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ajutor plugin anti-speed

Posted: 12 Oct 2018, 20:52
by andiX!

De ceva timp ma confrunt cu probleme cu jucatorii care intra cu speed. Am incercat tot felul de pluginuri gasite pe internet pentru a ii bloca, da freeze, bana..etc. Singurul plugin care intradevar ii baneaza(apuca codatii sa faca maxim 1-2 kill-uri si sunt banati imediat dupa) este pluginul :

Sunt multumit. INSA are o mica problema, anumiti jucatori (valve ) sunt lasati cateva secunde/minute pe server si primesc kick cu urmatorul mesaj:

Code: Select all

Host_Error: UserMsg: Not Present on Client 58

Aici gasiti sma:
| Afiseaza codul
*  	AMX Mod X Script.
*   Speed Hack Detector
*   Formatright (C) 2009 OT
*   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
*   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
*   as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
*   of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
*   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*   GNU General Public License for more details.
*   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
*   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
*   In addition, as a special exception, the author gives permission to
*   link the code of this program with the Half-Life Game Engine ("HL
*   Engine") and Modified Game Libraries ("MODs") developed by Valve,
*   L.L.C ("Valve"). You must obey the GNU General Public License in all
*   respects for all of the code used other than the HL Engine and MODs
*   from Valve. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception
*   to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If
*   you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
*   version.

/*  [Plugin Link]

/* [Changelog]
- 2.0  - fixed everything, perfected the detection method, fixed the server lag issue that would ban players! Fixed cvar detections and added clockwindow detection.
- 1.6  - fixed a problem where the plugin would not detect the developer cvar
- 1.5  - added cvar for limit, improved logging
- 1.4  - added developer cvar kick
- 1.3  - improved logging, increaced tolerance
- 1.2  - added more cvars for customization 
- 1.1  - added one more option to punishtype cvar 
- 1.0  - initial release 

/* [Credits]
Empower - posted all the false bans, suggested improvements, server lag false detection problem, clockwindow information
Connor  - info about corectly detecting developer cvar

#include <amxmodx>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <hamsandwich>

#define add_bot_property(%1)						gBS_cl_bot |= (1<<(%1 - 1))
#define del_bot_property(%1)						gBS_cl_bot &= ~(1<<(%1 - 1))
#define has_bot_property(%1)						(gBS_cl_bot & (1<<(%1 - 1)))
#define add_alive_property(%1)						gBS_cl_alive |= (1<<(%1 - 1))
#define del_alive_property(%1)						gBS_cl_alive &= ~(1<<(%1 - 1))
#define has_alive_property(%1)						(gBS_cl_alive & (1<<(%1 - 1)))

const gC_MaxIdle =  2500
const gC_MaxSlots = 32

new gBS_cl_alive, gBS_cl_bot
new gPV_punishtype, gPV_enable, gCV_enable, gPV_bantime, gPV_adminonly, gPV_logbans, gPV_limit

new gCLI_count[gC_MaxSlots + 1]
new gCLI_loss[gC_MaxSlots + 1]
new gCLI_ping[gC_MaxSlots + 1]
new gCLI_buttons[gC_MaxSlots + 1]
new gCLI_idlecount[gC_MaxSlots + 1] 
new Float:gCLF_lasttime[gC_MaxSlots + 1]
new Float:gCLV_views[gC_MaxSlots + 1][3]
new Float:gCLV_pviews[gC_MaxSlots + 1][3]

