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Re: problema server zombie plague 6.3

Posted: 15 Oct 2018, 21:37
by levin
păi depinde cât timp au setat în .CFG , sau dacă ies la vot...

Re: problema server zombie plague 6.3

Posted: 16 Oct 2018, 00:17
by ImparctVirtual
ti-am dat server.cfg nu iese la vot modurile se baga automat.

Re: problema server zombie plague 6.3

Posted: 16 Oct 2018, 00:41
by levin
trb să modifici în .cfg cum vrei tu
| Afiseaza codul
// ------------------------------------------------------

// Zombie Plague 4.3 Fix5 | Nightmare Edition Config File

// ------------------------------------------------------

// Any changes you make here will be

// automatically loaded at map start

// General

// -------

zp_delay 10 // Time before any game mode starts in seconds

zp_lighting e" // Map lighting ["a"-darkest // "z"-brightest // ""-default // "0"-disabled]

zp_thunderclap 0 // Thunderclap rate in seconds [0-disabled]

zp_triggered_lights 1 // Allow map triggered lights (e.g. light switches)

zp_remove_doors 0 // Remove doors from maps [0-none // 1-rotating only // 2-all doors]

zp_blockuse_pushables 1 // Block +use on pushables to prevent the speed bug

zp_block_suicide 1 // Prevent players from killing themselves

zp_random_spawn 1 // Enable random spawning (will use CSDM spawns if present)

zp_respawn_on_worldspawn_kill 1 // Respawn players after a worldspawn kill

zp_remove_dropped 1 // Time before removing dropped weapons in seconds [0-disabled]

zp_remove_money 1 // Remove player's money [0-disabled // 1-both // 2-real only // 3-visual only]

zp_buy_custom 1 // Enable custom buy menus

zp_buyzone_time 0.0 // Time in seconds humans are allowed to use CS buyzones after spawning

zp_random_weapons 0 // Whether players should get weapons randomly instead of buying them

zp_admin_models_human 1 // Enable admin player models for humans

zp_admin_knife_models_human 0 // Enable admin knife models for humans

zp_admin_models_zombie 0 // Enable admin player models for zombies

zp_admin_knife_models_zombie 0 // Enable admin knife models for zombies

zp_zombie_classes 1 // Enable zombie classes

zp_stats_save 1 // Temporarily save player's ammo packs and zombie class when they disconnect

zp_starting_ammo_packs 80 // Starting amount of ammo packs for new players

zp_prevent_consecutive_modes 1 // Prevent the same game mode from being played two rounds in a row

zp_keep_health_on_disconnect 1 // Whether the health of the Nemesis/Survivor/Sniper/Assassin chosen to keep the round going should be set to that of the leaving player's

zp_hud_display 1 // Enable ZP custom HUD display at the bottom

zp_human_classes 0 // Enable human classes

zp_win_no_one_action 0 // Who wins when the round ends as a tie [0-nobody // 1-humans // 2-zombies]

zp_unstuck_allow 3 // Allow unstuck for [0-nobody(disable) // 1-humans // 2-zombies // 3-both]

// Customize the following menu option names in the "zombie_plague_nightmare.txt" language file

zp_menu_custom_command1 "say This feature will be added soon." // Command which will be executed on the player when selecting custom menu 1 [""-disabled]

zp_menu_custom_command2 "say Aceasta functie va fi adaugata in curand." // Command which will be executed on the player when selecting custom menu 2 [""-disabled]

// Deathmatch

// ----------

zp_deathmatch 0 // Deathmatch mode, respawn as: [0-disabled // 1-human // 2-zombie // 3-randomly // 4-balance]

zp_spawn_delay 5 // Delay before respawning on deathmatch mode in seconds

zp_spawn_protection 5 // Spawn protection time for deathmatch in seconds [0-disabled]

