[Modificare plugin] Gag [rezolvat!]

Modificari necesare ale pluginurilor

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01 Feb 2018, 12:47

Cum pot elimina motivul de tot din gag.
să tastez doar amx_gag robi 1
să nu mai fie nevoie și de motiv.
Exotiq advanced gag | Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <nvault> 

#define WORDS   999
#define SHOW

new const g_FileName[] = "automute-words.ini";

bool:g_Gaged[ 33 ], g_GagTime[ 33 ],
bool:g_SwearGag[ 33 ], bool:g_CmdGag[ 33 ],

new g_reason[ 32 ], g_admin[ 32 ], g_name[ 33 ][ 32 ];

new g_WordsFile[ 128 ];
new g_Words[ WORDS ][ 32 ], g_Count, g_Len;
new point
new g_vault

public plugin_init() 
    register_plugin("GAG-Manager", "1.0", "ExoTiQ")
    register_concmd( "amx_gag", "gag_cmd", ACCESS,"- <nume> <minute> <motiv>" );
    register_concmd( "amx_ungag", "ungag_cmd", ACCESS, "- <nume>" );
    register_clcmd( "say", "check" );
    register_clcmd( "say_team", "check" );
    g_vault = nvault_open("ListaDisconnect");
    point = get_cvar_pointer( "amx_show_activity" );

public plugin_cfg()
    static dir[ 999 ];
    get_localinfo( "amxx_configsdir", dir, 998 );
    formatex( g_WordsFile , 127 , "%s/%s" , dir, g_FileName );
    if( !file_exists( g_WordsFile ) )
        write_file( g_WordsFile, "[Gag Words]", -1 );
    new Len;
    while( g_Count < WORDS && read_file( g_WordsFile, g_Count ,g_Words[ g_Count ][ 1 ], 30, Len ) )
        g_Words[ g_Count ][ 0 ] = Len;

public client_connect(id)

public gag_cmd( id, level, cid )
    if( !cmd_access( id, level, cid, 4 ) )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;   
    new arg[ 32 ], arg2[ 6 ], reason[ 32 ];
    new name[ 32 ], namet[ 32 ];
    new minutes;
    read_argv(1, arg, 31)
    new player = cmd_target(id, arg, 9)
    if (!player) 
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    read_argv( 1, arg, sizeof arg - 1 );
    read_argv( 2, arg2, sizeof arg2 - 1 );
    read_argv( 3, reason, sizeof reason - 1 );
    get_user_name( id, name, 31 );
    copy( g_admin, 31, name );
    copy( g_reason, 31, reason );
    remove_quotes( reason );
    minutes = str_to_num( arg2 );
    new target = cmd_target( id, arg, 10 );
    if( !target)
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    if( g_Gaged[ target ] )
        console_print( id, "Jucatorul deja are gag!" );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    get_user_name( target, namet, 31 );
    copy( g_name[ target ], 31, namet );
    g_CmdGag[ target ] = true;
    g_Gaged[target] = true;
    g_GagTime[ target ] = minutes;
    culoare_scris( 0, "!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalAdminul !verde%s !normali-a dat gag lui !verde%s !normalpentru !verde%d minut(e).",get_pcvar_num( point ) == 2 ? name : "", namet, minutes, reason );
    set_task( 60.0, "count", target + 123, _, _, "b" );
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public ungag_cmd( id,level, cid )
    if( !cmd_access( id, level, cid, 2 ) )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    new arg[ 32 ], reason[ 32 ], name[ 32 ];
    read_argv( 1, arg, sizeof arg - 1 );
    read_argv( 2, reason, sizeof reason - 1 );
    get_user_name( id, name, sizeof name - 1 );
    remove_quotes( reason );
    new target = cmd_target( id, arg, 11 );
    if( !target )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    new namet[ 32 ];
    get_user_name( target, namet, sizeof namet - 1 );
    if( !g_Gaged[ target ] )
        console_print( id, "Jucatorul %s nu are gag.", namet );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    g_Gaged[ target ] = false;
    g_SwearGag[ target ] = false;
    if( g_NameChanged[ target ] )
        client_cmd( target, "name ^"%s^"", g_name[ target ] );
    g_NameChanged[ target ] = false;
    remove_task( target + 123 );
    culoare_scris( 0, "!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalAdminul !verde%s !normali-a scos gag-ul lui !verde%s.",get_pcvar_num( point ) == 2 ? name : "", namet );
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public count( task )
    new index = task - 123;
    if( !is_user_connected( index ) )
        return 0;
    g_GagTime[index] -= 1;
    if( g_GagTime[ index ] <= 0 )
        remove_task( index + 123 );
        new name[ 32 ]
        get_user_name( index, name, 31 );
        culoare_scris( 0, "!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalJucatorului !verde%s !normali-a expirat !verdegag-ul.",name );
        g_Gaged[ index ] = false;
        if( g_NameChanged[ index ] )
            client_cmd( index, "name ^"%s^"", g_name[ index ] );
        return 0;
    return 1;

