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[Plugin] amx_tagchat (Player Tag)

Posted: 07 Jan 2019, 03:20
by aEEk.#
Descriere: Acest plugin ofera posibilitatea de a adauga TAG pentru anumiti playeri de pe server (folosind numele, ipul sau steamidul jucatorului respectiv)

Exemplu "[Owner] Nume-Jucator: textul afisat in chat" (dupa cum se poate vedea si in imaginea de mai jos)

Este o alternativa creata dupa pluginul `Allchat` al lui "Ian Cammarata".

Descarcare: -

1. Ian Cammarata
2. Askhanar

| Afiseaza codul
#include < amxmodx >
#include < amxmisc >
#include < fakemeta >

static const PLUGIN[ ] = "AllChat + Tag";
static const VERSION[ ] = "v1.2b";

new szFile[ 128 ];

new PlayerTag[ 33 ][ 32 ];
new bool:PlayerHasTag[ 33 ];

//cvar pointers
new tc_allchat, tc_alltalk, tc_hidestat, tc_teamchat;

//vars to check if message has already been duplicated
new alv_sndr, alv_szSTRM[26], alv_str4[101]
new msg[200];

public plugin_init( )
	register_plugin( PLUGIN, VERSION, "Ian Cammarata" );
	register_concmd( "amx_reloadtags", "Action_ReloadTags", -1, "" );

	register_forward( FM_ClientUserInfoChanged, "fwClientUserInfoChanged" );
	tc_allchat = register_cvar( "sv_allchat", "2" )
	tc_hidestat = register_cvar( "tc_hidestatus", "0" )
	tc_teamchat = register_cvar( "tc_teamchat", "1" )
	tc_alltalk = get_cvar_pointer( "sv_alltalk" )
	register_message( get_user_msgid("SayText"), "col_changer" )

public plugin_precache( ) 
	get_configsdir( szFile, sizeof ( szFile ) -1 );
	formatex( szFile, sizeof ( szFile ) -1, "%s/amx_tags.ini", szFile );
	if( !file_exists( szFile ) ) 
		write_file( szFile, ";^"Name^" ^"IP^" ^"SteamID^" ^"Player Tag^" ", -1 );
		write_file( szFile, "; TAGURILE se dau sau pe NUME, sau pe IP, sau pe STEAMID !", -1 );
		write_file( szFile, "; A nu se da tag pe nume, ip si/sau steamid in acelasi timp !", -1 );

public col_changer( msg_id, msg_dest, rcvr )
	new szSTRM[26]
	get_msg_arg_string( 2, szSTRM, 25 )
	if( equal( szSTRM, "#Cstrike_Chat", 13 ) )
		new str3[22]
		get_msg_arg_string( 3, str3, 21 )
		if( !strlen( str3 ) )
			new str4[101]
			get_msg_arg_string( 4, str4, 100 )
			new sndr = get_msg_arg_int( 1 )
			new bool:is_team_msg = !bool:equal( szSTRM, "#Cstrike_Chat_All", 17 )
			new sndr_team = get_user_team( sndr )
			new bool:is_sndr_spec = !bool:( 0 < sndr_team < 3 )
			new bool:same_as_last = bool:( alv_sndr == sndr && equal( alv_szSTRM, szSTRM ) && equal( alv_str4, str4) )
			if( !same_as_last )
			{	//Duplicate message once
				new allchat = clamp( get_pcvar_num( tc_allchat ), 0, 2 )
				if( allchat == 2 || ( allchat == 1 && clamp( get_pcvar_num( tc_alltalk ), 0, 1 ) == 1 ) )
					if( !( is_team_msg && ( is_sndr_spec || is_team_msg && get_pcvar_num( tc_teamchat ) == 0 ) ) )
					{//Don't duplicate if it's a spectator team message
						new flags[5], team[10]
						if( is_user_alive( sndr ) ) flags = "bch"
						else flags = "ach"
						if( is_team_msg )
							add( flags[strlen( flags )], 4, "e" )
							if( sndr_team == 1 ) team = "TERRORIST"
							else team = "CT"
						new players[32], num
						get_players( players, num, flags, team )

