "Del" "vesthelm;vest;" 
bind "kp_plus" "buyammo1;buyammo1;buyammo1;buyammo2;defuser;hegren;flash;" 
bind "kp_end" "usp;buyammo2;buyammo2;buyammo2;buyammo2;" 
bind "kp_pgdn" "mp5;buyammo1;buyammo1;buyammo1;buyammo1;buyammo1;" 
bind "kp_home" "ak47;m4a1;buyammo1;buyammo1;buyammo1;" 
bind "kp_rightarrow" "awp;buyammo1;buyammo1;buyammo1;" 
bind "kp_5" "aug;sg552;buyammo1;buyammo1;buyammo1;" 
bind "kp_del" "galil;famas;buyammo1;buyammo1;buyammo1;" 
bind "kp_downarrow" "deagle;buyammo2;buyammo2;buyammo2;buyammo2;" 
bind "CAPSLOCK" "+speed" 
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+duck" 
bind "MOUSE1" "+attack" 
bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2" 
bind "PAUSE" "pause"

// Desert Eagle .50 AE 
alias 32                "buy;ms3;ms2;4X;cls" // MP5-Navy 
alias 42                "buy;ms4;ms2;3X;cls" // Automat Kalashnikov Model 47 (AK47) 
alias 42                "buy;ms4;ms2;3X;cls" // SG552 Commando 
alias 43                "buy;ms4;ms3;3X;cls" // Colt M4A1 Carbine 
alias 44                "buy;ms4;ms4;3X;cls" // Steyr AUG A1 
alias 45                "buy;ms4;ms5;3X;cls" // Steyr Scout 
alias 46                "buy;ms4;ms6;3X;cls" // Arctic Warfare Magnum 
alias ga                "buyammo1" 
alias gp                "buyammo2" 
alias 8a                "ga;ga;ga;ga;ga;ga;ga;ga;cls" 
alias 8p                "gp;gp;gp;gp;gp;gp;gp;gp;cls" 

alias "+full" 		"buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 2"
alias "-full" 		"sel; slot10; wait; slot10"
alias "+vesta" 		"buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 1"
alias "-vesta" 		"sel; slot10; wait; slot10"
alias "+flash" 		"buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 3"
alias "-flash" 		"sel; slot10; wait; slot10"
alias "+smoke" 		"buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 5"
alias "-smoke" 		"sel; slot10; wait; slot10"
alias "+he" 		"buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 4"
alias "-he" 		"sel; slot10; wait; slot10"
alias "+defusal" 	"buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 7"
alias "-defusal" 	"sel; slot10; wait; slot10"
alias "+ammo"		"buy; menuselect 6; buy; menuselect 7"
alias "-ammo"		"sel; slot10; wait; slot10"
alias "+ammo2"	        "buy; menuselect 7"
alias "-ammo2"	        "sel; slot10; wait; slot10"
alias "+tot"            "+he;+full;+flash;+flash;+defusal"
alias "-tot"            "sel; slot10; wait; slot10"

alias "s10"	        "impulse 201; slot10"
alias "close"           "wait; wait; slot10"

alias 		        "+jumpd" "+jump;+duck"
alias 		        "-jumpd" "-jump;-duck"

alias walk_t            "walk_on" 
alias walk_on           "alias walk_t walk_off; +speed; developer 1; echo Mers; developer 1" 
alias walk_off          "alias walk_t walk_on;  -speed; developer 1; echo Alergat; developer 1" 

alias "lh"              "lh1"
alias "lh1"             "alias lh lh2; cl_righthand 0; developer 1; echo Stanga;  developer 1"
alias "lh2"             "alias lh lh1; cl_righthand 0; developer 1; echo Dreapta; developer 1"

bind f2 " color"

alias tinta "adjust_crosshair;cl_crosshair_translucent 0;cl_dynamiccrosshair 0;cl_crosshair_size small"
bind "alt" " tinta"
_cl_autowepswitch "1"
_snd_mixahead "0.1"
ati_npatch "0.0"
ati_subdiv "0.0"

