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welcome message plugin

Posted: 02 Nov 2018, 14:50
by FizZle
cand vreau sa-l rulez imi da eroarea asta :

Code: Select all

/tmp/text2h7mS4.sma(12) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "colorchat"
| Afiseaza codul
 |                  Welcome Message (v1.2)  © 2011                           |
 |                                                                           |
 |              Plugin by Dusan (Uncut*) Stojadinovic                        |
 |                                                                           |
 |     Made 28. III 2011.             Contact - [email protected].           |

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <colorchat>

#define PLUGIN "Welcome msg"
#define VERSION "1.2"
#define AUTHOR "Uncut*"

new gprefix, auto, server

public plugin_init() {
    register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
    register_cvar("welcomemsg", "1.2" , (FCVAR_SERVER|FCVAR_SPONLY))
    register_cvar("uncut", "1.0" , (FCVAR_SERVER|FCVAR_SPONLY))

    gprefix = register_cvar("amx_connect_prefix", "CS.ESTRIKE.RO")
    auto = register_cvar("amx_connect_auto", "1")
    server = register_cvar("amx_connect_server", "Ime servera")

public client_putinserver(id){
    set_task(2.0, "poruka", id, _, _, "a", 1)
public poruka(id){
    new Ime[32]
    get_user_name(id, Ime[id], 31)
    static prefix[10]
    get_pcvar_string(gprefix, prefix, 9)
    new hostname[55]
    get_pcvar_string((get_cvar_pointer("CS.ESTRIKE.RO")), hostname, 54)
    new pserver[41]
    get_pcvar_string(server, pserver, 40)
    if(get_pcvar_num(auto) == 0)
        ColorChat(id ,RED, "^x04[Estrike]^x01 Jucatorul ^x03 %s ^x01 , s-a conectat pe ^x03 %s ^x01 | ^x04Bafta la fraguri^x01", prefix, Ime[id], pserver )
        ColorChat(id ,RED, "^x04[Estrike]^x01 Jucatorul ^x03 %s ^x01 , s-a conectat pe^x03 %s ^x01 | ^x04Bafta la fraguri^x01", prefix, Ime[id], hostname )

Re: welcome message plugin

Posted: 03 Nov 2018, 08:19
by Laurentiu P.

Re: welcome message plugin

Posted: 03 Nov 2018, 12:31
by LondoN eXtream
Nu e deloc bun acest cod. Foloseste altul. Parerea mea

Re: welcome message plugin

Posted: 04 Nov 2018, 16:49
Compilatorul ce il folosesti nu are acel include..iti pot da eu un plugin bun de welcome message daca vrei.


Code: Select all

//* Welcome Message with three colors by binecuvantatu//

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <csx>
#include <csstats>
#include <nvault>
#include <dhudmessage>

#define PLUGIN "Welcome Message"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR "Binecuvantatu"

new gTime[33]
new gVault
new hostname[64]

public plugin_init() {
	register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
	gVault = nvault_open("TIME")

public client_authorized(id)

public client_disconnect(id)
	gTime[id] += get_user_time(id)

public client_putinserver(id)
	if(is_user_bot(id)) return
	set_task(10.0, "welcomeHUD", id)
	set_task(10.0, "hostHUD", id)
	set_task(5.0, "adminHUD", id)

public welcomeHUD(id)
	new stats[8], body[8], nick[32], hostname[64]
	new rank_pos = get_user_stats(id, stats, body)
	new rank_max = get_statsnum()
	get_user_name(id, nick, 31)
	new iTimeMins = gTime[id] / 60
	static Deaths = 0, Kills = 0, Float:Ratio = 0.0
	Deaths = stats[1], Kills = stats[0], Ratio = Deaths == 0 ? (float(Kills)) : (float(Kills) / float(Deaths))
	set_dhudmessage(0, 255, 0, 0.03, 0.30, 2, 6.0, 8.0 )
	show_dhudmessage(id, "Welcome, %s^nRank: %d of %d^nKills: %d Deaths: %d KPD: %.2f^nOnline: %i m^nEnjoY!", nick,rank_pos,rank_max,stats[0], stats[1], Ratio,iTimeMins)