zp_respawn_on_suicide 0 // Respawn players if they commited suicide

zp_respawn_after_last_human 1 // Respawn players if only the last human is left

zp_infection_allow_respawn 1 // Allow respawning on infection rounds

zp_nem_allow_respawn 0 // Allow respawning on nemesis rounds

zp_surv_allow_respawn 0 // Allow respawning on survivor rounds

zp_swarm_allow_respawn 0 // Allow respawning on swarm rounds

zp_plague_allow_respawn 0 // Allow respawning on plague rounds

zp_respawn_zombies 0 // Whether to respawn killed zombies

zp_respawn_humans 0 // Whether to respawn killed humans

zp_respawn_nemesis 0 // Whether to respawn killed nemesis

zp_respawn_survivors 0 // Whether to respawn killed survivors

zp_snip_allow_respawn 0 // Allow respawning on sniper rounds

zp_respawn_snipers 0 // Whether to respawn killed snipers

zp_ass_allow_respawn 0 // Allow respawning on assassin rounds

zp_respawn_assassins 0 // Whether to respawn killed assassins

zp_respawn_limit 0 // Maximum number of times to respawn a player [0-disable limitation]

zp_survnem_allow_respawn 0 // Allow respawning on Armageddon rounds

zp_survass_allow_respawn 0 // Allow respawning on Survivors vs Assassins rounds

zp_snipnem_allow_respawn 0 // Allow respawning on Apocalypse rounds

zp_snipass_allow_respawn 0 // Allow respawning on Hunter and Hunted rounds

zp_susnneas_allow_respawn 0 // Allow respawning on Nightmare rounds

// Extra Items

// -----------

zp_extra_items 1 // Enable extra items

zp_extra_weapons 1 // Include weapons

zp_extra_nvision 1 // Include night vision

zp_extra_antidote 1 // Include antidote

zp_extra_antidote_limit 5 // Antidote purchase limit per round

zp_extra_madness 1 // Include zombie madness

zp_extra_madness_limit 7 // Zombie madness purchase limit per round

zp_extra_madness_duration 5.0 // Zombie madness duration

zp_extra_infbomb 1 // Include infection bomb

zp_extra_infbomb_limit 5 // Infection bomb purchase limit per round

// Flashlight & Nightvision

// ------------------------

zp_nvg_give 1 // Give nightvision [0-disabled // 1-enabled // 2-enabled, but no auto turning on]

zp_nvg_custom 1 // Enable custom nightvision

zp_nvg_size 80 // Nightvision size (radius)

zp_nvg_color_R 0 // Zombie custom nightvision color (red)

zp_nvg_color_G 150 // Zombie custom nightvision color (green)

zp_nvg_color_B 200 // Zombie custom nightvision color (blue)

zp_nvg_hum_color_R 0 // Human/Spectator custom nightvision color (red)

zp_nvg_hum_color_G 150 // Human/Spectator custom nightvision color (green)

zp_nvg_hum_color_B 200 // Human/Spectator custom nightvision color (blue)

zp_nvg_nem_color_R 150 // Nemesis custom nightvision color (red)

zp_nvg_nem_color_G 0 // Nemesis custom nightvision color (green)

zp_nvg_nem_color_B 0 // Nemesis custom nightvision color (blue)

zp_flash_custom 0 // Enable custom flashlight

zp_flash_size 10 // Custom flashlight size (radius)

zp_flash_drain 1 // Custom flashlight drain rate [0-unlimited batteries]

zp_flash_charge 5 // Custom flashlight charge rate [0-non chargeable batteries]

zp_flash_distance 1000 // Custom flashlight max distance

zp_flash_color_R 100 // Custom flashlight color (red)

zp_flash_color_G 100 // Custom flashlight color (green)

zp_flash_color_B 100 // Custom flashlight color (blue)

zp_flash_show_all 1 // Let players see each other's flashlights

zp_nvg_ass_color_R 0 // Assassin custom nightvision color (red)

zp_nvg_ass_color_G 150 // Assassin custom nightvision color (green)

zp_nvg_ass_color_B 200 // Assassin custom nightvision color (blue)

// Knockback

// ---------

zp_knockback 1 // Enable weapon knockback (note: pain shock free increases knockback effect)

zp_knockback_damage 1 // Use damage on knockback calculation

zp_knockback_power 1 // Use weapon power on knockback calculation

zp_knockback_zvel 0 // Should knockback affect vertical velocity

zp_knockback_ducking 0.25 // Knockback multiplier for crouched zombies [0-knockback disabled when ducking]

zp_knockback_distance 500 // Max distance for knockback to take effect

zp_knockback_nemesis 0.25 // Nemesis knockback multiplier [0-disable knockback for nemesis]

zp_knockback_assassin 0.15 // Assassin knockback multiplier [0-disable knockback for assassin]

