Imi poate spune cine dc nu merge compilat?

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02 Mar 2014, 14:04

Salut imi spuneti dc nu merge compilat dacai ceva gresit aici?
| Afiseaza codul

			- Multumesc lui Sn[a]ke, mi-a zis ce iteme sa pun la fiecare nivel .. !
		Pentru compilarea pluginului, aveti nevoie de:
				Pe toate acestea le gasiti in folderul ~ _GM ~ ! ATENTIE !!!! Puneti folderul _GM cu toate fisierele din el, in 

scripting/include pentru compilarea locala.
				HF ___
		Levele + Iteme + EXP:
			LVL 1: +1FL ( EXP: 50 )
			LVL 2: +2FL ( EXP: 150 )
			LVL 3: +2FL ; +1SM ( EXP: 250 )
			LVL 4: +2FL ; +2SM ( EXP: 500 )
			LVL 5: +2FL ; +2SM ; +1HE ; +1GL Deagle ( EXP: 700 )
			LVL 6: +3FL ; +3SM ; +2HE ; +1GL Deagle ; +15HP ( EXP: 1000 )
			LVL 7: +3FL ; +2SM ; +2HE ; +1GL Deagle ; +20HP ( EXP: 1300 )
			LVL 8: +5FL ; +4SM ; +3HE ; +1GL Deagle ; +25HP ( EXP: 1600 )
			LVL 9: +5FL ; +5SM ; +3HE ; +1GL Deagle ; +30HP ( EXP: 2000 )
			LVL 10: +6FL ; +5SM ; +3HE ; +2GL Deagle ; +40HP ; +30AP ( EXP: 3000 )
			LVL 11: +6FL ; +5SM ; +3HE ; +2GL Deagle ; +40HP ; +35AP ( EXP: 4500 )
			LVL 12: +6FL ; +6SM ; +3HE ; +2GL Deagle ; +45HP ; +35AP ( EXP: 6000 )
			LVL 13: +7FL ; +6SM ; +5HE ; +3GL Deagle ; +45HP ; +35HP ( EXP: 8000 )
			LVL 14: +7FL ; +6SM ; +6HE ; +1GL Usp ; +45HP ; +35HP ( EXP: 9000 )
			LVL 15: +7FL ; +7SM ; +6HE ; +2GL Usp ; +50HP ; +40AP ( EXP: 10.000 )

// Include

#include < amxmodx >
#include < amxmisc >
#include < cstrike >
#include < fun >
#include < hamsandwich >

// Old includes

#include < _GM/_items >
#include < _GM/_skills >
#include < _GM/_Puf_CC_New >

// Define

#define PLUGIN_NAME "GameMod _ XP"
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "0.0.1"
#define PLUGIN_AUTHOR "Marius"

// Levels

new const g_szLEVELS[ 15 ] =

new Player_LVL[ 33 ], Player_XP[ 33 ];

