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CS:GO Server Steam/Nosteam [Linux][Full]

Posted: 21 Nov 2014, 21:14
by emilcsm
--- Updated 29.01.2015 ----

Here we give you a most simple method to make your own csgo server with no-steam support

For first make sure your windows machine have enought RAM memory and a decent cpu, Then:
be sure you have screen and wget installed on your Linux system, if is not installed you can install it (from root account) with comand

CentOS, Fedora, Redhat,

Code: Select all

yum install screen

Code: Select all

yum install wget
Ubuntu, Debian

Code: Select all

apt-get install screen 

Code: Select all

apt-get install wget  
Server install:
1.Download CS:GO no-steam server maker:

Code: Select all

2.Extract csgo-ds.tar.gz

Code: Select all

tar -zxvf csgo-ds.tar.gz
3.Install csgo-ds , that will install dedicated server, no-steam support, last metamod, last sourcemod.

Code: Select all

Now your server is installed with the last metamod, sourcemod, no-steam patch.

4. Edit gamemode_casual_server.cfg found in "csgo-ds/csgo/cfg" and replace :

Code: Select all

hostname "-= My new no-steam casual server =-"
rcon_password "changeme021"
with desired values.

4.1. Edit gamemode_competitive_server.cfg found in "csgo-ds/csgo/cfg" and replace :

Code: Select all

hostname "-= My new no-steam competitive server =-"
rcon_password "changeme021"
with desired values.

4.2. Edit gamemode_deathmatch_server.cfg found in "csgo-ds/csgo/cfg" and replace :

Code: Select all

hostname "-= My new no-steam deathmatch server =-"
rcon_password "changeme021"
with desired values.

5. Edit found in "csgo-ds" and replace with your server ip
5.1 Edit found in "csgo-ds" and replace with your server ip
5.2 Edit found in "csgo-ds" and replace with your server ip

Now you can start your server with desired mod, using :
./ - for classic casual mod
./ - for competitive mod
./ - for deathmatch (respawn) mod.

To acces console type:

Code: Select all

screen -x casual 
if you are started a casual server

Code: Select all

screen -x competitive
if your are started a competitive server

Code: Select all

screen -x deathmatch 
if your are started a deathmatch server.

For detaching from console without stop the server press
Ctrl + a + d

For plugins and addons go to

This is your begin. For other or advanced things we have other topics :).


For Windows Servers.

Here we give you a most simple method to make your own csgo server with no-steam support

For first make sure your windows machine have enought RAM memory and a decent cpu, Then:
1. Download CS:GO Dedicated server with no-steam support from here
2. Extract
3. Run install_server.exe [which will take a while, depending on your system's connection and performance]

Now your server is installed with the last metamod, sourcemod, no-steam patch.

4. Edit gamemode_casual_server.cfg found in "csgo-ds/csgo/cfg" and replace :

Code: Select all

hostname "-= My new no-steam casual server =-"
rcon_password "changeme021"
with desired values.

4.1. Edit gamemode_competitive_server.cfg found in "csgo-ds/csgo/cfg" and replace :

Code: Select all

hostname "-= My new no-steam competitive server =-"
rcon_password "changeme021"
with desired values.

4.2. Edit gamemode_deathmatch_server.cfg found in "csgo-ds/csgo/cfg" and replace :

Code: Select all

hostname "-= My new no-steam deathmatch server =-"
rcon_password "changeme021"
with desired values.

5. Edit casual.bat found in "csgo-ds" and replace with your server ip
5.1 Edit competitive.bat found in "csgo-ds" and replace with your server ip
5.2 Edit deathmatch.bat found in "csgo-ds" and replace with your server ip

Now you can start your server with desired mod, using :
casual.bat - for classic casual mod
competitive.bat - for competitive mod
deathmatch.bat - for deathmatch (respawn) mod.

Good luck, soon will come with new things like automatic updater for no-steam servers.

Re: CS:GO Server Steam/Nosteam [Linux][Full]

Posted: 30 Nov 2014, 13:19
by aScy
Multumim . :)

Re: CS:GO Server Steam/Nosteam [Linux][Full]

Posted: 04 Dec 2014, 18:48

Re: CS:GO Server Steam/Nosteam [Linux][Full]

Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 12:56
by Alive.
Nu recomand celor care au servere cs go sa faca aceste setari , se va ajunge cum e cs 1.6 multi codati.

Re: CS:GO Server Steam/Nosteam [Linux][Full]

Posted: 29 May 2015, 22:50
by bobojumbo
Salut, am si eu niste probleme legate de serverul csgo, este nou facut,nu are nici macar addons,plugine etc.
cand este gol arata ca in poza nr 1:

poza nr 1: Image

iar daca se conecteaza 1 player pe server si pornesc si botii, serverul la favorite si la internet arata ca in poza nr 2:
Poza nr 2: Image

iar daca mai intra al 2-lea player serverul arata ca in poza nr 3 si tot asa mai departe:
Poz nr 3: Image

Observati ca si la tag-urile serverului apare empty , secure, cand este gol, acolo as vrea sa scot acest empty cum au alte servere.

Re: CS:GO Server Steam/Nosteam [Linux][Full]

Posted: 16 Jun 2015, 10:49
by Diabol
cum maresc sloturile ?

Re: CS:GO Server Steam/Nosteam [Linux][Full]

Posted: 22 Jul 2015, 13:26
Diabol wrote:cum maresc sloturile ?
Incearca la linia de start:

Code: Select all

start /high srcds.exe -game csgo -console -usercon +port 27015 +game_type 0 +game_mode 0 +mapgroup mg_bomb +map ze_dangerous_waters_v1h_03 -maxplayers_override 20 -tickrate 128 +exec server.cfg +sv_cheats 0 -autoupdate -stringtables  

Code: Select all

-maxplayers_override 20
la 20 pui cat vrei tu...

Re: CS:GO Server Steam/Nosteam [Linux][Full]

Posted: 25 Jan 2016, 02:24
by Dumitru.