Deathrun_Shop [AMXX]

Pluginuri pentru modul AmxModX.

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01 Sep 2010, 22:22

Descriere: Acest plugin este de tip Fun ,playeri pot cumpara abilitati tastand /drshop...Este tradus de mine 100% in ROMANA ,este primul meu plugin postat ,l-am postat deoarece am observat ca este foarte cautat

Link oficial:

1.Fisierul DeathrunShop_Cfg il puneti in addons/amxmodx/configs
2.Fisierul DeathrunShopLang.txt il puneti in addons/amxmodx/data/lang
3.Fisierul Deathrun_Shop.sma il puneti in addons/amxmodx/scripting
4.Fisierul Deathrun_Shop.amxx il puneti in addons/amxmodx/plugins
5.Intrati in fisierul addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini si adaugati la urma:

Code: Select all

Comezi publice:
/puncte - afiseaza in chat punctele jucatorului
/drshop -afiseaza meniu hud cu abilitatile care le pot cumpara cu puncte

Comenzi admini:
deathrun_set_points Nume/@all <puncte>
deathrun_reset_points nume/@all

| Afiseaza codul
// Plugin enabled?
deathrun_shop "1"

// He item cost
deathrun_he_cost "10"

// Both grenades cost
deathrun_bothgrenades_cost "20"

// Silent cost
deathrun_silent_cost "24"

// Health cost
deathrun_health_cost "30"

// Armor cost
deathrun_armor_cost "15"

// Speed cost
deathrun_speed_cost "39"

// Gravity cost
deathrun_gravity_cost "41"

// Invisibility cost
deathrun_invisibility_cost "69"

// Speed power cvar
deathrun_speed_power "800.0"

// Gravity power cvar
deathrun_gravity_power "0.3"

// Enable advertise message?
deathrun_advertise_message "1"

// Health item cvar
deathrun_health_points "255"

// Armor item cvar
deathrun_armor_points "400"

// Advertise time, in case if is enabled
deathrun_advertise_time "7.0"

// Percent to invisibility.. -> 0 to 255 (100 default)
deathrun_invisibility_percentage "111"

// Bonus points when you kill an enemy
deathrun_killer_bonuspoints "5"

// Lost points for suicider
deathrun_suicider_loose_points "3"

// Save player points on disconnect?
deathrun_save_points "1"

// Noclip item cost
deathrun_noclip_cost "50"

// Noclip duration
deathrun_noclip_duration "2"

// Jetpack item cost
deathrun_jetpack_cost "60"

// Jetpack duration
deathrun_jetpack_duration "10"

// Deagle item cost
deathrun_deagle_cost "31"

// Longjump item duration
deathrun_longjump_duration "6"

// Longjump item cost
deathrun_longjump_cost "46"

// Cost for glow
deathrun_glow_cost "8"

// Cost for nvg
deathrun_nvg_cost "33"
MoDule Necesare:
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <fun>
#include <nvault>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <fakemeta>

1. Image
2. Image
3. Image

P.S cvar-urile au fost modificate dupa preferintele mele :)
Last edited by b[L]u on 01 Sep 2010, 22:47, edited 1 time in total.
Nick: MiSteR D
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01 Sep 2010, 22:29

Destul de reusit pluginul, dar am uitat, cum se fac points ? :-?
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01 Sep 2010, 22:30

trebuie sa omori inamici :P ex:ai omorat un tero iti da 25 puncte poti modifica din cvar sa iti dea mai putine puncte la uciderea unui inamic
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02 Sep 2010, 10:05

nu merge cand omor un inamic numi da puncte e prafffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Nick : AleX.
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Cautam Admini Experimentati , Care sa tina minim 20 de REDIRECTE.

O comunitate noua de Counter - Strike

http://www.xStrike.Info ---> Recrutam Servere <---- de orice mod .
Daca intri in comunitate oferim :
Redirecte + Evidenta
Dns + Categorie
Hosting CS / SA:MP / WebHost cele mai mici preturi din Romania cea mai buna calitate
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02 Sep 2010, 12:24

esti tu but pluginul a fost testat ;) + ca il am si eu pe sv meu dr si merge asa ca ..
Nick: MiSteR D
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03 Sep 2010, 07:50

up alte pareri?
Nick: MiSteR D

03 Sep 2010, 13:18

Foarte frumos , bravo! :)
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05 Sep 2010, 01:51

Code: Select all

AlliedModders Forum Index  > AMX Mod X  > Plugins  > Unapproved/Old Plugins
se vede clar ca nu te'ai uitat cand l-ai luat
nu te uiti ca a fost mutat la pluginuri neaprobate/pluginuri vechi ?
asta inseamna ca nu mai merge
si in plus de asta tuty a scris clar ca iti trebuie steam pentru a face punctele

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- Point system works on your SteamID, so you need STEAM
Retras din activitate.
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10 Sep 2010, 18:37

alte pareri?
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11 Sep 2010, 21:54

amxmodx si amxmisc nu sunt module.
EDIT: am modificat putin plugin-ul, punctele se vor salva pe ip si name. Should work...
| Afiseaza codul
[code]#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <fun>
#include <nvault>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <fakemeta>

