Problema plugin bank[rezolvat!]

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Membru eXtream
Membru eXtream
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08 Mar 2015, 16:36

Salut extreamcs am un plugin de banka si am urmatoarele erori daca adaug debug + numi salveaza ammo packs
L 03/08/2015 - 16:30:18: [AMXX | Afiseaza codul
Displaying debug trace (plugin "zp_bank.amxx")
L 03/08/2015 - 16:30:18: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "nvault_get")
L 03/08/2015 - 16:30:18: [AMXX]    [0] zp_bank.sma::retrieve_data (line 563)
L 03/08/2015 - 16:30:18: [AMXX]    [1] zp_bank.sma::client_putinserver (line 434)
L 03/08/2015 - 16:30:35: [nVault] Invalid vault id: 40]
| Afiseaza codul
L 03/08/2015 - 16:30:35: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "zp_bank.amxx")
L 03/08/2015 - 16:30:35: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "nvault_set")
L 03/08/2015 - 16:30:35: [AMXX]    [0] zp_bank.sma::save_data (line 548)
L 03/08/2015 - 16:30:35: [AMXX]    [1] zp_bank.sma::client_disconnect (line 422)
L 03/08/2015 - 16:30:35: [nVault] Invalid vault id: 40
| Afiseaza codul
L 03/08/2015 - 16:30:35: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "zp_bank.amxx")
L 03/08/2015 - 16:30:35: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "nvault_close")
L 03/08/2015 - 16:30:35: [AMXX]    [0] zp_bank.sma::plugin_end (line 108)
L 03/08/2015 - 16:30:48: Start of error session.
L 03/08/2015 - 16:30:48: Info (map "as_oilrig") (file "addons/amxmodx/logs/error_20150308.log")
L 03/08/2015 - 16:30:48: [nVault] Invalid vault id: 40
| Afiseaza codul
//Uncomment to be greedy and not give people 5 ammo packs when they join (if they have less than 5 that is)
//#define THERE_IS_NO_GOD

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <nvault>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <zombieplague>

static const version[] = "0.8b";
static const plugin[] = "ZP Bank";
static const defaultPacks = 5;

enum pcvar
	enable = 0,

new pcvars[pcvar];
new bankstorage[33];
new saveAuthID[33];

new thinkobj;
new gvault;
new spreeToggle;
new g_maxplayers // max players counter
new g_msgSayText // Message IDs vars

public SaveData()
	for( new o = 1; o < 33; o++)
		if ( !is_user_connected(o) || is_user_bot(o) ) continue;	
		client_disconnect(o); //bankstorage[o] = 0;

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin(plugin, version, "Random1");
	register_event("HLTV", "event_round_start", "a", "1=0", "2=0");
	//Language files
	pcvars[enable] =			register_cvar("zp_bank", "1");
	pcvars[cap] =				register_cvar("zp_bank_limit", "1000000");

	gvault = nvault_open("Zombie Bank");
	g_maxplayers = get_maxplayers()			// Get Max Players
	g_msgSayText = get_user_msgid("SayText")	//Settings variables

	spreeToggle = 0;