public check( id )
    new said[ 192 ];
    read_args( said, sizeof said - 1 );
    if( !strlen( said ) )
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
    if( g_Gaged[ id ] )
        if( g_CmdGag[ id ] )
            culoare_scris( id,"!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalAi primit gag din partea adminului !verde%s.", g_admin);
            culoare_scris( id,"!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalGag-ul iti expira peste !verde%d minut(e)." , g_GagTime[ id ], g_GagTime[ id ] == 1 ? "" : "s" );
            culoare_scris( id,"!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalAi interzicere la toate chat-urile. !verde(voice_chat/say/say_team/say_team@)", g_reason );
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            } else if( g_SwearGag[ id ] ) {
            culoare_scris( id, "!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalAi primit auto-gag pentru !verdelimbaj !normalsau !verdereclama.")
            culoare_scris( id,"!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalGag-ul iti expira peste !verde%d minute." , g_GagTime[ id ], g_GagTime[ id ] == 1 ? "" : "s" );
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
        } else {
        new bool:g_Sweared, i, pos;
        for( i = 0; i < g_Count; ++i )
            if( ( pos = containi( said, g_Words[ i ][ 1 ] ) ) != -1 )
                g_Len = g_Words[ i ][ 0 ];
                while( g_Len-- )
                    said[ pos++ ] = '*';
                g_Sweared = true;
        if( g_Sweared )
            new cmd[ 32 ], name[ 32 ];
            get_user_name( id, name, sizeof name - 1 );
            read_argv( 0, cmd, sizeof cmd - 1 );
            copy( g_name[ id ], 31, name );
            engclient_cmd( id, cmd, said );
            g_Gaged[ id ] = true;
            g_CmdGag[ id ] = false;
            g_SwearGag[ id ] = true;
            g_GagTime[ id ] = SWEAR_GAGMINUTES;
            culoare_scris( 0,"!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalJucatorul !verde%s !normala primit !verdeauto-gag !normalpentru !verde3 minute.",name );
            set_task( 60.0, "count",id+123,_,_,"b");
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public client_disconnect(id) 
        new Nick[32],Authid[35],userip[32]
        culoare_scris(0, "!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalJucatorul !verde%s !normal cu IP-ul !verde%s !normala iesit de pe server.",Nick,userip)        
        remove_task( id );

public SaveMutedPlayers(id) 
    new name[32], userip[32];
    new vaultkey[64],vaultdata[256]  
    format(vaultkey,63,"%s[IP: %s]-Muted",name,userip) 

public LoadMutedPlayers(id) 
    new name[32], userip[32];
    new vaultkey[64],vaultdata[256] 
    format(vaultkey,63,"%s[IP: %s]-Muted",name,userip) 
    replace_all(vaultdata, 255, "#", " ") 

stock culoare_scris(const id, const input[], any:...)
    new count = 1, players[32]
    static msg[191]
    vformat(msg, 190, input, 3)
    replace_all(msg, 190, "!verde", "^4")
    replace_all(msg, 190, "!normal", "^1")
    replace_all(msg, 190, "!team", "^3")
    if (id) players[0] = id; else get_players(players, count, "ch")
        for (new i = 0; i < count; i++)
            if (is_user_connected(players))
                message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players)
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02 Feb 2018, 15:17

| Afiseaza codul
[code=php]#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <nvault> 