/* --| Let's force the semicolon on every endline */
#pragma semicolon 1

/* --| Some defines :) */
#define PICKUP_SND        "items/gunpickup2.wav"
#define HEALTH_SOUND        "items/smallmedkit1.wav"
#define ARMOR_SOUND        "items/ammopickup2.wav"
#define CLOACK_SOUND        "hornet/ag_buzz1.wav"
#define LJ_SOUND        "fvox/powermove_on.wav"
#define SOUND_NVGOFF        "items/nvg_off.wav"
#define HAS_NVGS        (1<<0)
#define USES_NVGS        (1<<8)
#define get_user_nvg(%1)        (get_pdata_int(%1,m_iNvg) & HAS_NVGS)

/* --| Plugin informations */
new const PLUGIN[]     = "Deathrun Shop";
new const VERSION[]     = "4.0";
new const AUTHOR[]     = "tuty";
/* --| Zomg lot of globals :) */
new gDrShopOn;
new gHeCost;
new gBothGrenadesCost;
new gSilentCost;
new gHealthCost;
new gArmorCost;
new gSpeedCost;
new gGravityCost;
new gInvisCost;
new gSpeedCvar;
new gGravityCvar;
new gAdvertiseCvar;
new gHealthPointCvar;
new gArmorPointCvar;
new gAdvertiseTimeCvar;
new gInvisPercent;
new gKillerPointsCvar;
new gSuiciderPointsCvar;
new gSavePlayerPoints;
new gNoclipCost;
new gVault;
new gNoclipTime;
new gJetSprite;
new gJetPackCost;
new gJetTime;
new gDeagleCost;
new gMsgItemPickup;
new gLongJumpTime;
new gLongJumpCost;
new gGlowCost;
new gNvgCost;
new gMessageNVG;

/* --| Item variables */
new HasHe[ 33 ];
new HasBothGren[ 33 ];
new HasSilent[ 33 ];
new HasHealth[ 33 ];
new HasArmor[ 33 ];
new HasSpeed[ 33 ];
new HasGravity[ 33 ];
new HasInvis[ 33 ];
new HasNoclip[ 33 ];
new HasJet[ 33 ];
new HasDeagle[ 33 ];
new HasLongJump[ 33 ];
new HasGlow[ 33 ];
new HasNVG[ 33 ];
new gName[ 32 char ];
new gIp[ 32 ];
new vKey[ 64 ];
new vData[ 64 ];

/* --| Player points, need this to save points, load points, etc */
new gKillerPoints[ 33 ];

/* --| Offsets for nvg */
const m_iNvg = 129;
const m_iLinuxDiff = 5;

/* --| So, let's get started */
public plugin_init()
    /* --| Registering the plugin to show when you type amx_plugins.. */
    register_plugin( PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR );
    /* --| Registering a little cvar to see wich servers using this plugin */
    register_cvar( "drshop_version", VERSION, FCVAR_SERVER | FCVAR_SPONLY );

    /* --| Register some usefull events */
    register_logevent( "logevent_round_start", 2, "1=Round_Start" );
    register_event( "DeathMsg", "Hook_Deathmessage", "a" );
    register_event( "CurWeapon", "HookCurWeapon", "be", "1=1" );
    /* --| Called when a player is performing a jump */
    RegisterHam( Ham_Player_Jump, "player", "bacon_playerJumping" );
    /* --| We need this forward to find if player has suicided with kill in console */
    /* --| We can't do that on deathmsg because player die in traps by suicide,.. trigger_hurt or world.. etc */
    register_forward( FM_ClientKill, "forward_kill" );
    /* --| Command for setting points to player/@all */
    register_concmd( "deathrun_set_points", "cmdSetPoints", ADMIN_ACCESS_CMD, "<name/@all> <points> - set points to a player" );
    /* --| Command for reseting points to palyer/@all */
    register_concmd( "deathrun_reset_points", "cmdResetPoints", ADMIN_ACCESS_CMD, "<name/@all> - reset player points" );
    /* --| Command for opening the menu */
    register_clcmd( "say /drshop", "DeathrunShop" );
    register_clcmd( "say_team /drshop", "DeathrunShop" );
    /* --| Command to see our points :) */
    register_clcmd( "say /puncte", "ShowPoints" );
    register_clcmd( "say_team /puncte", "ShowPoints" );