// Longjump

// --------

zp_leap_zombies 1 // Give leap to Zombies [0-disabled // 1-enabled // 2-only first zombie // 3-only last zombie]

zp_leap_zombies_force 400 // Force multiplier

zp_leap_zombies_height 200 // Upwards force

zp_leap_zombies_cooldown 5.0 // Time between leap uses

zp_leap_nemesis 1 // Give leap to Nemesis

zp_leap_nemesis_force 500 // Force multiplier

zp_leap_nemesis_height 500 // Upwards force

zp_leap_nemesis_cooldown 0.0 // Time between leap uses

zp_leap_survivor 0 // Give leap to Survivor

zp_leap_survivor_force 500 // Force multiplier

zp_leap_survivor_height 300 // Upwards force

zp_leap_survivor_cooldown 5.0 // Time between leap uses

zp_leap_sniper 0 // Give leap to Sniper

zp_leap_sniper_force 500 // Force multiplier

zp_leap_sniper_height 300 // Upwards force

zp_leap_sniper_cooldown 5.0 // Time between leap uses

zp_leap_assassin 1 // Give leap to Assassin

zp_leap_assassin_force 500 // Force multiplier

zp_leap_assassin_height 500 // Upwards force

zp_leap_assassin_cooldown 0.0 // Time between leap uses

// Humans

// ------

zp_human_health 150

zp_human_last_extrahp 0 // Last human's extra health reward [0-disabled]

zp_human_armor_protect 1 // Armor needs to be reduced completely in order to get infected

zp_human_unlimited_ammo 1 // Unlimited ammo [0-disabled // 1-BP ammo // 2-clip ammo]

zp_human_damage_reward 700 // Damage humans must deal on zombies to get an ammo pack [0 - disabled]

zp_human_frags_for_kill 1 // How many frags humans get for killing a zombie

// Custom Grenades

// ---------------

zp_fire_grenades 1 // Enable napalm grenades (overrides HE)

zp_fire_duration 10 // Burning duration in seconds

zp_fire_damage 5 // Burning damage (every 0.2 secs)

zp_fire_slowdown 0.5 // Burning slowdown multiplier (0.5 = reduces velocity by a half) [0-disabled]

zp_frost_grenades 1 // Enable frost grenades (overrides FB)

zp_frost_duration 3 // Freeze duration in seconds

zp_flare_grenades 1 // Enable flare grenades (overrides SG)

zp_flare_duration 60 // Flare lightning duration in seconds

zp_flare_size 25 // Flare lightning size (radius)

// Note: The below cvar can now also be used as a custom RGB color. Ex: "255 255 0" for yellow

zp_flare_color "0" // Flare color [0-white // 1-red // 2-green // 3-blue // 4-full random // 5-random between r,g,b // "x y z"-custom color]

zp_frost_damage_while_frozen 1 // Enable or disable damage while frozen

// Zombies

// -------

zp_zombie_first_hp 2.0 // First zombie HP multiplier (2.0 = double health)

zp_zombie_armor 0.75 // Armor multiplier (0.75 = zombies take 75% damage only)

zp_zombie_hitzones 0 // Allowed hitzones bitsum (look into for body part bits) [0-disabled]

zp_zombie_infect_health 450 // How much health a zombie regains with every infection

zp_zombie_fov 0 // Field of view [0-dont change]

zp_zombie_silent 1 // Enable silent footsteps

zp_zombie_painfree 2 // Zombies are pain shock free [0-disabled // 1-enabled // 2-only last zombie // 3-only first zombie]

zp_zombie_bleeding 1 // Zombies leave footprints/bloodstains on the floor

zp_zombie_infect_reward 1 // Ammo packs given to zombies for infecting/killing a human

zp_zombie_damage_reward 0 // Damage zombies must deal on humans/survivor to get an ammo pack [0 - disabled]

zp_zombie_frags_for_infect 1 // How many frags zombies get for infecting a human

// Special Effects

// ---------------

zp_infection_screenfade 1 // Screen fade for infected player

zp_infection_screenshake 1 // Screen shake for infected player

zp_infection_sparkle 1 // Light sparkle on infection

zp_infection_tracers 1 // Tracers on infection

zp_infection_particles 1 // Particles on infection

zp_hud_icons 1 // Display small HUD icons on infection, burning, and freeze events

