Admin Chat Colors > Cum setez culorile?

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Membru, skill +3
Membru, skill +3
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19 Jan 2019, 18:46

Am si eu acest plugin
| Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>

#define PLUGIN 		"Admin Chat Colors"
#define VERSION 	"2.0"
#define AUTHOR 		"Arion"


new message[192]
new sayText
new teamInfo
new maxPlayers

new g_MessageColor
new g_NameColor
new g_AdminListen

new strName[191]
new strText[191]
new alive[11]

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin (PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
	g_MessageColor = register_cvar ("amx_color", "2") // Message colors: [1] Default Yellow, [2] Green, [3] White, [4] Blue, [5] Red

	g_NameColor = register_cvar ("amx_namecolor", "6") // Name colors: [1] Default Yellow, [2] Green, [3] White, [4] Blue, [5] Red, [6] Team-color
	g_AdminListen = register_cvar ("amx_listen", "1") // Set whether admins see or not all messages (Alive, dead and team-only)
	sayText = get_user_msgid ("SayText")
	teamInfo = get_user_msgid ("TeamInfo")
	maxPlayers = get_maxplayers()
	register_message (sayText, "avoid_duplicated")
	register_clcmd ("amx_color", "set_color", ACCESS_LEVEL, "<color>")
	register_clcmd ("amx_namecolor", "set_name_color", ACCESS_LEVEL, "<color>")
	register_clcmd ("amx_listen", "set_listen", ACCESS_LEVEL, "<1 | 0>")
	register_clcmd ("say", "hook_say")
	register_clcmd ("say_team", "hook_teamsay")

public avoid_duplicated (msgId, msgDest, receiver)

public hook_say(id)
	read_args (message, 191)
	remove_quotes (message)
	if (message[0] == '@' || message[0] == '/' || message[0] == '!' || equal (message, "")) // Ignores Admin Hud Messages, Admin Slash commands, 
											       // Gungame commands and empty messages

	new name[32]
	get_user_name (id, name, 31)
	new bool:admin = false
	if (get_user_flags(id) & ACCESS_LEVEL)
		admin = true
	new isAlive
	if (is_user_alive (id))
			isAlive = 1
			alive = "^x01"
			isAlive = 0
			alive = "^x01*DEAD* "
	static color[10]

	if (admin)
			// Name
			switch (get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor))
					case 1:
						format (strName, 191, "%s%s", alive, name)

					case 2:
						format (strName, 191, "%s^x04%s", alive, name)
					case 3:
							color = "SPECTATOR"
							format (strName, 191, "%s^x03%s", alive, name)
					case 4:
							color = "CT"
							format (strName, 191, "%s^x03%s", alive, name)

					case 5:
							color = "TERRORIST"
							format (strName, 191, "%s^x03%s", alive, name)
					case 6:
							get_user_team (id, color, 9)
							format (strName, 191, "%s^x03%s", alive, name)
			// Message
			switch (get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor))
					case 1:	// Yellow
						format (strText, 191, "%s", message)
					case 2:	// Green
						format (strText, 191, "^x04%s", message)
					case 3:	// White
							copy (color, 9, "SPECTATOR")
							format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)

					case 4:	// Blue
							copy (color, 9, "CT")
							format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
					case 5:	// Red
							copy (color, 9, "TERRORIST")
							format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
	else 	// Player is not admin. Team-color name : Yellow message
			get_user_team (id, color, 9)
			format (strName, 191, "%s^x03%s", alive, name)
			format (strText, 191, "%s", message)

	format (message, 191, "%s^x01 :  %s", strName, strText)
	sendMessage (color, isAlive)	// Sends the colored message

public hook_teamsay(id)
	new playerTeam = get_user_team(id)
	new playerTeamName[19]
	switch (playerTeam) // Team names which appear on team-only messages
			case 1:
				copy (playerTeamName, 11, "Terrorists")
			case 2:
				copy (playerTeamName, 18, "Counter-Terrorists")
				copy (playerTeamName, 9, "Spectator")
	read_args (message, 191)
	remove_quotes (message)
	if (message[0] == '@' || message[0] == '/' || message[0] == '!' || equal (message, "")) // Ignores Admin Hud Messages, Admin Slash commands, 
											       // Gungame commands and empty messages