    /* --| Let's register the cvars, a lot of cvars but huh.. *** :) */
    gDrShopOn = register_cvar( "deathrun_shop", "1" );
    gHeCost = register_cvar( "deathrun_he_cost", "5" ); 
    gBothGrenadesCost = register_cvar( "deathrun_bothgrenades_cost", "20" );
    gSilentCost = register_cvar( "deathrun_silent_cost", "20" );
    gHealthCost = register_cvar( "deathrun_health_cost", "10" );
    gArmorCost = register_cvar( "deathrun_armor_cost", "10" );
    gSpeedCost = register_cvar( "deathrun_speed_cost", "30" );
    gGravityCost = register_cvar( "deathrun_gravity_cost", "20" );
    gNoclipCost = register_cvar( "deathrun_noclip_cost", "80" );
    gJetPackCost = register_cvar( "deathrun_jetpack_cost", "50" );
    gInvisCost = register_cvar( "deathrun_invisibility_cost", "50" );
    gSpeedCvar = register_cvar( "deathrun_speed_power", "400.0" );
    gNoclipTime = register_cvar( "deathrun_noclip_duration", "4" );
    gJetTime = register_cvar( "deathrun_jetpack_duration", "10" );
    gDeagleCost = register_cvar( "deathrun_deagle_cost", "31" );
    gGravityCvar = register_cvar( "deathrun_gravity_power", "0.2" );
    gAdvertiseCvar = register_cvar( "deathrun_advertise_message", "1" );
    gHealthPointCvar = register_cvar( "deathrun_health_points", "255" );
    gArmorPointCvar = register_cvar( "deathrun_armor_points", "400" );
    gAdvertiseTimeCvar = register_cvar( "deathrun_advertise_time", "7.0" );
    gInvisPercent = register_cvar( "deathrun_invisibility_percentage", "111" );
    gKillerPointsCvar = register_cvar( "deathrun_killer_bonuspoints", "25" );
    gSuiciderPointsCvar = register_cvar( "deathrun_suicider_loose_points", "0" );
    gSavePlayerPoints = register_cvar( "deathrun_save_points", "1" );
    gLongJumpTime = register_cvar( "deathrun_longjump_duration", "6" );
    gLongJumpCost = register_cvar( "deathrun_longjump_cost", "46" );
    gGlowCost = register_cvar( "deathrun_glow_cost", "8" );
    gNvgCost = register_cvar( "deathrun_nvg_cost", "33" );

    /* --| Let's find/do some stuff here */
    gMsgItemPickup = get_user_msgid( "ItemPickup" );
    gMessageNVG = get_user_msgid( "NVGToggle" );
    /* --| Register the multilingual file */
    register_dictionary( "DeathrunShopLang.txt" );

/* --| Precache stuff */
public plugin_precache()
    gJetSprite = precache_model( "sprites/explode1.spr" );
    precache_sound( PICKUP_SND );
    precache_sound( HEALTH_SOUND );
    precache_sound( ARMOR_SOUND );
    precache_sound( CLOACK_SOUND );
    precache_sound( LJ_SOUND );

/* --| Plugin cfg, here we do some ugly shit ever -.- */
public plugin_cfg()
    new iCfgDir[ 32 ], iFile[ 192 ];
    /* --| We need to find the configs directory, and to add the configuration file */
    get_configsdir( iCfgDir, charsmax( iCfgDir ) );
    formatex( iFile, charsmax( iFile ), "%s/DeathrunShop_Cfg.cfg", iCfgDir );
    /* --| If file not exists, let's create one but empty */
    if( !file_exists( iFile ) )
        server_print( "[DrShop] %L", LANG_SERVER, "DRSHOP_SVPRINT", iFile );
        write_file( iFile, " ", -1 );
    /* --| Else, let's load the cvars from cfg */
        server_print( "[DrShop] %L", LANG_SERVER, "DRSHOP_SVPRINT_DONE", iFile );
        server_cmd( "exec %s", iFile );
    /* --| Set the server maxspeed to a high value, need it for speed item */
    server_cmd( "sv_maxspeed 99999999.0" );

/* --| When client is connecting, let's reset stuff and load client's points */
public client_connect( id )
    HasHe[ id ] = false;
    HasBothGren[ id ] = false;
    HasSilent[ id ] = false;
    HasHealth[ id ] = false;
    HasArmor[ id] = false;
    HasSpeed[ id ] = false;
    HasGravity[ id ] = false;
    HasInvis[ id ] = false;
    HasNoclip[ id ] = false;
    HasJet[ id ] = false;
    HasDeagle[ id ] = false;
    HasLongJump[ id ] = false;
    HasGlow[ id ] = false;
    HasNVG[ id ] = false;
    /* --| Load client points */
    load_client_points( id );

/* --| When client has disconnected let's reset stuff and save points */
public client_disconnect( id )
    HasHe[ id ] = false;
    HasBothGren[ id ] = false;
    HasSilent[ id ] = false;
    HasHealth[ id ] = false;
    HasArmor[ id] = false;
    HasSpeed[ id ] = false;
    HasGravity[ id ] = false;
    HasInvis[ id ] = false;
    HasNoclip[ id ] = false;
    HasJet[ id ] = false;
    HasDeagle[ id ] = false;
    HasLongJump[ id ] = false;
    HasGlow[ id ] = false;
    HasNVG[ id ] = false;
    /* --| If player is not a bot, let's save the points */
    if( get_pcvar_num( gSavePlayerPoints ) != 0 && !is_user_bot( id ) )
        /* --| Save player points is cvar is 1 */
        save_client_points( id );

/* --| When client has entered on sv, need to show him a hudmessage :) */
public client_putinserver( id )
    if( get_pcvar_num( gAdvertiseCvar ) != 0 )
        /* --| Need to set task, 7 default because need to wait for player choosing a team or something */
        set_task( get_pcvar_float( gAdvertiseTimeCvar ), "ShowPlayerInfo", id );

/* --| Deathrun shop menu with items ^^ */
public DeathrunShop( id )
    /* --| If cvar is set to 0, player can't open the shop */
    if( get_pcvar_num( gDrShopOn ) != 1 )
        client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_DISABLED" );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    /* --| If player is dead, cant buy items :) */
    if( !is_user_alive( id ) )
        client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_ONLY_ALIVE" );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    /* --| Menu stuff */
    new szText[ 555 char ];
    formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_MENU_TITLE", VERSION, gKillerPoints[ id ] );
    new menu = menu_create( szText, "shop_handler" );