stock savedata(id)
	new AuthId[65]
	get_user_authid(id, AuthId, charsmax(AuthId))
	new VaultKey[64], VaultData[256]
	format(VaultKey, 63, "%s-TIME", AuthId)
	format(VaultData, 254, "%i", gTime[id])
	nvault_set(gVault, VaultKey, VaultData)

stock loaddata(id)
	new AuthID[35] 
	get_user_authid(id,AuthID,charsmax(AuthID ))
	new vaultkey[64],vaultdata[256]
	format(vaultkey,63,"%s-TIME" ,AuthID) 
	nvault_get(gVault,vaultkey,vaultdata,charsmax (vaultdata))
	new Time[33]
	parse(vaultdata, Time, charsmax(Time))
	gTime[id] = str_to_num(Time)

public hostHUD(id)
          get_cvar_string("hostname", hostname, 63)

	set_dhudmessage(212, 42, 255, 0.03, 0.5, 2, 6.0, 10.0)
	show_dhudmessage(id, "%s^nDon't forget to add IP to your favourites!", hostname)

public adminHUD(id)
	if (is_user_admin(id))
		set_dhudmessage(0, 255, 255, 0.03, 0.75, 2, 6.0, 3.0);
		show_dhudmessage(id, "You are now Administrator!");

Re: welcome message plugin

Posted: 04 Nov 2018, 17:15
by FizZle
Welcome to the AMX Mod X 1.8.1-300 Compiler.
Copyright (c) 1997-2006 ITB CompuPhase, AMX Mod X Team

/tmp/text8TwZPT.sma(8) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "dhudmessage"

Re: welcome message plugin

Posted: 04 Nov 2018, 19:35
by Laurentiu P.
FizZle wrote:Welcome to the AMX Mod X 1.8.1-300 Compiler.
Copyright (c) 1997-2006 ITB CompuPhase, AMX Mod X Team

/tmp/text8TwZPT.sma(8) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "dhudmessage"

Aceeasi poveste, ai nevoie de include ````.

Re: welcome message plugin

Posted: 04 Nov 2018, 23:29
by A k c 3 n 7

Re: welcome message plugin

Posted: 05 Nov 2018, 18:56
by dragonCSX
Cel mai bine se compilează local un plugin , online îți mai da o eroare banala.
Mai ales pe freakz când compilezi un plugin cu un DHUD.

Dacă primești erori cu extensia ".inc" nu ai acel inc in include la scripting.
De exemplu tu nu ai " /" descărcare exista pe net SI o poți pune in include SI nu îți mai da nicio eroare.

Re: welcome message plugin

Posted: 05 Nov 2018, 19:40
by levin
eh | Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <csx>
#include <csstats>
#include <nvault>

stock __dhud_color;
stock __dhud_x;
stock __dhud_y;
stock __dhud_effect;
stock __dhud_fxtime;
stock __dhud_holdtime;
stock __dhud_fadeintime;
stock __dhud_fadeouttime;
stock __dhud_reliable;

stock set_dhudmessage( red = 0, green = 160, blue = 0, Float:x = -1.0, Float:y = 0.65, effects = 2, Float:fxtime = 6.0, Float:holdtime = 3.0, Float:fadeintime = 0.1, Float:fadeouttime = 1.5, bool:reliable = false )
    #define clamp_byte(%1)       ( clamp( %1, 0, 255 ) )
    #define pack_color(%1,%2,%3) ( %3 + ( %2 << 8 ) + ( %1 << 16 ) )

    __dhud_color       = pack_color( clamp_byte( red ), clamp_byte( green ), clamp_byte( blue ) );
    __dhud_x           = _:x;
    __dhud_y           = _:y;
    __dhud_effect      = effects;
    __dhud_fxtime      = _:fxtime;
    __dhud_holdtime    = _:holdtime;
    __dhud_fadeintime  = _:fadeintime;
    __dhud_fadeouttime = _:fadeouttime;
    __dhud_reliable    = _:reliable;

    return 1;

stock show_dhudmessage( index, const message[], any:... )
    new buffer[ 128 ];
    new numArguments = numargs();

    if( numArguments == 2 )
        send_dhudMessage( index, message );
    else if( index || numArguments == 3 )
        vformat( buffer, charsmax( buffer ), message, 3 );
        send_dhudMessage( index, buffer );
        new playersList[ 32 ], numPlayers;
        get_players( playersList, numPlayers, "ch" );

        if( !numPlayers )
            return 0;