	new name[32]
	get_user_name (id, name, 31)
	new bool:admin = false
	if (get_user_flags(id) & ACCESS_LEVEL)
		admin = true
	new isAlive
	if (is_user_alive (id))
			isAlive = 1
			alive = "^x01"
			isAlive = 0
			alive = "^x01*DEAD* "
	static color[10]

	if (admin)
			// Name
			switch (get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor))
					case 1:
						format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) %s", alive, playerTeamName, name)

					case 2:
						format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x04%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
					case 3:
							color = "SPECTATOR"
							format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
					case 4:
							color = "CT"
							format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)

					case 5:
							color = "TERRORIST"
							format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
					case 6:
							get_user_team (id, color, 9)
							format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
			// Message
			switch (get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor))
					case 1:	// Yellow
						format (strText, 191, "%s", message)
					case 2:	// Green
						format (strText, 191, "^x04%s", message)
					case 3:	// White
							copy (color, 9, "SPECTATOR")
							format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)

					case 4:	// Blue
							copy (color, 9, "CT")
							format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
					case 5:	// Red
							copy (color, 9, "TERRORIST")
							format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
	else 	// Player is not admin. Team-color name : Yellow message
			get_user_team (id, color, 9)
			format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
			format (strText, 191, "%s", message)
	format (message, 191, "%s ^x01:  %s", strName, strText)
	sendTeamMessage (color, isAlive, playerTeam)	// Sends the colored message

public set_color (id, level, cid)
	if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))
	new arg[1], newColor
	read_argv (1, arg, 1)
	newColor = str_to_num (arg)
	if (newColor >= 1 && newColor <= 5)
			set_cvar_num ("amx_color", newColor)
			set_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor, newColor)
			if (get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor) != 1 &&
			       ((newColor == 3 &&  get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor) != 3)
			     || (newColor == 4 &&  get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor) != 4)
			     || (newColor == 5 &&  get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor) != 5)))
					set_cvar_num ("amx_namecolor", 2)
					set_pcvar_num (g_NameColor, 2)

public set_name_color (id, level, cid)
	if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))
	new arg[1], newColor
	read_argv (1, arg, 1)
	newColor = str_to_num (arg)
	if (newColor >= 1 && newColor <= 6)
			set_cvar_num ("amx_namecolor", newColor)
			set_pcvar_num (g_NameColor, newColor)
			if ((get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor) != 1
			    && ((newColor == 3 &&  get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor) != 3)
			     || (newColor == 4 &&  get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor) != 4)
			     || (newColor == 5 &&  get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor) != 5)))
			     || get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor) == 6)
					set_cvar_num ("amx_color", 2)
					set_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor, 2)

public set_listen (id, level, cid)
	if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))
	new arg[1], newListen
	read_argv(1, arg, 1)
	newListen = str_to_num (arg)
	set_cvar_num ("amx_listen", newListen)
	set_pcvar_num (g_AdminListen, newListen)

public sendMessage (color[], alive)
	new teamName[10]
	for (new player = 1; player < maxPlayers; player++)
			if (!is_user_connected(player))

			if (alive && is_user_alive(player) || !alive && !is_user_alive(player) || get_pcvar_num(g_AdminListen) && get_user_flags(player) & ADMIN_LISTEN)
					get_user_team (player, teamName, 9)	// Stores user's team name to change back after sending the message
					changeTeamInfo (player, color)		// Changes user's team according to color choosen
					writeMessage (player, message)		// Writes the message on player's chat
					changeTeamInfo (player, teamName)	// Changes user's team back to original

public sendTeamMessage (color[], alive, playerTeam)
	new teamName[10]
	for (new player = 1; player < maxPlayers; player++)
			if (!is_user_connected(player))

			if (get_user_team(player) == playerTeam || get_pcvar_num(g_AdminListen) && get_user_flags(player) & ADMIN_LISTEN)
					if (alive && is_user_alive(player) || !alive && !is_user_alive(player) || get_pcvar_num(g_AdminListen) && get_user_flags(player) & ADMIN_LISTEN)
							get_user_team (player, teamName, 9)	// Stores user's team name to change back after sending the message
							changeTeamInfo (player, color)		// Changes user's team according to color choosen
							writeMessage (player, message)		// Writes the message on player's chat
							changeTeamInfo (player, teamName)	// Changes user's team back to original