    /* --| Menu item 1 */
    formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_ITEM_1", get_pcvar_num( gHeCost ) );
    menu_additem( menu, szText, "1", 0 );
    /* --| Menu item 2 */
    formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_ITEM_2", get_pcvar_num( gBothGrenadesCost ) );
    menu_additem( menu, szText, "2", 0 );
    /* --| Menu item 3 */
    formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_ITEM_3", get_pcvar_num( gSilentCost ) );
    menu_additem( menu, szText, "3", 0 );
    /* --| Menu item 4 */
    formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_ITEM_4", get_pcvar_num( gHealthPointCvar ), get_pcvar_num( gHealthCost ) );
    menu_additem( menu, szText, "4", 0 );
    /* --| Menu item 5 */
    formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_ITEM_5", get_pcvar_num( gArmorPointCvar ), get_pcvar_num( gArmorCost ) );
    menu_additem( menu, szText, "5", 0 );
    /* --| Menu item 6 */
    formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_ITEM_6", get_pcvar_num( gSpeedCost ) );
    menu_additem( menu, szText, "6", 0 );
    /* --| Menu item 7 */
    formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_ITEM_7", get_pcvar_num( gGravityCost ) );
    menu_additem( menu, szText, "7", 0 );
    /* --| Menu item 8 */
    formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_ITEM_8", get_pcvar_num( gInvisPercent ), get_pcvar_num( gInvisCost ) );
    menu_additem( menu, szText, "8", 0 );
    /* --| Menu item 9 */
    formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_ITEM_9", get_pcvar_num( gNoclipTime ), get_pcvar_num( gNoclipCost ) );
    menu_additem( menu, szText, "9", 0 );
    /* --| Menu item 10 */
    formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_ITEM_10", get_pcvar_num( gJetTime ), get_pcvar_num( gJetPackCost ) );
    menu_additem( menu, szText, "10", 0 );
    /* --| Menu item 11 */
    formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_ITEM_11", get_pcvar_num( gDeagleCost ) );
    menu_additem( menu, szText, "11", 0 );
    /* --| Menu item 12 */
    formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_ITEM_12", get_pcvar_num( gLongJumpTime ), get_pcvar_num( gLongJumpCost ) );
    menu_additem( menu, szText, "12", 0 );
    /* --| Menu item 13 */
    formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_ITEM_13", get_pcvar_num( gGlowCost ) );
    menu_additem( menu, szText, "13", 0 );
    /* --| Menu item 14 */
    formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "%L", id, "DRSHOP_ITEM_14", get_pcvar_num( gNvgCost ) );
    menu_additem( menu, szText, "14", 0 );
    menu_setprop( menu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL );
    /* --| Show the menu, with current page 0 */
    menu_display( id, menu, 0 );


/* --| Menu commands */
public shop_handler( id, menu, item )
    /* --| If key is 0, let's close the menu */
    if( item == MENU_EXIT )
        menu_destroy( menu );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    /* --| Getting the menu information */
    new data[ 6 ], iName[ 64 ], access, callback;
    menu_item_getinfo( menu, item, access, data, charsmax( data ), iName, charsmax( iName ), callback );

