Problema cs

Discutii despre problemele aparute in jocul Counter-Strike.

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Membru, skill 0
Membru, skill 0
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SteamID: maNNN24
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18 Feb 2015, 18:03

Salut. De cateva zile cand intru pe un sv de deathrun si dau exec la un cfg pentru fps nu mai pot sa schimb arma nici sa scriu in chat si doar pe un sv imi face asa.

Acesta este cfg-ul:
| Afiseaza codul
bind  "w"		"+forward"
bind  "s"		"+back"
bind  "a"		"+moveleft"
bind  "d"		"+moveright"
bind  "mouse1"		"+attack"
bind  "mouse2"		"+attack2"
bind  "space"		"+str"
bind  "r"		"+reload"
bind  "g"		"drop"
bind  "alt"		"+gstrafe" 
bind  "mouse3"           "+duck"
bind  "c"               "+left"    
//Alias +sgstrafe "alias _special ggstrafe;ggstrafe"
//alias -sgstrafe "alias _special"
//alias ggstrafe "special;wait;+duck;wait;-duck"
//bind "MOUSE3" "+sgstrafe"

echo "---------------------------------------------------------"
echo "******Hi3n@'s GSTRAFE SCRIPT v1.0******"
echo "******BIND LOADED SUCCESSFULLY!******"
echo "---------------------------------------------------------"

Alias +sgstrafe "alias _special ggstrafe;ggstrafe"
alias -sgstrafe "alias _special"
alias ggstrafe "special;wait;+duck;wait;-duck"
bind "f5" "+sgstrafe"

| FIRST TYPE of Gstrafe |

bind "SPACE" "+quickstab; weapon_knife; +attack2; +duck; wait; -quickstab; -attack2; lastinv; -duck; wait; +quickstab; weapon_knife; +attack2; +duck; wait; -quickstab; -attack2; lastinv; -duck; wait;"

| SECOND TYPE of Gstrafe |

bind "f6" "+duck; wait; -duck; wait; +duck; wait; -duck; wait; +duck; wait; -duck; wait; +duck; wait; -duck; wait"

//      _                              
//    _|_|_              
//    (o o)       v12 -> Slots` ;o     

bind  "6"		"slot6"
bind  "7"		"slot7"
bind  "8"		"slot8"
bind  "9"		"slot9"
bind  "0"		"slot10"

//   __MMM__              
//    (o o)        v12 -> oTher` ;o

bind  "y"               "messagemode"
bind  "u"               "messagemode2"
bind  "m"		"chooseteam"
bind  "`"		"toggleconsole"
bind  "~" 		"toggleconsole"
bind  "TAB"		"+showscores"
bind  "ESCAPE"		"cancelselect"
bind  "PAUSE"		"PAUSE"
bind  "t"		"c1"
bind  "b"		"buy"
bind  "F7"              "smg" // IEI ARMA LA HNS ( in primele 10 sec )                       
bind  "F6"		"snapshot"
bind  "e"		"+use"

bind  "F1"		"hud_draw 0"
bind  "F2"		"hud_draw 1"
bind  "F3" 		"exec 1200.cfg; say 1200 fps activated ! -> Taifun"
bind  "f"		"+hook"
bind  "n"               "+grab"

bind  "b"		"say /cp"
bind  "n"		"say /tp"

bind "k"                "record Taifun" // 
bind "l"                "stop"

//     vvv        
//    (0~0)        v12 -> Train + jb & eb stats

alias wait5 "wait; wait; wait; wait; wait"
alias wait10 "wait5; wait5"
alias wait20 "wait10; wait10"
alias wait40 "wait20; wait20"
alias wait7 "wait5; wait;"

// Multi-Strafe
alias strafe.pW1_4 "+jump; +left; +moveleft; wait7; -moveleft; -jump; -left; strafe.pW1_right; strafe.pW1_left; strafe.pW1_right; strafe.pW1_left; strafe.pW1_right; strafe.pW1_left; strafe.pW1_right; strafe.pW1_left; strafe.pW1_right; strafe.pW1_left; strafe.pW1_right; strafe.pW1_left; +right; +moveright; wait7; -moveright; -right; -duck"
alias strafe.pW1_left "+left; +moveleft; wait7; -moveleft; -left;"
alias strafe.pW1_right "+right; +moveright; wait7; -moveright; -right;"
alias _jump "+jump; wait; -jump

// Pre-Strafe
alias s.pW1_run "+forward; wait40; wait10; wait10; -forward"
alias s.pW1_pre "+jump; +duck; cl_yawspeed 135; -moveleft; -forward; -left; cl_yawspeed 210"
alias run_pW1.LJ4 "s.pW1_run; -jump; wait5; -duck; strafe.pW1_4"
alias pre_pW1.LJ4 "s.pW1_pre; -jump; strafe.pW1_4"