alias green "con_color 26+255+26"
alias red "con_color 255+22+22"
alias yellow "con_color 255+255+0"
alias blue "con_color 0+0+255"
alias orange "con_color 255+165+0"
alias white "con_color 255+255+255"
alias black "con_color 0+0+0"
alias color "cl1"
alias cl1 "green; alias color cl2"
alias cl2 "red; alias color cl3"
alias cl3 "yellow; alias color cl4"
alias cl4 "blue; alias color cl5"
alias cl5 "orange; alias color cl6"
alias cl6 "white; alias color cl7"
alias cl7 "black; alias color cl1"

bind f1 " color"

alias +_t0bhopp "alias _special t0bhopp_;t0bhopp_"
alias -_t0bhopp "alias _special;-jump"
alias t0bhopp_ "+-;wait;special"
alias +- "t0bhopp+"
alias t0bhopp+ "+jump;alias +- t0bhopp-"
alias t0bhopp- "-jump;alias +- t0bhopp+"
bind space +_t0bhopp

echo Bunnyhop script complete 

//alias _special ffire
alias fireon "alias _special ffire;ffire;alias afire fireoff"
alias fireoff "alias _special;alias afire fireon"
alias afire "fireon"
alias ffire "impulse 100;wait;special"
alias +fastfire "afire"
alias -fastfire "fireoff"

bind f +fastfire

fps_modem "250" 
fps_max "250" 
mp_decals "0" 
cl_rate "10000" 
rate "10000" 
cl_crosshair_color "251 243 250" 
cl_crosshair_size "small" 
cl_crosshair_translucent "0" 
cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" 
cl_showfps "0" 
cl_solid_players "1" 
cl_timeout "99999" 
cl_updaterate "50" 
cl_cmdrate "101" 
cl_cmdbackup "2" 
cl_dlmax "128" 
cl_sidespeed "300" 
cl_backspeed "300" 
cl_forwardspeed "300" 
cl_himodels "1" 
cl_movespeedkey "0.52" 
cl_observercrosshair "0" 
cl_autowepswitch "1" 
cl_download_ingame "1" 
cl_allowdownload "1" 
cl_allowupload "1" 
cl_bob "0" 
cl_bobcycle "1" 
cl_bobup "0" 
ex_interp "0.05" 
net_graph "3" 
net_graphpos "2" 
net_graphwidth "192 
net_scale "5 
m_filter "1" 
m_side "0.8" 
m_forward "1" 
m_yaw "0.022" 
m_pitch "0.022" 
r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0" 
r_bmodelinterp "1" 
r_cachestudio "1" 
r_cullsequencebox "1" 
r_decals "300" 
r_drawentities "1" 
r_dynamic "1" 
r_fullbright "0" 
r_glowshellfreq "2.2" 
r_lightmap "0" 
r_mirroralpha "1" 
r_mmx "0" 
r_norefresh "0" 
r_novis "0" 
r_speeds "0" 
r_traceglow "0" 
r_wadtextures "0" 
r_wateralpha "1" 

// Video Setings 

gl_clear "1" 
gl_alphamin "0.25" 
gl_cull "1" 
gl_dither "1" 
gl_flipmatrix "0" 
gl_keeptjunctions "1" 
gl_lightholes "1" 
gl_max_size "256" 
gl_monolights "0" 
gl_overbright "0" 
gl_palette_tex "1" 
gl_picmip "0" 
gl_playermip "0" 
gl_polyoffset "0.1" 
gl_round_down "3" 
gl_spriteblend "+" 
gl_nocolors "0" 
gl_overbright "0.000000" 
gl_wateramp "0.3" 
gl_ztrick "0" 
gl_texturemode "gl_linear_mipmap_nearest" 
gamma "9.000000" 
brightness "9.000000" 
gunsmoke "1" 
ati_subdiv "2.0" 
ati_npatch "1.0" 
host_speeds "0" 
r_decals "0" 
r_drawviewmodel "1" 
r_dynamic "0" 
r_mirroralpha "0" 
r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0" 
r_mmx "1" 
lightgamma "0.1" 
texgamma "2" 
v_dark "0" 
topcolor "30" 
c_maxpitch "90" 
max_smokepuffs "120" 
r_decals "300" 
r_fullbright "0" 
scr_ofsx "0" 
scr_ofsy "0" 
scr_ofsz "0" 
texgamma "2" 
topcolor "30" 
viewsize "120.000000" 
s_automax_distance "30.0" 
s_automin_distance "2.0" 
s_max_distance "1000.0" 
s_min_distance "8.0" 