// Cvars


// Pragma

#pragma semicolon 1

// Plugin

public plugin_init( )
	// Ham
	RegisterHam( Ham_Spawn, "player", "hamPlayerPostSpawn", 1 );
	// evDeathMsg
	register_event( "DeathMsg", "evDeathMsg", "a" );
	// Commands info level / xp
	register_clcmd( "say /xp", "pInfo" );
	register_clcmd( "say /lvl", "pInfo" );
	// Info LVL / XP Player
	register_concmd( "amx_level", "cmd_level", ADMIN_KICK, "< Player > - Afli XP-ul / LVL-ul unui player" );
	// Cvars
	HNS_KILL = register_cvar( "hns_game_kill", "25" );
	HNS_HS = register_cvar( "hns_game_hs", "40" );
	// Add / Remove XP
	register_concmd( "hns_game_givexp", "cmd_givexp", ADMIN_RCON, "< Player > < Numar > - Ii dai XP" );
	register_concmd( "hns_game_takexp", "cmd_takexp", ADMIN_RCON, "< Player > < Numar > - Ii scoti din XP" );
public hamPlayerPostSpawn( id )
	if( ( Player_LVL[ id ] < 15 && ( Player_XP[ id ] > g_szLEVELS[ Player_LVL[ id ] ] ) ) )
		while( Player_XP[ id ] > g_szLEVELS[ Player_LVL[ id ] ] )
			Player_LVL[ id ] += 1;
			Puf_CC_New( id, "Ai trecut la !vLVL!c: !e%d!c(!vXP!c: !e%d!c)", Player_LVL[ id ], Player_XP[ id ] );
	set_task( 15.0, "pItems", id );
public pItems( id )
	if( Player_LVL[ id ] == 1 )
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Ai !vLVL!c: !e%d!c (!vXP: !e%d!c)", Player_LVL[ id ], Player_XP[ id ] );
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Iteme: [!v+1!eFL!c]" );
		iGrenada( id, iFLASH, 1 );
	else if( Player_LVL[ id ] == 2 )
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Ai !vLVL!c: !e%d!c (!vXP: !e%d!c)", Player_LVL[ id ], Player_XP[ id ] );
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Iteme: [!v+2!eFL!c]" );
		iGrenada( id, iFLASH, 2 );
	else if( Player_LVL[ id ] == 3 )
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Ai !vLVL!c: !e%d!c (!vXP: !e%d!c)", Player_LVL[ id ], Player_XP[ id ] );
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Iteme: [!v+2!eFL!c][!v+1!eSM!c]" );
		iGrenada( id, iFLASH, 2 );
		iGrenada( id, iSMOKE, 1 );
	else if( Player_LVL[ id ] == 4 )
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Ai !vLVL!c: !e%d!c (!vXP: !e%d!c)", Player_LVL[ id ], Player_XP[ id ] );
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Iteme: [!v+2!eFL!c][!v+2!eSM!c]" );
		iGrenada( id, iFLASH, 2 );
		iGrenada( id, iSMOKE, 2 );
	else if( Player_LVL[ id ] == 5 )
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Ai !vLVL!c: !e%d!c (!vXP: !e%d!c)", Player_LVL[ id ], Player_XP[ id ] );
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Iteme: [!v+2!eFL!c][!v+2!eSM!c][!v+1!eHE!c][!v+1GL!eDGL!c]" );
		iGrenada( id, iFLASH, 2 );
		iGrenada( id, iSMOKE, 2 );
		iGrenada( id, iHE, 1 );
		iArma( id, iDeagle, 1 );
	else if( Player_LVL[ id ] == 6 )
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Ai !vLVL!c: !e%d!c (!vXP: !e%d!c)", Player_LVL[ id ], Player_XP[ id ] );
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Iteme: [!v+3!eFL!c][!v+2!eSM!c][!v+2!eHE!c][!v+15!eHP!c][!v+1GL!eDGL!c]" );
		iGrenada( id, iFLASH, 3 );
		iGrenada( id, iSMOKE, 2 );
		iGrenada( id, iHE, 2 );
		iSkills( id, iHP, 15 );
		iArma( id, iDeagle, 1 );
	else if( Player_LVL[ id ] == 7 )
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Ai !vLVL!c: !e%d!c (!vXP: !e%d!c)", Player_LVL[ id ], Player_XP[ id ] );
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Iteme: [!v+3!eFL!c][!v+2!eSM!c][!v+2!eHE!c][!v+20!eHP!c][!v+1GL!eDGL!c]" );
		iGrenada( id, iFLASH, 3 );
		iGrenada( id, iSMOKE, 2 );
		iGrenada( id, iHE, 2 );
		iSkills( id, iHP, 20 );
		iArma( id, iDeagle, 1 );
	else if( Player_LVL[ id ] == 8 )
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Ai !vLVL!c: !e%d!c (!vXP: !e%d!c)", Player_LVL[ id ], Player_XP[ id ] );
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Iteme: [!v+5!eFL!c][!v+4!eSM!c][!v+3!eHE!c][!v+25!eHP!c][!v+1GL!eDGL!c]" );
		iGrenada( id, iFLASH, 5 );
		iGrenada( id, iSMOKE, 4 );
		iGrenada( id, iHE, 3 );
		iSkills( id, iHP, 35 );
		iArma( id, iDeagle, 1 );
	else if( Player_LVL[ id ] == 9 )
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Ai !vLVL!c: !e%d!c (!vXP: !e%d!c)", Player_LVL[ id ], Player_XP[ id ] );
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Iteme: [!v+5!eFL!c][!v+5!eSM!c][!v+3!eHE!c][!v+30!eHP!c][!v+1GL!eDGL!c]" );
		iGrenada( id, iFLASH, 5 );
		iGrenada( id, iSMOKE, 5 );
		iGrenada( id, iHE, 3 );
		iSkills( id, iHP, 40 );
		iSkills( id, iAP, 30 );
		iArma( id, iDeagle, 1 );
	else if( Player_LVL[ id ] == 10 )
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Ai !vLVL!c: !e%d!c (!vXP: !e%d!c)", Player_LVL[ id ], Player_XP[ id ] );
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Iteme: [!v+6!eFL!c][!v+5!eSM!c][!v+3!eHE!c][!v+40!eHP!c][!v+30!eAP!c][!v+2GL!eDGL!c]" );
		iGrenada( id, iFLASH, 6 );
		iGrenada( id, iSMOKE, 5 );
		iGrenada( id, iHE, 3 );
		iSkills( id, iHP, 40 );
		iSkills( id, iAP, 30 );
		iArma( id, iDeagle, 2 );
	else if( Player_LVL[ id ] == 11 )
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Ai !vLVL!c: !e%d!c (!vXP: !e%d!c)", Player_LVL[ id ], Player_XP[ id ] );
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Iteme: [!v+6!eFL!c][!v+5!eSM!c][!v+3!eHE!c][!v+40!eHP!c][!v+35!eAP!c][!v+2GL!eDGL!c]" );