#define WORDS   999
#define SHOW

new const g_FileName[] = "automute-words.ini";

bool:g_Gaged[ 33 ], g_GagTime[ 33 ],
bool:g_SwearGag[ 33 ], bool:g_CmdGag[ 33 ],

new g_admin[ 32 ], g_name[ 33 ][ 32 ];

new g_WordsFile[ 128 ];
new g_Words[ WORDS ][ 32 ], g_Count, g_Len;
new point
new g_vault

public plugin_init() 
    register_plugin("GAG-Manager", "1.0", "ExoTiQ")
    register_concmd( "amx_gag", "gag_cmd", ACCESS,"- <nume> <minute>" );
    register_concmd( "amx_ungag", "ungag_cmd", ACCESS, "- <nume>" );
    register_clcmd( "say", "check" );
    register_clcmd( "say_team", "check" );
    g_vault = nvault_open("ListaDisconnect");
    point = get_cvar_pointer( "amx_show_activity" );

public plugin_cfg()
    static dir[ 999 ];
    get_localinfo( "amxx_configsdir", dir, 998 );
    formatex( g_WordsFile , 127 , "%s/%s" , dir, g_FileName );
    if( !file_exists( g_WordsFile ) )
        write_file( g_WordsFile, "[Gag Words]", -1 );
    new Len;
    while( g_Count < WORDS && read_file( g_WordsFile, g_Count ,g_Words[ g_Count ][ 1 ], 30, Len ) )
        g_Words[ g_Count ][ 0 ] = Len;

public client_connect(id)

public gag_cmd( id, level, cid )
    if( !cmd_access( id, level, cid, 4 ) )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;   
    new arg[ 32 ], arg2[ 6 ];
    new name[ 32 ], namet[ 32 ];
    new minutes;
    read_argv(1, arg, 31)
    new player = cmd_target(id, arg, 9)
    if (!player) 
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    read_argv( 1, arg, sizeof arg - 1 );
    read_argv( 2, arg2, sizeof arg2 - 1 );
    get_user_name( id, name, 31 );
    copy( g_admin, 31, name );
    minutes = str_to_num( arg2 );
    new target = cmd_target( id, arg, 10 );
    if( !target)
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    if( g_Gaged[ target ] )
        console_print( id, "Jucatorul deja are gag!" );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    get_user_name( target, namet, 31 );
    copy( g_name[ target ], 31, namet );
    g_CmdGag[ target ] = true;
    g_Gaged[target] = true;
    g_GagTime[ target ] = minutes;
    culoare_scris( 0, "!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalAdminul !verde%s !normali-a dat gag lui !verde%s !normalpentru !verde%d minut(e).",get_pcvar_num( point ) == 2 ? name : "", namet, minutes);
    set_task( 60.0, "count", target + 123, _, _, "b" );
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public ungag_cmd( id,level, cid )
    if( !cmd_access( id, level, cid, 2 ) )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    new arg[ 32 ], name[ 32 ];
    read_argv( 1, arg, sizeof arg - 1 );
    get_user_name( id, name, sizeof name - 1 );
    new target = cmd_target( id, arg, 11 );
    if( !target )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    new namet[ 32 ];
    get_user_name( target, namet, sizeof namet - 1 );
    if( !g_Gaged[ target ] )
        console_print( id, "Jucatorul %s nu are gag.", namet );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    g_Gaged[ target ] = false;
    g_SwearGag[ target ] = false;
    if( g_NameChanged[ target ] )
        client_cmd( target, "name ^"%s^"", g_name[ target ] );
    g_NameChanged[ target ] = false;
    remove_task( target + 123 );
    culoare_scris( 0, "!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalAdminul !verde%s !normali-a scos gag-ul lui !verde%s.",get_pcvar_num( point ) == 2 ? name : "", namet );
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public count( task )
    new index = task - 123;
    if( !is_user_connected( index ) )
        return 0;
    g_GagTime[index] -= 1;
    if( g_GagTime[ index ] <= 0 )
        remove_task( index + 123 );
        new name[ 32 ]
        get_user_name( index, name, 31 );
        culoare_scris( 0, "!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalJucatorului !verde%s !normali-a expirat !verdegag-ul.",name );
        g_Gaged[ index ] = false;
        if( g_NameChanged[ index ] )
            client_cmd( index, "name ^"%s^"", g_name[ index ] );
        return 0;
    return 1;