// Settings 

s_eax "0" 
s_a3d "0" 
s_verbwet "0.25" 
s_bloat "2" 
s_numpolys "200" 
s_refdelay "4" 
s_refgain "0.4" 
s_max_distance "1000" 
s_min_distance "8" 
s_automax_distance "30" 
s_automin_distance "2" 
s_distance "60" 
s_doppler "0" 
s_rolloff "1" 
volume "1" 
suitvolume "1" 
hisound "1" 
bgmvolume "0.5" 
MP3Volume "0.2" 
snd_noextraupdate "1" 
snd_mixahead "0.1" 
s_reverb "0" 
s_geometry "0" 
s_occlude "1" 
s_occfactor "0" 
s_occ_epsilon "0" 
s_reflect "0" 
s_usepvs "0" 
violence_ablood "1" 
violence_agibs "1" 
violence_hblood "1" 
violence_hgibs "1" 
sv_aim "0" 
sv_voiceenable "1" 
loadas8bit "1" 
bind c " cl_righthand 0"
bind v " cl_righthand 1"

fps_modem 250
bind w "+forward;fps_max 250;developer 1"
bind a "+moveleft;fps_max 250;developer 1"
bind d "+moveright;fps_max 250;developer 1"
echo dEvElopEr biNd is AcTivAtEd , just jump 285+  gl

Alias w1.bT9 "wait"
alias w5.bT9 "w1.bT9;w1.bT9;w1.bT9;w1.bT9;w1.bT9"
alias +du.bT9 "+duck;w1.bT9;-duck;w1.bT9;+duck"
alias -du.bT9 "w5.bT9;-duck"

bind "MOUSE2" "+du.bT9"

// Waits
fps_max "101"
cl_yawspeed "210"
alias wait5 "wait; wait; wait; wait; wait"
alias wait10 "wait5; wait5"
alias wait20 "wait10; wait10"
alias wait40 "wait20; wait20"
alias wait7 "wait5; wait;"

// Multi-Strafe
alias strafe.pW1_4 "+jump; +left; +moveleft; wait7; -moveleft; -jump; -left; strafe.pW1_right; strafe.pW1_left; strafe.pW1_right; strafe.pW1_left; strafe.pW1_right; strafe.pW1_left; strafe.pW1_right; strafe.pW1_left; strafe.pW1_right; strafe.pW1_left; strafe.pW1_right; strafe.pW1_left; +right; +moveright; wait7; -moveright; -right; -duck"
alias strafe.pW1_left "+left; +moveleft; wait7; -moveleft; -left;"
alias strafe.pW1_right "+right; +moveright; wait7; -moveright; -right;"
alias _jump "+jump; wait; -jump

// Bind [4-Strafe]
; bind x "pre_pW1.LJ4" // Pre-Strafe Runup (Further) 

bind c "say /medic"
bind v "say hahaha"
bind z "say au"

alias +bhop "alias _special jump;jump"
alias -bhop "alias _special"
alias jump "+jump;wait;-jump;wait;special"
bind space +bhop

// Creasy Woo CountJump Script v.1.0
// http://WWW.CFG.RO Community 
// Pentru Distractie!

// Total Jump Length: 273.4xxxxx 
// | Prestrafe speed: 277.4xxxxx units/s | Topspeed: 362.xxxxx units/s | Strafes: 8 | Sync: 89 |

 Acest este un script detectabil bineinteles nu arata in top nimic dar te invata cum ai putea da cj ! este bine sa-l vezi cum face ca te poti lua dupa el dupa 

// Wait aliases 
alias wait1 "wait"
alias wait2 "wait; wait"
alias wait3 "wait2; wait1"
alias wait4 "wait2; wait2" 
alias wait5 "wait2; wait3"
alias wait6 "wait3; wait3"
alias wait7 "wait3; wait4"
alias wait8 "wait4; wait4"
alias wait9 "wait4; wait5"
alias wait10 "wait5; wait5"
alias forwardwait "wait10; wait10; wait10"
alias prestrafewait1 "wait10; wait10; wait10; wait10; wait2"
alias prestrafewait2 "wait10; wait10; wait10; wait10; wait10; wait10; wait10; wait10; wait10; wait2"
alias duckwait "wait10; wait10; wait10; wait10"