// Bind [4-Strafe]
bind space "pre_pW1.LJ4" // Pre-Strafe Runup (Further) 
alias balance			"amx_cvar mp_autoteambalance 0"
alias teamjoin			"amx_cvar tjm_join_team 1"
alias roundlimit		"amx_cvar mp_roundlimit 9"
alias godmode			"amx_godmode @all 2"
alias restart			"amx_cvar sv_restart 1"
alias trainstr			"balance; teamjoin; roundlimit; godmode; restart"
bind "F9"			"trainstr"

alias ebkzh			"amx_cvar kz_eb_leet 1"
alias jbkzh			"amx_cvar kz_jb_leet 1"
alias ebstr			"say /ebstats"
alias jbstr			"say /jbstats"
alias fallstr		"jbkzh; ebkzh; jbstr; ebstr"
bind "F8"			"fallstr"

//    ( ( (             
//  '. ___ .'       
//  ' (> <) '      v12 -> MediC gaY` X(  &  Horny Nurse :X

alias medicstr  "say /medic; medicstr1"
alias medicstr1 "say GaRgaRitA`riTa, chEaM`o pE sCufItzA :x! -> TaifunX2"
bind "f" 			"medicstr"      

alias medicstr3  "say /heal; medicstr4"
alias medicstr4 "say Hey` Tu !, Fa pe Maimuta cu mine =]]! -> TaifunX2"
bind "c" 			"medicstr3"    

//    ,,,,,            
//   /(o o)\        
gl_flipmatrix		"0"
cl_updaterate		"35"
fps_max			"100"
fps_modem		"100"
rate			"25000" 

bind  "p"		"record hns; w10; stop"
alias "w10"		"w;w;w;w;w;w;w;w;w;w"
alias "w"		"wait"

//    _   _           
//   (_)-(_)        v12 -> UltiMate BhoPs` ;o
//    (o o)       

//v1   -> Classic

alias +str 			"alias _special j; j"
alias -str			"alias _special"
alias jump 			"+j; w; -j; w; special"

bind space +str

//v2 -> 250 fps

//alias "+str"		"alias _special @str; @str"
//alias "-str"		"alias _special"
//alias "@str"		"special; developer 1; fps_max 250; fps_modem 250; wait; +jump; wait; -jump"

//   |             
//   |.===.           
//   {}o o{}          v12 -> SouNd script ;(

volume			"1"
suitvolume              "0.25"
hisound                 "1"	
bgmvolume               "1"
MP3Volume               "1"
_snd_mixahead           "0.1"
voice_modenable 	"1"
voice_scale             "2"
voice_enable            "1"
voice_forcemicrecord    "1"
voice_loopback		"1"
s_a3d                   "0"	
s_eax                   "1"	
s_rolloff               "1"
s_doppler               "0"
s_distance              "60"
s_automin_distance      "2"
s_automax_distance      "30"
s_distance 		"60"
s_min_distance          "8"
s_max_distance          "1000"
s_leafnum               "0"
s_refgain               "0.4"
s_refdelay              "4"
s_polykeep              "1000000000"
s_polysize              "10000000"
s_numpolys              "200"
s_bloat                 "2"
s_verbwet               "0.25"

//      ___       
//     /_\ `*     
//    (o o)         v12 -> sEtiNfo`cOnfiguRatiOn ;o

setinfo _ah		"1" 
setinfo dm		"" 
setinfo ghosts		"0"
setinfo model		"" 
setinfo friends		"" 
setinfo lefthand	"0" 
setinfo _vgui_menus	"1"
setinfo _hns		"" // Tu chiar nu te potolesti ? NU VEI AFLA NICIODATA PASUL DE LA ADMIN ! mucea~
setinfo _pw             "" // Idem ca mai sus ~