	if ( get_pcvar_num(pcvars[cap]) > 2147483646 )
		set_pcvar_num(pcvars[cap], 2147483646);
		server_print("[%s] Due to a 32 bit restriction in perl zp_ammo_limit reset based on restriction", plugin);
	register_clcmd("say", "handle_say");
	register_clcmd("say_team", "handle_say");
	register_clcmd("zp_give_packs", "givex_cmd", ADMIN_RCON, "<name> <amount>, gives ammo packs, only if the person is in game");
	register_clcmd("zp_take_packs", "takex_cmd", ADMIN_RCON, "<name> <amount>, takes ammo packs away, only if the person is in game");
	register_concmd("zp_reset_bank", "prune_task", ADMIN_RCON, "<time> in days. time 0 = clean all");
	register_clcmd("zp_spendingspree", "spending_cmd", ADMIN_RCON, "enable or disable spending spree mode");
	thinkobj = engfunc(EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity, engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString, "info_target"));
	if ( pev_valid(thinkobj) )
		set_pev(thinkobj, pev_classname, "advertisement_loop");
		set_pev(thinkobj, pev_nextthink, get_gametime() + 240.0);
		register_forward(FM_Think, "fourmin_think");
public fourmin_think(ent)
	if ( ent != thinkobj ) return FMRES_IGNORED;
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(pcvars[enable]) ) return FMRES_IGNORED;
	zp_colored_print(0, "^x04[%s]^x01 Ammo packs are automatically saved.", plugin);
	//zp_colored_print(0, "^x04[%s]^x01 No typing withdraw / deposit needed.", plugin);
	set_pev(ent, pev_nextthink, get_gametime() + 240.0);

public plugin_natives()
    register_native("zp_bank_get_packs", "getAmmoPacks", 1)
    register_native("zp_bank_set_packs", "setAmmoPacks", 1)

public plugin_end() {
	server_print("[%s] Saving your money. ", plugin);

	for( new o = 1; o < 33; o++)
		if ( !is_user_connected(o) || is_user_bot(o) ) continue;


public getAmmoPacks(id)
	if ( spreeToggle == 0)
		return zp_get_user_ammo_packs(id);
	} else {
		return bankstorage[id];
	return -1;
public setAmmoPacks(id, amnt)
	if ( spreeToggle == 0)
		zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, amnt);
	} else {
		bankstorage[id] = amnt;

public handle_say(id)
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(pcvars[enable]) ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
	new text[70], arg1[32], arg2[32], arg3[6];
	read_args(text, sizeof(text)-1);
	arg1[0] = '^0';
	arg2[0] = '^0';
	arg3[0] = '^0';
	parse(text, arg1, sizeof(arg1)-1, arg2, sizeof(arg2)-1, arg3, sizeof(arg3)-1);
	// if the chat line has more than 2 words, we're not interested at all
	if (arg3[0] == 0)
		//strip forward slash if present
		if ( equali(arg1, "/", 1) ) format(arg1, 31, arg1[1]);
		if ( equali(arg1, "deposit", 7) || equali(arg1, "send", 4) || equali(arg1, "store", 5) || equali(arg1, "withdraw", 8) || equali(arg1, "take", 4) || equali(arg1, "retrieve", 8))
			zp_colored_print(id, "^x04[%s]^x01 Deposit and withdraw are unnecessary.", plugin);
			zp_colored_print(id, "^x04[%s]^x01 Money is stored automatically", plugin);
		else if ( equali(arg1, "mybank", 6) || equali(arg1, "account", 7) || equali(arg1, "bank", 4) )
			if ( arg2[0] == 0 ) {
				zp_colored_print(id, "^x04[%s]^x01 Currently your account has %d ammo packs in it",plugin, getAmmoPacks(id));
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			else {
				new player = cmd_target(id,arg2,2);
				if ( !player ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
				zp_colored_print(id, "^x04[%s]^x01 %s has %d ammo packs", plugin, arg2, getAmmoPacks(player));
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
	else if ( equali( arg1, "donate", 6 ) )
		give_cmd(id, arg2, arg3);

public prune_task(id,level,cid)
	if (!cmd_access(id,level,cid,1)) {
		console_print(id,"You have no access to that command");
	new connum = read_argc()
	if (connum > 2) {
		console_print(id,"Too many arguments supplied.");
	if ( connum == 1 ) return;	//person just typed command to see the description
	//we check this because str_to_num will return 0 on an empty string thus doing the same thing as "zp_reset_bank 0" which does a full reset
	static adminname[32];
	get_user_name(id, adminname, 31);
	new arg[10];
	new timeamnt = str_to_num(arg);

	if ( timeamnt == 0 ) {
		nvault_prune(gvault, 0, 0);