						buildmsg( sndr, is_sndr_spec, is_team_msg, sndr_team, str4 )

						for( new i=0; i < num; i++ )
							message_begin( MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid( "SayText" ), _, players )
							write_byte( sndr )
							write_string( msg )
					alv_sndr = sndr
					alv_szSTRM = szSTRM
					alv_str4 = str4
					if( task_exists( 411 ) ) remove_task( 411 )
					set_task( 0.1, "task_clear_antiloop_vars", 411 )
			if( !same_as_last ) 
			buildmsg( sndr, is_sndr_spec, is_team_msg, sndr_team, str4 )

			set_msg_arg_string( 2, msg )
			set_msg_arg_string( 4, "" )

public buildmsg( sndr, is_sndr_spec, is_team_msg, sndr_team, str4[ ] )
	new sndr_name[33]
	get_user_name( sndr, sndr_name, 32 )
	new prefix[30] = "^x01"
	if( get_pcvar_num( tc_hidestat ) == 0 )
		if( is_sndr_spec ) prefix = "^x01*SPEC* "
		else if( !is_user_alive( sndr ) ) prefix = "^x01*DEAD* "
	if( is_team_msg )
		if( is_sndr_spec ) prefix = "^x01(Spectator) "
		else if( sndr_team == 1 ) add( prefix[strlen(prefix)-1], 29, "(Terrorist) " )
		else if( sndr_team == 2 ) add( prefix[strlen(prefix)-1], 29, "(Counter-Terrorist) " )
	format( msg, 199, "^x01%s^x04%s ^x03%s: ^x01%s", strlen( prefix ) > 1 ? prefix : "", PlayerHasTag[sndr] ? PlayerTag[sndr] : "", sndr_name, str4 )

public task_clear_antiloop_vars( )
	alv_sndr = 0
	alv_szSTRM = ""
	alv_str4 = ""

public client_putinserver( id )
	if( is_user_bot( id ) || is_user_hltv( id ) ){

	Action_TagLoader( id );

public fwClientUserInfoChanged( id, buffer )
	if ( !is_user_connected( id ) )
	static newname[ 32 ];
	static name[ 32 ];
	get_user_name( id, name, sizeof ( name ) -1 );
	engfunc( EngFunc_InfoKeyValue, buffer, "name", newname, sizeof ( newname ) -1 );
	if ( equal( newname, name ) )

	set_task( 0.1, "Action_TagLoader", id );

public Action_ReloadTags( id )
	if( !( get_user_flags( id ) & ADMIN_RCON ) )
		client_cmd( id, "echo Nu ai acces la aceasta comanda !");
		return 1;
	new iPlayers[ 32 ];
	new iPlayersNum;

	get_players( iPlayers, iPlayersNum, "c" );		
	for( new i = 0 ; i < iPlayersNum ; i++ )
		PlayerHasTag[ iPlayers[ i ] ] = false;
		Action_TagLoader( iPlayers[ i ] );
	client_cmd( id, "echo Tag-urile au fost incarcate cu succes !");
	return 1;

public Action_TagLoader( id )
	PlayerHasTag[ id ] = false;
	if( !file_exists( szFile ) ) 
		write_file( szFile, ";^"Name^" ^"IP^" ^"SteamID^" ^"Player Tag^" ", -1 );
		write_file( szFile, "; TAGURILE se dau sau pe NUME, sau pe IP, sau pe STEAMID !", -1 );
		write_file( szFile, "; A nu se da tag pe nume, ip si/sau steamid in acelasi timp !", -1 );
	new file = fopen( szFile, "rt" );
	if( !file ) return 0;
	new data[ 512 ], buffer[ 4 ][ 32 ] ;
	while( !feof( file ) ) 
		fgets( file, data, sizeof ( data ) -1 );
		if( !data[ 0 ] || data[ 0 ] == ';' || ( data[ 0 ] == '/' && data[ 1 ] == '/' ) ) 
		buffer[ 0 ], sizeof ( buffer[ ] ) - 1,\
		buffer[ 1 ], sizeof ( buffer[ ] ) - 1,\
		buffer[ 2 ], sizeof ( buffer[ ] ) - 1,\
		buffer[ 3 ], sizeof ( buffer[ ] ) - 1
		new fName[ 32 ], ip[32], szAuthID[32];
		get_user_name( id, fName, sizeof ( fName ) -1 );
		get_user_ip( id, ip, sizeof ( ip ) -1 );
   		get_user_authid(id, szAuthID, sizeof ( szAuthID ) -1);
		if( equal( fName, buffer[ 0 ] ) || equal( ip, buffer[ 1 ] ) || equal( szAuthID, buffer[ 2 ] ) )
			PlayerHasTag[ id ] = true;
			copy( PlayerTag[ id ], sizeof ( PlayerTag[ ] ) -1, buffer[ 3 ] );
	return 0;

