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Cerere plugin Events Mods

Posted: 06 Nov 2018, 15:04
by KeNzY213
Doresc un plugin de event pentru modul zombie plague 4.3 , cand scriu in consola amx_startsurvivor sa faca random un jucator survivor.
Si sa aibe si modurile globale : Swarm , Multi Inffection , LNJ .
Multumesc !

Re: Cerere plugin Events Mods

Posted: 06 Nov 2018, 15:24
by levin
îmi trb nativele de la aceste moduri, sau inc-ul lor

Re: Cerere plugin Events Mods

Posted: 06 Nov 2018, 15:29
by KeNzY213

Code: Select all

	-*- Zombie Plague 4.3 Includes File -*-
	- How To -
	To make use of the Zombie Plague API features in your plugin, just
	add the following line at the beginning of your script:
	#include <zombieplague>
	- Natives -
	These work just like any other functions: you may have to pass
	parameters and they usually return values.
	if ( is_user_alive( id ) && zp_get_user_zombie( id ) )
		server_print( "Player %d is alive and a zombie", id )
	- Forwards -
	Forwards get called whenever an event happens during the game.
	You need to make a public callback somewhere on your script,
	and it will automatically be triggered when the event occurs.
	public zp_user_infected_post( id, infector, nemesis )
		if ( !infector || nemesis )
		server_print( "Player %d just got infected by %d!", id, infector )
	Also, take note of cases when there's a suffix:
	* _pre  : means the forward will be called BEFORE the event happens
	* _post : means it will be called AFTER the event takes place

#if defined _zombieplague_included
#define _zombieplague_included

/* Teams for zp_register_extra_item() */
#define ZP_TEAM_ZOMBIE (1<<0)
#define ZP_TEAM_HUMAN (1<<1)
#define ZP_TEAM_NEMESIS (1<<2)
#define ZP_TEAM_ASSASSIN (1<<3)
#define ZP_TEAM_SURVIVOR (1<<4)
#define ZP_TEAM_SNIPER (1<<5)

/* Game modes for zp_round_started() */

/* Winner teams for zp_round_ended() */
	WIN_NO_ONE = 0,

/* Custom forward return values */

 * Returns whether a player is a zombie.
 * @param id		Player index.
 * @return		True if it is, false otherwise.
native zp_get_user_zombie(id)

 * Returns whether a player is a nemesis.
 * @param id		Player index.
 * @return		True if it is, false otherwise.
native zp_get_user_nemesis(id)

 * Returns whether a player is a survivor.
 * @param id		Player index.
 * @return		True if it is, false otherwise.
 native zp_get_user_assassin(id)

 * Returns whether a player is a survivor.
 * @param id		Player index.
 * @return		True if it is, false otherwise.
native zp_get_user_survivor(id)

 * Returns whether a player is the first zombie.
 * @param id		Player index.
 * @return		True if it is, false otherwise.
 native zp_get_user_sniper(id)

 * Returns whether a player is the first zombie.
 * @param id		Player index.
 * @return		True if it is, false otherwise.
native zp_get_user_first_zombie(id)

 * Returns whether a player is the last zombie.
 * @param id		Player index.
 * @return		True if it is, false otherwise.
native zp_get_user_last_zombie(id)

 * Returns whether a player is the last human.
 * @param id		Player index.
 * @return		True if it is, false otherwise.
native zp_get_user_last_human(id)

 * Returns a player's current zombie class ID.
 * @param id		Player index.
 * @return		Internal zombie class ID, or -1 if not yet chosen.
native zp_get_user_zombie_class(id)

 * Returns a player's next zombie class ID (for the next infection).
 * @param id		Player index.
 * @return		Internal zombie class ID, or -1 if not yet chosen.
native zp_get_user_next_class(id)

 * Sets a player's next zombie class ID (for the next infection).
 * @param id		Player index.
 * @param classid	A valid zombie class ID.
 * @return		True on success, false otherwise.
native zp_set_user_zombie_class(id, classid)

 * Returns a player's ammo pack count.
 * @param id		Player index.
 * @return		Number of ammo packs owned.
native zp_get_user_ammo_packs(id)

 * Sets a player's ammo pack count.
 * @param id		Player index.
 * @param amount	New quantity of ammo packs owned.
native zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, amount)

 * Returns the default maximum health of a zombie.
 * Note: Takes into account first zombie's HP multiplier.
 * @param id		Player index.
 * @return		Maximum amount of health points, or -1 if not a normal zombie.
native zp_get_zombie_maxhealth(id)