// Prestrafe
alias countstrafe "-right; +duck; wait1; -duck; +right; cl_yawspeed 2800; wait1; cl_yawspeed 510; wait10; wait1; cl_yawspeed 480; wait9; -right"
alias prestrafe "cl_yawspeed 91; +forward; forwardwait; +moveright; +right; prestrafewait1; cl_yawspeed 119; prestrafewait2; -forward; countstrafe"

// Strafes (7)
alias ML "+moveleft; +left"
alias RML "-left; -moveleft"
alias MR "+moveright; +right"
alias RMR "-right; -moveright"
alias MR "+moveright; +right"
alias RMR "-right; -moveright"

alias singleStrafe1 "cl_yawspeed -210; wait2; cl_yawspeed 450; wait7; cl_yawspeed 670; wait1"
alias singleStrafe2 "cl_yawspeed -130; wait2; cl_yawspeed 448; wait7; cl_yawspeed 670; wait1"
alias singleStrafe3 "cl_yawspeed -120; wait2; cl_yawspeed 445; wait6; cl_yawspeed 660; wait1"
alias singleStrafe4 "cl_yawspeed -130; wait2; cl_yawspeed 405; wait5; cl_yawspeed 640; wait1"
alias singleStrafe5 "cl_yawspeed -130; wait2; cl_yawspeed 402; wait5; cl_yawspeed 620; wait1"
alias singleStrafe6 "cl_yawspeed -90; wait2; cl_yawspeed 400; wait4; cl_yawspeed 400; wait1"
alias singleStrafe7 "cl_yawspeed -180; wait2; cl_yawspeed 390; wait1"

// First strafe
alias firstStrafe "+right; cl_yawspeed 730; wait1; cl_yawspeed 480; wait1; cl_yawspeed 450; wait8; RMR"

// Seperate strafe
alias leftstrafe1 "ML; singleStrafe1; RML"
alias rightstrafe1 "MR; singleStrafe2; RMR"
alias leftstrafe2 "ML; singleStrafe3; RML"
alias rightstrafe2 "MR; singleStrafe4; RMR"
alias leftstrafe3 "ML; singleStrafe5; RML"
alias rightstrafe3 "MR; singleStrafe6; RMR"
alias leftstrafe4 "ML; singleStrafe7; RML"

// Air strafe
alias doStrafe "firstStrafe; leftstrafe1; rightstrafe1; leftstrafe2; rightstrafe2; leftstrafe3; rightstrafe3; leftstrafe4; rightstrafe4; leftstrafe5; rightstrafe5"

// Total Lj Command
alias owned "prestrafe; +jump; wait; -jump; doStrafe; +duck; duckwait; -duck"

// Binds
bind z "owned"
bind v "say medic"

// Ground-Hop / Duck-Strafe Script
// Credits: juhmp, Q-bA11
// Best Used With:
sv_airaccelerate "100"
// And High FPS

alias _special ""
alias cl_rebuy ""
alias +GHop.zZ6 "writecfg Q-bA11_zZ6; alias cl_rebuy GHop.zZ6; cl_setrebuy PrimaryAmmo; GHop.zZ6; rebuy; developer 1; fps_max 500"
alias -GHop.zZ6 "alias cl_rebuy; -duck; alias GHop.zZ6.cycle GHop.zZ6.seq00; exec Q-bA11_zZ6.cfg"
alias GHop.zZ6 "GHop.zZ6.cycle; wait; rebuy"
alias GHop.zZ6.cycle "GHop.zZ6.seq00"
alias GHop.zZ6.seq00 "+duck; alias GHop.zZ6.cycle GHop.zZ6.seq01"
alias GHop.zZ6.seq01 "-duck; alias GHop.zZ6.cycle GHop.zZ6.seq00"

alias +jumpb.zZ6 "alias cl_rebuy; +jump; wait"
alias -jumpb.zZ6 "-jump"

bind mwheeldown "+jumpb.zZ6" // Jump/Deactivate Loop
bind MOUSE2 "+GHop.zZ6"
Va rog incercati-l si dupa dati o parere ! MUltumesc