Nume: amx_tagchat
Versiune: 1.2b
Link oficial: -

1. Fisierul amx_tagchat.sma il puneti in addons/amxmodx/scripting
2. Fisierul amx_tagchat.amxx il puneti in addons/amxmodx/plugins
3. Fisierul amx_tags.ini il puneti in addons/amxmodx/configs
4. Intrati in fisierul addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini si adaugati la urma:

Code: Select all

Cvar-uri (se adauga in fisierul amxmodx\configs\amxx.cfg):
  • sv_allchat 2
    1 - Dependent on sv_alltalk
    2 - Always active
    0 - Disabled
    Default: 2

    tc_hidestatus 0
    0 = Show dead/spec status.
    1 = Hide status.
    Default: 0

    tc_teamchat 1
    0 = Dead and living can't team chat.
    1 = Dead and living can team chat.
    Default: 1
Comenzi administrative (se tasteaza in consola si trebuie sa fiti administrator):
  • amx_reloadtags - pentru a putea da reload la taguri fara a schimba harta v
Comenzi publice (se tasteaza in joc prin apasarea tastei Y): -

Module necesare (se sterge ; din fata modulului de mai jos; acestea le gasiti in fisierul amxmodx\configs\modules.ini):
- Fakemeta


- Am scos admin colors deoarece mi se parea irelevant.
- Inainte de instalarea acestui plugin se recomanda a se dezactiva pluginurile de genul: ghostchat.amxx / allchat.amxx / admin_chat_colors.amxx / admin_chat_ranks.amxx etc.

Re: [Plugin] amx_tagchat (Player Tag)

Posted: 07 Jan 2019, 18:16
by levin
v-ați pus la autor peste 2 plugine care sunt pe net? jalnic

Re: [Plugin] amx_tagchat (Player Tag)

Posted: 12 Oct 2019, 12:52
by Madbrain
Nu merge compilat pluginul.

Re: [Plugin] amx_tagchat (Player Tag)

Posted: 15 Oct 2019, 10:07
by Madbrain
Imi da eroare la compilare.
Se poate rezolva?

Code: Select all

Your plugin failed to compile! Read the errors below:
Welcome to the AMX Mod X 1.8.1-300 Compiler.
Copyright (c) 1997-2006 ITB CompuPhase, AMX Mod X Team

/tmp/textm8cnPS.sma(97) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 4)

1 Error.
Could not locate output file /home/groups/amxmodx/public_html/websc3/textm8cnPS.amx (compile failed).

Re: [Plugin] amx_tagchat (Player Tag)

Posted: 15 Oct 2019, 14:14
by levin
sunt n plugine de tag, fix ăsta cu probleme îl vrei?=))))))))))

Code: Select all

#include < amxmodx >
#include < amxmisc >
#include < fakemeta >

static const PLUGIN[ ] = "AllChat + Tag";
static const VERSION[ ] = "v1.2b";

new szFile[ 128 ];

new PlayerTag[ 33 ][ 32 ];
new bool:PlayerHasTag[ 33 ];

//cvar pointers
new tc_allchat, tc_alltalk, tc_hidestat, tc_teamchat;