    /* --| Get menu keys */
    new key = str_to_num( data );
    /* --| Here we find the player points */
    new points = gKillerPoints[ id ];
    switch( key )
        /* --| Menu item 1 */
        case 1:
            /* --| If already has item, show a damn print and return */
            if( HasHe[ id ] )
                allready_have( id );
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            /* --| If player does not have enough points, show a print and return */
            if( points < get_pcvar_num( gHeCost ) )
                dont_have( id );
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            /* --| Let's give the item, and do some stuff */
            give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
            client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_GRENADE_ITEM" );
            HasHe[ id ] = true;
            gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gHeCost );
            emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, PICKUP_SND, VOL_NORM , ATTN_NORM , 0 , PITCH_NORM );
            menu_display( id, menu, 0 );
        /* --| Menu item 2 */
        case 2:
            /* --| If already has item, show a damn print and return */
            if( HasBothGren[ id ] )
                allready_have( id );
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            /* --| If player does not have enough points, show a print and return */
            if( points < get_pcvar_num( gBothGrenadesCost ) )
                dont_have( id );
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            /* --| Let's give the item, and do some stuff */
            give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
            give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
            give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
            client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_BOTHGREN_ITEM" );
            HasBothGren[ id ] = true;
            gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gBothGrenadesCost );
            emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, PICKUP_SND, VOL_NORM , ATTN_NORM , 0 , PITCH_NORM );
            menu_display( id, menu, 0 );
        /* --| Menu item 3 */
        case 3:
            /* --| If already has item, show a damn print and return */
            if( HasSilent[ id ] )
                allready_have( id );
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            /* --| If player does not have enough points, show a print and return */
            if( points < get_pcvar_num( gSilentCost ) )
                dont_have( id );
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            /* --| Let's give the item, and do some stuff */
            set_user_footsteps( id, 1 );
            client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_SILENTWALK_ITEM" );
            HasSilent[ id ] = true;
            gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gSilentCost );
            emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, PICKUP_SND, VOL_NORM , ATTN_NORM , 0 , PITCH_NORM );
            menu_display( id, menu, 0 );
        /* --| Menu item 4 */
        case 4:
            /* --| If already has item, show a damn print and return */
            if( HasHealth[ id ] )
                allready_have( id );
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            /* --| If player does not have enough points, show a print and return */
            if( points < get_pcvar_num( gHealthCost ) )
                dont_have( id );
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            /* --| Let's give the item, and do some stuff */ 
            set_user_health( id, get_user_health( id ) + get_pcvar_num( gHealthPointCvar ) );
            client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_HEALTH_ITEM", get_pcvar_num( gHealthPointCvar ) );
            HasHealth[ id ] = true;
            gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gHealthCost );
            emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, HEALTH_SOUND, VOL_NORM , ATTN_NORM , 0 , PITCH_NORM );
            menu_display( id, menu, 0 );
        /* --| Menu item 5 */
        case 5:
            /* --| If already has item, show a damn print and return */
            if( HasArmor[ id ] )
                allready_have( id );
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            /* --| If player does not have enough points, show a print and return */
            if( points < get_pcvar_num( gArmorCost ) )
                dont_have( id );
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            /* --| Let's give the item, and do some stuff */ 
            set_user_armor( id, get_user_armor( id ) + get_pcvar_num( gArmorPointCvar ) );
            client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_ARMOR_ITEM", get_pcvar_num( gArmorPointCvar ) );    
            HasArmor[ id ] = true;
            gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gArmorCost );
            emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, ARMOR_SOUND, VOL_NORM , ATTN_NORM , 0 , PITCH_NORM );
            menu_display( id, menu, 0 );
        /* --| Menu item 6 */
        case 6:
            /* --| If already has item, show a damn print and return */
            if( HasSpeed[ id ] )
                allready_have( id );
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            /* --| If player does not have enough points, show a print and return */
            if( points < get_pcvar_num( gSpeedCost ) )
                dont_have( id );
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            /* --| Let's give the item, and do some stuff */ 
            set_user_maxspeed( id, get_pcvar_float( gSpeedCvar ) );
            client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_SPEED_ITEM" );
            HasSpeed[ id ] = true;
            gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gSpeedCost );
            emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, PICKUP_SND, VOL_NORM , ATTN_NORM , 0 , PITCH_NORM );
            menu_display( id, menu, 0 );
        /* --| Menu item 7 */
        case 7:
            /* --| If already has item, show a damn print and return */
            if( HasGravity[ id ] )
                allready_have( id );
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            /* --| If player does not have enough points, show a print and return */
            if( points < get_pcvar_num( gGravityCost ) )
                dont_have( id );
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            /* --| Let's give the item, and do some stuff */ 
            set_user_gravity( id, get_pcvar_float( gGravityCvar ) );
            client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_GRAVITY_ITEM" );
            HasGravity[ id ] = true;
            gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gGravityCost );
            emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, PICKUP_SND, VOL_NORM , ATTN_NORM , 0 , PITCH_NORM );
            menu_display( id, menu, 0 );
        /* --| Menu item 8 */
        case 8:
            /* --| If already has item, show a damn print and return */
            if( HasInvis[ id ] )
                allready_have( id );
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            /* --| If player does not have enough points, show a print and return */
            if( points < get_pcvar_num( gInvisCost ) )
                dont_have( id );
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            /* --| Let's give the item, and do some stuff */ 
            set_user_rendering( id, kRenderFxNone, 0, 0, 0, kRenderTransAlpha, get_pcvar_num( gInvisPercent ) );
            client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_INVISIBILITY_ITEM" );
            HasInvis[ id ] = true;
            gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gInvisCost );
            emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, CLOACK_SOUND, VOL_NORM , ATTN_NORM , 0 , PITCH_NORM );
            menu_display( id, menu, 1 );
        /* --| Menu item 9 */
        case 9:
            /* --| If already has item, show a damn print and return */
            if( HasNoclip[ id ] )
                allready_have( id );
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            /* --| If player does not have enough points, show a print and return */
            if( points < get_pcvar_num( gNoclipCost ) )
                dont_have( id );
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            /* --| Let's give the item, and do some stuff */ 
            set_task( float( get_pcvar_num( gNoclipTime ) ), "remove_noclip", id );
            set_user_noclip( id, 1 );
            client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_NOCLIP_ITEM" );
            HasNoclip[ id ] = true;
            gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gNoclipCost );
            emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, PICKUP_SND, VOL_NORM , ATTN_NORM , 0 , PITCH_NORM );
            menu_display( id, menu, 1 );
        /* --| Menu item 10 */
        case 10:
            /* --| If already has item, show a damn print and return */
            if( HasJet[ id ] )
                allready_have( id );
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            /* --| If player does not have enough points, show a print and return */
            if( points < get_pcvar_num( gJetPackCost ) )
                dont_have( id );
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            /* --| Let's give the item, and do some stuff */ 
            set_task( float( get_pcvar_num( gJetTime ) ), "remove_jetpack", id );
            client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_JETPACK_ITEM" );
            HasJet[ id ] = true;
            gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gJetPackCost );
            emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, PICKUP_SND, VOL_NORM , ATTN_NORM , 0 , PITCH_NORM );
            menu_display( id, menu, 1 );
        /* --| Menu item 11 */
        case 11:
            /* --| If already has item, show a damn print and return */
            if( HasDeagle[ id ] || user_has_weapon( id, CSW_DEAGLE ) )
                allready_have( id );
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            /* --| If player does not have enough points, show a print and return */
            if( points < get_pcvar_num( gDeagleCost ) )
                dont_have( id );
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            /* --| Let's give the item, and do some stuff */ 
            strip_user_weapons( id );
            give_item( id, "weapon_knife" );
            give_item( id, "weapon_deagle" );
            client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_DEAGLE_ITEM" );
            HasDeagle[ id ] = true;
            gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gDeagleCost );
            emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, PICKUP_SND, VOL_NORM , ATTN_NORM , 0 , PITCH_NORM );
            menu_display( id, menu, 1 );
        /* --| Menu item 12 */
        case 12:
            /* --| If already has item, show a damn print and return */
            if( HasLongJump[ id ] )
                allready_have( id );
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            /* --| If player does not have enough points, show a print and return */
            if( points < get_pcvar_num( gLongJumpCost ) )
                dont_have( id );
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            /* --| Let's give the item, and do some stuff */ 
            /* --| Setting the temporary long jump */
            set_temporary_longjump( id );
            client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_LJ_ITEM" );
            HasLongJump[ id ] = true;
            gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gLongJumpCost );
            emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, LJ_SOUND, VOL_NORM , ATTN_NORM , 0 , PITCH_NORM );
            menu_display( id, menu, 1 );
        /* --| Menu item 13 */
        case 13:
            /* --| If already has item, show a damn print and return */
            if( HasGlow[ id ] )
                allready_have( id );
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            /* --| If player does not have enough points, show a print and return */
            if( points < get_pcvar_num( gGlowCost ) )
                dont_have( id );
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            /* --| Let's give the item, and do some stuff */ 
            set_user_rendering( id, kRenderFxGlowShell, random( 256 ), random( 256 ), random( 256 ), kRenderNormal, random( 256 ) );
            client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_GLOW_ITEM" );
            HasGlow[ id ] = true;
            gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gGlowCost );
            emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, PICKUP_SND, VOL_NORM , ATTN_NORM , 0 , PITCH_NORM );
            menu_display( id, menu, 1 );
        /* --| Menu item 13 */
        case 14:
            /* --| If already has item, show a damn print and return */
            if( HasNVG[ id ] || get_user_nvg( id ) )
                allready_have( id );
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            /* --| If player does not have enough points, show a print and return */
            if( points < get_pcvar_num( gNvgCost ) )
                dont_have( id );
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            /* --| Let's give the item, and do some stuff */ 
            set_user_nvg( id, 1 );
            client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_NVG_ITEM" );
            HasNVG[ id ] = true;
            gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gNvgCost );
            emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, PICKUP_SND, VOL_NORM , ATTN_NORM , 0 , PITCH_NORM );
            menu_display( id, menu, 1 );
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