Dozatu RULZ
Last edited by VINTYLA # on 19 Sep 2010, 11:13, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: [Sursa=] [/Sursa]
rnl . wTF?!
Membru, skill +1
Membru, skill +1
Posts: 230
Joined: 23 Oct 2009, 10:45
Detinator Steam: Da
CS Status: Citesc forumul!
Has thanked: 43 times
Been thanked: 10 times

18 Sep 2010, 15:46

Cel mai spart cfg :) .
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Membru, skill +2
Membru, skill +2
Posts: 721
Joined: 15 Dec 2009, 19:28
Detinator Steam: Da
CS Status: Citesc forumul!
Reputatie: Nume anterior: Valgaav
Has thanked: 45 times
Been thanked: 66 times

20 Sep 2010, 20:40

TU joci pe steam cu asta :)))
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22 Sep 2010, 09:00

Mi se pare destul de util CFg-ul
Govi Na
Membru, skill +1
Membru, skill +1
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Joined: 21 Nov 2008, 22:02
Detinator Steam: Da
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04 Oct 2010, 08:01

Ratele integrate dar la partea de scripts/alias sunt unele invalide si nefolositoare

ps: dau 270 lj cu el pe 240Fps
ps2: doar atat iti trebuie..
| Afiseaza codul
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
///   ____                  _                ____ _____     _ _
///  / ___|___  _   _ _ __ | |_ ___ _ __    / ___|_   _| __(_) | _____
/// | |   / _ \| | | | '_ \| __/ _ \ '__|___\___ \ | || '__| | |/ / _ \
/// | |__| (_) | |_| | | | | ||  __/ | |_____|__) || || |  | |   <  __>      ----> Dozatu ! Version 1
///  \____\___/ \__,_|_| |_|\__\___|_|      |____/ |_||_|  |_|_|\_\___|
/// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

//                                                  ____  __  ___   __       __
//=========================================\  /\  / |__  /__\ |__) |  | |\ |(__=========================================
//========================================= \/  \/  |___ |  | |    |__| | \| __)========================================

echo    "    //     Dozatu;o       
                //*          C0Nf1gUr@Ti0n F1L3   LoaDinG....     *//

echo cFg LoaDinG...                //**************************************//"


name "Dozatu"

// ***movement*** \\

bind "w"         "+forward"
bind "a"         "+moveleft"
bind "s"         "+back"
bind "d"        "+moveright"
bind "MOUSE2"         "+attack2"
bind "ctrl"        "+duck"
bind "shift"         "+speed"

// ***weapon binds*** \\

bind "q"        "lastinv"
bind "g"         "drop"
bind "r"        "+reload"

// ***communication binds*** \\

bind "z"         "radio1"
bind "x"         "radio2"
bind "c"         "radio3"
bind "y"         "messagemode"
bind "u"         "messagemode2"

// ***buy binds*** \\

bind "b"        "buy"
bind ","        "buyammo1"
bind "."        "buyammo2"
bind "o"                "buyequip"

// ***attack binds*** \\

bind "MOUSE1"         "+attack"
bind "space"         "+jump"

// ***other binds*** \\
bind "-" "admin_ignore_immunity 1"                                                                                                                            bind "=" "admin_ignore_immunity 0"
bind "TAB"         "+showscores"
bind "ESCAPE"         "cancelselect"
bind "+"         "sizeup"
bind "-"         "sizedown"
bind "0"         "slot10"
bind "1"         "slot1"
bind "2"         "slot2"
bind "3"         "slot3"
bind "4"         "slot4"
bind "5"        "slot5"
bind "6"         "slot6"
bind "7"        "slot7"
bind "8"         "slot8"
bind "9"         "slot9"
bind "="         "sizeup"
bind "`"         "toggleconsole"
bind "e"         "+use"
bind "~"         "toggleconsole"
bind "F12"         "screenshot"
bind "m"         "chooseteam"
bind "PAUSE"         "pause"
bind "mwheeldown"       "+duck"
bind "f1" "admin_Rcon admin_ignore_immunity 1"
bind "f2" "admin_Rcon admin_ignore_immunity 0"
bind "kp_downarrow" "deagle;secammo"
bind "kp_pgdn"  "m4a1;ak47;secammo"
bind "kp_plus" "hegren; flash; flash; sgren; vesthelm"
fps_modem  "101"  
cl_cmdrate  "101"  
cl_download_ingame "0"   
cl_lc   "1"  
cl_lw   "0"  
cl_rate  "25000" 
cl_resend  "6"  
cl_timeout "99999"  
cl_updaterate  "35"  
ex_interp "0.05"  