		zp_colored_print(0, "^x04[%s]^x01 The Bank's Been Robbed!, those dirty crooks stole all your money!", plugin);
		log_amx("[%s] bank has been reset(completly) by admin %s", plugin, adminname);
		//for those who are in the server at the time of prune need to whipe out there stuff as well
		for( new o = 1; o < 33; o++)
			if ( !is_user_connected(o) || is_user_bot(o) ) continue;
			bankstorage[o] = 0;
			if (spreeToggle == 0) zp_set_user_ammo_packs(o, 0);
	else {

		nvault_prune(gvault, 0, get_systime() - (timeamnt * 86400));

		log_amx("[%s] Bank has been pruned %d day%s by admin %s", plugin, timeamnt, timeamnt == 1 ? "" : "'s", adminname);		

public takex_cmd(id)
	if ( read_argc() > 3 ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
	new arg1[32], arg2[10], amount, curAmount;
	read_argv(1, arg1, sizeof(arg1) - 1);
	read_argv(2, arg2, sizeof(arg2) - 1);
	amount = str_to_num(arg2);
	new target = cmd_target(0, arg1, 2);
	if ( target == 0 )
		//couldnt find them
		zp_colored_print(id, "^x04[%s]^x01 Could not find the requested user.");

	} else { 

		//we found them!
		new targetName[64];
		get_user_name(target, targetName, 63);
		curAmount = getAmmoPacks(target);
		if ( amount > curAmount )
			if (curAmount == 0)
				zp_colored_print(id, "^x04[%s]^x01 %s has %d ammo packs!", plugin , targetName, curAmount);
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			} else {
				zp_colored_print(id, "^x04[%s]^x01 %s only had %d ammo packs, so they were all removed!", plugin , targetName, curAmount);
			//if (spreeToggle == 0) store_cash(target, curAmount);
			setAmmoPacks(target, 0);
			amount = curAmount;

		} else {
			//if (spreeToggle == 0) store_cash(target, amount);
			setAmmoPacks(target, curAmount - amount);
		zp_colored_print(id, "^x04[%s]^x01 You have punished %s by taking %d ammo packs!", plugin , targetName, amount );
		zp_colored_print(target, "^x04[%s]^x01 You have been punished and have lost %d ammo packs!", plugin , amount );


public givex_cmd(id)
	if ( read_argc() > 3 ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
	new arg1[32], arg2[10], amount;
	read_argv(1, arg1, sizeof(arg1) - 1);
	read_argv(2, arg2, sizeof(arg2) - 1);
	amount = str_to_num(arg2);
	new target = cmd_target(0, arg1, 2);

	if ( target == 0 )
		//couldnt find them
		zp_colored_print(id, "^x04[%s]^x01 Could not find the requested user.", plugin);

	} else { 

		//we found them!
		//bankstorage[target] += amount;
		setAmmoPacks(target, getAmmoPacks(target) + amount);
		//if( spreeToggle == 1) store_cash(target, amount);
		if(id == target)
			zp_colored_print(id, "^x04[%s]^x01 You have given yourself %d ammo packs!", plugin, amount );
		} else {
			new targetName[64];
			get_user_name(target, targetName, 63);

			zp_colored_print(id, "^x04[%s]^x01 You have awarded %s with %d ammo packs!", plugin , targetName, amount );
			zp_colored_print(target, "^x04[%s]^x01 You have been awarded with %d ammo packs!", plugin , amount );


public spending_cmd(id)
	if ( read_argc() > 2 )
		client_print(id, print_console, "[%s] Incorrect contaxt.", plugin);
	new arg1[32], spree;
	read_argv(1, arg1, sizeof(arg1) - 1);
	spree = str_to_num(arg1);

	if ( spree == 0 )
		//disable our spending spree
		//first check if it was previously enabled
		if ( spreeToggle == 0) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