 * Returns a player's custom flashlight batteries charge.
 * @param id		Player index.
 * @return		Charge percent (0 to 100).
native zp_get_user_batteries(id)

 * Sets a player's custom flashlight batteries charge.
 * @param id		Player index.
 * @param value		New charge percent (0 to 100).
native zp_set_user_batteries(id, charge)

 * Returns whether a player has night vision.
 * @param id		Player index.
 * @return		True if it has, false otherwise.
native zp_get_user_nightvision(id)

 * Sets whether a player has night vision.
 * @param id		Player index.
 * @param set		True to give, false for removing it.
native zp_set_user_nightvision(id, set)

 * Forces a player to become a zombie.
 * Note: Unavailable for last human/survivor.
 * @param id		Player index to be infected.
 * @param infector	Player index who infected him (optional).
 * @param silent	If set, there will be no HUD messages or infection sounds.
 * @param rewards	Whether to show DeathMsg and reward frags, hp, and ammo packs to infector.
 * @return		True on success, false otherwise.
native zp_infect_user(id, infector = 0, silent = 0, rewards = 0)

 * Forces a player to become a human.
 * Note: Unavailable for last zombie/nemesis.
 * @param id		Player index to be cured.
 * @param silent	If set, there will be no HUD messages or antidote sounds.
 * @return		True on success, false otherwise.
native zp_disinfect_user(id, silent = 0)

 * Forces a player to become a nemesis.
 * Note: Unavailable for last human/survivor.
 * @param id		Player index to turn into nemesis.
 * @return		True on success, false otherwise.
native zp_make_user_nemesis(id)

 * Forces a player to become a survivor.
 * Note: Unavailable for last zombie/nemesis.
 * @param id		Player index to turn into survivor.
 * @return		True on success, false otherwise.
 native zp_make_user_assassin(id)

 * Forces a player to become a survivor.
 * Note: Unavailable for last zombie/nemesis/assassin.
 * @param id		Player index to turn into survivor.
 * @return		True on success, false otherwise.
native zp_make_user_survivor(id)

 * Respawns a player into a specific team.
 * @param id		Player index to be respawned.
 * @param team		Team to respawn the player into (ZP_TEAM_ZOMBIE or ZP_TEAM_HUMAN).
 * @return		True on success, false otherwise.
 native zp_make_user_sniper(id)

 * Respawns a player into a specific team.
 * @param id		Player index to be respawned.
 * @param team		Team to respawn the player into (ZP_TEAM_ZOMBIE or ZP_TEAM_HUMAN).
 * @return		True on success, false otherwise.
native zp_respawn_user(id, team)

 * Forces a player to buy an extra item.
 * @param id		Player index.
 * @param itemid	A valid extra item ID.
 * @param ignorecost	If set, item's cost won't be deduced from player.
 * @return		True on success, false otherwise.
native zp_force_buy_extra_item(id, itemid, ignorecost = 0)

 * Overrides ZP player model with a different custom model.
 * Note: This will last until player's next infection/humanization/respawn.
 * Note: Don't call more often than absolutely needed.
 * @param id		Player index.
 * @param newmodel	Model name.
 * @param modelindex	Modelindex (optional).
native zp_override_user_model(id, const newmodel[], modelindex = 0)

 * Returns whether the ZP round has started, i.e. first zombie
 * has been chosen or a game mode has begun.
 * @return		0 - Round not started
 *			1 - Round started
 *			2 - Round starting
native zp_has_round_started()

 * Returns whether the current round is a nemesis round.
 * @return		True if it is, false otherwise.
native zp_is_nemesis_round()

 * Returns whether the current round is a survivor round.
 * @return		True if it is, false otherwise.
 native zp_is_assassin_round()

 * Returns whether the current round is a survivor round.
 * @return		True if it is, false otherwise.
native zp_is_survivor_round()

 * Returns whether the current round is a swarm round.
 * @return		True if it is, false otherwise.
 native zp_is_sniper_round()

 * Returns whether the current round is a swarm round.
 * @return		True if it is, false otherwise.
native zp_is_swarm_round()

 * Returns whether the current round is a plague round.
 * @return		True if it is, false otherwise.
native zp_is_plague_round()

 * Returns number of alive zombies.
 * @return		Zombie count.
 native zp_is_armageddon_round()