//vars to check if message has already been duplicated
new alv_sndr, alv_szSTRM[26], alv_str4[101]
new msg[200];

public plugin_init( )
	register_plugin( PLUGIN, VERSION, "Ian Cammarata & Askhanar" );
	register_concmd( "amx_reloadtags", "Action_ReloadTags", -1, "" );

	register_forward( FM_ClientUserInfoChanged, "fwClientUserInfoChanged" );
	tc_allchat = register_cvar( "sv_allchat", "2" )
	tc_hidestat = register_cvar( "tc_hidestatus", "0" )
	tc_teamchat = register_cvar( "tc_teamchat", "1" )
	tc_alltalk = get_cvar_pointer( "sv_alltalk" )
	register_message( get_user_msgid("SayText"), "col_changer" )

public plugin_precache( ) 
	get_configsdir( szFile, sizeof ( szFile ) -1 );
	formatex( szFile, sizeof ( szFile ) -1, "%s/amx_tags.ini", szFile );
	if( !file_exists( szFile ) ) 
		write_file( szFile, ";^"Name^" ^"IP^" ^"SteamID^" ^"Player Tag^" ", -1 );
		write_file( szFile, "; TAGURILE se dau sau pe NUME, sau pe IP, sau pe STEAMID !", -1 );
		write_file( szFile, "; A nu se da tag pe nume, ip si/sau steamid in acelasi timp !", -1 );

public col_changer( msg_id, msg_dest, rcvr )
	new szSTRM[26]
	get_msg_arg_string( 2, szSTRM, 25 )
	if( equal( szSTRM, "#Cstrike_Chat", 13 ) )
		new str3[22]
		get_msg_arg_string( 3, str3, 21 )
		if( !strlen( str3 ) )
			new str4[101]
			get_msg_arg_string( 4, str4, 100 )
			new sndr = get_msg_arg_int( 1 )
			new bool:is_team_msg = !bool:equal( szSTRM, "#Cstrike_Chat_All", 17 )
			new sndr_team = get_user_team( sndr )
			new bool:is_sndr_spec = !bool:( 0 < sndr_team < 3 )
			new bool:same_as_last = bool:( alv_sndr == sndr && equal( alv_szSTRM, szSTRM ) && equal( alv_str4, str4) )
			if( !same_as_last )
			{	//Duplicate message once
				new allchat = clamp( get_pcvar_num( tc_allchat ), 0, 2 )
				if( allchat == 2 || ( allchat == 1 && clamp( get_pcvar_num( tc_alltalk ), 0, 1 ) == 1 ) )
					if( !( is_team_msg && ( is_sndr_spec || is_team_msg && get_pcvar_num( tc_teamchat ) == 0 ) ) )
					{//Don't duplicate if it's a spectator team message
						new flags[5], team[10]
						if( is_user_alive( sndr ) ) flags = "bch"
						else flags = "ach"
						if( is_team_msg )
							add( flags[strlen( flags )], 4, "e" )
							if( sndr_team == 1 ) team = "TERRORIST"
							else team = "CT"
						new players[32], num
						get_players( players, num, flags, team )

						buildmsg( sndr, is_sndr_spec, is_team_msg, sndr_team, str4 )

						for( new i=0; i < num; i++ )
							message_begin( MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid( "SayText" ), _, players[i] )
							write_byte( sndr )
							write_string( msg )
					alv_sndr = sndr
					alv_szSTRM = szSTRM
					alv_str4 = str4
					if( task_exists( 411 ) ) remove_task( 411 )
					set_task( 0.1, "task_clear_antiloop_vars", 411 )
			if( !same_as_last ) 
			buildmsg( sndr, is_sndr_spec, is_team_msg, sndr_team, str4 )

			set_msg_arg_string( 2, msg )
			set_msg_arg_string( 4, "" )

public buildmsg( sndr, is_sndr_spec, is_team_msg, sndr_team, str4[ ] )
	new sndr_name[33]
	get_user_name( sndr, sndr_name, 32 )
	new prefix[30] = "^x01"
	if( get_pcvar_num( tc_hidestat ) == 0 )
		if( is_sndr_spec ) prefix = "^x01*SPEC* "
		else if( !is_user_alive( sndr ) ) prefix = "^x01*DEAD* "
	if( is_team_msg )
		if( is_sndr_spec ) prefix = "^x01(Spectator) "
		else if( sndr_team == 1 ) add( prefix[strlen(prefix)-1], 29, "(Terrorist) " )
		else if( sndr_team == 2 ) add( prefix[strlen(prefix)-1], 29, "(Counter-Terrorist) " )
	format( msg, 199, "^x01%s^x04%s ^x03%s: ^x01%s", strlen( prefix ) > 1 ? prefix : "", PlayerHasTag[sndr] ? PlayerTag[sndr] : "", sndr_name, str4 )