		//end our spending spree
		zp_colored_print(0, "^x04[%s]^x01 The spending spree is over.", plugin);
		client_print(id, print_console, "[%s] Disabled spending spree.", plugin);
		//remove everyone's extra money
		for( new o = 1; o < 33; o++)
			if ( !is_user_connected(o) || is_user_bot(o) ) continue;
			//re-withdraw everyone's money
			zp_set_user_ammo_packs(o, bankstorage[o]);
			bankstorage[o] = 0;

		spreeToggle = 0;

	} else { 

		//enable it
		if ( spreeToggle == 1) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

		for( new o = 1; o < 33; o++)
			if ( !is_user_connected(o) || is_user_bot(o) ) continue;
			//store our money first
			bankstorage[o] = zp_get_user_ammo_packs(o);
			//set a high amount of money for everyone
			zp_set_user_ammo_packs(o, get_pcvar_num(pcvars[cap]));

		zp_colored_print(0, "^x04[%s]^x01 The spending spree is ON! Go Wild!", plugin);
		client_print(id, print_console, "[%s] Enabled spending spree.", plugin);

		spreeToggle = 1;

give_cmd(id, target[], amnt[])
	new temp = str_to_num(amnt);
	if ( temp < 0 )
		client_print(id, print_chat, "[%s] The ^"amount^" argument passed is negative, either overflowed or your trying to cheat", plugin );
	new player = cmd_target(id, target, 8);
	if ( !player ) 
		zp_colored_print(id, "^x04[%s]^x01 Could not find the requested user.", plugin);
	new temp2 = getAmmoPacks(id);
	if ( temp > temp2 )
		client_print(id, print_chat, "[%s] You don't have enough ammo packs to donate, you only have %d out of %d specified",plugin,
			temp2, temp);
	static playername[32], givename[32];
	get_user_name(player, playername, 31);
	get_user_name(id, givename, 31);
	client_print(id, print_chat, "[%s] You just donated %d ammo packs to %s", plugin, temp, playername);
	client_print(player, print_chat, "[%s] %s just donated %d ammo packs to you", plugin, givename, temp);
	if ( getAmmoPacks(id) > temp )
		setAmmoPacks(id, getAmmoPacks(id) - temp);
		setAmmoPacks(player, getAmmoPacks(player) + temp);
	} else {
		temp -= getAmmoPacks(id);
		setAmmoPacks(id, 0);
		setAmmoPacks(player, getAmmoPacks(player) + temp);


//public zp_user_disconnect_pre(id)
public client_disconnect(id)
	//fixed bug here, people could spend all their money, and then not have it save the 0 remaining


//public zp_user_connect_post(id)
public client_putinserver(id)
	bankstorage[id] = 0;	       //clear residual before loading
	zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, 0); //clear


public event_round_start()
	if (spreeToggle == 1)
		//replenish everyone's money
		for( new o = 1; o < 33; o++)
			if ( !is_user_connected(o) || is_user_bot(o) ) continue;
			zp_set_user_ammo_packs(o, get_pcvar_num(pcvars[cap]));
		set_task(2.2, "spreeAlert")
	for( new o = 1; o < 33; o++)
		if ( !is_user_connected(o) || is_user_bot(o) ) continue;

public spreeAlert()
	zp_colored_print(0, "^x04[%s]^x01 The spending spree is ON! Go Wild!", plugin);

store_cash(id, amnt)
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(pcvars[enable]) ) return;
	if ( amnt == -1 )
		bankstorage[id] += zp_get_user_ammo_packs(id);
		zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, 0);
	else if ( amnt > 0 )
		new temp = zp_get_user_ammo_packs(id);
		new limit = get_pcvar_num(pcvars[cap]);
		if ( temp >= amnt )
			if ( bankstorage[id] + amnt <= limit )
				bankstorage[id] += amnt
				zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, temp - amnt);
				new overflow = bankstorage[id] + amnt - limit;
				bankstorage[id] = limit;
				zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, temp - amnt + overflow);
				zp_colored_print(id, "^x04[%s]^x01 Your bank account has reached it's maximium capacity of %d", plugin, limit);
				zp_colored_print(id, "^x04[%s]^x01 Only %d of the %d you specified to deposit has been deposited", plugin,
				amnt - overflow, amnt);
			zp_colored_print(id, "^x04[%s]^x01 Amount specified(%d) is greater than current ammo pack count(%d)", plugin,
			amnt, temp);			
		take_cash(id, -amnt);