public check( id )
    new said[ 192 ];
    read_args( said, sizeof said - 1 );
    if( !strlen( said ) )
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
    if( g_Gaged[ id ] )
        if( g_CmdGag[ id ] )
            culoare_scris( id,"!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalAi primit gag din partea adminului !verde%s.", g_admin);
            culoare_scris( id,"!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalGag-ul iti expira peste !verde%d minut(e)." , g_GagTime[ id ], g_GagTime[ id ] == 1 ? "" : "s" );
            culoare_scris( id,"!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalAi interzicere la toate chat-urile. !verde(voice_chat/say/say_team/say_team@)");
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            } else if( g_SwearGag[ id ] ) {
            culoare_scris( id, "!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalAi primit auto-gag pentru !verdelimbaj !normalsau !verdereclama.")
            culoare_scris( id,"!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalGag-ul iti expira peste !verde%d minute." , g_GagTime[ id ], g_GagTime[ id ] == 1 ? "" : "s" );
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
        } else {
        new bool:g_Sweared, i, pos;
        for( i = 0; i < g_Count; ++i )
            if( ( pos = containi( said, g_Words[ i ][ 1 ] ) ) != -1 )
                g_Len = g_Words[ i ][ 0 ];
                while( g_Len-- )
                    said[ pos++ ] = '*';
                g_Sweared = true;
        if( g_Sweared )
            new cmd[ 32 ], name[ 32 ];
            get_user_name( id, name, sizeof name - 1 );
            read_argv( 0, cmd, sizeof cmd - 1 );
            copy( g_name[ id ], 31, name );
            engclient_cmd( id, cmd, said );
            g_Gaged[ id ] = true;
            g_CmdGag[ id ] = false;
            g_SwearGag[ id ] = true;
            g_GagTime[ id ] = SWEAR_GAGMINUTES;
            culoare_scris( 0,"!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalJucatorul !verde%s !normala primit !verdeauto-gag !normalpentru !verde3 minute.",name );
            set_task( 60.0, "count",id+123,_,_,"b");
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public client_disconnect(id) 
        new Nick[32],Authid[35],userip[32]
        culoare_scris(0, "!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalJucatorul !verde%s !normal cu IP-ul !verde%s !normala iesit de pe server.",Nick,userip)        
        remove_task( id );

public SaveMutedPlayers(id) 
    new name[32], userip[32];
    new vaultkey[64],vaultdata[256]  
    format(vaultkey,63,"%s[IP: %s]-Muted",name,userip) 

public LoadMutedPlayers(id) 
    new name[32], userip[32];
    new vaultkey[64],vaultdata[256] 
    format(vaultkey,63,"%s[IP: %s]-Muted",name,userip) 
    replace_all(vaultdata, 255, "#", " ") 

stock culoare_scris(const id, const input[], any:...)
    new count = 1, players[32]
    static msg[191]
    vformat(msg, 190, input, 3)
    replace_all(msg, 190, "!verde", "^4")
    replace_all(msg, 190, "!normal", "^1")
    replace_all(msg, 190, "!team", "^3")
    if (id) players[0] = id; else get_players(players, count, "ch")
        for (new i = 0; i < count; i++)
            if (is_user_connected(players))
                message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players)
„Peste douăzeci de ani vei fi dezamăgit din cauza lucrurilor pe care nu le-ai făcut, nu din cauza celor pe care le-ai făcut.” - Mark Twain
„Asa e si in viata, hotii castiga, prostii care invata pierd.” - Mihai Nemeș

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02 Feb 2018, 20:11

Code: Select all

    register_concmd( "amx_gag", "gag_cmd", ACCESS,"- <nume> <minute>" );
Ai modificat doar aici? pentru că asta am făcut și eu prima oară, dar când scriu amx_gag robi 1, tot nu mă lasă să dau gag fără să pun și motivul.
sud.leaguecs.ro # 32/32 non stop. -
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03 Feb 2018, 10:24

Fre?zy - #darkmind wrote:

Code: Select all

    register_concmd( "amx_gag", "gag_cmd", ACCESS,"- <nume> <minute>" );
Ai modificat doar aici? pentru că asta am făcut și eu prima oară, dar când scriu amx_gag robi 1, tot nu mă lasă să dau gag fără să pun și motivul.
Nu, trebuia sa stergi motivul din argumentele apelului comenzii.
„Peste douăzeci de ani vei fi dezamăgit din cauza lucrurilor pe care nu le-ai făcut, nu din cauza celor pe care le-ai făcut.” - Mark Twain
„Asa e si in viata, hotii castiga, prostii care invata pierd.” - Mihai Nemeș

