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[ZP] Zombie Class: Faller Zombie 1.0

Posted: 24 Feb 2019, 03:29
by Rainq
Descriere: Acest zombie nu ia nici un fel de daune din caderi.

Descarcare: LINK RESURSE!
| Afiseaza codul
	-*- [ZP] Zombie Class: Faller Zombie 1.0 -*-
	- Description -
	This zombie doesn't take any damage from falls.

#include <amxmodx>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <hlsdk_const>
#include <zombieplague>

 [Plugin Customization]

// Faller Zombie Attributes
new const zclass_name[] = { "Alien Zombie" }
new const zclass_info[] = { ">> Speed <<" }
new const zclass_model[] = { "AlienAngel" }
new const zclass_clawmodel[] = { "alien_claws.mdl" }
const zclass_health = 7500
const zclass_speed = 560
const Float:zclass_gravity = 0.6
const Float:zclass_knockback = 1.0


// Class ID
new g_zclass_faller

// Zombie Classes MUST be registered on plugin_precache
public plugin_precache()
	register_plugin("[ZP] Class: Faller Zombie", "1.0", "MeRcyLeZZ")
	// Register the new class and store ID for reference
	g_zclass_faller = zp_register_zombie_class(zclass_name, zclass_info, zclass_model, zclass_clawmodel, zclass_health, zclass_speed, zclass_gravity, zclass_knockback)	
	// Forwards
	RegisterHam(Ham_TakeDamage, "player", "fw_TakeDamage")

// Ham Player Take Damage forward
public fw_TakeDamage(victim, inflictor, attacker, Float:damage, damage_type)
	// Victim is not taking damage from a fall
	if (!(damage_type & DMG_FALL))
		return HAM_IGNORED;
	// Victim is not a faller zombie
	if (!zp_get_user_zombie(victim) || zp_get_user_zombie_class(victim) != g_zclass_faller)
		return HAM_IGNORED;
	// Block the falling damage
Nume: Faller Zombie
Versiune: 1.0
Link oficial: click

1. Fisierul zp_zombie_faller.sma il puneti in addons/amxmodx/scripting
2. Fisierul zp_zombie_faller.amxx il puneti in addons/amxmodx/plugins
3. Intrati in fisierul addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins-zplague.ini si adaugati la urma:

Code: Select all

4. Alti pasi necesari....

Cvar-uri (se adauga in fisierul amxmodx\configs\amxx.cfg): -

Imagini: -