public changeTeamInfo (player, team[])
	message_begin (MSG_ONE, teamInfo, _, player)	// Tells to to modify teamInfo (Which is responsable for which time player is)
	write_byte (player)				// Write byte needed
	write_string (team)				// Changes player's team
	message_end()					// Also Needed

public writeMessage (player, message[])
	message_begin (MSG_ONE, sayText, {0, 0, 0}, player)	// Tells to modify sayText (Which is responsable for writing colored messages)
	write_byte (player)					// Write byte needed
	write_string (message)					// Effectively write the message, finally, afterall
	message_end ()						// Needed as always
Si as vrea asa :
ca la tero sa fie numele cu :
verde > scris cu rosu
ct : verde > scris cu albastru
spec : verde > scris cu gri
Imi puteti spun cum sa fac? Ca eu atunci cand setez pun doar o culoare la scris , nu stiu cum se face cu pluginul asta
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19 Jan 2019, 19:20

| Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>

#define PLUGIN 		"Admin Chat Colors"
#define VERSION		"2.0"
#define AUTHOR 		"Arion"


new message[192]
new sayText
new teamInfo
new maxPlayers

new g_MessageColor
new g_NameColor
new g_AdminListen

new strName[191]
new strText[191]
new alive[11]

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin (PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
	g_MessageColor = register_cvar ("amx_color", "2") // Message colors: [1] Default Yellow, [2] Green, [3] White, [4] Blue, [5] Red, [6] TEAM
	g_NameColor = register_cvar ("amx_namecolor", "6") // Name colors: [1] Default Yellow, [2] Green, [3] White, [4] Blue, [5] Red, [6] Team-color
	g_AdminListen = register_cvar ("amx_listen", "1") // Set whether admins see or not all messages (Alive, dead and team-only)
	sayText = get_user_msgid ("SayText")
	teamInfo = get_user_msgid ("TeamInfo")
	maxPlayers = get_maxplayers()
	register_message (sayText, "avoid_duplicated")
	register_clcmd ("amx_color", "set_color", ACCESS_LEVEL, "<color>")
	register_clcmd ("amx_namecolor", "set_name_color", ACCESS_LEVEL, "<color>")
	register_clcmd ("amx_listen", "set_listen", ACCESS_LEVEL, "<1 | 0>")
	register_clcmd ("say", "hook_say")
	register_clcmd ("say_team", "hook_teamsay")

public avoid_duplicated (msgId, msgDest, receiver)	return PLUGIN_HANDLED

public hook_say(id)
	read_args (message, 191)
	remove_quotes (message)
	if (message[0] == '@' || message[0] == '/' || message[0] == '!' || equal (message, "")) // Ignores Admin Hud Messages, Admin Slash commands, 
		// Gungame commands and empty messages
	new name[32]
	get_user_name (id, name, 31)
	new bool:admin = false
	if (get_user_flags(id) & ACCESS_LEVEL)
		admin = true
	new isAlive
	if (is_user_alive (id))
		isAlive = 1
		alive = "^x01"
		isAlive = 0
		alive = "^x01*DEAD* "
	static color[10]
	if (admin)
		// Name
		switch (get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor))
			case 1:
				format (strName, 191, "%s%s", alive, name)
			case 2:
				format (strName, 191, "%s^x04%s", alive, name)
			case 3:
				color = "SPECTATOR"
				format (strName, 191, "%s^x03%s", alive, name)
			case 4:
				color = "CT"
				format (strName, 191, "%s^x03%s", alive, name)
			case 5:
				color = "TERRORIST"
				format (strName, 191, "%s^x03%s", alive, name)
			case 6:
				get_user_team (id, color, 9)
				format (strName, 191, "%s^x03%s", alive, name)
		// Message
		switch (get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor))
			case 1:	// Yellow
				format (strText, 191, "%s", message)
			case 2:	// Green
				format (strText, 191, "^x04%s", message)
			case 3:	// White
				copy (color, 9, "SPECTATOR")
				format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
			case 4:	// Blue
				copy (color, 9, "CT")
				format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
			case 5:	// Red
				copy (color, 9, "TERRORIST")
				format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
			case 6:	// Team
				get_user_team (id, color, 9)
				format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
	else 	// Player is not admin. Team-color name : Yellow message
		get_user_team (id, color, 9)
		format (strName, 191, "%s^x03%s", alive, name)
		format (strText, 191, "%s", message)
	format (message, 191, "%s^x01 :  %s", strName, strText)
	sendMessage (color, isAlive)	// Sends the colored message

