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Cerere plugin

Posted: 20 Sep 2010, 15:52
by SaByUtZa VaSy ;x
As dori un plugin care prin comanda /harti iti afiseaza ultimele 10 harti jucate :)
Modific eu look'ul motdului.

Re: Cerere plugin

Posted: 20 Sep 2010, 15:56
by S3ekEr^
nu stiu daca este bun uitate tu :)

Re: Cerere plugin

Posted: 20 Sep 2010, 17:09
by adsad

Am gasit io dar e cu 5 harti :P

Re: Cerere plugin

Posted: 22 Sep 2010, 21:05
by SaByUtZa VaSy ;x
adsad wrote:Aici

Am gasit io dar e cu 5 harti :P
Ai verificat macar link'ul ?:| nu e bun link'ul de descarcare , te rog nu te mai baga in seama.

@ seker acum verific

EDIT: vreau MOTD nu chat :| ce miai dat tu seker arata in chat , stiu pluginul dar nu asta vreau.

Exe sau compaq nu se uita pe aici?

Re: Cerere plugin

Posted: 22 Sep 2010, 21:17
by S3ekEr^

Re: Cerere plugin

Posted: 23 Sep 2010, 14:40
by SaByUtZa VaSy ;x
stiu pluginul dar nu are sma , mie imi trebuie SMA

Re: Cerere plugin

Posted: 24 Sep 2010, 23:52
by Mafios_X
Ia vezi asta | Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>

#define MAX_MAPS        5

new g_MapNames[MAX_MAPS][34]

public plugin_init() 
        register_plugin("last played maps", "0.2", "ConnorMcLeod")
        register_clcmd("amx_lastmaps","lastmapsCmd",ADMIN_MAP," - list the last 5 maps played")

public plugin_cfg() {
        new szLastMapsFile[64]
        get_localinfo("amxx_configsdir", szLastMapsFile, 63)
        format(szLastMapsFile, 63, "%s/lastmaps.txt", szLastMapsFile)

        new File = fopen(szLastMapsFile, "rt")
        new i
        new Temp[34]
                for(i=0; i<MAX_MAPS; i++)
                                fgets(File, Temp, 33)
                                replace(Temp, 33, "^n", "")
                                formatex(g_MapNames, 33, Temp)


        new CurrentMap[34]
        get_mapname(CurrentMap, 33)

        File = fopen(szLastMapsFile, "wt")
                formatex(Temp, 33, "%s^n", CurrentMap)
                fputs(File, Temp)
                for(i=0; i<MAX_MAPS-1; i++)
                        CurrentMap = g_MapNames
                        formatex(Temp, 33, "%s^n", CurrentMap)
                        fputs(File, Temp)

public lastmapsCmd(id,level,cid) 
        if (!cmd_access(id,level,cid,1))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
        new LastMaps[256], n
        n += formatex(LastMaps[n], 255-n, "%L",LastMaps[n],"MAPS")
        for(new i; i<MAX_MAPS; i++)
                n += formatex(LastMaps[n], 255-n, "^n[MAP] %s", g_MapNames)
        client_print(id, print_console, LastMaps)
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

Daca merge un "multumesc" pentru ca am cautat in locul tau :)).

Re: Cerere plugin

Posted: 25 Sep 2010, 09:28
by SaByUtZa VaSy ;x
afiseaza in chat nu?
Doamne voi chiar nu stiti sa cititi? Vreau sa afiseze in HUD

Re: Cerere plugin

Posted: 26 Sep 2010, 13:35
by Ciprian
| Afiseaza codul
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>

#define MAX_MAPS        10

new g_MapNames[MAX_MAPS][34]

public plugin_init() 
        register_plugin("last played maps", "0.2", "ConnorMcLeod")
        register_clcmd("amx_lastmaps","lastmapsCmd",ADMIN_MAP," - list the last 5 maps played")

public plugin_cfg() {
        new szLastMapsFile[64]
        get_localinfo("amxx_configsdir", szLastMapsFile, 63)
        format(szLastMapsFile, 63, "%s/lastmaps.txt", szLastMapsFile)

        new File = fopen(szLastMapsFile, "rt")
        new i
        new Temp[34]
                for(i=0; i<MAX_MAPS; i++)
                                fgets(File, Temp, 33)
                                replace(Temp, 33, "^n", "")
                                formatex(g_MapNames, 33, Temp)


        new CurrentMap[34]
        get_mapname(CurrentMap, 33)

        File = fopen(szLastMapsFile, "wt")
                formatex(Temp, 33, "%s^n", CurrentMap)
                fputs(File, Temp)
                for(i=0; i<MAX_MAPS-1; i++)
                        CurrentMap = g_MapNames
                        formatex(Temp, 33, "%s^n", CurrentMap)
                        fputs(File, Temp)

public lastmapsCmd(id,level,cid) 
        if (!cmd_access(id,level,cid,1))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
        new LastMaps[256], n
        n += formatex(LastMaps[n], 255-n, "%L",LastMaps[n],"MAPS")
        for(new i; i<MAX_MAPS; i++)
                n += formatex(LastMaps[n], 255-n, "^n[MAP] %s", g_MapNames)
        //client_print(id, print_console, LastMaps)
        set_hudmessage(255, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.89, 0, 6.0, 3.0)
        show_hudmessage(id, LastMaps)
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

Re: Cerere plugin

Posted: 26 Sep 2010, 14:02
by b[L]u
cipri afiseaza in motd?sau chat?

Re: Cerere plugin

Posted: 26 Sep 2010, 15:33
by Ciprian
b[L]u wrote:cipri afiseaza in motd?sau chat?
In hud.

Re: Cerere plugin

Posted: 26 Sep 2010, 18:11
by SaByUtZa VaSy ;x
Ciprian wrote:
b[L]u wrote:cipri afiseaza in motd?sau chat?
In hud.
si eu ce am cerut? :| am cerut in MOTD