// Single Infection

// ----------------

zp_inf_enabled 1 // Enable infection mode

// Note: Infection mode is the last to be checked,

// so even if you set the below cvar to 1,

// the other modes still have a chance.

zp_inf_chance 1 // Chance (1 in X)

zp_inf_min_players 0 // Minimum players required

zp_inf_prevent_consecutive 0 // Prevent consecutive single infection modes

// Nemesis

// -------

zp_nem_enabled 1 // Enable nemesis mode

zp_nem_chance 1 // Chance (1 in X)

zp_nem_min_players 8 // Minimum players required

zp_nem_health 120000 // Health [0 - human count*base health]

zp_nem_base_health 0 // Base health [0 - use first zombie's health]

zp_nem_speed 350 // Speed

zp_nem_gravity 0.5 // Gravity (0.5 = half)

zp_nem_damage 250 // Damage per hit

zp_nem_glow 1 // Glow effect

zp_nem_aura 0 // Halo effect

zp_nem_painfree 0 // Pain shock free

zp_nem_ignore_frags 0 // Whether not to earn frags

zp_nem_ignore_rewards 0 // Whether not to earn ammo packs

// Survivor

// -------

zp_surv_enabled 1 // Enable survivor mode

zp_surv_chance 1 // Chance (1 in X)

zp_surv_min_players 15 // Minimum players required

zp_surv_health 7000 // Health  [0 - zombie count*base health]

zp_surv_base_health 0 // Base health [0 - use human's health]

zp_surv_speed 240 // Speed

zp_surv_gravity 1.0 // Gravity (0.5 = half)

zp_surv_glow 0 // Glow effect

zp_surv_aura 0 // Halo effect

zp_surv_painfree 1 // Pain shock free

zp_surv_ignore_frags 0 // Whether not to earn frags

zp_surv_ignore_rewards 0 // Whether not to earn ammo packs

zp_surv_weapon "weapon_ak47" // Survivor's weapon (given by default)

zp_surv_unlimited_ammo 2 // Unlimited ammo for Survivor [0-disabled // 1-BP ammo // 2-clip ammo]

// Swarm Mode

// ----------

zp_swarm_enabled 1 // Enable swarm mode

zp_swarm_chance 2 // Chance (1 in X)

zp_swarm_min_players 2 // Minimum players required

// Multiple Infection

// ------------------

zp_multi_enabled 1 // Enable multiple infection mode

zp_multi_chance 5 // Chance (1 in X)

zp_multi_min_players 5 // Minimum players required

zp_multi_ratio 0.15 // Infect ratio (zombie count = ratio*humans count)

// Plague Mode

// -----------

zp_plague_enabled 1 // Enable plague mode

zp_plague_chance 30 // Chance (1 in X)

zp_plague_min_players 2 // Minimum players required

zp_plague_ratio 0.5 // Infect ratio (zombie count = ratio*humans count)

zp_plague_nem_number 2 // Nemesis count

zp_plague_nem_hp_multi 0.5 // Nemesis HP multiplier (0.5 = 50% health)

zp_plague_surv_number 3 // Survivor count

zp_plague_surv_hp_multi 2.0 // Survivor HP multiplier (0.5 = 50% health)

// Sniper

// -------

zp_snip_enabled 1 // Enable sniper mode

zp_snip_chance 1 // Chance (1 in X)

zp_snip_min_players 20 // Minimum players required

zp_snip_health 5000 // Health  [0 - zombie count*base health]

zp_snip_base_health 0 // Base health [0 - use human's health]

zp_snip_speed 240 // Speed

zp_snip_gravity 1.0 // Gravity (0.5 = half)

zp_snip_glow 0 // Glow effect

zp_snip_aura 0 // Halo effect

zp_snip_painfree 0 // Pain shock free

zp_snip_ignore_frags 0 // Whether not to earn frags

zp_snip_ignore_rewards 0 // Whether not to earn ammo packs

zp_snip_unlimited_ammo 2 // Unlimited ammo for Sniper [0-disabled // 1-BP ammo // 2-clip ammo]