 * Returns whether the current round is a apocalypse round.
 * @return		True if it is, false otherwise.
native zp_is_apocalypse_round()

 * Returns whether the current round is a nightmare round.
 * @return		True if it is, false otherwise.
native zp_is_nightmare_round()

 * Returns number of alive zombies.
 * @return		Zombie count.
native zp_get_zombie_count()

 * Returns number of alive humans.
 * @return		Human count.
native zp_get_human_count()

 * Returns number of alive nemesis.
 * @return		Nemesis count.
native zp_get_nemesis_count()

 * Returns number of alive survivors.
 * @return		Survivor count.
 native zp_get_assassin_count()

 * Returns number of alive survivors.
 * @return		Survivor count.
native zp_get_survivor_count()

 * Registers a custom item which will be added to the extra items menu of ZP.
 * Note: The returned extra item ID can be later used to catch item
 * purchase events for the zp_extra_item_selected() forward.
 * Note: ZP_TEAM_NEMESIS and ZP_TEAM_SURVIVOR can be used to make
 * an item available to Nemesis and Survivors respectively.
 * @param name		Caption to display on the menu.
 * @param cost		Ammo packs to be deducted on purchase.
 * @param teams		Bitsum of teams it should be available for.
 * @return		An internal extra item ID, or -1 on failure.
 native zp_get_sniper_count()

 * Registers a custom item which will be added to the extra items menu of ZP.
 * Note: The returned extra item ID can be later used to catch item
 * purchase events for the zp_extra_item_selected() forward.
 * an item available to Nemesis, Assassin, Survivors and Snipers respectively.
 * @param name		Caption to display on the menu.
 * @param cost		Ammo packs to be deducted on purchase.
 * @param teams		Bitsum of teams it should be available for.
 * @return		An internal extra item ID, or -1 on failure.
native zp_register_extra_item(const name[], cost, teams)

 * Registers a custom class which will be added to the zombie classes menu of ZP.
 * Note: The returned zombie class ID can be later used to identify
 * the class when calling the zp_get_user_zombie_class() natives.
 * @param name		Caption to display on the menu.
 * @param info		Brief description of the class.
 * @param model		Player model to be used.
 * @param clawmodel	Claws model to be used.
 * @param hp		Initial health points.
 * @param speed		Maximum speed.
 * @param gravity	Gravity multiplier.
 * @param knockback	Knockback multiplier.
 * @return		An internal zombie class ID, or -1 on failure.
native zp_register_zombie_class(const name[], const info[], const model[], const clawmodel[], hp, speed, Float:gravity, Float:knockback)

 * Returns an extra item's ID.
 * @param name		Item name to look for.
 * @return		Internal extra item ID, or -1 if not found.
native zp_get_extra_item_id(const name[])

 * Returns a zombie class' ID.
 * @param name		Class name to look for.
 * @return		Internal zombie class ID, or -1 if not found.
native zp_get_zombie_class_id(const name[])

 * Returns a zombie class' description (passed by reference).
 * @param classid		Internal zombie class ID.
 * @param info			The buffer to store the string in.
 * @param len			Character size of the output buffer.
 * @return			True on success, false otherwise.
native zp_get_zombie_class_info(classid, info[], len)

 * Called when the ZP round starts, i.e. first zombie
 * is chosen or a game mode begins.
 * @param gamemode	Mode which has started.
 * @param id		Affected player's index (if applicable).
forward zp_round_started(gamemode, id)

 * Called when the round ends.
 * @param winteam	Team which has won the round.
forward zp_round_ended(winteam)

 * Called when a player gets infected.
 * @param id		Player index who was infected.
 * @param infector	Player index who infected him (if applicable).
 * @param nemesis	Whether the player was turned into a nemesis.
forward zp_user_infected_pre(id, infector, nemesis)
forward zp_user_infected_post(id, infector, nemesis)

 * Called when a player turns back to human.
 * @param id		Player index who was cured.
 * @param survivor	Whether the player was turned into a survivor.
forward zp_user_humanized_pre(id, survivor)
forward zp_user_humanized_post(id, survivor)

 * Called on a player infect/cure attempt. You can use this to block
 * an infection/humanization by returning ZP_PLUGIN_HANDLED in your plugin.
 * Note: Right now this is only available after the ZP round starts, since some
 * situations (like blocking a first zombie's infection) are not yet handled.
forward zp_user_infect_attempt(id, infector, nemesis)
forward zp_user_humanize_attempt(id, survivor)