public task_clear_antiloop_vars( )
	alv_sndr = 0
	alv_szSTRM = ""
	alv_str4 = ""

public client_putinserver( id )
	if( is_user_bot( id ) || is_user_hltv( id ) ){

	Action_TagLoader( id );

public fwClientUserInfoChanged( id, buffer )
	if ( !is_user_connected( id ) )
	static newname[ 32 ];
	static name[ 32 ];
	get_user_name( id, name, sizeof ( name ) -1 );
	engfunc( EngFunc_InfoKeyValue, buffer, "name", newname, sizeof ( newname ) -1 );
	if ( equal( newname, name ) )

	set_task( 0.1, "Action_TagLoader", id );

public Action_ReloadTags( id )
	if( !( get_user_flags( id ) & ADMIN_RCON ) )
		client_cmd( id, "echo Nu ai acces la aceasta comanda !");
		return 1;
	new iPlayers[ 32 ];
	new iPlayersNum;

	get_players( iPlayers, iPlayersNum, "c" );		
	for( new i = 0 ; i < iPlayersNum ; i++ )
		PlayerHasTag[ iPlayers[ i ] ] = false;
		Action_TagLoader( iPlayers[ i ] );
	client_cmd( id, "echo Tag-urile au fost incarcate cu succes !");
	return 1;

public Action_TagLoader( id )
	PlayerHasTag[ id ] = false;
	if( !file_exists( szFile ) ) 
		write_file( szFile, ";^"Name^" ^"IP^" ^"SteamID^" ^"Player Tag^" ", -1 );
		write_file( szFile, "; TAGURILE se dau sau pe NUME, sau pe IP, sau pe STEAMID !", -1 );
		write_file( szFile, "; A nu se da tag pe nume, ip si/sau steamid in acelasi timp !", -1 );
	new file = fopen( szFile, "rt" );
	if( !file ) return 0;
	new data[ 512 ], buffer[ 4 ][ 32 ] ;
	while( !feof( file ) ) 
		fgets( file, data, sizeof ( data ) -1 );
		if( !data[ 0 ] || data[ 0 ] == ';' || ( data[ 0 ] == '/' && data[ 1 ] == '/' ) ) 
		buffer[ 0 ], sizeof ( buffer[ ] ) - 1,\
		buffer[ 1 ], sizeof ( buffer[ ] ) - 1,\
		buffer[ 2 ], sizeof ( buffer[ ] ) - 1,\
		buffer[ 3 ], sizeof ( buffer[ ] ) - 1
		new fName[ 32 ], ip[32], szAuthID[32];
		get_user_name( id, fName, sizeof ( fName ) -1 );
		get_user_ip( id, ip, sizeof ( ip ) -1 );
   		get_user_authid(id, szAuthID, sizeof ( szAuthID ) -1);
		if( equal( fName, buffer[ 0 ] ) || equal( ip, buffer[ 1 ] ) || equal( szAuthID, buffer[ 2 ] ) )
			PlayerHasTag[ id ] = true;
			copy( PlayerTag[ id ], sizeof ( PlayerTag[ ] ) -1, buffer[ 3 ] );
	return 0;

Re: [Plugin] amx_tagchat (Player Tag)

Posted: 16 Oct 2019, 09:43
by Madbrain
L E V I N wrote:
15 Oct 2019, 14:14
sunt n plugine de tag, fix ăsta cu probleme îl vrei?=))))))))))

Code: Select all

#include < amxmodx >
#include < amxmisc >
#include < fakemeta >

static const PLUGIN[ ] = "AllChat + Tag";
static const VERSION[ ] = "v1.2b";

new szFile[ 128 ];

new PlayerTag[ 33 ][ 32 ];
new bool:PlayerHasTag[ 33 ];

//cvar pointers
new tc_allchat, tc_alltalk, tc_hidestat, tc_teamchat;