// `  _ ,  '       
//-  (o)o)  -    v12 -> cL`seTTinGs` ;o

cl_logocolor		"#Valve_Brown"
cl_logofile		"abs110"
cl_vsmoothing		"100"
cl_updaterate		"20"
cl_lw			"1"
cl_lc			"1"
cl_dlmax		"128"
cl_himodels		"1"
cl_resend		"20"
cl_idealpitchscale	"0.8"
cl_timeout		"25"
cl_cmdbackup		"20"
cl_download_ingame	"1"
cl_allowdownload	"1"
cl_allowupload		"1"
cl_cmdrate		"101"
cl_corpsestay		"600"
cl_righthand		"0"
cl_minmodels		"0"
cl_crosshair_translucent "1"
cl_dynamiccrosshair	"0"
cl_observercrosshair	"0"
cl_bob			"0"
cl_bobcycle		"1"
cl_bobup		"0"
cl_showfps		"1"
cl_solid_players	"1"
cl_upspeed		"300"
cl_weather		"0"          
cl_crosshair_color      "251 5 252" 
cl_crosshair_size       "small" 
cl_showfps              "1" 
cl_dlmax                "128" 
cl_himodels             "1" 
cl_movespeedkey         "0.52"  
cl_autowepswitch        "1" 
cl_download_ingame      "1" 
cl_allowdownload        "1" 
cl_allowupload          "1" 
fps_max 1200
fps_modem 1200

//   .      .        
// .  .:::.     
//   :(o o):  .     v12 -> gStrAfE [ rupe tot ] ;)

alias +giustrafe 		"alias _special ggiustrafe;ggiustrafe"
alias -giustrafe 		"alias _special"
alias ggiustrafe 		"special; w; +d; w; -d"

alias w				"wait"
alias +d			"+duck"
alias -d 			"-duck"
bind "shift"			"+giustrafe" 
cl_cmdrate          "101"  
cl_download_ingame  "0"   
cl_lc               "1"  
cl_lw               "0"  
cl_resend           "6"  
cl_timeout          "99999"  
cl_updaterate       "35"  
ex_interp           "0.05" 
sensitivity		"3.5"
m_pitch			"0.022"
m_yaw			"0.022"
m_forward		"1"
m_side			"0.8"
m_filter		"1"
zoom_sensitivity_ratio	"1.2"
hud_takesshots 		"0"
hud_capturemouse 	"1"
hud_draw 		"1"
hud_fastswitch 		"1"
hud_centerid 		"1"
hud_saytext_time	"10"
hud_deathnotice_time	"15"
hud_drawhistory_time	"0"
scr_conspeed 		"10"
scr_centertime		"3"
scr_printspeed		"8"
con_notifytime		"1.7"
con_color               "255 255 255"
viewsize		"120"
developer		"1"
drawradar		"1"
crosshair		"1"
joystick 		"0"
lookspring 		"0"
//Connect msg 
alias "scr_0" "scr_connectmsg 0;scr_connectmsg1 0;scr_connectmsg2 0"
alias "close" "wait;wait;wait;slot10"
alias "mcl" "close;scr_0"
// Aliases for scripts 

alias -mr			"-moveright"
alias +mr			"+moveright"
alias -m			"-moveright"
alias +m			"+moveright"
alias -ml			"-moveleft"
alias +ml			"+moveleft"
alias w				"wait"
alias w5 			"w; w; w; w; w"
alias w10 			"w5; w5"
alias +r			"+right"
alias -r			"-right"
alias +l			"+left"
alias -l			"-left"
alias +d			"+duck"
alias -d 			"-duck"
alias +j 			"+jump"
alias -j 			"-jump"
alias j				"jump"
alias -b			"-back"
alias +b			"+back"
alias +f			"+forward"
alias -f			"-forward"
alias +hell 			"cl_sidespeed 600;cl_yawspeed 530 ; +ml ; +l ;w;w;w;w;w;w;w;w;w; +d ; w ; -duck"
alias -hell 			"-ml; -l; -duck"
alias +sttr 			"alias _special hell; hell"
alias -sttr 			"alias _special"
alias hell 			"+hell; w; -hell; special"
bind "j" 			"+hell"

// First Developer : 325 fps
cl_sidespeed		"300"
cl_forwardspeed		"300"
cl_backspeed		"300"
cl_upspeed		"300"
sv_maxspeed		"300"
cl_pitchspeed		"225"

//         __________________
//~~~~~~~~(       NaMe       )~~~~~~~~~

name "TaifunX2"

exec config.cfg
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Membru, skill +1
Membru, skill +1
Posts: 140
Joined: 16 Feb 2015, 11:58
Detinator Steam: Da
CS Status: Afacerist de meserie
Fond eXtream: 0

23 Feb 2015, 07:23

E de la cfg . Foloseste altul .
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Membru, skill +4
Membru, skill +4
Posts: 1899
Joined: 07 May 2013, 20:48
Detinator Steam: Da
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Nume anterior: unpackRo, HyperDesk, -Hyperion-
Location: Delphi \ .Net \ C++ \ Php \ Pawn.
Has thanked: 76 times
Been thanked: 70 times

23 Feb 2015, 20:39

unbindall in consola dupa dute in options si dai use defaults si ok. :) - Counter-Strike 1.6 Server Boost.

Cu Stima,
Unpack -

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