 * Called when a player buys an extra item from the ZP menu.
 * Note: You can now return ZP_PLUGIN_HANDLED in your plugin to block
 * the purchase and the player will be automatically refunded.
 * @param id		Player index of purchaser.
 * @param itemid	Internal extra item ID.
forward zp_extra_item_selected(id, itemid)

 * Called when a player gets unfrozen (frostnades).
 * @param id		Player index.
forward zp_user_unfrozen(id)

 * Called when a player becomes the last zombie.
 * Note: This is called for the first zombie too.
 * @param id		Player index.
forward zp_user_last_zombie(id)

 * Called when a player becomes the last human.
 * @param id		Player index.
forward zp_user_last_human(id)

 * @deprecated - Do not use!
 * For backwards compatibility only.
#define ZP_TEAM_ANY 0
Dar sa fie cand scriu amx_starteventmods on/off , sa mearga comenzile amx_startsurvivor etc..

Re: Cerere plugin Events Mods

Posted: 06 Nov 2018, 16:19
by levin
cum adică Si sa aibe si modurile globale : Swarm , Multi Inffection , LNJ .

Re: Cerere plugin Events Mods

Posted: 06 Nov 2018, 16:22
by faThug

Re: Cerere plugin Events Mods

Posted: 06 Nov 2018, 16:25
by KeNzY213
Cand folosesc comand amx_swarm, sa porneasca modul swarm etc..
Sau daca poti face un meniu cu Modul survivor si cele moduri care sunt spre ex : 2. Survivor, iar eu cand apas tasta 2 sa inceapa modul surv dar sa aleaga random un jucator, dar sa fie si sub forma de comanda.
Iar in meniu pe tasta 1, sa fie Start Event/Stop event

Re: Cerere plugin Events Mods

Posted: 06 Nov 2018, 16:42
by levin
explică ce moduri vrei -_-
ori vrei cu comandă de on/off & cu startsurv ori cu meniu

Re: Cerere plugin Events Mods

Posted: 06 Nov 2018, 17:47
by KeNzY213
Deci un plugin cu comenzi , iar altul cu meniu

Re: Cerere plugin Events Mods

Posted: 06 Nov 2018, 20:16
by levin
știam că există o comandă pentru a alege nemesis/sniper etc + una pentru a porni moduri precum swarm/plague/etc...

din nativele date nu pot să pornesc moduri de joc, doar să transform jucători
| Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>

native zp_make_user_survivor(id)
native zp_make_user_nemesis(id)
native zp_make_user_assassin(id)
native zp_make_user_sniper(id)

new bool:enabled_mods,iPlayers[32],iNum,name[32],random_player

public plugin_init()
	register_clcmd("amx_starteventmods","ClcmdStartMods",ADMIN_RCON,"Folosire: amx_starteventmods on/off")

	register_clcmd("amx_startsurvivor","ClcmdStartSURV",ADMIN_CVAR,"- alege un jucator random, si-l face Survivor")
	register_clcmd("amx_startnemesis","ClcmdStartNEME",ADMIN_CVAR,"- alege un jucator random, si-l face Nemesis")
	register_clcmd("amx_startassassin","ClcmdStartASSASS",ADMIN_CVAR,"- alege un jucator random, si-l face Assassin")
	register_clcmd("amx_startsniper","ClcmdStartSNIP",ADMIN_CVAR,"- alege un jucator random, si-l face Sniper")

	register_clcmd("amx_modsmenu","ClcmdsMM",ADMIN_RCON,"- deschizi un meniu pentru Modurile de Joc")


public SayFUNC( index )
	static szArg[192],command2[192]

        if(!szArg[0])	return PLUGIN_CONTINUE


			formatex(command2,charsmax( command2),";amx_%s",szArg)
		else	client_print(index,print_console,"[AMXX]: Nu ai acces.")
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

public ClcmdsMM(id,level,cid)
	if(!cmd_access(id,level,cid,0))	return console_print(id,"[AMXX]: Nu ai acces!")

