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Modificare plugin

Posted: 20 Sep 2010, 15:52
by HBK2310
Am vrut sa modific un plugin dar mi-a dar eroarea asta:

Code: Select all

/home/groups/amxmodx/tmp3/php9uY7Wd.sma(23) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "-unknown-")
/home/groups/amxmodx/tmp3/php9uY7Wd.sma(25) : error 001: expected token: ",", but found "-string-"
/home/groups/amxmodx/tmp3/php9uY7Wd.sma(25) : warning 215: expression has no effect
/home/groups/amxmodx/tmp3/php9uY7Wd.sma(25) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found ")"
/home/groups/amxmodx/tmp3/php9uY7Wd.sma(25) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
/home/groups/amxmodx/tmp3/php9uY7Wd.sma(25) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line


Code: Select all

#include <amxmodx>

#define bind
#define punelaser
#define v
#define c
#define scoatelaser
#define ppfire

public plugin_init() {
	register_plugin("Motd", "0.1", "Ex3cuTioN")
	register_clcmd("say /info","motd");

public motd(id) {
	new iMotd[650], iLen;
	iLen = formatex(iMotd, sizeof iMotd - 1,"<body bgcolor=#000000><font color=33FF00><pre>");
	iLen += formatex(iMotd[iLen], (sizeof iMotd - 1) - iLen, "<center><b><font color=#FF0033>Predator Mod</b></font></center>^n^n^n");
	iLen += formatex(iMotd[iLen], (sizeof iMotd - 1) - iLen, "<center><b>Informatii :</b></center>^n^n");
	iLen += formatex(iMotd[iLen], (sizeof iMotd - 1) - iLen, "<center><b>1.Pentru a devenii predator trebuie sa aveti 40 de killuri si 16000$ bani.</b></center>^n^n");
	iLen += formatex(iMotd[iLen], (sizeof iMotd - 1) - iLen, "<center><b>2.Pentru a pune lasere scrieti "bind v +punelaser" iar pentru a scoate laserul screti "bind c +scoatelaser". Bine inteles fara ghilimele.</b></center>^n^n");
	iLen += formatex(iMotd[iLen], (sizeof iMotd - 1) - iLen, "<center><b>3.Ca sa pui laser te apropii de un perete tii tinta unde vrei sa pui laserul si apesi v iar pentru a-l scoate apesi c.</b></center>^n^n");
	iLen += formatex(iMotd[iLen], (sizeof iMotd - 1) - iLen, "<center><b>4.Pentru a trage cu plasma cand sunteti predator scrieti  'bind mouse3 "ppfire" '.Iar cand sunteti predator apasati pe rotita de la mause.</b></center>^n^n");
	iLen += formatex(iMotd[iLen], (sizeof iMotd - 1) - iLen, "<center><b>Restrictii:</b></center>^n^n");
	iLen += formatex(iMotd[iLen], (sizeof iMotd - 1) - iLen, "<center><b>1.Nu jucati cu coduri.Riscati sa luati kick/ban/ban permanent/spin/fuckoff/destroy.</b></center>^n^n");
	iLen += formatex(iMotd[iLen], (sizeof iMotd - 1) - iLen, "<center><b>2.Vorbiti frumos pe server / respectati playerii si serverul.Daca nu , riscati slay/kick/ban.</b></center>^n^n");
	iLen += formatex(iMotd[iLen], (sizeof iMotd - 1) - iLen, "<center><b>3.Nu puneti lasere daca treceti spectator.Riscati ban/ban permanent.</b></center>^n^n");
	iLen += formatex(iMotd[iLen], (sizeof iMotd - 1) - iLen, "<center><b>4.Nu puneti lasere pe hartile mici !</b></center>^n^n");
	iLen += formatex(iMotd[iLen], (sizeof iMotd - 1) - iLen, "<center><b>5.Nu flodati in chat.</b></center>^n^n");
	iLen += formatex(iMotd[iLen], (sizeof iMotd - 1) - iLen, "<center><b>Daca aveti reclamatii/sugestii contactati [email protected]  Si nu uitati...</b></center>^n^n");
	iLen += formatex(iMotd[iLen], (sizeof iMotd - 1) - iLen, "<center><b> Spuneti tuturor despre serverul nostru.

	show_motd(id, iMotd, "^Informati^");

Re: Modificare plugin

Posted: 24 Sep 2010, 20:40
by HBK2310
Nu stie nimeni?

Re: Modificare plugin

Posted: 24 Sep 2010, 21:11
by S3ekEr^