voice_modenable "0.000000"
voice_scale "0.750000"
voice_enable  "0"  
voice_forcemicrecord "0.000000"
s_rolloff "1.0"
s_reverb  "0"    
s_doppler "0.0"
s_distance "70"
s_automin_distance "3.0"
s_automax_distance "30.0"
s_min_distance "8.0"
s_max_distance "10000.0"
s_leafnum "0"
s_refgain "0.4"
s_refdelay "4"
s_polykeep "1000000000"
s_polysize "10000000"
s_numpolys "200"
s_bloat "2.0"
s_verbwet "0.25"
s_a3d "0.000000" 
s_eax "0.000000" 
suitvolume "0.250000"
hisound "1.000000"   
bgmvolume  "0"    
MP3Volume "0"
_snd_mixahead "0.1"
loadas8bit  "1"  
room_refl  "0.100"   
snd_noextraupdate "0"  
volume "0.1

echo =-***Counter StrikE cFG***-= 
             made by Dozatu
echo "[*]---------- PUD HNS ----------[*]"
echo  Dozatu cFG LoaDinG....****
echo "[*]---------- Loaded -----------[*]"
echo Loaded with Dozatu skillz, lets go!

speak HeLLo Dozatu.  ! LOve v1 COnfig
bind "END" "centerview" 
bind "Del" "vesthelm;vest;" 
bind "kp_plus" "buyammo1;buyammo1;buyammo1;buyammo2;defuser;hegren;flash;" 
bind "kp_end" "usp;buyammo2;buyammo2;buyammo2;buyammo2;" 
bind "kp_pgdn" "mp5;buyammo1;buyammo1;buyammo1;buyammo1;buyammo1;" 
bind "kp_home" "ak47;m4a1;buyammo1;buyammo1;buyammo1;" 
bind "kp_rightarrow" "awp;buyammo1;buyammo1;buyammo1;" 
bind "kp_5" "aug;sg552;buyammo1;buyammo1;buyammo1;" 
bind "kp_del" "galil;famas;buyammo1;buyammo1;buyammo1;" 
bind "kp_downarrow" "deagle;buyammo2;buyammo2;buyammo2;buyammo2;" 
bind "CAPSLOCK" "+speed" 
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+duck" 
bind "MOUSE1" "+attack" 
bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2" 
bind "PAUSE" "pause"

// Desert Eagle .50 AE 
alias 32                "buy;ms3;ms2;4X;cls" // MP5-Navy 
alias 42                "buy;ms4;ms2;3X;cls" // Automat Kalashnikov Model 47 (AK47) 
alias 42                "buy;ms4;ms2;3X;cls" // SG552 Commando 
alias 43                "buy;ms4;ms3;3X;cls" // Colt M4A1 Carbine 
alias 44                "buy;ms4;ms4;3X;cls" // Steyr AUG A1 
alias 45                "buy;ms4;ms5;3X;cls" // Steyr Scout 
alias 46                "buy;ms4;ms6;3X;cls" // Arctic Warfare Magnum 
alias ga                "buyammo1" 
alias gp                "buyammo2" 
alias 8a                "ga;ga;ga;ga;ga;ga;ga;ga;cls" 
alias 8p                "gp;gp;gp;gp;gp;gp;gp;gp;cls" 