	new xMenu=menu_create("Meniu MODURI","SMM")

	menu_additem(xMenu,"Start/Stop EVENT^n","1")
	menu_additem(xMenu,"Start Survivor","2")
	menu_additem(xMenu,"Start Nemesis","3")
	menu_additem(xMenu,"Start Sniper","4")
	menu_additem(xMenu,"Start Assassin","5")



public SMM(id,Menu,Item)
	if(Item<0)	return 0

	new Key[3],Access,CallBack

	new isKey=str_to_num(Key)

		case 1:
				client_print(id,print_chat,"[AMXX]: Ai pornit accesarea Modurilor.")
				client_print(id,print_chat,"[AMXX]: Ai oprit accesarea Modurilor.")

		case 2:
			if(!enabled_mods)	return console_print(id,"[AMXX]: Accesarea Modurilor este inactiva!")

			if(iNum<1)	return PLUGIN_HANDLED



			client_print(id,print_chat,"[AMXX]: %s tocmai a fost ales la alegere sa fie Survivor",name)
		case 3:
			if(!enabled_mods)	return console_print(id,"[AMXX]: Accesarea Modurilor este inactiva!")

			if(iNum<1)	return PLUGIN_HANDLED



			client_print(id,print_chat,"[AMXX]: %s tocmai a fost ales la alegere sa fie Nemesis",name)
		case 4:
			if(!enabled_mods)	return console_print(id,"[AMXX]: Accesarea Modurilor este inactiva!")

			if(iNum<1)	return PLUGIN_HANDLED



			client_print(id,print_chat,"[AMXX]: %s tocmai a fost ales la alegere sa fie Sniper",name)
		case 5:
			if(!enabled_mods)	return console_print(id,"[AMXX]: Accesarea Modurilor este inactiva!")

			if(iNum<1)	return PLUGIN_HANDLED



			client_print(id,print_chat,"[AMXX]: %s tocmai a fost ales la alegere sa fie Assassin",name)

	return 1;

public ClcmdStartMods(id,level,cid)
	if(!cmd_access(id,level,cid,1))	return console_print(id,"[AMXX]: Nu ai acces!")

	new arg1[32]

	if(str_to_num(arg1)||equali(arg1,""))	return console_print(id,"[AMXX]: Folosire > amx_starteventmods on/off")

			console_print(id,"[AMXX]: Ai pornit accesarea Modurilor.")
	else if(equali(arg1,"off"))
			console_print(id,"[AMXX]: Ai oprit accesarea Modurilor.")


public ClcmdStartSURV(id,level,cid)
	if(!cmd_access(id,level,cid,0))	return console_print(id,"[AMXX]: Nu ai acces!")

	if(!enabled_mods)	return console_print(id,"[AMXX]: Accesarea Modurilor este inactiva!")

	if(iNum<1)	return PLUGIN_HANDLED



	console_print(id,"[AMXX]: %s tocmai a fost ales la alegere sa fie Survivor",name)

public ClcmdStartNEME(id,level,cid)
	if(!cmd_access(id,level,cid,0))	return console_print(id,"[AMXX]: Nu ai acces!")

	if(!enabled_mods)	return console_print(id,"[AMXX]: Accesarea Modurilor este inactiva!")

	if(iNum<1)	return PLUGIN_HANDLED



	console_print(id,"[AMXX]: %s tocmai a fost ales la alegere sa fie Nemesis",name)

public ClcmdStartASSASS(id,level,cid)
	if(!cmd_access(id,level,cid,0))	return console_print(id,"[AMXX]: Nu ai acces!")

	if(!enabled_mods)	return console_print(id,"[AMXX]: Accesarea Modurilor este inactiva!")

	if(iNum<1)	return PLUGIN_HANDLED



	console_print(id,"[AMXX]: %s tocmai a fost ales la alegere sa fie Assassin",name)

public ClcmdStartSNIP(id,level,cid)
	if(!cmd_access(id,level,cid,0))	return console_print(id,"[AMXX]: Nu ai acces!")

	if(!enabled_mods)	return console_print(id,"[AMXX]: Accesarea Modurilor este inactiva!")

	if(iNum<1)	return PLUGIN_HANDLED



	console_print(id,"[AMXX]: %s tocmai a fost ales la alegere sa fie Sniper",name)


Re: Cerere plugin Events Mods

Posted: 06 Nov 2018, 20:19
by KeNzY213
Multumesc ! Apreciez munca depusa, dar un plugin de hats cu level poti face?

Re: Cerere plugin Events Mods

Posted: 06 Nov 2018, 20:35
by levin
cum hats pe level??

Re: Cerere plugin Events Mods

Posted: 06 Nov 2018, 20:36
by KeNzY213
Am facut cerere , uita-te acolo