Bio.LeagueCs.Ro - Biohazard v4.4 Xmas Edition
discord: IonutC#5114

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Ai nevoie de ajutorul meu? Ma poti gasi doar la adresa de discord de mai sus.
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03 Feb 2018, 10:45

YONTU wrote:
| Afiseaza codul
[code=php]#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <nvault> 

#define WORDS   999
#define SHOW

new const g_FileName[] = "automute-words.ini";

bool:g_Gaged[ 33 ], g_GagTime[ 33 ],
bool:g_SwearGag[ 33 ], bool:g_CmdGag[ 33 ],

new g_admin[ 32 ], g_name[ 33 ][ 32 ];

new g_WordsFile[ 128 ];
new g_Words[ WORDS ][ 32 ], g_Count, g_Len;
new point
new g_vault

public plugin_init() 
    register_plugin("GAG-Manager", "1.0", "ExoTiQ")
    register_concmd( "amx_gag", "gag_cmd", ACCESS,"- <nume> <minute>" );
    register_concmd( "amx_ungag", "ungag_cmd", ACCESS, "- <nume>" );
    register_clcmd( "say", "check" );
    register_clcmd( "say_team", "check" );
    g_vault = nvault_open("ListaDisconnect");
    point = get_cvar_pointer( "amx_show_activity" );

public plugin_cfg()
    static dir[ 999 ];
    get_localinfo( "amxx_configsdir", dir, 998 );
    formatex( g_WordsFile , 127 , "%s/%s" , dir, g_FileName );
    if( !file_exists( g_WordsFile ) )
        write_file( g_WordsFile, "[Gag Words]", -1 );
    new Len;
    while( g_Count < WORDS && read_file( g_WordsFile, g_Count ,g_Words[ g_Count ][ 1 ], 30, Len ) )
        g_Words[ g_Count ][ 0 ] = Len;

public client_connect(id)

public gag_cmd( id, level, cid )
    if( !cmd_access( id, level, cid, 4 ) )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;   
    new arg[ 32 ], arg2[ 6 ];
    new name[ 32 ], namet[ 32 ];
    new minutes;
    read_argv(1, arg, 31)
    new player = cmd_target(id, arg, 9)
    if (!player) 
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    read_argv( 1, arg, sizeof arg - 1 );
    read_argv( 2, arg2, sizeof arg2 - 1 );
    get_user_name( id, name, 31 );
    copy( g_admin, 31, name );
    minutes = str_to_num( arg2 );
    new target = cmd_target( id, arg, 10 );
    if( !target)
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    if( g_Gaged[ target ] )
        console_print( id, "Jucatorul deja are gag!" );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    get_user_name( target, namet, 31 );
    copy( g_name[ target ], 31, namet );
    g_CmdGag[ target ] = true;
    g_Gaged[target] = true;
    g_GagTime[ target ] = minutes;
    culoare_scris( 0, "!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalAdminul !verde%s !normali-a dat gag lui !verde%s !normalpentru !verde%d minut(e).",get_pcvar_num( point ) == 2 ? name : "", namet, minutes);
    set_task( 60.0, "count", target + 123, _, _, "b" );
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public ungag_cmd( id,level, cid )
    if( !cmd_access( id, level, cid, 2 ) )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    new arg[ 32 ], name[ 32 ];
    read_argv( 1, arg, sizeof arg - 1 );
    get_user_name( id, name, sizeof name - 1 );
    new target = cmd_target( id, arg, 11 );
    if( !target )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    new namet[ 32 ];
    get_user_name( target, namet, sizeof namet - 1 );
    if( !g_Gaged[ target ] )
        console_print( id, "Jucatorul %s nu are gag.", namet );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    g_Gaged[ target ] = false;
    g_SwearGag[ target ] = false;
    if( g_NameChanged[ target ] )
        client_cmd( target, "name ^"%s^"", g_name[ target ] );
    g_NameChanged[ target ] = false;
    remove_task( target + 123 );
    culoare_scris( 0, "!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalAdminul !verde%s !normali-a scos gag-ul lui !verde%s.",get_pcvar_num( point ) == 2 ? name : "", namet );
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public count( task )
    new index = task - 123;
    if( !is_user_connected( index ) )
        return 0;
    g_GagTime[index] -= 1;
    if( g_GagTime[ index ] <= 0 )
        remove_task( index + 123 );
        new name[ 32 ]
        get_user_name( index, name, 31 );
        culoare_scris( 0, "!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalJucatorului !verde%s !normali-a expirat !verdegag-ul.",name );
        g_Gaged[ index ] = false;
        if( g_NameChanged[ index ] )
            client_cmd( index, "name ^"%s^"", g_name[ index ] );
        return 0;
    return 1;