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin("Speed Hack Detector", "2.0", "OT")
	gPV_enable 		= register_cvar("spd_enable", 	  "1")
	gPV_punishtype  = register_cvar("spd_punishtype", "0")
	gPV_bantime		= register_cvar("spd_bantime", 	  "0")
	gPV_adminonly	= register_cvar("spd_adminonly",  "1")
	gPV_logbans		= register_cvar("spd_logbans",    "1")
	gPV_limit		= register_cvar("spd_limit", 	  "150")
	RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "pfw_PlayerHandleAD", 1)
	RegisterHam(Ham_Killed, "player", "pfw_PlayerHandleAD", 1)
	register_forward(FM_CmdStart, "pfw_CmdStart", 1)
	set_task(1.0, "tsk_ChacheCvars", 0, "", 0, "b", 0)

public client_putinserver(id)
	if (is_user_bot(id))

public client_disconnect(id)

public tsk_ChacheCvars(id)
	// The !! means that we want or 0 or 1 not 34183 values
	gCV_enable = 	!!get_pcvar_num(gPV_enable)

public pfw_CmdStart(id, pUC, seed)
	if (!gCV_enable)
	if (!has_alive_property(id) || has_bot_property(id))
	new Float:fGameTime, iButtons
	new Float:vView[3]
	pev(id, pev_v_angle, vView)
	fGameTime = get_gametime()
	get_uc(pUC, UC_Buttons, iButtons)
	if (gCLI_count[id] > 0)
		if (gCLI_buttons[id] == iButtons)
			if (gCLV_pviews[id][0] == vView[0] && gCLV_pviews[id][1] == vView[1] && gCLV_pviews[id][2] == vView[2])
			gCLI_idlecount[id] = 0
			if (gCLI_idlecount[id] > gC_MaxIdle)
				gCLV_views[id][0] == -8000.0
				gCLI_idlecount[id] = 0
			gCLI_idlecount[id] = 0
			gCLI_buttons[id] = iButtons
		gCLV_pviews[id][0] = vView[0]
		gCLV_pviews[id][1] = vView[1]
		gCLV_pviews[id][2] = vView[2]
	if (gCLI_count[id] < 0)
		gCLI_idlecount[id] = 0
		gCLI_buttons[id] = iButtons
		gCLV_pviews[id][0] = vView[0]
		gCLV_pviews[id][1] = vView[1]
		gCLV_pviews[id][2] = vView[2]
	if (gCLV_views[id][0] == -8000.0 && gCLI_count[id] != -9)
		gCLI_count[id] = -9
	if (gCLI_count[id] < -2)
		gCLI_buttons[id] =  iButtons
		gCLV_views[id][0] = vView[0]
		gCLV_views[id][1] = vView[1]
		gCLV_views[id][2] = vView[2]
	// If the user has begun targeting players
	if (gCLV_views[id][0] == vView[0] && gCLV_views[id][1] == vView[1] && gCLV_views[id][2] == vView[2])
		gCLI_count[id] = -2
	if (fGameTime - gCLF_lasttime[id] > 1.0)
		if (gCLI_count[id] > get_pcvar_num(gPV_limit))
		if (gCLI_count[id] < 0)
			gCLI_count[id] ++
		gCLI_count[id] = 0
		gCLF_lasttime[id] = fGameTime
	if (gCLI_count[id] >= 0)
		new loss, ping
		get_user_ping(id, ping, loss)
		gCLI_loss[id] = floatround(float(gCLI_loss[id] * gCLI_count[id] + loss)/float(gCLI_count[id]))
		gCLI_ping[id] = floatround(float(gCLI_ping[id] * gCLI_count[id] + ping)/float(gCLI_count[id]))
		if (gCLI_count[id] % 10 == 0)
			query_client_cvar(id, "developer", "qcv_developer")
			query_client_cvar(id, "clockwindow", "qcv_clockwindow")

public pfw_PlayerHandleAD(id)
	if (is_user_alive(id))
		if (!has_bot_property(id))
			query_client_cvar(id, "developer", "qcv_developer")
			query_client_cvar(id, "clockwindow", "qcv_clockwindow")
		gCLF_lasttime[id] = get_gametime()
		gCLV_views[id][0] = -8000.0
		gCLI_idlecount[id] = 0

public qcv_developer(id, const cvar[], const value[])
	// Thank you Connor!
	new len, counter, c, i 
	len = strlen(value) 
	counter = 0 
	for(i=0; i<len; i++) 
		c = value 
		if( c != 48 ) 
			if( c == 46 ) 
				if( ++counter > 1 ) 
					kick_user(id, "Kicked by Speed Hack Detector", "Reason: You cannot play with developer different than 0", "To connect set developer to 0 and leave it that way or else you will be banned.")
				kick_user(id, "Kicked by Speed Hack Detector", "Reason: You cannot play with developer different than 0", "To connect set developer to 0 and leave it that way or else you will be banned.")