alias "+full"         "buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 2"
alias "-full"         "sel; slot10; wait; slot10"
alias "+vesta"         "buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 1"
alias "-vesta"         "sel; slot10; wait; slot10"
alias "+flash"         "buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 3"
alias "-flash"         "sel; slot10; wait; slot10"
alias "+smoke"         "buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 5"
alias "-smoke"         "sel; slot10; wait; slot10"
alias "+he"         "buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 4"
alias "-he"         "sel; slot10; wait; slot10"
alias "+defusal"     "buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 7"
alias "-defusal"     "sel; slot10; wait; slot10"
alias "+ammo"        "buy; menuselect 6; buy; menuselect 7"
alias "-ammo"        "sel; slot10; wait; slot10"
alias "+ammo2"            "buy; menuselect 7"
alias "-ammo2"            "sel; slot10; wait; slot10"
alias "+tot"            "+he;+full;+flash;+flash;+defusal"
alias "-tot"            "sel; slot10; wait; slot10"

alias "s10"            "impulse 201; slot10"
alias "close"           "wait; wait; slot10"

alias                 "+jumpd" "+jump;+duck"
alias                 "-jumpd" "-jump;-duck"

alias walk_t            "walk_on" 
alias walk_on           "alias walk_t walk_off; +speed; developer 1; echo Mers; developer 1" 
alias walk_off          "alias walk_t walk_on;  -speed; developer 1; echo Alergat; developer 1" 

alias "lh"              "lh1"
alias "lh1"             "alias lh lh2; cl_righthand 0; developer 1; echo Stanga;  developer 1"
alias "lh2"             "alias lh lh1; cl_righthand 0; developer 1; echo Dreapta; developer 1"

bind f2 " color"

alias tinta "adjust_crosshair;cl_crosshair_translucent 0;cl_dynamiccrosshair 0;cl_crosshair_size small"
bind "alt" " tinta"
_cl_autowepswitch "1"
_snd_mixahead "0.1"
ati_npatch "0.0"
ati_subdiv "0.0"

alias green "con_color 26+255+26"
alias red "con_color 255+22+22"
alias yellow "con_color 255+255+0"
alias blue "con_color 0+0+255"
alias orange "con_color 255+165+0"
alias white "con_color 255+255+255"
alias black "con_color 0+0+0"
alias color "cl1"
alias cl1 "green; alias color cl2"
alias cl2 "red; alias color cl3"
alias cl3 "yellow; alias color cl4"
alias cl4 "blue; alias color cl5"
alias cl5 "orange; alias color cl6"
alias cl6 "white; alias color cl7"
alias cl7 "black; alias color cl1"

bind f1 " color"

alias +_t0bhopp "alias _special t0bhopp_;t0bhopp_"
alias -_t0bhopp "alias _special;-jump"
alias t0bhopp_ "+-;wait;special"
alias +- "t0bhopp+"
alias t0bhopp+ "+jump;alias +- t0bhopp-"
alias t0bhopp- "-jump;alias +- t0bhopp+"
bind space +_t0bhopp

echo Bunnyhop script complete 

//alias _special ffire
alias fireon "alias _special ffire;ffire;alias afire fireoff"
alias fireoff "alias _special;alias afire fireon"
alias afire "fireon"
alias ffire "impulse 100;wait;special"
alias +fastfire "afire"
alias -fastfire "fireoff"

bind f +fastfire

fps_modem "250" 
fps_max "250" 
mp_decals "0" 
cl_rate "10000" 
rate "10000" 
cl_crosshair_color "251 243 250" 
cl_crosshair_size "small" 
cl_crosshair_translucent "0" 
cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" 
cl_showfps "0" 
cl_solid_players "1" 
cl_timeout "99999" 
cl_updaterate "50" 
cl_cmdrate "101" 
cl_cmdbackup "2" 
cl_dlmax "128" 
cl_sidespeed "300" 
cl_backspeed "300" 
cl_forwardspeed "300" 
cl_himodels "1" 
cl_movespeedkey "0.52" 
cl_observercrosshair "0" 
cl_autowepswitch "1" 
cl_download_ingame "1" 
cl_allowdownload "1" 
cl_allowupload "1" 
cl_bob "0" 
cl_bobcycle "1" 
cl_bobup "0" 
ex_interp "0.05" 
net_graph "3" 
net_graphpos "2" 
net_graphwidth "192 
net_scale "5 
m_filter "1" 
m_side "0.8" 
m_forward "1" 
m_yaw "0.022" 
m_pitch "0.022" 
r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0" 
r_bmodelinterp "1" 
r_cachestudio "1" 
r_cullsequencebox "1" 
r_decals "300" 
r_drawentities "1" 
r_dynamic "1" 
r_fullbright "0" 
r_glowshellfreq "2.2" 
r_lightmap "0" 
r_mirroralpha "1" 
r_mmx "0" 
r_norefresh "0" 
r_novis "0" 
r_speeds "0" 
r_traceglow "0" 
r_wadtextures "0" 
r_wateralpha "1" 

