Cerere modificare plugin anticamp

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23 Jan 2017, 15:11

#include < amxmodx >
#include < engine >
#include < hamsandwich >

#pragma semicolon 1

#define PLUGIN "Furien Anti-Camp"
#define VERSION "0.2.1"

// --|Pentru teste.. cateva mesaje la fiecare functie.. sa imi dau seama unde si ce nu merge.
// --|Lasati // in fata!
//#define TESTING

#define TASK_SPAWN 6091993

// --| ColorChat.
enum Color
NORMAL = 1, // Culoarea care o are jucatorul setata in cvar-ul scr_concolor.
GREEN, // Culoare Verde.
TEAM_COLOR, // Culoare Rosu, Albastru, Gri.
GREY, // Culoarea Gri.
RED, // Culoarea Rosu.
BLUE, // Culoarea Albastru.

new TeamName[ ][ ] =
// --| ColorChat.

new const g_szTag[ ] = "[Furien Anti-Camp]";
new const g_szClassName[ ] = "Askhanar's_MagicEntity";

new Float:g_fUserOrigin[ 33 ][ 3 ];
new Float:g_fUserOldOrigin[ 33 ][ 3 ];

new bool:g_bSpawnCheckEnabled = false;

new bool:g_bAlive[ 33 ];
new bool:g_bConnected[ 33 ];
new bool:g_bUserIsCamping[ 33 ];

new g_iUserCampSeconds[ 33 ];

new g_iCvarFadeTime;
new g_iCvarSlayTime;

new g_iFadeTime;
new g_iSlayTime;

new g_iMsgScreenFade;

public plugin_init( )

g_iCvarFadeTime = register_cvar( "fac_fadetime", "5" );
g_iCvarSlayTime = register_cvar( "fac_slaytime", "11" );

//register_event( "HLTV", "ev_HookRoundStart", "a", "1=0", "2=0" );
register_logevent( "on_FreezeTimeComplete" , 2 , "0=World triggered" , "1=Round_Start" );

RegisterHam( Ham_Spawn, "player", "Ham_PlayerSpawnPost", true );
RegisterHam( Ham_Killed, "player", "Ham_PlayerKilledPost", true );

new iEnt;

iEnt = create_entity( "info_target" );
if( !iEnt || !is_valid_ent( iEnt ) )
goto CreateMagicEntity;

entity_set_string( iEnt, EV_SZ_classname, g_szClassName );
entity_set_float( iEnt, EV_FL_nextthink, get_gametime( ) + 0.3 );
register_think( g_szClassName, "FM_MagicEntityThink" );

g_iMsgScreenFade = get_user_msgid( "ScreenFade" );


public client_putinserver( id )
if( is_user_bot( id ) )

g_bConnected[ id ] = true;
g_bAlive[ id ] = false;
g_bUserIsCamping[ id ] = false;

// --| Stupid compiler..

public client_disconnect( id )

if( is_user_bot( id ) )

g_bConnected[ id ] = false;
g_bAlive[ id ] = false;
g_bUserIsCamping[ id ] = false;

// --| Stupid compiler..

public Ham_PlayerSpawnPost( id )
if( !is_user_alive( id ) )

#if defined TESTING
client_print( 0, print_chat, "Functia PlayerSpawn a fost chemata!" );
g_bAlive[ id ] = true;
g_bUserIsCamping[ id ] = false;
g_iUserCampSeconds[ id ] = 0;


public Ham_PlayerKilledPost( id )
#if defined TESTING
client_print( 0, print_chat, "Functia PlayerKilled a fost chemata!" );
g_bAlive[ id ] = false;

public on_FreezeTimeComplete( )
remove_task( TASK_SPAWN );

#if defined TESTING
client_print( 0, print_chat, "Functia RoundRestart a fost chemata!" );

g_iFadeTime = get_pcvar_num( g_iCvarFadeTime );
g_iSlayTime = get_pcvar_num( g_iCvarSlayTime );

g_bSpawnCheckEnabled = true;
set_task( 25.0, "TaskDisableSpawnCheck", TASK_SPAWN );

public TaskDisableSpawnCheck( )
#if defined TESTING
client_print( 0, print_chat, "Functia DisableSpawn a fost chemata!" );
g_bSpawnCheckEnabled = false;

public FM_MagicEntityThink( iEnt )

if( !is_valid_ent( iEnt ) )

entity_set_float( iEnt, EV_FL_nextthink, get_gametime( ) + 1.0 );

#if defined TESTING
client_print( 0, print_chat, "Entitatea gandeste!" );

static iPlayers[ 32 ];
static iPlayersNum;

get_players( iPlayers, iPlayersNum, "ace", "CT" );
if( !iPlayersNum )

static id, i, j;
for( i = 0; i < iPlayersNum; i++ )
id = iPlayers[ i ];

if( g_bConnected[ id ] )
if( g_bAlive[ id ] )
entity_get_vector( id, EV_VEC_origin, g_fUserOrigin[ id ] );

if( g_fUserOrigin[ id ][ 0 ] == g_fUserOldOrigin[ id ][ 0 ]
&& g_fUserOrigin[ id ][ 1 ] == g_fUserOldOrigin[ id ][ 1 ]
&& g_fUserOrigin[ id ][ 2 ] == g_fUserOldOrigin[ id ][ 2 ] )
g_iUserCampSeconds[ id ]++;
#if defined TESTING
client_print( 0, print_chat, "Originile sunt aceleasi!" );

if( g_iUserCampSeconds[ id ] == g_iFadeTime )