public hook_teamsay(id)
	new playerTeam = get_user_team(id)
	new playerTeamName[19]
	switch (playerTeam) // Team names which appear on team-only messages
		case 1:
			copy (playerTeamName, 11, "Terrorists")
		case 2:
			copy (playerTeamName, 18, "Counter-Terrorists")
		default:	copy (playerTeamName, 9, "Spectator")
	read_args (message, 191)
	remove_quotes (message)
	if (message[0] == '@' || message[0] == '/' || message[0] == '!' || equal (message, "")) // Ignores Admin Hud Messages, Admin Slash commands, 
		// Gungame commands and empty messages
	new name[32]
	get_user_name (id, name, 31)
	new bool:admin = false
	if (get_user_flags(id) & ACCESS_LEVEL)
		admin = true
	new isAlive
	if (is_user_alive (id))
		isAlive = 1
		alive = "^x01"
		isAlive = 0
		alive = "^x01*DEAD* "
	static color[10]
	if (admin)
		// Name
		switch (get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor))
			case 1:
				format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) %s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
			case 2:
				format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x04%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
			case 3:
				color = "SPECTATOR"
				format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
			case 4:
				color = "CT"
				format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
			case 5:
				color = "TERRORIST"
				format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
			case 6:
				get_user_team (id, color, 9)
				format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
		// Message
		switch (get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor))
			case 1:	// Yellow
				format (strText, 191, "%s", message)
			case 2:	// Green
				format (strText, 191, "^x04%s", message)
			case 3:	// White
				copy (color, 9, "SPECTATOR")
				format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
			case 4:	// Blue
				copy (color, 9, "CT")
				format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
			case 5:	// Red
				copy (color, 9, "TERRORIST")
				format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
			case 6:	// Team
				get_user_team (id, color, 9)
				format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
	else 	// Player is not admin. Team-color name : Yellow message
		get_user_team (id, color, 9)
		format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
		format (strText, 191, "%s", message)
	format (message, 191, "%s ^x01:  %s", strName, strText)
	sendTeamMessage (color, isAlive, playerTeam)	// Sends the colored message

public set_color (id, level, cid)
	if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))
	new arg[1], newColor
	read_argv (1, arg, 1)
	newColor = str_to_num (arg)
	if (newColor >= 1 && newColor <= 5)
		set_cvar_num ("amx_color", newColor)
		set_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor, newColor)
		if (get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor) != 1 &&
		((newColor == 3 &&  get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor) != 3)
		|| (newColor == 4 &&  get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor) != 4)
		|| (newColor == 5 &&  get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor) != 5)))
		set_cvar_num ("amx_namecolor", 2)
		set_pcvar_num (g_NameColor, 2)

public set_name_color (id, level, cid)
	if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))	return PLUGIN_HANDLED
	new arg[1], newColor
	read_argv (1, arg, 1)
	newColor = str_to_num (arg)
	if (newColor >= 1 && newColor <= 6)
		set_cvar_num ("amx_namecolor", newColor)
		set_pcvar_num (g_NameColor, newColor)
		if ((get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor) != 1
		&& ((newColor == 3 &&  get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor) != 3)
		|| (newColor == 4 &&  get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor) != 4)
		|| (newColor == 5 &&  get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor) != 5)))
		|| get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor) == 6)
		set_cvar_num ("amx_color", 2)
		set_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor, 2)


public set_listen (id, level, cid)
	if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))	return PLUGIN_HANDLED
	new arg[1], newListen
	read_argv(1, arg, 1)
	newListen = str_to_num (arg)
	set_cvar_num ("amx_listen", newListen)
	set_pcvar_num (g_AdminListen, newListen)