zp_snip_damage 2000 // Damage given with each of an AWP's bullet

// Assassin

// --------

zp_ass_enabled 1 // Enable assassin mode

zp_ass_chance 2 // Chance (1 in X)

zp_ass_min_players 10 // Minimum players required

zp_ass_health 30000 // Health [0 - human count*base health]

zp_ass_base_health 175 // Base health [0 - use first zombie's health]

zp_ass_speed 577 // Speed

zp_ass_gravity 0.5 // Gravity (0.5 = half)

zp_ass_damage 250 // Damage per hit

zp_ass_glow 0 // Glow effect

zp_ass_aura 0 // Halo effect

zp_ass_painfree 1 // Pain shock free

zp_ass_ignore_frags 0 // Whether not to earn frags

zp_ass_ignore_rewards 0 // Whether not to earn ammo packs

// Logging

// -------

zp_logcommands 1 // Log admin commands to "zombieplaguenightmare.log"

// Load sub-plugin settings

// ------------------------

exec addons/amxmodx/configs/zp_sub_plugins.cfg

// Additional settings

// -------------------

mp_flashlight 1 // Enables flashlight

mp_footsteps 1 // Enables footsteps

mp_playerid 1 // Prevents seeing enemies in the dark exploit

sv_maxspeed 9999 // Prevents CS from limiting your human/zombie speeds at 320

mp_buytime 99 // Prevents CS buytime messing up ZP buytime cvar

// jongleru' de palarii

zp_armageddon_chance 1

zp_armageddon_enable 1

zp_armageddon_min_plrs 10

zp_armageddon_allow_respawn 0

zp_avs_chance 1

zp_avs_enable 1

zp_avs_min_plrs 10

zp_avs_allow_respawn 0

zp_zombiefrost_enable_icecube 1

zp_sniper_unlimited_ammo 2

zp_assassin_ignore_frags 0

zp_assassin_ignore_ammo 0

zp_damage_while_frost 1

zp_sniper_ignore_ammo 0

zp_sniper_damage 6000

zp_assassin_damage 250

zp_assassin_pain_free 1

zp_sniper_pain_free 1

zp_assassin_knockback 0.25

zp_sniper_ignore_frags 0

zp_respawn_sniper 0

zp_assassin_aura 0

zp_assassin_base_hp 0

zp_assassin_chance 1

zp_assassin_glow 0

zp_assassin_gravity 0.33

zp_max_admin_ammo 9000

zp_assassin_hp 30000

zp_assassin_min_players 11

zp_assassin_nvg_r 255

zp_assassin_nvg_g 0

zp_assassin_nvg_b 0

zp_assassin_speed 600

zp_sniper_aura 0

zp_sniper_glow 0

zp_sniper_hp 5000

zp_sniper_base_hp 0

zp_sniper_chance 28

zp_sniper_speed 250

zp_sniper_gravity 0.8

zp_sniper_min_players 15

zp_hostname ""

zp_leap_sniper 0

zp_leap_sniper_cooldown 0

zp_leap_sniper_force 0

zp_leap_sniper_height 0

zp_leap_assassin 1

zp_leap_assassin_force 500

zp_leap_assassin_cooldown 0.0

zp_leap_assassin_height 500

zp_assassin_on 1

zp_sniper_on 1

zp_allow_respawn_assassin 0

zp_allow_respawn_sniper 0

Re: problema server zombie plague 6.3

Posted: 16 Oct 2018, 00:46
by ImparctVirtual
...arata-mi in .cfg unde modific sa nu se mai dea moduri asa repede si modific.

Re: problema server zombie plague 6.3

Posted: 16 Oct 2018, 00:48
by levin
încearcă cu ce am dat eu

Re: problema server zombie plague 6.3

Posted: 16 Oct 2018, 00:52
by ImparctVirtual
pai unde ai modificat tu ca, acuma am mai modificat si eu si nu vreau sa bag tot .cfg asta eoare ce pe urma mi-se reseteaza ce am facut pana acuma.

Re: problema server zombie plague 6.3

Posted: 16 Oct 2018, 00:53
by levin
am scos respawn, am modificat șansele și jucătorii minimi pentru moduri