/* --| Command for setting points | admin only ;/ */
public cmdSetPoints( id, level, cid )
    /* --| If user doesn't have acces to command, return */
    if( !cmd_access( id, level, cid, 2 ) || !get_pcvar_num( gDrShopOn ) )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED; 
    /* --| Need to read the first argument */
    new argument[ 32 ];
       read_argv( 1, argument, charsmax( argument ) );

    /* --| Need to read second argument */
    new give_points[ 5 ];
    read_argv( 2, give_points, charsmax( give_points ) );

    /* --| We are getting the gift from second argument */
    new gift = str_to_num( give_points );
    new iPlayer[ 32 ], iNum, all;
    get_players( iPlayer, iNum, "c" );

    /* --| Lets see if argument 1 is @all */
    if( equal( argument, "@all" ) )
        for( new i; i < iNum; i++ )
            /* --| Find the index :) */
            all = iPlayer[ i ];
            /* --| Set points to all */
            gKillerPoints[ all ] = gKillerPoints[ all ] + gift;
            /* --| Show a print in chat */
            get_user_name( id, gName, charsmax( gName ) );
            client_print( 0, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DRSHOP_SHOW_ALLCMD", gName, gift );
        /* --| Now, we find the target */
        new player = cmd_target( id, argument, 10 );

        /* --| If is not a valid target, return */
        if( !player ) 
               return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

        /* --| Get admin, and target name */
        new TargetName[ 32 char ];
        get_user_name( player, TargetName, charsmax( TargetName ) );
        get_user_name( id, gName, charsmax( gName ) );    
        /* --| Setting target points */
        gKillerPoints[ player ] = gKillerPoints[ player ] + gift;
        client_print( 0, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DRSHOP_SHOW_CMD", gName, gift, TargetName );

    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

/* --| Command for reseting points | admin only ;/ */
public cmdResetPoints( id, level, cid )
    /* --| If user doesn't have acces to command, return */
    if( !cmd_access( id, level, cid, 2 ) || !get_pcvar_num( gDrShopOn ) )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED; 
    /* --| Need to read the first argument */
    new argument[ 32 ];
       read_argv( 1, argument, charsmax( argument ) );
    new iPlayer[ 32 ], iNum, all;
    get_players( iPlayer, iNum, "c" );

    /* --| Lets see if argument 1 is @all */
    if( equal( argument, "@all" ) )
        for( new i; i < iNum; i++ )
            /* --| Find the index :) */
            all = iPlayer[ i ];
            /* --| Set points to all */
            gKillerPoints[ all ] = 0;
            /* --| Show a print in chat */
            get_user_name( id, gName, charsmax( gName ) );
            client_print( 0, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DRSHOP_SHOWRESET_ALLCMD", gName );
        /* --| Now, we find the target */
        new player = cmd_target( id, argument, 10 );