public sendMessage (color[], alive)
	new teamName[10]
	for (new player = 1; player < maxPlayers; player++)
		if (!is_user_connected(player))
		if (alive && is_user_alive(player) || !alive && !is_user_alive(player) || get_pcvar_num(g_AdminListen) && get_user_flags(player) & ADMIN_LISTEN)
			get_user_team (player, teamName, 9)	// Stores user's team name to change back after sending the message
			changeTeamInfo (player, color)		// Changes user's team according to color choosen
			writeMessage (player, message)		// Writes the message on player's chat
			changeTeamInfo (player, teamName)	// Changes user's team back to original

public sendTeamMessage (color[], alive, playerTeam)
	new teamName[10]
	for (new player = 1; player < maxPlayers; player++)
		if (!is_user_connected(player))
		if (get_user_team(player) == playerTeam || get_pcvar_num(g_AdminListen) && get_user_flags(player) & ADMIN_LISTEN)
			if (alive && is_user_alive(player) || !alive && !is_user_alive(player) || get_pcvar_num(g_AdminListen) && get_user_flags(player) & ADMIN_LISTEN)
				get_user_team (player, teamName, 9)	// Stores user's team name to change back after sending the message
				changeTeamInfo (player, color)		// Changes user's team according to color choosen
				writeMessage (player, message)		// Writes the message on player's chat
				changeTeamInfo (player, teamName)	// Changes user's team back to original

public changeTeamInfo (player, team[])
	message_begin (MSG_ONE, teamInfo, _, player)	// Tells to to modify teamInfo (Which is responsable for which time player is)
	write_byte (player)				// Write byte needed
	write_string (team)				// Changes player's team
	message_end()					// Also Needed

public writeMessage (player, message[])
	message_begin (MSG_ONE, sayText, {0, 0, 0}, player)	// Tells to modify sayText (Which is responsable for writing colored messages)
	write_byte (player)					// Write byte needed
	write_string (message)					// Effectively write the message, finally, afterall
	message_end ()						// Needed as always
Last edited by levin on 19 Jan 2019, 23:52, edited 1 time in total.
Nu îmi mai trimiteți PM pe forum! Nu merge să răspund
Pentru ajutor, faceți cerere bine detaliată, completând și respectând modelul corespunzător.
Nu-mi mai dați cereri doar pentru a mă avea în lista de prieteni.
Dacă te ajut, și mă ignori/etc > te adaug în „foe”.
Aveți grijă la cei ce încearcă să mă copieze sau să dea drept mine..Puteți lua legătura cu mine prin STEAM dacă aveți o problemă/nelămurire în acest caz! Cont de forum am doar aici.
În cazul în care utilizați ceva din ce am postat(ex: aici), e bine să fiți la curent cu modificările aduse și de aici, iar dacă sunt ceva probleme nu ezitați să luați legătura cu mine. Actualizarea unor coduri nu se vor afișa public, doar dacă se găsește ceva critic/urgent de remediat, unele fiind coduri vechi iar unele refăcute chiar recent dar private.
* Nume pe cs1.6: eVoLuTiOn \ Nume vechi: eVo
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Membru, skill +3
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19 Jan 2019, 19:50

Adryyy wrote:
| Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>

#define PLUGIN 		"Admin Chat Colors"
#define VERSION		"2.0"
#define AUTHOR 		"Arion"


new message[192]
new sayText
new teamInfo
new maxPlayers

new g_MessageColor
new g_NameColor
new g_AdminListen

new strName[191]
new strText[191]
new alive[11]

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin (PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
	g_MessageColor = register_cvar ("amx_color", "2") // Message colors: [1] Default Yellow, [2] Green, [3] White, [4] Blue, [5] Red, [6] TEAM
	g_NameColor = register_cvar ("amx_namecolor", "2") // Name colors: [1] Default Yellow, [2] Green, [3] White, [4] Blue, [5] Red, [6] Team-color
	g_AdminListen = register_cvar ("amx_listen", "1") // Set whether admins see or not all messages (Alive, dead and team-only)
	sayText = get_user_msgid ("SayText")
	teamInfo = get_user_msgid ("TeamInfo")
	maxPlayers = get_maxplayers()
	register_message (sayText, "avoid_duplicated")
	register_clcmd ("amx_color", "set_color", ACCESS_LEVEL, "<color>")
	register_clcmd ("amx_namecolor", "set_name_color", ACCESS_LEVEL, "<color>")
	register_clcmd ("amx_listen", "set_listen", ACCESS_LEVEL, "<1 | 0>")
	register_clcmd ("say", "hook_say")
	register_clcmd ("say_team", "hook_teamsay")

