ZP Class: Hunter Zombie L4D2 v.0.3

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16 Feb 2019, 13:53

Descriere: Acest zombie poate sari la o distanta foarte mare,daca el e jos poate sari pe bloc/casa/etc

Descarcare: LINK RESURSE!
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-*- [ZP] Hunter L4D -*-

- Description -

This zombie has long jumps as well as the popular game L4D2
Well, this time the skill is good and better,
to jump you have to press Ctrl + E and look where you want to jump.


#include <amxmodx>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <zombieplague>


// Zombie Attributes
new const zclass_name[] = "Hunter L4D2"
new const zclass_info[] = ">> Press CTRL+E <<"
new const zclass_model[] = "hunterv2_zp"
new const zclass_clawmodel[] = "v_knife_zombie_hunter.mdl"

const zclass_health = 9510
const zclass_speed = 290

const Float:zclass_gravity = 0.6
const Float:zclass_knockback = 1.0

new const leap_sound[4][] = { "left_4_dead2/hunter_jump.wav", "left_4_dead2/hunter_jump1.wav", "left_4_dead2/hunter_jump2.wav", "left_4_dead2/hunter_jump3.wav" }

Customization ends here!
Any edits will be your responsibility

// Variables
new g_hunter

// Arrays
new Float:g_lastleaptime[33]

// Cvar pointers
new cvar_force, cvar_cooldown

// Plugin info.
#define PLUG_VERSION "0.2"

[Init, CFG and Precache]

public plugin_precache()
    // Register the new class and store ID for reference
    g_hunter = zp_register_zombie_class(zclass_name, zclass_info, zclass_model, zclass_clawmodel, zclass_health, zclass_speed, zclass_gravity, zclass_knockback)
    // Sound
    static i
    for(i = 0; i < sizeof leap_sound; i++)

public plugin_init() 
    // Plugin Info
    register_plugin("[ZP] Zombie Class: Hunter L4D2 Zombie", PLUG_VERSION, PLUG_AUTHOR)
    // Forward
    register_forward(FM_PlayerPreThink, "fw_PlayerPreThink") 
    // Cvars
    cvar_force = register_cvar("zp_hunter_jump_force", "890") 
    cvar_cooldown = register_cvar("zp_hunter_jump_cooldown", "5.0")
    static szCvar[30]
    formatex(szCvar, charsmax(szCvar), "v%s by %s", PLUG_VERSION, PLUG_AUTHOR)
    register_cvar("zp_zclass_hunterl4d2", szCvar, FCVAR_SERVER|FCVAR_SPONLY)

[Zombie Plague Forwards]

public zp_user_infected_post(id, infector)
    // It's the selected zombie class
    if(zp_get_user_zombie_class(id) == g_hunter)
        // Message
        client_print(id, print_chat, "[ZP] To use the super jump ability press - ^"CTRL + E^"")

[Main Forwards]

public fw_PlayerPreThink(id)
    if(is_user_connected(id) && zp_get_user_zombie(id))
        if (allowed_hunterjump(id))
            static Float:velocity[3]
            velocity_by_aim(id, get_pcvar_num(cvar_force), velocity)
            set_pev(id, pev_velocity, velocity)
            emit_sound(id, CHAN_STREAM, leap_sound[random_num(0, sizeof leap_sound -1)], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_HIGH)
            // Set the current super jump time
            g_lastleaptime[id] = get_gametime()

[Internal Functions]

    if (!zp_get_user_zombie(id) && zp_get_user_nemesis(id))
        return false
    if (zp_get_user_zombie_class(id) != g_hunter)
        return false
    if (!((pev(id, pev_flags) & FL_ONGROUND) && (pev(id, pev_flags) & FL_DUCKING)))
        return false
    static buttons
    buttons = pev(id, pev_button)
    // Not doing a longjump (added bot support)
    if (!(buttons & IN_USE) && !is_user_bot(id))
        return false
    static Float:cooldown
    cooldown = get_pcvar_float(cvar_cooldown)
    if (get_gametime() - g_lastleaptime[id] < cooldown)
        return false
    return true

Nume: ZP Class: Hunter Zombie L4D2
Versiune: 0.3
Link oficial: click

1. Fisierul zp_zclass_real_hunter_2.sma il puneti in addons/amxmodx/scripting
2. Fisierul zp_zclass_real_hunter_2.amxx il puneti in addons/amxmodx/plugins
3. Intrati in fisierul addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins-zplague.ini si adaugati la urma:

Code: Select all

4. Alti pasi necesari....

Cvar-uri (se adauga in fisierul amxmodx\configs\amxx.cfg):
zp_hunter_jump_force 890 (puterea de salt)
zp_hunter_jump_cooldown 5.0 (aici setati de cate ori poate folosi saltul)

Imagini: -
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