        new Array:handleArrayML = ArrayCreate();

        for( new i = 2, j; i < numArguments; i++ )
            if( getarg( i ) == LANG_PLAYER )
                while( ( buffer[ j ] = getarg( i + 1, j++ ) ) ) {}
                j = 0;

                if( GetLangTransKey( buffer ) != TransKey_Bad )
                    ArrayPushCell( handleArrayML, i++ );

        new size = ArraySize( handleArrayML );

        if( !size )
            vformat( buffer, charsmax( buffer ), message, 3 );
            send_dhudMessage( index, buffer );
            for( new i = 0, j; i < numPlayers; i++ )
                index = playersList[ i ];

                for( j = 0; j < size; j++ )
                    setarg( ArrayGetCell( handleArrayML, j ), 0, index );

                vformat( buffer, charsmax( buffer ), message, 3 );
                send_dhudMessage( index, buffer );

        ArrayDestroy( handleArrayML );

    return 1;

stock send_dhudMessage( const index, const message[] )
    message_begin( __dhud_reliable ? ( index ? MSG_ONE : MSG_ALL ) : ( index ? MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE : MSG_BROADCAST ), SVC_DIRECTOR, _, index );
        write_byte( strlen( message ) + 31 );
        write_byte( DRC_CMD_MESSAGE );
        write_byte( __dhud_effect );
        write_long( __dhud_color );
        write_long( __dhud_x );
        write_long( __dhud_y );
        write_long( __dhud_fadeintime );
        write_long( __dhud_fadeouttime );
        write_long( __dhud_holdtime );
        write_long( __dhud_fxtime );
        write_string( message );

new gTime[33]
new gVault
new hostname[64]

public plugin_init() {
   gVault = nvault_open("TIME")

public client_authorized(id)

public client_disconnect(id)
   gTime[id] += get_user_time(id)

public client_putinserver(id)
   if(is_user_bot(id)) return
   set_task(10.0, "welcomeHUD", id)
   set_task(10.0, "hostHUD", id)
   set_task(5.0, "adminHUD", id)

public welcomeHUD(id)
   new stats[8], body[8], nick[32], hostname[64]
   new rank_pos = get_user_stats(id, stats, body)
   new rank_max = get_statsnum()
   get_user_name(id, nick, 31)
   new iTimeMins = gTime[id] / 60
   static Deaths = 0, Kills = 0, Float:Ratio = 0.0
   Deaths = stats[1], Kills = stats[0], Ratio = Deaths == 0 ? (float(Kills)) : (float(Kills) / float(Deaths))
   set_dhudmessage(0, 255, 0, 0.03, 0.30, 2, 6.0, 8.0 )
   show_dhudmessage(id, "Welcome, %s^nRank: %d of %d^nKills: %d Deaths: %d KPD: %.2f^nOnline: %i m^nEnjoY!", nick,rank_pos,rank_max,stats[0], stats[1], Ratio,iTimeMins)

stock savedata(id)
   new AuthId[65]
   get_user_authid(id, AuthId, charsmax(AuthId))
   new VaultKey[64], VaultData[256]
   format(VaultKey, 63, "%s-TIME", AuthId)
   format(VaultData, 254, "%i", gTime[id])
   nvault_set(gVault, VaultKey, VaultData)

stock loaddata(id)
   new AuthID[35] 
   get_user_authid(id,AuthID,charsmax(AuthID ))
   new vaultkey[64],vaultdata[256]
   format(vaultkey,63,"%s-TIME" ,AuthID) 
   nvault_get(gVault,vaultkey,vaultdata,charsmax (vaultdata))
   new Time[33]
   parse(vaultdata, Time, charsmax(Time))
   gTime[id] = str_to_num(Time)

public hostHUD(id)
          get_cvar_string("hostname", hostname, 63)

   set_dhudmessage(212, 42, 255, 0.03, 0.5, 2, 6.0, 10.0)
   show_dhudmessage(id, "%s^nDon't forget to add IP to your favourites!", hostname)

public adminHUD(id)
   if (is_user_admin(id))
      set_dhudmessage(0, 255, 255, 0.03, 0.75, 2, 6.0, 3.0);
      show_dhudmessage(id, "You are now Administrator!");

Re: welcome message plugin

Posted: 05 Nov 2018, 20:04
by FizZle
asta merge , mersi mult .