public avoid_duplicated (msgId, msgDest, receiver)	return PLUGIN_HANDLED

public hook_say(id)
	read_args (message, 191)
	remove_quotes (message)
	if (message[0] == '@' || message[0] == '/' || message[0] == '!' || equal (message, "")) // Ignores Admin Hud Messages, Admin Slash commands, 
		// Gungame commands and empty messages
	new name[32]
	get_user_name (id, name, 31)
	new bool:admin = false
	if (get_user_flags(id) & ACCESS_LEVEL)
		admin = true
	new isAlive
	if (is_user_alive (id))
		isAlive = 1
		alive = "^x01"
		isAlive = 0
		alive = "^x01*DEAD* "
	static color[10]
	if (admin)
		// Name
		switch (get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor))
			case 1:
				format (strName, 191, "%s%s", alive, name)
			case 2:
				format (strName, 191, "%s^x04%s", alive, name)
			case 3:
				color = "SPECTATOR"
				format (strName, 191, "%s^x03%s", alive, name)
			case 4:
				color = "CT"
				format (strName, 191, "%s^x03%s", alive, name)
			case 5:
				color = "TERRORIST"
				format (strName, 191, "%s^x03%s", alive, name)
			case 6:
				get_user_team (id, color, 9)
				format (strName, 191, "%s^x03%s", alive, name)
		// Message
		switch (get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor))
			case 1:	// Yellow
				format (strText, 191, "%s", message)
			case 2:	// Green
				format (strText, 191, "^x04%s", message)
			case 3:	// White
				copy (color, 9, "SPECTATOR")
				format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
			case 4:	// Blue
				copy (color, 9, "CT")
				format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
			case 5:	// Red
				copy (color, 9, "TERRORIST")
				format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
			case 6:	// Team
				get_user_team (id, color, 9)
				format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
	else 	// Player is not admin. Team-color name : Yellow message
		get_user_team (id, color, 9)
		format (strName, 191, "%s^x03%s", alive, name)
		format (strText, 191, "%s", message)
	format (message, 191, "%s^x01 :  %s", strName, strText)
	sendMessage (color, isAlive)	// Sends the colored message

public hook_teamsay(id)
	new playerTeam = get_user_team(id)
	new playerTeamName[19]
	switch (playerTeam) // Team names which appear on team-only messages
		case 1:
			copy (playerTeamName, 11, "Terrorists")
		case 2:
			copy (playerTeamName, 18, "Counter-Terrorists")
		default:	copy (playerTeamName, 9, "Spectator")
	read_args (message, 191)
	remove_quotes (message)
	if (message[0] == '@' || message[0] == '/' || message[0] == '!' || equal (message, "")) // Ignores Admin Hud Messages, Admin Slash commands, 
		// Gungame commands and empty messages
	new name[32]
	get_user_name (id, name, 31)
	new bool:admin = false
	if (get_user_flags(id) & ACCESS_LEVEL)
		admin = true
	new isAlive
	if (is_user_alive (id))
		isAlive = 1
		alive = "^x01"
		isAlive = 0
		alive = "^x01*DEAD* "
	static color[10]
	if (admin)
		// Name
		switch (get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor))
			case 1:
				format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) %s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
			case 2:
				format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x04%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
			case 3:
				color = "SPECTATOR"
				format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
			case 4:
				color = "CT"
				format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
			case 5:
				color = "TERRORIST"
				format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
			case 6:
				get_user_team (id, color, 9)
				format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
		// Message
		switch (get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor))
			case 1:	// Yellow
				format (strText, 191, "%s", message)
			case 2:	// Green
				format (strText, 191, "^x04%s", message)
			case 3:	// White
				copy (color, 9, "SPECTATOR")
				format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
			case 4:	// Blue
				copy (color, 9, "CT")
				format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
			case 5:	// Red
				copy (color, 9, "TERRORIST")
				format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
			case 6:	// Team
				get_user_team (id, color, 9)
				format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
	else 	// Player is not admin. Team-color name : Yellow message
		get_user_team (id, color, 9)
		format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
		format (strText, 191, "%s", message)
	format (message, 191, "%s ^x01:  %s", strName, strText)
	sendTeamMessage (color, isAlive, playerTeam)	// Sends the colored message