		iGrenada( id, iFLASH, 6 );
		iGrenada( id, iSMOKE, 5 );
		iGrenada( id, iHE, 3 );
		iSkills( id, iHP, 40 );
		iSkills( id, iAP, 35 );
		iArma( id, iDeagle, 2 );
	else if( Player_LVL[ id ] == 12 )
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Ai !vLVL!c: !e%d!c (!vXP: !e%d!c)", Player_LVL[ id ], Player_XP[ id ] );
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Iteme: [!v+6!eFL!c][!v+6!eSM!c][!v+3!eHE!c][!v+45!eHP!c][!v+35!eAP!c][!v+2GL!eDGL!c]" );
		iGrenada( id, iFLASH, 6 );
		iGrenada( id, iSMOKE, 6 );
		iGrenada( id, iHE, 3 );
		iSkills( id, iHP, 45 );
		iSkills( id, iAP, 35 );
		iArma( id, iDeagle, 2 );
	else if( Player_LVL[ id ] == 13 )
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Ai !vLVL!c: !e%d!c (!vXP: !e%d!c)", Player_LVL[ id ], Player_XP[ id ] );
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Iteme: [!v+7!eFL!c][!v+6!eSM!c][!v+5!eHE!c][!v+45!eHP!c][!v+35!eAP!c][!v+3GL!eDGL!c]" );
		iGrenada( id, iFLASH, 7 );
		iGrenada( id, iSMOKE, 6 );
		iGrenada( id, iHE, 5 );
		iSkills( id, iHP, 45 );
		iSkills( id, iAP, 35 );
		iArma( id, iDeagle, 3 );
	else if( Player_LVL[ id ] == 14 )
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Ai !vLVL!c: !e%d!c (!vXP: !e%d!c)", Player_LVL[ id ], Player_XP[ id ] );
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Iteme: [!v+7!eFL!c][!v+6!eSM!c][!v+6!eHE!c][!v+45!eHP!c][!v+35!eAP!c][!v+1GL!eUSP!c]" );
		iGrenada( id, iFLASH, 7 );
		iGrenada( id, iSMOKE, 6 );
		iGrenada( id, iHE, 6 );
		iSkills( id, iHP, 50 );
		iSkills( id, iAP, 40 );
		iArma( id, iUsp, 1 );
	else if( Player_LVL[ id ] == 15 )
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Ai !vLVL!c: !e%d!c (!vXP: !e%d!c)", Player_LVL[ id ], Player_XP[ id ] );
		Puf_CC_New( id, "Iteme: [!v+7!eFL!c][!v+7!eSM!c][!v+6!eHE!c][!v+45!eHP!c][!v+35!eAP!c][!v+2GL!eUSP!c]" );
		iGrenada( id, iFLASH, 7 );
		iGrenada( id, iSMOKE, 7 );
		iGrenada( id, iHE, 6 );
		iSkills( id, iHP, 50 );
		iSkills( id, iAP, 40 );
		iArma( id, iUsp, 2 );
public evDeathMsg( )
 	new iVictim = read_data(2);
	new iVictimName[ 32 ], iWvar[32];
 	new iWeapon, iHitPlace, iAttacker = get_user_attacker( iVictim, iWeapon, iHitPlace);
   	get_user_name( iVictim, iVictimName, 31 );
   	read_data( 4, iWvar, 31 );
   	if( equal( iWvar, "world", 5 ) )
	if( iAttacker < 1 || iAttacker > 32 )
 	Player_XP[ iAttacker ] += get_pcvar_num( HNS_KILL );
	Puf_CC_New( iAttacker, "Ai primit !v25XP!c pentru ca l-ai omorat pe !e%s!c !", iVictimName );
	if( iHitPlace == HIT_HEAD )
		Player_XP[ iAttacker ] += get_pcvar_num( HNS_HS );
		Puf_CC_New( iAttacker, "Ai primit !v40XP!c pentru ca l-ai omorat pe !e%s!c cu !vHEADSHOT!c !", iVictimName );
	pHudInfo( iAttacker );
public pHudInfo( id )
	set_hudmessage( 85, 170, 255, 0.06, 0.26, 1, 6.0, 15.0 );
	if( Player_LVL[ id ] < 15 )
		show_hudmessage( id, "[LVL: %d / XP: %i]", Player_LVL[ id ], Player_XP[ id ] );
		show_hudmessage( id, "[LVL: %d - Ai LEVEL Maxim ]", Player_LVL[ id ] );
public client_disconnect( id )
	Player_XP[ id ] = 0;
	Player_LVL[ id ] = 0;
public client_putinserver( id )
	set_task( 5.0, "welcome_message", id );
public welcome_message( id )
	Puf_CC_New( id, "Salut. Bine ai venit !v%s!c !", iName( id ) );
	Puf_CC_New( id, "Acest server ruleaza cu !vGameMod !c-!v XP!c, creat de !vMarius!c !" );
public pInfo( id )
	Puf_CC_New( id, "Ai !vLVL!c: !e%d!c (!vXP!c: !e%d!c).", Player_LVL[ id ], Player_XP[ id ] );
public cmd_level( id )
	new iArg[ 32 ];
	read_argv( 1, iArg, 31 );
	new iTarget = cmd_target( id, iArg, 9 );
	if( !iTarget )
		return 1;
	new iName[ 32 ];
	get_user_name( id, iName, 31 );
	console_print( id, "Player %s are LVL: %d(XP: %d).", iName, Player_LVL[ iTarget ], Player_XP[ iTarget ] );
	return 0;
public cmd_givexp( id )
	new iTarget[ 32 ], iAmount[ 32 ];
	read_argv( 1, iTarget, 31 );
	read_argv( 2, iAmount, 31 );
	new iPlayer = cmd_target( id, iTarget, 9 );
	if( !iPlayer )
		return 1;
	new gXP = str_to_num( iAmount );
	new iName[ 32 ], iAdmin[ 32 ];
	get_user_name( id, iAdmin, 31 );
	get_user_name( iPlayer, iName, 31 );
	Puf_CC_New( 0, "Admin !v%s!c ii da lui !v%s!c, !e%s!c(!vXP!c).", iAdmin, iName, iAmount );
	Player_XP[ iPlayer ] += gXP;
	return 0;
public cmd_takexp( id )
	new iTarget[ 32 ], iAmount[ 32 ];
	read_argv( 1, iTarget, 31 );
	read_argv( 2, iAmount, 31 );
	new iPlayer = cmd_target( id, iTarget, 9 );
	if( !iPlayer )
		return 1;
	new gXP = str_to_num( iAmount );
	new iName[ 32 ], iAdmin[ 32 ];
	get_user_name( id, iAdmin, 31 );
	get_user_name( iPlayer, iName, 31 );
	Puf_CC_New( 0, "Admin !v%s!c ii ia lui !v%s!c, !e%s!c(!vXP!c).", iAdmin, iName, iAmount );
	Player_XP[ iPlayer ] -= gXP;
	return 0;
stock iName( id )
	new name[ 32 ];
	get_user_name( id, name, 31 );
	return name;
Last edited by Mădălin on 05 Mar 2014, 12:47, edited 4 times in total.
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Membru eXtream
Membru eXtream
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CS Status: Utilizator Serios
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Nume anterior: RzV24
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Has thanked: 60 times
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02 Mar 2014, 14:47