        /* --| If is not a valid target, return */
        if( !player ) 
               return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

        /* --| Get admin, and target name */
        new TargetName[ 32 char ];
        get_user_name( player, TargetName, charsmax( TargetName ) );
        get_user_name( id, gName, charsmax( gName ) );    
        /* --| Setting target points */
        gKillerPoints[ player ] = 0;
        client_print( 0, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DRSHOP_SHOWRESET_CMD", gName, TargetName );

    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
/* --| We need to find if player has performed a jump, and set some velocity */
public bacon_playerJumping( id )
    /* --| If plugin is on, and user has jetpack item */
    if( get_pcvar_num( gDrShopOn ) != 0 && HasJet[ id ] )
        /* --| Get user origins from feet */
        new iOrigin[ 3 ];
        get_user_origin( id, iOrigin, 0 );
        /* --| Modify origin a bit */
        iOrigin[ 2 ] -= 20;
        /* --| Get player velocity */
        new Float:fVelocity[ 3 ];
        pev( id, pev_velocity, fVelocity );

        /* --| Modify velocity a bit */
        fVelocity[ 2 ] += 93;
        /* --| Set the player velocity and add a flame effect, jetpack style */
        set_pev( id, pev_velocity, fVelocity );
        create_flame( iOrigin );

/* --| We need to check is player has changed his weapon */
public HookCurWeapon( id )
    /* --| If plugin is on, and user has speed item, let's set the speed again */
    if( get_pcvar_num( gDrShopOn ) != 0 && HasSpeed[ id ] )
        set_user_maxspeed( id, get_pcvar_float( gSpeedCvar ) );

/* --| Command for show points */    
public ShowPoints( id )
    /* --| Set a hud message */
    set_hudmessage( 255, 42, 212, 0.03, 0.86, 2, 6.0, 5.0 );
    /* --| We show player points on hud */
    show_hudmessage( id, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_POINTS_INFO", gKillerPoints[ id ] );
    /* --| We show player points on chat */
    client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_POINTS_INFO", gKillerPoints[ id ] );

/* --| Here we show player hud information about this god damn shop */
public ShowPlayerInfo( id )
    /* --| Set a hud message */
    set_hudmessage( 0, 0, 255, -1.0, 0.82, 0, 6.0, 12.0 );
    /* --| Now we show the info message in hud channel */
    show_hudmessage( id, "%L", id, "DRSHOP_HUD_INFO" );

/* --| If player has suicided by console */
public forward_kill( id )
    /* --| Check if plugin is on, and user is alive */
    if( get_pcvar_num( gDrShopOn ) == 1 && is_user_alive( id ) )
        /* --| Set player points with suicide cvar */
        client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_SHOW_LOOSER", get_pcvar_num( gSuiciderPointsCvar ) );
        gKillerPoints[ id ] -= get_pcvar_num( gSuiciderPointsCvar );

/* --| Event for round start */        
public logevent_round_start()
    /* --| If plugin is on... */
    if( get_pcvar_num( gDrShopOn ) == 1 )
        /* --| I used this native because with get_maxplayers will recieve a damn error with invalid player id.. */
        /* --| This is good because we can skip the damn bots */
        new iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum, i, id;
        get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "c" );
        for( i = 0; i < iNum; i++ )
            /* --| Find the index :) */
            id = iPlayers[ i ];
            /* --| Reseting items */
            HasHe[ id ] = false;
            HasBothGren[ id ] = false;
            HasSilent[ id ] = false;
            HasHealth[ id ] = false;
            HasArmor[ id] = false;
            HasSpeed[ id ] = false;
            HasGravity[ id ] = false;
            HasInvis[ id ] = false;
            HasNoclip[ id ] = false;
            HasJet[ id ] = false;
            HasDeagle[ id ] = false;
            HasLongJump[ id ] = false;
            HasGlow[ id ] = false;
            HasNVG[ id ] = false;
            set_user_gravity( id, 1.0 );    
            set_user_maxspeed( id, 0.0 );
            set_user_footsteps( id, 0 );
            set_user_noclip( id, 0 );
            set_user_rendering( id );
            set_user_nvg( id, 0 );
            remove_user_nvg( id );
            remove_task( id );

/* --| Event when player died */
public Hook_Deathmessage()
    /* --| If plugin is on... */
    if( get_pcvar_num( gDrShopOn ) == 1 )
        /* --| Get the killer and attacker */
        new killer = read_data( 1 );
        new victim = read_data( 2 );

        /* --| If player has died with world / trigger_hurt */
        if( killer == victim )
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
        /* --| Setting killer points when killed a enemy */
        gKillerPoints[ killer ] += get_pcvar_num( gKillerPointsCvar );
        /* --| Reseting items */
        HasHe[ victim ] = false;
        HasBothGren[ victim ] = false;
        HasSilent[ victim ] = false;
        HasHealth[ victim ] = false;
        HasArmor[ victim ] = false;
        HasSpeed[ victim ] = false;
        HasGravity[ victim ] = false;
        HasInvis[ victim ] = false;
        HasNoclip[ victim ] = false;
        HasJet[ victim ] = false;
        HasDeagle[ victim ] = false;
        HasLongJump[ victim ] = false;
        HasGlow[ victim ] = false;
        HasNVG[ victim ] = false;
        set_user_gravity( victim, 1.0 );    
        set_user_maxspeed( victim, 0.0 );
        set_user_footsteps( victim, 0 );
        set_user_noclip( victim, 0 );
        set_user_rendering( victim );
        set_user_nvg( victim, 0 );
        remove_user_nvg( victim );
        remove_task( victim );