public check( id )
    new said[ 192 ];
    read_args( said, sizeof said - 1 );
    if( !strlen( said ) )
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
    if( g_Gaged[ id ] )
        if( g_CmdGag[ id ] )
            culoare_scris( id,"!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalAi primit gag din partea adminului !verde%s.", g_admin);
            culoare_scris( id,"!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalGag-ul iti expira peste !verde%d minut(e)." , g_GagTime[ id ], g_GagTime[ id ] == 1 ? "" : "s" );
            culoare_scris( id,"!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalAi interzicere la toate chat-urile. !verde(voice_chat/say/say_team/say_team@)");
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
            } else if( g_SwearGag[ id ] ) {
            culoare_scris( id, "!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalAi primit auto-gag pentru !verdelimbaj !normalsau !verdereclama.")
            culoare_scris( id,"!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalGag-ul iti expira peste !verde%d minute." , g_GagTime[ id ], g_GagTime[ id ] == 1 ? "" : "s" );
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
        } else {
        new bool:g_Sweared, i, pos;
        for( i = 0; i < g_Count; ++i )
            if( ( pos = containi( said, g_Words[ i ][ 1 ] ) ) != -1 )
                g_Len = g_Words[ i ][ 0 ];
                while( g_Len-- )
                    said[ pos++ ] = '*';
                g_Sweared = true;
        if( g_Sweared )
            new cmd[ 32 ], name[ 32 ];
            get_user_name( id, name, sizeof name - 1 );
            read_argv( 0, cmd, sizeof cmd - 1 );
            copy( g_name[ id ], 31, name );
            engclient_cmd( id, cmd, said );
            g_Gaged[ id ] = true;
            g_CmdGag[ id ] = false;
            g_SwearGag[ id ] = true;
            g_GagTime[ id ] = SWEAR_GAGMINUTES;
            culoare_scris( 0,"!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalJucatorul !verde%s !normala primit !verdeauto-gag !normalpentru !verde3 minute.",name );
            set_task( 60.0, "count",id+123,_,_,"b");
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public client_disconnect(id) 
        new Nick[32],Authid[35],userip[32]
        culoare_scris(0, "!verde[INDUNGI]: !normalJucatorul !verde%s !normal cu IP-ul !verde%s !normala iesit de pe server.",Nick,userip)        
        remove_task( id );

public SaveMutedPlayers(id) 
    new name[32], userip[32];
    new vaultkey[64],vaultdata[256]  
    format(vaultkey,63,"%s[IP: %s]-Muted",name,userip) 

public LoadMutedPlayers(id) 
    new name[32], userip[32];
    new vaultkey[64],vaultdata[256] 
    format(vaultkey,63,"%s[IP: %s]-Muted",name,userip) 
    replace_all(vaultdata, 255, "#", " ") 

stock culoare_scris(const id, const input[], any:...)
    new count = 1, players[32]
    static msg[191]
    vformat(msg, 190, input, 3)
    replace_all(msg, 190, "!verde", "^4")
    replace_all(msg, 190, "!normal", "^1")
    replace_all(msg, 190, "!team", "^3")
    if (id) players[0] = id; else get_players(players, count, "ch")
        for (new i = 0; i < count; i++)
            if (is_user_connected(players))
                message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players)

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03 Feb 2018, 22:56

A da, uitasem. Cauta publicul gag_cmd si modifica linia

Code: Select all

if( !cmd_access( id, level, cid, 4 ) )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
Astfel: in loc de 4 pune 3
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04 Feb 2018, 23:50

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