public set_color (id, level, cid)
	if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))
	new arg[1], newColor
	read_argv (1, arg, 1)
	newColor = str_to_num (arg)
	if (newColor >= 1 && newColor <= 5)
		set_cvar_num ("amx_color", newColor)
		set_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor, newColor)
		if (get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor) != 1 &&
		((newColor == 3 &&  get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor) != 3)
		|| (newColor == 4 &&  get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor) != 4)
		|| (newColor == 5 &&  get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor) != 5)))
		set_cvar_num ("amx_namecolor", 2)
		set_pcvar_num (g_NameColor, 2)

public set_name_color (id, level, cid)
	if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))	return PLUGIN_HANDLED
	new arg[1], newColor
	read_argv (1, arg, 1)
	newColor = str_to_num (arg)
	if (newColor >= 1 && newColor <= 6)
		set_cvar_num ("amx_namecolor", newColor)
		set_pcvar_num (g_NameColor, newColor)
		if ((get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor) != 1
		&& ((newColor == 3 &&  get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor) != 3)
		|| (newColor == 4 &&  get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor) != 4)
		|| (newColor == 5 &&  get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor) != 5)))
		|| get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor) == 6)
		set_cvar_num ("amx_color", 2)
		set_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor, 2)


public set_listen (id, level, cid)
	if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))	return PLUGIN_HANDLED
	new arg[1], newListen
	read_argv(1, arg, 1)
	newListen = str_to_num (arg)
	set_cvar_num ("amx_listen", newListen)
	set_pcvar_num (g_AdminListen, newListen)

public sendMessage (color[], alive)
	new teamName[10]
	for (new player = 1; player < maxPlayers; player++)
		if (!is_user_connected(player))
		if (alive && is_user_alive(player) || !alive && !is_user_alive(player) || get_pcvar_num(g_AdminListen) && get_user_flags(player) & ADMIN_LISTEN)
			get_user_team (player, teamName, 9)	// Stores user's team name to change back after sending the message
			changeTeamInfo (player, color)		// Changes user's team according to color choosen
			writeMessage (player, message)		// Writes the message on player's chat
			changeTeamInfo (player, teamName)	// Changes user's team back to original

public sendTeamMessage (color[], alive, playerTeam)
	new teamName[10]
	for (new player = 1; player < maxPlayers; player++)
		if (!is_user_connected(player))
		if (get_user_team(player) == playerTeam || get_pcvar_num(g_AdminListen) && get_user_flags(player) & ADMIN_LISTEN)
			if (alive && is_user_alive(player) || !alive && !is_user_alive(player) || get_pcvar_num(g_AdminListen) && get_user_flags(player) & ADMIN_LISTEN)
				get_user_team (player, teamName, 9)	// Stores user's team name to change back after sending the message
				changeTeamInfo (player, color)		// Changes user's team according to color choosen
				writeMessage (player, message)		// Writes the message on player's chat
				changeTeamInfo (player, teamName)	// Changes user's team back to original

public changeTeamInfo (player, team[])
	message_begin (MSG_ONE, teamInfo, _, player)	// Tells to to modify teamInfo (Which is responsable for which time player is)
	write_byte (player)				// Write byte needed
	write_string (team)				// Changes player's team
	message_end()					// Also Needed

public writeMessage (player, message[])
	message_begin (MSG_ONE, sayText, {0, 0, 0}, player)	// Tells to modify sayText (Which is responsable for writing colored messages)
	write_byte (player)					// Write byte needed
	write_string (message)					// Effectively write the message, finally, afterall
	message_end ()						// Needed as always
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Detinator : # Go.Tried.Ro #
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eXtream Mod
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19 Jan 2019, 20:12

Code: Select all

amx_color "2"  // Culoarea Mesajului: [1] Default Galben, [2] Verde, [3] Alb, [4] Albastru, [5] Rosu, [6] Culoarea-Echipei
amx_namecolor "2") // Culoarea Numelui: [1] Default Galben, [2] Verde, [3] Alb, [4] Albastru, [5] Rosu, [6] Culoarea-Echipei
amx_listen "1") // Set whether admins see or not all messages (Alive, dead and team-only)
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