/* --| Now we need to remove the noclip */
public remove_noclip( id )
    HasNoclip[ id ] = false;
    set_user_noclip( id, 0 );
    client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_NOCLIP_OFF", get_pcvar_num( gNoclipTime ) );

/* --| Now we need to remove the jetpack */    
public remove_jetpack( id )
    HasJet[ id ] = false;
    client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_JETPACK_OFF", get_pcvar_num( gJetTime ) );

/* --| Now we need to remove the longjump */
public remove_lj( index )
    HasLongJump[ index ] = false;
    engfunc( EngFunc_SetPhysicsKeyValue, index, "slj", "0" );
    client_print( index, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", index, "DRSHOP_LJ_OFF", get_pcvar_num( gLongJumpTime ) );

/* --| Usefull stocks on this plugin */
/* --| Display a message in chat if player already have the item */
stock allready_have( id )
    client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_ALLREADY_HAVE" );

/* --| Display a message in chat if player don't have enough points */
stock dont_have( id )
    client_print( id, print_chat, "[DrShop] %L", id, "DRSHOP_DONTHAVE_POINTS" );

/* --| Saving player points */
stock save_client_points( index )
    /* --| Open the vault file */
    gVault = nvault_open( "DeathrunShop_SavedPoints" );
    /* --| If vault return -1, lets stop this shit */
    if( gVault == INVALID_HANDLE )
        set_fail_state( "[DrShop] nValut ERROR: =-> Invalid-Handle" );
    /* --| Get the players data */
    get_user_name( index, gName, charsmax( gName ) );
    get_user_ip( index, gIp, charsmax( gIp ) );
    /* --| Setting stuff on vault file, and close the file */
    formatex( vKey, charsmax( vKey ), "%s%sPOINTS", gName, gIp );
    formatex( vData, charsmax( vData ), "%d", gKillerPoints[ index ] );
    nvault_set( gVault, vKey, vData );
    nvault_close( gVault );

/* --| Loading client points */
stock load_client_points( index )
    /* --| Open the vault file */
    gVault = nvault_open( "DeathrunShop_SavedPoints" );
    /* --| If vault return -1, lets stop this shit */
    if( gVault == INVALID_HANDLE )
        set_fail_state( "[DrShop] nValut ERROR: =-> Invalid-Handle" );
    /* --| Get the players data */
    get_user_name( index, gName, charsmax( gName ) );
    get_user_ip( index, gIp, charsmax( gIp ) );
    /* --| Get the player points, then, close the nvault vile */
    formatex( vKey, charsmax( vKey ), "%s%sPOINTS", gName, gIp );
    gKillerPoints[ index ] = nvault_get( gVault, vKey );
    nvault_close( gVault );

/* --| Flame jetpack effect stock */
stock create_flame( origin[ 3 ] )
    message_begin( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, origin );
    write_byte( TE_SPRITE );
    write_coord( origin[ 0 ] );
    write_coord( origin[ 1 ] );
    write_coord( origin[ 2 ] );
    write_short( gJetSprite );
    write_byte( 3 );
    write_byte( 99 );

/* --| Setting temporary longjump stock */
stock set_temporary_longjump( index )
    /* --| Let's show to player the jetpack item on hud */
    message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, gMsgItemPickup, _, index );
    write_string( "item_longjump" );

    /* --| Setting the jetpack on */
    engfunc( EngFunc_SetPhysicsKeyValue, index, "slj", "1" );
    /* --| Setting the time before jetpack will go off */
    set_task( float( get_pcvar_num( gLongJumpTime ) ), "remove_lj", index );

/* --| Stock for setting user nightvision */
/* --| This stock is more good than cstrike native( give errors ) */
stock set_user_nvg( index, nvgoggles = 1 )
    if( nvgoggles )
        set_pdata_int( index, m_iNvg, get_pdata_int( index, m_iNvg ) | HAS_NVGS );

        set_pdata_int( index, m_iNvg, get_pdata_int( index, m_iNvg ) & ~HAS_NVGS );

/* --| Stock for removing turned on nightvision from players. Let's call, force remove nvg :) */ 
stock remove_user_nvg( index )
    new iNvgs = get_pdata_int( index, m_iNvg, m_iLinuxDiff );

    if( !iNvgs )

    if( iNvgs & USES_NVGS )
        emit_sound( index, CHAN_ITEM, SOUND_NVGOFF, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );

        emessage_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, gMessageNVG, _, index );
        ewrite_byte( 0 );

    set_pdata_int( index, m_iNvg, 0, m_iLinuxDiff );

/* --| Enf of plugin... */[/code]
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Membru, skill +3
Membru, skill +3
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14 Sep 2010, 21:04

@ compaq nu apare nimic cand scriu /drshop si /puncte
Retras din activitate.
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Membru, skill +1
Membru, skill +1
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25 Sep 2010, 23:27

up! Downloads total: 47 :> o sa revin cu update v.4.1
Nick: MiSteR D
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