take_cash(id, amnt)
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(pcvars[enable]) ) return;
	if ( amnt == 0 ) return;	//otherwise a non terminal loop is possible
	if ( amnt == -1 )
		zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(id) + bankstorage[id])
		bankstorage[id] = 0;
	else if ( amnt > 0 )
		if ( bankstorage[id] >= amnt )
			zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(id) + amnt);
			bankstorage[id] -= amnt;
		else {
			zp_colored_print(id, "^x04[%s]^x01 Amount specified(%d) is greater than whats in bank(%d)", plugin,
			amnt, bankstorage[id]);
	else store_cash(id, -amnt);

	if ( zp_get_user_ammo_packs(id) > get_pcvar_num(pcvars[cap]) )
		zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, get_pcvar_num(pcvars[cap]));
	else if ( zp_get_user_ammo_packs(id) < 0 )
		zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, 0);

	//new AuthID[35];
	new vaultkey[40],vaultdata[13];
	formatex( vaultkey, 39, "__%s__", saveAuthID[id]);
	formatex( vaultdata, 12, "%i", getAmmoPacks(id));
	nvault_set(gvault, vaultkey, vaultdata);
	//clear data
	//bankstorage[id] = 0;	       //clear residual before loading
	//zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, 0); //clear	

	//new AuthID[35]; 
	new vaultkey[40], vaultdata[13]; 
	format(vaultkey, 39, "__%s__", saveAuthID[id]);

	nvault_get(gvault, vaultkey, vaultdata, 12); 
	zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, str_to_num(vaultdata));
	//if they have less then the default, be nice and give them some
	#if !defined THERE_IS_NO_GOD
	if ( zp_get_user_ammo_packs(id) < defaultPacks ) zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, defaultPacks);
	if ( spreeToggle == 1 )
		bankstorage[id] = zp_get_user_ammo_packs(id);
		zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, get_pcvar_num(pcvars[cap]));

 --The following are copied directly from zombie_plague, no reinventing wheels...
 [Shared Functions]
zp_colored_print(target, const message[], any:...)
	static buffer[512], i, argscount
	argscount = numargs()
	// Send to everyone
	if (!target)
		static player
		for (player = 1; player <= g_maxplayers; player++)
			// Not connected
			if (!is_user_connected(player))
			// Remember changed arguments
			static changed[5], changedcount // [5] = max LANG_PLAYER occurencies
			changedcount = 0
			// Replace LANG_PLAYER with player id
			for (i = 2; i < argscount; i++)
				if (getarg(i) == LANG_PLAYER)
					setarg(i, 0, player)
					changed[changedcount] = i
			// Format message for player
			vformat(buffer, sizeof buffer - 1, message, 3)
			// Send it
			message_begin(MSG_ONE, g_msgSayText, _, player)
			// Replace back player id's with LANG_PLAYER
			for (i = 0; i < changedcount; i++)
				setarg(changed, 0, LANG_PLAYER)
	// Send to specific target
		// Replace LANG_PLAYER with player id
		for (i = 2; i < argscount; i++)
			if (getarg(i) == LANG_PLAYER)
				setarg(i, 0, target)
		// Format message for player
		vformat(buffer, sizeof buffer - 1, message, 3)
		// Send it
		message_begin(MSG_ONE, g_msgSayText, _, target)
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08 Mar 2015, 16:52

gvault = nvault_open("Zombie Bank"); - incearca un nume fara spatiu si doar litere mici
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09 Mar 2015, 19:13

ms :)
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