public qcv_clockwindow(id, const cvar[], const value[])
	if (value[0] != '0' || value[1] != '.' || value[2] != '5' || value[3] != '^0')
		kick_user(id, "Kicked by Speed Hack Detector", "Reason: You cannot play with clockwindow different than 0.5", "To connect set clockwindow to 0.5 and leave it that way or else you will be banned.")

	new name[32]
	get_user_name(id, name, 31)
	new steamid[32]
	get_user_authid(id, steamid, 31)    
	new ping, loss 
	get_user_ping(id, ping, loss) 
    // No ping = Lag period (probably false detect). Thanks Empower!
		return 0
	switch (get_pcvar_num(gPV_punishtype))
		case 1: // AMX BANS support
			server_cmd("amx_ban %d #%d ^"Speed Hack^"", abs(get_pcvar_num(gPV_bantime)), get_user_userid(id))
		case 2: // The normal ban included in admincmd.sma
			server_cmd("amx_ban #%d %d ^"Speed Hack^"", get_user_userid(id), abs(get_pcvar_num(gPV_bantime)))
		case 3: // The same as previous, but without extern plugins need.
			server_cmd("kick #%d ^"Speed Hack (Banned permanently)^";wait;banid ^"%d.0^" ^"%s^";wait;writeid", get_user_userid(id), abs(get_pcvar_num(gPV_bantime)), steamid)
		case 4: // IP ban, included in admincmd.sma
			server_cmd("amx_banip #%d %d ^"Speed Hack^"", get_user_userid(id), abs(get_pcvar_num(gPV_bantime)))
			if (get_pcvar_num(gPV_adminonly))
				client_print(0, print_chat, "[SHD] Player %s was detected using speed hack.", name)
			return 1
	new message[200]
	formatex(message, charsmax(message), "[SHD] Name: %s | Steam ID: %s | Counts: %d | Ping: %d | Loss: %d", name, steamid, gCLI_count[id], gCLI_ping[id], gCLI_loss[id])
	if (get_pcvar_num(gPV_logbans))
		log_to_file("shd_bans.log", message)
	console_print(0, message)
	if (get_pcvar_num(gPV_adminonly))
		client_print(0, print_chat, "[SHD] Player %s", name, (0 < get_pcvar_num(gPV_punishtype) <= 4) ? "was banned because of the speed hack": "has been detected using speed hack")
	return 1

	new players[32], num, id
	get_players(players, num)
	for (new i=0;i<num;i++)
		id = players
		if (get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_CHAT)
			client_print(id, print_chat, "[SHD][Admin] Player %s", name, (0 < get_pcvar_num(gPV_punishtype) <= 4) ? "was banned because of the speed hack": "has been detected using speed hack")

kick_user(id, line1[] = "", line2[] = "", line3[] = "") 
	new msg_content[1024], pl_name[32], pl_userid, pl_authid[35]
	/* grab logging infos */
	pl_userid = get_user_userid(id)
	get_user_name(id, pl_name, 31)
	get_user_authid(id, pl_authid, 34)
	/* do kick the player */
	format(msg_content, 1023, "%s^n%s^n%s", line1, line2, line3)
	message_begin(MSG_ONE, SVC_DISCONNECT, {0,0,0}, id)
	/* log the kick as <kick> command do */
	log_message("Kick_ML: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" was kicked by ^"Console^" (message ^"%s^" ^"%s^" ^"%s^")", pl_name, pl_userid, pl_authid, line1, line2, line3)
	return 1

Credeti-ma, puteti sa testati. Acest plugin functioneaza 100% , testat de mine. Baneaza jucatorii cu speed, doar ca trebuie sa fie 'reparata' respectiva eroare si ar devenii un plugin perfect!!