//vars to check if message has already been duplicated
new alv_sndr, alv_szSTRM[26], alv_str4[101]
new msg[200];

public plugin_init( )
	register_plugin( PLUGIN, VERSION, "Ian Cammarata & Askhanar" );
	register_concmd( "amx_reloadtags", "Action_ReloadTags", -1, "" );

	register_forward( FM_ClientUserInfoChanged, "fwClientUserInfoChanged" );
	tc_allchat = register_cvar( "sv_allchat", "2" )
	tc_hidestat = register_cvar( "tc_hidestatus", "0" )
	tc_teamchat = register_cvar( "tc_teamchat", "1" )
	tc_alltalk = get_cvar_pointer( "sv_alltalk" )
	register_message( get_user_msgid("SayText"), "col_changer" )

public plugin_precache( ) 
	get_configsdir( szFile, sizeof ( szFile ) -1 );
	formatex( szFile, sizeof ( szFile ) -1, "%s/amx_tags.ini", szFile );
	if( !file_exists( szFile ) ) 
		write_file( szFile, ";^"Name^" ^"IP^" ^"SteamID^" ^"Player Tag^" ", -1 );
		write_file( szFile, "; TAGURILE se dau sau pe NUME, sau pe IP, sau pe STEAMID !", -1 );
		write_file( szFile, "; A nu se da tag pe nume, ip si/sau steamid in acelasi timp !", -1 );

public col_changer( msg_id, msg_dest, rcvr )
	new szSTRM[26]
	get_msg_arg_string( 2, szSTRM, 25 )
	if( equal( szSTRM, "#Cstrike_Chat", 13 ) )
		new str3[22]
		get_msg_arg_string( 3, str3, 21 )
		if( !strlen( str3 ) )
			new str4[101]
			get_msg_arg_string( 4, str4, 100 )
			new sndr = get_msg_arg_int( 1 )
			new bool:is_team_msg = !bool:equal( szSTRM, "#Cstrike_Chat_All", 17 )
			new sndr_team = get_user_team( sndr )
			new bool:is_sndr_spec = !bool:( 0 < sndr_team < 3 )
			new bool:same_as_last = bool:( alv_sndr == sndr && equal( alv_szSTRM, szSTRM ) && equal( alv_str4, str4) )
			if( !same_as_last )
			{	//Duplicate message once
				new allchat = clamp( get_pcvar_num( tc_allchat ), 0, 2 )
				if( allchat == 2 || ( allchat == 1 && clamp( get_pcvar_num( tc_alltalk ), 0, 1 ) == 1 ) )
					if( !( is_team_msg && ( is_sndr_spec || is_team_msg && get_pcvar_num( tc_teamchat ) == 0 ) ) )
					{//Don't duplicate if it's a spectator team message
						new flags[5], team[10]
						if( is_user_alive( sndr ) ) flags = "bch"
						else flags = "ach"
						if( is_team_msg )
							add( flags[strlen( flags )], 4, "e" )
							if( sndr_team == 1 ) team = "TERRORIST"
							else team = "CT"
						new players[32], num
						get_players( players, num, flags, team )

						buildmsg( sndr, is_sndr_spec, is_team_msg, sndr_team, str4 )

						for( new i=0; i < num; i++ )
							message_begin( MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid( "SayText" ), _, players[i] )
							write_byte( sndr )
							write_string( msg )
					alv_sndr = sndr
					alv_szSTRM = szSTRM
					alv_str4 = str4
					if( task_exists( 411 ) ) remove_task( 411 )
					set_task( 0.1, "task_clear_antiloop_vars", 411 )
			if( !same_as_last ) 
			buildmsg( sndr, is_sndr_spec, is_team_msg, sndr_team, str4 )

			set_msg_arg_string( 2, msg )
			set_msg_arg_string( 4, "" )