Posteaza plugins.ini
Membru, skill 0
Membru, skill 0
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Joined: 16 Feb 2014, 21:23
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02 Mar 2014, 17:32

; AMX Mod X plugins

; Admin Base - Always one has to be activated
admin.amxx ; admin base (required for any admin-related)
;admin_sql.amxx ; admin base - SQL version (comment admin.amxx)

; Basic
admincmd.amxx ; basic admin console commands
adminhelp.amxx ; help command for admin console commands
adminslots.amxx ; slot reservation
;multilingual.amxx ; Multi-Lingual management

; Menus
menufront.amxx ; front-end for admin menus
cmdmenu.amxx ; command menu (speech, settings)
plmenu.amxx ; players menu (kick, ban, client cmds.)
;telemenu.amxx ; teleport menu (Fun Module required!)
mapsmenu.amxx ; maps menu (vote, changelevel)

; Chat / Messages
adminchat.amxx ; console chat commands
;antiflood.amxx ; prevent clients from chat-flooding the server
scrollmsg.amxx ; displays a scrolling message
imessage.amxx ; displays information messages
adminvote.amxx ; vote commands

; Map related
nextmap.amxx ; displays next map in mapcycle
mapchooser.amxx ; allows to vote for next map
timeleft.amxx ; displays time left on map

; Configuration
pausecfg.amxx ; allows to pause and unpause some plugins
statscfg.amxx ; allows to manage stats plugins via menu and commands

; Counter-Strike
restmenu.amxx ; restrict weapons menu
statsx.amxx ; stats on death or round end (CSX Module required!)
;miscstats.amxx ; bunch of events announcement for Counter-Strike
;stats_logging.amxx ; weapons stats logging (CSX Module required!)

; Enable to use AMX Mod plugins
;amxmod_compat.amxx ; AMX Mod backwards compatibility layer

; Custom - Add 3rd party plugins here

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