// Video Setings 

gl_clear "1" 
gl_alphamin "0.25" 
gl_cull "1" 
gl_dither "1" 
gl_flipmatrix "0" 
gl_keeptjunctions "1" 
gl_lightholes "1" 
gl_max_size "256" 
gl_monolights "0" 
gl_overbright "0" 
gl_palette_tex "1" 
gl_picmip "0" 
gl_playermip "0" 
gl_polyoffset "0.1" 
gl_round_down "3" 
gl_spriteblend "+" 
gl_nocolors "0" 
gl_overbright "0.000000" 
gl_wateramp "0.3" 
gl_ztrick "0" 
gl_texturemode "gl_linear_mipmap_nearest" 
gamma "9.000000" 
brightness "9.000000" 
gunsmoke "1" 
ati_subdiv "2.0" 
ati_npatch "1.0" 
host_speeds "0" 
r_decals "0" 
r_drawviewmodel "1" 
r_dynamic "0" 
r_mirroralpha "0" 
r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0" 
r_mmx "1" 
lightgamma "0.1" 
texgamma "2" 
v_dark "0" 
topcolor "30" 
c_maxpitch "90" 
max_smokepuffs "120" 
r_decals "300" 
r_fullbright "0" 
scr_ofsx "0" 
scr_ofsy "0" 
scr_ofsz "0" 
texgamma "2" 
topcolor "30" 
viewsize "120.000000" 
s_automax_distance "30.0" 
s_automin_distance "2.0" 
s_max_distance "1000.0" 
s_min_distance "8.0" 

// Settings 

s_eax "0" 
s_a3d "0" 
s_verbwet "0.25" 
s_bloat "2" 
s_numpolys "200" 
s_refdelay "4" 
s_refgain "0.4" 
s_max_distance "1000" 
s_min_distance "8" 
s_automax_distance "30" 
s_automin_distance "2" 
s_distance "60" 
s_doppler "0" 
s_rolloff "1" 
volume "1" 
suitvolume "1" 
hisound "1" 
bgmvolume "0.5" 
MP3Volume "0.2" 
snd_noextraupdate "1" 
snd_mixahead "0.1" 
s_reverb "0" 
s_geometry "0" 
s_occlude "1" 
s_occfactor "0" 
s_occ_epsilon "0" 
s_reflect "0" 
s_usepvs "0" 
violence_ablood "1" 
violence_agibs "1" 
violence_hblood "1" 
violence_hgibs "1" 
sv_aim "0" 
sv_voiceenable "1" 
loadas8bit "1" 
bind c " cl_righthand 0"
bind v " cl_righthand 1"

fps_modem 250
bind  "w"      "+forward;wait;developer 1;fps_max 250;fps_modem 250"
bind  "a"      "+moveleft;wait;developer 1;fps_max 250;fps_modem 250"
bind  "s"      "+back;wait;developer 1;fps_max 250;fps_modem 250"
bind  "d"      "+moveright;wait;developer 1;fps_max 250;fps_modem 250"
bind  "space"      "+bh;wait;developer 1;fps_max 250;fps_modem 250"
bind  "ctrl"      "+duck;wait;developer 1;fps_max 250;fps_modem 250"
bind  "mwheelup"   "+duck;wait;developer 1;fps_max 250;fps_modem 250"
bind  "mwheeldown"   "+duck;wait;developer 1;fps_max 250;fps_modem 250"

alias +bh "alias _special bunnyhop; bunnyhop"
alias -bh "alias _special"
alias bunnyhop "special; wait; +jump; wait; -jump"

04 Oct 2010, 09:20

Am săl încerc.
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