public buildmsg( sndr, is_sndr_spec, is_team_msg, sndr_team, str4[ ] )
	new sndr_name[33]
	get_user_name( sndr, sndr_name, 32 )
	new prefix[30] = "^x01"
	if( get_pcvar_num( tc_hidestat ) == 0 )
		if( is_sndr_spec ) prefix = "^x01*SPEC* "
		else if( !is_user_alive( sndr ) ) prefix = "^x01*DEAD* "
	if( is_team_msg )
		if( is_sndr_spec ) prefix = "^x01(Spectator) "
		else if( sndr_team == 1 ) add( prefix[strlen(prefix)-1], 29, "(Terrorist) " )
		else if( sndr_team == 2 ) add( prefix[strlen(prefix)-1], 29, "(Counter-Terrorist) " )
	format( msg, 199, "^x01%s^x04%s ^x03%s: ^x01%s", strlen( prefix ) > 1 ? prefix : "", PlayerHasTag[sndr] ? PlayerTag[sndr] : "", sndr_name, str4 )

public task_clear_antiloop_vars( )
	alv_sndr = 0
	alv_szSTRM = ""
	alv_str4 = ""

public client_putinserver( id )
	if( is_user_bot( id ) || is_user_hltv( id ) ){

	Action_TagLoader( id );

public fwClientUserInfoChanged( id, buffer )
	if ( !is_user_connected( id ) )
	static newname[ 32 ];
	static name[ 32 ];
	get_user_name( id, name, sizeof ( name ) -1 );
	engfunc( EngFunc_InfoKeyValue, buffer, "name", newname, sizeof ( newname ) -1 );
	if ( equal( newname, name ) )

	set_task( 0.1, "Action_TagLoader", id );

public Action_ReloadTags( id )
	if( !( get_user_flags( id ) & ADMIN_RCON ) )
		client_cmd( id, "echo Nu ai acces la aceasta comanda !");
		return 1;
	new iPlayers[ 32 ];
	new iPlayersNum;

	get_players( iPlayers, iPlayersNum, "c" );		
	for( new i = 0 ; i < iPlayersNum ; i++ )
		PlayerHasTag[ iPlayers[ i ] ] = false;
		Action_TagLoader( iPlayers[ i ] );
	client_cmd( id, "echo Tag-urile au fost incarcate cu succes !");
	return 1;

public Action_TagLoader( id )
	PlayerHasTag[ id ] = false;
	if( !file_exists( szFile ) ) 
		write_file( szFile, ";^"Name^" ^"IP^" ^"SteamID^" ^"Player Tag^" ", -1 );
		write_file( szFile, "; TAGURILE se dau sau pe NUME, sau pe IP, sau pe STEAMID !", -1 );
		write_file( szFile, "; A nu se da tag pe nume, ip si/sau steamid in acelasi timp !", -1 );
	new file = fopen( szFile, "rt" );
	if( !file ) return 0;
	new data[ 512 ], buffer[ 4 ][ 32 ] ;
	while( !feof( file ) ) 
		fgets( file, data, sizeof ( data ) -1 );
		if( !data[ 0 ] || data[ 0 ] == ';' || ( data[ 0 ] == '/' && data[ 1 ] == '/' ) ) 
		buffer[ 0 ], sizeof ( buffer[ ] ) - 1,\
		buffer[ 1 ], sizeof ( buffer[ ] ) - 1,\
		buffer[ 2 ], sizeof ( buffer[ ] ) - 1,\
		buffer[ 3 ], sizeof ( buffer[ ] ) - 1
		new fName[ 32 ], ip[32], szAuthID[32];
		get_user_name( id, fName, sizeof ( fName ) -1 );
		get_user_ip( id, ip, sizeof ( ip ) -1 );
   		get_user_authid(id, szAuthID, sizeof ( szAuthID ) -1);
		if( equal( fName, buffer[ 0 ] ) || equal( ip, buffer[ 1 ] ) || equal( szAuthID, buffer[ 2 ] ) )
			PlayerHasTag[ id ] = true;
			copy( PlayerTag[ id ], sizeof ( PlayerTag[ ] ) -1, buffer[ 3 ] );
	return 0;
Boierule am compilat pluginul.Merge pe server dar sa mor de merge tagul.Daca tot razi de mine fa o pomana cu un plugin de tag bun sa nu mai umblu aiurea pe net,ca asta este al nu stiu catelea plugin de tag care il incerc si nu imi merge.

Re: [Plugin] amx_tagchat (Player Tag)

Posted: 16 Oct 2019, 15:02
by levin