#if defined TESTING
client_print( 0, print_chat, "Ecranul este inegrit!" );

g_bUserIsCamping[ id ] = true;
UTIL_FadeScreen( id );

else if( g_iUserCampSeconds[ id ] > g_iFadeTime && g_bSpawnCheckEnabled )

#if defined TESTING
client_print( 0, print_chat, "Verificare dupa spawn!" );

if( g_iUserCampSeconds[ id ] >= g_iSlayTime )
new szName[ 32 ];
get_user_name( id, szName, sizeof ( szName ) -1 );
ColorChat( 0, RED, "^x04%s^x03 %s^x01 a primit slay pentru ca este afk!", g_szTag, szName );

user_silentkill( id );

g_bUserIsCamping[ id ] = false;
g_iUserCampSeconds[ id ] = 0;

UTIL_ResetScreen( id );

ColorChat( id, RED, "^x04%s^x01 Vei primi slay in^x03 %i^x01 secund%s daca nu te misti!",
g_szTag, g_iSlayTime - g_iUserCampSeconds[ id ], ( g_iSlayTime - g_iUserCampSeconds[ id ] ) == 1 ? "a" : "e" );


#if defined TESTING
client_print( 0, print_chat, "Orinigile nu sunt aceleasi!" );

if( g_bUserIsCamping[ id ] )

#if defined TESTING
client_print( 0, print_chat, "Scoatem blindul!" );

UTIL_ResetScreen( id );

g_iUserCampSeconds[ id ] = 0;
g_bUserIsCamping[ id ] = false;

#if defined TESTING
client_print( 0, print_chat, "Origini salvate in globala!" );

for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
g_fUserOldOrigin[ id ][ j ] = g_fUserOrigin[ id ][ j ];



UTIL_FadeScreen( id )

message_begin(MSG_ONE, g_iMsgScreenFade, _, id );
write_short(1<<0); // fade lasts this long duration
write_short(1<<0); // fade lasts this long hold time
write_short(1<<2); // fade type HOLD
write_byte(0); // fade red
write_byte(0); // fade green
write_byte(0); // fade blue
write_byte(255); // fade alpha


UTIL_ResetScreen( id )

message_begin(MSG_ONE, g_iMsgScreenFade, _, id );
write_short(1<<12); // fade lasts this long duration
write_short(1<<8); // fade lasts this long hold time
write_short(1<<1); // fade type OUT
write_byte(0); // fade red
write_byte(0); // fade green
write_byte(0); // fade blue
write_byte(255); // fade alpha

// --| ColorChat.
ColorChat( id, Color:iType, const msg[ ], { Float, Sql, Result, _}:... )

// Daca nu se afla nici un jucator pe server oprim TOT. Altfel dam de erori..
if( !get_playersnum( ) ) return;

new szMessage[ 256 ];

switch( iType )
// Culoarea care o are jucatorul setata in cvar-ul scr_concolor.
case NORMAL: szMessage[ 0 ] = 0x01;

// Culoare Verde.
case GREEN: szMessage[ 0 ] = 0x04;

// Alb, Rosu, Albastru.
default: szMessage[ 0 ] = 0x03;

vformat( szMessage[ 1 ], 251, msg, 4 );

// Ne asiguram ca mesajul nu este mai lung de 192 de caractere.Altfel pica server-ul.
szMessage[ 192 ] = '^0';

new iTeam, iColorChange, iPlayerIndex, MSG_Type;

if( id )
iPlayerIndex = id;
iPlayerIndex = CC_FindPlayer( );

iTeam = get_user_team( iPlayerIndex );
iColorChange = CC_ColorSelection( iPlayerIndex, MSG_Type, iType);

CC_ShowColorMessage( iPlayerIndex, MSG_Type, szMessage );

if( iColorChange ) CC_Team_Info( iPlayerIndex, MSG_Type, TeamName[ iTeam ] );


CC_ShowColorMessage( id, const iType, const szMessage[ ] )

static bool:bSayTextUsed;
static iMsgSayText;

if( !bSayTextUsed )
iMsgSayText = get_user_msgid( "SayText" );
bSayTextUsed = true;

message_begin( iType, iMsgSayText, _, id );
write_byte( id );
write_string( szMessage );
message_end( );

CC_Team_Info( id, const iType, const szTeam[ ] )
static bool:bTeamInfoUsed;
static iMsgTeamInfo;
if( !bTeamInfoUsed )
iMsgTeamInfo = get_user_msgid( "TeamInfo" );
bTeamInfoUsed = true;

message_begin( iType, iMsgTeamInfo, _, id );
write_byte( id );
write_string( szTeam );
message_end( );

return 1;

CC_ColorSelection( id, const iType, Color:iColorType)
switch( iColorType )

case RED: return CC_Team_Info( id, iType, TeamName[ 1 ] );
case BLUE: return CC_Team_Info( id, iType, TeamName[ 2 ] );
case GREY: return CC_Team_Info( id, iType, TeamName[ 0 ] );


return 0;

CC_FindPlayer( )
new iMaxPlayers = get_maxplayers( );

for( new i = 1; i <= iMaxPlayers; i++ )
if( is_user_connected( i ) )
return i;

return -1;
// --| ColorChat

As dori si eu ca la acest plugin , odata cei ai luat de 3 ori slay , playerul sa primeasca kick cu motivul : ai luat kick pentru camp
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