Re: ajutor plugin anti-speed

Posted: 13 Oct 2018, 03:55
by Ionut Ghita
Esti 100% sigur ca este din cauza acestui plugin ?
Incearca sa dezactivezi pe rand cate un plugin si sa vezi de la ce vine eroarea.

Re: ajutor plugin anti-speed

Posted: 13 Oct 2018, 08:32
by Jorj
singurul plugin care isi facea treaba in cazul codatilor pe timpul cand aveam serverul era advanced_eliminate de la Ulqiorra
acesta le distrugea fisierele si avea un fel de ban integrat. Ii adauga intr-o baza de date si nu aveau cum sa mai intre pe server.

Vorbeste cu el, poate ti-l da. eu l-am cumparat de la el personalizat.

Re: ajutor plugin anti-speed

Posted: 13 Oct 2018, 09:43
by andiX!
Clic wrote:singurul plugin care isi facea treaba in cazul codatilor pe timpul cand aveam serverul era advanced_eliminate de la Ulqiorra
acesta le distrugea fisierele si avea un fel de ban integrat. Ii adauga intr-o baza de date si nu aveau cum sa mai intre pe server.

Vorbeste cu el, poate ti-l da. eu l-am cumparat de la el personalizat.
O sa incerc sa gasesc acel plugin dar eu am nevoie strict pentru cei cu speed. Am lasat acest plugin pe server 2-3 harti iar cand intra cel cu speed apuca sa faca maxim 1-2 kill-uri. Aparea si mesaj in chat si pe urma imediat il bana(sau ii facea ce ii puneai tu ca si cvar )

Numai ca are respectiva eroare pentru cei non-steam.
Ionut Ghita wrote:Esti 100% sigur ca este din cauza acestui plugin ?
Incearca sa dezactivezi pe rand cate un plugin si sa vezi de la ce vine eroarea.
Da, din cauza la acest plugin este.Pana sa-l bag nu am avut probleme iar imediat dupa ce l-am scos nu a mai aparut aceasta eroare :)

@multumesc pentru raspunsuri.

Re: ajutor plugin anti-speed

Posted: 13 Oct 2018, 09:50
by faKe91
Arunca pluginul de mai sus la gunoi.

Instaleaza asta . Adaoga fisierul in folderul modules, dupa dute in folderul configs, deschide fisierul modules.ini si adaoga acolo o linie noua

Code: Select all

Salveaza. Fa un restart la server. Profita de un server fara jucatori cu speedhack.

Re: ajutor plugin anti-speed

Posted: 13 Oct 2018, 09:56
by andiX!
faKe91 wrote:Arunca pluginul de mai sus la gunoi.

Instaleaza asta . Adaoga fisierul in folderul modules, dupa dute in folderul configs, deschide fisierul modules.ini si adaoga acolo o linie noua

Code: Select all

Salveaza. Fa un restart la server. Profita de un server fara jucatori cu speedhack.
Acum o sa il testez. Doamne ajuta sa mearga!

Multumesc tare fain.

Re: ajutor plugin anti-speed

Posted: 28 Oct 2018, 22:31
by Lux0R^
Clic wrote:singurul plugin care isi facea treaba in cazul codatilor pe timpul cand aveam serverul era advanced_eliminate de la Ulqiorra
acesta le distrugea fisierele si avea un fel de ban integrat. Ii adauga intr-o baza de date si nu aveau cum sa mai intre pe server.

Vorbeste cu el, poate ti-l da. eu l-am cumparat de la el personalizat.

ala e un slowhack, n-ar trebui sa il incurajezi, domnule super moderator
in plus are bypass

Re: ajutor plugin anti-speed

Posted: 28 Oct 2018, 23:46
by levin
depinde ce mod ai pe server(viteza maximă), se poate rezolva printr-un cod simplu totul